Why you can't look cats in the eye according to folk wisdom

Is it possible to look a cat in the eyes?

Cats are the only pets that react in a special way to direct eye contact. Some of the pets begin to get nervous, worried, and may even attack you. Owners who look into a cat's eyes for a long time run the risk of being scratched. Such a strange reaction of animals created fertile ground for the emergence of various signs and superstitions.

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My cat looks at me when I sleep

Cats are curious and alert animals, so almost any change in their environment can attract their attention. This is often why they will. follow you around the house as they become interested in what you are doing. Cooking, doing homework, and even sleeping can be a mystery to your cat. These riddles become a fascination and watching you is their way of pampering them.

Additionally, if your cat joins you at bedtime or nap time , they may look at you in a special way. It usually blinks lazily at you. If this happens, then congratulations are in order. Your cat trusts you and feels comfortable enough to allow himself to be vulnerable around you.

This gesture is common when they curl up to sleep with you or when you pet them. The cat wants you to know that they are feeling relaxed, as they will only allow this to happen to those who feel most comfortable. Simply put, your cat loves you!

Myths about the cat's gaze

Myths about the cat's gaze originate in Ancient Egypt. This was associated with the goddess Bastet, who, according to legend, held the connection between the otherworldly world and the real one. This is the basis of the legend that by looking into the eyes of a cat, a person looked into the underworld. It was also believed that the goddess could transform into the bodies of pets, so only their equals could look into the eyes of cats. All others who allowed themselves to raise their gaze to the great deity were awaited by heavenly punishment.

On a note!

In Ancient Rus', cats were not held in high esteem. Fluffy beauties were considered associated with dark forces; they were not allowed into the bathhouse, since this place was associated with hell, where it was very hot. It was believed that the devil sitting inside the animal, sensing warmth, could acquire its true appearance. And if an ordinary person meets the gaze of such a werewolf, he will go crazy or die.

The magic of a look

Cat's eyes have received so many comparisons and admiration in fiction that, perhaps, it would be inappropriate to immediately start talking about them in dry language as an organ of vision.

The writer Edmond de Goncourt wrote a stunning description of cat's eyes in his diary:

“Yes, the eyes of a cat are mysterious eyes that have, so to speak, only a green reflection, not illuminated by any human tenderness, mysterious eyes with a pupil in the form of a magic letter that changes at different hours of the day, eyes in which the unknown hides, eyes alarming as they watch you and look at you searchingly.”

I think that, peering into the eyes of the cat, Goncourt was the first to look away, which struck him and made him grab his pen.

Sometimes, looking at a cat, you involuntarily catch yourself thinking that inside it sits something more than an ordinary pet.

A cat's gaze can penetrate so deeply that it seems to reach the very soul.

The intensity of the gaze is so great that sometimes you just want to run away without looking back.

This creature is able to examine you, study and observe your behavior, and do this for a long time and persistently.

Why do cats make eye contact?

A cat's eyes are a very delicate and sensitive device given to it by nature.

The eyes are the largest relative to the body among domestic animals.

The shape of the eyes depends on the breed of the cat and varies from almond-shaped to almost round.

Cats' eyes come in different colors - from pale yellow to dark blue.

It is not uncommon to find cats whose eyes are different colors.

The pupil of cats has a vertically elongated shape, expanding in the dark to cover the entire eye, and in the light shrinking into a “thread”.

Cats are straightforward animals. If they want to say something with their gaze, then they will definitely say it.

But what? And why does the cat look into the eyes?

What a cat's gaze means can be determined based on its breed.

For example, if a Siamese's light turns red, then you should be wary; most likely, the animal wants to attack a person.

This breed has the most aggressive character.

Persian cats are the most capricious, so when she looks into her owner's eyes, she is most likely demanding attention.

Curious individuals with smooth fur look at the owner simply for the sake of curiosity.

By nature, these furry pets are very curious and inquisitive.

Cats do not tolerate and are very nervous when someone looks into their eyes, but they themselves are not averse to observing the object.


With the help of a glance at the first meeting, a cat determines who is in front of it.

Whether to expect good things for her or not. Hide, run away, defend yourself, or, on the contrary, relax and ask for something tasty.

Therefore, before starting to communicate with an object, the cat will “scan” it with its gaze.

Thus, focusing their gaze on a person or the owner in particular, small predators thoroughly study his behavior.

After a short time, the cat will have a full set of owner’s habits, his social circle, identifying signs of his friends, and habits.

Having studied its owner in detail, the cat will know his mood, how and when it is best to approach him to ask for what he wants.

Language of sight

In addition, with the help of a glance, a cat always has something to say to a person.

For example, looking at the owner for a few seconds, blinking, and then turning away from him, she shows him her recognition, but does not invite him to contact or communicate.

This is akin to a human greeting - a nod of the head. A kind of act of politeness.

A long, almost continuous, persistent gaze, both in human practice and in cat practice, is usually alarming.

Therefore, it has the meaning of a warning.

Cats can stare for a long time and express goodwill.

In this case, you can figure out the cat's intentions by reading the rest of its body language.


A cat's eyes are a mirror of her emotions. Try looking into the cat's eyes, which seem irresistible.

They are so deep, their radiance is comparable only to crystals.

The fire of bright emotions constantly burns inside.

If your pet is looking straight ahead with wide eyes, it means that he is very interested in what is happening.

With blinking and flickering eyes, the cat expresses its devotion.

Half-closed eyes indicate sleepiness or remaining cautious.

A clouded gaze signifies complete calm and relaxation and is a signal of trust and friendship.

Widely open eyes and dilated pupils indicate the animal’s fear.

If a cat's pupils suddenly widen and her gaze becomes “crazy,” this indicates that she is very scared.

Aggression can mean narrow, slit-like pupils.

Slit pupils mean that the cat is alert and confident.

Staring at someone point-blank is a challenge, and at such moments it is better to keep your distance.

Who's the boss, or a staring contest?

Thus, the cat’s gaze hides its mood.

After all, wild predators that were once domesticated still remain predators “at heart.”

They just need to set up an observation post and watch the owner.

Often cats look closely and for a long time into each other's eyes to establish primacy. The same applies to humans. A cat or cat determines “who’s boss in the house.”

In addition, this is how the cat understands what mood the owner is in - whether it is possible to make contact immediately or whether it is still worth waiting for a more suitable mood and moment.

In the case when the pet is very hungry or thirsty, looking into the eyes is another method of influencing the owner.

But if a person decides to look into the eyes of a cat, then she will most likely regard this action as an expression of aggression.

It also happens that at first a cat looks into the eyes, and then can sharply press its ears, hiss, or even rush to attack, regardless of whether you are a stranger or its owner.

Why cats do this, even if there is no aggression in your gaze, is explained by the fact that among predators, a direct gaze always means obvious hostility and preparation for an attack...

Therefore, the cat may decide to get ahead of you and attack first.

Therefore, when communicating with your beloved furry, adhere to the unspoken rule - look at him casually, trying not to make eye contact for a long time.

There is no need to unnecessarily awaken animal tendencies in a little tiger cub and agitate its predatory hypostasis.

Cats' eyes are very expressive, and it's worth learning to read them...

By carefully observing your pet, you can catch his mood.

But if he himself is looking for eye contact, or looks pleadingly into your face, then why not give in to it...

In addition, almost all cats have a bewitching, almost hypnotic gaze, and if you stare at it for a long time, it pleasantly relaxes and helps you take your mind off the whole world around you.


Probably everyone, when looking into the eyes of a cat, caught themselves remembering various kinds of mysterious and mystical stories, inspired by an attentive and calm response look.

For centuries, people have attributed magical powers to cats and associated them with gods, witches and witchcraft.

Different nations have legends about cats and their magical abilities. In some religions, cats are considered sacred animals, bringing both happiness and misfortune.

Cats and mysticism - there is more here - you can be curious!

There are still legends that cats are connected to the astral world by an invisible thread through which they transmit and receive information from matters inaccessible to human consciousness.

Cats have something like hypnosis and are even able to instill fear in their opponents.

Cats can sometimes read the thoughts of their owners, because sometimes you don’t have time to think about the pet, and he’s already right there.

Cats always understand when their owners need help, they come to calm and support.

They completely take away all the negativity and calmly leave.

It’s a pity that you can’t consult with them, otherwise they would certainly give good advice.

A cat's gaze can change a lot. He has suggestion.

When calm, cat eyes radiate wisdom, beauty and intelligence. Capable of transmitting force.

They seem to teach their patron the laws of life.

Learning to live like cats: light and completely free is not an easy task.

It is quite difficult in our modern times not to be led by someone.

Any pet you have fills life with a certain meaning, so take care of it and protect it.

After all, the fact that he settled with you definitely means something.


For the most persistent readers - a bonus - an entertaining story:

“The war with the Cat, or how Barsik and I couldn’t share an apartment”


888 mirror

Why you can’t look cats in the eyes for a long time according to folk superstitions

Since ancient times in Rus' there have been many signs and superstitions associated with tailed animals:

  • Some believed that they were transformed into witches or possessed by the souls of deceased relatives. In addition, they argued that cats could be guides to the afterlife.
  • Pets were believed to have nine lives and have a magical gaze that could hypnotize anyone who looked into their eyes for a long time.
  • Our ancestors believed that offending an animal is the same as committing a great sin, and this offense must necessarily be followed by punishment from higher powers.

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Even though cats are constantly being studied, they still remain a mystery to people, so we should not neglect the behests of our ancestors.

On a note!

There is an interesting sign according to which having a tricolor cat means bringing great happiness to the house.

Scientific explanations

According to experienced veterinarians, cats are able to detect subtle movements because their vision is much sharper than that of humans. A 2014 study found that cats see some spectrums of light that we cannot see, such as ultraviolet (UV) light. The lens in our eyes blocks ultraviolet radiation, but in the ultraviolet lenses of our cat friends, the ultraviolet radiation reaches the retina and is converted into nerve signals that travel to the brain, where the visual system perceives them. If you realize that your cat has sharper vision than you, her behavior makes much more sense.

Superstitions of other countries

Since ancient times, cats have been considered the most mysterious animals. They were credited with unusual abilities: predicting the future, protecting owners from evil spirits, seeing ghosts, and much more. Attitudes towards the animal have changed over thousands of years and depended on the place of residence, traditions, customs and even profession. For example, most people believe that a black cat brings bad luck, but sailors, on the contrary, always take this animal on board to attract good luck and protect themselves. And our ancestors specially got pets with a dark color, because it was believed that such a cat could protect the family from the tricks of the brownie.

Over the course of the long relationship between cats and humans, opinions about animals have constantly changed. Some peoples believed that these furry animals were messengers of the devil, while others believed quite the opposite. In ancient Egypt, cats were long considered sacred animals. They received this status thanks to their natural abilities. There is a legend according to which one cat saved a large harvest by catching all the rodents. Since then, the image of the fluffy beauty has been associated exclusively with higher powers.

This is interesting!

The Egyptians built a temple for pets, where they annually celebrated a holiday in honor of Bastet and praised pets.

Several thousand years later, scientists discovered an animal cemetery near the sacred site. It turned out that four-legged friends were buried with all honors: the bodies were mummified, special tombs were built, and several mice were left next to the body so that the cat would not suffer from hunger in the afterlife. In addition, after the burial, all family members wore mourning, and in some cases even shaved their eyebrows. Killing a pet was prohibited by law and was punishable by death. It was also prohibited to export cats outside the state.

In Europe, these animals were also revered. The cost of a small kitten often exceeded the price of an adult bull. But in France, the tailed animals were not at all lucky: the French often burned them at the stake along with witches, because it was believed that these animals were messengers of the devil. People believed that cats should not be looked into the eyes, because the devil looks through them.

The French came to their senses only in the 17th century. Their friendship and mutually beneficial relationship with cats began during the Age of Enlightenment. It was then that it became fashionable to keep a purring dog at court, but the church still denied and did not approve of tailed pets.

But why does the cat give me an unblinking stare?

And we repeat again: do not rush to conclusions. Animals cannot talk, but they send dozens of different signals to their owners. A prickly, unblinking gaze often serves to attract attention. And for the sole selfish purpose: let’s go to the kitchen, dear man. It would be nice to have a snack.

Pay attention to the posture that your mustachioed friend takes. If he is calm, relaxed, or shifts from paw to paw, it is quite possible that a session of caresses and other “cuddles” has begun. It's better to quit your job (or other activities) as soon as possible. Cats exist in this world to be petted.

The cat sits down in front of the front door and glares at it - which means it’s time to go out to do its cat business (if the pet is used to walking outside).

However, sometimes an unblinking cat's gaze is regarded both as a sign of aggression and as a sign of despair. To ensure correct interpretation, always watch the animal's body language. Dilated pupils and ears slightly tilted back will indicate that the pussy is angry and is looking for a way out for pent-up emotions. But don’t rush in with caresses and consolations. It is better to leave the animal alone, give it some personal space to put its thoughts and feelings in order.

Opinion of parapsychologists

Parapsychology is a field of science that studies paranormal phenomena in the world, extrasensory abilities, life after death and much more. The short answer from experts in this field is that looking into a cat's eyes is possible, but not advisable, because after this a person may feel tired or have a sharp decline in mood.

This phenomenon can be explained very simply: in order to look closely into a cat’s eyes, a person needs to spend some effort concentrating and maintaining eye contact. Unless it can cause fatigue.

What modern science says

The scientific explanation is that looking directly into a cat's eyes means putting its psyche under enormous stress. The anatomy of human vision is very different from the visual apparatus of a furry animal. People do not have peripheral vision, so in order to see an object, a person needs to look at it. Otherwise, the object will remain unclear to him. Felines, on the other hand, see the world around them through peripheral vision and do not need to look directly at an object to see it.

On a note!

In the wild, eye to eye contact signifies aggression, threat and the possibility of fighting for territory. During prolonged eye contact, the animal may become nervous and even bite. Only a cat that truly loves its owner will simply look away. Based on this reaction of furry animals, a sign and superstition about the mystery of a cat’s gaze arose.

You can look into a cat's eyes, but scientists do not recommend doing this. Prolonged eye contact with a pet can be dangerous if the animal is initially irritated or has no experience interacting with people.

Not scary yet?

Have you ever caught a cat's gaze, unblinking, on you? The author has no doubt - they caught him, and more than once. And you even shrank from the prickly and hypnotic gaze of your pet; you probably felt uneasy. Another cat oddity? So be it.

It is not for nothing that the mustachioed-striped ones are represented as magicians and wizards in folklore all over the world. Even if you are not into mysticism and are an inveterate materialist, you will admit that there is something alien in a cat’s gaze that cannot be explained. What does a cat's eye actually mean? Do pets look at people and other cats the same? Let's figure it out.

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