All evening long: 5 reasons why a cat loves to sit on the windowsill and look out the window

Many cats love to look out the window. Thanks to this pastime, pets see new events and new characters every time. In addition, observing the outside world stimulates mental activity. Here are the five most common reasons cats love windows.

Observation and curiosity

Cats are very inquisitive animals by nature. Therefore, watching the world from the windows of the apartment, they receive certain information and become familiar with what is happening around them. For pets who are deprived of the opportunity to walk outside and communicate with their relatives, such viewings are the only way to find out what is going on in the world (read more about whether you can walk cats).

Under the blanket

Under the blanket, under the sheets in a pile of pillows. If your indoor cat likes to curl up under warm blankets, you should not throw them loosely on the bed or sofa, because there is a risk of accidentally squashing your beloved pet! Cats crawl under blankets or piles of things for the same reason as humans - to keep warm. It is also a way to create an environment that is not only warm, but dark and safe.

For the same reason, the cat hides in drawers, bags, boxes, bags, baskets. Wherever it’s warm, cozy, dark and safe. Such hiding places are better at reducing stress. It has been scientifically proven that anxiety levels in animals are reduced in dark and small spaces. Small surfaces provide ideal insulation from the environment and are ideal for curling up, a position that allows animals to maintain their desired temperature.

Dogs and competitors

Cats are territorial animals. Therefore, they perceive dogs and other animals as potential competitors, even if they do not enter the territory of their house or apartment, but walk nearby under the windows.

In addition, attacking an angry and large dog or another aggressive cat can be scary. But intimidating them with hissing, furious meowing and scary faces from the windows is an absolutely safe and at the same time extremely exciting activity for furry pets. Young cats especially appreciate this pastime.

I saw insects

If your cat seems to be staring into space, it's likely that she's spotted an insect. Just as in the case of birds, instincts awaken and an imaginary hunt begins. But if the insect is inside, then the matter will not be limited to observations. In this case, the person will see the pet in action. After all, the hunter cannot resist the temptation to catch real prey. This is very convenient in the summer, when mosquitoes are in full swing. With a little huntress at home, their number will greatly decrease. But it is important to ensure that your pet does not catch a wasp, bee or bumblebee. Such a bite can cause allergies. To protect yourself and your pet, just install a mosquito net.

Cool breeze

During the hot season, cats love to rest near an open window because:

  1. Firstly, in this way they receive the necessary portion of fresh air.
  2. Secondly, they are ventilated in a light warm breeze.
  3. Thirdly, they enjoy the various smells that come from the street.

As you know, the olfactory function of representatives of the cat family is excellently developed, and therefore they receive most of the information about the outside world through smells.

Types of mosquito nets

Of the four types of such nets, two are suitable for cat safety - swing and framed. Sliding and roller shutters are unreliable in this sense. Believe me, cats are able to figure out how unclosed windows open - they will open what is being moved! And then you discover that a wildly screaming cat is stuck in the half-opened window! You can put bars on plastic windows as additional protection. A cat-proof window screen may be lightweight yet durable. A mesh is attached to wooden windows (you can attach a reinforced mesh to a thin aluminum frame, and then screw it to the wooden frame). The ideal option is mesh windows - steel metal mesh. Securely fastened, it will perfectly protect animals and provide excellent ventilation of the house. Are you confused by the gloomy color of this grid? Simply powder coat it in any color you want. Be sure to evaluate the size of the mesh mesh - a cat's paw should not get stuck in the mesh!

How to make your own pet safety net

We found out that a cat’s curiosity and hunting instincts result in a fall from a window - and when the cat falls out, it’s too late to worry, you need to save the animal if there is something to save. And ventilation results in the death of cats in half-open windows - so you should not use a folding window. But it is necessary to ventilate the room. Make your own window screens to keep cats out. This is the key to the safety of the animal, waiting for the moment to take advantage of the dangerous opportunities of an open window opening: cats are very dexterous animals when you need to do something when the owner is not looking, but often they are not dexterous enough not to get injured. We need a removable anti-cat net on brackets. How to make it? – First, a base is made from an aluminum profile - a frame.

– We attach the mesh with screws from the inside.

– Steel corners and brackets are installed outside - we fix the mesh more firmly!

– To strengthen the fastenings, you can add fasteners to the bottom of the window profile. You need to mark the locations of future holes and drill them for the selected screws.

– We put on the brackets, tighten the fastenings so that the product does not “walk.”

The structure is installed in the window opening. When dirty, remove and wash with soapy water. The goal is to create an insurmountable obstacle for overly active pets. Observe the cat’s actions: it will become clear whether you managed to create reliable protection.

Sun rays

Cats, like many people, love sunbathing. With the onset of warmth, they are ready to spend many hours lying on the windowsill dozing and exposing their body to the sun's rays.

Sunbathing is not only a pleasant activity, but also very useful, since it is under the influence of ultraviolet rays that vitamins of group D begin to be synthesized in the body.

Therefore, you should not deprive your pet of such pleasure.

Looking for the owner

Cats feel much more acutely than humans. They are able to remember the sound of footsteps, the smell of perfume, even the sound of the owner's car. They anticipate a person’s arrival home in advance and already look out for their people in advance. Purrs also have a very sensitive internal clock. Therefore, if the owner returns every day at approximately the same time, then it is not amazing sensitivity that is triggered, but a sense of time.

Sometimes waiting for the owner on the windowsill can be a sign of fear of separation. Contrary to popular belief that cats are very self-sufficient animals, for some of them separation becomes a real stress. Typically, such disorders are observed in those who were taken away from their mother early. In this case, the pet will not just sit and look out the window, but will nervously walk along the windowsill, knock on the glass with its paws and meow loudly.

The cat fell out of the window: what to do, first aid

When a cat disappears from the windowsill, it is always stressful for the owner, aggravated by feelings of guilt. Sometimes owners leave unprotected windows open for some vague reasons of their own - but even a small kitten looking out the window in the rain can run away, deciding that the rain is fun to play with! He is inexperienced and does not know that rain is cold and wet...

What are the consequences if a cat falls out of a window? There are three options here: - none - the cat was lucky, but the owner was not, the cat that fell from the window is nowhere to be seen;

– injuries from falling;

- death.

If the cat that jumped out of the window is not lying anywhere under the window, how to find it? Often panicked owners take a bunch of senseless actions: wander around all the surrounding yards, loudly calling for their pet by name, show photos to their neighbors in the yard, post notices around the area...

If a cat jumped out of a window, where to look for it?

Try to imagine yourself as one: a pet instantly finds itself in an unfamiliar, endlessly frightening world of alien smells, sounds, and physical sensations. Of course, it will try to hide as quickly and close as possible! In most cases, missing cats are found in the basements of their own homes or sitting huddled under dense yard bushes. They don't run far! And they hear your voice - they just don’t recognize it from shock. The animal may hide for several days, unable to get out and do anything. Look for him, call him, and if you find him and cannot remove him from the shelter, try to do this gradually.

Did you bring it home? Make sure that there are no injuries on it and that it is not experiencing pain (from falling from windows there can be injuries to internal organs; it is enough to observe carefully to understand that something is wrong with the animal). If injuries or signs thereof are detected (lethargic behavior, bleeding, unsteady gait, loss of orientation in space), immediately contact a veterinarian! If everything turned out okay, but you are afraid that your furry pet has managed to pick up basement fleas - wait with active treatment, especially washing! A cat that has fallen out of a window needs time to recover from a stressful situation - hygiene procedures can easily wait.

If the cat is stuck in a half-open window and does not die - that is, you see that it moves and hear the sounds it makes - try to give it the opportunity to breathe as carefully as possible. Be sure to show the animal to the veterinarian if you see that it cannot “move away” after what happened - and do it promptly, the injuries received can lead to death, even if you managed to free the animal from the window “trap”. Take care of the furry ones!

Р'ольер или выгул для кошек

R”РѕР±СЂРѕРіРѕ времени SЃСѓС‚РѕРє.

RЎРµРіРѕРґРЅСЏ S…очу RїРѕРґРµР»РЎС‚СЊСЃСЏ SЃ RІР°РјРё RЅР°С€РёРјРё Rховыми RїСЂРѕРµРєS ‚ами. RџСЂРµРґСЃС‚авляю R'ам RјРѕРё RІРѕР»СЊРµСЂС‹ для RєРѕС€РµРє. Которые РјРѕРіСѓС‚ устанавливаться, как РЅР° РѕРєРЅР°, так Рё РЅР° Р »РѕРґР¶РёРё. RљР°Р¶РґС‹Р№ вольер делается RїРѕ РїРѕрґРёРІРёРґСѓР°Р»СЊРЅС‹Рј размерам С Ѓ учетом Р'аших пожеланий.

RќРёР¶Рµ RјРѕР¶РµС‚Рµ RѕR·РЅР°РєРѕRјРёС‚СЊСЃСЏ SЃ R±РѕР»СЊС€РёРј RєРѕР»РєРѕР»Рѕ‡РµСЃС‚РІРѕРј S„Рѕ S‚ографий. ванный выгул был сделан для большой кошачьей семьи, аж Рё R· SЃРµРјРё особей. РќРѕ это РЅРµ предел, бывают Рё РїРѕ десять РїРѕ пятнадцать R єРѕС€РµРє — это касается R» SЋРґРµР№, RєS‚Рѕ SЃРїР°СЃР°РµС‚ RєРѕС€РµРє отдает РІ добрые SЂСѓРєРё.

R—воните RќРёРєРѕР»Р°Р№

Р˜ главным РІРѕРїСЂРѕСЃРѕРј стоит РёС… безопасность РїСЂРё РїСЂРѕРІРµ S‚ровании RїРѕРјРµС‰РµРЅРёР№, Рё опять R¶Рµ S‚аки RїСЂРѕСЏРІР» ение заботы Рѕ нашРеС… братьев Рё SЃРµСЃС‚ер RјРµРЅСЊС€РёС…. Р˜Рј же необходимо гулять Рё дышать SЃРІРµР¶РёРј РІРѕР·РґСѓС…РѕРј. Смотрите какие милые РѕРЅРё бывают.

Рђ теперь плавно давайте RїРµСЂРµР№РґРµРј Rє RЅР°РґРµР¶РЅРѕСЃС‚Рё Рё РєРѕРЅС ЃС‚руктиву RјРѕРёС… вольеров.

велаются РѕРЅРё РеР· профильной жел езной трубы, как Рё сеткРе антРекошки SЃРјРѕС‚СЂРёС ‚Рµ здесь. Р˜ РѕС†Ренкованной сварной железной сетки. Каркас затем сваривается РґСѓРіРѕРІРѕР№ сваркой, швы ошкур иваются Рё затем окрашиваются атмосферостойкой краской.

РЈ меня кндивидуальный РїРѕРґС…РѕРґ Рє каждому, если нужны РїР ѕР»РѕС‡РєРё или даже дверки для мытья РѕРєРѕРЅ , S‚Рѕ пожалуйста.

Полочки SЃРґРµР»Р°РЅС‹ пластиковых РїРѕРґРѕРєРѕРЅРЅРєРѕРІ, Р° РѕРЅРё РІ SЃРІРѕСЋ очередь SЃРґРµР»Р°РЅС‹ РеР· РџР'РҐ, СЃРѕРѕС‚РІРµС‚СЃС ‚венно РїРј РЅРµ страшна РїРѕРіРѕРґР°.

Сама полочка крепится РЅР° металлическую SЂР°РјСѓ, Рё СЃРјРѕ¶Р µС‚ выдержать S…оть РІСЃРµС … кошек разом.

RљР°Рє РІРІРґРЅРѕ здесь, сама RєРѕРЅСЃС‚рукция RєСЂРµРїРёС‚СЃСЏ через RїS ЂРѕСѓС€РеРЅС‹ РёС… восемь S€С‚СѓРє. РћРЅРё РїСЂРеварены Рє раме Рє раме Рє СЃСЏ отвех ЂСЃС‚РїРѕРґ Р°Рхкера 10 С… 150 РјРј. RS‚Рѕ РѕРґРЅРѕ РёР· усилений. R'S‚РѕСЂРѕРµ SѓСЃРёР»РµРЅРµРєРґРµС‚ RєСЂРµРїРµР¶ RїРѕ RїРµСЂРёРјРµС‚СЂСѓ SЃР°РјРѕРіРѕ RєР° SЂРєР°СЃР° Рє раме RѕРєРЅР°. Тем самым этот выгул подойдет даже для людей, Р° лето Рј можно поставить С† веты Рё сделать дендрарий. Р'СѓРґСѓС‚ РјРеРЅРё джунгли для S…востатых.

Самое Алавное не написал РАЗМЕРЫ вольера:

2000 RјРј РІ СЃРјРјРјРЅРЅСѓ, 1360 RјРј РІ ввысоту Ryo 350 RјРј РІ РіР»»СѓР±РёРЅСѓ.

Р˜ РІРѕС‚ ноже фотография, которая RїРѕРґС‚верждает РѕРіСЂР ѕРјРЅСѓСЋ несущую нагрузку. Хотя СЏ нагрузка так себе всего 75 РєРі, РЅРѕ РІСЃРµ же, семь РєРѕС€ ек плюс С…РѕР·СЏР№РєСѓ СЃ цветами выдержит. Р'ысота 4 этажа. Р'ыли Рё 25 этаж Рё 16.

Р˜ расскажу как РїСЂРѕРёСЃС…РѕРґРёС‚ процесс заказа Рё изготовлеРSРёСЏ.

  • R'S‹ R·РІРѕРЅРёС‚Рµ RјРЅРµ Rе»РјРјРµСЂСЏ RїСЂРёРµР·Р¶Р°СЋ Rє R'ам RЅР° R·Р°РјРµСЂС‹, РіРґРµ RѕР±Р іРѕРІР°СЂРёРІР°РµРј РѕСЃРІР°С ‰РµРЅРёРµ конструкцию.
  • Делаю S‡РµСЂС‚еж будущей клетки SЃ S‚очными SЂР°Р·РјРµСЂР°РјРё. Р'С‹ выбираете размер ячеек SЃРµС‚РєРё, Р° это 25 С… 25 или 50 С… 50.
  • Р˜ если РІСЃРµ SѓСЃС‚СЂР°Ревает, то оплачивается СЃСѓРјРјР° РЅР° мате SЂРёР°Р»С‹. Остальное оплачивается RїРѕ S„акту SѓСЃС‚ановки.
  • Если необходимо, РІС‹ получаете S„ото Рё РІРІрґРµРѕ отчет РЅР° вибер, ватсап Рѕ РїСЂРѕС †РµСЃСЃРµ.

Р˜ везем Рє вам.

R'ид с улицы.

Цена заввисит РѕС‚ размеров Рё оснащения. RњРѕР¶РµС‚Рµ SѓС‚очнить Sѓ RјРµРЅСЏ, так RєР°Рє RІСЃРµ Rендивидуально.

Рђ также SЂР°СЃСЃРјРѕС‚СЂСЋ возможность SЃРґРµР»Р°С‚СЊ SѓР»РёС‡РЅС‹Р№ РІРѕ R»СЊРµСЂ для кошек. РЎ большим SЌРЅС‚узиазмом Рё S‚ворческим RїРѕРґС…РѕРґРѕРј SЃРґРµР»Р°СЋ R µРіРѕ для вас.


R—воните RќРёРєРѕР»Р°Р№

Рђ также здесь нгже Р±СѓРґСѓ размещать S„отогалерею всевозможных РІР°СЂРёР°РЅС ‚РѕРІ исполнения. RЎРјРѕС‚рите.

Safe environment

If an animal spends most of its time in the house, then its irrepressible energy will require implementation, which often leads to unpleasant consequences. Curious cats will definitely inspect any jar, box or room into which the door has opened. People are also spending more time in the home, concentrating their interests within the living space. That is why objects or substances dangerous to animals may appear in the public domain.

For example, antifreeze containers left open, car windshield washer fluids, medications, and much more. Getting to know them will cause irreparable harm to the health of the animal; store most of these items outside the house or in enclosed areas where cats do not have access.

During the holiday season, every home is filled with beautiful decor, including live plants such as amaryllis, poinsettia, lilies and many others. Flowers in pots decorate a holiday and create an atmosphere of celebration, but they are poisonous to cats. Do not pose a threat to pets, choose safe plant species. In addition, store medications in tightly locked cabinets, never leave tablet blisters or used ampoules in accessible places, these items will certainly attract the cat’s attention. Hunting for such “toys” can lead to poisoning.

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