Why does a cat sleep on a person: what do his postures and chosen place mean?

Most cat lovers know that these furry animals love to sleep on humans. The four-legged purr climbs onto the stomach, chest or legs of the owner and lies there, curled up in a ball. Many people wonder why cats do this. There are a great many answers to this. Among them there are both scientifically based and completely fantastic.

The reasons that can explain this behavior of cats are divided into two groups: those based on scientific facts and those based on speculation. Let's look at each group in more detail.

They just want to stay warm

Have you ever noticed how your cat takes great pleasure in catching the first rays of sunlight in the morning? Whether they are on the floor or on the windowsill, the fluffy creature immediately runs into the arms of the sun. This is all because cats love to relax in warm places. When the sun goes down and the rays disappear, cats can go bask near the radiator, but they are much more comfortable sitting on a person, especially when you are in your favorite chair or wrapped in a blanket. These are the times when your pet most wants to deal with you. But, you must admit, this feeling gives joy to both of you.

Reason one: the cat treats the owner

People have long believed that cats have some kind of extraordinary energy that they transmit to people. Also, our four-legged friends are capable of taking on human illnesses. This is what they do when they lay on top of the owner. Every cat lover knows that an animal can come up and lie down in the exact place that is currently hurting. This is how a cat heals a disease by directing flows of energy to the right place.

How can we explain this behavior of the animal? Biologists can confirm that cats are heat-loving animals, so they are always looking for a warmer place. The fact is that the temperature of a diseased organ is always higher than that of a healthy one. This is how heat-loving purrs determine what the owner is currently complaining about. Feeling the warmth, the cat lies down to bask in this place. Answering the question of whether such cat treatment helps, it is worth saying that the animal acts as a heating pad, and for many diseases, heat helps relieve pain. The body begins to gradually recover, feeling warm.

Of course, skeptics may notice that the animal is simply warming itself near a person, but if this leads to the recovery of a diseased organ, the owner should be grateful to the cat.

People are pretty comfortable

Cats sleep about 15 hours a day or more, so they try to find the most comfortable place to take a good nap. Their goal could be a sofa, a laundry basket - anything, as long as it is soft and cozy. Imagine how comfortable you are for your cat when she spots you lying in bed, wrapped in the softest blanket. No pillow or cat bed compares to the human body.

Why does a cat sleep on a person: what do his postures and chosen place mean?

When a cat climbs onto your lap or lies down next to you, it shows its affection and affection. When a domestic cat sleeps in its owner's bed, it uses it as a warm place with a familiar smell. He is calmer when he feels the closeness of his owner, and at the same time the cat is sure that this is how he controls the person. According to another theory, a cat sleeps on a person or his things in order to absorb negative energy and relieve him of pain. This animal senses vulnerable spots and lies on the part of the body where it hurts and the temperature is high.


Cat and man

It is important for cats to take part in the life of the owner and be part of the events that happen. By lying down in a person's place, his clothes, or jumping into his arms, they feel in the thick of things, and with the help of smell they receive additional information.

When a cat rubs against a person and his things, she leaves her scent and accepts him as a member of her pack. Especially if the kitten was separated from its mother early, this is exactly how it perceives the person. The cat worries about him and if he senses problems in his body, he lies down on the weak spot, sharing his healing energy.

For reasons unknown to humans, a cat likes to fall asleep not in a cat house, but in a human bed or in a chair. Pregnant women most often experience discomfort when an animal sits on their stomach. They worry that the pet will cause harm by the pressure of its weight on the developing fetus. And some are afraid that the cat feels some kind of deviation. In fact, the animal is simply leaning against a warm and living place.

Pet behavior

If a kitten is used to sleeping in its owner's bed, this behavior becomes a bad habit for a domestic cat. It is difficult to wean him from getting into a person’s bed, although he has long stopped trembling and freezing. Having become an adult and independent (in his opinion), the cat still feels vulnerable during sleep. And since he sleeps most of his life, the owner’s smell calms him down and gives him a feeling of security. A person is many times larger than his pet, and the animal feels confident and invulnerable under his protection.

There is also a scientific explanation for why a cat lies down on certain places on the owner’s body. Looking for the warmest place, the cat finds it where the person’s temperature is elevated. The disease always begins with inflammation and increased temperature in the diseased part of the body and neighboring tissues. If the owner has a stomach ache, the cat lies down in this place. They twist their knees - the pet curls up on its owner’s legs.

Some cat owners notice that after their cat sleeps in their bed at night, they feel much better. They are confident that the animal has cured or taken over their weakness.

There is a logical explanation for this:

  • The cat has a placebo or zootherapy effect.
  • People experience the usual lack of sleep, and after getting enough sleep, they immediately feel good.

Unhealthy organs attract the cat with their warmth, and therefore he likes to sleep on the warmest part of the human body.

Cat's favorite places

For cats who don’t like to be petted or touched, sleeping in their owners’ bed has a selfish meaning, with the help of which the animals assert themselves.

Most of all they love to lie down:

  • on the chest;
  • on the back;
  • on a person's head.

The cat lies down on the chest in a ball when it wants to, and can pretend to be asleep, although it lies with its eyes open. A person, seeing how much pleasure such a position gives his pet, does not dare to drive him away from himself and is ready to endure these small temporary inconveniences.

Climbing on top of the sleeping owner, the narcissistic animal tries to show that it is the main thing here. And he doesn’t care at all whether a person is sleeping or not. The cat sits on it as if on his trophy, pleased with himself and his position in the house. The same can be said if the cat is sleeping or sitting on a pillow.

But those cats who prefer to sleep on their feet have a softer and more peaceful character. Cats feel tired and heavy legs and try to lie nearby. If a cat sits on a pillow, it feels the increased temperature and warms itself, while calming the owner.

When choosing a comfortable place to sleep, the animal tries to both warm up and feel safe. Such places are a closet, a chest of drawers, a nightstand and a bed. A human sofa and a cat bed are places where he feels like the owner of a house or apartment.

Folk signs

The most famous superstition about cats says: “Where the cat sleeps, that’s where it hurts.” This was noticed by people for whom the cat helped cope with illnesses. If a person is engaged in mental activity, and his cat likes to lie on his head, and after that the owner of the animal feels rested, it is easy for him to notice that the pet helps get rid of headaches.

It's all about affection

If you're like most people, you probably work most of the day (or night). When you finally return home, your purring pet immediately runs towards you and follows you everywhere until you sit down or go to bed so that he can climb on you. Why do cats do this? The answer is simple: this is how they express love. All the head touches on the legs, purring and kisses: they add up to one thing - adoration! So when your cat shows these signs of affection (because she can't express them in words, at least not yet) and when she jumps on you for a nap, pet her. This way she will understand that her love is mutual and will fall asleep soundly.

On a note

If you are allergic to cat fur, it is better to avoid spending time together with your pet.

Of course, such behavior is very disarming, and it is difficult to refuse a beloved cat who intends to settle comfortably on the body of his owner.

But to ensure that such close physical contact does not cause harm to a person, it is necessary to follow simple recommendations :

  • If your cat has access to the street and often walks there, then it is important to thoroughly clean his paws before letting him in.
  • The animal must be regularly treated for worms and fleas.
  • If you are allergic to cat fur, it is better to avoid spending time together with your pet.
  • You should not let your cat get close to small children, and especially not allow them to sleep in a crib.

Some cats like the sounds that human bodies make

The natural sounds of your body can calm your cat when she sleeps on you. A steady rhythm of heartbeat and breathing, as well as inhalations and exhalations help the pet to calm down and feel peace, after which he sleeps sweetly. Your cat is also attracted to your scent because she associates it with you and the care, companionship, and security you provide her. In general, many of your natural sounds and smells can relax your furbaby, although perhaps not all.

Looking for ways to reduce cat-to-breast communication time?

For some it may be a dream to open their eyes in the morning and see a cat's face or butt, but for others it is less ideal. And let's be honest: having a cat sleep on you all night may not be the most restful sleep.

Luckily, there is a compromise to be made that is sure to leave both parties happy and well-rested in the end. That trade-off is a good cat bed.

It is best to choose something comfortable, soft and preferably with a heating function, so that your kitten gets maximum pleasure. Add that old sweater that smells like you and you've got a winning combination.

And if you put it next to your bed at night, they'll have the next best thing to your breasts. This way, you can breathe deeply and freely, and your poor kitten won't get crushed by accidental rolling over on your part.

Why can’t adults, children, or pregnant women sleep in the same bed with a cat?

Why can’t adults, children, or pregnant women sleep in the same bed with a cat?
If you are not going to share a bed with your pet, then he needs to be taught to sleep separately from childhood. From a scientific point of view, animals should have their own bed. Why can’t adults, children, or pregnant women sleep in the same bed with a cat?

  • Like all animals, cats are carriers of a wide variety of diseases and worms.
  • The most terrible disease is toxoplasmosis. If a pregnant woman becomes infected with this disease in the later stages, the fetus may experience underdevelopment of the brain and severe pathologies of internal organs.
  • As this disease progresses, a pregnant woman may experience miscarriage or premature birth.
  • This disease is also dangerous for young children..
  • Adults are less likely to become infected with toxoplasmosis , but cats can transmit worms and other unpleasant ailments to humans. Therefore, it is believed that a cat should sleep separately.

Important: You cannot kiss an animal, and after communicating, you must wash your hands with soap.

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