Reasons and ways to suppress a cat’s aggression and calm the animal down if it gets angry, meows, cries before bedtime

Signs of aggression in cats

Before using any sedatives, you should consult a veterinarian.
The reaction to stress manifests itself differently in cats, and an inexperienced owner may not immediately recognize fear in the animal’s behavior.

When cats behave nervously:

  • lick the skin on one side of the body (one paw, one side);
  • calm themselves by making loud purring sounds;
  • become completely indifferent to their favorite food or become overly gluttonous;
  • They begin to gnaw on various objects and chew indoor flowers.

In case of severe fright due to a loud sound or the appearance of a dog, pets:

  • they freeze in place, flattening their ears, tucking their paws and tail under them;
  • attempt to escape;
  • trying to hide in a dark, secluded place.

During an attack of aggression, small predators begin:

  • arching the back to look larger, inflating the tail and hair on the body;
  • hiss loudly, snort, howl, showing his teeth;
  • look closely at the object that causes aggression;
  • rhythmically whip the tail over the body, twitch it;
  • hit an approaching object with the front paws with claws extended.

If a panic reaction occurs (if the cat was unable to hide or protect itself), the animal experiences:

  • copious flow of saliva, similar to foam;
  • loud scream, heartbreaking meow;
  • involuntary urination.

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Fighting aggression

Aggression occurs not only as a reaction to fear, but also for other reasons. Methods for calming a cat depend on the source of its anger.

How to recognize aggression

Most often, Pallas' cats, Savannah cats and Siamese cats show aggression. The following signs will help you recognize it:

  • loud hissing and snorting;
  • showing teeth;
  • pressing the ears to the head;
  • arching of the back;
  • tail swelling;
  • dilated pupils;
  • release of claws.

If you notice that the cat is “on edge,” do not try to pet it. This can result in serious bites and deep scratches.

Methods to calm an angry animal

Act based on your specific situation. Every problem has its own solution:

  1. Pain. A sudden attack by a friendly and affectionate pet is most often explained by illness. If you haven't stepped on your cat's paw or pulled its tail, take it to the doctor.
  2. Territorial instinct. Battles for territory occur when several mature, uncastrated cats are kept together. The most reliable solution is surgical, that is, castration. Separating feeding areas and purchasing separate trays and beds can also help.
  3. Reaction to affection. Too frequent or overly active stroking quickly becomes boring and begins to irritate. Respect the interests of your pet and do not pet against its will.
  4. Fear. Provide the animal with a comfortable shelter and leave it alone.
  5. Rare games or ending too abruptly. Missing activity and unable to express its energy, the cat begins to throw itself on its legs and arms. The problem can be solved by increasing the frequency and duration of joint games, as well as by purchasing interactive toys.
  6. Protection of the cubs. A cat that has recently given birth can even attack its beloved owners. She needs to be given time to get used to the new role. For 2-3 weeks after birth, it is recommended not to disturb the pet over trifles and limit its communication with other household members.
  7. Unsatisfied sexual desire. It can occur in both male and female cats, but males show anger more often. An adult, uncastrated cat may well attack any person without warning under the influence of a sharp surge of hormones. If there are children living in the house, be sure to castrate or neuter your animal to avoid any trouble.
  8. Responsiveness. If a pet is beaten, it can respond in kind. The same reaction will occur to bullying or rough play.

Separately, it is worth noting cases of redirected aggression, when the target of the attack is not related to the real problem. Its main reason is the inaccessibility of the source of alarm: a sharp sound from the street, a bird or other animal outside the window.

Frequent attacks are treated only with sedatives, and isolated attacks are treated with emergency removal from the stressful place. To do this, use a thick blanket or other dense fabric that needs to be thrown over the angry cat.

It also happens that aggression is causeless - in this case we are talking about shifts in the psyche. Such deviations can only be treated under the supervision of a veterinarian.

How to identify the cause of anger in a cat

Irritability in adult animals is provoked by a painful condition.
Domestic cats, unlike dogs, have retained many qualities inherent in wild animals. Instinct tells them that danger can come from any object.

Pain inadvertently inflicted on a cat by a person leads to the idea that he poses a danger.

What can cause panic and aggression in an animal:

  • moving, unfamiliar surroundings;
  • the appearance of new things, other animals in the house;
  • strangers (especially if they try to touch or stroke him);
  • household appliances that make loud sounds (vacuum cleaner, electric meat grinder, etc.);
  • poor health, illness;
  • excessive affection from a person;
  • games with children if the latter begin to cuddle the pet.

What to do at home

Comprehensive examination

If it is not possible to identify the stress factor that leads to the pet’s nervous behavior, it is necessary to exclude hidden diseases. Aggression or fearfulness may be a response to severe pain and general illness.

  • The veterinarian will rule out dental problems.
  • A blood test and ultrasound can help diagnose kidney or liver failure.
  • X-rays can reveal arthrosis or other diseases of the musculoskeletal system.

A specialist will also help you understand whether your pet’s bad behavior is related to sexual instincts if it has not been sterilized.

Creating optimal conditions

It is very important for cats to be able to hide. Providing a purring shelter is not difficult - it can be an ordinary cardboard box or carrier placed in a quiet place, or a shelf on the top tier where it will not be difficult for the pet to jump. If a cat can run away from a stimulus (another animal, a child), it will not show aggression. The ability to hide will help the cat survive a thunderstorm or neighbors' renovations.

  • The owner must also ensure that no one disturbs the cat during meals and visiting the litter box.
  • Games can be useful - you need to provide your cat with enough toys and scratching posts. If you stimulate “safe” activity, this will direct the aggressor’s energy in the right direction.

Loud sounds are contraindicated - it is better to turn on TV and music at moderate volume.

Medication assistance

If the cat seems unhappy rather than embittered, Feliway will help it come to its senses faster. The diffuser is plugged into an outlet, and it releases a synthetic analogue of cat pheromones. This smell, which a person cannot smell, seems to tell the animal that everything is in order and there is no reason to worry. The drug can be a good alternative to sedatives that are given orally.

Features of the use of sedatives

Often, taking sedatives is a way to normalize a cat’s condition in the period before castration, a long trip, a visit to a veterinary clinic, or home renovations.

Sedative drugs have two types of action: cumulative and immediate. In the first case, you should start giving them to the animal 10-14 days before the expected event.

Often taking sedatives is a good way to normalize a cat’s condition.

Instant-acting drugs act quickly, but are harmful to the body; such drugs should not be used too often.

Popular herbal preparations:

  • Relax plus;
  • Stop stress;
  • Feliway;
  • Phospasim;
  • Cat Baiyun;
  • Fitex.

Chemical sedatives:

  • Xylazine;
  • Amitraptyline;
  • Vetranquil;
  • Diazepam.

Important! Before using any sedatives, consult a veterinarian.

Tip #4

To make the educational process more effective, you can reward the kitten for good behavior. For example, when he stopped meowing loudly, at the request of the owner, got off the curtain, and stopped playing too rough, he should be praised and treated to his favorite delicacies.

But there must be consistency here: you should not overpraise your pet or do it too often, otherwise he will try to receive encouragement as often as possible.

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How to suppress aggression and calm down

The better the owner prepares his animal for the show, the calmer it will be at the show itself.
You can quickly suppress aggression in an adult animal like this:

  • Wear thick clothes and thick gloves, take a blanket and wrap the aggressive cat, holding him in your arms until he is completely calm.
  • Spray the cat with water.
  • Leave the animal indoors for a while, during which time the anger will gradually subside.
  • Don't look the cat in the eye.
  • Prepare in advance a place in the room where the pet can hide.
  • Do not punish your pet - punishment will only provoke a repeated attack of anger.

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Tip #3

A sharp sound will also help calm the kitten: you can deliberately throw some metal object on the floor so that it falls with a roar. The goal is not to scare the kitten, but to distract him from pranks, redirect his attention and reduce his playful mood.

If this method does not work, you need to stop paying attention to the pet and make it clear that the owner does not like this behavior.

How to calm an active kitten

When a kitten is not sleeping, it always shows increased activity and is full of energy. Every day the little animal grows, learns, and encounters something new. Everything unknown can cause sudden fear or an attack of aggression in the baby.

To calm down an angry kitten or calm a frightened one, you should try using the following methods of influence:

  • Relieve excessive activity or stress through games.
  • Use interesting toys that can captivate a small pet (a furry mouse, a ball with a bell on a long rope), putting them out of reach the rest of the time.
  • Do not stop the game abruptly, wait until the kitten is really tired.
  • Offer your baby a favorite food or treat at the end of the game.
  • Ignore the kitten if the behavior becomes aggressive, end the game immediately.
  • Prepare a comfortable place for your little fidget to sleep (cardboard box, basket, fur house).

What not to do

  1. Beat the animal.

It's a long-known truth: with cats, physical punishment does more harm than good. And the only benefit lies in the fact that the owner “blows off steam.” Otherwise, if an aggressive cat is spanked or kicked, mental deviations are inevitable, and it is much more difficult to correct behavior in the future.

  1. Feed.

As soon as the owner treats the cat with delicious canned food a couple of times after it has rushed at her feet, aggressive behavior receives powerful food reinforcement. Kitty will not hesitate to use a new way of getting food, and the owners will find themselves in a vicious circle. It is acceptable to offer a treat only to a scared, not an angry cat, but there is a good chance that the animal will ignore the treat.


How to trim your nails calmly

There is the simplest way to calm a cat before trimming its claws: you need to attach a pair of clothespins (with weak compression force) to the scruff of the neck.

You need to prepare in advance for a long trip by train, car or flight.

This is where psychology comes into play; in childhood, a cat carries a kitten, holding this place with its teeth; if there is compression in the nape area, the animal instinctively calms down and relaxes.

Helping your cat cope with stress

Cats have a hard time with changing their environment; it is stressful for them. What to do if you can’t avoid a trip to the country, a trip to the veterinarian or hairdresser?

Two necessary conditions for the trouble-free movement of a cat are a calm owner and a comfortable carrier, which should become a second home for the animal. You cannot carry the animal in your arms.

Before traveling, prepare a mobile shelter for your cat - a comfortable carrier with hard walls, soft bedding and ventilation. For sound insulation and warmth, the carrier is wrapped with soft cloth on top. The cat should perceive the mobile house as a shelter where your pet can hide, say, after a doctor’s examination and calm down.

Required conditions after stress - peace and quiet

Habit plays an important role. If you plan to often take your cat with you on trips, you need to gradually accustom it to this from childhood. A pet that regularly travels in its portable home will not create problems during its next voyage.

Medicinal methods

In order to prepare the cat for stress, which cannot be avoided, special medications based on herbal ingredients are used. For example, Fitex contains hops, motherwort, valerian, and Baikal skullcap. In addition to these herbs, Stop-Stress contains phenibut. The drug Kot Bayun is available in the form of infusion and tablets. It includes extracts from a dozen medicinal plants.

To overcome stressful situations, calming cat food containing herbal sedatives and special collars with pheromones are also produced.

A calming collar with pheromones will help the animal cope with a stressful situation

Table: Calming products for cats

A drugActive substanceRelease formsDosageEffectPrice
Stop stressActive ingredients: phenibut (aminophenylbutyric acid) + extracts of medicinal plants (catmint, motherwort, hops, Baikal skullcap).Drops and tablets1 drop per kg of animal body weight twice a day; or 0.25 tablets with a weight up to 5 kg, 0.5 - with a weight from 5 to 10 kg; for body weight more than 10 kg, give a whole tablet. Long lasting calming effect145 rub.
FitexPlant origin. The composition of the drug includes the following extracts: - thick extract of valerian officinalis (valeriana officinalis) - dry extract of motherwort (leonurus quinquelobatus gilib) - dry extract of common hop (humulus lupulus) - dry extract of Baikal skullcap (scutellaria baicalensis georgi) 1 ml of the drug contains 100 mg of the sum of dry and thick extracts. Does not contain sugar or ethyl alcohol. Drops3–5 drops three times a dayMild sedation130 rub.
cat BaiyunOnly plant components, contains aqueous extracts from plant materials: oregano herb - 0.45%, sweet clover herb - 0.23%, rhizomes with valerian roots - 0.23% and phytocomplex - 1.45%, containing extracts of flowers and fruits hawthorn, hop cones, motherwort herb, peppermint leaves, ivy grass, catnip herb, lemon balm herb, meadowsweet flowers, St. John's wort herb, thyme herb, cudweed herb, hillwort herb, nettle leaves, roots, rhizomes and herb of evasive peony , and as an auxiliary substance - distilled water - up to 100%.Infusion and tabletsA single dose for infusion is 2 ml (half a teaspoon); for tablets - 2 pieces. Frequency of administration: 3–4 times a day. Tablets are used starting from the age of 10 months of the animal. Long-term sedative effect: stabilization of the animal’s condition for 5–7 daysDrops - 132 rub. per package. Tablets - 115 rub.
XylazineA synthetic compound - a derivative of thiazine Xyl as an active substance in 1 ml contains 20 mg of xylazine hydrochloride, as well as excipients: sodium metabisulfite - 1 mg, citric acid - 10 mg, benzyl alcohol - 0.01 ml, sodium hydroxide (for pH correction = 5.0) and water for injection - up to 1 ml.InjectionAccording to the instructions for use, 0.25 ml per 100 kg of weight is used for sedation; for sedation accompanied by muscle hypotonicity and analgesic effect - 0.5 ml; for immobilization and pain relief 1.0 ml; for long-term surgical intervention 1.5 ml (this dose is used only for adult animals). Calming, analgesic, muscle relaxant630 rub.

Photo gallery: sedative medications

Fitex drops for cats calm and heal

Xylazine has a calming and analgesic effect

Drops for cats Stop Stress have a long-lasting calming effect

Cat Bayun - dietary supplement for a calm life of a cat

No one is immune from stress and fear, not even cats. Each domestic cat has a unique character and temperament. No one knows how your pet will behave in an unusual situation. Only love, care and the right reaction will help owners of tailed pets find the right approach to their animal and help them cope with emotional turmoil.

How to calm your pet on the road

For a long trip by train, car or flight, you need to prepare in advance . If the date of the trip is known, it is worth starting taking cumulative sedatives; if the trip was not planned, you can give your furry pupil a medicine that instantly affects the nervous system.

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Proper care of kittens at home in the first 1-2 months, what to do

But the most important thing is to get a comfortable carrying bag for your trip. You need to purchase it in advance so that the cat gets used to the new thing. It is necessary to allow the cat not only to examine the bag, but also to sleep in it for several days. Several diapers for the toilet, clean water, dry food - items necessary on a long trip.

In an emergency

Unfortunately, force majeure circumstances happen in life. The cat may be injured (falling from a height, fighting with another animal) and be in a state of shock. A completely unfamiliar cat may show aggression towards a person in defense of its kittens or food. In such a situation, the main rule applies - do not aggravate it!

To keep distance

It is permissible to stroke only your cat, but even in this case, caressing may not calm the animal, but anger it. No matter how much the owner wants to support his pet, it is better to leave the cat alone in a confined space (carrier, box, house).

Cats by nature are solitary animals, not pack animals. At times of severe stress, they are guided by instincts, and not by attachments acquired through life.

Keep calm

Like other pets, cats show empathy - they are good at feeling people's emotions.

If the owner is nervous or afraid (for example, before an upcoming operation), the pet begins to become stressed for this reason alone. That’s why sometimes it’s better to entrust an animal to an unfamiliar but absolutely calm person for the duration of the procedures in the clinic.

Radiate calm

You can try to calm the cat down by talking to it in a calm, quiet voice, as if lulling it to sleep. For aggressive individuals, you need to add more flattery to the monologue. Listing the cat’s virtues in a honeyed voice can easily distract a capricious young lady for a while.

If talking to your cat out loud is uncomfortable or seems stupid, you can try instilling your good intentions telepathically, focusing on your desire to help rather than harm.

Exercise caution

An angry cat can cause serious injury to a person despite its small size. It is necessary to minimize violent procedures, and if such cannot be avoided, try to secure the cat in advance (for example, in a special bag) while it is calm.

You need to have patience with representatives of the cat family. It is better to approach the animal over and over again than to go straight ahead, ignoring the pet's warning signs.

Switch attention

If aggressive behavior threatens a person or another animal, you should try to distract the cat. The best means of protection is a spray bottle of water. But it is not always at hand.

Trying to break up amicably is a good strategy. You need to make sure that you are not blocking the animal’s only exit from the room, or start retreating yourself. If the cat is ready to rush, throw the object to the side with maximum noise (a bunch of keys), this will give you time to escape.

Feed your cat before bed

Cats have a natural rhythm to their day, which includes hunting and catching prey, eating, grooming, and then sleeping. The best way to encourage your cat to sleep is to follow this rhythm!

After you've had a good time playing with your cat to imitate hunting and catching part of its rhythm, it's time to feed your cat. This can give them the satisfaction they would naturally feel if they caught something in the wild and then settled down to eat it.

Once your cat has a nice full tummy, she will be ready for some nice grooming and then some sleep. Timing the start of their sleep cycle to coincide with your bedtime means they are less likely to wake you if they are full of energy when you go to bed.

Two cats are better than one

It may seem counterintuitive, but if your cat wakes you up at night because she's looking for someone to play with, then another cat might be the answer! Two cats are more likely to play with each other and have fun.

Just be aware that they may make noise as they jump around the house, and sometimes this can be as disturbing as your lonely cat bothering you. However, for some cats this is a great solution.

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Take your cat to the vet

If your cat keeps you awake by meowing excessively, rather than demanding time to play or eat, she may be in pain. If you have any doubts as to why your cat is restless at night, be sure to schedule an examination with your local veterinarian. There may be an underlying problem with your cat and it is important to get it checked out.

Posted by Christian Adams An American expat living in Metro Manila, Philippines for over a decade, Christian is a lifelong cat lover and the proud father of two rescue cats, Trixie and Chloe. Both girls used to be among the crowds of homeless people who roam the cities and countryside. Three-year-old Trixie was rescued from a litter found under a neighbor's porch, and two-year-old Chloe was brought home by Christian's young son, Henry, who discovered the crying kitten in the parking lot.

Leave toys for your cat to play with.

Most cats wake up at least twice during the night, at which point they will be ready to begin their cycle of hunting, catching, eating, grooming, and sleeping again! If your cat can't find anything interesting to play with because you've put all her toys away, she'll probably come looking for you!

Leave a few of your cat's favorite toys for her to play with at night. You can even get interactive, battery-powered toys that are activated by your cat's touch.

The most aggressive cat breeds

Many cats, although they belong to aggressive breeds, get along calmly with people. However, from time to time the “evil ones” show their difficult character :

  • Siamese have an innate “master cult”. During the time of the pharaohs, such cats could even kill a person. The main culprit of aggression is jealousy.
  • Blues are naturally distrustful and are very easy to scare. Hence the unexpected attacks of aggression.
  • White Angoras are born mostly deaf, making these cats more vulnerable. They are forced to show aggression by nature, which has invested in the animal the instinct of self-preservation and fear.

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Aggressive cats also include those that have previously been subjected to cruelty. Unreasonable attacks of anger in cats are extremely rare. If the cat was just purring and caressing, and the next second it is ready to pounce and tear it apart, the animal clearly needs to be shown to the veterinarian.

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