A kitten meows: reasons, how to quickly calm it down, what to do when you need veterinary help

When a long-awaited mewing creature appears in the house, in addition to joy, many worries emerge. One of which is why does the kitten constantly meow? Most owners become concerned when the timbre of the voice changes or if the pet begins to meow at night. Zoologists say that a change in timbre may indicate that the animal is hungry or is bothered by something, or wants to go to the toilet. In our article we will talk about what to do if a cat constantly meows, and how the owner should react to this.

What a kitten's meowing could mean: 6 reasons

All domestic cats in the world speak the same language. In some situations, the cat's voice brings tenderness, in others it irritates. A kitten doesn't just meow. He gives his voice when he wants to communicate, ask or demand something.

Among the reasons that make a cat meow are the following:

  1. Adaptation to new living conditions. A kitten adapts to coexistence with a person when its mother teaches it. Personality is fully formed when the cub spends up to 100 days of age interacting with its mother and littermates. Even in this case, it takes 2-3 days to get used to the new conditions. When a baby appears in the house, during the daytime he feels increased attention to himself and explores new places. But when night comes and everyone falls asleep, the kitten experiences stress and remembers its mother. He tries to find her and calls her all the time.
  2. The cat is a solitary night hunter. The biological clock is set for daytime sleep and nighttime activity. If the owners do nothing to coordinate the cat’s life rhythm with theirs, sleepless nights await them.
  3. The animal slept in the evening, he is bored and wants to play.
  4. Hunger.
  5. The animal felt that family members treated him differently. Some household members allow him something, others prohibit him. If there is a row in the family, the pet tries to take advantage of the situation and take a higher place in the hierarchy of the pride.
  6. The kitten is sick and asks for help.

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The owner of a kitten needs to learn to understand the language his pet speaks. Act strictly but fairly in order to gain the authority of the dominant individual in the human-cat family.

Diseases, pain

If all the previous causes of meowing are not your case, and it does not stop after feeding, showing care and attention, then, most likely, something hurts your pet. Examine it carefully. Perhaps there is an injury to the paw pad, or the kitten is worried about external parasites? Inspect the ears for the presence of ear mites.

Gently feel your tummy. Maybe it is swollen, and the meowing intensifies upon palpation? In such cases, it is worth taking the kitten to a veterinary clinic. The doctor will be able to make an accurate diagnosis after an examination or (if necessary) after an ultrasound. If a disease is detected, the owner must follow the doctor’s instructions clearly and regularly.

So, a baby cat will not meow without a reason. There is always a reason for this, but it can be difficult to recognize it, identify it accurately and eliminate it alone. So, if a young furry has become a member of your family, then you should always have a good veterinarian who can help.


Why does the kitten meow for no reason?

Cats don't vote for no reason. They are hunters after all. In order not to scare away the prey or attract a larger predator, you need to keep quiet. When an animal walks on its own, this is exactly how it behaves.

But when there are people, cats, and other creatures around, the pet needs communication, and, above all, self-affirmation. That is, in order to take the place you deserve and, if possible, higher, you need to vote from time to time.

Kittens do not have developed sexual behavior, so the owner has time to raise the pet. Otherwise, living together can turn into a nightmare.

It's not just people who raise animals.

You've probably noticed that cats seriously consider themselves full members of the family. And in this case, what prevents another member of this small society from lecturing?

A cat may well express its dissatisfaction with certain circumstances, expressing it by shouting. He may not like the fact that for some reason a person hides behind the door for several hours. Why is he hiding? Yes, because the animal does not understand that a person goes about his business, because his world is your apartment.

What to do if the kitten does not sleep at night, walks and meows

When the adaptation period has passed, the time has come to gently force the kitten to its biorhythm. If the pet is bored, then in the absence of the owner he will sleep and gain strength for nightly adventures. If there is no one at home, you need to ensure that the kitten does not overeat at this time, does not sleep, but has fun.

For this purpose, there are toys that should be changed every 3-5 days: scratching posts, multi-level cat furniture, houses in which you can hide. Cats love enclosed spaces. Therefore, a tunnel made of rustling material may become a favorite place for games.

The kitten will be provided with a place to rest. It’s good if it is away from the radiators and closer to the window, so that the pet does not sleep, but finds out what is happening behind the window glass.

You should delineate the area accessible to your pet and keep it out of the nursery and bedroom. If penetration has occurred, a lot of effort will have to be made to wean the animal from visiting prohibited places.

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Finally, the pet just needs to be tired. Organize active games, it is important for the kitten to play enough. For the first time, a candy wrapper on a string will do. Then they offer him fishing rods, teasers, and squeaky mice. You can open a plastic bag for the animal, he will happily jump into it. It is necessary not only to provide your pet with toys, but also to take part in the game with him.

After playing, the tired pet is fed well. The food puts you to sleep, and the animal will not bother anyone at night.

Possible health problems

The root cause of a cat constantly meowing can be a number of diseases.

  • Injuries of varying severity cause a plaintive meow. This could be a bruised paw after an unsuccessful jump, or a serious fracture. The risk group includes older animals whose bones are more fragile.
  • With spinal injuries, the meowing turns into hysterical screams, and the animal trembles.
  • A quiet meow, accompanied by wheezing, elevated body temperature, and discharge from the nose and eyes, signals the presence of a viral disease.

Injured pet

  • Severe poisoning can be determined by loss of interest in food, vomiting, loose stools, and diarrhea. These same signs indicate the presence of worms. Kittens especially suffer from intoxication.
  • Severe infectious diseases are characterized by weakness, loss of appetite, and continuous screaming.
  • A tick embedded in a sensitive spot on the skin causes the cat to scream, behave extremely restlessly, and constantly scratch the bite site. Ear mites cause you to constantly shake your head and scratch your ears.
  • In addition to meowing, an allergic reaction is accompanied by sneezing. The cat shakes its head and scratches its muzzle. His eyes are watering and his nose is running.
  • If each bowel movement causes obvious discomfort to the animal. The cat lingers on the tray for an unusually long time, screaming pitifully in the process. Most likely, the pet has problems with the intestines, kidneys, and genitourinary system. This could be cystitis or urolithiasis.

It is not always possible to identify the disease on your own, so if your pet remains restless, you should immediately show it to a doctor. After examination by a veterinarian and carrying out the necessary tests, a diagnosis will be determined and treatment will be prescribed.

How to quickly calm a meowing kitten?

The following techniques will help you stop meowing:

  • take the pet in your arms and gently stroke it;
  • switch attention: while meowing, make a distracting sound - throw a bunch of keys next to the kitten, clap your hands;
  • snap your fingers near your ear;
  • if the meowing is associated with extortion of a treat or a request to be let into the bedroom, you should not respond to provocation.

You cannot scold a kitten, much less beat it. The cat will no longer perceive the offender as the dominant individual in the pride and will transfer him to the category of enemies from whom he needs to hide.

Should the baby be examined to see if he is bothered by fleas? If this is the case, the pet is treated with insectoacaricidal shampoos or I use a drug that is suitable for the kitten’s age.

The cat wants to eat

A hungry cat is a nervous cat. If your pet constantly yells throughout the apartment when no one is home, make sure he has enough food. Or maybe you completely forget to leave it? It is important to remember that a cat does not know how to get food for itself within an apartment without human help. He is not as independent as you might think.

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Anxiety in your kitten that requires you to contact your veterinarian

It is necessary to contact a veterinarian in the following situations:

  1. All educational methods of weaning off screaming did not help.
  2. Additional symptoms of the disease have been discovered.

If you notice at least one of the following signs of a meowing pet, you must show it to a veterinarian:

  • refusal of food;
  • thirst;
  • problems going to the toilet;
  • the kitten tries to hide;
  • diarrhea;
  • constipation;
  • aggression;
  • increased licking;
  • increased tearfulness;
  • redness of the eyes;
  • dyspnea;
  • change in gum color.

Cat asks for attention

There are times when a healthy and well-fed cat meows for no reason. Why is this happening? Our pets, like little children, love attention. Animals vocalize when they want to be held, played with, or stroked.

Some cat breeds do not tolerate long absences from their owners. Left alone, they can meow for a long time and pitifully. Sphinxes have this character trait. It is not advisable to leave these animals alone for a long time; it will be very stressful for them. In this case, it is advisable to take a second cat into the house.

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