Why does a cat sleep in your bed: basic signs and what it could mean

Cats are mysterious, unique creatures. Their behavior is not always explainable. Furry animals have long been credited with unusual abilities: to cleanse the biofield, relieve pain, and soothe. Careful observation of your pet's habits allows you to understand what it means when a cat goes to sleep in your bed. Is this related to the state of human health or the animal just likes to be close to the owner. There are several assumptions to explain the strange behavior of the animal. Most of the hypotheses depend on the location of the cat.

Why do cats climb into a person's bed and sleep with people?

Not all people like to find a sleeping cat in their bed. Many people think that she wants to be there because she likes it. The behavior of the animal is explained by a number of reasons:

  • The cat is comfortable and calm near the owner. The person is resting, and the animal is looking for a secluded place. So it goes to bed.
  • The owner's bed attracts the animal. The cat is a selfish and intelligent creature. He believes that the owner will not choose an uncomfortable place for himself. Therefore, the furry pet is ready to get there while the person is sleeping.
  • Association with mother's warmth. In the subconscious, animals remember maternal warmth.
  • A cat's body temperature is higher than a human's. The cat has sensitive temperature receptors, and this explains the desire to receive more warmth. The place of attraction in the apartment is the bed, and the cat constantly needs an additional portion of warmth.

Surprisingly, the cat tries to climb on top of its owner. He won't be content with a spot on the edge of the bed.

Search for heat

The average body temperature of a cat is slightly higher than that of a human and is 38.9 °C. To maintain it, especially in a cool room, the pet looks for an external source of heat: a stove, heater, radiator or owner, especially his knees and head.

The head is the most accessible part of the human body for a furry pet. At night, it is more open than other areas hidden under the blanket, which is why pets use it as a natural heater.

Some diseases lead to an increase in the temperature of the entire human body or a specific area of ​​it. During such periods, the cat can often climb onto the owner for warmth.

Where cats sleep: energy

Cats are a source of bioenergy. The intersection of different energies in one house can be a positive and negative factor.

  • Cats are sensitive to places where biofields intersect. Such points can negatively affect human health.
  • The animal chooses a similar point for sleep and normalizes the energy, transforming it into a favorable one.
  • The cat's biofield has a positive effect on humans. Pets neutralize negative waves.
  • The cat tries to stabilize places with negative energy and locates itself in them.

Do not try to force your cat to sleep in a specific place in the apartment. He knows where to go to bed. Since sources of negative energy tend to change location, sensitive cats follow these movements.

Security Preference

The pet believes that the closer it is to its owner, the safer it is. This is another explanation for choosing a place for a cat to sleep.

These animals live in clans or prides, each of which has a leader. It becomes the strongest individual, next to which all other members of the group feel safe.

Domestic cats consider their pride to be the family where they live, choosing a leader among its members.

Next to him, on his head, the animal feels completely safe.

Why do cats love to sleep on humans?

Why do cats love to climb on the owner and are not averse to sleeping even on the owner’s head? The actions of an animal are sometimes inexplicable. Loving owners watch their pet closely. Owners are interested to know why cats love to sleep on human bodies. Here are some reasons:

  • The animal's actions are easy to explain from a scientific point of view. Cats love warmth. Temperature is an important factor for them. Sleeping near a radiator is too hot, and human body temperature is ideal.
  • Energy factor. Furry pets sense things invisible to the eye. If a cat lies down near the head of a sleeping person, then you should be more careful about its health. The cat feels the owner’s fatigue and helps get rid of headaches.
  • Desire to demonstrate obedience. Don't believe those who say that there is nothing positive about a cat sleeping on its head. Respond to your pet's affection with affection. Even if an animal sleeping on a pillow near its head causes discomfort, it must be carefully and carefully moved.

The diseased organ of the body has a temperature higher than normal. The animal easily finds it on the body. When the owner is healthy, the cat looks for another comfortable place in the house.

In the legs or on the stomach

Why do cats love to sleep at their owner's feet or on their stomach? Pets feel tired legs, aches in human joints and strive to alleviate the condition and neutralize unpleasant sensations.

Pay attention to your health if you constantly notice a sleeping cat on your feet. You may need to consult a doctor.

If the cat lies on its stomach or chest, be sure to undergo an examination of the lungs and heart. If the kitten is small and chooses your chest as a resting place, then this indicates health problems.

The cat will conduct a kind of psychotherapy session, sitting on the chest, if you are irritated. In this position, you will be able to calm down and fall asleep faster.

There is a sign that if a cat lies on a woman’s stomach, then she is pregnant. Even if the time is short and the woman does not suspect that she will soon become a mother, cats incredibly feel the new life that has arisen. They warm her with their warmth.

Sometimes your furry pet sleeps under the bed or on a rug near it. There is no consensus on what to do in this case. Some experts argue that the bed needs to be moved because the animal indicates flows of negative energy.

According to the opposite opinion, the cat acts as a converter of negative energy into positive, healthy energy.

On the owner's head

Cats are thermophilic. They often sleep on a person's head or pillow. This is one of the warmest points in the bed as there is a lot of heat transfer through the head.

Some veterinarians are sure that this is how cats establish their dominant position over the owner and mark their territory. But cat lovers believe that by laying down on the pillow, the pet expresses love.

According to one belief, cats attract good dreams when they fall asleep on their owner's head, and also ward off sad thoughts.

Most cat owners know that peaceful purring relieves daytime stress, normalizes blood pressure, and helps them relax and fall asleep.

Mature cats that have lived with one owner for several years are constantly placed on his sore spots. In this way they help him. However, they cannot stand it if they are specially placed somewhere.

The cat sleeps under the bed

This means that negative energy has accumulated in this place, and the pet transforms it. A cat sleeping under the bed extinguishes negative energy flows.

How do you feel in the morning, do you sleep well, do you wake up alert and rested? If you suffer from pain in the morning, then you should think about changing the location of your sleeping place.

A similar sign

Cats are one of the most beloved animals; couples in love often have them. But it turns out that you shouldn’t put them between spouses, as this will lead to a quarrel. There are also many other signs that can help solve numerous life problems.

Why do cats climb into a person's bed?

Many pets choose a human bed as their place to sleep. Moreover, they climb there after the owner goes to bed. Scientists and popular rumor explain this behavior of the animal in different ways.

The table shows the scientific point of view and centuries-old observations of animals by ancestors, explaining the reason for the desire of cats to sleep with their owners.

Scientists explain in their own way why cats, when lying on a person’s chest, begin to trample with their paws. They consider it an instinctive reaction left over from infancy. Kittens, accustomed to sleeping with their mother, when they get to a person, look for safety and warmth from him. And they stomp on the breasts with their paws, trying to stimulate milk.

Finding a safe place.

In an effort to get more warmth, the cat chooses the warmest place - the human bed.

The cat loves attention. If the owner is absent all day, the animal lacks communication and attention. Cats feel abandoned and may become depressed. At night, furry animals climb into bed with their owner, trying to compensate for the lack of attention.

Is it possible for a cat to sleep between spouses?

Cats have been near humans and have lived in their homes for a long time. They keep the home. These animals must not be beaten, offended, or pulled by their whiskers or tail.

Whether to allow a cat to sleep between husband and wife depends on various factors:

  • A cat is capable of marking its territory with a liquid with an unpleasant, pungent odor, especially in cases where it is offended by one of the spouses or feels jealous.
  • Couples can quarrel over a cat. If one of the spouses does not like the pet, then she will commit unseemly actions to take revenge.
  • A cat that sleeps between a husband and wife interferes with their exchange of energies. When spouses sleep together, they exchange energy. The cat appropriates a particle of energy for itself, and the spouses end up with a disadvantage.

Signs sometimes contradict each other. According to some, a cat can separate, while according to others, on the contrary, it strengthens the union.

Pet behavior

If a kitten is used to sleeping in its owner's bed, this behavior becomes a bad habit for a domestic cat. It is difficult to wean him from getting into a person’s bed, although he has long stopped trembling and freezing. Having become an adult and independent (in his opinion), the cat still feels vulnerable during sleep. And since he sleeps most of his life, the owner’s smell calms him down and gives him a feeling of security. A person is many times larger than his pet, and the animal feels confident and invulnerable under his protection.

Can cats detect pregnancy?

Many years ago, when tests had not yet been created, cats were used to determine pregnancy. Women really believed that this way they could find out the presence or absence of an interesting position.

When a woman wanted to determine whether she was pregnant or not, she placed a cat on her stomach.

Conclusions were drawn based on the animal's behavior. For example, if the cat lay down on her stomach, curled up and fell asleep, then the baby should be expected soon. When the cat ran away, it meant that the woman was not pregnant.

I like the smell

Cats have a well-developed sense of smell. They are able to distinguish and remember odors. The animal rubs its muzzle against objects and leaves marks on them, accompanied by a characteristic purring or rumbling and extending its claws.

Such areas serve as identification marks that can be interpreted as an occupied or studied territory.

If a cat is attracted by the smell of facial skin or hair, the animal will settle nearby, including near or directly on the head.

How to get your pet to sleep longer with you

If you want your pet to stay in bed with you until the morning:

  1. Buy dark, dense curtains that let little daylight through. The morning sun's rays will not be able to disturb the pet, since thick curtains will create twilight.
  2. Don't give your cat food right after you wake up. She will get used to you feeding her on demand and will not let you sleep if she gets hungry at night.
  3. When your cat tries to wake you up early in the morning, don’t react. Over time, such actions will become a habit for her, and you will have to wake up at a time when she wants it, and not you.
  4. If the cat does not sleep or wakes up at night, do not let him rest during the day. Add activity to his life: play more, walk with your pet. Tired during the day, the animal will sleep soundly all night.

Is it time to say goodbye to your sleep partner?

Although the diseases listed above, such as bubonic plague, are quite rare, they are still worth thinking about. There is a much higher chance that you will become infected with something if you allow your pet to lick your face and your mouth, but co-sleeping also puts your health at risk. As for infants, small children, as well as people with impaired immune systems, they are strictly prohibited from sleeping in the same bed or even in the same room with animals, as this is too dangerous.

Why you can't sleep with a cat in the same bed from a scientific point of view

From early childhood, pets should be taught to sleep separately from their owners on a bed. Provide your animal with a place to sleep in the house. Is it possible to sleep with a cat in the same bed, doctors answer:

  • Cats are carriers of diseases. Toxoplasmosis is a dangerous disease. There is a high probability that the fetus will develop pathologies of internal organs if a woman contracts this disease during pregnancy. With a progressive disease, there is a high probability of premature birth. Toxoplasmosis is dangerous for preschool children.
  • A cat can “reward” owners with unpleasant diseases such as lichen or worms. Veterinarians recommend that the cat sleep on its own bed, and not in the owner's bed.

It is imperative to monitor the health of your pet. It is not recommended to kiss a cat on the face. Immediately after contact with an animal, wash your hands with soap.

Final comments

Many people don't mind their cats sleeping next to them. However, not every cat owner feels the same way. I hope the information presented here will help you understand the reasons why your cat insists on sleeping with you and what you can do about it if you don't like it. How do you feel about cats sleeping with their human companions? Let us know what you think in our comments section.

Posted by Christian Adams An American expat living in Metro Manila, Philippines for over a decade, Christian is a lifelong cat lover and the proud father of two rescue cats, Trixie and Chloe. Both girls used to be among the crowds of homeless people who roam the cities and countryside. Three-year-old Trixie was rescued from a litter found under a neighbor's porch, and two-year-old Chloe was brought home by Christian's young son, Henry, who discovered the crying kitten in the parking lot.

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