Can a cat ask for a cat after sterilization? Main reasons


Many breeders are faced with the fact that a sterilized cat asks for a male cat. This phenomenon seems strange and the owners have no idea how to deal with it.

Sterilized cat asks for a cat

In this article we will tell you why this happens and what to do if a cat asks for a cat after sterilization.

What is sterilization

One of the reasons why a cat owner often cannot understand why his pet yells, asks for a cat and marks after sterilization is the lack of awareness about this type of surgical intervention. A sterilized cat wants a cat just like a pet that has not been operated on.

Sterilization is an operation in which the organs of the appendages are not removed, but only the fallopian tubes are tightened.

Consequently, the cat will lose exclusively its reproductive function. However, the cat's hormonal background remains unchanged.

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In other words, sterilization means that the cat does not become pregnant as a result of mating.

Disadvantages of sterilization:

  • The animal is stressed. Since he constantly suffers and asks for a cat, however, this does not lead to the appearance of offspring, and accordingly the desire does not disappear anywhere.
  • The possibility of developing pathologies associated with cancer.
  • This is discomfort not only for the animal, but also for the people who live with it. After all, listening to the heart-rending cries of an animal is not very easy.

Pros of sterilization:

  • There are no advantages as such. The animal suffers, and this suffering harms its health. The owners also gain nothing from such a procedure.

Therefore, when asked, if you sterilize a cat, will she ask for a cat, we can say with confidence, yes she will.

Can a cat ask for a cat after sterilization?

In quite rare cases, a sterilized female may go on a spree after sterilization. Usually this process frightens the owners and makes them wonder whether the operation was successful.

Similar cases are possible when the pet experiences hormonal imbalances, and then the cat begins to:

  • stick out your butt;
  • trample;
  • shout loudly.

The presence of such symptoms clearly indicates that the cat is asking for a cat. In this case, it is necessary to consult a veterinarian so that he can accurately identify the cause of this behavior.

What other cases are there?

In veterinary practice, there are a number of specific cases when the sex hormonal background of a sterilized individual was determined by diseases occurring in the thyroid gland. Aligning and adjusting the balance of hormones in this situation is not an easy task, which may include a number of stages:

  • Exclusion of hormone-producing tumors;
  • Chemical suppression of sex hormones.

Most often, the latter is performed by implanting a special capsule under the skin.

Poor operation

A careless choice of the clinic and the doctor who performed the sterilization could lead to the fact that an inexperienced veterinarian did not remove all the ovaries. Even if part of the organ remains not removed, the production of hormones continues, and the cat may begin to ask for a cat.


To find out whether the doctor is at fault, you need to take the cat for tests and an ultrasound - these two types of diagnostics will accurately reveal the presence of remnant ovaries, which will confirm/refute the guess about a poor-quality operation.

To save the cat from the consequences of poor-quality sterilization, another operation will be required. This time you need to take your choice of doctor seriously.

Let's summarize

We talked about why a cat marks. Main conclusions of the article:

  • The reasons for this phenomenon are different. These include: bladder problems, estrus, stress, change of environment, the arrival of a new family member.
  • How to deal with hooliganism? First of all, find out the reason, and if it is not associated with diseases, then there are several options: sterilizing the cat, cleaning with special products that wean the pet off from marking, cleaning the area using available disinfectants. They kill the smell and repel the cat with their own scent.


In an animal’s body, hormones can be produced not only in the ovaries: sometimes the cause of estrus is hormones produced by the adrenal glands, sometimes by the pituitary gland.
In rare cases, production may occur in a hormone-producing tumor.

The manifestation of such developments in a cat depends on its age at the time of spay removal. In young cats, the production of hormones by other organs occurs several times less frequently than in older females.

To make sure that the cause of estrus is not a tumor, it is better to take the cat to the clinic for an examination and undergo all hormone tests.

Recommendations for owners

If a cat asks for a cat after castration and continues to actively mark its territory, the owner should consult a veterinarian. Most likely, the doctor will recommend sedatives and possibly hormonal medications. This will help calm the pet and correct its behavior. You cannot select medications on your own.

You can try to distract a cat that is interested in the neighbor cats with a favorite treat, an interesting activity or a toy. A neutered cat who continues to trample cats should be given the opportunity to sharpen his claws. This is an important point that helps the animal mark its territory, maintain its high status and simply relieve stress.

In general, an undesirable style of behavior can manifest itself not only in setting on things, but sometimes on other cats. Animals often rub too hard against their owner’s hands or objects. It is better to stop such manifestations at the very beginning, but not by punishment, but by providing an alternative to get rid of accumulated energy. Interactive toys, such as a soft mouse or a ball, will help here.

When petting a cat, you should avoid overstimulating it. It is worth choosing those areas on the body that promote relaxation, stopping caresses when signs of arousal appear.


A similar pathology forms in an animal even when it is in the womb.
Scientists call it ectopic ovarian tissue syndrome.

The problem is that during the formation of the ovaries, some tissue cells end up in another part of the animal’s body, and it is simply impossible to identify them in the formed and strengthened cat’s body.


Such a hereditary predisposition is very rare.

What to do if the cat continues to walk?

First of all, the owner who notices signs of estrus in his cat should analyze the following points:

  • how much time has passed since the operation;
  • Could this be a reaction to the smell of valerian, catnip, etc.

Next, you need to contact a veterinary clinic, and it is advisable to choose a different one from where the operation was performed. It is necessary to take tests for hormones to determine whether they continue to be produced by the remnants of ovarian cells or other organs, and also do an ultrasound, which will indicate the presence of ovaries.

You will definitely need to make sure that the cause of hormone production is not a tumor; for this you will also need to undergo a series of examinations.

Solving the problem on your own with various pills that suppress estrus is not recommended. Often such drugs cause tumors and health problems.

Veterinarian advice: to castrate or not to castrate a domestic cat

A small, fluffy ball - this is exactly what a kitten looks like in the eyes of a child and many adults at the time of its acquisition. However, over time and, accordingly, as the cat grows up, it becomes clear that it is necessary to determine the future life of this pet, namely: decide whether to castrate the animal?

Unneutered cat: possible problems

Perhaps in the first year of your cat’s life the question of whether to castrate him will not arise urgently, but with the arrival of the first spring you will increasingly begin to think about this question

Most often, cats that are rarely outside, whether voluntarily or at the whim of their owners, begin to mark their territory. Most often, pets don’t even care where to do it.

Both ordinary slippers and an expensive sofa can be completely damaged.

It is noteworthy that cats, unlike cats, are more intrusive in their desires. Thus, a caring owner, seeing how his pet is suffering, will most likely offer the cat:

In the case when the first option does not work, the second also may not always fully satisfy you. Often it is not enough for cats to enjoy one meeting, and they continue to behave indecently. In addition, in most cases, in addition to marking territory, animals vocalize songs loudly. It is at such moments that the question of whether an animal should be castrated becomes especially acute.

What you need to know about castration

Owners often face the question: should they spay or neuter their cat? Veterinarians have their own opinion on this matter. Castration is an operation in which incisions are made in the scrotum and the testicles of the animal are completely removed. Sterilization is simply tying off the spermatic cords. In the latter case, the animal endures the entire


Persistence of other behavioral traits that should have gone away

Each owner, when sending a cat for sterilization, pursues a specific goal. Such a goal could be:

  • cessation of estrus;
  • the cat stops yelling all day long;
  • The cat stops marking its territory.

In some cases, this behavior may continue to manifest itself in pets.
For example, immediately after surgery, an animal may scream for a couple of months, since there are still “wandering” hormones in the body.

They can cause continued estrus for a short period of time after removal of the ovaries.

If the cat continues to scream, the type of surgery performed should be considered. For example, after the fallopian tubes are pulled, the female loses the opportunity to become pregnant, but the ovaries continue to produce hormones, and accordingly, the cat continues to scream. It is also worth making sure that the operation was successful.


You just need to wait out the two-month period after sterilization - no need to give your cat pills that suppress estrus or panic. If the cat asks for a cat after 2 months after surgery, contact your veterinarian.

The main reasons for screaming at night

The heart-rending screams emitted by a cat at night not only disturb the sleep of the inhabitants of the home, but also become a cause of discord between neighbors. So how to stop a cat from yelling at night?

Silencing a pet is not an easy task. But first you need to understand the reasons for this behavior

Perhaps the cat, emitting heart-rending screams at night, is not just trying to attract the owner’s attention, but is signaling him about his problems, which require an immediate solution

First, you should understand that every cat is unique. Animals, like people, have their own personalities. Therefore, some of them can “talk” all day and night, while others will not be forced to meow even by an approaching dog. But if a cat yells at night, what to do is a question that worries every loving owner. So what are the reasons for the incessant screaming at night?


To avoid problems with hormonal surges, cats and female cats must be spayed and neutered on time. Otherwise, your furry pet will regularly organize concerts not only during the day, but also at night. With cats things are even more complicated. They are capable of howling pitifully for months, becoming silent only while sleeping and eating.

There is only one way out - urgent surgery. Indeed, during the period of sexual heat, representatives of the cat family lose their appetite and sense of self-preservation. It's good if they are safe at home. What will happen if they manage to escape into the street?


What should you do if a sterilized cat screams at night? In this case, your pet needs to be taken to the vet immediately. Sterilized animals are susceptible to urolithiasis. Therefore, the cause of night concerts can be abdominal pain and difficulty urinating.

Nervous disorders are common in older animals. They can also cause heart-rending screams at night. It will no longer be possible to cure such a pet. But the doctor will definitely recommend medications that will help bring the animal into an adequate state.

Worm infestation

If your pet starts giving vocal concerts, you need to find out why the cat yells at night. Perhaps the reason for this is helminthic infestation. Many feline breeders mistakenly believe that a pet cannot pick up worms. And in vain...

Rodents and insects living in the apartment can become carriers of parasitic diseases. And the owners themselves often pamper their pets with raw fish or meat, which may contain parasites.


What to do if your cat yells at night? First of all, you need to make sure that everything is in order in the apartment. Animals are more sensitive, so they can anticipate trouble long before it occurs. Cats are able to warn their owner about a fire, gas leak or an approaching earthquake.

Demand for attention

Due to their nature, some furry pets are very jealous of their owners.

And if they stop paying attention to them, they scream heart-rendingly. In this case, you will have to either satisfy the pet’s desire and pet it, or continue to ignore the cat’s singing on principle.

Should a cat stop marking?

The female stops marking after sterilization if she has not yet reached sexual maturity at the time of the operation.
Otherwise, such sexual behavior has already been established, and the lack of hormones may not affect it. In addition, this behavior completely depends on the character of the cat. She may not like such a small thing as the location of the tray, unknown and unpleasant odors, or simply the surrounding environment, but she can express her dissatisfaction in one of the few ways - by leaving marks.

The owner can deal with this problem in several ways.

  1. Ensure good ventilation in the house, eliminating unpleasant odors.
  2. Make sure the cat is not bothered by anything. In case of anxiety, you can rub flower infusions into the inside of the ear. They can also be added to the water that the animal drinks - no more than 1-2 drops.
  3. Special preparations sold in pet stores can eliminate the odors of existing marks. Their use is quite lengthy: most often, the areas marked by the cat must be treated every day for a month.


Of course, all of the above should be put into effect only after the owner is convinced that sexual behavior has been consolidated and the operation has been performed correctly. If the production of hormones in the cat's body continues, the above methods may not help.

New family member

The young owners of a luxurious Persian cat gave birth to a child. The pet always had a calm and kind disposition, was not problematic and visited her litter box regularly. And then they replaced her: she hides in all corners, she began to be capricious in her diet, and the worst thing is that the cat marks all the corners, including the children's room.

What should owners do in this situation? First of all, you need to know that this behavior is the pet’s reaction to the baby, oddly enough. Cats have difficulty withstanding any change of environment and the appearance of new faces on their territory. Over time, this behavior will pass. In this situation, all that remains is to punish the prankster by catching her at the crime scene.

We suggest you read: When is the best time to sterilize a cat? Age and optimal period

False pregnancy

After sterilization, a cat can be deceived by its own hormones. False pregnancy is a common occurrence in cats, and hormonal imbalances can trigger it. In addition, if mating has been made with a male, the female may also subsequently decide that she is pregnant.

A cat owner can identify the problem by a number of characteristic signs:

  • the pet begins to look for a “nest” for itself: rummaging in closets and other secluded corners;
  • change in behavior: females often become overly affectionate, or, conversely, do not want to make contact with people;
  • the cat begins to carry various small objects (“kittens”) in its teeth.

You may also notice increased discharge from the vulva, enlargement of the abdomen and nipples, milk production, changes in appetite and other symptoms.

The manifestation of a false pregnancy after sterilization should be discussed with a veterinarian. This is very important, because sometimes such a failure can lead to the development of such unpleasant diseases as mastitis, pyometra, and in rare cases, tumors and endometritis.

Stress factor

Your cat is sterilized and marks corners in the apartment. How is that? The indignation of the owners is understandable; it is simply impossible to tolerate the disgusting smell. Do you really have to get rid of the animal if nothing helps?

Wait. Let's try to understand the problem. Remember, was there a situation at home that could affect the cat? Maybe friends with a dog came to visit? Or did little guests come to the children who wanted to meet the beautiful purr? Or did your pet’s food suddenly change?

It would seem that these are very minor factors. This is real stress for you and me, but for the cat. Imagine, she lies there, not bothering anyone. And then a dog’s face came out of nowhere. And he smiles from the top of his dog’s mouth. Naturally, the cat’s eyes will widen, as they say, and it will start looking for the fifth corner in the apartment, just to escape from the monster. And then the body “discharges” in such a non-standard way as marking the territory. Because he was stressed.

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