Coronavirus infection in cats: symptoms and treatment

The most important information for pet owners: coronavirus infection in the feline family has a strain that is different from the Covid-19 variety that is dangerous to humans. Therefore it is safe for people.

But infection of animals with “their” strain very often causes serious health problems in them, and without proper treatment can result in death. Therefore, it is important for pet owners to be able to identify the symptoms of coronavirus in a cat and know how it manifests itself.

What is coronavirus in cats?

Feline coronavirus infection owes its name to a pathogenic microbe that, under a microscope, looks like a crown, or rather a ball with spike-like protrusions. The mystery is that it constantly mutates. Biologists are still struggling with this problem, trying to understand why a non-pathogenic strain of bacteria suddenly becomes active and transforms into a highly virulent type.

Due to the unknown nature of the disease (strain), effective vaccines have not yet been created.

This is what a coronavirus molecule looks like under a microscope.
The virus includes a protein shell and nucleic acid. The main component of the virus is the genetic RNA chain - the causative agent of the disease. This virus was first recorded by veterinarians in 1966 in America. Presumably, the virus existed before, but was noticed due to increased attention to cats in nurseries.

Feline coronavirus has no geographical boundaries. It can affect not only domestic cats, but also other representatives of the cat family (pallas' cats, leopards, lynxes and others). With strong immunity, the body copes with the infection on its own, manifesting itself as a minor disorder in the gastrointestinal tract. With weakened immune defenses, the mutated coronavirus reliably takes root in the body, causing serious consequences.

If your cat suddenly gets sick, you shouldn’t give up on it. With this disease, the fatal outcome is low (does not exceed 5%). But you cannot hope for a miraculous recovery; you must immediately contact a veterinarian. Otherwise, complications are inevitable. The animal must be quarantined for at least 12 weeks. Upon completion, they are re-checked for infection.


The main stage: quarantine of newly arrived cats, resettlement of animals that reacted to the test. Isolation – at least 12 weeks. Early weaning of kittens (up to 3-4 weeks) from a sick mother is justified.

You should not feed your cat near the litter box. You can get a new cat after the death of the previous one from FIP no earlier than 1-2 months, provided that the premises are completely disinfected. All personal belongings of the deceased animal are destroyed.

Fact! FIP mutates more often under stress and overcrowding of animals. Treating coronavirus is ineffective; the more a breeder experiments with medications for coronavirus enteritis, the higher the likelihood of FIP.

Measures to help eliminate the virus:

  • mandatory hygiene;
  • quality food;
  • vitamins A, C, E (antioxidants);

The likelihood of viral peritonitis occurring is high in infected cats under one year of age and after 10 years. If an animal catches coronavirus at an older age, the rate of complications is low.

Various variants of the course of the disease

Coronavirus molecules consistently kill healthy blood cells.
Upon penetration into an animal’s body, several options for the development of the disease are possible:

  • Asymptomatic . The disease proceeds almost unnoticed, without obvious manifestations and does not pose a threat to the pet. The cat's behavior does not change for the worse and we can say that she is absolutely healthy. However, the carrier of the virus remains, and she is able to infect other individuals through feces. The animal may also suffer from diarrhea throughout its life.
  • Light . The virus primarily affects the tonsils and intestines. The pathology develops slowly in a mild form, but over time it becomes chronic. It is often called dry. The body fights it hard and the infection usually subsides. The virus is cleared from the body within a month on average.
  • Heavy . It is also called the wet form, which is considered the heaviest in flow. The virus multiplies intensively, leading to the accumulation of fluid in the peritoneum. This occurs due to the leakage of blood from damaged internal organs. Against this background, effusion peritonitis occurs, followed by ascites. If the immune system copes, remission occurs and the wet stage turns into dry. But, in both cases, the death of the animal is inevitable, since the immune cells are completely destroyed.

Mutation scheme

If a cat is a carrier of a dangerous virus, the high risk of developing FIP is only up to a year. Although protective antibodies to coronavirus are practically absent in mature cats, the likelihood of a mild type becoming severe is unlikely.

How to prevent your cat from getting infected?

Coronavirus in cats is no exception to the general rule that it is much easier to prevent any disease by observing all preventive measures than to carry out long-term and expensive treatment. The basic rules for preventing the occurrence of this disease are practically no different from the measures necessary to prevent intestinal infection.

It is extremely important that consultation and diagnosis of the pet is carried out as early as possible after the first manifestations of the disease. It is ideal if the veterinary clinic is close to home or if you have a certified specialist among your friends who is ready to provide freelance assistance at any time of the day or night. Such a separate approach to treatment will allow the cat to avoid unnecessary contacts with other sick animals during the period of illness.

Carrying out routine vaccinations is an equally important component of the entire prevention of coronavirus infection. By the way, scientists spent a lot of time searching for a suitable remedy against a pathogenic pathogen. Many years of laboratory research allowed scientists to change the structure of the virus itself, making it vulnerable to high body temperatures of the cat. The only place in your pet where the temperature is not high enough is the nose. The virus that gets on the mucous membrane cannot die, so the vaccine is instilled into the cat’s nose.

Vaccinations against coronavirus in cats are the best way to protect the whole family’s pet from a terrible and dangerous disease. Meanwhile, it cannot be called perfect with one hundred percent certainty. In case of close contact with a carrier of the virus, unfortunately, even a vaccine will not help to resist the infection. But it should be understood that vaccinations will allow the cat’s body to develop strong immunity of its own and resist the pathogens of many ailments.

Types of coronavirus

There are two strains of the virus:

  • intestinal (FCoV) - lead to the development of enteritis;
  • highly pathogenic (FIPV, FIP) - interpretation of infectious peritonitis virus.

In the first case, the disease is tolerated by the cat relatively easily. Sometimes the owner does not even notice the pet’s ailments. Pathogens affect the mucous membrane of the small intestine, which is accompanied by diarrhea. The second option develops against the background of the first as a result of a mutation of the strain, if the animal is exposed to frequent stress and becomes hypothermic. Peritonitis of infectious origin is often fatal due to the destruction of immune macrophage cells.

Despite the identical origin of these two species, the manifestations are different. For example, a cat infected with intestinal coronavirus will not necessarily develop infectious peritonitis. Even with an acute course of the disease in an animal, there may not be a dangerous virus in its feces.

Elimination of symptoms is the main stage of treatment

Further therapy depends directly on the manifestations of coronavirus enteritis or peritonitis. If the infection provokes an increase in body temperature or surges in blood pressure, appropriate medications must be prescribed. In addition to traditional antipyretic and anti-inflammatory drugs, veterinarians can prescribe intramuscular administration of antispasmodics, for example, no-shpa. Treatment usually continues until symptoms are completely eliminated.

In case of significant dehydration and weight loss, the task of doctors is to provide additional nutrition to the body. Cats are prescribed droppers with a solution of sodium chloride and glucose, and additional vitamin complexes.

The symptomatic treatment described above, care and appropriate care for your beloved cat will give him a good chance of recovery. With infectious peritonitis, as a rule, the prognosis for animals is disappointing, but the onset of death can be delayed for some time. To do this, it is necessary to periodically pump out the accumulated fluid from the cat’s abdominal cavity.

Is it dangerous for humans?

Feline coronavirus is not transmitted to humans.
People do not have to be afraid of this infection, since the virus is viable only in the body of an animal. Human immunity is resistant to this type of microbe. Even if it gets inside, it immediately dies under the influence of protective antibodies.

Despite this, a person can become a potential carrier of the virus. We are talking about a pet being infected by its owner if the latter fails to comply with basic hygiene rules.

Transmission of the pathogen occurs through contaminated hands, rarely washed everyday objects, food (drink) plates, etc. Therefore, maintaining cleanliness is a prerequisite for keeping a mustache.

How dangerous is the virus for a cat?

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During a coronavirus infection, a cat develops pathological processes in those organs that were attacked by viruses. In addition to the gastrointestinal tract, the muscular and nervous systems are affected. A sick cat may have the following negative consequences:

  • ataxia (motility disorder);
  • paresis or paralysis of the limbs;
  • depression;
  • convulsions, nystagmus.

In the wet form of the disease, dropsy of the abdominal cavity develops. This functional disorder is accompanied by weight loss and anemia. Every fifth cat has hydrops in the pleural cavity. This entails breathing problems. Later, the clinical picture is complemented by liver damage. Jaundice becomes a harbinger of the imminent death of the animal. The danger of coronavirus in cats is the high probability of death. In some cases, it is not possible to help the animal because the disease develops so rapidly.

Is it dangerous for humans?

Feline coronavirus is a specific structure that is activated only in the cat's body. Humans are resistant to this microbe. Even when mutated forms of coronavirus enter the human body, the immune system copes with foreign particles and inactivates them. Therefore, these pathogens are found only in representatives of the cat family. But a person can be a potential carrier of the virus. Through dirty hands and household items, the pathogen can be transmitted to healthy cats and cause infection in them. Therefore, maintaining hygiene rules in the house and in the yard is a prerequisite for keeping a cat.

Causes of the disease

The sources of transmission of the virus are usually the cats themselves, who are sick or have already been sick and become carriers of the pathogenic virus.

Causes of defeat:

  • contact with waste products left by an infected cat (licking individual parts of the body after relieving itself in an infected tray);
  • nasal discharge from a virus carrier that does not stop for several months after the illness;
  • eating food that a sick cat eats (if you have access to its bowl).

In rare cases, you can become infected through airborne droplets when you are near a sneezing infected animal. Coronavirus, when released into the external environment, is still infectious for a short period. However, in dry air the pathogenicity instantly disappears.

Coronavirus transmission animation

Coronavirus dies from low humidity, under the direct influence of ultraviolet radiation and disinfectants. The latter refers to the disinfection of coronavirus in cats - the owner must clean the tray daily and treat it with antibacterial drugs.

This rule applies not only to those owners who have several pets. Even one animal can infect itself several times. But even after contracting coronavirus, a cat does not necessarily become a virus carrier. Some individuals, after recovery, do not release pathogenic particles into the environment.

But stray cats absolutely carry the virus within themselves and are capable of spreading it wherever they leave their feces. And owners of mustachioed pets can bring the virus from the street into the house with their shoes. Therefore, even a completely domesticated cat is not protected from such a disease .

Spread of the virus

Diagnosis of infection

If a cat shows any signs of coronavirus, it is necessary to show it to a veterinarian as soon as possible. The doctor will conduct an examination and prescribe the necessary tests.

Most often, tests are prescribed for cats to detect coronavirus infection:

  • clinical blood and urine analysis;
  • PCR diagnostics of feces and blood serum;
  • serological blood test for the presence of antibodies to coronavirus;
  • puncture of accumulated fluid in the abdominal cavity;
  • blood serum analysis for the amount of antibodies to the virus to determine the severity of the disease;
  • biopsy of affected tissue;
  • Ultrasound of the abdominal cavity.

The interpretation of the research results may be as follows:

  • negative result.

It means that the cat is completely healthy or is a carrier of the infection, but the release of the virus into the environment occurs irregularly;

  • positive result.

If there are symptoms of enteritis, this indicates that the cat is infected with a coronavirus infection or is a carrier of the virus. If there are no signs of infection, this result will indicate the presence of viral peritonitis.

Symptoms of the disease

It is difficult to accurately describe the symptoms of coronavirus infection due to its ability to manifest itself differently due to mutation. Even veterinarians often make mistakes in this regard and can make an incorrect diagnosis.

An infected cat may appear healthy in appearance

Let's consider all the possible signs of this disease, regardless of type and form:

  • sudden loss of appetite;
  • vomit;
  • lethargy and drowsiness;
  • long-lasting loose stools not related to nutrition;
  • bloody or mucous discharge in stool;
  • fever interspersed with chills, which is caused by fluctuations in body temperature;
  • impaired coordination in movements;
  • restlessness, fear of light;
  • the appearance of blood vessels in the eye;
  • damage to the central nervous system;
  • redness of the oral mucosa;
  • abdominal enlargement (indicates the development of peritonitis).

In an infected cat, the biochemical blood test is normal, and the general blood test shows an increase in the level of ESR and lymphocytes. This indicates cellular immunodeficiency.

Symptoms can occur together or separately. But even if there are several from the list, you urgently need to undergo the appropriate tests. The earlier the diagnosis is made, the easier the treatment will be.

Signs of infectious peritonitis

Complicated forms of coronavirus in an animal can be assumed based on the following signs:

  • persistent vomiting;
  • diarrhea with blood clots;
  • elevated temperature;
  • the desire to hide in a dark place;
  • apathy towards everything, including food;
  • yellowing of mucous membranes, ears;
  • pale gums;
  • cough;
  • bloating of the abdominal cavity.

At the initial stage of the disease, the first disturbances are observed in the gastrointestinal tract , then the kidneys and liver fail. In the final stages, the central nervous system is affected, which is accompanied by convulsions and paresis in the animal.

Viral peritonitis (FIP) of cats. Veterinarian advice

Signs of enteritis

Coronavirus gastroenteritis manifests itself in cats as follows:

  • inactivity and refusal to eat;
  • intestinal disorders;
  • changes in body temperature;
  • strong thirst;
  • mucus from the nose;
  • lacrimation.

The clinical picture is so unclear that viral enteritis is often mistaken for food poisoning.

Symptoms of coronavirus infection

Statistics show that 90% of all cats are infected with the virus, but only 10% develop the disease. Lifelong carriage is observed in 13% of pets. With a very mild course of the disease, no external manifestations are noted. For more severe cases, the symptoms of coronavirus in a cat depend on the strain, the age of the pet and its health.

Sign of enteritis

Symptoms of intestinal coronavirus, which occurs in a mild form, are nonspecific and therefore are often similar to signs of other diseases. The main markers are apathy and lethargic behavior of the animal, decreased appetite, thirst, upset stool, temperature fluctuations, mucous discharge from the nose, and lacrimation. The symptomatic picture can be so blurred that it is not always possible to make a correct diagnosis. Viral enteritis is often confused with poisoning or overeating.

Sign of infectious peritonitis

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Coronavirus in cats in severe form can be suspected based on a whole range of serious manifestations. Since the pathogen is able to penetrate different organs, disturbances occur in the functioning of many functional systems. Characteristic signs of infectious peritonitis of the FIP type are:

  • frequent vomiting;
  • diarrhea, possibly bloody;
  • heat;
  • fear of light;
  • weight loss;
  • lethargy;
  • yellowness of mucous membranes;
  • faded gums;
  • yellowness of the ears;
  • cough;
  • refusal of food;
  • bloating.

Signs of coronavirus do not always appear in such a complete set. Their combination is influenced by the general condition of the animal at the onset of the disease. The very first symptoms of coronavirus are intestinal disorders, then they are followed by kidney and liver disorders. At the very last stages, when the nervous system is damaged, the cat develops convulsions, loss of coordination, and paresis.

Tests and diagnostics for coronavirus

If your cat is infected with coronavirus, it is important to start treatment as early as possible. And for this, it is better to play it safe and get tested, even if your pet has no visible signs of illness. After all, virus carriage can persist without clinical manifestations. This way you can protect other pets living in the house.

There is no specific test for detecting KVK infection. Diagnostics includes several stages:

  1. ICA/ELISA of blood or plasma . Determines the concentration of antibodies to the virus. A reduced level indicates weak immunity, when the animal’s body is not able to adequately repel pathogenic attacks, but this does not mean the absence of infection. If the virus is present, the test is positive, but where it is localized (in the tissues or intestines) is unknown.
  2. PCR/ICA of feces . Allows you to detect the virus in cat feces. A positive reaction indicates that the animal is infected, which requires its complete isolation from the rest - healthy ones. If the test is negative, the cat may be a carrier of the virus without releasing it into the external environment.
  3. Donating blood for PCR to detect coronavirus in cats . This is one of the most inaccurate methods, often showing erroneous indicators.
  4. Antibody titer . Makes it possible to determine the amount of antibodies in the blood serum, which shows the degree of damage. Based on the established values, the doctor can prescribe the correct treatment regimen and give an accurate prognosis of the development of events.

The simplest methods for laboratory diagnosis of infectious peritonitis are biopsy and histological examination of tissue. Only these are complex and expensive procedures that are not carried out in every veterinary clinic. It happens that to establish an accurate diagnosis you have to resort to a number of analyzes and tests.

It is possible to establish feline coronavirus only after passing more than one test

What to do if the test is positive

If the analysis shows a positive reaction, additional testing is required. It includes:

  • blood biochemistry;
  • titer test for the content of protein fractions in the blood;
  • repeat serological analysis.

If infection with peritonitis is confirmed, the animal is prescribed a puncture from the peritoneum. This is done to examine the accumulated liquid.

This is what a test with a positive result looks like

The owner himself does not need to panic in such a situation. It is not a fact that the infection will develop into a complicated form that cannot be treated (FIP). What to do first:

  • If possible, remove healthy pets from sick ones. If this does not work out, each animal has its own tray, bowl, and scoop. Toilets should be as far away from the feeding area as possible.
  • Clean the trays daily and treat them with disinfectants (for example, bleach). It’s better not to add filler at all. After washing the bowls, pour boiling water over them. Change drinking water twice a day.
  • Change the textiles in the room to ones that can easily be washed frequently. It is advisable to remove carpets as it will be difficult to clean them regularly. In this case, a vacuum cleaner is not the best solution, since the air flow will spread the infection.
  • Install ionizing air purifiers in the room. If possible, periodically turn on UV lamps, which are good at killing germs.
  • Spray a herbal infusion of chamomile and oak bark into the animal's mouth once a day. In addition to its disinfecting effect, it strengthens the mucous membrane.
  • Cancel all planned events: mating, visiting exhibitions, etc.
  • Transfer your pet to a special diet. Eliminate everything fatty.
  • Try to exclude any acute experiences in the animal. So, for the next 2 months you cannot carry out castration (sterilization) or anything else that can cause stress.

Unfortunately, with coronavirus there is no talk of a complete recovery. When this infection is detected in an animal, the veterinarian prescribes symptomatic treatment for the animal, which allows it to locally combat pathologies that manifest themselves externally (liver dysfunction, prolonged diarrhea, ascites as a result of fluid accumulation in the abdomen). Therapy is aimed at stabilizing the pet’s general condition.

PCR tests (Polymerase chain reaction)



Author: Alexandra Fotchenkova Physician-therapist at the Belyi Klyk veterinary clinic Illustrations: Veterinary Focus magazine, Cat Encyclopedia

Chronic viral infections are diseases caused by a virus that have a long incubation period. Carriage of the virus without pronounced symptoms can last from several weeks to several years. An animal can become infected even before birth - in utero, as well as at any age through contact with sick animals or carriers of the virus.

Coronavirus (intestinal) infection and feline infectious peritonitis

Coronavirus infection and feline infectious peritonitis is perhaps one of the most insidious topics in the practice of a veterinarian. You can find a lot of information about this in Internet sources, but, unfortunately, not all the information is true. Sometimes this is due to insufficiently deep study of this issue by the author. This is a complex topic, and even scientists deeply involved in the subject often lack data. And, more importantly, there is confusion between coronavirus intestinal infection - usually asymptomatic and seemingly harmless - and feline infectious (viral) peritonitis, an incurable disease that is one of the most common causes of death in cats, mainly young ones. These two diseases are often confused not only by cat owners, but also by veterinarians. Many laboratories perform tests for coronavirus, calling them feline infectious peritonitis tests. In this article we will try to understand this topic in more detail, for which, first of all, it is worth separating two concepts: coronavirus intestinal infection and feline infectious peritonitis.

Coronavirus (intestinal) infection

About the infection and symptoms

Coronavirus infection (Feline Coronavirus, FCoV) occurs in approximately 40-50% of cats and is most often asymptomatic. Only cats are infected; the virus does not pose a danger to humans. The virus lives only in tissues in contact with the external environment of the body: its main place of localization is the intestines, but it is also found in the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract and genitourinary system.

As a rule, cats become infected in environments where they are kept in groups (kennels, shelters, etc.) through feces. If coronavirus intestinal infection is accompanied by another disease of the gastrointestinal tract, the symptoms of this disease may be intensified. Most often, symptoms of diarrhea or vomiting are caused by other diseases, and only after excluding them can we assume that the cause of the symptoms is coronavirus. In rare cases, coronavirus can cause mild, short-term symptoms of diarrhea, vomiting, and sneezing. Cases of chronic diarrhea in permanent carriers of the virus have also been described.

About “carrier” and prevention

The main problem of “carrying” the coronavirus is not due to the fact that it cannot be gotten rid of, but to the fact that cats become infected with it again and again through their own feces or the feces of other cats - through the litter box and when licking. Coronavirus is unstable in the external environment (usually it remains viable from several minutes to several hours) and is destroyed by any disinfectants (soap, bleach, any detergents); It can last longest (up to 7 weeks) in dry and cold conditions (for example, in flooring and carpeting).

To prevent the spread of infection and get rid of it, it is necessary to take measures to prevent cat contact with feces, since this is the main source of coronavirus. For this:

  • Clean the litter box regularly, cleaning out feces immediately after defecation;
  • use filler that does not stick to paws;
  • if you have several cats, place additional trays (according to the number of cats + one);
  • It is recommended, if possible, to wash the under-tail area after defecation and trim the fur of long-haired cats;
  • if you have many cats, you need to divide them into groups of no more than 5 animals, and keep those that shed the virus isolated.

In most cases, cats get rid of coronavirus on their own within 2-3 months. There is no cure for it with proven sufficient effectiveness; only hygiene can help cope with the disease. According to statistics, about 10% of cats can secrete the virus constantly, that is, they are chronic carriers.

When purchasing cats, you should choose nurseries that are free from coronavirus.

About diagnostics and its expediency

First, it is worth noting that all tests available today do not distinguish between enteric coronavirus virus (FCoV) and feline infectious peritonitis virus (FIPV). Some laboratories share these tests, but this is nothing more than a marketing ploy.

The following options for diagnosing coronavirus are possible:

Stool analysis by PCR. It is important to note that a single test cannot accurately exclude infection - the absence of coronavirus can be established only after receiving 4-6 negative test results with an interval of 1-4 weeks. Permanent carriers of coronavirus are detected when they receive 8 positive test results with an interval of 1-4 weeks. Such a detailed diagnosis makes sense in nurseries or shelters, where a careful selection of animals free from this infection is carried out when clearing the nursery of coronavirus, and does not make much sense for ordinary domestic cats. Cats that shed the virus should be kept separately, with special attention to hygiene and cleaning of litter boxes.

Another available method for diagnosing coronavirus is detecting antibodies in the blood and determining their level (titers). The analysis indicates how the immune system responded to contact with infection, that is, how much protective proteins (antibodies) are produced. Cats that have had or are exposed to the virus may produce antibodies at varying levels of intensity. Typically, high levels (1:100 to 1:400) are found in animals that shed the virus in their feces or have infectious peritonitis (IPC). This test alone cannot be the basis for a diagnosis, since many perfectly healthy cats also have high levels of antibodies (often these are animals from shelters where the prevalence of enteric coronavirus infection is high). Monitoring titers over time can be useful when clearing catteries and shelters from infection, since a decrease in titers and a zero result usually indicates that a cat has been cleared of the virus.

For nurseries and shelters

According to statistics, nurseries are the main source of coronavirus, since cats are kept in large groups there and can easily come into contact with each other and with the feces of other animals through the tray. Most catteries in Russia do not properly monitor the presence of coronavirus in the cat’s environment. Statistics say that purebred cats are more likely to be carriers, and they are also more likely to suffer from feline infectious peritonitis (it is assumed that this is due to a defect in the immune system, which can be inherited). Therefore, it is recommended that breeders carefully monitor the presence of coronavirus infection: correct diagnosis and prevention. Only prevention of infection of cats and kittens with coronavirus and removal from breeding of cats whose litter included kittens with infectious peritonitis (IPK) can reduce the incidence of such a dangerous disease as FIP. Remember that a single stool test does not exclude the presence of infection (see section on diagnosis).

In shelters where cats are kept in groups rather than in individual boxes, the spread of coronavirus is also high. Therefore, it is preferable to keep cats separately. It is also important to use individual trays and transfer animals to new owners as early as possible. These measures will help to significantly reduce the risk of coronavirus persisting as a “carrier” in infected animals.

Infectious (viral) peritonitis of cats

About the disease and symptoms

Feline infectious peritonitis (FIPV) is a severe, incurable disease of the immune system caused by a mutant form of feline coronavirus. With this disease, the coronavirus, which by its nature should live only in epithelial tissues (intestines), mutates and spreads to other organs of the cat (lymph nodes, spleen, liver, kidneys, blood, etc.) with cells of the immune system. The development of the disease can occur several weeks or months after the virus mutates. Cats can appear healthy for a long time.

The main symptoms of this disease are lethargy, refusal to eat, high body temperature, as well as accumulation of fluid (characteristic composition) in body cavities (abdominal, chest cavity, rarely - pericardial sac), eye damage (usually uveitis), enlargement and changes in the structure of lymph nodes , intestines, kidneys, liver and spleen, which can be detected using ultrasound.

This disease is not contagious; it occurs in predisposed, usually young cats (usually between 6 months and 2 years of age). It is possible that genetic predisposition and a defect in the immune system, as well as stress, play a role in the development of the disease. The main measure to prevent this disease in cats with coronavirus intestinal infection is the prevention of stress and help in getting rid of the intestinal form of infection - hygiene (see above).

About diagnostics
Diagnosis of feline infectious peritonitis is a difficult task, since there are no simple and low-traumatic methods that allow a reliable diagnosis. Therefore, for diagnosis, a special algorithm is used, which includes an assessment of symptoms, blood tests, fluid tests from the abdominal or chest cavity, ultrasound data of the abdominal/thoracic cavity, as well as special tests (analysis of fluid and altered organs using PCR, tests for antibodies to coronavirus, cytological and histological examination of altered tissues).

Characteristic signs of the disease may develop gradually or be incompletely present, which further complicates diagnosis. This algorithm makes it possible to more or less likely assume the presence of IPC in a cat, and when all the signs of the disease coincide with the picture, it is a reliable method of diagnosis. The final diagnosis can be established using a biopsy of altered organs followed by histological and immunohistochemical analysis. This requires surgery to remove the changed tissue (laparoscopy or laparotomy). Immunohistochemical examination makes it possible to detect coronavirus in tissues, and not in the intestinal cavity (as in the intestinal form), which is typical only for feline infectious peritonitis, as a systemic disease. Unfortunately, often patients with IPC are in such a serious condition that such a study seems impossible or very risky. The diagnosis can be made based on the results of a pathological autopsy.

Available special laboratory diagnostic methods detect coronavirus (FCoV) without distinguishing its mutant subtype, feline infectious peritonitis virus (FIPV), or the immune response to it (antibody test, serological test for antibody titer). These tests cannot distinguish the intestinal form of infection from systemic disease (SIC). However, according to studies, extremely high titers of antibodies to coronavirus (more than 1:1600), as a rule, are found in animals with IPC, and much less often with coronavirus intestinal infection. However, cats can have low titres to coronavirus, including zero results, while suffering from FIP.

About treatment, observation and prognosis

There are currently no medications that have been proven to be effective in prolonging the life or curing cats with FIP. Treatment is symptomatic, that is, aimed at improving the animal’s quality of life. As a rule, these are drugs that inhibit the improper action of the immune system (immunosuppressants), antipyretics, antibiotics, appetite stimulants, droppers if necessary.

To monitor conditionally stable patients, periodic examination by a veterinarian, monitoring of body weight and temperature, blood tests, and, if necessary, ultrasound of the abdominal cavity are necessary. It is possible to monitor antibody titers to coronavirus every 2-3 months, however, the information content of this method is not always sufficient for an informed prognosis.

If the condition worsens (refusal to eat or chronic weight loss, development of anemia, blood coagulation disorders), euthanasia is performed.

The prognosis of the disease is extremely unfavorable (from several days to several months of life).

For nurseries

In the fight against FIP ​​in cats, the main role is given to the prevention of the spread of coronavirus infection in nurseries (see above) and the exclusion from breeding of cats whose litter included kittens with suspected FIP or a definitively diagnosed disease. According to studies, the probability of developing FIP in coronavirus-infected cats in group housing does not exceed 5%. However, if we are talking about kittens from the same litter, where one of the animals has FIP, this probability for the other kittens in the litter increases to 20%. It is your care for their birth and the first weeks of life that can significantly reduce the risks of developing this deadly disease.



There is no single treatment plan yet, including the antiviral drug. Carrying out therapy only with antibiotics will not give the desired results. They are included if a bacterial infection is added to a viral one. In general, coronavirus therapy is aimed at getting rid of external symptoms, stabilizing the immune system and improving the condition of the mustachioed patient.

The clinic through the eyes of a veterinarian! It is not practical to treat coronavirus in its chronic form. Drug therapy will only worsen the cat’s condition, or more precisely, it will completely damage the liver. While the virus remains in the body. Medical intervention will come in handy when the virus has mutated into FIP or progressed to gastroenteritis.

General therapy

When a coronavirus infection is detected in a cat, the two most effective drugs are usually prescribed: Roncoleukin and Polyferrin-A. If fluid accumulates in the sternum and abdominal area, it is pumped out using a puncture.

Some owners in such a situation limit their pet's drinking. This absolutely cannot be done. The animal can consume as much water as required. Excess fluid can be removed with diuretics (diuretics). In case of vomiting and diarrhea, sorbents (for example, activated carbon) and antiemetic medications are prescribed. And in order to avoid dehydration, the animal’s body is supported by drips with special compounds: blood substitutes, saline solutions and other means as prescribed by the veterinarian.

Saline solutions with glucose are prescribed to maintain the strength of a sick animal

Vitamin supplementation is required throughout the entire treatment. To do this, purchase special complexes from a veterinary pharmacy. Usually these are B vitamins and ascorbic acid. In addition, veterinarians recommend taking immunocorrectors (for example, immunoglobulin) in parallel.

As soon as the cat stops vomiting and diarrhea, feeding is restored in a special mode. After all, to counter the virus you need strength. The priority should be high-calorie food, but dietary:

  1. Chicken broth.
  2. Rice or oatmeal porridge.
  3. Fermented milk products.

Remove fatty foods from the diet. If the pet is on industrial food, then this partially eliminates many problems. As a rule, ready-made mixtures have a balanced and satisfying composition.

At the reception

Enteritis therapy

The mild form of coronavirus is more difficult to diagnose, but easier to treat. After the virus is detected, the animal is limited in food. The first day they give only clean water. In case of dehydration, a drip with vitamins and glucose is placed. For severe diarrhea, strengthening medications are prescribed.

On the second day, the infected patient is switched to oatmeal cooked without adding milk. From the fourth day, low-fat minced meat is gradually introduced into the diet. If all this time the animal has a stable high temperature and signs of gastrointestinal distress do not disappear, antibacterial therapy is introduced.

The treatment course ends with vitamin supplements, probiotics and prebiotics, designed to restore the intestinal microflora.

Treatment of peritonitis

Peritonitis is much more difficult to treat, although this form is rare in cats. Veterinarians have developed a unified scheme:

  1. Relieving pain . To do this, apply a cold compress to the stomach and give painkillers.
  2. Symptomatic therapy . The doctor prescribes the same medications as for gastroenteritis. To facilitate breathing, the animal undergoes a puncture of the abdomen to remove the accumulated fluid. True, such a measure is temporary.
  3. Stabilization of the gastrointestinal tract and boosting immunity . Colon cleansing is performed using enteral lavage with saline solution. The immune system is strengthened by taking vitamin and mineral complexes.

Antibacterial drugs

List of antibacterial agents for coronavirus therapy:

  • Tylosin;
  • Amoxiclav;
  • Levomycetin;
  • Penicillin.



Diuretics for coronavirus

List of commonly prescribed diuretics:

  • Kotervin;
  • Lasix-Neo;
  • Urotropin;
  • Indapamide;
  • Furosemide.




Means for correcting immunity:

  • Immunoglobulin;
  • Maxidin;
  • Fosprenil;
  • Gamavit.



To strengthen the immune system, you can use folk remedies - infusion of nettle and rosehip.

Immunostimulants are recommended in the form of cat vaccinations. Then the effect will be better. In addition, when taken orally, the intestinal mucosa does not accept the medicine well.


Antibacterial intervention during treatment not only destroys the pathogenic environment, but also negatively affects the beneficial intestinal microflora of the animal. Therefore, upon completion of treatment it is required to restore it. Probiotics are used for this:

  • Fortiflora;
  • Zoonorm;
  • Subtilis;
  • Enterol and others.

The duration of the appointment is determined by the doctor.

Specialist additions! Typically, probiotics are prescribed to be taken in parallel with an antibacterial course. Sometimes they are canceled, but lactobacilli are prescribed instead. This is due to the fact that the intestinal microflora suffers the most. Just don’t self-medicate in this regard and overdo it with probiotics. This can lead to addiction, which can lead to more serious problems.



Possible complications

Feline coronavirus is dangerous because it can transform into FIP at any time. The main factor provoking the development of this incurable disease is natural origin. So, cats of the following breeds are more susceptible to this:

  • Abyssinians;
  • British Shorthair;
  • Australian smoky;
  • Bengals;
  • Burmese;
  • rexes;
  • Scottish folds.

The most risky age for the clinical manifestation of FIP is before one year and after 10 years . Severe stress in an animal can stimulate the development of the disease.

Who is at risk of becoming infected and how?

Most often, feline coronavirus affects cats at a very early age. It is not surprising that kittens under 6 months of age have the highest mortality rate. This can be explained by the fact that coronavirus always manifests itself with vomiting and diarrhea. Such conditions are especially dangerous for a baby’s tiny body, because dehydration occurs many times faster in them than in adult pets. If the animal is lucky and its young growing body copes with the disease, it will forever remain a carrier of the coronavirus, receiving the status of a potentially dangerous pet for its feline environment.

Feline enteritis, caused by coronavirus, is most often transmitted through feces from one individual to another. At the same time, the infection spreads not only directly, but also through trays, scoops, toys, and other animal care items. An absolutely domestic cat, which practically never leaves the house, may well become infected if fragments of soil containing pathogenic microorganisms were brought into the room along with the shoes of the owner or his family members.

Meanwhile, kittens of the same litter become impossible neighbors for each other if at least one of them gets sick. The coronavirus is present directly in the saliva of babies throughout the entire incubation period after entering the body and for several more days after the first symptoms appear. Feeding from shared dishes, as well as playing and mutual licking put healthy kittens at risk.

Do kittens get sick and how are they treated?

Kittens also suffer from coronavirus.
Coronavirus infection is not very selective in terms of choosing the target of infection. Any animal, regardless of breed and age, can get it. Scientists are still puzzled as to why some organisms are more resilient. But based on veterinary practice, the most vulnerable groups of cats can be identified: albinos, elderly males and kittens.

Despite the inability to become infected in the womb, a month after birth a cat can become infected with coronavirus. Typically, symptoms clearly manifest themselves when the baby is separated from the mother cat. Kittens up to one and a half years old have a weakened immune system, so in the event of a viral infection, the body is unable to resist the pathogen. Immune protection stabilizes in cats by the age of two.

If a kitten is infected, treatment will be the same as for an adult cat. The only thing is that age restrictions are taken into account when taking a number of drugs. Therefore, it is not recommended to give any medications on your own.

Is coronavirus transmitted from cats to humans?

The coronavirus carried by cats is not dangerous to humans. The owner cannot become infected from his sick pet.

At the same time, he himself can infect a cat, but in a purely mechanical way. The source of infection can be dirty clothes, hands with which a person touched a sick animal, or shoes.

That’s why you should always wash your hands before interacting with your pet, and put outdoor clothes and shoes in the closet.

This strain is not dangerous for other species of animals (dogs, rodents and others). But wild cats (lions, leopards, tigers) can be carriers of infection. Coronavirus infection is often found in wild cats in zoos. The reason for this is keeping a large number of animals in one small area.

Coronavirus vaccines

Scientists are still trying to develop an effective, and most importantly, safe vaccine. Currently, the intranasal vaccine from Pfizer, Primucell, is actively used. It is created on the basis of a temperature-dependent strain of coronavirus (reproduces exclusively at low temperatures in the oral cavity). Thanks to this, local protection is developed at the site where the pathogen enters the body, but a sufficient amount of antibodies is not synthesized.

Vaccination with this drug is relevant against FCoV. But in the case of infectious peritonitis, the effectiveness of the vaccination is not guaranteed. Although, when infected with the virus, the animal will experience a milder form of the disease.

Veterinarians advise vaccinating cats before they reach 16-17 weeks. But often babies have already become infected by this point. To get vaccinated, a doctor is called to your home to avoid contact of the infected pet with healthy people. After the procedure, you cannot let the cat go outside or attend exhibition shows for at least 3-4 days.

Vaccine for prevention

Animals staying in nurseries are at greatest risk - there the virus can be more actively transmitted due to overcrowding. Therefore, before taking a baby from there, you need to find out from the breeder about cases of coronavirus disease in this community.

Prevention and vaccination of coronavirus

The best prevention option would be a coronavirus vaccine. Work on its development has been ongoing since the early 90s of the 20th century. American scientists have obtained the Primucell vaccine, which is administered intranasally into the cat’s body. Despite the high cost of the vaccine, its effectiveness is not high enough. In addition, the coronavirus vaccine is rarely used in Russia.

Since intestinal coronavirus is most often found in large cat populations, preventive measures include mass serological surveys of shelters and nurseries. Carriers and already sick cats and kittens are isolated. This measure, in parallel with antiviral prophylaxis, makes it possible to keep under control a dangerous disease spreading among purebred animals.

To avoid treating cats in the future, you should keep the premises clean. It is recommended to regularly treat cat personal hygiene items with disinfectants. Coronavirus dies at high temperatures, in ammonia, 3% sodium hypochlorite solution.

To maintain a cat’s immunity against coronavirus, it is necessary to organize a nutritious diet, monitor the deworming schedule, neutralize stressful situations, and create physical activity according to age. Such prevention can serve as a good alternative to vaccination.

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Disease prevention

Coronavirus infection is one of the most common serious diseases among domestic cats; dogs tolerate it much more easily. Scientists even compare this disease with blood leukemia (leukemia). Therefore, it is easier to prevent damage than to look for treatment methods later.

Veterinarians recommend following basic measures:

  • Create decent living conditions for your pet . The room should be dry, clean, and warm. The animal's resting bed, food and drinking bowls, litter tray, and other household items are regularly washed and disinfected. It should be noted that the pathogenic microbe dies at high temperatures, under the influence of ammonia and sodium hypochlorite.
  • Organize a balanced and nutritious diet . Be sure to include vitamin and mineral supplements in the diet if the cat is on natural food (ready-made food already contains them).
  • Strengthen the animal's immunity in every possible way . To do this, they periodically visit a veterinary clinic for examination and obtain medical prescriptions. Take your pet out into the fresh air more often. You can plant a special herb on the windowsill, which is useful not only for the immune status, but also for health in general. Any diseases are treated without delay to avoid complications.
  • Before adoption, the kitten is placed in a two-week quarantine (isolated) . This is provided that there are other pets in the house. It is also unacceptable for a domestic cat to come into contact with stray animals while walking.
  • Follow a deworming schedule and treat for fleas . It is advisable to carry out antihelminthic treatment once every 3 months. These parasites greatly weaken your pet's immune system, thereby putting it at risk of contracting the coronavirus.

The owner should try to avoid frequent stressful situations for his pet. This means: moving to another place, transferring the animal into other hands, traveling together, etc. This has a detrimental effect on the immune system.

To be on the safe side, it is recommended to get a vaccine, but it does not provide a 100% guarantee of safety against coronavirus infection. Breeding cats and female cats should be tested for the virus twice a year. Tests are required before each mating. Seronegative and seropositive individuals cannot be mated, otherwise infection is inevitable.

How can an animal become infected?

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The infection is contagious, therefore, among all sources of infection, the virus-carrying animal takes first place. It doesn't matter whether he shows symptoms or not. In this regard, any accumulation of cats on the street, nurseries, shelters, and even accidental contact with a sick individual pose a danger.

Indirect communication through shared care items also plays a role. The source of the coronavirus can be food and water bowls, a tray, and beds. They contain saliva or traces of excrement through which the microbe is transmitted. After a sick cat, the virus lives on objects for another 24 hours, after which it is destroyed. Eating the feces of relatives on the street is also a risk factor for cats, since the coronavirus remains viable in them for much longer - up to several months.

Popular questions and answers

Conscientious and caring owners are always concerned about the condition of their pet. This is especially true for possible diseases. But the coronavirus is a separate topic, about which many questions arise. The main ones are answered by specialists.

Is coronavirus transmitted from cats to dogs?

Cats cannot transmit coronavirus to dogs, and vice versa, due to their different physiologies. It is worth noting that a dog vaccine will be useless for cats if they are infected with the virus. In scientific terms, the virus has different genesis.

Here, for comparison, we can cite a human virus from China. They have the same name, but it affects a single living organism differently. The same goes for human and feline AIDS.

Statements from a veterinarian! Dogs also have their own coronavirus, similar to that of cats. It manifests itself in the form of symptoms, as in gastroenterocolitis and respiratory lesions. However, the virus does not mutate into a complicated form of FIP.

Can it be treated at home?

As such, the measures that an owner can take against coronavirus infection in an affected pet can hardly be called a full-fledged treatment. The main thing is to protect the animal from nervous overexcitation, which greatly weakens the immune system and aggravates the situation.

Therefore, it is necessary to provide the cat with comfortable living conditions and strengthen the body’s protective properties with the help of vitamins and minerals in the form of special supplements. If there are gastrointestinal disorders and concomitant infections in an animal, try to cure them as quickly as possible. Here you need to focus on test results and doctor’s orders.

Veterinarians say that it is not the virus itself that should be feared, but its mutation. In most cases, this is what leads to the inevitable death of the cat. A person does not have the opportunity to somehow prevent or influence the process of mutation of a microbe. This phenomenon depends on the immune status of the animal and the severity of the lesion.

Kittens aged six months to one year are resistant to coronavirus. From a large litter, usually only one baby can get coronavirus peritonitis. It is easy to become infected directly with coronavirus, but peritonitis is almost impossible (it is not contagious). Only the intestinal form of infection – gastroenteritis – can be transmitted.

Is coronavirus transmitted from cats to humans?

Veterinarians have noted this trend today - there have been many requests to euthanize their mustachioed pets due to their coronavirus infection. Many compare it to Covid-19 and are afraid of getting infected. Only these are completely different diseases.

Feline coronavirus is a certain strain of pathogenic bacteria, similar in type to the causative agent of human herpes. Only the herpes virus is present in almost everyone. The situation is similar with the cat - it is in the natural nature of the physiology of cats. Under severe stress or having been ill with something, the cat’s immunity is weakened. Against this background, the virus mutates and it dies. But most animals live quietly with this pathogen, which is in a “dormant state.” And they are not dangerous to people.

Even by kissing your pet, infection will not occur. Only with constant contact with an infected cat (if it is a stranger) can you bring the pathogen into your own home and infect your cat. Therefore, if your pet is diagnosed with coronavirus, you should not immediately abandon it.

How is coronavirus transmitted in cats?

Cats usually become infected with coronavirus enteritis through their own feces. It is rare that the virus is transmitted through saliva or airborne droplets. And the FIPV form is generally viable only in blood cells, and therefore is not excreted through feces and saliva.

It is impossible to become infected with infectious peritonitis that develops against the background of coronavirus. It is a consequence of gastroenteritis - a mutation of the pathogenic strain.

Do cats get sick with covid 19 coronavirus?

Antibodies to different types of coronavirus are present in most cats and dogs. But all forms are in no way related to the human disease called Covid-19. So cats don't get sick from it.

Can a cat get coronavirus from a person?

Those sick with the Covid-19 coronavirus are advised not to have close contact with pets, as there is a possibility of transmitting the virus. Although in reality only one such case was recorded. This happened in Belgium, where the owner infected his cat.

Therefore, you should entrust the care of your pet to someone close to you. If this is not possible, then wear a protective mask and follow basic hygiene rules (wash your hands often, do not kiss an animal or allow yourself to be licked by it, do not give food from your hands).

Signs and symptoms

Coronavirus in cats is often asymptomatic. In some cases, diarrhea appears and lasts about a week.

Signs of infection with this infection can be very diverse, because it affects various organs. Owners need to recognize the manifestations of feline enteritis and viral peritonitis in order to save their pet’s life.

Symptoms of enteritis:

  • diarrhea;
  • lack of appetite;
  • vomit;
  • depressed state;
  • white coating on the tongue;
  • poor coat condition;
  • the appearance of bad breath;
  • temperature increase;
  • bloating;
  • lacrimation;
  • runny nose;
  • abdominal pain when palpated;
  • sneezing.

It is important! Enteric coronavirus in cats can be recognized if there is a combination of cold symptoms and problems with the digestive system.

Viral peritonitis in cats usually begins with signs of enteritis, and then develops rapidly.

The main symptoms of feline infectious peritonitis:

  • lethargic and depressed state;
  • lack of appetite;
  • sudden weight loss;
  • dull and dry, as if dirty, coat;
  • enlargement of the abdomen due to the accumulation of fluid in it;
  • stunted growth in kittens;
  • temperature increase;
  • dyspnea;
  • formation of dry plaque on the eyelids;
  • heart failure;
  • paralysis of limbs;
  • kidney failure;
  • yellowing or blanching of the mucous membranes.


Feline coronavirus is a serious disease of infectious origin, which most often affects kittens under 2 years of age and adult cats that have crossed the ten-year age mark. The virus causes gastroenteritis, which can, under certain circumstances, develop into a chronic form. With weakened immunity and other negative factors, the strain mutates and leads to even more harmful consequences. If the disease can be diagnosed in the early stages, the process can be stopped with medication. Otherwise, the treatment is not effective and the animal dies.

Be healthy!

Who's at risk

High susceptibility from 3 months to 3 years. Coronavirus infection is rarely diagnosed in older cats. Sometimes a chronic form of FECV is detected.

The disease spreads quickly in crowded conditions. The probability of infection of individuals in a small area when a coronavirus hits is from 70 to 100%. When the intestinal form of the pathogen mutates into a viral one, a massive outbreak of the disease occurs, threatening the lives of almost all cats.

FECV infection occurs due to poor hygiene and disinfection of rooms and cells. When the intestinal form mutates and the pathogen begins to multiply in macrophages, viral peritonitis develops.

Sources of infection

Young cats under two years of age, as well as older animals, are most at risk of contracting the virus. Only born kittens can receive it from their mother, which is why the death of the babies will be almost inevitable. Low immunity, poor heredity, unsanitary living conditions become factors that provoke the disease.

It has been established that the main source is contact with an infected individual living in the same territory, encountered on a walk or provided for mating. It is not for nothing that the disease is called a problem for all nurseries, since overcrowding has a beneficial effect on the spread of infection. There is evidence that from 50 to 85% of nursery inhabitants are sick or are passive spreaders of the strain.

Don't forget about this when buying a kitten. You must ask the seller for veterinary documents reflecting the results of tests performed and information on primary comprehensive vaccination.

The penetration process is facilitated by:

  • eating excrement;
  • use of shared hygiene items or utensils;
  • unsanitary conditions of detention;
  • constant close contact of cats with each other.

Pets that exist separately from their relatives are least susceptible to infection. If a cat lives alone with its owner, gets little walks, and encounters with other cats are kept to a minimum, then the likelihood of contracting an infection is practically non-existent. However, there have been cases of the bacteria entering homes through infected feces, particles of which end up on the wheels of a bicycle, baby stroller or the sole of a shoe.

Signs do not appear immediately. The incubation time for development within the body is about three weeks, but in weakened or old animals, manifestations will begin within 3-4 days.

Probability of infection

Veterinarians are still arguing about why some cats become infected with coronavirus, while others are spared the disease. Many experts are of the opinion that the animal’s immunity plays a major role. As a rule, the strongest organism is found in young healthy individuals aged 2 to 8-10 years. Accordingly, the risk group includes:

  • kittens up to 1 year, large breeds – up to 1.5 years;
  • elderly individuals - from 10 years and older, thoroughbreds - from 8 years and older;
  • albino and allergic animals;
  • animals with a chronic disease or recently recovered from it.

Of course, even a young, healthy cat can catch the coronavirus. Its susceptibility will be determined not only by the strength of the immune system, but also by the type of virus.

Danger to humans

Much to the relief of many owners, the coronavirus is not transmitted to humans. But this does not mean that precautions do not need to be taken - people can become carriers of the infection.

If your cat is sick with coronavirus, try to limit your contact with other animals so as not to transfer the strain to them. Disinfect the room – and more than once. Maintain a strict cleaning schedule.

If you have other pets, if possible, temporarily relocate them to another house or apartment to prevent them from becoming infected. This applies not only to cats, but also to dogs.

How to treat a pet

At this stage of medical development, there is no single method to get rid of a dangerous strain forever. There is not a single medicinal complex that can cure a furry patient. Immunologists are delayed in creating a vaccine against coronavirus in cats.

General therapy

Currently, the therapy used eliminates only the symptoms, preventing the occurrence of complications. Almost every recovered individual becomes a carrier of the infection inside its body.

in a cat is treated in several stages and techniques


  • prescription of antiviral medications;
  • taking corticosteroids and antibiotics to eliminate inflammatory processes;
  • prescription of immunomodulators to increase protective functions;
  • the use of sorbents that allow the removal of toxins and waste from the pet’s organs (“Polysorb”, activated carbon, “White coal”);
  • taking protectors or prebiotics to treat secondary factors of the disease;
  • the use of antispasmodics using intramuscular injections (no-spa, papaverine);
  • prescription of antiemetic drugs (Metoclopramide, Pro-chlorpromazine);
  • the use of droppers with glucose solution, vitamins for severe dehydration or weight loss;
  • collection of fluid from the pleural and abdominal cavity.

Drug "Poliferrin-A"

considered one of the best immunomodulators. Being an analogue of colostrum, the drug has a strong antiviral and anti-inflammatory effect.

Another medicine known as Roncoleukin

, allows you to stimulate the awakening of weakened immunity.
The drug "Globcan-5"
provides the mustachioed pet with the necessary antibodies.

Sometimes your veterinarian will prescribe human immunomodulatory medications. However, they are prohibited when the strain mutates into a more severe subtype, so as not to worsen the patient’s condition.

Treatment of enteritis

Relieving intestinal inflammation begins with strictly limiting the furry pet's diet. The suffering patient is not fed at all for the first 24 hours after diagnosis of the disease, leaving only fresh drinking water available. If the dehydration of the body is very severe, then special glucose solutions or vitamin preparations are used to maintain optimal electrolyte levels.

If the course of the disease is favorable, oatmeal porridge boiled in water is given on the second or third day. Viscous cereal envelops the intestinal walls, thereby accelerating the recovery of the damaged organ and increases the motility of the gastrointestinal tract. On the doctor’s recommendation, a small amount of lean minced meat is added to the diet a few days later.

Often, veterinarians perform intestinal lavage using castor oil or Glauber's salt. The use of these drugs depends on the complexity of the inflammatory process. In case of severe frequent loose stools, the patient is prescribed astringent medications, which are given under the strict supervision of a doctor.

If the high body temperature does not subside and the diarrhea does not stop, then the specialist prescribes a course of antibiotics, which should stop the development of complications against the background of a spreading infection. Such medications can be prescribed by injection, dropper, or tablet.

Viral enteritis involves antiviral rehabilitation and the prescription of immunomodulatory medications to restore the body's protective functions. In case of hemorrhage in the digestive section, hemostatic drugs with vitamin K are used. To ensure faster recovery of the infected area, taking vitamin-mineral complexes is indicated.

Features of the treatment of peritonitis

Can severe intestinal inflammation be cured? This question worries every owner of a cat with this terrible disease. Unfortunately, the mortality rate for this diagnosis is about 90% of cases. There is no single adequate treatment, but there is a set of measures aimed at maintaining a more or less normal condition of the infected patient.

The prescription of painkillers is aimed at blocking severe pain. Ice compresses are used for the same purpose. They are applied to the inflamed abdominal cavity to at least slightly relieve the acute pain. The set of measures directly depends on the type of inflammation diagnosed.

The viral form involves taking antiviral medications plus medications that reduce pain. In addition, immunostimulants and vitamin complexes are prescribed. For infectious inflammation, antibacterial solutions and antibiotics are used as intramuscular or subcutaneous injections.

The dry type is treated with immune-boosting drugs, pain-relieving injections, and a course of antibiotics. To reduce intoxication, glucose solution and saline solution are used.

If your pet is suffering from wet peritonitis, your veterinarian will perform intestinal lavage, which pumps out fluid from the abdominal cavity. This procedure will help reduce pain. A course of vaccinations with an antibiotic is also prescribed.

In general, all measures against inflammation are aimed at preventing possible complications. Any owner of a home mustache should remember that it is easier to prevent inflammation of internal organs than to cure it.

What to do if you have been in contact with a person who has been diagnosed with coronavirus?

You may have been infected too. The risk of infection increases if you have close contact with an infected person. This means living together or being in close proximity to someone who has COVID-19.

The best solution is to take a coronavirus test. Please self-isolate (for at least 14 days) until you receive your results. Do not go to work, school or public places.

Stay in a well-ventilated area. Ask for hand sanitizers (such as antiseptics). If not in a separate room, then maintain a distance (at least 1 m) even from other family members.

Caring for an infected person

During the treatment period, it is important that your pet receives appropriate care. The diet should also be reviewed. For example, if he received industrial feed before his illness, now he needs to be switched to natural food. The transition should be gradual, but mandatory. The consumption of protein contained in meat products is determined by the need to restore the tissue of the affected intestine as quickly as possible.

The cat should drink a sufficient amount of clean water. On the recommendation of a veterinarian, the patient is given decoctions of rosehip or stinging nettle. The doctor prescribes vitamins that help boost the pet’s immune system. Regular deworming is mandatory to maintain a normal standard of living.

Unsanitary living conditions negatively affect a cat’s recovery, so cleanliness is needed not only for the cat itself, but also among bowls, trays, various hygiene items, and toys. When two or more relatives live together in the same territory, they are provided with separate plates and toiletries.

Intestinal infections are treated only under the supervision of a veterinarian. Only a specialist can monitor the patient’s condition or change the treatment conditions during regular examination of the infected patient.

Forms of the virus

The course of the disease directly depends on the bacteria that has entered the body of the individual. They build on it when prescribing medications and therapy. There are three options for the development of malaise:

  • asymptomatic;
  • easy;
  • heavy.

First option

considered the most common. This strain poses a threat not to the carrier, but to domestic relatives living in the neighborhood.

Mild course

typical for adults. Infection with bacteria provokes the development of enteritis. Diarrhea, high fever, runny nose, eye inflammation, and vomiting accompany the disease. The animal experiences pain in the abdomen, and a white coating forms on the tongue. Coronavirus enteritis in cats combines symptoms of poisoning and colds.

Severe leakage

associated with a sharp deterioration in condition, loss of appetite, and vomiting. Weight loss begins, mucous membranes begin to turn pale. With the wet subtype, ascites develops - accumulation of fluid in the abdomen, dysfunction of the kidneys, liver, and vascular damage. Muscle tissue gradually loses elasticity, and cramps are possible due to disturbances in the functioning of the nervous system.

The dry subtype is characterized by a sharp decrease in weight, and in later stages – a problem with the functioning of internal organs. The infection often combines both types or one begins to mutate into the other.

Wet inflammation without proper treatment lasts for about six months, then becomes dry, causing the death of the pet. Dry peritonitis is considered chronic, slowly and over a long period of time destroying the cat’s body.

Diagnosis of the disease

To protect healthy cats and promptly begin treatment for sick pets, coronavirus infections should be diagnosed as quickly as possible. Elements of medical check:

  • PCR and ICA tests to detect the presence of viruses, bacteria and helminths in the blood in the feces;
  • laboratory tests of ELISA and ICA, allowing to determine the titer value and the presence of antibodies;
  • tests that determine the degree of disease by the number of antibodies;
  • analysis of protein content and A/G ratio (albumin/globulin);
  • testing microflora for sensitivity to antibiotics;
  • making a diagnosis after applying various treatment methods.

All modern diagnostic methods require repeated testing using alternative techniques. To date, detection of the presence of a virus does not allow us to give an unambiguous judgment about the nature of viral particles.

Forms of manifestation

Based on severity, coronavirus is divided as follows:

  • Asymptomatic virus carriers. Most cases of coronavirus occur in cats.
  • Chronic or subacute course. Appears in the form of signs characteristic of gastroenteritis. Periodic vomiting and diarrhea, sometimes mixed with blood, are possible. Dehydration does not occur and the condition is not life-threatening. Both complete recovery and progression of the disease to a more severe form are possible.
  • Acute course. It is mainly observed when a cat develops infectious peritonitis. With this form, all internal organs are involved in the process. The virus causes vasculitis, that is, inflammation of all blood vessels inside the body. The porosity of the vessels increases, that is, “pores open” through which free liquid comes out.

Feline infectious peritonitis can occur in two forms:

  • Wet

    With this form, free fluid forms in the abdominal and/or chest cavity. Fluid may also appear in the pericardium (heart sac).

  • Dry

    Characterized by the formation of nodules on internal organs. These are so-called granulomatous inflammatory foci that affect tissues and impair the performance of organs.

The development of infectious peritonitis in different forms is due to different mechanisms. Cells of the immune system, or rather macrophages, begin to attack the virus, trying to protect the body. Macrophages adhere to the surface of the virus, but cannot defeat it. The accumulation of cells and viruses leads to the formation of globules that fill the blood capillaries. There are then two options:

  • The permeability of the capillary walls increases, and the liquid part of the blood begins to leak through them into the cavities. Thus, the effusion form occurs.
  • Blood flow slows down, resulting in a decrease in blood supply to all organs and tissues, and organs gradually begin to fail. This is how the dry form proceeds.
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