Pixie-bob haircut: beautiful and bright ideas (50 photos)

Pixie Bob is a short-tailed cat with an exotic appearance and an easy-going disposition. The spotted coat and pointed ears decorated with tassels give the animal a resemblance to a wild lynx and increase its value in the eyes of breeders.

To understand how to make a pixie-bob’s stay near a person comfortable, let’s look at the main characteristics of cats of this breed.

Brief description of the breed

If we translate the name of the breed from English, it will literally be “short-tailed elf.” In appearance and appearance, they can be confused with a lynx, but if you get acquainted with their disposition, you can immediately understand that appearances are deceptive. These cats have a very soft, friendly character. Pixiebobs are like dogs and are very attached to their owners. It is difficult to get used to a new family and often the family in which the cat grew up remains the only one for him for the rest of his life.

Breed standard

The pixie-bob cat looks a lot like a lynx in a bad mood. But, in fact, they are wonderful playful cats, loving and devoted like dogs. Therefore, it is better not to take adult elves. The process of getting used to and adapting will be very difficult. They remain devoted to the family in which they grew up for the rest of their lives.

Pixie bob with straightened strands

This is a very elegant option that makes its owner unusually sophisticated and feminine. But focused and enterprising businesswomen can also try this haircut. The sharper the edges are, the more rigorous the result will be.

In any case, make sure that the roots retain their natural volume. A smoothed crown will not look as impressive as light and natural pomp.

Photo: tr.pinterest.com

Photo: oxsy.ru

Origin story

The origin of this amazing breed is still controversial among breeders and specialists. These cats have an interesting, attention-grabbing appearance. There are legends and tales about them.

One of the assumptions about the origin of this breed comes down to the crossing of a lynx and an ordinary mongrel cat. But experts are not inclined to adhere to this theory, explaining that in this case the offspring would not be able to reproduce further.

Therefore, there is a more truthful version of the origin of this feline species. According to this version, the hand of a man from America intervened in the appearance of the breed. This breeder's name was Carol Ann Brewer. Her goal was to breed a domestic cat with the appearance of a lynx, and her efforts were crowned with success.

A lot of painstaking work was done. Only thanks to this, amazing animals were born with the appearance of an American lynx, but the character of a kind domestic cat.

The story goes back to the 80s. The breeder took a cat from familiar farmers. She was unusual. The animal had a short tail, a deviation associated with the presence of a large number of toes.

Some time passed, and the breeder found a large, heavy, stray cat with a stubby tail.

Carol experimented and connected these cats with each other. After this, a kitten was born with a short tail and a beautiful spotted coat. The kitten was named Pixie (Elf), he became the first of the pixiebobs.

Carol did not stop these experiments. Some time has passed, she presents her pets at a cat show in Washington. The cats were a copy of the lynx, only smaller in size, and naturally attracted everyone's interest in their appearance. This was a breakthrough in felinology.

In 1995, the pixie-bob cat breed received official status, and the first standards appeared. The cats are registered with TICA and ACFA.

Anatomical characteristics

This breed can have up to seven toes on one paw.
Pixie-bob cats have a number of anatomical features:

  • The body is medium-sized or larger, large-boned, strong chest.
  • The weight of cats can be up to 10 kg, and in cats up to 5 kg.
  • The muscles are developed, the body is strong with a curve at the back. When walking, the scapular parts stand out. create a feeling of impressive graceful gait.
  • The hind paws differ from the front paws in height, are large, round in shape, sometimes there are cats with 6 or more toes;
  • Short tail, within 6 cm. Kinks are allowed, but a straight one is better.
  • The head is pear-shaped, wide at the top with a narrowing towards the nose, the chin is courageous.
  • The nose is voluminous, long, and stands out strongly.
  • The ears are of impressive size, widely spaced, turned outward, with tufts at the ends.
  • The eyes are almond-shaped, far apart, light brown or green in color.
  • The coat is profuse, sticking out above the body, and can be long or short. Soft and elastic.

Pixie bob with hanging bangs

Hanging bangs laid to one side are a distinctive feature of elegant ladies with the subtlest charm. Volume at the roots is important here, but without backcombing. It is best to create it with a curling iron or iron.

You should not tuck such bangs behind your ear - they should hang freely on one side of the face. Make sure that the ends are no longer than the jawline, otherwise you will end up with sloppy strands. If desired, the ends can be curled a little to add a touch of romance and lightness.

Photo: westsharm.ru

Photo: pinterest.ru

Dimensions and weight

The color of cats can be different.
Pisky bob cats can be of different sizes. The average weight of an adult cat is 5-8 kg. But there are very large cats, reaching a weight of 12 kg. Cats, on the other hand, are smaller in size, weighing 3-5 kg.

The average height is 30-35 cm by 12 months, but it happens that pets grow to this size only by 4 years.


The color of cats can change depending on the season and molting. May be brown or have a gray shade of spotted tabby, gray or inverted ticking. Sometimes the coloring is similar to a wild lynx, for example lighter in the head and belly area.

Detailed characteristics of the drawing:

The pads on the paws should be dark brown or black. The tip of the tail is dark brown. Dark stripes from eyes to cheeks. There is a light edging around the eyes. The forehead has a dark pattern in the shape of the letter “M”. The mustache is dark at the base to white at the ends. Spots of varying sizes may occur throughout the body, subdued by tagging, in different orders. The abdominal area is spotted.

Character and habits

Smart and well-mannered cats,
Piskibobs are trusting, gentle creatures. They consider the family in which they live to be their pack, become very attached, and love every member of the family. They need to be in the center of events, love attention and cannot live without communication. They are very bored when they are left alone at home, patiently waiting for their owners. They are very loyal.

Pixie-bob cats are playful, active and fun-loving. Capable of carrying toys in their teeth. They love to jump and climb trees. They always come when called.

They are very smart, think well, and are curious. They respond to human speech with meows, specific sounds just like servals.

They adapt to the life schedule of their owners. In the kitchen they behave in a balanced and calm manner, patiently waiting to be fed.

How to choose the right kitten

This is a very rare breed; if you decide to buy a kitten, it is better to do it in a specialized nursery, where, with the help of accompanying documentation, they will confirm the purebred origin of the kitten’s breed. In the nursery the pedigree will be immediately clear. There you can also find people with whom you can consult. In addition, there is always a choice and you can choose a kitten that is visually most suitable for a person.

The first step in choosing a kitten is to determine your goals. To participate in various exhibitions you need to buy a show-class kitten. Pixies of this class will exactly comply with all norms and standards.

The breed class will not become real champions due to some inconsistencies in external characteristics. But they can participate in different shows and become good producers.

The Elf kitten is weaned from its mother later than other kittens.

There is also a pet class. Cats of this class cannot participate in reproduction or exhibitions. But if this is not the main goal and you want a faithful, devoted, affectionate friend, then this is the right choice for the future owner.

Kitten care

Pixiebobab kittens are fully cared for by their mother, a cat. The change of ownership occurs no earlier than three to five months. At this time, the kitten should already be vaccinated, treated against various parasites and helminths, developed and well-fed in accordance with its age.

Layered haircut

The “layer-by-layer” technique is chosen by those who need additional volume. The technique is based on alternating strands of different lengths. The bottom ones are made the longest, and the hair on the top is left the shortest length. Due to this, the effect of multi-layering is obtained. The more layers, the more volume.

Care and maintenance of an adult cat

Piskibobs are unpretentious in care, so caring for them is the same as for a purebred cat. It is better if the cat has a special place in the form of a bed, a house, or a special design. To polish your nails, you should have a scratching post. If you plan to go for walks, you need to get a leash or harness.

The short-haired elf needs a number of procedures. The coat should be brushed weekly using a natural bristle brush. More often when shedding.

Emerald eyes

Cats of this breed are very fond of water procedures, so they themselves can throw themselves into a bath of water. But in order to preserve the animal’s top layer, it should be washed no more than once every few weeks (3-4). For bathing you need to use specialized pet shampoos.

Pixie ears require constant inspection and cleaning. Cleaning cannot be done using cotton swabs. You need to take cotton pads soaked in water or antiseptic.

The claws should be trimmed with a special bone cutter.


Pixiebob cats eat almost everything and do not show character when choosing food. It is important to immediately decide which type of food to choose - dry food or natural food. For those who have little time, it is better to choose the first option. The main thing is to choose a food that has a balanced composition with vitamins and all the necessary microelements.

The second option is suitable for those who are ready to pay enough attention, because the owner will always know what his cat is eating.

Kittens are often fed 6 times a day, but reduced to twice a day. Adult cats should eat twice a day. Pixies love meat very much, even the smallest kittens. But it is better to feed lean meat, for example chicken or turkey. It is recommended to mix meat scalded with boiling water into porridge.

Think about your diet in advance

In addition to meat and a mixture of cereals, cats of this breed need to include in their diet every day:

  1. Eggs (chicken or quail).
  2. Sea or river fish of low-fat varieties.
  3. Yogurts, cottage cheese, low-fat kefir and other fermented milk products. A prerequisite must be the absence of foreign impurities and flavorings.
  4. Different types of seafood.

It is not recommended to give adult cats whole cow's milk. This may cause digestive disorders. If the cat is given natural food, then it is necessary to include specialized vitamins and minerals in the diet.

This is especially important when the kitten is actively growing, and this period can last up to 4 years. The menu should include fresh herbs. In crushed form, it is served along with porridges and other dishes. Bread and crackers can also sometimes be given to your beloved pets.

Education and physical activity

To stay healthy, you need to play with the elves for 15-20 minutes every day. In the warm season, take walks with a leash. Teach your kitten to hygiene from a young age.

In-cabin technology

The haircut is performed in several layers and involves careful consideration of each strand. The master's technique may vary depending on the type of hairstyle chosen. The standard execution scheme looks like this:

  1. The master separates the triangle from temple to temple, capturing the crown. Divides the back of the head into 2 parts with a vertical parting, and then horizontally into 4 parts.
  2. Cuts from the neck line to the back of the head, gradually adding length to the hair. Then a central strand is selected from the top of the head and cut off with a pull. The occipital zone will be treated according to its level.
  3. The parietal part is cut from the crown, the hair is divided into horizontal strands. The remains of the parietal strands are combed along with the bangs to one side and cut diagonally.
  4. The ear edging area is processed from the temporal part. The strands are cut diagonally with extension towards the face. Cut “strand by strand”, moving from the sides to the central parting.

After finishing the haircut, go through dry hair with thinning scissors.

Health and susceptibility to disease

On a walk
The lifespan of pixiebobs is about 12-15 years. They are in good health and in good physical shape.

Heredity is good, so diseases along this line are extremely rare. There have been cases of diseases of the genitourinary system, as well as heart disease. To prevent diseases, you need to be regularly examined by veterinarians, and when buying a kitten, find out about the diseases of the parents.

Breed defects

Description of appearance defects due to which an animal may receive fewer points:

  1. The belly is dark.
  2. The length and smoothness of the coat is inconsistent.
  3. Lack of distinct eyebrows and chin.
  4. Ears are not large enough or set too high.
  5. Distorted head shape, too flat forehead.
  6. Inconsistency in the bend of the legs.
  7. Not wide hips.
  8. The skin pouch on the abdomen is not pronounced.
  9. The back is too flat.
  10. The tail is either too small or too long.

Active and playful cats
. Vices that prevent you from obtaining a title:

  1. The color or pattern of the coat does not meet the standards.
  2. The presence of a wool collar.
  3. Irregular eye shape.
  4. Too thin build.

Disadvantages leading to disqualification:

  1. No tail.
  2. The tail is too small or full length.
  3. Presence of more than 7 toes on the paws.

Who is it suitable for?

Pixie bob is suitable for girls who:

  • thin, weak hair (hairstyle will add volume);
  • round or square face (the ideal shape is selected by shifting the volume and long strands at the temples);
  • long oval face (a pixie bob with straight bangs is recommended for them to harmonize the proportions);
  • full cheeks or pronounced cheekbones (to hide this nuance, use darkening when painting).

Haircuts are contraindicated for overweight girls and women. It completely opens the neck and makes the silhouette visually heavy, which is why the owner does not appear in the best light.

According to face shape

When choosing a haircut, the oval shape is of no small importance.

Full faceA classic haircut with short, medium or asymmetrical thick bangs is best suited. Tousled curls on the sides or shaved temple areas also look good. Dyeing your hair brightly or using highlights will make your look more noticeable and attractive.
Round faceA haircut with a small volume in the crown area is suitable (you can backcomb it).
It will distract attention from rounded cheeks and visually “stretch out” the oval. A hairstyle combined with asymmetrical bangs also looks stylish. This style corrects the side zones and oval. A hairstyle that is longer on the sides looks good. It “masks” the cheeks and gives the face sophisticated, graceful features, but on the condition that the length of the curls should reach the level of the cheekbones.
Oval faceAlmost any variation of the pixie bob is suitable - from a traditional hairstyle to an asymmetrical model.
Square faceIt is necessary to choose a voluminous haircut, complemented by oblique bangs.
It will “hide” expressive cheekbones and make a large forehead less noticeable. The asymmetrical design also helps soften rough features. Straight lines and a central parting are contraindicated for such an oval.
Triangular and long faceThose with a heart shape should prefer a hairstyle that has a little volume near the temples and long bangs.
An elongated oval shape is suitable for a hairstyle decorated with torn curls reaching ear level and bangs combed to the side.

By hair type and structure

All types of haircuts are suitable for straight hair. A short model complemented by small bangs is suitable for wavy curls. This style is worn by actress Helly Belly. However, the pixie bob should not be done by those with small curls. It will be difficult to style after shortening the curls.

The haircut perfectly tames coarse thick strands, giving the hairstyle a neat look, and makes porous sparse curls more voluminous thanks to the special design of the hair.

According to the age

Pixie bob hairstyle is suitable for women of different age categories:

  • Young girls are allowed to choose any haircut style to highlight their individuality. Stylish models make young fashionistas very attractive.
  • For women over 40, hairstyles that are slightly casual will suit them. Wrinkles on the forehead will be masked by an asymmetrical haircut or bangs with a “ragged” edge. However, they should abandon dark tones in their hair. It is better to give preference to natural or cold blonde.

  • Stylists recommend shortening the strands of women over 50 as much as possible. Such haircuts allow them to look stylish, modern, and young. Hairdressers also advise dyeing your hair in discreet light shades or using complex coloring. A dark palette will only add to the year.

By color type of appearance

Pixie bob is a short haircut that suits all color types of appearance. The hairstyle just needs to be given a shade that suits the owner’s appearance.

Sterilization and castration

A rare breed for our country
It is believed that sterilization harms the health of pets and shortens their life, but this is not true. In fact, castrated animals live longer than others and become ill less often. They have no hormonal problems, a stronger psyche, they are more intellectually developed, and they communicate more easily with people. The likelihood of cancer is reduced. The animal's life becomes calmer and better.

Veterinarians tend to recommend castration of pets at the age of 7-9 months. At this age, the process of puberty has not yet completed, but the body is already sufficiently formed. It is better for a cat to be sterilized before or after the first discharge.

When the anesthesia wears off, the animal needs supervision. Do not feed the animal, give it a little to drink. If the animal tries to crawl into the wound, an Elizabethan collar will need to be worn. If the animal is cold, it needs to be wrapped and warmed. The seams need to be treated with brilliant green. If suspicious symptoms appear, you need to show the animal to a veterinarian.


Mating with other breeds is not allowed. Americans do not like to sell these cats outside of their country, especially when it comes to breeding. Therefore, in Russia it is very difficult to select cats for mating.

The partner is selected in advance, after checking the pedigree and health. Both partners undergo examination at a veterinary hospital before mating. Be sure to have all the necessary vaccinations and get rid of parasites two weeks before mating.

A cat can meet a male cat from the age of 1 year, but must wait until after the second or third heat. It is important for a cat to be older and more experienced, then there is a greater chance of success.

Mating rules:

  1. On the second or third day of estrus, the cat is brought to the cat’s territory and left there for 3-5 days.
  2. It is better to give cats a separate room.
  3. Before the process, it is better to trim your pets' nails so that they do not injure each other.

Pixie bob with straight bangs

You should not make the lines of your bangs perfectly straight; let individual strands stick out a little to the sides, overlap each other, and be full of torn ends. You don’t have to bother with root volume – your hairstyle will look stunning even without it.

Parting in such bangs is not necessary; the strands can go in a continuous row, ending at the temples. You should also not curl the ends, so as not to disrupt the integrity of the original image.

Photo: pinterest.ru

Italian haircut: beautiful and fashionable ideas (50 photos)

Interesting Facts

Forest color
Pixiebob cats are very interesting and extraordinary; it is important for every future owner to know interesting facts about them.

  1. Breeding of the breed continued for several years.
  2. Cats of this breed can have seven toes on one paw, and this is only welcomed by the standards of this breed.
  3. Pixiebobs grow up to 4 years.
  4. Kittens have blue eyes, but over time the color changes to gold, green or brown.
  5. Pixie cats are famous for their thieving nature.
  6. It is considered a national treasure of the United States, so it is difficult to take this breed outside its borders.
  7. In Russia, pixie bobs are considered rare and, according to some, there are only 15 of them.
  8. They don’t like any changes in the environment, the hostess’s hairstyle, etc.
  9. Cats with tassels on their ears are considered the most valuable.
  10. The name of the breed is also found in the name of the women's haircut.

Pixie bob on wavy hair

Light curls will not only allow you to show off your romantic nature, but will also highlight your excellent sense of style. As a rule, waves are made on the entire head, except for the back of the head, although this area can be beautifully decorated if you maintain moderation in volume.

You can curl only the bangs, but you need to make sure that this part of the hairstyle does not stand out from the overall holistic image.

Photo: richardquickdesign.com

Pros and cons of the breed

Appearances can be deceiving
Before getting a pet, you should study the pros and cons of this breed.

Pros of pixiebobs:

  1. The appearance is very similar to a lynx.
  2. Devotion.
  3. Good to train, similar to dogs.
  4. Good-natured and peaceful, open, non-aggressive.
  5. Quiet, don't meow too much.
  6. Care does not require much effort.
  7. They don't like strangers.
  8. They love to play and have fun.
  9. Walks easily on a leash.
  10. Curious and affectionate.

Pixiebobs are easy to train.
Disadvantages of the breed:

  1. They do not like changes down to the smallest details.
  2. Very jealous.
  3. They steal the owner's things.
  4. Rare and expensive cats.

Pixie bob with curls

Softness, tenderness and originality are just a small part of the advantages that belong to a fashionista with a pixie-bob haircut on curly hair. Small and tight curls will look best. You can use special hair lotions to give your curls extra shine.

Photo: hairdrome.com

Photo: burdacentr.ru

Haircut Garson: beautiful and fashionable ideas (50 photos)

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