Cat eye manicure 2022: fashion trends and beautiful ideas (50 photos)

People have long chosen the animals that captured their hearts - cats. Red cats are especially popular; many legends, tales and omens are told about them.

People have long chosen the animals that won their hearts - cats

The most famous sign is that a ginger cat brings happiness to the house. It is considered a particularly good sign to let a pet into a new apartment before its owners, then the pet will immediately enter the house and, with its presence, drive out everything bad from the home. They also say that red-haired fatties bring money. Not in a literal sense, of course, but the financial situation of their owners will rapidly improve.

Breeds with red color

There are currently quite a lot of animal breeds with a similar coat color, but this color is most common among ordinary yard cats and cats.

British shorthair cat

Rarely has a red color. There are 3 varieties: Red - uniform color, no white hairs, tortoiseshell and tabby - several shades of red fade into each other. The coat is thick and very dense. Size is medium to large when mature. A very affectionate and calm breed.

Read more in the article about the British.

Scottish lop-eared

Among the representatives of this breed there are also differences in color: cream (light red) and red marble (more saturated stripes with fancy bends in the coat).

British and Scots can be red with different coat lengths: short-haired and long-haired. The price for kittens starts from 15 thousand rubles.

Also read about the most beautiful cats on our Planet.


A fairly large breed of cat, weight can reach 10-12 kg, semi-long, soft hair, body with developed muscles, small tassels at the ends of the ears, like a lynx.

A special feature of these pets is that they are hypoallergenic.

Red color is very rare, but the eyes will be a dark orange hue. These are very calm and balanced pets. The cost starts from 15 thousand rubles.

Read more in the article about Siberians.


They are considered “aristocrats” among cats. They became widespread in Russia in the 19th century. Their distinctive feature is their flattened nose, located at the level of the deflection of the bridge of the nose next to the eyes (break), which are relatively large.

The red shade of fur is the rarest among the others; cream, red, lilac, black, gray and blue colors are also found. Persians are very sociable and loving animals that easily get along with all family members. A pet-class kitten costs between 20-30 thousand rubles.

Also read the article about the Persian cat breed.

Maine Coon

One of the largest among purebred cats. They take a long time to grow up - only by the age of 4 do kittens fully mature. Pets of other breeds usually grow up by the age of two. They have an external resemblance to a lynx. Redheads are especially beautiful and valuable.

Despite their menacing appearance and large size, they are very kind, peaceful and sympathetic animals, able to get along with both children and other pets, such as dogs. Due to the love of communicating with a person, they tend to be somewhat “clingy.” The cost starts from 15 thousand rubles.

More about Maine Coons.


They have Persian relatives, and therefore there is a similarity in appearance: the nose is depressed at eye level. The coat is very soft, quite thick, and comes in several colors, including red. These are medium-sized animals, weighing from 4 to 8 kg.

They are very attached to their owners, so they are not suitable for people whose work involves frequent business trips. Since pets will be very sad when they are with strangers. You can buy a fifth-class kitten from 50 thousand rubles.

Read more about the exotic shorthair cat.


Little leopard, this is how these animals are often called. Currently a very common breed, cats bred through long and complex hybridization with the wild Asian leopard cat. They are large and reach a weight of up to 10 kg. The cats are lean with long legs and a muscular body, the coat is short, shiny and silky.

The most common color is “golden” with various spots (so-called “rosettes”). Despite their external resemblance to their wild ancestors, they are very affectionate, playful and kind pets. The price starts from 35 thousand rubles.

About the Bengals.


The most common color is similar to tiger: darker stripes on a red background. They are close relatives of the Bengal. Their fur is short and soft.

Toygers are large animals, weighing about 9-12 kg, and height can reach 49 cm. They have a muscular body with long legs and high raised shoulder blades. The ears are rounded at the ends, and the muzzle is shaped like an inverted heart.

They love their owners very much and get along easily with all family members. Price from 25 thousand rubles and above.

Turkish van

One of the most ancient breeds, taking its roots from ancient times. It was officially registered only in the middle of the 20th century. This breed has common roots with the English and Persian cat breeds.

Representatives of the Vanir are not at all afraid of water and love to swim. Their wool is very soft, reminiscent of cashmere in its structure. They are large - they grow up to 10 kg and have long legs and a muscular body. The color with red spots on the coat is very common among representatives of the breed, but there are others: cream, black and blue.

They are very loyal and playful pets. The price starts from 15 thousand rubles.

American Curl

They have special inverted ears, which gives their pets an extraordinary charm. In this regard, it is necessary to pay close attention to the care of the ears.

You should not try to twist the ears, this can lead to pain in animals, and you can even break them this way.

This is a relatively young breed, officially recognized in 1982. The coat is medium length, has red spots on a white background, but there are other colors: brown, silver, white and blue.

They easily get along with all family members, especially love to play with children, as they consider their “pack”. Curls are very healthy pets; scientists have not been able to identify a single genetic disease in them. The price for kittens starts from 500 and goes up to 4,000 dollars, depending on the class of the animal and pedigree.


The breed was bred in 1991 by a breeder from the USA. It got its name due to its miniature size: the weight of an adult does not exceed 3 kg.

The Napoleon's muzzle is slightly flattened. There are several coat colors: gray, white, peach and red. They become very attached to their owners and have a hard time with partings, so you shouldn’t leave them alone for a long time. They have a genetic predisposition to kidney disease and obesity. The price in Russia is 35-80 thousand rubles.


This breed attracted attention about 50 years ago; its representatives have no tail at all. In its place there is a small cartilage.

They have a compact build, but their muscular system is well developed. The coat is long with a soft undercoat, the most common are 3 colors: white, tabby and red.

Cymrics are very calm and will not attack furniture or curtains. They can be trained.

In Russia they are rarely found. The world price for a Kimra cat kitten is from 400 to 1500 dollars.

Kurilian Bobtail

The World Cat Association officially recognized the breed only in 1994.

Kurilian bobtails have not received widespread attention, and therefore are now on the verge of extinction. Felinologists in many countries consider them to be a variety of American ones, although this is the oldest natural breed.

It is believed that their ancestors are Norwegian forest cats.

Karelians have a variety of colors: red, smoky silver, coal black and others. Only animals with chocolate and lilac shades of fur are not recognized.

The cats are medium-sized and have a pompom instead of a tail. They are friendly and playful. They love to walk in the fresh air, so you can lead them on a leash like dogs.

Price 35-70 thousand rubles.

Ural rex

They appeared naturally and were not bred by breeders, so they have excellent health and are not prone to genetic diseases.

Life expectancy is approximately 16-17 years. The coat is short, wavy, thick, requiring brushing every 2 days. The most common colors are chocolate, blue, tortoiseshell and red (red). You can buy it for 7-15 thousand rubles.

Read more in the article about Ural rexes.

Abyssinian cat

These animals are highly intelligent, very active and cheerful. The body is of medium length, legs and tail are relatively long. The coat is short and quite hard.

These are very independent and curious cats, not afraid of water treatments and happy to play in the bathtub.

There are several color options:

  • wild - double or triple ticket without a specific pattern;
  • Sorel - coat color from red-brown to copper-red shades;
  • blue - in gray-blue tones;
  • beige;
  • The fawn color is characterized by a coat of cocoa or café au lait shade.

Price from 15 thousand rubles and more.

Also read the article about Abyssinians.


This breed is related to the Abyssinian.

They are small, the muzzle is quite narrow. The length of the coat is medium and the tail is very bushy. Somalis are peaceful, but owners can be jealous of the owner of other family members. They are prone to diseases of the gums and teeth, so it is necessary to pay attention to oral hygiene.

The cost starts from 15-20 thousand and reaches 100 thousand rubles.

Silver colors

The group of silver colors is characterized by lightening a certain area of ​​each hair to white. Lightening is caused by the influence of the dominant silver gene I (Sv).

Smokey - approximately half the length of each hair is colored, and the rest is white. Those with a smoky color are sure to be non-agouti; that is, they are homozygous for the recessive gene a, which prohibits the manifestation of the pattern. Residual stripes, “moire” for smoky cats are a color defect.

Black smoky - black with white roots.

Blue smoky - blue with white roots.

Chocolate smoke - chocolate with white roots.

Lilac smoky - purple with white roots.

Red smoky - red with white roots.

Colors of cats that carry the silver gene and are carriers of the agouti A gene, which allows the appearance of the pattern:

The silver tabby is a patterned cat on an all-white background. Each hair is colored zonally: the lighter stripes are lightened to white, the darker stripes retain their original color.

Shaded - 1/3 of the tip of the hair is colored, the rest is white.

Chinchilla - 1/8 of the tip of the hair is colored, the rest is white.

Silver tabbies, shaded tabbies and chinchillas can be either black or blue, chocolate, lilac, etc. For example:

The Black Silver Tabby is a cat with a black pattern on a white background.

The Blue Silver Tabby is a cat with a blue pattern on a white background.

Chocolate Shaded - a white cat with chocolate tips of the hair, one-third dyed.

The Blue Chinchilla is a white cat with 1/8 dyed blue tips.

Cameo is a word that is traditionally added to the name of a red or cream shaded, chinchilla or smoke coat. For example: “red shaded cameo.”

Wild red cat – Caracal

This is a species of wild medium-sized cat that lives in steppes and deserts and is predominantly nocturnal. It is not recommended to have one in an apartment due to the love of freedom and large size.

The best option is a private house with a large enclosure for outdoor walks.

Caracals are very large animals, reaching a length of 85 cm and a height of up to 45 cm. The tail is short and mobile, ears with tassels at the ends are set high.

The coat color is red ticked (red), it is thick, dense and quite tough. Animals have good immunity; with proper care, they rarely get sick.

You can buy it only in nurseries that breed caracals, the price is approximately $10,000.

List of cat genes responsible for mutations of ears, tails and paws

( or )Comments
1FdFdlop-earedin addition to ear deformation in cats, the allele causes osteochondrodysplasia
2Fdfdlop-earedhealthy animal
3Cu-ears rolled back
4MMembryo deaththat's all
5mmno tail or bob tail-//-
6btbtbob ponytailonly
7kkwedge-shaped vertebraebelieved to be responsible for deformed tails in cats, and
8MkMkthe embryo does not developonly munchkin and other dwarves
9Mkmkshort legs-//-

Note: the genetics of the tails of all bobtails except the Japanese are unknown, presumably bob tails are inherited polygenically; The American Ringtail's tail is probably determined by a recessive gene (designation unknown).

List of cat genes responsible for rare mutations

( or )Comments
1sfsfbaldness around the eyes and mouthprobably the breed-forming gene of Lykoi
2sasacotton wool (fine, brittle and thick)
4brbrbrachyuris (short-tailed)only for
5Pd(extra toes)
6Sh-(fusion of toes)
7Rh-(kangarooism)extra joint (toe), short foot
8dpdpfour earsalso leads to underbite, smaller eyes and a tendency to lethargy
10chchdeath syndrome
11popoonly the first type
13Rdy-only in Abyssinian cats
14rtrtfound only in
23ewewfound among Burmese
24sptsptfound in

Genetics of red color

The red, or more correctly red, shade of an animal's coat depends on the presence of the Orange gene or simply O. It is located on the X chromosome, and therefore cats with this color are more common than cats. The presence of this mutation, which is dominant, leads to the fact that the body begins to produce the pigment pheomelanin, which leads to a red color.

Its peculiarity is that it is never solid, forming a bizarre pattern, spots and stripes on the pet’s fur coat.

If the recessive diluent d has entered the animal's genome, the color of the cat will change from red to cream. Another feature of the Orange gene is that when it is present on both X chromosomes (heterozygous state), the kitten acquires tortoiseshell fur. Since the gene is located on a specific chromosome, it is possible to predict the coat color of future kittens based on the color of the parents.

People will be born red if:

  • Mom is red or cream, and dad is black or gray. Ginger cats and tortoiseshell cats will be born.
  • Both parents have a red tint to their coat.
  • Mom is black, and dad is red - the cats will take after their mother, and the cats will turn out to be tortoiseshell in color.

Cat eye manicure - photos and ideas

Cat's eye can be used alone or in combination with other design elements. Moreover, the same coating can be applied in different ways. Get inspired by our selection of photos!

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Mr. Cat recommends: character traits of ginger cats

The character of ginger cats of street origin can vary greatly. Some of them are easy-going and calm, others are restless and playful. But there is one common feature that unites all animals with a fiery color - cunning. Even at an early age, they use this character trait to win the love and affection of their owner.

Often cats with this coat color are literally forced to be taken into their home.

People have noticed a special relationship between the coat color and eye color of a pet with its character:

  • the green color of the eyes indicates the cat’s cheerful disposition and tireless energy, which infects everyone around him;
  • yellow or copper shade of the iris - a calm and balanced couch potato, whose favorite pastime is relaxing in a comfortable place, for example, an armchair or sofa.
  • Blue eyes in such cats are quite rare. It can occur in pets with spots of a red tint, but is never found with a solid red color.

There are many legends and signs associated with ginger cats and cats. One of them: if you adopt a pet with a fiery color, it will bring happiness to the family, and the larger the food bowl you give it, the greater the well-being and prosperity there will be in the house. Read more about signs associated with red cats on our portal.

Manicure "cat's eye" with stamping

Typically, a cat's eye does not need additional decoration. But you can give it a new sound by stamping on top. For example, so that the sparkling base shines through the solid black pattern.

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Care, maintenance, health

The care and maintenance of animals with a red color have no distinctive features from cats with a different coat color. It all depends on the characteristics of specific breeds, but if the pets are of “yard” origin, regular checks at the veterinarian, good nutrition and the love of their owners are what will make them happy.

There is a relationship between color and some features of the cat’s body. For example, it is known that whites are prone to hearing loss and are often naturally deaf.

As for redheads, some experts believe that they tolerate anesthesia somewhat worse during operations. But this is not a proven scientific fact.

Little tricks

In order to create a unique shimmering picture on your nails, use simple but practical techniques:

  1. To make your manicure neat and look neat, give your nails a beautiful shape. A soft square shape is ideal.
  2. Any nail art requires special pedantry. Apply the varnish in an even layer without gaps or overlaps.
  3. For a rich manicure color, use a dark base. So the effect will be stunning and picturesque.
  4. Before applying magnetic varnish, thoroughly shake off the can. This way the metal particles will be distributed evenly.
  5. To create a variety of designs, use a special magnetic pen. With its help you can realize your wildest fantasies: spirals, butterflies, monograms.
  6. To obtain a voluminous and expressive effect, manipulation with the magnet must be repeated several times.
  7. If you don't have a special magnet at hand, you can use a regular strong magnet that you can find at home.
  8. To avoid ruining your manicure and imprinting the magnet into the polish, keep the magnet at a distance of five millimeters from the nail.
  9. The nail design will be attractive if you place the magnet in the same place and at the same angle. The patterns on the right and left hands should be mirrored.

The colors of gel polishes are rich and varied, take your time and choose the one that best suits you and reflects your personality.

blue cat eye nails

Popularity of ginger cats

Animals with fiery fur have been popular at all times, but now it’s a real boom. They are featured in advertisements, and cartoons are made about them that people like. For example, the same Garfield leaves neither children nor adults indifferent with his constant pranks. Or Puss in Boots from the cartoon about Shrek. His bottomless eyes and wit make millions of people and children around the world smile.

Among creative individuals there are also lovers of fiery animals. They are also painted in paintings, figurines are made, and soft toys are sewn. For example, the contemporary Russian artist Vasya Lozhkin has a whole series of works about red cats.

Matte cat eye manicure

It's not too obvious, but you can also apply a matte top coat over a cat eye. This way it turns out a little more subdued, but at the same time more original.

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