Cat's eye - properties of the stone and meaning for humans

Experienced owners have long noticed that yellow-eyed cats' eyes glow white in the dark, while blue-eyed cats' eyes glow red. Coat color is directly related to eye color.

Let's figure out which breeds have yellow eyes most often, and whether this affects the character of the furry pet.

Solid colored cats

Cats of solid (or solid) colors - white, black, red and blue - are characterized by copper or orange eyes.

But in animals of solid chocolate, lilac colors and, more rarely, fawn and cinnamon, eyes of lemon, golden and amber shades are quite often found.

Burmese cats are characterized by bright, expressive golden eyes.

Red cat with yellow eyes

The most common variant of a yellow-eyed cat is a ginger cat with yellow eyes, the breed of which can be absolutely any. Felinologists call such cats red, and this color, as we noted earlier, is a solid color. The shades of the fur of ginger cats can vary from cream to fiery, and the shades of the eyes - from gold to rich copper.

Can eye color not change?

The embryo inside the uterus is not exposed to ultraviolet radiation, so during pregnancy it receives an extremely small amount of melanin from the mother. This explains the fact that every kitten is born with closed eyelids, which open only in the third week of life.

The main function of melanin is to protect the body from exposure to ultraviolet rays.

The eyelids protect the delicate pupils, devoid of pigment, from the sun's rays. As the iris matures, the eyes open, but for a long time retain a dull gray-blue tint due to the translucent film.

The idea that there are certain breeds or individual cats that are born with a constant eye color is erroneous.

The fact is that the stages of formation of a cat’s body are standard for all breeds and depend on the characteristics of the blood lines. Even a blue-eyed cat will have a very different iris at birth and as an adult: as it grows, the cloudy bluish-gray will change to a bright icy-clear or deep blue color.

Cat breeds with yellow eyes

In addition to melanin, the intensity of coat and eye color is controlled by various genes, so sometimes fur melanocytes can be more active than those that determine eye color. To obtain the rich eye color that is sometimes required by the breed standard, breeders select cats with the most intense or unusual eye shade.

In some breeds, a variety of eye colors are acceptable, for example, in Persians we will find not only all shades of yellow, but also blue and green eyes. However, there are cat breeds with yellow eyes according to the standard.

Burmese cat

For these magnificent cats, which were kept at temples as sacred animals in Burma, the standard suggests an eye color ranging from yellow to gold. Green and blue eyes among Burmese are unacceptable.

Bombay cat

The Bombay cat was bred as a cross between the Burmese and the American Shorthair. Bright yellow-orange eyes perfectly complement the image of a miniature panther with glossy black fur. Green eyes are grounds for disqualification.

Abyssinian cat

This is one of the breeds popular among cat lovers, which can be seen quite often at exhibitions. The fur of Abyssinian cats has a characteristic ticked color - dark and light zones alternate in each hair. Although the breed standard allows green eyes, amber or orange eyes are much more common in Abyssinian cats and are very harmonious with the coat color.

British shorthair cat with yellow eyes

In the British breed, yellow or orange eye color is most often found, because most of these cats in Russia are blue in color, and an undefined color, for example, yellow-green, is considered a serious fault at exhibitions.

Not only blue, but all other solid, smoky, tortoiseshell colors of British cats are distinguished by orange or yellow eyes, as for most patterned ones, although green eyes are also allowed for some tabby colors. The group of chinchilla and Himalayan colors are characterized by green or blue eyes.

Similar to their British relatives, Scottish cats - Scottish Folds and Scottish Straights - are distinguished by their expressive eye color, which favorably emphasizes the color of their fur coat. Their eyes can be yellow, amber, orange, copper. The same can be said about Persian cats and exotics.

Symptomatic treatment

Jaundice is always a sign of severe pathology. The owner will not be able to limit himself to his own help. Any means that reduce the symptoms of the disease can only prolong the animal’s suffering. If the skin and mucous membranes are icteric, urgent consultation with a specialist is necessary.

To make a correct diagnosis, the veterinarian will conduct the following examinations:

  • general and biochemical blood test;
  • Analysis of urine;
  • liver biopsy (not always, strictly according to indications);
  • Liver ultrasound and x-ray.

Once the diagnosis is established, the specialist will choose a treatment strategy for the animal.

Treatment will depend on the causes. It could be:

  1. In the hospital. If the cat’s condition is critical, the disease is advanced or progresses too quickly, then the veterinarian can leave the animal under supervision and carry out treatment in a veterinary clinic. If a cyst or tumor is diagnosed, then perhaps the only correct solution will be surgery. A specialist can also prescribe a blood transfusion for an animal, although, due to the lack of an animal blood bank, this is extremely rare in our country.
  2. For infections and viruses, a specialist will prescribe antibiotic therapy.
  3. If you have diabetes or hyperthyroidism, your doctor will prescribe hormone therapy and a strict diet.
  4. If the animal’s condition is satisfactory, the breeder is told about the treatment regimen and sent home. Thus, in case of allergic reactions or uncomplicated infectious diseases, in case of poisoning, medications are used in the form of tablets and injections. If the breeder cannot give injections on his own, they can also be given at a veterinary hospital.

Favorable time to purchase

It is better to buy jewelry from this stone after drawing up the natal chart, and special attention should be paid to which house the descending lunar node Ketu is located in.

Aries5th, 9th, 12th of every month
Taurus9th, 11th of every month
Twins9th, 11th of every month
Cancer10th, 11th of every month
a lion8th, 9th, 11th of every month
Virgo3rd, 4th, 9th of every month
Scales2nd, 3rd, 11th of every month
Fish1st, 2nd, 10th of every month

Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn and Aquarius should consult an astrologer before purchasing a mineral.

cat tiger eye

If you are not confident in your ability to distinguish a real stone from a fake, and it is difficult to understand what kind of mineral is offered under the name “cat’s eye,” then it is better to use the services of an expert gemologist.

Place of Birth

A natural mineral with a cat's eye effect, it is found in sedimentary rock formations. The production of the mineral was discovered relatively recently; the most famous deposits are located in Russia, India, the Czech Republic and southern Africa.

The best exhibits are mined in mines located in Madagascar and Sri Lanka. In the Middle Urals, in the Malyshevskoye deposit, a jewelry type of “cat’s eye” is found. Natural stone mined in Russia is a fairly rare and expensive gem. Quartz cat's eye is mined from deposits in Brazil.

Compatibility with names and zodiac signs

The astrological properties of the cat's eye are suitable for most representatives of the zodiac circle. Each zodiac sign will benefit from the partnership with the amulet. However, some signs are significantly lucky, since the power of the crystal helps and takes care of them in all areas of life.

(“+++” – the stone fits perfectly, “+” – can be worn, “-” – is strictly contraindicated):

Zodiac signCompatibility
a lion+
  • Having mastered the power of the stone, people under the sign of Cancer can count on strong relationships at home and at work. The talisman will not let the fire of love go out.
  • Pisces receive magical support in creative endeavors. The energy of the crystal strengthens confidence, helps to show talent, and implement plans.
  • Scorpios gain confidence in the future, as the stone relieves fears and anxieties. Clarifying the situation helps you collect your thoughts and make the only right decisions.

Names with which the cat's eye is compatible:

  • Denis, Dmitry, Peter, Marina and Vera receive the support of a yellow stone.
  • Let Vitaly, Grigory, Evgeniy, Valentina and Natalya count on the help of the green crystal.
  • Let Vera, Anna and Mikhail confidently acquire a talisman of a golden-green or yellow color.

Each shade of gems is endowed with beneficial properties. The main thing in choosing is to rely on your own taste and inner feelings.

Interesting Facts

Let's look at the most interesting facts:

  1. It has long been believed that you can turn an enemy into a good friend if you give him jewelry with a cat's eye.
  2. The mineral preserves the hearth, peace and tranquility in the house.
  3. The ring with the stone should be placed on the index finger to restore the functioning of the cardiovascular system.
  4. Green stones have a positive effect on the functioning of the visual organs.
  5. Talismans with a cat's eye will help a pregnant woman.

Enjoy the beauty of the cat's eye and its unusual properties!

Who is the name suitable for?

There is also a system for selecting semi-precious stones by name.

Cat eye is ideal for women with the following names:

  • Anastasia;
  • Alexandra;
  • Catherine;
  • Elizabeth;
  • Maria;
  • Rose;
  • Karina.

The famous mineral will help a man especially well if his name is:

  • Alexander;
  • Kirill;
  • Konstantin;
  • Eugene;
  • Nikolai;
  • Peter;
  • Ivan;
  • Ilya.

Medicinal properties

Cat's eye ball made of stone
The cat's eye has strong energy, and it is a good assistant in healing practices. But even without being a healer, anyone can acquire such a talisman in order to improve their health.

Attention: of course, no one disputes the importance of official treatment or calls for abandoning it. But it will be more effective if you have this wonderful mineral with you, which enhances the effect of medications and therapeutic procedures.

When and for what diseases is it recommended to wear cat eye products for medicinal purposes:

  • angina;
  • cold;
  • intercostal neuralgia;
  • nervous disorders;
  • cycle disruptions in women;
  • hypertension;
  • asthma;
  • alcoholism;
  • joint problems;
  • muscle tension, even to the point of cramps;
  • soreness in some skin diseases;
  • lymph stagnation;
  • decreased visual acuity;
  • disorders of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • regeneration processes of skin, muscles and bones.

Also, wearing a stone activates the brain and helps make decisions in difficult situations, and in the postoperative period speeds up recovery.

The healing properties of the stone will help smooth out the uneven character of its owner: it will make the aggressive one softer, and it will give courage to the meek. Some experts believe that the main meaning of the cat's eye is the harmonization of personality and space.

In adolescence, emotional overload and a dramatic perception of the world are inevitable. An amulet or decoration made from a cat's eye will help reduce psychological stress and protect the young person from mood swings and rash actions. It is better to wear it in the form of a rosary or a bracelet.


Various decorations are made from cat's eyes; we list the most successful options:

  1. It is very good if a person wears a ring with a cat's eye. It will repel all negative energy and protect the owner from the evil eye and damage.
  2. A pendant with a mineral is ideal for a woman. It instills self-confidence, gives special charm and attractiveness. At the same time, the stone creates a certain distance, a barrier between its owner and other people: for example, a man will cross the psychological line only if the woman herself wants it.
  3. Bracelets and necklaces made from iridescent mineral also look great. It is advisable to wear them in plain sight for maximum effect.


Jewelry craftsmen have to make professional efforts to present the cat's eye in all its glory. The optical effect requires special processing to highlight the uniqueness of the stone.

The placement of the shining beam should be positioned so that the jewelry emits inner light. The mineral occurs in nature in the following colors, each of which has a specific function.

Yellow color

A crystal of yellowish shades looks advantageous in a pendant or ring. The vibrations of the yellow mineral help in oratory. The listener gains confidence in the person who wears such jewelry. Such an artifact will come in handy when you need to convince someone or influence a decision. This jewel is for the chosen ones, helping people who do not wish harm.

Brown color with golden tint

To gain self-confidence, the energy of a brown-golden cat's eye helps. Jewelry with a stone of this shade makes a person authoritarian in the face of his subordinates. The use of the gem is desirable for representatives of activities that require maintaining discipline and order. It is best to wear items with stones so that they are on public display.

Also read: Angelite - blue angel stone

Golden-green color of stone

This shade of cat's eye contributes to the development and regulation of financial activities. The energy of the gem helps to “conquer” cash flows. This amulet supports people with an analytical mind, helps in working with numbers and making calculations. To make fortune smile more often in business, it is better to wear the crystal in the form of a ring, bracelet or rosary.

Dark green cat eye

A gem of this shade increases endurance, strengthens physical strength, improves concentration, which helps representatives of many professions that require energy expenditure.

By increasing resistance to stress, it gives a person the opportunity to make the right decisions in difficult and even extreme situations. Those who are suitable for professions where risk is possible should insure themselves with a reliable amulet with a dark green stone.

This is interesting! When choosing a crystal, it is not enough to know about the unique properties that help achieve the goal. When purchasing such a useful item, it is better to rely on your inner instinct, which tells you how much you like the stone. This method of determining a suitable stone can be used by people with hypersensitivity and representatives of creative professions.

How to distinguish an original from a fake

Cat's eye (imitation) sew-on cabochon 25x10x4 mm bright green
You cannot buy a real cat's eye in the gem markets and in a cheap base frame, its cost is too high. It can only be purchased in a specialized store, with all the documentation, which will indicate whether it has been processed in any way.

  1. The mineral is very hard, leaves scratches on the glass, and only a diamond or ruby ​​can leave a mark on it. This quality is one of the criteria for verifying the authenticity of a gem.
  2. The second way to distinguish a fake from a natural stone is to place it in a dark place. Amazingly, a true cat's eye will begin to emit a faint glow, similar to the flickering of a cat's pupil in the darkness.
  3. The third sign of natural chrysoberyl is its natural shine, which is visible to the naked eye. And if you wipe the stone with a soft cloth, it will sparkle even brighter.
  4. The fourth method is the speed of warming the stone in your hand. The natural one will remain cool for a long time, and the synthetic one will heat up quickly.
  5. The fifth way is to observe whether the strip of light moves when the stone rotates. A real stone has a static stripe.


Natural cymophane is almost never used in earrings, because it is very difficult to find two stones with similar patterns. Beads from these stones are also created in isolated cases: the stone is quite heavy and very expensive, its cost is comparable to ruby, diamond, and sapphire.

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