Maine Coon haircut: proper grooming for the largest cat in the world

The Maine Coon's coat creates the image of an attractive wild animal. The ancestors of this breed lived in a harsh climate, and a good-quality fur coat was a condition for survival. It serves as good protection for the animal from overheating and freezing. Such wealth requires careful care, and sometimes a haircut, but experts have differing opinions on this matter.

Reasons for getting a haircut

There are several good reasons for getting a haircut:

  1. Keep your cat out of the heat. It is believed that it is easier for a pet to endure the heat without a huge amount of wool blanket. But it is not always the case. Maine Coons are too susceptible to any changes in temperature, so the absence of fur can not only relieve them from the heat, but, on the contrary, will lead to heat stroke. Also, without his fur coat, he can catch a cold under the air conditioning. This happens because cutting disrupts the natural microclimate of the cat’s body.
  2. Prevent skin diseases. There are cases when a Maine Coon develops small bald patches as a result of some disease; as a result, the owners come to a solution that eliminates this problem - they trim the diseased animal. But in fact, this leads to camouflage, but does not solve the problem of bald spots.
  3. Get rid of prolonged shedding. If the shedding is prolonged, it means that there are reasons for this. For example, inappropriate temperature, improper feeding of the Maine Coon, stress, etc. Here, haircuts also do not solve the problem.
  4. Change your appearance with a decorative haircut. The Maine Coon is a true Aboriginal. He is brutal in his shaggyness - this is the beauty. Therefore, you should not make him beautiful and fashionable, because he will no longer be a Maine Coon.
  5. To prevent vomiting of eaten wool. It’s easier to start brushing your pet daily with special combs and slickers.
  6. Get rid of tangles. This is the only reason that justifies a haircut, but this method does not always help. It is better to cut only in advanced cases, otherwise various skin diseases and parasites may appear along with tangles.

Advice! If mats form frequently in your Maine Coon, you need to solve the problem differently: try washing the cat 1-2 times a month. This will help the fur become softer and less tangled.

At home

Here it is important to determine exactly the reason why a haircut was needed. Eternal tangles, thin hair, dull fur, and endless shedding indicate poor health of the pet. Some individuals among the Coons do not tolerate heat well, then you can resort to the help of a furminator, slicker brush, and other combs. Most often, owners do not know how to properly remove dead undercoat or hair. The furminator must be used very carefully, otherwise the animal risks being left with torn tufts instead of the luxurious fur coat given by nature.

The condition largely depends on genetics. Parents with poor health, dull color, and thin hair rarely give birth to strong, beautiful coons. An examination at a veterinary clinic can help to understand the reasons for such data. The doctor will make a diagnosis and select the correct treatment.

Typically, a haircut is needed when a large number of tangles appear. It is advisable to reserve such drastic measures for exceptional cases. If the need arises, then the head, tail, and paws are practically not touched. Hair growth sometimes slows down, but after a certain period of time everything grows back. In castrated male and female cats, the structure may change. This is due to hormonal changes.

If there is an unhealthy appearance, many experts recommend changing the food. So, even with complete order in the body of white cats, they try to provide food that does not cause the appearance of yellowness. In black Maine Coon animals, improper nutrition can lead to a brown color change.

In domestic conditions, both shaving and haircuts are allowed. Compliance with all of the above conditions is a guarantee of high-quality results. Use only sharpened scissors, periodically sending them for maintenance. Before each use they must be disinfected.

Wide bracelets made of durable leather on your wrists will help avoid cuts from claws. You can also trim the main weapon of the Coons before all procedures, taking into account the structure of the plate with the location of the vessels.

The dangers of haircuts

Maine Coon wool has two layers, which is very important, because after shearing it loses the following qualities:

  1. Thermoregulation. With the help of special layers, the animal’s normal body temperature is maintained. This is achieved due to the air gap between the body and the environment.
  2. Navigation. The structure of the Maine Coon's coat allows it, with the help of hard vibrissae (tactile hairs), to move and navigate in space, to avoid obstacles, which is very important at night, because this breed loves to hunt.
  3. Activity and vigor. The lack of fur explains the lethargic behavior of the Maine Coon; without it, they lose orientation, become confused, and want to hide in a secluded place.
  4. Density and softness of wool. There are times when hairs lose their stiffness or do not grow to the desired length. There are much more tangles after cutting.

Grooming according to veterinary indications

There are only two necessary measures when grooming Maine Coon cats is necessary:

  • for animal skin diseases;
  • for uncombed tangles that are located too close to the skin.

Important! Cutting tangles is dangerous, as the animal may accidentally get hurt. As a result, the cat will lose trust in its owner and even begin to show aggression.

Animal grooming is carried out using a special clipper, which has more power than a human clipper.

Why is this necessary?

Some Maine Coon owners are categorically against haircuts, while others cannot imagine their lives without such procedures. Let's look at both sides of the issue in more detail.

  • In the hot season it will be easier for the animal. Indeed, at such moments he will feel better. But there will be no protection from various external factors (sun, draft).
  • The molting period will be easier. But this process also depends on completely different indicators, such as nutrition and stress.
  • When an animal licks its fur, it can enter the digestive tract and eventually cause nausea. To avoid this, you need to constantly comb the fur. Or add a special paste to remove lumps naturally.
  • The presence of tangles is a reason for a haircut. But still, this can be avoided. The main thing is to regularly wash and comb your pet.
  • If we talk about beautiful appearance, then everyone has their own opinion. Most owners prefer the cat's natural beauty.

Preparation for the process

If a haircut is an inevitable process, then you will have to prepare and learn a few secrets and tricks.

  1. Maine Coons need to be bathed before being groomed. Many pets love water, but there are also those who experience stress from being submerged. Therefore, you need to put a small towel on the bottom so that the paws are stable. After this, you can gradually add water.
  2. Before applying, mix a little shampoo with water in your palm. Apply the resulting liquid to the wet wool using gentle movements. Make sure that water does not get into the animal's ears and nose.
  3. It is better to bathe a Maine Coon with three shampoos at once in the required sequence: deep cleaning of the hair, strengthening the color and maintaining the texture. In addition to shampoo, you can also use a special balm to make the cover shiny and silky.
  4. Before cutting, the coat must be thoroughly dried. This is done with a hair dryer at low speed or with a towel. After this, the cat is combed and the mats are carefully removed. Only after all the procedures have been completed can you start cutting.


Many cat grooming videos, mostly from American groomers, involve clipper shaving of the armpits, belly dewlap, groin and pants. It’s as if the cat doesn’t need fur there. A completely blasphemous approach from dog practice.

Yes, tangles most often form in these places. Why? Firstly, during shedding, and secondly, due to small debris and filler particles getting into the fur, and the pants can still get dirty with feces or urine. Small tangles need to be noticed and combed in time, medium ones can be sorted out using auxiliary products (for example, Pek from Iv San Bernard), and only large ones have to be cut off - very carefully, because the larger the tangle, the closer it is to the skin, and the worst thing is, that the skin in these places is thin. Dirty panties are not a reason for a haircut, but for a diet correction or a health check.

How to do it right

All cats are cut in two ways: for exhibition and at home. The most popular is the “French Lion”. In this case, almost all the hair is cut off, leaving a few millimeters at the base of the body. The tail is trimmed with a brush, and the hair on the head is evened out. The cat becomes outwardly similar to a lion.

It is better not to groom Maine Coons on your own. If you can’t do it any other way, then take scissors and a regular clipper, and also call someone to help you hold the cat.

The haircut begins from the back, with a neat transition to the sides. After cutting, small hairs are removed with a damp towel. In case of any incidents, you should immediately contact a veterinarian.

Anti-grooming or lion haircut

For owners of non-show animals, so-called creative haircuts are of interest, in particular, lion haircuts. To do this, the hair along the entire body is shortened to 2 - 3 mm, the front and hind limbs are cut to the elbow and knee joints, respectively, the tip of the tail remains untouched to about 1/3, and the mane and hair on the head are trimmed. Many owners think it’s funny to give a large, but still domestic cat the appearance of a king of beasts. However, this humor can only be appreciated by the owners themselves and, possibly, their relatives and friends. The cat is not funny at all.

The Maine Coon, cut like a lion, feels disharmony, he is ashamed of his appearance, and he cannot explain it to his relatives. This puts too much pressure on the animal’s psyche, and it can’t stand it. The behavior of a cat cut in this way changes dramatically; aggression may awaken in him or, on the contrary, he will become indifferent to everything that is happening. Below are a few photos of such an experiment.

Post-procedure care

After the first haircut, you will have to cut your pet constantly. It is recommended to do this 1-2 times a year. Also, to continue caring for your growing fur, you need to purchase the following tools:

  • thinned comb;
  • a fine-tooth comb;
  • comb with teeth made of natural bristles;
  • comb with fine and frequent teeth.

All these tools are made of metal and have special rounded ends. Also, for combing during shedding, buy a slicker brush - cats simply adore it.

Owner reviews

  • Katerina, Sima’s cat: “I am against cutting a breed like the Maine Coon, for them it is a stressful situation and no one knows how it will all turn out. Those who do this are the real barbarians!”
  • Svetlana, Stesha’s cat: “I recommend the grooming procedure to Maine Coon owners, but this should be done as rarely as possible. Do not shave your cat's head, just trim off the unnecessary undercoat, and then try to constantly comb the cat as it grows. This way you will get rid of the tangles.”
  • Victoria, Bonya’s cat: “We only cut our Bonya’s hair once. But they have already regretted it a thousand times. The wool completely changed its structure and began to fall off quickly. I really feel sorry for the cat, he was so affectionate and kind, but now he hides in the corners, ignoring me as the owner. I definitely won’t cut my hair anymore.”
  • Tamara, cat Agathon: “It’s better not to cut Coons, because the hair takes a long time to grow, and it cannot be fully restored after cutting. The cat will look like a felt felt boot.”

Most Maine Coon owners are against cutting or shaving cats with undercoat. Those who have already used a haircut claim that a trimmed cat changes and nothing can be done about it for a long time. The Maine Coon becomes too timid after a haircut and constantly hides.

A shaved Maine Coon is completely different from himself, so you should think a thousand times about whether it is worth subjecting him to such torture, both physical and moral.

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It won't get any easier!

Haircut and shaving do not cancel shedding! A short, downy hair will come out of a cut cat, and as it grows longer, it will grow longer, but just as downy. Get into your nose, get stuck in coverings, stick to clothes.

Disturbs natural heat exchange

Impairs tactile functions

Takes away self-confidence, provokes mental disorders

Damages health (especially haircuts under anesthesia)

Irreversibly damages the structure of the coat and provokes tangles

Any cat with a lion haircut does not look like a lion - it looks ridiculous. He feels bad, no matter how accustomed he is to the procedure.

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