What to feed a cat after giving birth and how to create a diet

Features of choice

Just like for a small child, the first year of life is very important for a kitten, when bones and muscles are formed and future health is laid.
If you feed your small pet correctly, it will grow up healthy and develop immunity to various diseases. He will develop correctly, become strong, and his coat will be beautiful and shiny. If it is a hairless cat, it will have healthy skin. Veterinarians recommend feeding the kitten with specially selected food of high quality; it is believed that this is how the baby will receive everything necessary for its proper development. In the future, such a kitten will switch to food for adult cats.

Despite this, some owners believe that it is wiser to accustom the baby to human food. And then the cat will eat everything, and there will be no problems with nutrition.

How to keep newborn kittens without a cat?

In addition to a constant source of nutrition, babies need warmth, a feeling of fullness, and a mother’s heartbeat. This is why the best option is to find a nursing cat. However, if it is not there, there are ways to deal with such a situation. You will have to put in a lot of effort.

How to keep newborn kittens without a cat:

  • Please note that newborn kittens are not much different from human babies. They also need to be fed initially every 2 hours, then every 3 hours.
  • If there is no cat, the kittens get dirty and can get stuck in their feces. Therefore, it is necessary to moisten the disc in warm water and wipe the entire kitten completely. This will also serve as a kind of massage that will help the kittens with their bowel movements.
  • You should be prepared for the fact that newborn kittens may suffer from constipation due to an incompletely formed digestive system. It is for these purposes that animal massage is performed.
  • Check the temperature in the nest from time to time. It should be at 30 degrees. In the second and third weeks, a temperature drop of 24-27 degrees Celsius is allowed.


How long after giving birth should you feed your cat?

Usually, during the first 24 hours, even after a successful birth, the cat refuses food. She shouldn't be forced. The only thing she needs immediately after the babies are born is a warm drink. Starting from the second day, you need to feed the animal charmingly, since the quality and quantity of milk depends on food (and kittens suckle the cat often - every 2 hours).

Organize fractional meals at regular intervals (4–5 times a day, but with portions 3 times smaller than usual)

For the first week, the feeding of a nursing female should consist only of easily digestible, nutritious and natural foods - these can be low-fat milk and fermented milk products, vegetables, and cereals. You should abstain from meat for now, but if the cat really asks, then you can give a little low-fat meat broth. From day 7, “usual” foods are gradually introduced into the diet, including boiled meat and fish. If there were no complications during the postpartum period, by the third week the cat will recover and go back to its usual food.

Is it safe for a cat to eat afterbirth?

In the womb, kittens “live” in a special sac called the placenta or afterbirth. During childbirth, this sac comes out with the baby, and the cat often eats the membrane. There is nothing dangerous about this. The animal does this intuitively for reasons of safety (in the wild, animals thus destroy the smell of blood that attracts predators), as well as in order to provide itself with vitamins and nutrients, which the afterbirth is rich in.

List of the most useful foods for a cat who has given birth

In the first weeks after the birth of kittens, a cat who has given birth experiences a deficiency of vitamins and minerals, since most of them “go” into the milk. Constant lactation leads to greater consumption of water and proteins. The owners' task is to provide the animal with food that will fill the gap in these substances. The basis of the diet should be:

  • low-fat meat broth;
  • fermented milk products;
  • boiled meat, thoroughly chopped and slightly softened with broth.

The presence of coarse fibers and fiber in a cat’s diet plays an important role in restoring the functioning of the digestive system. They are present in cereals and vegetables. Some cats happily eat grass and fruits (for example, watermelons, melons) - after giving birth, it is better to refrain from such treats, as they can provoke an allergic reaction in kittens.

Prohibited Products

Cats should not be given raw meat. It is difficult for digestion (and after childbirth, the digestive tract works in a slower mode, so the risk of constipation is high). It is necessary to exclude large amounts of salt from getting into the milk (as it impairs the absorption of calcium and leads to a slowdown in the development of the kittens’ skeletal system) - you should not treat the mother who has given birth to cheese, sausages, sausages and other salty foods.

If you notice that certain foods cause diarrhea, you should stop giving them to your cat. After childbirth, the female’s body is already dehydrated, and diarrhea will lead to even greater loss of water, which is fraught with complications.

When can you give your cat dry food that she ate before giving birth?

The biscuits that the cat ate before pregnancy can be given to the animal again only after lactation has stopped. This usually occurs 4–7 weeks after birth. In the first week of returning to dry food, it should be slightly moistened with broth, since there is a possibility that the cat’s body has not yet fully restored the functioning of the digestive tract. It’s a different matter with food that was originally intended for giving birth and lactating animals. They can be given to the female 1–2 weeks after giving birth. without waiting for the end of lactation.

Royal Canin QUEEN PRO is a premium food that can be given to a cat after giving birth

General recommendations

Newborn kittens cuddle with their mother almost every two hours . Together with milk, they “suck” calcium, vitamins, and a lot of microelements from the nurse. Due to this, they grow and develop. But in order for mother not to lose weight and not lose her beauty, she must constantly make up for all these losses. This can only be done through a special diet - enhanced and balanced. Therefore, the food of a nursing cat should be rich in proteins, fats, carbohydrates, and rich in calcium, minerals and trace elements.

This is interesting! The cat actively feeds her kittens until about 2 months of age. At this time, she spends 3-4 times more energy than usual.

During lactation, the cat is fed frequently and in small portions. Essentially, her feeding pattern becomes similar to that of kittens. His main principle at this time is to provide the mother with regular replenishment of energy reserves so that she does not feel hungry. But food should not only be nutritious, but also varied, easily digestible, enriched with vitamins and contain a sufficient amount of liquid.

Healthy eating rules

The rules for healthy cat nutrition before and after birth are similar. Only small adjustments are needed to take into account the peculiarities of the new status - a nursing mother.

Nutrition during this period has 3 tasks.

  1. Restore the animal's strength after birth.
  2. Stimulate milk production.
  3. Match the increased energy expenditure during the feeding period.

Moreover, the nutritional value of the food should be such that it is enough to replenish the body’s reserves for future pregnancies. And although this is achieved not only by increasing the volume of food, it is the volume that needs to be adjusted first.

The serving size and total daily ration during the feeding period depend on three factors.

  1. Litter quantity.
  2. The animal's own weight.
  3. Age of the animal.

Important! On average, it is believed that a lambing cat needs 2 times more food.

It has been noticed that some cats do not eat well immediately after giving birth. Their taste preferences often change. They refuse their usual food and begin to enjoy eating raw fish and drinking milk, which they had previously resolutely refused. Owners should be understanding about such “zagidons”, trying to add more variety to the nursing mother’s diet so that the animal’s appetite is always at its best.

The first two weeks after childbirth, the nurse's menu is made up of easily digestible foods - milk, cottage cheese, vegetables, cereals and boiled lean meat. The second half of the feeding period is marked by a transition to “usual” foods.

The diet becomes more meat and fish. Throughout active lactation, the cat needs plenty of fluids and increased replenishment of calcium and magnesium. Their deficiency is fraught with problems with teeth, joints, and hair in a nursing mother.

As a result, the proper nutrition of a nursing cat will be determined by its appearance and weight after this important and stressful stage is completed. Ideally, after the kittens gain independence, the animal should weigh the same as it weighed before pregnancy and look no worse. And well-fed, healthy offspring will frolic nearby.

Natural nutrition

The diet of a nursing cat can consist of both special industrial food and dishes prepared by the owner himself. If in ready-made food all the proportions have already been verified and balanced by the manufacturer, then, with natural nutrition for the ward, its owner will have to perform these tasks himself.

There are several rules for natural nutrition of a nursing cat:

Stimulation of lactation.

  • During the first 25 days after birth, a cat's milk is intense. Then its quantity decreases. Sometimes, even with good nutrition, it is not produced enough. Therefore, we need products that stimulate lactation. These are usually milk and broths. For greater effect, they add decoctions of herbs - anise, lemon balm, oregano - a teaspoon in the morning and evening. You should take into account the cats’ delicate sense of smell and make a decoction of low concentration (1 teaspoon of herb per 3 cups of boiling water). The broth should not be bitter.

Freshness and naturalness.

  • All products must be fresh and free of chemical additives.

The presence of protein products in the diet.

  • These are sea fish, chicken, turkey, beef, liver, eggs. All this is given boiled.

Presence of carbohydrate components.

  • They are provided by cereals in the form of porridges. Buckwheat, oatmeal, and barley cereals are good.

Dairy products.

  • Cottage cheese, goat's or cow's milk - they should make up at least 1/3 of a nursing mother's menu and be given 3 times a day.


  • They are added in a crushed state to porridge soup that has cooled to room temperature. Suitable for these purposes: pumpkin, lettuce, cucumber, Chinese cabbage, carrots, broccoli, cauliflower. Problems may arise if the animal has not previously been accustomed to vegetables. Refusal of vegetables is a reason to grind them in a blender and try to start mixing them into food, a teaspoon at each meal, gradually increasing this amount.

Vitamin supplements.

  • You can give specialized industrially produced vitamin supplements, or you can add sprouted grains of wheat, oats, millet to food, or give your cat grass grown from these grains.

This is interesting! A convenient option is half porridge and half soup. To prepare it, add cereal to meat or fish broth (with pieces of meat/fish) and boil it properly.

Pros and cons of natural nutrition

If you have a lot of time, and there are no special problems with finances, then you can take care of what to feed your pet yourself. You can create your own diet for cats. This method has a number of advantages:

  1. During your time of coexistence with your pet, you know exactly his preferences, so creating a diet so that your cat eats everything with pleasure will not be difficult.
  2. According to many veterinarians, natural products are much healthier than canned or dry food.
  3. Depending on the condition of the cat, with the help of specialists you can create the correct diet. If there is a lack of certain ingredients (for example, proteins, fats or carbohydrates), you simply add food that contains them to the menu.

Feeding your cat natural products purchased yourself means ensuring safety. After all, when purchasing, you will be able to monitor the quality of the purchased food. But this method also has its drawbacks:

  • This is time-consuming. You need to buy food, prepare it, and only then feed it to your cat.
  • The diet must include meat, which means that such feeding can be expensive.
  • When preparing your pet’s diet on your own, it’s difficult to provide everything you need. Putting together a balanced “table” without outside help can be quite difficult.

As you can see, natural nutrition can be fraught with some difficulties. But still, in this case, you yourself are responsible for everything, and if there is professional help from a veterinarian, then proper nutrition for your cat will be provided.

What should a natural diet be like?

To keep your pet feeling good, you need to feed him veterinarian-recommended food. Since cats are carnivorous animals, this factor should be taken into account first. So, according to the advice of experts, the diet should contain:

Meat. In this case, beef or poultry is best. In many countries, pork meat is considered quite popular, but it is not entirely suitable for cat food. This product is quite greasy, and there is a high risk of becoming infected with parasites. But you shouldn’t give meat all the time.

For cats, the presence of offal in the “menu” is important. In stores you can inexpensively buy chicken necks or heads, tendons and tripe, all of which your pet will eat with pleasure (and benefit for themselves). Meat does not contain all the substances necessary for a pet’s health.

Therefore, you need to additionally feed your cat vegetables. It is best to give them boiled and mashed, and so that she eats them with pleasure, combine them with minced meat.

In addition, boiled eggs should be present in the diet. One per week is enough. Also periodically feed your cat fermented milk products, sprouted oats or wheat, and a few drops of fish oil.

There are a number of products whose presence in a pet’s diet is undesirable and sometimes unacceptable. First of all, we are talking about fish and seafood.

A significant number of veterinarians claim that such food can cause urolithiasis in cats. Therefore, fish and seafood should not be the basis of the diet, even if their “eating” is rare.


Burmese cats are luxury, exclusivity, grace and charm!

Burmese cats are the embodiment of natural harmony, beauty and perfection! These cats are elegant, have a refined appearance, in which simplicity is adjacent to nobility.

The main feature of the European Burmese breed is its short, glossy, tight-fitting coat, silky to the touch. The coat of Burmese cats is smooth, shiny, reminiscent of satin, and has a palette of colors unique to this breed - brown (sable), chocolate (champagne), lilac (platinum), blue. The brightest and most eye-catching color of Burmese cats is brown, also known as sable. But touching the fur of a Burmese cat evokes even greater delight. It seems as if the most expensive silks of the East are enveloping your palm. Each hair, colored from the root to the very tip, fits tightly to the cat's body. The fur softly shines and shimmers with every movement of the animal. Touching this luxury, you forget all your affairs and problems, and you can no longer deny yourself the pleasure of holding this miracle in your hands.

The character of the Burmese cat is no less unique than its colors and it can be safely called its main advantage. European Burmese are very friendly and playful animals. These cats love the company of people very much, which is why, in terms of their attitude towards people, they are often compared to dogs. The well-known saying that a cat walks on its own has nothing to do with Burmese cats. This cat has a completely unique feature - a genetic taboo on human skin, therefore the Burmese cat is not capable of aggression towards humans and under no circumstances does it scratch or bite. The European Burmese is absolutely non-aggressive, patient in relationships with children, and easily learns the rules of behavior, thanks to its high intelligence. It is thanks to its character that the European Burmese is becoming more and more popular every day almost all over the world. European Burmese are all elegance, grace and tact. Her boundless love, tender and touching attitude towards people amazes and surprises.

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  • history of the Burmese breed
  • Burmese breed standards
  • Burmese pedigree database
  • main differences between European and American Burmese cats
  • family tree of the ancestors of the Burmese breed
  • gallery of photos of kittens (European Burmese)
  • film about Burmese apartments
  • care, maintenance and feeding of kittens (European Burmese)
  • articles about the Burmese breed
  • stories of happy kitten owners (European Burmese)
  • rules for selling kittens
  • contract for the sale of kittens and much, much more!


What to feed a Persian kitten

Until the kitten is 2 months old, its main food is mother's milk. It contains all the necessary nutrients, minerals and vitamins.

The baby can try the first complementary foods as early as 1 month, but veterinarians advise not to rush into this. The Persian's delicate stomach should become stronger and the gastrointestinal tract should be fully formed. At two months of age, the kitten is ready to try adult food.

The first thing you should introduce him to is porridge with milk diluted with water. There is no need to salt or sweeten them. A little later, around 3 months, you can give the kitten frozen raw meat. Be sure to grind it well. At the same age, you can give vegetable puree from boiled vegetables. You need to give new food a little at a time - half a teaspoon will be enough. Little Persians eat often - 5-6 times a day.

A six-month-old kitten is fed less often - 3-4 times a day. 6 months is the age when you can start feeding Persian kittens food for adult cats. We will talk about ready-made industrial feed. You can feed the food that his mother eats, but it is better to choose special lines of food designed for kittens.

Ready-made food for Persian kittens

  1. GO! NATURAL Holistic – holistic food for kittens and cats with sensitive digestion;
  2. Perfect Fit “Junior” – canned food for kittens (super-premium);
  3. Wahre Liebe “Junge” – premium dry food;
  4. Royal Canin Kitten – dry food for kittens up to 12 months (premium class);
  5. Royal Canin Persian Kitten – dry food for Persian kittens (premium class).

You can completely switch to feeding with ready-made food at 12 months.

It is important to ensure that your kitten always has fresh water. There should be plenty of water and it should be freely available

Read more about kitten nutrition here.

Feeding kittens

Regardless of the breed, for the first 3-4 weeks after birth, kittens feed exclusively on mother's milk.

Kittens continue to nurse, but it's not enough

When to feed kittens after they are born is usually clear right away. They become restless and begin to lose weight. If babies do not gain 10 g daily, it is time to introduce complementary foods:

  • meat. It is better to start self-catering with beef. When kittens learn to chew, the diet can be varied with turkey and chicken. It is advisable to give by-products no more than 2-3 times a week, replacing meat. This could be the heart, liver, lungs, stomachs;
  • well-cooked vegetables. When feeding, you should not give only legumes, tomatoes and eggplants;
  • cereals, except those containing large amounts of carbohydrates;
  • eggs. Quail can be given whole. Chicken - only the yolk. In the first year of life, it is enough to feed 1-2 times a week;
  • dairy products. They should not contain sugar or sweeteners. Sour milk should be low-fat. Brewer's yeast and eggshells crushed in a coffee grinder;
  • wet food. Manufacturers of such products produce special lines for kittens. It is recommended to choose super-premium products.

Kittens need to be fed 4-7 times a day

Note! A cat's taste preferences may change after giving birth. You need to approach this with patience and understanding.

In conclusion, it should be noted that if you follow the above recommendations, your pet will quickly regain strength and the postpartum period will pass without problems. It is easy to understand that the right diet has been chosen for the animal: it does not lose weight, there is enough milk during feeding, the fur does not fade, the kittens look happy and well-fed.


For the first 4-5 hours after giving birth, the cat will refuse to eat. She needs to be offered warm water and milk.

Meat products

Immediately after childbirth, you can introduce a small amount of boiled dietary meat (turkey, rabbit) into your diet. From the 14th day, when the pet has fully recovered, the usual food is given. Including meat in any form.


Dairy products are necessary after childbirth. What to feed a newborn cat:

Dairy products saturate the body with beneficial elements

Important! Dairy products must be present on the menu throughout lactation and 20-30 days after its end. After this, if the cat refuses, you can eliminate milk from the diet.

Bone flour

Contains calcium, which is necessary for the animal during the postpartum period. If there is a lack of it, the cat feels unwell, convulsions and eclampsia may occur. Such pathological conditions often lead to death. Bone meal should be given 1 tsp. daily. The Scottish Fold especially needs this so that the ears take the correct position.

Fish is necessary for a cat who has given birth, but not more than several times a month. It is better to give preference to low-fat varieties. What fish to feed a nursing cat:

The fish must first be cleaned of bones.


Warm broth improves the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. It can be prepared from chicken, turkey, beef, cereals and vegetables, but without spices and salt.

Special dry food

For the first time after giving birth, it is not recommended to give your pet a ready-made dry diet. It contains virtually no moisture and adversely affects milk production. In addition, the food contains a lot of heavy salts, which is bad for growing kittens.

The only exceptions are purebred cats (for example, British cats). If before giving birth the pet ate dry food, changing the diet is undesirable.

When the product is not digestible, you can switch to canned food from the same manufacturer

Eating for more milk

You can ask your veterinarian what to feed a cat that has given birth to kittens to produce milk. He will give the necessary recommendations based on the individual characteristics of the animal.

Often, to improve lactation, a cat is given a decoction of lemon balm, oregano and anise, 1 tsp each. in the morning and in the evening. It should be slightly concentrated: 1 tsp. dried grass is poured with 500-600 ml of water.

Attention! Before giving the animal a decoction, you need to try it yourself. If it tastes bitter, you need to add a little sugar

Otherwise the cat will refuse him.

What to give a cat to increase lactation?

To make your cat produce more milk, there are effective and harmless natural remedies. Here are some of them:

⦁ Infusion of walnuts with milk. To prepare this infusion, you need to put 8 - 10 peeled nuts in a thermos, pour 0.5 liters of boiling milk over them and leave for up to 4 hours. You need to add a little sour cream to this infusion and let it turn sour. The result is a very tasty yogurt that your pets really like. To strengthen the strength of the cat’s body after the release of colostrum, you can add two to three quail eggs, one to two teaspoons of glucose, and one tablet of medical yeast to this mixture.

⦁ Powdered nettle inflorescences are added little by little to cat food.

⦁ A decoction of wild raspberry leaves not only increases lactation, but also helps expel parasites, which is very important for nursing cats.

⦁ Green oat grass stimulates lactation, improves immunity and strengthens the animal’s body.

⦁ Infusion of lemon balm leaves in milk increases the quantity and quality of milk.

⦁ Herbs that increase milk production also include fennel, cumin, primrose, sweet clover, carrots, dandelion, and yarrow. You can make decoctions and infusions from them and give them to cats.

In addition, to increase milk supply, the cat needs rest, plenty of fluids and a balanced diet.

What is the best food for kittens to buy?

The basis of the diet of pets, especially babies with fragile bodies, should be balanced food. Buying economy class mixtures is highly discouraged

It is better to pay attention to premium or higher-class dry granules and wet canned food.

The meat ingredient must be first in the list of ingredients. Its quality should also not be in doubt. It is better to choose hypoallergenic lean meat (veal, rabbit, turkey) without by-products. Toddlers can be picky when it comes to food. If your pet refuses the offered portion, you need to change the flavor or brand of food.

It is not advisable for kittens to consume cereals - this can lead to gastrointestinal upset. Manufacturers offer many grain-free recipes. Also, the formula should contain no more than 20% fat - too heavy food will lead to indigestion or your pet gaining excess weight.

It is better to choose medicated food after consultation with a veterinarian. The doctor will give advice and determine the duration of the diet.


Cheap food with dyes and flavors will certainly “reflect” on the appearance of your pet. For example, the Maine Coon breed does not have any special taste preferences, and is not classified as picky.

If you give a nursing cat an economy class, goodbye to fluffy fur and shine, even to the loss of whiskers and weight loss of kittens.

Proper cat nutrition will definitely make itself felt - the kittens are not thin or restless, the nurse’s coat is not dull, and her body weight has not changed much. The ideal option is when a cat that has fattened its offspring shows on the scale its previous weight before pregnancy.

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Holistic food

This is one of the varieties of super premium food, consisting of 100% natural products. Translated, Holistic means “whole.” Holistics are products of a new generation, high class and in a serious price category.


Price – 370 rub. for 340 g.

Canadian food of the highest class. The Wild Prairie option is suitable for kittens. Akana contains 75% natural chicken and turkey. There are no grain components, vegetable proteins, or artificial ingredients.


Price for 2 kg – 1500 rub.

Grandorf dry food is produced by the Belgian company United Petfood Producers NV. For kittens they offer the “Lamb with Rice” option.

Based on lamb, fresh chicken and brown rice. Contains fiber, beneficial additives and natural antioxidants.

Go Natural

Price – from 1176 rub. for 1.3 kg

Manufactured by the Canadian company Petcurean Pet Nutrition.

It is based on high-quality meat ingredients and offal. Does not contain grains. As with all holistic products, the manufacturer uses only natural preservatives.

The food is available at many pet stores. Reviews from owners are mostly good; everyone notes the economical consumption of the product.


Price – 385 rub. for 400 g.

Czech food from the company VAFO PRAHA sro The manufacturer honestly indicates the composition with the percentage (flour from meat, poultry and fish). The product is grain-free and enriched with a worthy vitamin and mineral complex.

The composition contains cranberries, apples, rosemary. One brand is suitable for kittens - “Healthy Growth”.

Farmina N&D

Average price – 380 rubles. for 300 g.

Produced by Farmina Pet Food in Italy, Serbia and Brazil. For kittens, the manufacturer offers grain-free dry food with chicken and pomegranate. Contains chicken fillet, herring, eggs, fatty acids.

What and how to feed blind kittens without a cat: recipes for mixtures

Cow's milk is not suitable for feeding and does not contain all the nutrients.

What and how to feed blind kittens without a cat, formula recipes:

  • A mixture of cow's milk with eggs and vegetable oil . For approximately 220 ml of cow's milk you need 2 chicken yolks and 50 ml of vegetable oil. It is better to take refined one. This whole mixture is shaken and heated in a water bath to a temperature of 35 degrees. This mixture can be fed to kittens.
  • You need to dilute 400 ml of condensed milk without sugar with water and add about two tablespoons of bone meal. The mixture is shaken and heated before feeding. If you don’t want to prepare anything, you can safely use mixtures that are sold in veterinary clinics. However, their cost is quite high, so not everyone can afford to purchase such products.

Please note that it is also necessary to accurately calculate food standards for babies. Under no circumstances should you overfeed. On average, about 4-5 ml of formula is needed per 100 g of kitten. If the kitten weighs 250 g, the optimal amount is 10 ml of mixture. Prepare the mixture for one day, store in the refrigerator. Never use two-day formula to feed babies.


Wet economy options


Price from 19 rub. per bag.

Food from Purina. The composition contains 4% meat components, vegetable protein extracts, an unknown amount of fish, unknown sugars, thickeners, vitamins.

Felix kitten food


Price – from 25 rub. per pouch package, from 35 rub. per jar.

Canned food from Nestlé Purina is produced in pouches and small portioned tin cans.

The composition of the product is almost identical to Felix, but the price is an order of magnitude higher, especially for canned pates. The owners note that kittens love spiders, but most likely this is due to the flavorings.

Gourmet kitten food

All Cats

Price – from 16 rub. per bag.

Contains 20% minced chicken, 4% meat by-products, an unspecified amount (less than 4%) of fish by-products, vegetable proteins, flaxseed oil. At this ratio, the food is liquid and smells very strongly of fish, which suggests the use of flavorings.

All Cats kitten food

Whiskas spiders

Price from 22 rub. per bag.

The ingredients on the bag are extremely difficult to read. Armed with a magnifying glass, you can make out that the food consists of 45% meat and offal (chicken min. 4%), the manufacturer has classified the rest of the proportions, indicating vegetable oil, cereals, antioxidants, taurine, vitamins, and minerals.

kitten food Whiskas spiders


Pouch price – from 38 rubles.

Wet food for kittens Sheba, from Mars. Manufacturers produce entire collections of Sheba flavors with attractive names, positioning their foods as premium.

But the composition of the spiders is no different from the bags of economy options. The same base of offal, unclear ratio of grains and flavoring additives.

Sheba kitten food

How to syringe feed a newborn kitten?

We'll have to prepare for sleepless nights feeding the babies. Newborn kittens are not able to lap up milk on their own; they must be fed with a syringe or pipette.

How to syringe feed a newborn kitten:

  • It is necessary to squeeze out the milk little by little, drop by drop. There is no need to insert a syringe into your mouth; you need to place the tip on your lower lip and apply pressure.
  • Gradually, drop by drop will appear, and the kitten will lick off the food.
  • You should not dip your baby's face into the mixture; it can get into the respiratory tract, which can cause suffocation.

Feeding kittens

Feeding before birth

Pregnancy lasts differently for domestic predators, with an average of 9 weeks. But just before childbirth comes a crucial moment. Feeding at this time is relegated to the background. The cat's body begins to actively prepare for childbirth: about 5 hours before it, the appetite disappears completely. The hormonal surge that precedes the birth of kittens triggers deep self-preservation mechanisms.

An empty stomach is a guarantee of normal labor. You shouldn’t deceive your cat’s innate instincts and give your cat treats, as this will only create problems. It will definitely be more difficult for her to give birth with a full stomach: it will complicate contractions and cause complications.

If the cat still insists on food, you should not give heavy food. Only light foods in small quantities: for example, cottage cheese. Do not limit access to water: during pushing, the pet will urinate several times and, as a result, there is a risk of dehydration for the pet who has already given birth.

What to feed a cat after giving birth is a completely separate question.

Baby food

In order for the postpartum mother to regain her strength and for the babies to develop normally, from the age of 3 weeks the fluffy babies begin to be fed with milk.

When there are more than six children in a litter, formula for newborn kittens is given from the age of five days. At one month, the cubs independently try to eat soft food in the form of mousse (pate).


: Little Scottish cats will not have difficulties with digestion and stool if the nursing “Scottish” after giving birth eats the same “baby” food.

And may the loving kitty mom always be well-fed, and may her furry babies be healthy.

Until next time.

Correct diet for nursing mothers

During the lactation period, there is a great need for protein, since it is the main “building material” of cells and tissues, and part of it is spent on milk production. Nutrient deficiency leads to depletion of the body and the development of rickets. The maximum amount of protein is found in sea fish, quail eggs, fermented milk products, offal, beef, chicken, oatmeal, buckwheat, and sprouted wheat. All of the above must be included in the menu of a pet nursing offspring. Meat broths are especially useful, but you don’t need to add spices to them.

A lactating cat also requires increased portions of calcium. It will be possible to replenish the mineral deficiency by introducing dairy and fermented milk products into the diet.

However, please note that raw milk should be given with extreme caution, as it is very weak, and some veterinarians are convinced that it is harmful for cats. It is not always possible to satisfy the body's need for calcium by revising the menu, so you will need to consult a specialist who will recommend special vitamin and mineral complexes for nursing

Felines drink a lot of fluids around the clock, so make sure that water is always freely available. Just don’t place it next to a bowl of food to avoid pieces of food getting into the liquid. It is best to use filtered or settled water rather than boiled water, since regular use of the latter causes dental problems.

And finally, there is a whole list of foods that should never be given to a nursing cat. It includes: chicken and fish bones, raw meat, sugar and sweets (especially chocolate), potatoes, legumes, salt, vitamins for people, river fish.

Products for nursing cats

The diet of a nursing cat must include foods rich in protein and calcium.

  • Protein . The main building material of cells. If the mother cat does not receive enough of it, her milk will be inferior, which means the kittens are at risk of rickets, slow growth and exhaustion.
  • Calcium . A mineral responsible for the condition of hair and teeth. Its deficiency can provoke muscle spasms, convulsions, cause rickets and even lead to the death of the animal.

Important! Protein is found in meat, fish, eggs, dairy products, legumes, cereals, and various vegetables.

Calcium-rich foods that should be included in the diet of a nursing cat are milk, fermented milk products, salmon, sardines and white cabbage.

What can you feed

A nursing cat can and should be fed everything that actively replenishes its supply of proteins, fats, carbohydrates, microelements, and vitamins. It’s easier to do this using ready-made industrial feeds - everything is already balanced there, and the dosage is indicated on the packaging. But some breeders and their pets prefer natural food.

It will also be interesting:

In this case, the diet of a nursing cat mother should include: sea fish (salmon, sardines), eggs (chicken, quail), fermented milk products (cottage cheese, yogurt, kefir, cheese), legumes (peas, lentils, soy), meat ( beef, veal), poultry (chicken, turkey), cereals (buckwheat, rice, oats), vegetables (carrots, cabbage).

What not to feed

List of 8 foods prohibited for a nursing cat:

  1. River fish is less digestible and can be infected with parasites.
  2. Raw meat is poorly digestible and creates additional stress on the digestive system during the intense postpartum period of lactation.
  3. Pork is excluded due to its high fat content.
  4. Salty, spicy, sweet - everything that is unnatural for a cat’s diet is “ugly”.
  5. Sausage, smoked meats - a lot of fat, salt, preservatives. There is little benefit, much harm.
  6. Potatoes are not digestible in any form, either raw or boiled.
  7. Bones (fish, bird) are dangerous and therefore contraindicated.
  8. Flour and butter are empty carbohydrates, no nutrients, only the threat of diabetes and obesity.


As long as the mother cat is feeding her kittens, she is free to eat as much as she wants and whenever she wants. Usually, this is 4-6 times a day instead of the usual two. The owner is only required to ensure that the bowl is filled and the daily amount is evenly distributed.

The portion size for natural feeding is selected experimentally, based on the size and appetite of the nurse, as well as the number of her offspring.

Economy class dry food


Price – 94 rub. for 400 g.

Dry food from Nestle Purina PetCare Compan (USA). One of the most budget products with a poor and unclear composition, which is based on by-products in an unknown proportion. The food attracts with its very low price, constant availability in any mass market and active advertising.

Ingredients: cereals, animal products (unknown parts of chicken), vegetable oils, yeast and plenty of preservatives.

for kittens Friskies

Whiskey Special

Price – 106 rub. for 350 g.

Product from Russian. The composition predominates in flour of animal origin, wheat, and poultry. Animal fat, sunflower oil, brewer's yeast.

A good mineral and vitamin complex is declared. The manufacturer does not indicate the exact content of the declared components; one can only guess about the amount of meat in the food.

for kittens Whiskas Special

Purina One

Price from 93 rub. for 200 g.

Purina One is a dry food from Nestlé. According to experts, it is in the middle between the economy class line and premium food.

The manufacturer indicated the percentage of content. In first place is 15-17% meat or salmon content, then, in descending order, wheat (a source of carbohydrates), dry poultry protein, corn, soy flour. Not a bad ratio of useful additives.

for kittens Purina One

Purina Cat Chow

Price – 134 rub. for 400 g.

Another product from the Purina line. The composition is slightly worse than in Purina One, so this is a solid economy option.

Cereals come first, without specifying the percentage. Next, 33% of incomprehensible “meat and meat products”, products of processing of vegetable raw materials, proteins and fats.

kitten food Purina Cat Chow


Price – from 103 rub. for 300 g.

Russian product from. A very dubious composition, based on bird meal from unknown parts of the bird.

Carbohydrate sources include wheat, corn and rice, which are not ideal for sensitive gastrointestinal tracts. There are very few vitamins.

kitten food Stout

Our Brand

Price – 91 rub. for 400 g.

Also a product from Gatchina KKZ, the quality is worse than Stout. Food based on vegetable protein and poultry meal. Added hydrolyzed liver in an unknown proportion, brewer's yeast and sunflower oil. There are few valuable additives, there is a mysterious antioxidant.

kitten food Our Brand

Ready-made food suitable for postpartum cats

NameFormCompoundPeculiaritiesapproximate price
Royal Canin Queen 34 PRODry
  • dehydrated turkey meat,
  • rice,
  • cellulose,
  • corn,
  • animal protein,
  • yeast,
  • beet pulp,
  • soybean oil,
  • L-lysine,
  • fish fat,
  • egg powder,
  • beta carotene,
  • L-carnitine
Can be used throughout pregnancy and until the end of lactation.
  • packaging 4 kg - 1830 rub.;
  • package 10 kg - 4330 rub.
ProPlan Junior
  • dehydrated chicken meat,
  • rice,
  • corn gluten,
  • dry poultry protein,
  • liver digest,
  • egg powder,
  • yeast,
  • fish fat,
  • zinc,
  • selenium
Suitable for kittens, pregnant and lactating cats. After birth, food can be given from the second week (soaked in water or broth).
  • packaging 400 grams - 288 rubles;
  • package 3 kg - 1860 rub.
Royal Canin Mother & Baby catDry food, canned foodDry:
  • dehydrated poultry protein,
  • animal fats,
  • rice,
  • corn flour,
  • vegetable fiber,
  • beet pulp,
  • fish fat,
  • lutein

Canned food:

  • meat by-products,
  • cereals,
  • plant protein extracts,
  • vegetable by-products,
  • milk serum,
  • fish fat.
Can be given to cats in a soaked form from the second week after birth, suitable for starting complementary feeding for kittens.
  • packaging 400 grams - 275 rubles;
  • package 2 kg - 1280 rub.;
  • canned food packaging 400 grams - 390 rubles;
  • package 2 kg - 1550 rub. 195 rub.
BOZITA Funktion KittenDry
  • dry chicken meat,
  • corn flour,
  • animal fat,
  • Scandinavian salmon,
  • rice,
  • meat flour,
  • oats,
  • corn gluten,
  • dry arctic fish,
  • yeast,
  • dicalcium phosphate,
  • beet fiber
Suitable for kittens, pregnant and lactating cats (from the second week after birth).
  • packaging 400 grams - 390 rubles;
  • package 2 kg - 1550 rub.
Eukanuba Kitten Healthy Start
  • animal proteins,
  • animal fat,
  • barley,
  • Wheat flour,
  • rice,
  • egg flour,
  • sugar beet pulp,
  • fish fat,
  • dried brewer's yeast,
  • zinc,
  • selenium
Primarily intended for kittens, but suitable for feeding cats from the third week after birth.
  • packaging 400 grams - 290 rubles;
  • package 2 kg - 1130 rub.

Royal Canin Mother & Babycat canned food is suitable for both kittens and cats from the second week after birth

Features of cat nutrition in the first days after birth

In addition to providing plenty of fluids, you should also provide natural ingredients. Semi-finished products, sausage, frankfurters, and any smoked meats are excluded. In most cases, after childbirth, tastes in food remain the same as in normal times. But a sharply changed taste sometimes accompanies the postpartum period. If a cat refused milk before the birth of kittens, after that it may become her favorite product. This is due to the body’s loss of useful substances, the restoration of which has now become necessary. When offering new products, for the first two weeks you need to make a choice only in favor of easily digestible and protein-rich foods.

Immediately after childbirth, it is necessary to replenish the water balance.

List of prohibited components

Your cat's diet should not include:

  1. River fish. There may be parasites in it.
  2. Raw meat. It is almost not absorbed and overloads the animal’s already weakened body.
  3. Pork.
  4. Salty, spicy, sweet.
  5. Sausages.
  6. Potatoes in any form.
  7. Bones.
  8. Muffins.

Due to the increased load on the cat’s body, in addition to an increase in the daily volume of incoming food, the number of its intake also changes. Instead of the usual two, the pet can eat up to six times a day. The owner’s main task during this period is to monitor the quality of the food and consult a veterinarian on any questions that arise.

Cat health during lactation

Pregnancy, subsequent childbirth, and then feeding the offspring - all this is a huge burden on the mother cat’s body.

And loads are often fraught with stress and exacerbations of chronic diseases, decreased immunity and inflammatory processes.

This is interesting! Among the most common diseases during lactation is mastitis.

This inflammation of the breast occurs from a small wound or crack into which a pathogenic bacterium enters. Mastitis can provoke stagnation of milk when a cat has few kittens and the milk remains unclaimed.

Mastitis can be prevented by simple measures: good hygiene, caring care, good nutrition and regular examination. If you notice pain in the mammary gland, redness, and the gland itself has become dense and hot, you should immediately contact a veterinarian to prevent further development of the disease.

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The best food for Bengal cats

Dry cat food must contain at least 26% protein and 9% fat (veterinary requirements). The intestines of Bengals are very sensitive, so you need to decide on the type of food in the first year of life.

Adult Bengalis painfully endure the transition from a natural type of diet to feeding with prepared foods. Industrial feed should be from well-known super-premium and premium brands. Ideally, it should be holistic food.

We recommend trying:

  1. WildCat Etosha (Germany) – holistic food;
  2. CARNILOVE Salmon for Adult Cats – Sensitive & Long Hair (Czech Republic) – holistic;
  3. Orijen Six Fish Cat (Canada) – holistic food;
  4. Eukanuba Adult with Chicken (Netherlands) – premium food;
  5. Royal Canin Bengal Adult (France) – premium class.

WildCat Etosha

Dry grain-free food made in Germany based on natural ingredients. High protein content - 46%, fat - 23%.

Protein composition: chicken, chicken meal, turkey meal, chicken liver. Fats – chicken fat. Does not contain grains or legumes. The source of carbohydrates is flaxseed. The food formula contains a berry-herbal mixture and a complex of vitamins and minerals. Prebiotics MOS and FOS to maintain the balance of microflora in the intestines. Concentrated Jerusalem artichoke squeeze strengthens the immune system. Free from chemicals, preservatives and dyes. Plus feed: high protein content, no grains.

Disadvantage of food: high cost.

Feed price:

  • 500 g – 700 rubles (350 UAH);
  • 3 kg – 2390 rubles (1195 UAH).

CARNILOVE Salmon for Adult Cats – Sensitive & Long Hair

Food for adult Bengal cats from the Czech manufacturer VAFO PRAHA. Translated, it means the love of a predator. It has a balanced grain-free composition with a high content of crude protein – 36%, crude fat – 17%.

Ingredients: salmon meal, salmon fillet, yellow peas, herring meal, chicken fat, chicken liver, fish oil. Fruits and vegetables: carrots, apples, raspberries, cranberries, blueberries. Hydrolyzed crustacean shells – glucosamine. Chicory root is a source of inulin. Cartilage extract is a source of chondroitin.

The composition contains a complex of medicinal plants, vitamins and minerals. Large, elongated granules help clean the animal’s teeth and oral cavity. Does not contain preservatives or dyes.

Plus feed: does not contain grain and soy.

Disadvantage of food: it is not always available for free sale.

Orijen Six Fish Cat

Fish food with a high percentage of protein – 42%, fat – 20%. Protein composition: salmon, herring, flounder, pike perch, pike, whitefish, pollock (fish of the cod family). Source of carbohydrates: chickpeas, red and green lentils, green peas, alfalfa. Fats – herring oil and salmon oil, canola oil. Vegetables and fruits: pumpkin, apples, spinach, carrots, pears, blueberries, cranberries.

As additives – extracts of medicinal plants. Brown algae - improves digestion and strengthens the immune system. The food is enriched with a vitamin-mineral complex, antioxidants, and probiotics. Contains peppermint.

Plus the food: contains Enterococcus faecium – probiotics that normalize intestinal flora.

Disadvantage of the food: it contains canola oil, a cheap source of vegetable fat.


  • 340 g – 429 rubles (214 UAH);
  • 1.8 kg – 1882 rubles (941 UAH);
  • 5.4 kg – 3999 rubles (2000 UAH).

Eukanuba Adult with Chicken

Complete food for adult cats with a high protein content of 41%. Main ingredients: dehydrated poultry, rice, wheat, animal fat, sugar beet pulp, fish oil, dried egg, yeast. Contains a complex of vitamins and minerals. The optimal ratio of Omega-3 and Omega-6 fatty acids supports the health of the coat. Probiotics in the food help improve digestion.

Plus food: optimal protein content for a Bengal cat.

Disadvantage of the food: it contains wheat, you need to control the weight of the animal.


Problems of lactation period and their solutions

Not in all cases, a balanced, nutritious diet guarantees the absence of problems with the amount of milk. Kittens can remain hungry, letting you know by crying regularly. The owner is faced with the question of what he needs to feed the cat in order to produce more milk.

What to give a cat to increase lactation?

First, you need to eliminate the lack of liquid: water, broth, milk. Access to fresh water should be constant, close to where the animal sleeps. The cat needs to be provided with comfortable conditions and no stress during this already difficult period for her.

Lack of milk may be due to a deficiency of vitamins and nutrients. The prescription of such drugs occurs under the supervision of a specialist. You can try traditional methods to increase your milk supply. Melissa, cumin, dill, oregano, anise, dandelion, raspberry leaves in the form of infusions are offered for drinking or added to food. Boiled pumpkin and carrot puree are well-known means for good lactation. You can sprout oat grains yourself or buy them at a pet store; sprouts increase immunity and have a general strengthening effect for the body. Finely chopped nettle leaves added to food increase the volume of milk produced. A good method is to infuse walnuts in milk, at the rate of 10 nuts per half liter of boiled milk, and then let it curdle to the consistency of yogurt. Your cat will love this healthy treat.

There are foods that can increase your milk supply.

Danger of exhaustion

While nursing kittens, a cat can lose a lot of weight. Late response by owners can lead to exhaustion. This often happens if there are more than five babies in the litter. It is not easy to feed them naturally, and here you will have to support both the cat and the kittens with additional food.

An emaciated mother cat can be fed with baby food and formula. You need to make sure that they do not contain prohibited foods, such as sugar or berries. You can also feed kittens with suitable formulas for children.

If there are many kittens in a litter, there is a high chance that one or two may constantly lack food. They are weak and lighter than others. They cannot compete with siblings for access to milk, and the mother cannot always control this. Here a person must intervene and provide the babies with additional nutrition. It can be goat's milk diluted with water, as well as cow's milk. Even now, pet stores sell special mixtures for kittens; this may be the only option for saving weakened babies.

In case of malnutrition, the kitten must be fed.

Nutrition for constipation

Digestive difficulties can be expressed in different forms, and can be caused by different reasons. Perhaps it was difficult for the cat to give birth, and difficulties arose during the process, the body may be dehydrated, and there is no usual mobility. These and other factors in some cases lead to constipation. With this illness, oils added to food will help: olive or flaxseed; you can also offer butter even in its pure form.

Vegetables can loosen the gut, but not all cats will eat them. You can add them in crushed form to your diet. Sprouted oats will also save the situation; you can buy them in the store or grow them yourself. This is easy to do in a plate on the windowsill using regular gauze.

If the cat flatly refuses the proposed experiments, and her health does not improve, you can buy a laxative at the veterinary pharmacy. Regarding medications, it is better to consult a doctor.

The veterinarian will help you choose medications.

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