Why does a cat want a cat after castration - behavioral characteristics before and after

If you are a cat owner, one of the most important decisions you will make is whether to spay your cat or not. This is generally recommended and I would personally advise you to do it as it prevents unwanted reproduction and also has various health benefits. However, owners who make the decision may be surprised when they bring their cat home and then see that he continues to exhibit sexual behavior, including mating.

So do cats want to mate after castration? Depending on his age, your cat may still have some sexual urges, and, indeed, he may even act on those urges. However, the important thing is that he will not be able to mate successfully, which means there is no risk of unwanted kittens.

It is worth emphasizing that male cats tend to lose their sexual desires after neutering, at least for the most part, and other unwanted behaviors may also disappear. As I'll explain further, there are also some steps you can take after the procedure to try to prevent mating and other signs of sexual attraction.

How to prepare a cat for surgery

The key to successful sterilization is not only the quality of the procedure itself and proper care after the operation, but also the proper preparation of the cat for this event.

Preoperative actions are:

  • Vaccination against infectious diseases. Vaccinations must be given no later than 4 weeks before sterilization, otherwise the immune system will still be weakened and the body may not be able to withstand the additional stress of surgery. If vaccination is not carried out at all, then the animal runs the risk of catching any infection that may occur in a veterinary clinic where sick, weakened animals are brought. Therefore, if you are planning to sterilize your pet, be sure to get vaccinated a month before the planned event.
  • Purchasing a special blanket (bandage) that the cat will wear for 14-20 days after surgery (remember that this may not be required - in veterinary clinics, the blanket is usually put on independently). Before purchasing, it is advisable to test how well the bandage fits, whether it fits tightly to the animal’s body, and whether it is comfortable for the cat to move in it. All threads must be removed, and the edges and ribbons must be hemmed - this is a necessary measure to ensure that the cat does not swallow the threads or choke on them.

  • Carrying out anti-flea treatment (especially if the female has access to the street or communicates with other animals): 1-2 days before the operation, you need to bathe the animal with medicated flea shampoo or carry out preventive treatment with special means.
  • Carrying out antihelminthic therapy - in the postoperative period, the cat’s body will be very weakened, and if antihelminthic measures are not carried out in time, the cat’s intestines can become a breeding ground for a large number of these parasites. To avoid this situation, all cats are recommended to be given deworming tablets 5-7 days before sterilization - this will help rid the body of an additional source of infection that can be caused by helminths.
  • Nail trimming. It is usually carried out 1-2 days before sterilization. This is not a mandatory, but recommended procedure - a cat in a veterinary clinic may become nervous and aggressive before being given general anesthesia. To prevent a restless animal from harming doctors, the owner and itself, it is recommended that its claws be trimmed before surgery.
  • Special diet. This point is a very important preparatory stage - 12-14 hours before the operation, the cat must be put on a starvation diet. If this is not done, and the female comes to the operation well-fed, then under the influence of anesthesia she will begin to vomit. In this case, you can give the animal water, but it is advisable not to give water 2 hours immediately before sterilization.

Do not forget to take care of how and what you will wear to transport your cat to the operation. It is advisable to use a special plastic container for transporting small animals: the cat will not freeze in it, and it will be provided with a flow of fresh air.

What should you pay special attention to?

Owners of purebred animals should take care in advance to select a suitable pair for their pet. To do this, you can contact a club or visit a cat show, where there are many worthy candidates.

  • Discuss mating conditions in advance to avoid any misunderstandings in the future
  • Both animals must have all their vaccinations and deworming no later than two weeks before mating;
  • Make sure there are no various diseases (fungal, infectious, etc.), as well as skin parasites;
  • On the eve of mating, be sure to trim the claws to protect the animals from causing injury to each other;
  • Before mating, you should not bathe your pets, as this may drown out their natural odor;
  • The owner of the cat should prepare a carrier and all the necessary things for the duration of the bride’s stay with the cat;
  • The cat owner must provide a separate room for the couple and constant supervision for them. You also need to observe the mating process and help if necessary;
  • Under no circumstances should you give a cat that you plan to breed in the future hormonal contraceptives, as they can cause problems with the animal’s reproductive system.

Why does a cat continue to be attracted to cats after castration?

The question of whether a neutered cat can want a cat is often addressed to veterinarians if the pet tries to ride the cat or imitates sexual intercourse with a soft toy, a fluffy hat, or a velor blanket.

The cat has already had contact with cats

If the pet had sexual contact before sterilization, he tries to repeat it after. The pheromones released by a cat during the estrus stage are detected by the male at a distance and become excited. Whether a cat can become pregnant from a neutered male depends on the length of time after the procedure. Fresh sperm no longer enter the reproductive tract, but the remaining ones are capable of fertilization for another 7-9 days.

After this period, the cat will receive a release and calm down, but there will be no conception. In some cases, a false pregnancy is possible: cessation of estrus, swelling of the nipples, change in behavior. However, after 20-30 days everything goes away.

The operation was performed by an unscrupulous doctor

Another reason why a cat asks for a cat after castration is a medical error.

About 2% of cats suffer from cryptorchidism, when the testicles are not lowered into the scrotum, but are located in the groin area or in the abdominal cavity. With ectopia, the testis may be located in the thigh, perineum, or at the root of the penis. Unilateral pathology is more common.

If there was no thorough examination of the animal before the procedure, one testicle is removed, and the second remains and continues to produce hormones that determine the behavior of males.

Repeated surgery is necessary because over time, the tissues of the dystopic organ degenerate with the formation of seminoma (malignant tumor). Veterinarians advise owners to feel the pet's scrotum themselves before sterilization. There should be 2 testicles there, shaped like beans.

Little time has passed since castration

The behavior of males changes some time after sterilization. The desire for sex persists for another 15 to 60 days, depending on the temperament and sexual constitution of the animal. Some castrates show interest in females even years after the procedure, because... sex hormones are secreted not only by the testes, but also by the pituitary gland and adrenal glands. Sometimes their number is excessive.

How does castration affect a cat's behavior?

Castration is the only guaranteed method that allows you to eliminate a cat’s sexual desire and reduce the intensity of behavioral factors associated with this instinct. In order to understand what exactly will change in the cat’s behavior, the easiest way is to consider the habits that the cat exhibits against the background of sexual arousal.

Marks are the most obvious signal from a male to attract a female. The marks are traces of special liquids (secrets) with an individual odor. Secrets may contain:

  • In urine.
  • In feces.
  • In sweat secretions between the fingers.

Urine marks are left in a particularly demonstrative manner - the cat lifts its tail and splashes urine. Feces marks are the same piles, only more fragrant. Even when you remove everything, the smell will remain. Very often, marks with feces are misunderstood, thinking that the cat is shitting in the house. Scratching walls, wallpaper, curtains and doors is also a way to leave marks.

Heart-rending screams, especially at night, are also a manifestation of sexual desire. The cat waits until night and begins to scream heart-rendingly so that the cat hears his call and answers. Castration solves this problem almost immediately. If the cat was mated before castration, the process of balancing the hormonal levels can take up to 6-9 months.

The defiant behavior and aggression that the cat began to show during sexual hunting is a natural consequence of dissatisfaction. Just don’t confuse the concepts; the cat does not experience satisfaction from mating, but it becomes very stressful if he has nowhere to throw out his accumulated energy.

After castration, the cat becomes more affectionate, and mood swings disappear over time. Again, activity peaks and mood swings should not be compared. The peak of activity is when a calm cat begins to rush around, jump, and true discouragement is visible on his face. After 10–15 minutes, the pet calms down and behaves as if nothing had happened. Peaks of activity are a kind of release or a way to let off steam.

A neutered cat wants a cat, why?

The castrated cat wanted a cat and ran into the yard

But owners often notice that even after sterilization, their cat has not completely lost interest in the opposite sex, and even makes attempts to mate with a female. Why does this happen and is a neutered cat capable of having sexual contact with a cat? After all, the main purpose of castration is to prevent the birth of offspring!

Why is a cat neutered?

A healthy, active cat mates with a female cat at least eight times a year.

For owners who keep a cat in an apartment, it is very difficult to survive the mating season of animals. After all, a pet, if it is not allowed outside, behaves very aggressively: it scratches the front door and furniture, leaves unpleasant “surprises” in the form of foul-smelling puddles throughout the apartment, and meows loudly all the time.

And cats that roam freely during this period can disappear on the street for a week, fight with other cats, and return home exhausted and with various injuries. Therefore, many owners decide to sterilize their pet so that it becomes calmer and less aggressive.

Castration of a cat is possible at any age, but the sooner it happens, the easier the animal will survive the operation.

Does a cat's character change after castration?

The cat's character must change for the better

Many owners of furry pets claim that the character of a cat that has undergone surgery to remove the seminal glands becomes much calmer and more balanced.

Benefits of castration

If the cat has previously actively marked the territory, then this habit may remain in his memory

  • the pet stops marking its territory (not in all cases);
  • he does not try to escape into the street at every opportunity;
  • the cat does not meow at night, demanding a cat;
  • the risk of contracting parasites and diseases from other cats is reduced;
  • The animal's lifespan increases by about two to four years.

Disadvantages of castration

  • In some cases, the pet becomes lethargic and lazy;
  • gaining excess weight;
  • despite the removal of the testicles, continues to mark the corners;
  • Sometimes the animal shows signs of uncontrolled aggression.

It should be remembered that sterilizing a cat is not a 100% guarantee that the cat will radically change its behavior after the operation.

Why are pets neutered?

True pet lovers wonder why they should castrate or neuter their furry household members and violate their natural instincts. However, the other half of loving owners believe that it is much more humane to use surgical intervention than to keep their furry friend locked up and tolerate his negative behavior.

In this case, the animal does not cause mischief in the apartment and does not cause discomfort, since, if necessary, it can mate and cope with sexual needs. If we are talking about pets, you should not refuse the castration procedure.

Castration and attraction to the opposite sex

Thanks to the procedure of removing the gonads, animals cease to be interested in the opposite sex. However, after the operation, many owners complain that practically nothing has changed in the pet’s behavior.

He remains partial to females, although not as pronounced as before.

Why does this happen? This is due to the fact that pets have previously been sexually active, whether once or repeatedly. In this case, the pets constantly released sex hormones

This is why the pet remembers instincts from life before surgery, as a result of which the cat wants a cat after castration.

How to determine that a male wants an individual of the opposite sex

Determining what your cat still wants after castration is not that difficult. This can be understood by the following signs:

  1. The pet constantly lives near the front door or by the window. At any opportunity, the animal tries to escape from the house.
  2. The furry friend continues to mark his territory. He mainly marks the edges of sofas, the owners' shoes, doors and even walls. The smell is different from cat urine, it is more pronounced and difficult to get rid of.
  3. Constantly calling the opposite sex with a loud meow. Animals are especially active in the evening.
  4. The animal becomes aggressive and angry. Trying to pet a cat often results in scratched hands.

When to perform the operation

To ensure that after surgery the animal ceases to have interest in females, cats should be castrated before the age of one year. The best option is 7 - 8 months, during which time the pet’s body has time to finally form and get stronger. In addition, at this age pets do not have a sexual instinct. It is strictly not recommended to castrate a cat too early, since the animal has not reached puberty. In this case, the surgical procedure may be pointless.

How is the operation performed?

For your furry friend, the operation is completely painless. During the operation, the pet is under anesthesia.

Meanwhile, the veterinarian removes hair from around the genitals, carefully cuts the scrotum and removes the testes. The procedure lasts no more than half an hour. After the procedure is completed, the animal comes to its senses; recovery usually takes a day. During this period of time, the pet needs to be provided with physical rest and a comfortable sleeping place should be prepared.


How to distinguish a neutered cat from a cat?

This question confuses many, because the main sign - “male virtues” - is missing. In this case, you can try to determine the sex using indirect signs - character and color, and also still examine the structure of the genital organs. A castrated cat, despite the absence of testes, still has a round urethral opening. There is a fairly large distance between it and the anus, whereas in a cat the vulva has the shape of a slit and is located close to the anus.

You should also pay attention to the behavior of the animal. A castrated cat loses the need to mark its territory, behaves very calmly and does not show any specific interest in individuals of the opposite sex, since after such an operation the animal’s hormonal levels change

Their natural curiosity is often replaced by a passion for food and reduced attention to what is happening. Thus, castrated pets can sleep and not react at all even to strong sounds, while their “full-fledged” counterparts pay attention to any, even the slightest, noise.


The onset of sexual readiness and the time of the first mating do not necessarily coincide. Final sexual maturity in cats occurs at the age of one to one and a half years.

Males, unlike cats, are capable of mating throughout the year; in the spring, the desire intensifies.

For an untied cat, it is worth choosing a more experienced partner, just as for an ununtied cat. It should also be taken into account that a cat sometimes does not allow a cat she does not like to approach her.

Why does a neutered cat ask for a cat?

Some owners are faced with an unpleasant surprise - a neutered cat continues to call the cat and mark the territory, what is the reason?

To save yourself from problems with marks and your pet from stress, you need to castrate him before entering the active phase of sexual estrus. The optimal age for castration varies from 7 to 9 months.

Note! The larger the cat, the sooner he will be neutered. Castration before the cat begins to mark gives a greater chance of eliminating problems in the future.

Urine marking is instinctive, but quickly becomes a habit. There are cases where neutered cats did not mark territory, but imitated this process

Castration before the cat begins to mark gives a greater chance of eliminating problems in the future. Urine marking is instinctive, but quickly becomes a habit. There are cases when castrated cats did not mark their territory, but imitated this process.

After castration, it takes from 3 to 12 months to balance the hormonal levels. The sooner a cat is neutered, the sooner its hormonal levels will become “even.” Depending on heredity, after the initial balancing of hormonal levels, the cat will experience:

  • Equal levels of estrogen and testosterone.
  • Predominance of testosterone.
  • Predominance of estrogen.

If a cat has a predominance of testosterone, he continues to behave in a very masculine manner: fight, mark, call the cat, etc. If estrogen outweighs, the cat becomes more affectionate, playful and flexible.

Normally, 6–12 months after castration, hormone levels will become equal, which will be expressed by the following signs:

  • The urine will lose its bright odor.
  • The cat will stop marking its territory with urine and feces.
  • The cat will more fiercely control and protect the territory from strangers.
  • For other cats, your pet will become uninteresting as a sexual object - there will be no fights with males, no screams to attract cats, etc.
  • The pet will become more playful, since energy is not spent searching for a sexual partner.
  • A cat can gain weight if its diet is not balanced.

Are there cats that do not mark even if they are not neutered? Oddly enough, yes. Some breeds of cats that have been professionally bred for decades inherit a special gene that deprives the male of the desire to mark territory with urine.

It is important to understand that genetic inheritance in this case is passed on from father to son. However, even if your cat’s father and grandfather did not mark the territory, this does not give you (as a potential kitten owner) any guarantees

"holistic" - the highest balanced class of feed

As already mentioned, proper care after castration of a domestic cat is based on dietary nutrition. If your pet prefers artificial food, pay attention to products from the Holistics line.

Holistic food has been appreciated by thousands of domestic cat lovers who choose only the best for their furry family members. The products are characterized by a high-quality composition of ingredients without the addition of harmful preservatives and flavors.

We invite you to familiarize yourself with the 50 most interesting facts about storks - Obshchenet

The holistic food contains 70-95% natural meat and fish of selected varieties in combination with vitamin complexes and other useful ingredients of natural origin.

The Holistic line includes a large selection of cat food from different global manufacturers:

  • Golden Eagle;
  • Acana;
  • GO!;
  • Almo Nature Holistik;
  • Innova Evo;
  • Holistik Blend, etc.

Can a neutered cat require mating with a female cat?

If a cat was neutered at a young age and has no experience with a female, he will most likely not require mating with a female cat.

Sometimes, even after castration, someone behaves like a full-fledged male and continues to behave as before the operation. Why is this happening? Many experts explain this by the fact that the adrenal glands of animals produce an excess of the male hormone testosterone. It is this hormone that is responsible for sexual desire and, if there is too much of it in the cat’s body, it will, as before, demand mating with the cat.

The behavior of a neutered cat may also be affected by the age at which he underwent surgery.

If a cat, before castration, has repeatedly had sexual contact with a person of the opposite sex, therefore, he remembers how this happened, then even after the operation he can try to perform sexual intercourse with the cat.

Even young castrated cats may still have hormones in their bodies that are responsible for sexual desire for several months, as a result of which they may also show interest in females.

If there are cats in the apartment?

In some cases, there are several cats of the opposite sex in an apartment. If females are not spayed, it is quite natural that they have periods of estrus, and male cats may show increased interest in cats and try to mate with them. There can only be one way out of this situation - to isolate the male from the female for some time.

Cryptorchidism in a cat

It is very rare, but it also happens that a castrated cat requires a female due to a congenital defect, when one of his testicles did not descend, but remained in the abdominal cavity. This phenomenon is scientifically called cryptorchidism.

During castration, many veterinarians, either through inattention or lack of practice, do not cut it out, as a result of which a sex hormone is present in the body. In this case, repeated surgery will be required to completely remove the testicle.

Sometimes a neutered cat may require a cat due to stress or a surge in hormones. Usually this condition of the pet does not last long and goes away within a few days.

Causes of aggression

In practice, there can be many reasons. The cat screams loudly when mating, and for a long time she clearly showed that she wanted a cat. Let us outline the main reasons for the pet’s bad behavior and “walking”.

Future parents should be introduced. Hold several meetings, leave them alone in the room so that the animals get used to each other. Moreover, it is better to take the male to the female, because... A change of environment is a big stress for a cat. After a while, she will, of course, get used to the new apartment, but this may take several weeks.

Let's move on to the immediate causes of yelling, aggressive behavior and hissing at domestic and future partners:

I didn't like the cat. Oddly enough, animals also have their own preferences and, roughly speaking, standards of beauty. They, of course, are aimed at finding the strongest and healthiest male. And if the cat falls under these criteria, then there will be no problems with this item.

The cat is acting insecure

Your pet's instincts will tell you what to do, but due to lack of experience, stress, or a new environment, he may act cautiously. An excited cat will take this as insecurity and will not allow the male to approach her.

They will hiss and scream at each other. Perhaps the cat had a history of mating with other males who were of a higher rank than the new suitor. This does not depend on the breed, but rather on the internal state.

The heat has ended or has not yet begun. In this case, everything is obvious, but this fact will be another reason to contact a veterinarian.

The cat is hungry. A few days before mating, the female should have plenty of water and food. She should not experience discomfort in anything, including her favorite toys. If your cat has experienced loss of appetite or apathy in recent days, then it is better to postpone the meeting with your gentleman.

Mating of incompatible breeds. Of course, a Maine Coon can easily mate with a barn cat. But this will happen when he runs away from home. This will happen, so to speak, under natural conditions. It is worth paying special attention to the pedigree of cats and not trying to crossbreed, for example, long-haired and short-haired animals.

Individual characteristics. Inherent in every animal, ranging from lack of mood to banal harmfulness. For example, you didn’t like the gentleman, but the desire to mate has not yet reached a critical point.

Disease. Let's leave stress aside and turn to the simplest ailments. Any, even the most minor disease, even indigestion, will lead to aggressive actions. During estrus, the hormonal background changes dramatically, and when a third-party illness is added to it, the female’s mood changes dramatically.

By the way, a cat may experience pain during mating due to inflammation of the glands or remember negative experiences from a previous mating. For example, the male was too persistent or hurt her. In this case, the female will be busy with her internal state, and will categorically not allow the cat to approach her.

Can a sterilized cat go for a walk and why?

Estrus and the desire to find a mating partner can be observed in a sterilized cat. Veterinarians identify the following most common reasons why an animal walks despite surgery:

The problem may appear if the animal has a thyroid disease.

  • A poorly performed operation. Most often, estrus occurs if the ovaries or uterus have not been completely removed. A piece of an organ can grow in the cavities and end up hidden by a kidney. An active search for a partner begins in the first 30 days after surgery.
  • Disruption of the endocrine glands. With pathologies of the hypothalamus, adrenal glands or pituitary gland, the concentration of biologically active organic substances in the blood is disrupted. It is especially dangerous if the failure is caused by malignant tumors in the kidney area. Imbalance of hormones is sometimes a side effect of thyroid pathologies, after which sterilized cats return to walking with cats.
  • Hormonal imbalance due to a stressful situation. Excess cortisone and other hormones produced by the body of a sterilized cat due to unfavorable external conditions can trigger estrus.

Premium food class

Experienced breeders recommend giving preference to the following brands:

  • Hills – a large assortment of therapeutic and prophylactic products that help prevent obesity in animals;
  • Royal Canin - nutritional composition rich in vitamins;
  • Purina PRO PLAN is a balanced food with pribiotics that improve intestinal function.

These feeds have a balanced composition of useful elements: protein, vitamin and mineral complexes, pribiotics, enzymes, carbohydrates and proteins.

Features of the operation

This operation is common; many cat owners resort to it. After surgery, some changes cannot but occur in the animal’s body. But they are not dangerous to his health. And castration is of great importance, especially for domestic cats.

When a cat periodically tramples and gets excited, screaming loudly at night from his desire, this creates a tense atmosphere in the house. What should owners do in such a situation? As a result, no one brings such a cat a cat anyway, and peace in the family is disrupted for many days.

ATTENTION! The operation, if performed by a good veterinarian, is not dangerous, is carried out quickly, and the recovery time is not long. The main thing is to properly prepare your pet for surgery and closely monitor it during the recovery period.

Castration does no more harm than those hormonal and other pills that would have to be given to an overexcited animal

The main thing is to properly prepare your pet for surgery and closely monitor it during the recovery period. Castration does no more harm than those hormonal and other pills that would have to be given to an overexcited animal.

The essence of the operation is that the doctor, after making small incisions near the scrotum, will completely remove the testicles or just tighten the seminal canals. Sterilization of cats is a more serious procedure that requires longer rehabilitation, because the cat’s entire uterus is removed.

How can a cat change?

Many people believe that after sterilization, their furry pet will become completely different, and its behavior will change radically. But do these assumptions have any real basis, or are they nothing more than speculation? Let's try to figure this out.

Will she catch mice?

For city residents, this issue is less relevant than for owners living in a private house.

Many of them do not dare to sterilize their cat only out of fear that she will suddenly stop catching mice and other harmful rodents. But is this really so?

Let’s say right away that sterilization does not in any way affect a cat’s ability to catch mice or its hunting instincts. She either already has them from birth, or she doesn’t and never will.

Will he stop marking and shitting?

Many of the owners of furry beauties sterilize their pet only because they hope in this way to rid her of the habit of crap everywhere and mark furniture and corners. But often their expectations are not always met and in order to wean a cat from these bad habits, one operation is not enough. Why is this happening?

During the operation, the ovaries were not completely removed, and the remaining particles continue to produce sex hormones. In this case, it is recommended to perform a second operation. Sterilization was carried out at puberty. In this case, the reproductive instinct and parental behavior have already become entrenched, which does not allow achieving a lasting effect after sterilization. The animal is stressed or in pain

In this way, it is simply trying to attract attention to itself and let its owners understand that not everything is fine with it and it needs help. In this case, a gentle and caring attitude towards your pet can help, and, in some cases, going to the clinic

Reverse effect: why can cats stop going to the litter box after sterilization?

Sometimes after sterilization, the cat does not go to the tray, which it has long been accustomed to. But why does this happen?

There can be many reasons for this behavior:

  • Stress. It is he who, most often, is the reason why a pet can “forget” that it needs to do its business in the tray. Does a cat experience stress after sterilization? Yes, definitely. There is pain, discomfort due to tightening stitches, and unpleasant memories of a trip to the clinic that ended with an operation.
  • The tray is too clean. Many owners, after surgery, in order to exclude the possibility of infection in the wound, wash the tray too thoroughly and wash off the animal’s usual odors from it.
  • Unsuitable filler. He can simply prick her even through the blanket at the seam, which can cause a sharp hostility towards the tray.

How to fix this?

  • When stressed, you need to give your pet as much attention as possible. You should also save her from any stressful situation, since for a cat the operation itself and the subsequent healing of the wound are already too much of a shock.
  • If the tray is washed too thoroughly, perhaps even with the use of chemical detergents, then you just need to not be too zealous about it. And it’s better to avoid detergent altogether, especially since it can cause allergies in the animal or simply irritate the skin.
  • Unsuitable litter should be replaced with something more comfortable for the cat. Moreover, it is better not to use another filler, but to use pieces of newspaper or any other non-waxed paper. And the best option is to give it up altogether for a while, allowing the cat to simply go into an empty tray and washing it after each use.

Expert advice

What about hormonal drugs? We haven't forgotten about them, of course. However, following the advice of veterinarians, we recommend using them only in exceptional cases. It should be understood that regular use of them causes metabolic disorders in animals. And it already manifests itself in the form:

  • inflammation in the organs of the reproductive system;
  • problematic pregnancy;
  • weak or sick offspring;
  • difficult births leading to caesarean sections;
  • tumors of the mammary glands and uterus, including malignant ones.

This is why responsible specialists prefer sterilization when owners don’t want to hear about furry children. The advantages of this option for solving the problem of offspring are obvious: you save yourself and your pet from suffering, prevent the dangerous consequences of using hormonal drugs and, in the end, reduce the number of useless defenseless lumps. In addition to the usual hormonal drugs in the form of injections or tablets, there are also chips containing the hormone, which are injected subcutaneously and, if necessary, removed.

However, having decided to sterilize your pet, you should remember that before the operation, they usually need an examination by an experienced veterinarian, and after that - competent and caring care. You also need to find out what she should be vaccinated with. If everything is done professionally and with love, your cat will not be in a state of chaleur, warming the house with its love for many, many years.

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If not hormones, then what?

Since hormonal drugs can be harmful, it is better to use more gentle options. For example, “Fitex” or “Cat Bayun”. These are herbal-based preparations, therefore they are the safest for cat health. “Palladium”, “Bromine” and “Ignacia” have also proven themselves well. These are homeopathic remedies that have a gentle effect on the body and do not cause side effects. In addition, the result is achieved almost immediately after use.

Many veterinarians advise sterilization if the owner does not want the cat to give birth to kittens. After the operation, the pet will no longer walk and will not be able to get pregnant. The pills temporarily suppress her arousal. And besides, they can cause irreparable harm to health. It makes sense to use such drugs if mating is not planned now, but in the future the owner plans to breed a cat with a cat. What exactly to choose, sterilization or taking sedative hormonal drugs, it all depends on the decision of the pet owner, as well as the health and age of the animal. Read more about the use of sedatives here.

This article discussed how to understand that a cat wants a cat, when it is recommended to breed and how to do it correctly. Each cat has its own character and preferences

And it is important to learn to understand your pet. If the owner does not want the cat to give birth, it is better to undergo sterilization surgery

Of course, you can use various drugs to suppress your pet’s sexual arousal, but many of them, especially hormonal ones, can be harmful to health.

Why does a cat show interest in a cat after castration?

It is believed that after castration, a cat's interest in cats fades away within a few days and is never resumed. In the civilized world, it has long been customary to castrate cats that have no breeding value. However, sometimes it happens that after castration, a cat, to the great surprise of its owners, remains attracted to ladies of its own species.

The cat is clearly planning to do something with the kitty

There are many cases where cats that had been castrated for a long time again became gallant gentlemen when a fluffy person of the opposite sex appeared, or in the spring they behaved extremely depravedly with soft toys and the owner’s slippers.

The owners' reaction usually ranges from amazement to indignation at a poorly performed operation with claims against veterinarians.

However, whether such claims are justified is an ambiguous question.

Veterinarian's mistake

If the veterinarian kept silent about the fact that the cat, whom he supposedly castrated safely, is a cryptorchid and that the second testicle remained in the abdominal cavity, this is a veterinarian’s mistake.

It is impossible for a specialist not to notice this fact, and, most likely, he will have to perform abdominal surgery, at the expense of the institution (veterinary clinic).

Remember all

If the cat is an adult (over a year old) and has already had matings, then there is a possibility that he will never forget about this experience, and the corresponding aspects of behavior will be preserved.

After all, hormones are produced by the adrenal glands and the pituitary gland, and no veterinarian in his right mind would remove these organs from an animal to stop fertility.

However, it is impossible to predict such a development of events; not all cats are so temperamental, and most of them, after removal of the testes, forever lose interest in amorous affairs. And, if castration was carried out according to all the rules, then claims can only be addressed to nature itself.

Because, as already mentioned, it is impossible to stop the production of hormones by the pituitary gland and adrenal glands.

Chemical castration of a cat

If the owners chose chemical castration or vasectomy instead of a banal surgical solution to the problem, well, the risk is a noble cause, but they won’t have to drink champagne this time, since all other castration options, except the classic one, give half-hearted and unstable results.

In this case, they will only have to blame for their short-sightedness and misplaced pity. The solution may be to carry out full castration, but there may not be a 100% result.

Attenuation of sexual functions in a castrated cat

It is important to know that the attenuation of sexual functions in each cat occurs gradually and individually. This process can last for several months or even years, or it can end once and for all when the animal recovers from anesthesia.

A castrated cat climbs on a cat - consequences

A castrated cat can not only care for a cat, but also mount her, but sexual intercourse will occur without conceiving offspring.

He can't stop wanting a cat, but he can't become a father. However, there are isolated cases where a castrated cat managed to breed a cat in the first month after surgery, and kittens were born.

Recommendations for the owner

If, after the operation and the recovery period, the pet still marks its territory, gets excited when a cat appears and asks to go for a walk, then the owner must consult a veterinarian. Most likely, the specialist will prescribe hormonal medications, as well as sedatives. This is done in order to calm the pet and correct its behavior.

If the cat has become aggressive, meows loudly and pesters the neighbors' cats, then you can spray water on it or distract it in any way. It could be:

  • delicacy;
  • toy;
  • lesson with the owner.

This will help pacify the pet and will not harm it. There are also special sedatives:

  • Fitex;
  • Stop stress;
  • Cat Baiyun.

The selection of the drug and dosage should be entrusted to a veterinarian.

The main reason for the preservation of the reproductive instinct in castrated cats is an incorrect or untimely procedure. If castration is successful, then the cat owner does not need to worry about why the neutered cat wants a cat. It is worth being patient and remaining calm. After some time, the condition of the mustachioed pet stabilizes. The cat will calm down, become affectionate and obedient as soon as its hormonal levels return to normal. In order for the recovery period to pass as quickly as possible, the owner must give the cat all his attention, take care of him and distract him in every possible way.

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