Why does a cat want a cat after castration: reasons for how to help your pet

Owners of mustachioed pets decide to castrate their cat for various reasons. For example, a cat constantly meows heart-rendingly, becomes uncontrollable during periods of sexual heat, and marks its territory in a house or apartment. In addition, castration or sterilization may have medical indications for such an operation. But still, this is the only way that will help you forget about your pet’s habits associated with the reproductive instinct.

In this case, it happens that after castration a cat wants a cat, showing sympathy for individuals of the opposite sex. To understand why a castrate continues to be interested in cats and tries to mate with them, you need to know when castration is performed and what the essence of this operation is.

Why is castration performed, at what age should a cat be castrated?

Castration is a fairly simple surgical operation during which the male gonads (testes) are removed. The operation is performed on cats at the age of 9-12 months, after the completion of puberty. Until this age, furry pets do not have sexual instinct.

Castration of a cat performed at an earlier age is fraught with serious consequences and complications. Until 8-9 months, the animal’s body is not fully formed. For example, a cat may have an underdeveloped urinary tract and inflammation often develops after castration. Any problems in the animal’s genitourinary tract will cause urethral obstruction, which can cause death.

The simple procedure is performed under anesthesia and does not pose any risks to the pet’s health, but requires serious postoperative care.

Castration is carried out:

  • to reduce the aggressiveness of cats;
  • if a domestic cat constantly runs outside during the rut and fights with other males;
  • for medical indications (scrotal injuries, congenital pathologies, orchitis);
  • if the cat constantly yells, attracting cats, marks the territory (apartment, entrance).

The main purpose of castration, like sterilization, is to deprive animals of reproductive function and to correct behavior in cats that are too temperamental.

To reduce sexual desire, of course, you can use special medications and sedatives. But you need to take into account that such methods can harm the health of a mustachioed pet, for example, provoke hormonal imbalance. Therefore, the surgical method is more preferable.

Hormonal drugs

There are many special drugs designed to suppress sexual desire in cats.
They are available in the form of drops, tablets or injections. Hormonal drugs, including “Sex Barrier”, “Contrasex”, “Nonoestron”, “Stop-Intim” and others, are often used by owners of uncastrated cats, allowing them to temporarily reduce the troubles that their behavior causes.

A significant disadvantage of hormonal drugs is the enormous harm they cause to the health of the animal. Frequent use can lead to consequences such as diabetes, cancer and other diseases.

In case of emergency, veterinarians recommend using natural-based sedatives, such as “Cat Bayun” and “Stop-stress”. They are not as effective as hormonal ones, but they do not harm the health of the animal.

Castration and sexual desire

Many owners believe that after castration a cat should not show interest in individuals of the opposite sex. In general, this is true, and after removal of the testes, males do not experience attraction to females. But there are also exceptions. Owners notice that some cats' behavior remains the same as before castration. Let's try to figure out why the cat continues to get excited.

As already noted, according to veterinarians, it is best to castrate cats at the age of 8-10 months. If the cat tasted all the delights of sexual life before the operation and had contact with females, the body begins to produce sex hormones. Moreover, not only the testicles are responsible for their production, but also the adrenal glands and the pituitary gland, which, remembering the sensations received, synthesizes the necessary substances. This is why castrated cats continue to want cats and try to mate with them.

Cats need to be castrated before the pet experiences the joys of sex.

Even if castration is carried out at 8-10 months, in young males after castration the body, in particular the adrenal glands, will produce testosterone for some time. It is this hormone that is responsible for the sexual desire of males, so for several months the pet will be interested in individuals of the opposite sex.

Another reason for this behavior of males can be called too early castration or a mistake by a veterinarian. During an operation performed at an early age, due to the incompetence of the surgeon, part of the testis may be preserved, which will produce sex hormones.

In addition, the veterinarian, due to inattention or inexperience, may not inform the owners that one testicle remains in the peritoneum (cryptorchidism). Therefore, if you decide to castrate a cat, do not skimp on the procedure; trust your pet only to experienced veterinarians with a good reputation.


My 1.5 year old neutered cat (neutered at the age of 10 months) continues to breed. Usually it falls on a cat, she is also sterilized. It feels like the cat is raping the cat. In addition, he also makes landings on things. At the same time, it does not mark. How is it possible that he exhibits sexual behavior if he does not have testicles? Is there something wrong with him?

Other reasons

Cat owners often prefer vasectomy and chemical sterilization. In the first case, the testes are not removed, but only the spermatic cord is ligated. Despite the low-traumatic nature of this technique, this procedure is not very effective and does not give long-lasting results. After some time, in any case, sooner or later, males will manifest sexual instincts and the only way out is to carry out a repeat operation, complete castration.

Before making a decision to castrate a cat, we recommend that you learn in more detail about the methods, consequences, and possible risks of the chosen method.

Features of the operation

This operation is common; many cat owners resort to it. After surgery, some changes cannot but occur in the animal’s body. But they are not dangerous to his health. And castration is of great importance, especially for domestic cats.

When a cat periodically tramples and gets excited, screaming loudly at night from his desire, this creates a tense atmosphere in the house. What should owners do in such a situation? As a result, no one brings such a cat a cat anyway, and peace in the family is disrupted for many days.

ATTENTION! The operation, if performed by a good veterinarian, is not dangerous, is carried out quickly, and the recovery time is not long. The main thing is to properly prepare your pet for surgery and closely monitor it during the recovery period.

Castration does no more harm than those hormonal and other pills that would have to be given to an overexcited animal

The main thing is to properly prepare your pet for surgery and closely monitor it during the recovery period. Castration does no more harm than those hormonal and other pills that would have to be given to an overexcited animal.

The essence of the operation is that the doctor, after making small incisions near the scrotum, will completely remove the testicles or just tighten the seminal canals. Sterilization of cats is a more serious procedure that requires longer rehabilitation, because the cat’s entire uterus is removed.

Behavior of cats after castration

As a rule, if the castration operation is carried out according to all the rules, the cat’s sexual instincts gradually disappear over the course of several weeks or months. The duration of this period depends on the individual, physiological characteristics of the body, age, and temperament of the cat.

At first, if the cat has already had contacts with females, the male may show interest in the cats and even try to cover them. Although interest will not be expressed as clearly as before the operation. There's nothing wrong with that. Of course, in veterinary practice there were isolated cases when a castrated male mated with a cat, and she gave birth to offspring. But this is an exception to the rule and most likely this is explained by a violation of the rules of castration.

Some owners of cats who have preserved their sexual instinct do not take any measures if, for example, there is a female in the house who, for one reason or another, should not have offspring. Contact with a castrated cat has a calming effect on the cat and does not harm its health.

It is also worth considering that if two or three males live in a house and one of the pets is unsuccessfully castrated, a “he-she” relationship often develops.

Why does a neutered cat show interest in the cat?

The cat is clearly planning to do something with the kitty

There are many cases where cats that had been castrated for a long time again became gallant gentlemen when a fluffy person of the opposite sex appeared, or in the spring they behaved extremely depravedly with soft toys and the owner’s slippers.

The owners' reaction usually ranges from amazement to indignation at a poorly performed operation with claims against veterinarians.

However, whether such claims are justified is an ambiguous question.

Veterinarian's mistake

There may have been pilot error

If the veterinarian kept silent about the fact that the cat, whom he supposedly castrated safely, is a cryptorchid and that the second testicle remained in the abdominal cavity, this is a veterinarian’s mistake.

It is impossible for a specialist not to notice this fact, and, most likely, he will have to perform abdominal surgery, at the expense of the institution (veterinary clinic).

What to do if a cat wants a cat after castration

If a castrated cat continues to get excited at the sight of a female, shows anxiety, wants to constantly walk, leaves marks in the house or apartment, consult a veterinarian. The specialist will select hormonal medications and sedatives to correct your pet’s behavior.

If the cat gets very angry, shows aggression, begins to meow heart-rendingly or pesters females living in the same apartment, spray water on it or distract its attention with a treat or toy. This will not cause any harm to the pet, but will moderate its ardor.

As sedatives, cats can be given “Kot Bayun”, “Stop-stress”, “Xylazin”, “Fitex”, “Fospasin”. Regarding the choice of medications, dosages, and frequency of administration, consult your veterinarian.

The main reason for the preservation of the sexual instinct in cats is incorrect or untimely castration.

If the operation is performed according to all the rules, there is no need to worry if the cat shows interest in females. Be patient. Over time, the behavior of a mustachioed pet stabilizes. The cat will become calmer, more peaceful, and hormonal levels will normalize. To make the male calm down faster, surround the cat with affection, care, and attention.

Is it possible to let a domestic cat outside?

Veterinarians and animal welfare experts advise releasing

take your cat
only if you can provide her with a safe place to walk - for example, a courtyard fenced on all sides, and with a fence that the cat cannot overcome.

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