Dietary food for cats, tips and tricks

Often, cat owners, when selecting food for their pets, come across food on the shelves of pet stores labeled “for cats with sensitive digestion.” At the same time, many people have questions: what animals are these foods intended for? How can you tell if a cat has sensitive digestion?

Let’s try to figure out what features are designated by the term “sensitive digestion”, when there is a need to transfer a cat to a special diet and how to properly organize the nutrition of a cat in need of it.

Medicinal feed

Veterinarians strongly recommend ready-made diets, due to the fact that it is difficult to follow all the rules of feeding your pet the right foods.

For example, you can put your pet on a protein-free diet. The owner needs to remove protein from animal sources from the diet; cats really need this product. The diet is needed to heal your pet’s kidneys and liver. Also, at the same time, the owner introduces a diet and adds special drops to the food.

There is another option: start buying your pet special premium canned food that contains little protein and calories. They help overcome the disease, provide a diuretic effect and remove bad toxins. Among the foods that have a high rating are the following:

  1. Proplan is a food, an exact copy of the original purina veterinary diet food for domestic cats.
  2. Hills.
  3. Kanin – 1 packet is enough to restore stomach function.

Owners often think about how to properly keep their pet on a diet so that it eats simple and light cereals, without adding meat. How to make a varied menu from a small number of products, there is a way out. There is dry food that has medicinal effects. It can be fed to both sick cats and those that are recovering. But you can give high-quality dietary food for domestic cats to animals after consultation with a veterinarian.

Also, cat owners should know that it is not always possible to use industrial diets; for some diseases, it is necessary to give the pet natural foods to eat. Elderly cats are not allowed to eat food; traditional food is suitable for them.

How can you tell if a cat has sensitive digestion?

It is easy to notice that all cats have more sensitive digestion than humans. They are very demanding in terms of the composition and quality of food, conservative in their eating habits, and an incorrectly selected diet or a malfunction in the feeding regime can easily harm their health. But in some cats, digestive disorders occur even with minor errors in feeding and maintenance. They may manifest themselves as the following symptoms:

  • unstable appetite, picky eating;
  • weight loss;
  • nausea and vomiting;
  • flatulence;
  • painful intestinal spasms;
  • copious, loose stools;
  • soft or loose, foul-smelling stools;
  • rare, dry, excessively hard stools.

In addition, disturbances in the digestive system may be accompanied by general lethargy of the animal, deterioration of the skin and coat (dullness and brittleness of the coat, dandruff), and the appearance of discharge from the eyes. If you notice such signs in your pet, you should visit a veterinary clinic to find out the causes of the painful condition. They may be:

  • poisoning;
  • helminthic infestation;
  • infectious diseases;
  • stress;
  • swallowed foreign object or accumulation of hair in the stomach;
  • diseases of internal organs of a non-infectious nature;
  • food allergy (inadequate reaction of the immune system to substances that normally do not pose a danger to the body);
  • individual intolerance to food components (impaired absorption of certain substances by the body as a result of the absence or decrease in the amount of enzymes necessary for this).

It is necessary to accurately establish the cause of the malaise. The veterinarian will conduct a diagnosis, prescribe treatment, and during it, most likely, will recommend that the owner use a special veterinary diet to feed the cat. It is quite possible that after recovery the animal will also have to follow a special diet. For example, cats with chronic pancreatic disease require a lifelong diet limited in fat and protein to maintain a state of stable remission.

In case of food allergies and individual intolerances, it is very important to exclude from the diet an allergen to which the cat’s immune system reacts, or a food component that is not digestible by the cat.

In such cases, preparing food for your cat on your own can be quite labor-intensive and will require consultation with a veterinarian.

Foods labeled “for cats with sensitive digestion” take into account the special dietary needs of animals that require dietary nutrition and can help the owner properly manage the feeding of a cat that easily develops problems with the gastrointestinal tract.

Urolithiasis - diet

It is possible to determine that an animal has urolithiasis after examining its urine. It is also important to understand what type of disease, because the diet depends on this.

  1. Struvite - for this purpose, urine is oxidized, so they stop feeding food with calcium. Prohibited foods include yolk, milk, cottage cheese and hard cheese. The menu may consist of lean, but boiled lamb, veal or rabbit. River fish in small quantities is also suitable. Boiled chicken liver, oatmeal or rice, in small quantities. Carrots, cauliflower and zucchini.
  2. Oxalates – remove foods that contain salts, acids and reduce the flow of calcium into the stomach. It is forbidden to eat liver, kidneys, many vegetables, green vegetables and fruits. The menu consists of boiled lean meat, boiled lean fish, in small quantities. Porridges cooked in water, oatmeal and rice. Cabbage, beets, legumes and carrots.

At some points, during urolithiasis, it is forbidden to eat fish. Therefore, if you have questions, you need to ask your veterinarian for advice and find out what the menu should be.

Natural diet VS Industrial feed

Industrial feed

Ready-made complete food (dry and canned) is a product made under the strict supervision of specialists from raw materials of animal and plant origin, with the addition of vitamins and minerals. All components of industrial cat food are selected in ratios and quantities that fully provide the animal with the necessary nutrients: fats, proteins, carbohydrates and microelements.

In the case of commercial feed, the manufacturer takes control of the composition. If the production complies with the standards established in the world (FEDIAF or AAFCO), then compliance with the needs is guaranteed by these organizations, which increases confidence in the product. These standards are compiled by scientists and are based on data obtained from research. The standards are regularly updated in accordance with new research data obtained.

Natural (“homemade”) feeding

Feeding at home has its advantages: the ability to independently choose the components of the diet, control the quality of products, and add much more variety. With the help of natural nutrition, you can diversify the table of a sick pet and solve nutritional problems - make it “tasty” and, sometimes, even more effective.

Sometimes home feeding can be cheaper than using commercial feed. However, it almost always requires the use of vitamin and mineral supplements. It is unacceptable to select them yourself, without the help of a veterinary specialist, since errors in the use of additives can lead to diseases over time.

Kidney disease - diet

Only an experienced nutritionist can choose the right menu to cure kidney disease in cats. The amount of nutrients is calculated as a percentage and depends on the stage of the disease, the overall condition of the pet and its level of activity. Diet during this disease helps reduce the intake of proteins, phosphorus, sodium, potassium and bicarbonates. It is also necessary to significantly reduce the amount of food, and so that it is not high in calories.

“It is necessary to control the moisture in food every time the owner feeds his cat.”

At some stages it is necessary to give a lot of water, while at others, on the contrary, it is necessary to significantly reduce it. This is necessary in order to prevent the pet from developing edema. Almost always, during the diet for kidney failure, ready-made medicinal feeds are given. It is not always possible to calculate the proportions of good and bad elements in real products at home. Therefore, only a specialist can cope with the task.

Features of feeding a cat at different stages of life

Preparation for mating

At this stage, a balanced daily diet is necessary. Excess weight can lead to a decrease in the number of kittens in the litter and problems with fertilization. Insufficient weight provokes exhaustion during feeding and insufficient lactation.

First trimester of pregnancy

Cats' needs increase linearly, from the first day until the end of pregnancy. It is recommended to use specialized food for pregnant and lactating cats.

Second and third trimesters

In the second week after mating, there may be a slight decrease in appetite. Maximum nutritional needs increase at 6-7 weeks (by 25-50%). In the last week before birth, needs decrease.


A complete refusal to feed a day before birth is the norm. It is important to provide sufficient water. On the first day after birth, it is recommended to offer cats diluted wet food.

Lactation - key points:

  • Sufficient amount of water is required. Energy and nutrient requirements increase immediately.
  • A sufficient amount of protein (at least 35% in dry matter, mainly of animal origin), fats (Omega-3) and calcium, energy requirements increase threefold.
  • During lactation, the animal should not lose more than 5-10% of its normal weight.

Feeding kittens

As a rule, starting from the fourth week, the cat begins to avoid the kittens itself. Complementary feeding for kittens begins in the third or fourth week. From the sixth to eighth week, kittens are weaned. We start with ¾ of the daily norm, the last milk feeding in the morning, in three to four days we will transfer the daily norm to the full one. It is recommended that kittens be allowed to try and get acquainted with different types of food (dry, pate, pouch, natural products). This will subsequently help avoid noophobia (fear of new foods).

Features of nutrition after castration

Changes in metabolism after castration often lead to weight gain, especially with uncontrolled feeding. To prevent excess weight, it is recommended to increase your pet’s physical activity and reduce the caloric content of the diet.

Features of nutrition for seniors

Senior cats - from ten to twelve years old. The protein requirements of a senior cat are higher than those of young animals. Ready-made senior/light food is not suitable for all senior cats, as they do not always take into account concomitant diseases and pathologies that the pet develops in old age.

Diet for pancreatitis

The disease pancreatitis in cats increases carbohydrates and fats, so the diet should help reduce them. The diet will help increase good protein in the body. The cat should only be given foods that are quickly digestible. The diet consists of 3–5 feedings a day in small portions. The food temperature should be slightly above room temperature . The products are ground, cut into small slices, and prepared into purees and soufflés.

Food in the form of broths, all types of soups, meat, fish, vegetables, herbs and fruits are not given. If the disease has worsened, the pet is not fed at all for some time, and fasting days are carried out for 1-2 days.

The food composition of the menu includes the following products:

  • Chicken soups, always with 2-3 broth.
  • Not fatty veal, chicken, lamb, rabbit.
  • Not oily fish, boiled or steamed.
  • Carrot puree, zucchini, beet, pumpkin.
  • Chop.
  • Milk, cottage cheese and eggs.
  • Vegetable oil.

The structure and features of the digestive system in cats

1. Cats do not have oral digestion. Cat saliva does not contain enzymes responsible for pre-digestion. A cat's teeth are cutting teeth; they are adapted not for chewing food, but for biting it into small pieces. Cats' saliva contains more mucus than other carnivores. This allows them to swallow dry food more easily. The cat's esophagus contains additional glands that produce mucus to quickly pass this food into the stomach.

2. Cats have an incredibly acute sense of smell. The smell of food is often more important to a cat than its taste. By smell, a cat can determine not only the freshness of the food, but also its fat and protein content. This feature helps cats avoid poisoning, but because of it, cats who lose their sense of smell (if they have rhinitis, for example) may refuse to eat.

3. Gastric juice in cats is very acidic, it has a pH of 1-2 (for comparison, in humans the pH of gastric juice is 2-4). Such an aggressive acidic environment is necessary for the digestion of rodent carcasses and kills most microorganisms that enter the cat’s body with food.

4. Cats have a relatively short gastrointestinal tract. In nature, they feed quite often, in small portions.

5. The intestinal microflora of a cat differs from that of humans in having less species diversity. The number of microbial cells in the intestinal contents is also noticeably lower than in humans. This indicates that cats are adapted to a narrower range of food intake.

6. Cats are obligate carnivores. They digest proteins and fats well and carbohydrates much worse. A diet containing more than 25% carbohydrates in dry matter can cause diarrhea in a cat.

7. Cats are very picky about the quality of protein in their food. Their metabolism is adapted to feeding on small game: rodents and birds, and the prey must certainly be freshly caught. Because of this, domestic cats eat warm food with great appetite and are reluctant to finish food that has had time to sit in the bowl.

8. The cat’s body is not able to synthesize a number of vital substances on its own. The cat must get them from food. These include: arginine, taurine, arachidonic acid, vitamins A and D.

9. The cat's body does not tolerate hunger well. When fasting for more than 48 hours, a cat may begin to develop fatty liver disease (lipidosis).

10. Cats in nature hunt alone and also prefer to eat alone. If the bowl is placed in a room that seems too restless to the cat, it will tend to take the food elsewhere. This may look funny to owners, but in reality the animal is doing this because it is stressed.

11. Cats are very conservative when it comes to food. Having become accustomed to one type of food, many of them are extremely reluctant to move on to eating another. With a balanced diet, lack of variety in the diet does not cause them any harm.

12. Cats are able to set their own feeding schedule and the size of the portion they eat. They can follow such a routine very strictly and experience stress when it is violated.

Diet during diabetes

How to put a diabetic cat on a diet? It is necessary to stop feeding your pet carbohydrates and, of course, foods that contain sugar. When a cat has diabetes, it is necessary to follow the correct menu, and it is better to ask a veterinarian. Veterinary advice on the menu is useful to everyone, because the pet’s health depends on it. The diet is divided into two types. In the first type, the cat needs to be helped to gain weight, and in the second type, on the contrary, to lose weight.

It is mandatory for two types to exclude the following products:

  • Broths with fish and meat.
  • Fruits, vegetables with sugar.
  • Steamed cereals.

Feed the pet 2-3 times a day, not in large portions. The cat must also take medication in the form of insulin. The owner should give the injection in the morning, and be sure to wait 6 hours before feeding the second time.

What is the difference between food for cats with sensitive digestion and basic diets?

  1. Foods for cats with sensitive digestion contain prebiotics, non-digestible ingredients that promote the growth of beneficial bacteria in the intestines.
  2. Dry food for cats with sensitive digestion has a special structure that allows the granules to soften faster in the stomach. This allows you to protect the gastric mucosa from mechanical irritation, but at the same time does not deprive the cat of the opportunity to clean plaque from its teeth by chewing hard granules. Wet food has a higher fluid and fiber content, which improves the absorption of nutrients and helps facilitate the elimination of undigested food debris. In addition, the liquid contained in wet food covers part of the daily water requirement, which is important for cats that do not drink much.
  3. Among the foods for cats with sensitive digestion, you can choose a diet that does not contain components contraindicated for the cat (does not contain chicken meat and by-products for a cat with a chicken allergy, grain-free for a cat with gluten intolerance, etc.) There are also foods that contain one source of animal protein (salmon, turkey, beef, white fish, etc.).
  4. Food for cats with sensitive digestion has a well-balanced vitamin and mineral composition and a harmoniously increased content of easily digestible protein.
  5. Foods for cats with sensitive digestion are usually high in calories. This allows you to reduce the volume of the daily portion and thereby reduce the load on the gastrointestinal tract.

Diet for sterile cats

When a cat is spayed or neutered, this can lead to a slower metabolism and decreased activity. If the animal is quiet after surgery and eats normally, the cat may recover. Usually, castration of a cat begins at six months, so the owner must control the diet to prevent obesity.

Those cats that have not yet gained weight should eat healthy food in moderate quantities. Food should not be greasy and warm. Feeding is carried out once a day. To prevent a neutered pet from developing diarrhea or constipation, he is not given highly salty foods, smoked foods, sausages, sour cream, cottage cheese, potatoes and flour. The diet for clean cats prohibits the consumption of the same foods, and the portion is reduced by 15-25%.

Inactive animals may develop polycystic disease. To reduce the risk of this disease, the diet should be balanced. Many experts advise feeding purina food - this is a super diet for cats. Purina not only allows the stomach to function properly, but also gives the animals a beautiful appearance.

How to switch your pet to food for cats with sensitive digestion

Cats usually have fixed eating habits and are quite reluctant to start eating new food. For a healthy animal, it is recommended to change the diet gradually, gradually increasing the proportion of new food in a single portion over 7-10 days. However, if a food allergy or individual intolerance to food components is detected, the pet must be switched to a suitable diet for cats with sensitive digestion immediately, at once. The sooner the allergen or substance that causes intolerance stops entering the body, the faster the cat’s condition will normalize. The correct selection of food can be judged by the reduction and disappearance of symptoms of gastrointestinal tract dysfunction.

A cat receiving food that suits it is active, has a stable appetite, normal body condition, good coat condition and regular bowel movements. By its volume and consistency, you can judge how well and completely the cat absorbs the nutrients contained in the food. With good digestibility of food and normal functioning of the digestive system, cat feces have a brown color, a soft consistency (without excessive dryness and hardness, but not liquid, retaining its shape), and does not contain inclusions of mucus and blood. Its amount should not exceed 25% of the volume of food the cat receives. The larger the volume of feces in relation to the food eaten, the worse the food is digested.

Diet while overweight

Extra pounds can cause diabetes. To maintain weight and get your pet to lose weight, it needs to be fed properly. Not all cats are overweight. If a person thinks that his pet is fat, he needs to be put on a diet. For such cases, there are dietary cat foods. But before putting a cat on the right diet, ask a veterinarian for advice.

Losing weight takes a long time, and unforeseen complications can occur. In many cases, a vegetarian diet is used, and the pet’s characteristics are also observed. There are several conditions and tips that will help you create a menu for losing weight for a cat:

  1. To reduce daily calories, you can reduce the number of servings or the number of feedings per day. It is advisable to create a menu with the help of an experienced animal nutritionist.
  2. The cat needs to be given more water, because water has properties that help quickly saturate the body.
  3. Increasing low-calorie supplements, which also help saturate the pet's body. For example, use the fortiflor nutritional supplement. Cat food can be eaten by kittens and adult cats; the drug does not cause diarrhea and has a beneficial effect on the intestines.
  4. If your veterinarian allows it, you can increase your cat's physical activity and play with her more.
  5. The amount of food must be carefully monitored and measured to ensure that the food is not overloaded with calories.
  6. If the owner keeps more than one cat in the house, then they should be fed separately. So that the pet who is on a diet cannot get a large excess of food, because he will not only gain extra pounds, but may also vomit.
  7. Do not give animals treats that contain fat. Only low-calorie treats should be given, such as corn, beans or carrots.
  8. In order to avoid frequent visits to the doctor, you can weigh your pet yourself.
  9. Food should not cause allergies in cats, as this will lead to severe poisoning. Therefore, be sure to consult a veterinarian before starting a diet.

To improve your pet's weight, you need to keep it on a diet for 8-12 months. The maximum amount of weight loss per day is 125-250 grams.

Following a diet menu will be difficult for both the owner and his pet. If the owner wants his cat to be healthy, he needs to give attention and care to the pet.


Sensitive digestion

is a complex of symptoms that can either accompany a disease or occur idiopathically, that is, without obvious reasons. In this case, the basis of treatment is, first of all, the selection of diet.

If your cat has been diagnosed with a condition that has resulted in symptoms of digestive sensitivity, she will likely be placed on a veterinary diet during treatment. After the condition has normalized, the cat may continue to need a gentle diet, either temporarily or for life. The feed used in this case to feed animals is not medicinal, but can reduce the likelihood of new malfunctions in the digestive system.

General recommendations when selecting food for a cat with sensitive digestion are as follows:

  1. The list of ingredients included in the food should not be too long, so that in the event of an allergic reaction or food intolerance, it is easier to determine its cause.
  2. Only high-quality ingredients should be used to feed your cat. High-quality, easily digestible varieties of meat and fish are desirable as the main source of protein. It is best to avoid foods high in vegetable protein, bone meal and other processed by-products. They increase the load on the gastrointestinal tract and have low nutritional value.
  3. If a cat or cat with sensitive digestion eats food prepared by the owner and digests fermented milk products well, low-fat cottage cheese can be introduced into the diet in small quantities. However, dairy products are never placed in a bowl with meat. It is better not to give milk in its pure form, as it is not digestible by most adult cats and can cause diarrhea.
  4. Choose cooking ingredients or industrial feeds that do not contain coarse plant fibers or large pieces with sharp edges. Excess fiber and rough, difficult-to-dissolve food pieces can irritate and cause damage to the mucous membranes of the gastrointestinal tract.
  5. Feeds with a high percentage of moisture are less damaging to the intestines, provide an additional source of fluid and help soften the consistency of the stool.
  6. Complete industrial food contains all the components necessary for complete nutrition of a cat. When feeding home-cooked food, there may be a need for additional supplements containing additional vitamins, micro- and macroelements. A multivitamin complex suitable for these purposes should be selected in each specific case under the supervision of a veterinarian.
  7. Food for cats with sensitive digestion should avoid salt, artificial flavors, flavorings and dyes.

These rules can be used as a guide both when choosing a ready-made diet and when preparing food for your cat yourself.

Ready-made diets labeled “for cats with sensitive digestion” are easily digestible dietary foods with increased caloric content, delicate texture and a balanced vitamin and mineral composition. Their use as the main diet helps maintain the health of cats that are predisposed to disorders of the digestive system. With the correct selection of diet and strict adherence to veterinary recommendations, such animals can lead a full life for a long time, maintaining health, physical activity and good coat quality.

What type of diet to choose for a cat

You can feed your furry pet dry or wet food, or you can prepare natural food for your cat yourself. Each option has its own advantages and disadvantages. Let's study them.

Feeding with dry food

Today this is the most common type of nutrition. It has many obvious advantages, and first of all, this food is complete and balanced for the specific age and weight of your pet.

The food does not need to be prepared; you just need to pour the required amount of granules into a bowl and place water nearby so that the cat can drink. Unlike natural food, the granules will not spoil even if they lie in a bowl for two days, which is also an advantage of this type of food.

Important! Some owners have a prejudice against dry food. In their opinion, such food is harmful to the animal. Veterinarians respond to this that only economy-class food can harm a cat, while high-quality products meet all the needs of the cat’s body.

The only disadvantages of this approach to nutrition include the high cost of high-quality feed. In addition, given that dry food contains a minimum of liquid, it is important to ensure that the animal always has a bowl of clean water.

Questions and answers

Is it possible to give dogs food to cats?

Feeding a cat with dog food is extremely undesirable - firstly, because dog food (dry), as a rule, is much harder and larger - i.e. Not designed for feeding cats. In addition, these types of animals need different elements and minerals - giving them food focused exclusively on one of the species will have to “deprive” someone (which, in turn, will affect their health). Also, dog food takes longer for cats to digest and, as a result, causes stomach upset.

Is it possible to feed cats raw foods?

Cats are carnivores and raw meat is necessary in their diet. But before giving it, it must be treated to remove most bacteria. There are several options for “thermal-free” processing:

  • place raw meat in a disinfectant solution (¾ water and ¼ food grade (17%) hydrogen peroxide) for a couple of minutes, then rinse with running water and dry/wipe - this is a simple way to remove bacteria on the surface of the meat.
  • cut the meat into portioned pieces, place each piece in a plastic bag and deep freeze (in the freezer) - this will destroy the parasite eggs.

Feeding your cat raw fish is not the best idea, because... fish contains many dangers for the animal: from various parasites to cuts to the oral cavity or internal organs (fish bones). If you still decide to treat your pet to fish, then it is better to choose marine species.

Raw vegetables are very beneficial for the animal’s body, but he is unlikely to gnaw them, so they need to be grated on a fine grater and mixed into the “main product”.

Do not mix food from different manufacturers

This is not a gimmick of brands, but concern for the health of your pet. The fact is that the amount of necessary microelements and vitamins in packs of food from different manufacturers is not the same. By frequently changing food, you risk upsetting the balance of vitamins, minerals, fatty acids and other beneficial substances in your pet’s body - some will be in excess, and some may be lacking. Therefore, veterinarians advise choosing one brand that is suitable for your pet in terms of composition, taking into account the characteristics of the animal (for example, if the cat is sterilized or has problems with the gastrointestinal tract), and feed only its food.

By following these simple rules, you can keep your pet healthy, writes Brodude.

Several ways to put your cat on a diet

Putting a cat on a diet is not an easy task, if not difficult. Mustachioed four-legged animals are excellent manipulators and know how to get their way using psychological methods. Especially when the question of feeding arises.

Compassionate eyes (domestic cats can manipulate even their gaze), constant licking, purring and meowing, incessant ramming with the head and soft paw strikes on the legs, they say, give me food, master! And some especially arrogant and spoiled pets will not stop even before the night wake-up call at 2 a.m., just to get some food. What if suddenly there are two or more cats? And each of them has their own eating habits, their own diet? Someone will obviously steal food from someone else’s bowl if they don’t get what they want from the owner.

By the way, if you think that cats are not obese, then let’s say right away that this opinion is wrong. Since domestic cats sleep about 20 hours a day and generally lead a leisurely and measured lifestyle, occasionally interrupted by physical activity, gaining weight for them is only a matter of time when you follow the lead of our smaller brothers and do not monitor their diet .

For example, a cat gaining a few extra pounds in a year is a very common problem that many inexperienced owners face.

And this will be a signal that it is better, of course, not to reach until the animal begins to have health problems. But if it does happen, then you need to act boldly and step by step. But what to do? Now we will try to tell you about it.

So if one of your cats is overweight, what should you do?

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