Royal Canin Renal for cats – how to use medicated food correctly?

Key points in feeding kittens

The main question: is it possible to feed a kitten dry food? You can make it the main dish of your baby’s menu from the age of two months, without mixing it with natural products, avoiding unnecessary stress on the digestive organs.

How much to give daily?

  1. For a kitten of three to six months, it is recommended to pour 50 - 110 grams, feed 4 times;
  2. a six-month-old baby will need 200 - 250 grams (period of intensive growth), feed 2 - 3 times;
  3. 200 grams is enough for a one-year-old fluffy.

Focus on the composition of the product. High-quality dry cat food is balanced, contains the necessary vitamins and minerals, and ensures proper development. If you give vitamin supplements unnecessarily (unless prescribed by a veterinarian), you risk provoking the development of the disease.

Take care of the feeding area; ideally it is:

  • quiet, without the presence of strangers (if there are a lot of pets, make sure you have an individual bowl);
  • clean.

An important point is to ensure access to clean drinking water: dry food does not contain liquid, drinking will help the kitten avoid dehydration.

Nutrition of adults

Daily feeding standards for dry food involve feeding adult cats twice a day. Some owners allow their pets to eat more often. However, an obese animal should not be allowed unimpeded access. Remember: excess weight provokes serious disruptions in the functioning of the body, leading to diseases of the thyroid gland and hypothalamus. On average, a mature individual requires 80-120 grams. daily.

As for cats, 180-210 kcal is enough for them. The formula will help you calculate the amount of dry food: 30 - 60 kcal multiplied by weight. So, an adult cat weighing 5 kilograms needs 150 - 300 grams daily.

Sometimes cats refuse to eat for a long time. The situation can be misleading; the owner’s first thought is: “I’m sick.” Refusal to eat for more than 48 hours indicates not only illness, but also stress, for example, moving to a new place of residence. A dirty bowl and bad-smelling food are common reasons for refusing to eat. Keep the bowl and area clean.

The characteristics of the breed impose restrictions on the daily amount of food. Maine Coon, Norwegian Forest, Cornish Rex are naturally prone to gaining excess body weight. It makes sense to switch purebred pets to a special low-calorie food. A cat’s daily diet depends on several factors: health status, breed characteristics, lifestyle.

How to choose Royal Canin for puppies?

The energy value of the product for puppies of different breeds depends on their size. This is due to physiological features. Small varieties reach maturity faster, while larger varieties age earlier. The table will help you decide on the diet your pet needs.


SizeWeightReaches adulthood inReaches maturity at
Miniature and smallLess than 10 kg10 months8 years
Average11-25 kg12 months7 years
Big26-44 kg15 months5 years
Giant45 or moreApproximately 15 months.5 years

When choosing food, be guided by the characteristics of the breed, but buy only food for puppies. Different types of dogs have their own developmental characteristics:

  • Small breeds develop quickly and have short limbs, so they require more energy. This category includes species such as Chihuahua, Pug, Shih Tzu, French Bulldog, Yorkshire Terrier, etc.;
  • The young of the average species develop and grow a little slower, in this case it takes about a year. They are less prone to gaining excessive weight. These species include Akita Inu, English Bulldog, American Cocker Spaniel, Basset Hound, etc.;
  • The young of large species go through a longer growth phase; due to their size, there is a risk of developing joint diseases. These are species such as: German Shepherd, Golden Retriever, Labrador, etc.
  • The young of the giant varieties take the longest to develop, go through two growth phases and require sufficient amounts of certain nutrients in their diet. If they cannot find the right food, they need to take vitamin supplements. Giant species include dogs such as the Portuguese (Estrelian) mountain shepherd, deerhound, Russian greyhound, bullmastiff, etc.

Because breeds are bred through selective breeding, most are predisposed to certain diseases. To prevent pathologies, the dog needs special care and nutrition from a very early age. Puppy food produced takes into account such important points. Pet owners can find the product they need in the assortment.

Nutrition standards for cats after castration and sterilization

Pets that have undergone castration and sterilization experience a period of reduced activity, eat less, and their sleep time increases. Animals should be fed special low-fat food. Buy toys from a pet store and involve them in games, encouraging the cat to move more. It is recommended to feed 2-3 times, in small portions. The usual daily diet for cats after surgery is 150 - 200 grams of dry food. Watch your weight: he quickly gains kilograms - reduce the dose of food to 130 grams.

A dangerous consequence of castration (sterilization) is urolithiasis. You can avoid the disease by simply not feeding fish or foods rich in phosphorus and magnesium.

Feeding a cat dry food containing vitamins, minerals, and natural meat is the key to a beautiful, smooth coat, healthy teeth, and active pet. Food is divided by age; food for a kitten is very different from food for an older cat in terms of calorie content. Special food suitable for sterilized cats is not uncommon: Hills, Eukanuba, Royal Canin produce a high-quality product that meets all requirements. You can find food and get detailed advice in the Zoomix store.

What should you pay attention to before purchasing?

Before you decide to buy food, you should study the reviews and recommendations of breeders of your particular breed. If the majority of owners praise the diet, and even more so, it is recommended by the nursery from which the dog was taken, then you can safely offer it to your pet.

As already mentioned, for some dog breeds, Royal Canin has provided separate ready-made diets, but if there are none, then you can choose a product based on the size of the pet. The brand has a line for small, medium, large and giant animals.

According to consumer reviews, it is better to buy food in one trusted place, in sealed bags, avoiding loose goods. In some pharmacies, they may become stale, stored incorrectly and, as a result, lose their smell and appetizing to the dog.

Don’t be afraid of the prices for animal food, because experienced breeders never tire of repeating that the price of good nutritious food is equal to the price of its main component - protein. This means it varies within the price per kilogram of a piece of meat or fresh poultry.

Feeding pregnant cats

The nutritional standards for cats in this situation differ in composition. During the period of gestation, it is important for the animal to receive all the vitamins and microelements for the harmonious intrauterine development of the cubs. It would be a good idea to consult a veterinarian if your pet needs to adjust its diet. The main thing is that without zealous initiative, the correct advice will be given by an experienced specialist.

The correct composition of food for a pregnant cat

The diet of a cat expecting offspring is considered balanced if it is rich in proteins, minerals, and vitamins:

  • calcium is considered the main vitamin for healthy teeth and bones; calcium is responsible for lactation;
  • Vitamin A ensures visual acuity and gives cats smooth, well-groomed fur;
  • Animal protein is the basis for the harmonious development of kittens in utero and is important for the health of the pregnant mother.
  • without vitamin E, regeneration is impossible; the vitamin ensures the health of the reproductive system;
  • blood clotting is the work of vitamin K, which is especially important during childbirth.
  • Fiber can improve intestinal activity.

How to feed a pregnant pet?

An important rule during the period of gestation of kittens is not to change the mother’s type of nutrition, feed her usual food. At about 2 weeks of pregnancy, the cat begins to eat 10% more; from day 21 the daily norm doubles. At the end of the gestation period, cats may refuse to eat; veterinarians consider refusal to be a harbinger of childbirth.

Experts have not found a common approach to the question of how many times to feed a pet that is in an interesting position. Owners choose different ways: they pamper with free access to food, while others feed on demand. The main thing is that the cat treat provides the pregnant cat with the necessary nutrients, helps the kittens develop for eight weeks, ensures lactation, a healthy appearance, and the increased calorie needs of the new mother. When choosing dry food, make sure that the composition has a list of what is necessary, without harmful chemical additives.

What food is suitable for a nursing cat?

Kitten food is equally suitable for a nursing cat. We recommend choosing Iams kitten, Pro plan kitten, Baby cat from Royal Canin. The food has a nutritional composition, does not have harmful flavoring additives, and covers the daily calorie requirement.

Detailed composition of Royal Canin

as premium food. This means that the buyer should see meat in the first positions in the food composition, that is, the protein component, followed by carbohydrates, fats, prebiotics, vitamins and microelements. Many dog ​​owners are upset by the fact that proteins take third place, and the percentage of substances contained is not indicated. The food is oversaturated with cheap corn and unknown ingredients.

Analysis of dry food components

  1. Plant proteins. They are less digestible than animals; the manufacturer does not indicate the percentage content and types of plants from which the protein is obtained.
  2. Rice cereal. A quickly digestible carbohydrate with high energy value.
  3. Degraded proteins. This is a powder made from poultry meat production waste.
  4. Chicken by-product meal. It is obtained by grinding the remains of butchered carcasses (feet, beaks, bones). A source of protein and amino acids, but obtained from cheap, low quality products.
  5. Brown rice Increases calorie content and is easily digestible.
  6. Corn. In some types of dry food, the ingredient leads in quantity. Added to increase the calorie content of the product.
  7. Chicken fat. A source of Omega-6 acids that are beneficial for the dog’s body.
  8. Wheat gluten. Second-rate vegetable protein, poor in amino acids and vitamins.
  9. Cellulose. Some foods use beet pulp, which has a positive effect on sugar levels and intestinal health.
  10. Fructooligosaccharides are prebiotics to improve dog digestion.
  11. Yeast. A source of B vitamins and healthy saccharides.

Other components include processing aids, including stabilizers, water absorbents, antioxidants and preservatives.

Nutrition for older cats

The norms for feeding dry food to older vary significantly. This is due to a decrease in the activity of animals (sleep time increases, periods of activity decrease, fewer calories are consumed). Much attention is paid to nutrition: food affects the health and quality of life of an elderly family pet. The choice should be made on special foods that are rich in protein and low in carbohydrates, which increase the risk of obesity.

Daily nutritional requirements for elderly pets

The daily serving of cat treats depends on the brand of dry food. Normally, it is 5-7% of body weight. However, the cat will need more food if the owner purchases economy-class food, since the composition of the food differs in the content of cellulose, animal waste, and is low in calories.

High-quality food is more expensive, but has the advantage that you can give your pet small portions. Food containing vitamins and animal fats helps support the immune, urinary, and cardiovascular systems of an elderly cat. He advises you to pay attention to the following brands of food: Purina, Royal Canin, 1st choice.

Royal Canin products

Royal Canin products for small breeds of puppies are represented by approximately 20 items. The line contains several types of food for young dogs - pates, croquettes. Royal Canin food for medium breed puppies comes in a variety of varieties - about 30 types in total. In addition to them, this line also includes general purpose products. They are suitable for animals without pedigrees, mongrels. Royal Canin for large breed puppies is also available in a range.

Royal Canin food is a balanced product with an optimal content of all essential nutrients, macro- and microelements. Properly selected nutrition will ensure your pet’s active growth and full development.

Is proper nutrition a prerequisite?

Breeders and experienced owners know: the standards described on the packaging give average recommendations. Observation will help determine whether the cat is healthy. An animal eats more than usual and does not gain weight well, which is a reason to change its diet. Feed with low nutrient content does not meet daily requirements. When choosing a different diet, make the transition gradually so as not to expose your pet to stress. It is better to seek the help of an experienced veterinarian who can help with the issue.

Cats often neglect new food. So, accustomed to food from cheap brands, fluffies will turn away from a bowl of premium food. The behavior is related to the composition of the menu: it is as close to natural as possible. Cheap granules contain artificial additives and flavoring agents that are addictive, so your pet will refuse to eat “tasteless” expensive food.

In the case of selecting dry food, the instructions vary. However, try to choose foods that have a good balance. The healthy appearance of a pet, good strong teeth, shiny fur, activity, and curiosity depend entirely on the diet. Try to adhere to the feeding rates indicated on the package. The measure will help avoid obesity and metabolic problems.

The correct dosage is important for pussies with chronic diseases. Entrust the selection of a good diet to your veterinarian, and always follow the instructions. It is more convenient to pour the granules into a special measuring cup indicating the dosage. You can buy a glass at a pet store.

Do you need to buy high-quality, tasty, healthy cat food? The Zoomix store will help you choose the best option! Let's make our furry family members happy together!

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