Cat or cat: who to choose for an apartment or for a child?

At an early age, kittens do not cause big problems - little girls and boys play and run around equally happily. With age, behavior and physiological signs change, and males and females have their own characteristics. They cannot be ignored when choosing a pet - unpreparedness for problems can create serious difficulties.

What selection criteria should you focus on?

The choice of sex of a four-legged pet is influenced by many factors. One of the most important criteria is the type of home in which the owner lives. We must not forget about those who live next to him. The presence of small children and other pets must be taken into account. An important factor will be how the new pet tolerates loneliness and long separation from a loved one.

In an apartment or private house

When thinking about whether it is better to have a cat in an apartment or a country house, you can read forums or chat with experienced owners. Most often, in a city apartment it is recommended to have cats. Females are cleaner than males, do not leave odorous marks, and do not scatter litter. In addition, keeping a girl in a confined space will not result in an unplanned pregnancy, because the owner can control her social circle.

Cats love to spend time on the couch and on a person's lap. They don't need the open spaces of the street to feel happy. But the female, unlike the males, is much more effective in ridding the country house of annoying rodents. Cats quickly lose interest in monotonous hunting and find other activities - mainly guarding the territory and clashes with neighboring cats.

Boys prefer the opportunity to go outside the home. They want to run, jump, climb trees. Males need to feel like masters, so they mark their territory. Finding such marks in an apartment is not very pleasant. A private house will be the optimal habitat for boys.


The furry pet is very sensitive to the attitude of family members. If someone doesn’t like him or offends him, the two-legged animal avoids him.

Girls are more prone to reciprocal affection and tenderness from the owner. Kitties become more attached to a person and better adapt to his character. Cats are more independent in this regard. They are more interested in climbing a tree or curtain than purring in the arms of their owner.

Intelligence and ease of education

The behavior of mustaches directly depends on their upbringing. It is important to instill in children the norms of behavior in the family from early childhood. Representatives of any gender and breed respond well to the persistent demands of the owner. However, females are more flexible in this regard. They will fulfill a person’s demands, so as not to offend him, to please him.

Males, on the contrary, will prefer to run away, hide, rather than obey. It is more difficult to train them to use the cat litter box and not to throw litter around. After a walk outside, males will immediately jump onto the sofa, and the girl will patiently allow her to wipe her paws.

Independent representatives of the cat family that do not like to obey humans and are difficult to train include the British, Russian Blue, and Scottish Fold breeds. But sphinxes, bobtails, and orientals are ready to do anything for the sake of their owner, so they can be trained without any problems - regardless of their gender.

Are there small children in the family?

Females are much more obedient and affectionate than males. They scratch and bite less often. In a family with a small child, this is very important. The male is accustomed to dominating and defending his position no matter what, so he is capable of harming the baby.

You must understand that no animal likes to have its tail pulled, constantly pressed and squeezed. It is necessary to explain to the child that this is not a toy, but a living creature with its own character. Sooner or later, both girls and boys can react equally aggressively to persistent caresses and disrespectful attitudes.

Are there other animals in the family?

Because of their inherent mentality, girls share their territory with other pets much more easily. And the tendency to dominate, characteristic of boys, forces them to show their superiority over the rest of the inhabitants. It is especially difficult for two cats to get along in one place. They constantly fight for leadership, arrange showdowns, and mark their territory.

Even castrated males are unlikely to make friends - most likely, their conflicts will subside, but a strong friendship will not work out. If there is an adult cat in the house, it is not advisable to take a second adult male - it is better to take a female or a very small kitten.

Cats get along with other animals depending on their character, and gender does not have that much influence on this. Even a brutal cat can become an affectionate nanny for a horde of puppies, ferrets and even chicks - if his disposition is completely peaceful.

We take a pet for the soul

As you can see, it’s worth thinking carefully about who is better to get, a cat or a male cat. But we move on. If breeding activities or an exhibition career are not planned, then a decision is usually made to castrate or sterilize the animal. In this case, preference is often given to males. The operation is simpler, and it costs less. Whereas in the case of cats, this is a abdominal operation, which can have serious consequences.

But in this case, gender characteristics are erased. Sex hormones will no longer excite your pet. That is, the question of who to choose: a cat or a female cat is practically removed. If you decide to keep the physiological characteristics of your pet’s body intact, then let’s decide together who to choose.

Physiological nuances

Before deciding who is better to adopt - a cat or a cat - you need to take into account the physiological characteristics of representatives of both sexes. For some this will be the deciding factor.

Estrus and spaying in cats

Girls mature sexually by the age of six months. In large breeds, this period begins a couple of months later. From this time on, females experience sexual activity 2-3 times a year. Their ability to bear children remains throughout their lives.

The period of estrus is accompanied by loud meowing. Cats are obsessive, trying to escape from the apartment, or even make a puddle in the wrong place. If the pet lives in a country house, then regular escapes and pregnancy are added to the listed problems.

Most owners sterilize their pet. Surgical intervention is only possible for young, sexually mature individuals. The veterinarian examines the patient, finds out about the time of the first estrus and prescribes surgery. It is usually carried out between 6 and 12 months of age, depending on the breed.

Sexual hunting and castration of cats

Puberty in boys occurs on average at 8 months of age. From this time on, their secretions acquire a persistent and unpleasant odor. A matured animal becomes almost uncontrollable. The cat marks its territory, destroys furniture, and ruins wallpaper. A wandering male may disappear for several days, and upon return he will not look his best.

To get rid of these problems, veterinarians recommend resorting to castration. The operation is carried out within a short time, the pet easily tolerates it and recovers quickly. A neutered fluffy becomes more balanced and flexible, preferring to spend time within the walls of a house or apartment.

Difficulties of parenting

It is difficult to say whether it is possible to raise a young cat. Most likely, you can conclude an agreement with her that will suit both parties.

Which dog is better to bring into a private home?

To prevent your pet from causing severe distress, you need to:

  • provide sufficient space;
  • buy a scratching post;
  • organize a bed in a secluded place;
  • place the toilet tray where it will be convenient for him to do his business;
  • plant special cat grass if your pet shows interest in house plants.

If you create comfortable conditions, this will greatly facilitate coexistence. To make your pet feel completely good, you can’t:

  • scold loudly;
  • physically punish for mistakes;
  • annoy with loud music, shouting, scandals.

The cat is good at learning the same tone of a signal or command. They are able to detect any changes in voice timbre and make appropriate decisions. For example, they respond to their nickname when it sounds angry, with aggression and vice versa.

Note! By and large, a good cat always walks on its own.

When choosing a pet, you should take into account the age composition of the family. For small children, it is better to look for calm, friendly breeds. The most popular in the world are:

  • British Shorthair. Calm, phlegmatic cats. The British are good with children. Not seen in active games.
  • Scottish lop-eared. Cats are easily socialized within the family, but do not welcome strangers. Children are treated with tenderness, especially cats.
  • Bengal cat. This breed is more suitable for older children. They need active games just like them. It is not recommended to dominate the Bengal, otherwise he will not become a reliable companion.
  • Sphinx. This peaceful, kind breed can also be chosen for school-age children. True, not because of character, but because of vulnerability. They have delicate skin that is prone to injury. A very young child can cause physical harm to a cat. The advantage of this breed is that it is hypoallergenic.

Scottish Fold

  • Siamese. In the case of this breed, we can talk about the unpredictability of the cat-child relationship. If the animal is raised correctly, the union can be successful and strong. The Siamese understand and respect friendship.
  • Persian. This is the calmest breed. Completely devoid of aggression. In case of danger from a child, the cat is more likely to hide. A very big drawback of Persians is their long hair. They should not be kept by allergy sufferers.
  • Maine Coon. Balanced, large animals. With a huge sense of self-esteem. Their natural intelligence allows them to tolerate the child’s antics. They usually become friends for life.

Is it possible to talk about the difference in the character of females and males: pros and cons

All members of the cat family behave the same during childhood. They run, play, and explore the world around them with curiosity. Their pranks and attempts to climb onto the sofa or lap evoke a smile of tenderness. Babies accept affection with pleasure and allow themselves to be stroked. However, with age, the character of pets changes greatly - then the differences between male and female individuals become visible.


Affectionate creatures require increased attention from humans. They need to be close, to feel cared for and loved. Girls are able to subjugate not only people with one glance, but also other pets living in the neighborhood. Benefits of cats:

  • cleanliness;
  • pronounced hunting instinct;
  • flexible character;
  • lack of desire to mark territory.

However, against the backdrop of positive qualities, negative aspects should also be noted. For example, females love to sharpen their claws and use walls, furniture, and wallpaper for this. You can cope with this scourge using a special scratching post. It is necessary to trim nails from an early age so that the baby is completely accustomed to the procedure.

You should also remember about the rancor and touchiness of ladies. They can take sophisticated revenge on their offender, be it a family member, a guest or another four-legged friend.

On the physiological side, unsterilized females require mating, so the owner has to look for a mating partner and transport the bride to the groom’s territory. If the pregnancy occurred unplanned, then there is a need to place the grown-up babies in good hands.


Males are considered more independent animals compared to females. They do not climb into your hands, allowing themselves to be stroked only occasionally. Typically, friendly expressions are associated with the desire to get a treat or go for a walk.

The male loves to dominate, considering an apartment or house only his place. However, those who prefer a male to a female talk about many positive features of the mustache:

  • active lifestyle;
  • no problems with mating and placement of offspring;
  • independence in a good way.

Experienced cat owners note their increased curiosity. They want to look and smell everything.

Boys love to sit in the kitchen and beg for a tasty piece. However, begging can be corrected through proper education from childhood.

The main problem with keeping males is the strong natural odor and odorous marks left everywhere. Careful care and castration will help solve this problem.

Positive sides

Since girls are always taken from their mothers before boys, there must be a reason for this. Let's look at how cats can be better than cats:

  • These are real neaties. They can spend hours licking their fur, and the slightest touch will start the job all over again. Sometimes this annoys the owners, but this is of little concern to the fluffy beauty.
  • The cat is a wonderful hunter. It will be an ideal choice for a private home, protecting it from mice attacks. But don’t be surprised that she will definitely bring the caught prey home.
  • This is a wonderful friend for growing children. She will purr affectionately in the nursery, willingly allow you to put on a dress, and will not scratch you in response to an attempt to trim your mustache. Try to explain to your children that they can’t do this.

A cat is much more affectionate than a cat

She does not establish her own rules in the house.
It shows its affection for its owner in a more touching way than a cat, which does not express its emotions so openly. The cat is a terrible cleaner. She can lick herself for hours until her fur is in perfect condition. However, after five to ten minutes the hairstyle gets lost, or an invisible speck settles on the fur... and the process repeats. The cat loves to lie on your lap. She can start purring, rubbing against you, licking your face at any moment of the day or night. Until you respond to it with reciprocal attention or simply drive it away in the rudest manner, this persistent animal will not leave you alone.

Possible health problems

According to the genetic line, the health of Scottish cats is not considered ideal. Animals may experience bone deformation, hardening of the tail, and problems with movement. The cause of such problems is the crossing of fold with fold. Representatives of the Scottish cat breed may suffer from cardiac pathology or polycystic renal disease.

Every year it is required to vaccinate the animal against dangerous diseases. The first vaccination is carried out at 2-3 months, and if the owner does not have time in time, then the animal is vaccinated after its teeth have changed. 14 days after the first vaccination, the procedure is repeated. 10 days before the vaccination procedure, kittens need to be given an anthelmintic.

Scottish dogs need vaccination against diseases such as calcivirosis, panleukopenia, rhinotracheitis, and chlamydia. It is mandatory to vaccinate your animal against rabies. If your pet is outside for long periods of time during the day, he will need protection from fleas and ticks. For this purpose, you can purchase special spray, collar, drops.

Stereotypes associated with the sex of caudates

The most common domestic animals on earth are cats. There are many conjectures, signs and superstitions associated with them. For example, it is believed that cats can be given milk and fish throughout their lives. Although dairy products are healthy only for kittens, fish in general causes serious illnesses.

It is also incorrect to say that a cat lands on all fours from any height without harm to its health. It all depends on the height.

The ability to see at night is also not very important for a cat. She navigates with the help of locator whiskers and thanks to her exceptional hearing.

Curious! Cats, like people, see the world in color.

In normal life, cats do not have a voice message. They communicate with each other using marks. Meowing attracts the owner's attention.

As for myths, they also do not stand the test. For example, cats can get along well with dogs. They shit outside the potty not out of vindictiveness, but because of stress (sometimes illness).

Black cat

Cats are also credited with mystical powers. Supposedly, by leaving or dying, they save the owner. Everyone knows about a black cat that there will be no road if he crosses it.

The Scot as a true friend

Many people want to get a representative of this breed because the animals are obedient. For your pet to understand that they are angry with him, it is enough to change his intonation. Reviews from breeders show that it is quite easy to train small kittens to use a tray. If necessary, they can relieve their needs in the courtyard of a private house. Scottish Straight cats quickly learn what is permissible to do in the house and what will be punished. Many Scottish owners say that it is not scary to leave such a pet at home alone, because it does not harm property. Often breeders find an animal in the same place where it lay before they left.

However, this does not mean that the animal is inactive. Scottish Straight cats are very inquisitive and playful. Animals often do not know how to stop when participating in games, so it is worth limiting pets in their natural instincts and not allowing them to scratch themselves or household things.

Cats healing people (felinotherapy): truth or myth?

Cats are not only our favorite pets who amuse and touch, but also good healers for many diseases. This is still unproven, but a fact that has existed since ancient times, when cats were considered sacred animals. Do cats heal humans? In ancient Rus', it was believed that cats, in some way known only to them, were able to transform the bad energy of a sick person into positive energy. It is interesting that it was in Rus' that the teaching of so-called cat therapy began.

Further, not only ancient Egyptian sages and Tibetan lamas, but also healers in America and Europe began to use the healing abilities of fluffies.

Sexual behavior

Puberty of cats of different breeds occurs at 6-8 months from the date of birth. They can be bred only after completion of physiological maturity, which occurs by 1.5 years.

The onset of sexual heat in a cat is manifested in the fact that it:

  • leaves marks throughout the territory;
  • screams loudly, calling for females;
  • becomes restless and aggressive.

Sexual behavior of a cat

Kitties in heat also change. They are during the week:

  • they scream in their guts;
  • take positions as during mating;
  • lick the genitourinary opening.

Recommend: The best cat breeds for children

Interesting! Between estrus can take from 1 week to 6 months. This is an individual feature of each cat.

The desire to be close

Features of behavior and physiology

It is not always possible to understand a pet's behavior. But any manifestations have a reason. For example, what does it mean if a cat:

The cat requires affection

Cats sometimes leave the house on their own. This may be due to the fact that:

  • they are called natural instincts;
  • a pregnant cat seeks privacy to give birth to kittens;
  • the pet is offended;
  • the animal senses the approach of death and goes away to die.

Affectionateness and affection for a person

For the most part, cats consider themselves to be the boss of the house. It is they who choose their favorite among family members. They come for affection and communication on their own, and not when the owner wants it.

Cats especially don’t like it when people try to pet them by force. They can rub against your legs while begging for something tasty. Like other animals, cats react to how they are treated. Hostility is responded to with aggression and violation of rules of conduct.

Home attachment

Castration and sterilization

It is advisable to subject the animal to surgery to remove the gonads before the first signs of maturation. It is recommended to sterilize cats at about six months of age. Males should be neutered at 8-12 months.

For males, the most common operation is castration. During this intervention, the testes are removed, where sex hormones are also produced that motivate the cat to “deeds.”

Choosing a healthy kitten

More stringent criteria are applied when selecting kittens for breeding. Applicants must be sufficiently mature: if possible, they are purchased in the fall, since the heat makes its own adjustments to the exterior. Some kittens' ears stand up or stand up completely. In this case, decide for yourself whether you definitely need a Scottish fold or whether a Scottish straight will suit you, especially since the latter will also produce babies with rolled-up ears.

When examining the kitten, pay attention to the configuration of the bite - in the Scottish Fold it is scissor-shaped. Cats (unlike dogs) do not have such strict requirements for their teeth: the main thing is that they are complete, intact and even.

It happens that the color of an adult “Scotsman” is strikingly different from what was stated when purchasing it.

In order not to be disappointed in your expectations, write this clause in the contract, and choose a kitten together with a person who can give a forecast on the final coat color of a mature pet. The kitten you choose should be healthy and playful, have a thick and uniform coat, without spots or gaps. No dirt in the ears. The eyes should shine, but not from tears or painful discharge. A healthy kitten is always interested in what is happening: lethargy and apathy are excluded.

Pros of the Scots

The Scottish cat is leaner and taller, and also less lazy. The weight of representatives of this breed rarely exceeds 4–6 kg. This is an ideal choice for children, because the cat is very playful, becomes attached to people and, as a rule, chooses a child as an idol among all household members.

Scottish cats have the following advantages:

  • sociability;
  • playfulness, but without excesses;
  • ease of learning;
  • patience with children's pranks.

A Scottish cat will never tear up wallpaper if you show her where the scratching post is. However, the pet misses its owners: if they are not at home, it can sleep all day, and when everything is assembled, it will follow around and even try to tell something. At the same time, cats of this breed are laconic and do not get bored with loud meows.

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