Boy or girl? Cat or cat? Who is better to have?

When a family decides to purchase a kitten, the question always arises: who to get - a boy or a girl. Both sexes have characteristics, but no one knows which of them will predominate as they grow up. Below are some observations about what common traits do cats have and what do cats have in common.

Boy or girl? Cat or cat? Who is better to have?

An eternal question that arises in a person’s mind when he decides to get a pet.
In this article we will look at the pros and cons of both sexes.

Let's start with the positive aspects.

Among cat lovers, a large number of owners are girls. There are many reasons for this. Firstly, if your pet is purebred and has documents, then you can start breeding kittens. This is not a simple matter, but by collecting information and consulting with experts, you can successfully do this.

Cats are usually more affectionate. Among them, individuals with a calm character are more common. And the smell from the girls' litter box is much weaker than the smell from the boys' litter box.

Girls are friendlier and find it easier to get along with other animals.

The girl's cats rarely run away from the house and fall out of the windows. Although during the “mating” period they scream very loudly.

Depending on the breed, cats are cleaner.

Girl cats are much more attentive than boys. And they have a more developed quick reaction.

They don't have many negative sides. We can only talk about two.

First, female kittens are much more active than male kittens. Sometimes this can be a lot of trouble.

The second relates to health. If a girl cat is not sterilized in time, then in old age she will get sick a lot. This also applies to other female animals.

Now let's move on to the male felines.

It’s a huge plus to keep a boy’s pet if he has a pedigree and the necessary documents. He can participate in breeding, and you won’t have to bother with births and kittens. Depending on the breed, breeding to a boy can cost a lot of money.

The cat knows how to stand up for himself. And you don’t have to worry if he goes for a walk on his own. A significant plus if you live outside the city.

But boys have more negative sides than cat girls.

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By nature, the cat is more affectionate, it is a softer creature. But, on the other hand, the animal is very independent, and, as R. Kipling wrote, it is used to “walking on its own.” This sometimes manifests itself in the fact that when they often want to pick up a cat in childhood against its will, this causes a reaction of opposition - the cat will never be given in hand. She will come to your arms, purr and cuddle only when she herself wants.

Another problem is that you will have to tinker with the kittens. For medical and psychological reasons, it is necessary to tie it twice before sterilization. Many people think that three times is better. Kittens are a lot of fun, but troublesome. For two months, when they are growing, it will be necessary to prepare food for the kittens separately, monitor their health, and a certain amount of money is required. And lastly, they need to be sold, donated or disposed of somewhere. All this does not bring tangible benefits other than trouble.

In many cases, even Russian Blue cats at the onset of puberty may attempt to pee on objects lying on the floor, slippers, bags, plastic bags. This is not marking the territory, it is rather because the cat does not understand what is happening to it and, therefore, is looking for ways to attract the cat’s attention or, in extreme cases, ours.

The choice is yours. All of the above, of course, is subjective in nature from summer communication with Russian blue cats.


Who is better to choose for your home: a cat or a male cat?

At an early age, kittens do not cause big problems - little girls and boys play and run around equally happily. With age, behavior and physiological signs change, and males and females have their own characteristics. They cannot be ignored when choosing a pet - unpreparedness for problems can create serious difficulties.

What selection criteria should you focus on?

The choice of sex of a four-legged pet is influenced by many factors. One of the most important criteria is the type of home in which the owner lives. We must not forget about those who live next to him. The presence of small children and other pets must be taken into account. An important factor will be how the new pet tolerates loneliness and long separation from a loved one.

In an apartment or private house

When thinking about whether it is better to have a cat in an apartment or a country house, you can read forums or chat with experienced owners. Most often, in a city apartment it is recommended to have cats. Females are cleaner than males, do not leave odorous marks, and do not scatter litter. In addition, keeping a girl in a confined space will not result in an unplanned pregnancy, because the owner can control her social circle.

Cats love to spend time on the couch and on a person's lap. They don't need the open spaces of the street to feel happy. But the female, unlike the males, is much more effective in ridding the country house of annoying rodents. Cats quickly lose interest in monotonous hunting and find other activities - mainly guarding the territory and clashes with neighboring cats.

Boys prefer the opportunity to go outside the home. They want to run, jump, climb trees. Males need to feel like masters, so they mark their territory. Finding such marks in an apartment is not very pleasant. A private house will be the optimal habitat for boys.


The furry pet is very sensitive to the attitude of family members. If someone doesn’t like him or offends him, the two-legged animal avoids him.

Girls are more prone to reciprocal affection and tenderness from the owner. Kitties become more attached to a person and better adapt to his character. Cats are more independent in this regard. They are more interested in climbing a tree or curtain than purring in the arms of their owner.

Intelligence and ease of education

The behavior of mustaches directly depends on their upbringing. It is important to instill in children the norms of behavior in the family from early childhood. Representatives of any gender and breed respond well to the persistent demands of the owner. However, females are more flexible in this regard. They will fulfill a person’s demands, so as not to offend him, to please him.

Males, on the contrary, will prefer to run away, hide, rather than obey. It is more difficult to train them to use the cat litter box and not to throw litter around. After a walk outside, males will immediately jump onto the sofa, and the girl will patiently allow her to wipe her paws.

Independent representatives of the cat family that do not like to obey humans and are difficult to train include the British, Russian Blue, and Scottish Fold breeds. But sphinxes, bobtails, and orientals are ready to do anything for the sake of their owner, so they can be trained without any problems - regardless of their gender.

Are there small children in the family?

Females are much more obedient and affectionate than males. They scratch and bite less often. In a family with a small child, this is very important. The male is accustomed to dominating and defending his position no matter what, so he is capable of harming the baby.

You must understand that no animal likes to have its tail pulled, constantly pressed and squeezed. It is necessary to explain to the child that this is not a toy, but a living creature with its own character. Sooner or later, both girls and boys can react equally aggressively to persistent caresses and disrespectful attitudes.

room with sofa and bed interior photo

Are there other animals in the family?

Because of their inherent mentality, girls share their territory with other pets much more easily. And the tendency to dominate, characteristic of boys, forces them to show their superiority over the rest of the inhabitants. It is especially difficult for two cats to get along in one place. They constantly fight for leadership, arrange showdowns, and mark their territory.

Even castrated males are unlikely to make friends - most likely, their conflicts will subside, but a strong friendship will not work out. If there is an adult cat in the house, it is not advisable to take a second adult male - it is better to take a female or a very small kitten.

Cats get along with other animals depending on their character, and gender does not have that much influence on this. Even a brutal cat can become an affectionate nanny for a horde of puppies, ferrets and even chicks - if his disposition is completely peaceful.

Advantages and disadvantages of keeping a cat

Due to their increased activity, cats are predisposed to spend a lot of time playing. In this case, the animals bury themselves in the linen, hide in different places, and then suddenly jump out at the feet of household members. Cats are very curious - in this they resemble a dog. Whatever appears in the house, the animal will definitely sniff and examine this object thoroughly. Cats love to live in empty boxes.

Being a leader by nature, a male animal can behave quite defiantly. The owner must stop such a manifestation of character in time, without offending the animal.

Many cats think that they are the masters of the house; a person should in a friendly manner let the pet understand the real state of affairs.

Cats are also beggars - as soon as the owner walks into the kitchen, the four-legged family member is right there. He will get underfoot and meow invitingly, begging for a treat.

A strong argument against purchasing a cat is its pronounced smell. Of course, proper care can help solve the problem, but when the animal begins to mark, having reached sexual maturity, it will be a very unpleasant surprise. It’s one thing if a pet lives in a private house, where he can do his unpleasant-smelling business in the yard. But in an apartment, especially if there are small children in the family, this is completely useless.

Physiological nuances

Before deciding who is better to adopt - a cat or a cat - you need to take into account the physiological characteristics of representatives of both sexes. For some this will be the deciding factor.

Estrus and spaying in cats

Girls mature sexually by the age of six months. In large breeds, this period begins a couple of months later. From this time on, females experience sexual activity 2-3 times a year. Their ability to bear children remains throughout their lives.

The period of estrus is accompanied by loud meowing. Cats are obsessive, trying to escape from the apartment, or even make a puddle in the wrong place. If the pet lives in a country house, then regular escapes and pregnancy are added to the listed problems.

Most owners sterilize their pet. Surgical intervention is only possible for young, sexually mature individuals. The veterinarian examines the patient, finds out about the time of the first estrus and prescribes surgery. It is usually carried out between 6 and 12 months of age, depending on the breed.

Sexual hunting and castration of cats

Puberty in boys occurs on average at 8 months of age. From this time on, their secretions acquire a persistent and unpleasant odor. A matured animal becomes almost uncontrollable. The cat marks its territory, destroys furniture, and ruins wallpaper. A wandering male may disappear for several days, and upon return he will not look his best.

To get rid of these problems, veterinarians recommend resorting to castration. The operation is carried out within a short time, the pet easily tolerates it and recovers quickly. A neutered fluffy becomes more balanced and flexible, preferring to spend time within the walls of a house or apartment.


I don't really like dogs. Just look from the outside). And cats - they are so different! I think when you choose, you need it to sink into your soul, then it will suit you) Usually animals are very similar to their owners). We have always had classic Persians, and not necessarily purebred ones. The main thing for me was that I liked the face) my last one had an absolutely perfect character. The child dragged her by the tail, but she endured and never scratched.

Yulia Shishkina

Of all the cats, I really like British Blues. They have a beautiful purple coat, stunning amber eyes and purple paw pads. And by nature, these cats are such phlegms) For a family with a child, they are simply ideal, if not for the wool!

The breed is at your discretion. When my daughter was 2 years old, I adopted a Sphynx cat. The only BUT is that she was already 4 months old. Their relationship did not work out for about a year, but there was never any aggression from the cat. Now I have already raised 2 litters of kittens and I can absolutely say that even such a small child can buy a kitten. You just have to take what was 2–2.5 months; and if you grew up in a family with children, this is ideal. And then, when you choose, calm contact kittens will sit calmly on your arms, perhaps purr... Playful contact kittens will try to get away with it, but if you insist, they will sit. These are the ones worth choosing. And if he’s a coward, he can run away in such a way that he scratches him. Such a person will not have contact with the child... It’s easier and cheaper to castrate a boy... Girls have abdominal surgery, it takes a long time... So if it’s for the soul, a boy is better...


It’s great if you decide to get a cat. By and large, it doesn’t matter who you choose. The main thing is to treat the animal well and take care of it, and then the pet will definitely reciprocate and make the life of the owners more interesting and brighter.


Is it possible to talk about the difference in the character of females and males: pros and cons

All members of the cat family behave the same during childhood. They run, play, and explore the world around them with curiosity. Their pranks and attempts to climb onto the sofa or lap evoke a smile of tenderness. Babies accept affection with pleasure and allow themselves to be stroked. However, with age, the character of pets changes greatly - then the differences between male and female individuals become visible.


Affectionate creatures require increased attention from humans. They need to be close, to feel cared for and loved. Girls are able to subjugate not only people with one glance, but also other pets living in the neighborhood. Benefits of cats:

pronounced hunting instinct;

lack of desire to mark territory.

However, against the backdrop of positive qualities, negative aspects should also be noted. For example, females love to sharpen their claws and use walls, furniture, and wallpaper for this. You can cope with this scourge using a special scratching post. It is necessary to trim nails from an early age so that the baby is completely accustomed to the procedure.

You should also remember about the rancor and touchiness of ladies. They can take sophisticated revenge on their offender, be it a family member, a guest or another four-legged friend.

On the physiological side, unsterilized females require mating, so the owner has to look for a mating partner and transport the bride to the groom’s territory. If the pregnancy occurred unplanned, then there is a need to place the grown-up babies in good hands.


Males are considered more independent animals compared to females. They do not climb into your hands, allowing themselves to be stroked only occasionally. Typically, friendly expressions are associated with the desire to get a treat or go for a walk.

The male loves to dominate, considering an apartment or house only his place. However, those who prefer a male to a female talk about many positive features of the mustache:

active lifestyle;

no problems with mating and placement of offspring;

independence in a good way.

Experienced cat owners note their increased curiosity. They want to look and smell everything.

Boys love to sit in the kitchen and beg for a tasty piece. However, begging can be corrected through proper education from childhood.

The main problem with keeping males is the strong natural odor and odorous marks left everywhere. Careful care and castration will help solve this problem.


Quote from Shunra's message

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Let's learn how to properly house kittens! HOW to help a homeless kitten?
Generalization of personal practical and psychological experience


Each of us at least once in our lives has had to come across a meowing lump in our entrance. Or on the street. Or not a lump, but a fully grown, emaciated cat with a dull look, who no longer believes, even if you hand her a piece of something tasty. Not the point. The main thing is that you came across a stray cat.

Here your life instantly breaks down into four options for the further development of events: pass by, run for a piece of food (home or to the nearest store), take the animal you like for yourself, or try to find a home for good people.

For those passing by, I will not read moral teachings here. You cannot change a person and you cannot force him to do a good deed. And you are not a parishioner, and I am not a preacher. Running to the nearest store for a sausage is a solid “B” option. In the end, you might not have done this, but simply run past to work, study, or on business... Believe me, maybe this sausage will save the kitten’s life. And then, maybe somehow everything will work out very well.

In general, a person who encounters a stray kitten on the street does not see the strength to connect his life with this ball of fur. And it’s not necessary! The best thing you can do is here and now , so that later you can simply find new owners for the animal. It's simple: we don't tie our lives in shackles, the main thing is to help now ! Would you say it’s difficult to arrange? Nothing like this. Below is a detailed story about what to do with the foundling and how to find him “good hands.”

I understand that the most difficult is always the first step, the fear that “I won’t succeed because I don’t know how .”

Precisely to answer the question “ How?” “, here I have tried to summarize my personal experience related to this issue. The algorithm of actions has been developed over the years, so I hope these tips can and will come in handy when finding puppy dogs. I don’t know, I’m just talking only about what I know, since I’ve been a cat person all my life.

What would you like to add? Probably only that you and I are sitting here in front of the computer, throwing coffee, and somewhere it doesn’t even squeak, but just shakes with small tremors, wet, hungry, dirty... And its empty belly is being eaten by worms, fleas are digging into the rolled up skin, there is mucus in the eyes, and fear in the heart... And nothing is clear at all...

I myself, of course, am not a saint or a crazy cat person who does nothing but talk about cats, think about cats and sleep with cats. No. And sometimes I pass by animals on the street, especially if I’m in a hurry. But I always remember about those meowing, shaking little lumps that huddle in the corners of our city... And to the best of my ability I still try to help. And I want to share some experience with you. Maybe you always wanted to, but didn’t know HOW?

How to help a homeless kitten?

[Read completely]

So, you saw a kitten. For example, he sits in the entrance, meows at you and shakes with small tremors. Your heart sank, and you are ready to grab him in your arms and take him to you.

But here several “buts” may immediately arise.

Firstly, you had absolutely no plans to get yourself a pet. And your life may be connected, for example, with frequent business trips. In a word, the conditions do not allow us to adopt a kitten for good. No problem. Take it for a while - with the goal of placing it “in good hands.” The kitten will not only be happy, but actually saved.

Secondly, you may already have pets and “expanding your staff” is not at all part of your plans. No problem-II. By maintaining reasonable care and isolating your Tuzik and Barsik from the foundling, you can also take a kitten with the goal of placing it with someone else.

The main thing is that the clock can really count and it is important to decide here and now to get involved in this matter of help. And then find a permanent home for the kitten.

Let's act. We take the animal very carefully in our hands. Keep in mind that not every stray cat goes through this operation with a bang. You will have the most success if you feed him/her a little first. Of course, if you see that the animal is affectionate or, moreover, it doesn’t care at all where or who is carrying it, then don’t waste time and bring it home. If not, don’t be lazy and instead of a long-lasting idea, “Well, where are you running away, you fool!” run to the nearest store and arm yourself with sausage. It helps much more effectively.

They took it and brought it. Do not wash!!! I understand the completely reasonable urge to first of all douse this dirty miracle with water and more generously, but it’s impossible! The body of a kitten that has been hanging around the doorways for an unknown amount of time can be so weakened that even swimming in warm water (even though it’s summer outside!) can easily kill it. Yes, yes, to death. Therefore, we satisfy our urges of cleanliness by simply wiping the dirtiest places, for example, with a piece of foam rubber soaked in warm water. Paws, butt and more. Wipe dry immediately. For now, it’s better to just cut off the pellets, tangles and similar sticky rubbish.

Note for those who already have animals at home. No contact with the foundling brought in!! Completely isolate them from each other until you find out how healthy the new kitten is! It doesn’t matter if for this the foundling has to sit locked up for a day or two in one of the rooms (and if there are not enough rooms, then, for example, in the kitchen in a TV box). Anything is better than dying in the hallway.

But the main test is the curiosity of your dear Tuziks and Barsiks. Nothing - they won’t crack, they’ll go crazy. All bowls and toilet trays are separate! No “And who is this beautiful-and-and-howy one of us?.. Barsik, meet me!” No contact! And then, you know, treating both of them - you'll get fucked up.

During all manipulations with the animal, talk to it! It doesn’t matter what it’s about, just say nonsense. Even the sound of your voice, calm and friendly, will calm the animal, which will understand that you are its friend. This will allow you to do all the work related to the “initial inspection”. Secure this rule for later - when you do something with an animal, especially something that is not very pleasant for him, talk to him!

Wash your hands! It is not known what he is sick with, it is not known whether it can attach itself to a person. Therefore, after all the touching and squeezing, wash your hands with soap! In the meantime, let’s take a look (no, not fleas and lichen, you’ll deal with that later) at the butt. The butt is the face of a kitten. After all, it is she who will tell you what you will feed him in the near future before visiting the veterinarian.

I see how your glasses/contact lenses/monitors/windows/etc. are fogged up from bewilderment? A question boils up in my chest: “But I... For a while... I’ll give it back... Let them sort it out...” No, that won’t do. Now let's talk about why.

Many people know that on the subway there are women with bags full of kittens. The mechanism of their patrol is quite simple: whoever wants to adopt a foundling brings it, gives them money for food for the animal, and whoever wants to have a kitten also comes to them, chooses it, and the happy one (at first) “for free” takes home the miracle he likes. The watch is quite noble and worthy of all praise, if not for one BUT .

There are foundlings in the bag!! That is: worms, lice, with intestinal, skin and all kinds of diseases! What if your foundling doesn’t have all this? Does he (and you) need it? This time. And two - a person takes such a kitten “from the subway”, carries it home, after a week it begins to wheeze, vomit, shit blood and often simply dies, never knowing that there are veterinarians in this world. And even if he does, it’s usually too late (according to the veterinarians themselves, according to whose reviews kittens “from the metro” are the main source of animals in a dying state).

Therefore, after sighing, you have to admit that you need to rely only on yourself. Even if they took the “miracle in feathers” for a while. And you have to treat it yourself. Because relying on those with whom you agree on a kitten in the future is more than unreliable. It's better to do it yourself. After all, you chose it to give life, and not to “delay the end.” In addition, a healthy (read: treated) kitten will be easier to place .

So, we looked at the butt. If it’s red and downright convex - wow!.. Most likely our new citizen, at best, has a simple stomach upset from irregular and garbage food, and at worst, an intestinal infection, worms, etc. Therefore: we only boiled water and feed only wet cat food. Moreover, taking into account the age of the animal. There are foods that are called that way, for example “Whiskas for kittens”. Feet in hand - and go to the store for food.

Did you run away? We serve food warm, at room temperature, not from the refrigerator. Let's see how he eats. The first time, don’t pile up a whole heap - out of hunger, he will eat not as much as he wants, but as much as he can fit. It might crack. Next time - as much as he will eat, but within reasonable limits. After all, the body is weakened and is trying to catch up and restore strength. Let him eat, even if it seems to you that he is eating a lot. Of course, focus on the stool: normal - everything is fine, if not - reduce the portion. And remember: the kitten should always have water poured! Let him drink as much as he wants!

In the meantime, it slurps, licking the saucer, we get on the phone. It is better to choose a veterinary clinic not according to “closer to home”, but where your heart lies. Call and ask when the doctor sees you... If you didn’t like the voice in the waiting room, it’s better to call the next one. In such institutions there is actually a “team of like-minded people,” so if you didn’t like the voice on the other end of the line, then most likely everyone there is like that. Which one to choose: municipal or private? I don't know, it's a matter of taste and money. Personally, I prefer to go to a private one with all my concerns. But remember that the main thing is the atmosphere and adequacy. If they “look you in the mouth” for your money, we’ll get the hell out of there. The main thing for us is not leasing, but normal treatment.

Did you get through and decide when to go? Amazing. The main thing is don’t delay: the sooner we go, the sooner we’ll get the animal in order.

How to go? Most likely, you do not have a special cat container in which animals are supposed to be transported. A large bag (about the size of a kitten, so that it is comfortable there, but not too “chattering”) with a hard bottom is suitable. If this is not the case, put something solid that is suitable in size (a board, a piece of cardboard, etc.) at the bottom of the bag. The main thing is that the bottom of this temporary house is stable and fairly level. So that you do not transport the animal as if in a bag. Place something soft at the bottom (blanket, towel, etc.). We sit down and close. But we close it like this:

— could not jump out on the road; - so as not to suffocate! (leave a hole!)

And we take water for the kitten with us! Who knows, maybe you will have to spend more than one hour on the road and in the clinic itself, and when the cat is worried, it wants to drink. So, stock up on clean boiled water. This applies both to those who travel by car and to those who go on their own using public transport. (By the way, if you are in a car, you still need to arrange the bag, and not just sit the kitten next to you on the seat).

But from the moment you walk into the veterinarian’s office - listen! Listen very carefully and catch every word! Don’t be afraid to seem stupid and ask again immediately if something is not clear. A good doctor will not be lazy to explain everything to you a hundred times, just to be sure that you will follow all the recommendations correctly. As my experience of communicating with these people shows, they are all cat and dog people themselves. They themselves have five or six cats at home, picked up on the street, and they themselves were once beginners. So - ask away!

The main thing after a visit to the veterinarian (if it turns out that the baby is sick) is not to be afraid to do everything that is prescribed. For the first time, I also looked in horror at a small lump of fur and whiskers and did not understand - WHERE to put the injection here?! Nothing, “there’s a first time for everything.” The veterinarian will explain to you how and what to do.

And here is important point number two. Now I have this kind of movement that comes out “at once” - the DAC in my hands, on my back, I opened my mouth, dripped drops, slapped me on the ass - free! And the first time... The first time it may seem like a nightmare. Why not "hell"? Hell you will have your first intramuscular injection. Not just subcutaneous, but intramuscular. Don't be afraid, everything will work out. Important - do everything clearly and on time! Otherwise, having become faint-hearted, imagining how difficult it is to inject again into the muscle of “this scratching beast,” decide to skip it once. It is forbidden. Get over yourself and do everything clearly and on time .

We're setting it up.

You follow all the recommendations of the veterinarian, do all the procedures (right?). Along the way, we begin the search for those same notorious “good hands.” Here, as in love and war, all means are fair! Almost all, but many. In essence, you are starting an active advertising campaign for your foundling.

The first remedy. Be sure to use word of mouth - tell all your friends, neighbors, and work colleagues that you have found a wonderful kitten, adding the question “Do you want it?” We reinforce the question with a soulful look... In addition, you must add the phrase “Ask your friends, maybe someone would like to take it.”

The method has two undeniable advantages: you know the person who may become the new owner of the kitten, and, accordingly, you will be confident enough that these hands are really good; Oddly enough, this method is quite often effective. Many people start saying, “Oh, we’ve been wanting to adopt a kitten for so long...” Maybe they’ll finally take it.

And here, from the first steps, it is very useful to acquire a photo of a kitten. Visual propaganda has always been the most effective. “Oh, what a handsome man!” they will tell you, even if there is a touching little runt in the photo. In addition, the photo will be useful to you when

The second means. If you are an office worker, or just a person who has access to printers, computers, copiers, do not be lazy and make an advertisement with a photo.

This unpretentious ad is very effective, again because of its visibility. The return rate from an ad with a photo is disproportionately higher than from a simple piece of paper with text. Verified.

Where do we post it? Yes everywhere! In the building where you work, on information boards in other buildings and offices, at entrances, bus stops, etc. You don’t have to kill yourself, but hang a few pieces - the effect will still be there.

Military tool number three is free newspaper advertisements. Until I tried it myself, I thought it was a waste of time. But no! There are quite a lot of Serdobolts who carefully read these finely printed “I’ll give it to good hands...” So the product is also very effective.

Selection for astronauts

They will call you a lot. And here it’s time to remember what was said about the selection of a veterinary clinic. Listen to the voice! If the person on the other end of the line mumbles and asks vague questions, then, of course, this may also be a sign of innate shyness. Or maybe, and most likely, a sign of the bad luck of this contender for the owner. For your part, you will ask more during the first telephone contact: are there any animals, have you had them, why do you want to adopt them, do you know how to care for them, etc. It goes without saying that clear and concise answers are a “plus” for the applicant. But still, listen to yourself! If, despite the glibness of the answers, for some reason you do not like the caller’s voice, end the conversation and cross the citizen off the list of “cosmonauts”. Everything should be harmonious. If you don’t like it, we’ll try again. After all, we remember that our goal is the happiness of the kitten you picked up on the street.

For your part do not hide the fact that the kitten is sick, undergoing treatment, etc. This does not scare away serious people, they understand everything. Some are even ready to take in a kitten that is still sick and continue to treat it. So you will have another opportunity to check the applicant. You will be sure that the animal ends up in a caring and responsible embrace, and not as an ottoman for the joy of a sadistic child.

At the time of the ceremonial transfer of the foundling, you must have all the coordinates of the new owner. Living nearby is wonderful. Don’t be lazy, and at least for the first time, stop by to visit the surrendered animal. Normal people will understand and will gladly accept you for tea. Far away - call and ask. But still, take the time and visit at least once.


If during your nursing you have developed a new warm feeling for your foundling, I am only happy for both of you! Slowly begin to master the simple wisdom of living together. Moreover, they are insignificant compared to your future mutual happiness with the kitten!

(c) Wesaus

Human attitude and existing stereotypes

Often the choice of a pet by gender depends on the personal preferences of the future owner. It has been noticed that independent people who have achieved a lot with their work have pets to match themselves.

Usually the boy is chosen by the person who does not want to be tied to a mustachioed friend. The male does not require increased attention, which means he will not claim the owner’s free time.

Owners of girls, on the contrary, want to give their love and affection, receiving positive emotions in return. Such people prefer to spend a lot of time at home. They create comfort and are ready to make concessions so that everything around them and in the family is calm and good. It’s not for nothing that they say that a pet is similar to its owner not only in appearance, but also in character.

Of course, there are many exceptions to the general rules - there are wayward and independent females who do not like affection, and there are also super-affectionate males who do not want to leave the hands of the owner under any pretext. In addition, a lot depends on upbringing - in one family animals of both sexes are calm and tame, while in others they are too independent.

Therefore, it is difficult to say something unambiguously about who is better: a cat or a female cat. It is important to note that both representatives have both positive and negative sides. The task of the future owner is, based on known data, to make the right choice so that the fluffy is loved and kept in comfortable conditions for him.


Why do you need a cat in the house?

It would seem that all that remains is to decide on the breed of the tailed pet, but not everything is so simple. Of course, it is necessary to take into account the characteristics of a particular species, but there are also equally significant points. By purchasing and bringing a kitten into the home, the owner takes full responsibility for its well-being, health and, ultimately, fate. Cats are proud and freedom-loving animals; you will have to share not only your home space with them, but also give them enough attention and care.

If the potential owner is faced with the goal of finding a four-legged friend, then in this case you only need to know how to choose a healthy kitten. However, if the future owner is faced with a completely different task, for example, pursuing the commercial goal of breeding a specific breed, or he wants to choose a kitten for the home, or give his little one a birthday present, then the issue of choice should be approached more thoroughly.

Origin matters: whether to buy a purebred kitten

Mixed-breed cats are great. A variety of colors and coat types, high intelligence and vitality - all this is inherent in outbred animals. A barn cat can grow larger than a Maine Coon, fluffier than a Persian, and nobler than any breed. Except that there are no sphinxes among them yet. Then does it make sense to buy a kitten from an elite cattery if it is possible to adopt a pet for free? In addition, it is outbred kittens that usually need a home and caring hands.

If you want to save someone's life, love all cats in general, or just want a cat of a certain color (pure white or black cat, calico cat), then a mongrel pet is a great option.

However, a yard kitten is a kind of lottery. It is not known what size he will grow, what character traits will appear. This is a real “pig in a poke”, an option for those who believe in fate or are naturally gambling.

If you want predictability, then a purebred cat is perfect. Despite the fact that any animal is an individual with its own characteristics, there are pronounced breed traits: the Cornish Rex is a sociable electric broom, the British is an independent couch potato, the Maine Coon is a good-natured giant, and so on. You know in advance what the pet will look like (breed standards), the object of admiration for all random guests, your pride.

If you want to breed cats, you need to purchase only animals with documents and good exhibition prospects, and not multiply the army of outbred and stray kittens.

Regarding health problems, there is a persistent myth that mestizos supposedly do not get sick. And they say they don’t need vaccinations, and they can even digest nails and live up to 30 years. Whereas purebred animals are sissies and generally genetic freaks, which is why they live on artificial feed at an exorbitant price.

The truth is in the middle. Various cat breeds do have hereditary diseases (polycystic kidney disease in Persians, osteochondrodysplasia in Scottish Folds). But if you buy a kitten from a club, the risk of such problems is minimized. There are breeds of cats, among which there are often long-livers (18-20 years) - for example, Thai, and in native breeds (Siberian, Russian Blue) - health is no less good than that of yard cats.

Outbred kittens just as much need vaccinations, parasite treatments, and quality nutrition as their blue-blooded counterparts.

Thus, a purebred kitten from a nursery is not a matter of prestige or a desire to show off. It’s just that such a pet’s appearance and character traits will form a familiar picture: many people keep only Siamese or only British dogs all their lives, unable to change their favorite breed. And if all your life you have dreamed of a huge cat with tufted ears, affectionate, but so wild in appearance - why not buy a Norwegian Forest kitten or Maine Coon.

What breed of cat is best to get for a child?

When looking for a four-legged friend for their child, parents should understand that responsibility for a small ball of fur will have to rest with adult family members. A kitten in the house will not only become a friend for the child, but will also gradually teach him to take care of animals and love them. How to make the right choice? Which breed is the most playful and good-natured?

British Shorthair

The British Shorthair breed is one of the most popular both in Russia and abroad. The British look like real aristocrats; the character, especially of cats, is balanced and flexible. Animals of this breed easily get along with children. Strong nerves are the key to a child’s safety. But their imperturbable character makes them inactive. Half an hour of games, and then a long rest in a cozy armchair.

Characteristic features of British Shorthair cats: calmness, turning into some phlegm, and self-esteem

Scottish lop-eared

The unusual appearance of the ears of cute animals of the Scottish breed makes them especially popular. Males are distinguished by their waywardness, but female cats, on the contrary, are very calm. It is the pet of the Scottish breed that shows extraordinary tenderness towards members of the household, including children. The cat, on the contrary, will be interested in everything, except for the prospect of being held. You need to accept this and not force the animal to do something it doesn’t like. At the same time, he can be very attached to family members, but, like any man, he considers it unnecessary to show his feelings every minute.

Scottish Folds are very attached to family members, but can be shy towards strangers


Many people dream of owning a representative of the Bengal breed. It is simply impossible to pass by this proud, handsome man with a bright spotted coat indifferently. These animals are more suitable for school-age children. They love noisy games, but do not tolerate familiarity. The cat is not aggressive, but will be able to fend for itself if necessary. The Bengal is not a toy, but rather a reliable, loyal and interesting companion.

Representatives of the Bengal breed act in the family as equal members of the family, and not “soft toys”


Representatives of the Sphynx breed, called “crystal figurines,” are characterized by unpredictability. The peculiarity of these animals is their complete dependence on the owner. They do not like loneliness and try to spend as much time as possible near their owners. “Naked” cats are suitable for older children, since babies are almost always sloppy, and the unprotected skin is very easy to injure. In addition, these animals require especially careful care, as they sweat a lot.

The character of Sphynx cats is special: they are kind and peaceful, are not afraid of people and other animals, and build friendly, trusting relationships with people.


Choosing a Siamese cat is like playing roulette. If a kitten has grown up surrounded by kids, has strong nerves, and the child is calm and neat, friendship and fun games are guaranteed. If the animal has grown up nervous, which is not so uncommon for this breed, and the child is not too picky in games, for example, checking how strong the animal's whiskers are, then the result may be hissing and scratching. Cats cannot be called aggressive; they are affectionate and loyal, but they can be excitable and impressionable.

If a Siamese cat forms a bond with a child, they will remain best friends forever.

Short-haired breeds are the best option for small children. It is much more difficult to grasp short hairs with your fingers - there is less chance of aggression. In addition, children can be gradually accustomed to caring for a pet, because even a three-year-old child can go through short fur with a special brush.


Snub-nosed and fluffy representatives of the Persian breed are very calm creatures. They are attached to their owners and love communication. Animals of this breed are clean and devoid of aggression. They don't mind playing, but they prefer to rest. If there is excessive pressure from the child, they will rather run away and hide than let out their claws. Their main disadvantage is that their hair is too long, which remains throughout the apartment and can harm allergy sufferers.

Representatives of the Persian breed prefer relaxation to active pastime.

Maine Coon

Representatives of the Maine Coon breed are calm and balanced. Pets are extremely attached to their owners, love to communicate and have high intelligence. Maine Coons are very patient with a child's antics and can become his best friend.

The Maine Coon is easy to train, does not require special care, you just need more space and food for it

What determines the cost of kittens?

If you decide to buy a purebred pet, then the range of prices for kittens of the same breed will surprise you. Therefore, first of all, you need to decide for what purpose you are buying a cat - as a pet or for participation in exhibitions and breeding.

Officially, purebred kittens are divided into three categories:

Show class – the best representatives of the breed, potential exhibition winners and valuable genetic material. These kittens are the most expensive. Taking such a pet for castration is unwise from a financial point of view and sad for the gene pool of the breed.

Most often, kittens of the breeding class are sold - a strong middle class. These cats can participate in breeding because they have no obvious defects and have all the breed qualities.

Pet class are kittens not suitable for breeding. You should find out why. If the defect is the “wrong” color, there is no problem. But if, for example, a kitten’s testicle has not descended into the scrotum, then it will require an expensive castration operation.

The kitten must have a pedigree (4 generations), regardless of what class it belongs to.

Don’t rush to buy a purebred baby at an attractively low price “without documents”, “unscheduled mating”. Most likely, such breeders want money, not improvement of the breed.

A kitten cannot be too cheap if the cat owner purchases high-quality food, gives adults and children vaccinations, visits exhibitions and a veterinarian. Otherwise, the breeder either works at a loss or saves on the health of your future pet.

A cat should not have more than 3 litters per year, while home-grown breeders give birth to kittens at 1-2 months and receive litters from the female 4-5 times a year. Such babies cannot be strong and healthy and often suffer from rickets.

Buying a kitten cannot be an “urgent” matter. It’s better to wait a few months “in line” at a good cattery than to take just any kitten.

Why is it important not to make a mistake when choosing a kitten?

Some people approach choosing a pet much more simply.
What difference does it make - a boy or a girl, British or Siamese, bald or furry? After all, all kittens are adorable! And if they are all so cute, take any - you won’t go wrong. But the charming baby grows up quickly, and turns out to be completely different from what his owner wants him to be. Behavior during sexual hunting in both male and female cats comes as a surprise to people. But a kitten is not a toy that can be thrown away. To decide which kitten is better to adopt:

  1. Decide which appearance of cats seems most attractive to you. Some people are attracted by the unearthly beauty of graceful sphinxes, others want a huge fluffy cat, and others want a cute tricolor cat. According to this, you can choose the cat breed.
  2. Research the personality of the breed you like. Cats, like people, are divided into phlegmatic, choleric and sanguine. An incompatible temperament will prevent you from enjoying your cat's company.
  3. If your appearance and character seem suitable, think about whether you want to have a kitty or cat in the house.
  4. Explore nurseries in your city or the nearest one, talk to breeders and, if necessary, stand in line for a kitten.

Let your pet please you with good health and a pleasant character. Surround your baby with care, and any kitten will respond to you with sincere affection.

Which kitten is better to get: a boy or a girl?

When two-month-old kittens are crawling around in a box, there is not much difference between boys and girls. They are all equally cute. But the pet will grow up quickly, and it is better to think in advance who you want to keep at home - a cat or a male cat.

While the kittens are small there is almost no difference between boys and girls

In cats, especially purebred cats, sexual dimorphism can be very pronounced. Males are larger, and in males the magnificence of the breed is manifested in all its beauty, to the fullest, while females look more modest. Using Maine Coons as an example: cats reach a record size and weight of 10-12 kg, while cats weigh on average 5-6 kg. In the British, luxurious round cheeks are characteristic of cats.

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The general pattern is this: girls are smaller and more graceful, within the same breed or litter. Cats are brutal and spectacular, they have a wider nose, a more massive head and paws.

Cats spend more time grooming their fur and lick themselves often. Cats can be lazy to wash themselves. Females are neat and clean, quickly get used to the tray and learn the rules of behavior accepted in the house.

Even if we are talking about castrated animals, the smell of urine and feces in cats is stronger than in cats.

Some people believe that cats are more likely to be cuddled, cuddled, and purr, but my personal experience does not support this. Cats can be just as affectionately attached to their owners as cats.

Males tend to show independence and arrogance. The cat should feel like a master, the master of his territory - then he will show himself in all his glory, and will be generous with two-legged food givers.

I'll grow up to be a cheeky Brit

Owners first remember the differences between boys and girls when puberty begins, on average at 6-7 months. Cats begin to mark their territory with urine, may show aggression, and strive to get out of the house. Cats behave similarly during the period of sexual heat: they howl in a bad voice for several days in a row, refuse food, and climb on people. But if a cat’s heat can be waited out, then cats are ready to mate around the clock. This is why almost 100% of cats in the city are neutered, but female cats are not always neutered.

On the other hand, even an uncastrated cat will not bring kittens home. Therefore, if you live in a private house and the pet is kept free-range, a cat is preferable to a cat, which in this case will produce at least 3 litters per year.

Castration of a cat is not a complicated or expensive procedure. However, after surgery, the pet will be predisposed to obesity and urolithiasis.

Sterilization of cats is a abdominal operation, and the cost and duration of the procedure is greater than for cats. The recovery period is also more difficult - you have to wear a protective blanket or collar.

But thanks to the wide and short urethra, cats are less likely to suffer from manifestations of urolithiasis - sand does not clog the urethra, but comes out along with the urine. Females are susceptible to other dangerous ailments - tumors of the mammary glands (if not spayed before the first heat) and inflammation of the uterus, if the cat is not spayed and does not give birth.

In the case of purebred animals, the difference in price between boys and girls is colossal. Kittens are much more expensive, because breeders suspect that you can breed a pet without any documents and without registration in the club, and then sell inexpensive kittens from a purebred mother.

But even if you adopt an ordinary yard kitten, you must immediately budget for the sterilization operation. If money is tight, take the boy.

Kitten girl or boy, who is better to choose?

And I'm very pleased. By the way, cats also scream when they need a cat. As a child, I always had cats, I can’t say anything bad. But this is the second time I’ve taken cats. It seems to me that cats are more gentle, more affectionate (after all, women).

In all cases there are only one pluses. In terms of cleanliness, females also hunt better.

Girls don't give birth to kittens unless they are bred.

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