Can a person's soul move into a cat or other animal?

Rebirth theory

Reincarnation, or reincarnation, is one of the theories of rebirth. Present in the religions of the East and claims that the soul is immortal. The finitude of earthly existence is considered only a stage of transformation, movement into another body. During this, the soul loses its memory of previous lives.

In Buddhism, reincarnation occurs, according to various sources, from 7 to 350-777 times. The concept of karma is inextricably linked with mechanisms.

According to the shamans of the northern tribes, one can move from a human body into a person, animal, or even an object. Superstitions are associated with the ancient idea of ​​​​the structure of the world: then every object was endowed with a soul.

The Wheel of Samsara shows the laws of reincarnation

The Eastern Slavs had a belief in livestock migration. Superstitions are directly related to the cult of the god Rod and nature.

  1. If a person was good, he became a useful animal.
  2. If he did bad things, he was reincarnated as a pest.
  3. Restless souls served evil spirits.

The circle is broken when the soul is taken to the other world.

Opinion of world religions

In some religions, cats are sacred animals, while in others there is no mention of them. But many teachings have a theory about where the soul of a cat goes after death.


But despite this attitude towards cats, there is no paradise for animals in Muslim culture. In Islam, people earn their pass to Paradise if they lead a life according to all the laws of the Koran, pray to Allah and do good deeds. People have a choice about what kind of life they want to lead. And cats cannot choose whether to follow divine laws or not. They behave as their animal nature dictates, which is why the cat's soul dissolves after death.

Orthodox Church

In the Bible, the image of a cat is rare and there is no definite opinion about the posthumous fate of the cat's soul. In the Orthodox religion, it is generally accepted that the souls of animals and human souls consist of different matter. The human soul has a divine origin, therefore, after the death of the physical body, it goes to either Heaven or Hell. It depends on what kind of life a person led. The souls of animals, according to the Bible, perish along with their bodies.

But there is also an opinion that cats are the only animals that can enter the gates of Heaven after their death. This is due to the fact that during the Flood, the cat saved Noah's Ark from destruction and all the living creatures that were there. According to legend, she saw a mouse trying to chew through one of the cables and stopped it. Since then, Orthodoxy has shown especially respectful attitude towards cats.

Eastern religions

One of the most widespread religious and philosophical movements in Eastern countries is Buddhism. According to him, the spiritual body accumulates karma throughout its life, undergoes certain lessons and tests, as a result of which, having reached a certain level, it enters Nirvana.

In Buddhism, the form of a cat is just one of the stages in the formation of the soul or Consciousness on the path to endless bliss. After death in this form, the soul is reborn at a higher level or returns back to learn lessons that were not learned.

Possible new incarnations of the cat soul may include:

  • protozoan microorganism;
  • stone;
  • any plant from grass to tree;
  • another animal;
  • person, etc.

The mechanism and law of reincarnation

Karma is the universal law of cause and effect. The future transmigration of the soul is determined by how much good and evil a person has done. She is capable of punishing evil in subsequent lives, sending failures, suffering, and lack of harmony. A person is held responsible for what happens to him.

There are 10 basic laws of karma.

  1. Cause and investigation.
  2. Creation: life is old, and we are only part of it.
  3. Humility and through it, spiritual growth.
  4. Responsibility. The connection between actions, present and future.
  5. Thanksgiving.
  6. Focus. Don't think about two things at once.
  7. Here and now. Enjoy the moment.
  8. Change.
  9. Patience pays off.
  10. What is given more energy is more important, and vice versa.

Simply put, karma is the maintenance of a balance of good and evil in the actions of a particular person. There must be one good deed for every evil deed. But the mystery of existence is that everything is ambiguous and turns out differently.

There are several principles in the theory of reincarnation.

  1. Women in the past incarnation were men, and vice versa.
  2. In the present reincarnation, one can notice “residues” from the previous ones.
  3. An animal inhabits a person, but never a person - an animal or an object. But many scientists and esotericists actively argue with this point.
  4. The more evil done in this life, the more trials are prepared in the next.

Can the soul of a dead cat move into another kitten?

You see, somewhere around the 24th or 26th of February this year, my cat Tishka died. Everyone in the family loved him very much. Lately, he has been following me very often and in all my affairs he has helped me. But then he somehow got sick. He went to the toilet with blood. We thought maybe he was sick with something. . After a while he began to vomit and did not eat anything. We still took him to the vet. They thought it was just a cold. They started putting him on IVs every day. This was very expensive for us, because IVs are not cheap. Then it seemed that he had a fever and the veterinarian refused to give him home to us, explaining that he couldn’t lower his temperature and he couldn’t let him go home in that condition either. We were told to pick him up the next day, but the doctor would call us himself. The next day came and no one called us. Grandma decided to call herself. We were told that it was better to keep him in the clinic for another day. We think, oh well. The next day we were informed that he had died. When we picked it up, it was very cold, it felt like it had been taken out of the refrigerator. Perhaps he was frozen. I couldn’t come to terms with this for a very long time, especially since the disease was never diagnosed. But the thing is that he was not vaccinated here, and they say that we brought it from the street. Then it turned out that it was probably because of the food, because he only ate Whiskas, and they always stand next to chemical supplies (detergents). In April we decided to adopt a kitten. We named him in consonance with “Tishka” - Mishka. At first, we didn’t notice anything suspicious, but now, when he is already 4 months old, we noticed the habits of our deceased cat. For example, Tishka loved to purr in his “hair”, because he was taken away from his mother very early and in this way he “looked for his mother”, Mishka does the same. (I haven’t noticed this with other cats). After Tishka always purred, he went to sleep at his feet. Mishka does the same. (because if you don’t let him purr). Tishka loved to look out the window, which is what Mikhail does. Tishka always moved his paw gracefully when he played or ate. Same with Mishka. We also have a dog and both cats love to play with him. You can give endless examples.

What happens to animals after death?

The animal world is no different from the human world, only the laws of karma do not work there. Pets have no consciousness, they are not good or evil a priori. The soul of a deceased dog or bird is reincarnated into an individual of the same species.

Even more about the souls of animals after death.

Often, owners notice that some time after the death of their beloved pet there is a stray kitten or puppy. He often looks like two peas in a pod to the deceased. This is a manifestation of karma and reincarnation: it sends a new physical embodiment to a good family. Sometimes it takes about 3 months from the moment of death to return.

To maintain balance, there are transitions between types. Often owners recognize “their” pet in a completely different animal.

The cat's dead soul is esoterically somewhat more complex than the others. They have 9 lives, i.e. 9 reincarnations. After the last one, they go to the afterlife or are reborn into another form.

Signs about the death of pets: how to properly conduct the soul of a dog or cat.

Pet died

6. With your peripheral vision you detect the presence of a dead pet.

Was there anyone in your family who had supernatural powers? Perhaps your great-grandmother was a clairvoyant or your grandmother knew how to cast magic?

If you sometimes see a dead animal, this may mean the following: either you were given a gift from one of your great-grandmothers, or the deceased pet is actually visiting you.

In what form do the spirits of their deceased loved ones appear before a person ?

Most often they can be seen in the form of a glowing hologram. This is the main difference from the human soul, which usually appears as a white ghost, similar to the ghost we usually see in movies.

7. You hear a song on the radio that reminds you of your pet or that he loved so much when he was alive.

This reminder of oneself after death is typical for both cats and dogs. Sometimes the owner of a lost pet may be faced with the fact that a song suddenly starts playing on the radio in the car.

This song sounded when, for example, your beloved dog or cat was taken to the veterinarian, or this song sounded at the moment when, many years ago, you first brought a small kitten or puppy home.

Some of us choose songs for our pet, while for others it happens that the animal itself denotes its favorite song, and if, after its death, the song suddenly begins to sound at the most unexpected moment, this, of course, is a sign that the spirit of your pet nearby.

8. You feel depressed after the death of a pet, and then suddenly feel joy.

Sometimes it seems to you that their faces are smiling... even after death. This is an amazing moment that brings great joy and a sense of relief.

This form of communication that deceased animals can have with their owners is very similar to the type of telepathic communication that many pet lovers have with their pets during their lifetime.

There is also evidence that spiritual connection continues to work in the afterlife through psychic senses, and although this rule is formulated more for humans, it works for pets as well.

9. You wake up to the feeling of their whiskers on your face.

A man who lost his beloved father said that immediately after his death he woke up with the feeling that he saw his own face. His father was combing his hair.

This can also happen after the death of a beloved pet. The owner can feel its presence during awakening or when he is in the interval between wakefulness and sleep.

At such moments, the spirits of the dead visit the living especially often. This can be explained by the fact that it is during this time period that a person is especially susceptible to such things and is open to visits from spirits.

10. Soon after the death of your pet, Fate gives you a new friend.

Shortly after the death of your beloved pet, a stray cat suddenly appears at your door. Or maybe one of your friends gives you a hamster or a kitten, or asks you to sit with his parrot while he is on vacation.

These are all signs that your deceased pet wants you to be happy again and wants you to make a new friend. This means that the spirit of your beloved dog, cat, or hamster personally approves of the new messenger given to you from above.

The truth is, our pets love us more than we can imagine, and even more than we sometimes love them.

They are the true embodiment of unconditional love and they teach many of us how to love unselfishly and from a pure heart. They allow us to be ourselves, because they love us for who we are.

Pets are some of our greatest teachers in this life.

For many, pets are their best friends, as well as emotional guides in their current life, and they continue to be so in the afterlife, continuing to visit their beloved owners even after their death.

Be sure to pay attention to the above signs. Most likely, your pet is trying to contact you.

The intersection of the human and animal souls

It is possible to move into a cat after death in several cases.

  1. Many bad deeds have been committed in several lives, so the soul goes to the lower animal rank. According to the laws of karma, evil people turn into animals or inanimate objects.
  2. But the cat is also considered a sacred creature in many cultures. A good soul can move into it at the final stage.
  3. If during their lifetime the deceased loved a pet or any animals very much. Volunteers, philanthropists, shelter owners, veterinarians, cat owners are rewarded with reincarnation in the body of a carefree animal, always with good owners.
  4. As one of the testing stages in the evolution of the soul. Each must pass the test of suffering and deprivation. Some come back in the form of stray pets.

The reincarnation of man into beast is an unconventional, expanded concept. The opposite option is more likely, when an animal, after a cycle, incarnates into a human. This suggests that his soul has gone through all stages of evolution and is ready for life in society, observing the highest karmic laws. It is believed that pets who die a difficult death become human.

What is reincarnation

Reincarnation (reincarnatio) literally translated from Latin means “re-incarnation.” It is believed that the true essence of any living being is immortal; after the death of one physical body, it passes into another and receives a new life. God's spark, soul, spirit, true Self, divine - it is called differently in different traditions. Animals, including cats, are no exception. Although scientific evidence of the fact of transmigration of souls has not currently been found, all versions still remain theories and the subject of belief of their true adherents.

There are many different theories about the reincarnation of cats.

Nine cat lives

Everyone knows that every cat has 9 lives left. However, it is impossible to say exactly where this belief came from. According to the most common theory, the authors of the legend about the 9 lives of cats were the ancient Egyptians, who considered cats to be the earthly incarnation of the goddess Bastet (Bast), revered and deified them. This mythical creature was depicted in a female form, but with a cat’s head or simply in the form of a cat.

Legend says that the goddess incarnated in the home murka, thanks to her divine nature, dies and is resurrected in her earthly body 9 times. According to the version of the rebirth of souls, there are 9 incarnations reserved for the cat’s inner essence, having lived through them successively, the animal goes to the afterlife or receives a new incarnation, moving to the next, higher level of development.

Black cats have always been considered assistants to witches

Who can a cat reincarnate into?

The concept of reincarnation of cats, and other pets, appears in many religious teachings. In Buddhism and Hinduism, it is believed that all animals have a soul and it is the same as a human soul, but only at a lower level of development. The highly developed ones incarnate into people, the lower ones into animals. The soul of a cat after physical death can move into the body of another animal or even a person.

According to Eastern religions, a cat can be reincarnated as a human.

Islam also allows for the existence of a divine principle in cats, but it is mortal, since animals cannot consciously choose between good and evil. According to Islamic doctrines, all souls will be able to acquire new bodies on the Day of Judgment, but this only applies to humans. Christianity completely denies the animation of our smaller brothers, making no exception for cats (although they are allowed into churches) and endowing souls exclusively with human beings.

When we were choosing our last kitten, the breeder warned us that kittens with intelligent human eyes usually do not live long. The souls of these babies have already been reborn many times and have reached a high level of development. The last stage before reincarnation into a human being is the shortest for them.

Do animals have souls: the view of Orthodoxy

Whether or not to give a cat a soul is a serious debate for Christians. If the world was created by God, then all living things are the result of his plan and are endowed with it. This is confirmed by a quotation from the Bible that man is not above cattle.

The modern church denies the presence of souls in animals. According to their version, they are different from humans, although they are God's creatures. They have no opportunity to sin. But one argument contradicts them: emotions. It is impossible to dispute it. Therefore, it is allowed that an animal has a certain spirit according to the Creator’s plan. But with a number of caveats:

  • they do not participate in the sacraments of baptism, repentance (because they do not sin);
  • You are allowed to pray for them if you are lost or sick;
  • they don’t ask about dead animals;
  • It is allowed to sprinkle pets, because previously they blessed livestock.

In superstitions about animals, it is better to discard evil spirits. And also the church does not accept the claim that animals are endowed with healing abilities.

As a result, the Christian debate about the existence of the soul of pets has not yet reached its final conclusion.

How communication with a person affects the soul of an animal

The path of pets, who live in very long, close physical and emotional contact with humans, is different.

Such animals learn a lot in terms of communication and interaction, understanding other creatures, feelings and their manifestations.

They also receive the most valuable thing - human attention and love.

Our consciousness has a strong influence on them, sometimes forcing them to abandon their nature, and begins to develop free will in them. The animal is aware of itself and its desires, sometimes even a sense of humor appears!

They say that such animals, with a high level of consciousness, do not live long. They transform quite quickly, but on a human level. Although this is not always the case. They are also distinguished by a special piercing gaze.

Dog and cat breeders sometimes warn owners when choosing a puppy or kitten: “If you choose the smartest one based on the eyes, then it is unlikely that its life will be very long, just keep this in mind.”

This is how animal owners, without knowing it, help create new human souls.

How to help your pet reincarnate

You can't force a cat to reincarnate, you can't help it reincarnate - because it's impossible. The universe will not consider anyone's wishes or suffering about loss. One of the laws of karma is humility. Any situation must be realized, accepted, dealt with. The thought that the cat was surrounded by care and love will be enough for you. He was reborn into another body or form and went to the afterlife.

If the loss is severe, get another pet. It is not necessary to look for something similar and wait for offspring. Adopt any stray kitten or puppy. You will be warmed by the thought that the world's karmic balance has been maintained: someone's favorite in a new form is a member of your family, and yours is someone else's.

Man-made instructions are unlikely to change the mechanism of transformation. Therefore, it does not matter what is in store for a cat after its next earthly life: unlike humans, they have their own karmic laws.

Reincarnation: how many times are we born?

The question of life and death, as well as the existence of the afterlife, has been of concern to dozens of generations of people. Does the soul exist and will it continue its path after earthly death? Or maybe she will stay here to live a new, different life?


What is reincarnation?

Many Eastern religions and local cults support the idea that the soul is reborn in new and new people throughout the existence of the world. This idea is called Reincarnation. It allows a person to explain to himself why he cannot live as he would like.

In primitive and ancient times, a person, seeing the family resemblance between a grandmother (aunt, grandfather) and a newborn, could explain this to himself as the transmigration of a dead soul. People also endowed animals with Souls, firmly believing that if they lead a sinful life, they could be reborn into some unpleasant entity.

How many times do we live and for what purpose?

The most interesting and mystical question of reincarnation is: “Who can the soul be reborn into and how many times?” According to some theosophical opinions, a person must experience both the male and female roles. A new life can be better or worse than the previous one, depending on the actions committed by a person in the past.

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Consistent reincarnation (Buddhism) means the gradual development of man - evolution. Starting a new life, a person always finds himself at the point where his past reality stopped. Thanks to reincarnation, the soul can correct the mistakes of the past and raise the level of development of spiritual abilities. Many psychics admit that they remember their previous lives and only thanks to their rich history, they were given such unusual abilities (psychic).

Eastern spiritual practice implies that the goal of reincarnation is a person’s understanding of his nature and liberation from bodily desires.

How does reincarnation happen?

The human soul has two forms:

1. Rough body. This is the material body in which a person lives on earth. After death, the soul leaves the rough shell.

2. Subtle body. In subtle matter, the soul remains in the interval between death and new birth. She has the ability to think and desire, and therefore during this period she herself can determine the further incarnation.

The soul is faced with a choice from more than 8 million forms of life, but only once having been a human being, it can no longer choose the levels of the animal and plant world. Buddhists believe that such a conscious choice of “who will I be in the next life?” one has to go on for thousands of years, constantly practicing and doing meditation. And only by being able to come to an internal understanding of life, a person is able to interrupt the cycle of his suffering and choose the best option for reincarnation.

Is death the beginning of a new life?

“The human soul does not die” is the main postulate of Christianity and Islam. And in what form does the life path of the soul continue?

From the stories of eyewitnesses who experienced clinical death, we know that the soul resembles a light clot of energy, capable of moving in space, despite obstacles. The famous story about the “light at the end of the tunnel” also means that death is just a transitional stage during which a person’s memory is preserved. Also, for a certain time after death, a person continues to think clearly, feel and hear those around him. That is why one should begin the development of spiritual life now, and not regret it in the last minutes of life, when the veil between the worlds is slightly opened.

The most popular ideas about the afterlife are:

1. Resurrection of the dead during the end of the world;

2. Transmigration of souls to hell or heaven;

3. Reincarnation.

Scientific facts about reincarnation

Typically, scientific evidence for mystical and religious phenomena and laws is difficult to determine. Scientists have been conducting research in this area for a long time, because if the transmigration of souls occurs, then some signs of a past life should remain. In addition, if people can remember their past incarnations, then they can increase the life experience of all humanity.

American psychotherapist Stevenson studied cases of reincarnation for a long time, attracting eminent psychics to his work, whose abilities were explained by knowledge from past lives. Together they discovered three objective signs of the transmigration of the soul:

1. The ability to speak a foreign language, often an ancient one (much higher than the abilities of ordinary people);

2. The presence of congenital marks (birthmarks, defects). Some people confirmed their occurrence with stories from the past: for example, injuries could leave their mark in the form of birthmarks.

3. Historical confirmation (most often recalled by children under five years of age). However, this study does not take into account known historical events. Facts that can only be proven through lengthy research into files that are inaccessible to the public are considered true.

4. Presence of similarities with a person from the past. When collecting evidence about reincarnation, attention is paid to the presence of common diseases (allergies, predispositions) and psychological characteristics (phobias, abilities, talents) in people.

There is a known case when Stevenson, based on the shape of a birthmark on a boy’s head and a story about his death in a past life from an ax, managed to find a family in which a child died in this way. As it later turned out according to forensic documents, the wounds of the deceased baby coincided with the spot of the observed boy.

Where, according to various sources, does the soul of a cat go after its death?

Different religions have their own opinions about whether cats go to heaven after death.

Orthodox Church

Give a cat to a shelter: where to give kittens forever

In the Christian religion there is no mention of where cats go after death. It is believed that they simply leave this world. Cats have no sins before the Almighty. Orthodoxy believes that they should be pitied and treated kindly, but it is a sin to love them more than people.

The Church believes that Holy Scripture does not contain answers to the question of what happens to a cat after death, because it is written for people and opens up the path of salvation for them.

Note! The world was created by God for man, and only he has an immortal soul. All animals and birds are obliged to obey man, this is the harmony of the world

Eastern religions

In Islam, cats have always been revered and treated with respect. The Prophet Muhammad did not disdain to drink from the same cup with them, or sleep in the same bed. From childhood, Muslims are taught to treat all living beings with mercy, provide them with all kinds of help, support the weak, and treat the sick.

Important! By allowing cats to be kept in their apartments, Islam imposes obligations on animal owners to carefully care for them. Muslims do not deny that cats have a soul, but for them there is no question of where cats go after death.

A place in paradise, according to the Koran, is not provided for them, since these are pure creatures, there is nothing for Allah to forgive them for. Heaven was created for pious people who deserve this place during their lifetime. The body of the deceased cat, along with its spiritual shell, is interred.

Muslims do not deny that cats have a soul, but for them there is no question of where cats go after death. A place in paradise, according to the Koran, is not provided for them, since these are pure creatures, there is nothing for Allah to forgive them for. Heaven was created for pious people who deserve this place during their lifetime. The body of the deceased cat, along with its spiritual shell, is consigned to the earth.

According to Islam, a cat has a pure soul

Judaism makes no distinction between the souls of humans and animals. Just like some, others can go to heaven and hell, it all depends on their actions. After their stay in purgatory, they return to earth again, not knowing in advance whose body they will inhabit - a human or an animal.

Note! Hinduism gives spirit not only to animals, but also to all nature, stones, trees. There is no concept of soul in Buddhism

Everything around, people, cats, even a worm, is one continuous stream of inexhaustible energy. And where to go after physical death, everyone chooses for himself

There is no concept of soul in Buddhism. Everything around, people, cats, even a worm, is one continuous stream of inexhaustible energy. And where to go after physical death, everyone chooses for himself.

Rosicrucian concept

According to the teachings of the mystical society of the Middle Ages, all animals of the same species are similar to each other, only humans are endowed with individuality. Each human being has its own soul, which belongs only to it, while each individual of animals and plants is endowed with one group spirit that governs the entire species.

From the collective consciousness, new animal souls are subsequently born. Only with the emergence of self-awareness does the soul acquire individuality after death, and its evolutionary path to rebirth into a human soul begins. This is often facilitated by the animal living next to a person.

For your information! When one species, as a result of multiple rebirths, has successfully completed all the lessons assigned to it, it is given permission to move to a more advanced stage of development. One extinct species is replaced by another more developed one, until it also goes through all the stages of development in order to leave.

Connection with a person helps the rebirth of the soul


Plato did not ask where cats go after death, considering the cat as something single, whole, universal, without dividing it in time and space. He spoke about the cat, created by the Lord, as the only ideal, real and eternal being of its kind. He viewed body and soul as two opposing entities. If the body is mortal, it can be destroyed, but the spirit is eternal and capable of purification.

Aristotle's teachings

Aristotle, a student of Plato, confirmed the universality of the cat. The cat itself is eternal; all cats living on earth are a copy of the only ideal one created by God. Dying, it merges with a single, collective consciousness of a given species.

Transformation into animals

Often, when people die, they “transfer” their souls to animals. This is especially common among those who practice magic and witchcraft, but there are exceptions. The Mystery of the Ship's Cat This amazing story about a ghost cat was once told by an old sailor from Malta. He sailed as a captain's mate. Before reaching Cape Town, the ship's engine broke down, and the captain, who was not distinguished by his angelic character, became completely furious. The captain especially did not like his second mate, the German Hansen. And when he stood up for the helmsman, the captain hit him in the face, knocking him over onto the steel frame. Hansen, hitting a sharp corner, died instantly. He was buried the next day at sea. Hansen's only friend on board was the ship's cat, Raj, who slept in his bed and with whom Hansen talked for hours. After the funeral of his friend, the cat appeared on the captain's bridge and motionlessly began to look towards where his friend was usually on duty.

When it was time to leave the post (according to the schedule it was Hansen's time), the cat turned and walked down the steps. The team immediately noted that the cat's movements around the ship exactly corresponded to the route of the late German. But soon the sailors realized that the cat was not just following the daily route of its owner, but that he was the deceased Hansen, who had taken possession of the animal. Out of fear, the team became almost uncontrollable. Then the captain, who by that time had not been seen sober for a long time, gave the command to catch the cat and drown it in the sea. But Raj disappeared. And two days later he was seen lying in a ball on the face of the dead captain. Apparently, the captain fell asleep drunk, and the cat decided to take revenge on him by covering the captain’s mouth and nose with his body. The strangest thing was how the cat was able to get into the cabin, because the captain locked it from the inside, and the sailors had to break down the doors. True, there was a spare key that was kept in a hiding place, but only the captain and the late Hansen knew about it. What was the fly buzzing about? Another case of the soul of a deceased person being transmigrated into an animal occurred in 2004 in India. Kolkata resident Sheena Sehradi believed that in her next life she would be a dog, and often told her husband Rama about this. The woman was ill for a long time and soon died. A few months after her death, Rama met a dog on the street, whose eyes were unusually similar to the eyes of his deceased wife. When Rama approached the animal and called it by the name of his late wife, the dog responded. Rama was not particularly surprised by this and immediately approached the Calcutta City Court with a request to allow him to marry the animal, which he considers to be the reincarnation of his wife. Soon permission was received: in India, marriages of people with animals and even plants are a common occurrence. This will seem incredible and completely implausible, but there are cases when the souls of the dead, who do not want to part with their loved ones, can even move into... a fly! ...Tatyana was grieving the death of her husband, with whom she had lived for twenty-five years. At first I didn’t leave the house at all and even wanted to kill myself, but I came to my senses in time. And then strange things began to happen in her apartment. Either she clearly heard shuffling steps around the room, or sighs coming from the sofa, or the clanking of dishes in the closet, as if someone had clumsily taken a glass. One day Tatyana unconsciously, out of habit, said: “Well, why are you, Igor, you keep sighing?” And she was dumbfounded by the ringing silence. She understood that her husband’s soul continues to live next to her. After that, she could sit on the sofa for hours and talk about her longing and love for Igor. In response, I heard only sighs. One day Tatyana had a friend and her daughter visiting her, and she was very surprised to notice that Tatyana was talking to someone. Tanya answered her frankly that she was talking to Igor. Probably, the guest thought that Tanya had “gone crazy” and left, advising her to see a doctor. Soon the rustling and sighing stopped. Tatyana became bored, believing that Igor’s soul was gone forever. But autumn came, then winter. One Sunday, Tatyana was making coffee in the kitchen. A fly flew over her, circling. But it’s winter, where does it come from? - thought Tatyana. And suddenly she realized that it was Igor who reincarnated as a fly and in this form returned to her again. From that day on, the fly goes with her everywhere: at a party, at work. One day Tatyana was returning home from work by taxi. There was a fly sitting on the front glass. The driver wanted to kill her. “I beg you, don’t touch her, this is my fly,” Tanya said. She was traveling on a train to another city - and then the fly was with her. Even in the subway, where there are never flies, she accompanies her. When Tanya goes outside, a fly is the first to fly out of the apartment. Tanya says about this: “It’s not so scary on the street together. Igor will always find a way to save me from trouble”... If the wife is a crocodile! To conclude this topic, I would like to cite a story that was on almost everyone’s lips in Mexico several years ago. It has nothing to do with death directly, but the animal and the transmigration of souls are present in it. It all started with the fact that spouses Simon and Raymond Ortega filed for divorce in a Mexico City court. Motivation: Simon claimed that his wife was a secret crocodile! Of course, Raymonda herself did not consider herself a reptile. As described by this twenty-six-year-old woman, the situation was as follows: “This scoundrel pretended to take a photograph of me, and then presented a photograph of some bastard. And I had the audacity to claim that it was me!” Simon, a thirty-two-year-old used car salesman, vehemently objected: “Nothing like that! I bought a completely new camera and wanted to take a portrait of my beloved wife. And he himself was stunned when the face of a crocodile suddenly appeared on the negative. I think the film somehow captured my wife's true face. To tell the truth, I had noticed something like that in her character before...” According to neighbors invited to the court hearing as witnesses, the dull-witted Simok, wanting a divorce, could hardly have thought of such sophisticated deceit. On Simon's side in this unusual process was the popular Mexican clairvoyant and medium Pedro Castillo. Explaining to the servants of Themis his own theory of the transmigration of souls, he emphasized the fact that in her previous incarnation, Donna Raymonda was undoubtedly a crocodile, and her astral body, they say, retained the memory of her previous life. The court did not accept the image of the crocodile as evidence, but divorced the Ortega spouses due to the obvious impossibility of saving the marriage. How to see your past lives Statistics show: every second person believes that he once already lived on this earth. Who was he: a slave, a courtesan, a hired killer, or even an animal? You should not start meditation after a heavy meal, alcohol or coffee, otherwise you will not achieve the required depth of relaxation. Don't meditate late at night, you should feel good, not yawn. Sit comfortably. Relax your breathing, imagine that you are inhaling light and exhaling the worries that are tormenting your soul. Talk to every part of your body, from your feet to the top of your head, and tell them to relax. Ask your self, your wise core, to take the lead. Tell him what you want to achieve: “I want to see my past life, this will help me solve my real problems.” Or: “I want to see a life in which I have already been with a man once.” In silence, count from 10 to 1 and tell yourself that you are slowly falling into deep relaxation. Then imagine a long staircase along which you slowly go down. Below is a door. When you open it, you will find yourself in one of your past lives. Open this door! Enter it. What shoes are you wearing? What dress, trousers? How old are you? What's around you? Move on. What kind of people do you meet along the way? What do you do? Are you married? Married? Where do you live? And so on. When you find the answer to these questions, go back to the door, go up the stairs, sit back in your chair, move your toes, move your arms, slowly open your eyes. Of course, this requires training. The more often you visit your past, the clearer the pictures you will see. “Interesting newspaper. Oracle" No. 7 2013

Why does a cat die in the house?

The transition to another world implies sorrow for loved ones, joy for the departed soul. The death of a pet leaves an indelible mark on a person.

Since cats have been special animals since the beginning of time, their death also conceals something extraordinary. Clean, furry pets show their owner within a few days that it’s time to part ways. On the day of death, they leave the home so as not to die in front of the owner. Even indoor cats that have not been outside try to run out and leave the apartment so as not to harm their beloved owner.

If the cat died at home, then there is a popular superstition. The meaning is far from positive. But you can judge and specify the interpretation:

  • because of;
  • at the place of death;
  • according to the time period of death.

People who regularly drown kittens will not be left without attention. Fate will punish them in its own way, not always right away. The most likely outcome for cat exterminators is 7 years of misfortune, troubles, and financial problems.

Natural care

There are times when animals die due to natural causes - old age. If the cat died because of this, then there is nothing supernatural here. Moreover, there is no need to look for a negative interpretation. You should expect trouble if the cat died without trying to leave the home. Provided that it was closed in a room, apartment, house, and the owners were not there, then the animal can lie near the door. This indicates a desire to leave the home. Sorcerers say that a pet should die only outside the house. Taking with you the troubles, misfortunes, negative energy accumulated over many years of living.

Euthanasia is not a solution, but murder. And deliberate. The punishment for specially causing damage to the custodian is two years of unpleasant surprises in all areas of human life.

Sudden death

When a cat died suddenly, the accuracy of the interpretation depends on the causes of death:

  • The fault of one of the family members - superstition predicts theft. Moreover, theft may not necessarily be by strangers. The search will not bring results.
  • If a cat dies at home from household appliances, signs indicate imminent troubles in the professional sphere. This includes not only reprimands, explanations with superiors, but also dismissal. Reasons: arrogance, unwillingness to fulfill prescribed duties. Provided that the deceased cat suffered for a long time, dismissal may have additional consequences.
  • If an animal accidentally falls from the top floor (balcony, window) - get ready for divorce proceedings. The conflict situation has been brewing for a long time. The death of a pet, a symbol of the family hearth, shows how difficult the couple's relationship is. So it's time to stop them.
  • When a cat has died due to poisoning, it is better for the owner to refrain from making new acquaintances, changes in his personal life, or professional sphere. New connections will bring problems to all family members.
  • When an animal died due to a fight with another feline or a dog, superstition indicates the need to be prepared for quarrels and disagreements with friends. Defending your point of view can lead to a complete break in the relationship.

Strange case

Strange cases include only moments when it is unknown why the pet did not wake up. There were no signs of an imminent departure, there were no domestic reasons, which means it’s time for the owner of the furry animal to invite a priest into the house. A popular sign interprets the sign as the need to cleanse the home of negativity.

Death of several pets

The situation is alarming when cats in the house die one after another. This means that the room has come under serious magical attack. Cases when the parents of newlyweds try in every possible way to break up the marriage are no exception. Once inside the house, the mother-in-law or mother-in-law leaves pads around the apartment and performs various magical rituals. The animal takes away the negative, but the frequency of such events kills the pet. After all, it is difficult to withstand black magic, especially one aimed at separation.

Provided that no jealousy or hatred towards one of the family members has been noticed among relatives, friends, friends, then it is worth checking the energy at home. It is quite possible that:

  • suicides lived in the purchased apartment;
  • lived a dysfunctional family (meaning alcoholics, drug addicts);
  • previously rented out, rented by witches;
  • The house stands on the site of a cemetery, a mass grave.

In this case, cats will not help relieve bad energy, even if the residents of all apartments have pets. You should contact the church to solve this problem.


Buddhism is one of those religions whose followers perceive the idea of ​​reincarnation positively. Rebirths are a kind of staircase on the path to enlightenment. The latter is considered the highest good and the main goal. Enlightenment can be achieved through the renunciation of one's own ego: vices, desires, etc.

Buddhism denies and even condemns theories about the existence of the soul, since the Buddha rejects individualism. Instead, the term "mind" is used, which can be compared to the psyche.

According to the followers of Buddhism, there are 6 worlds or paths. They correspond to the following creatures:

  • Hellish creatures. The world is similar to Christian ideas about Hell. There are those who have sinned, but their suffering will not last forever. After prolonged torment, they atone for their sins and can be reborn in other worlds.
  • Hungry ghosts. This world can be compared to Purgatory. This includes all living beings who have spoiled their karma with moderate sins. For example, greed or refusal to give alms to the poor. Spirits wander and are constantly hungry and thirsty. As in the previous case, after some time the creature gains the right to rebirth.
  • Animals. It is generally accepted that an animal can become a person who during life was driven by instincts and a craving for pleasure, i.e., from the point of view of Buddhism, an ignorant creature. In this case, the latter’s karma may be good: a person could have committed many plausible deeds during his life. However, the appearance of an animal also threatens those who treat others with disdain. If the animal continues to help others and improve its karma, it gets the chance to become a human again.

    It is very difficult for an animal to become human again, because it is driven by instincts, not reason, and therefore has less control over its actions

  • People. We can say that this is the main and most favorable world. Only here is a being endowed with the opportunity to approach enlightenment.
  • Demigods. In some teachings this world is placed higher than the human one, in others - lower. This is due to the fact that demigods in Buddhism are associated with excessive pride, envy and rage. Unhappy asuras are endowed with power, but suffer due to their conflict and uncontrollable energy. Demigods become people who generally had good intentions, but chose the wrong paths to achieve their goals, causing pain to others.
  • Gods. In Buddhism, divine beings live long and happy lives, but they are still mortal. A being who has done many good deeds, but has not gotten rid of human passions and desires, can become God.

Thus, rebirth into an animal is undesirable, but possible. A person who has not overcome his egoism and has not risen above the material can become a cat. The karma of such a person can be slightly negative or positive.

Bottom line

After death, the soul of a cat is in a special space in which the souls of all animals reside. However, there is no clear opinion about this. Each religion has its own idea about the posthumous existence of animal souls, often they are contradictory.

Some believe that animals do not have a soul, others endow them with a common world soul. Disputes about the posthumous existence of animals continue among theologians; they have not come to a consensus.

Science says nothing about the soul, since the subject of its research is matter. It is impossible to find out the truth. But people believe that the soul of a beloved pet does not dissolve into oblivion, but lives in a special space. And the soul of a cat or dog goes into this space along the rainbow.


Followers of Hinduism also believe in reincarnation, but here the idea of ​​​​having an immortal soul in every living creature is brought to the fore. According to belief, the soul goes through many incarnations in order to renounce material things and return to God. However, rebirth into an animal is also undesirable here. It is believed that the animal is inhabited by the soul that in a past life was guided by the satisfaction of its needs.

According to the teaching, all living beings go through pain at birth in order to forget their previous life, but sometimes some of the memories remain

From the point of view of Hinduism, cats “sin” by loving food and sleep. It is possible that a person who during his lifetime had a craving for heavy dishes or was lazy will be reborn in a cat’s body. If he does merciful deeds, he will become human again. This is probably why the soul can be sent to the previous family: to work out some karmic lesson or receive help from former relatives.

Is it possible to pray for pets?

At the same time, you can pray for pets. For example, in the case of their illness (but not about their posthumous fate). This also demonstrates man’s care for all creation. You can ask in your own words, you don’t have to look for any special prayer. However, in Orthodoxy there are several saints to whom it is customary to pray for animals.

George the Victorious, the martyrs Tryphon, Blasius, Florus and Laurus - they are mainly asked for the recovery and preservation of farm livestock. In some cases, you can even sprinkle holy water on the living creatures. But it is impossible to give them such water inside, just like prosphora or any other shrine, since this desecrates the shrine itself.

Of course, you can only pray for the health of your pets, and not for their repose, regardless of whether the animals will be in heaven. And if this can somehow be allowed in a child’s prayer, out of naivety, then for an adult it will turn out to be at least strange.


Followers of Taoism believe not so much in reincarnation as in the reincarnation of souls. In their opinion, souls are immortal and pass through many illusory worlds in which they learn lessons in order to return to true reality and merge with the Source. Here the animal world is also lower than the human world. It is believed that those souls who in the past subjected themselves to self-destruction or did not live in harmony with others and nature are reincarnated into animals. In practice, this can be expressed in excessive exposure to feelings, a tendency to depression, bad habits, etc.

Where is the rainbow

You can often hear that the cat went over the rainbow or to the rainbow. What does it mean? Since ancient times, the rainbow has been represented as a bridge between the world of the living and the dead. Therefore, when they say that the cat went over the rainbow, they mean his death.

People believe that in that space their beloved animals have plenty of food and water, they feel comfortable and warm. There they frolic on green lawns and wait to meet their owners. Old or crippled animals turn into young and mischievous, but they will still be recognizable.

This faith gives you hope of meeting your beloved pet and never being separated from it again.


The opinion of followers of Judaism about the possibility of reincarnation is ambiguous. In particular, adherents of the Kabbalistic movement believe in rebirth. However, in this case, reincarnation into animals, plants and inanimate objects is a punishment worse than Hell, which is much more severe than the postulates of other religions. It is believed that only a small particle of the soul falls into beings of a lower order, which is designed to atone for past sins and thus cleanse the entire soul.

Fun fact: India believes in reincarnation so much that in 2004, marriage between a person and a dog was allowed; a man recognized his dead wife in the animal

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