Stop feeding your animal 24/7: how to “persuade” your cat not to wake you up in the morning

Imagine that it is only five in the morning, but your cat has already woken up and requires you to do the same. She sits next to your bed and squeals at the top of her lungs, demanding to be fed. Such a persistent awakening will inevitably lead even the most devoted cat lovers to the brink of despair.

You may have already tried to confront your pet more than once. For example, they tossed and turned from side to side and covered themselves with a pillow so as not to listen to his heart-rending scream, got up to feed the cat, and then went back to sleep, etc. It must be said that some pet owners do not behave so humanely. They spray water on the cat to make it run away, or lock it in the back room.

However, getting your cat to give up her morning vocal workout is much more difficult than simply hiding from her. It will probably be necessary to take drastic measures. For example, change your daily routine.

Here are some simple ways to “talk” your cat into not waking you up in the morning.

Rule out a medical problem first

If your cat's behavior suddenly changes, ask your veterinarian for an examination before attempting to address the morning noise problem. A cat that chews all day but loses weight may have hyperthyroidism. Other medical problems are more difficult to detect. Look for a physical cause first, not a behavioral one.

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A person spends most of his time at work, and when he comes home he tries to have time to solve all the accumulated issues. In such turmoil, it is rarely possible to give enough attention to the animal. The cat waits all day for its owner, rejoices at the meeting, but sees that the person does not spend time with her, but is busy with himself. For this reason, when night falls, the pet decides that now is the time to catch up and ask for a pet or a scratch behind the ear. The cat understands that the person will leave again in the morning, so he tries not to waste time.

Recognize the role of biology

Once you're sure everything is going well medically, it's time to address your cat's behavior. Keep in mind that your cat's urge to eat as the sun rises is within normal limits. Cats, by nature, are most awake at dawn and dusk. You are mistaken if you think that they are nocturnal.

Since your cat doesn't have to hunt all day, as she might in the wild, she may spend most of the day on the couch, napping and shedding. When you return from work, cats begin to show interest in what is happening. They know that when you're home, it's time for dinner. If you want them to eat on a schedule that works for you, you'll have to work hard to get them into the habit.

Lost toy

Despite the fact that these mustachioed animals prefer freedom and independence, they periodically require human help. If an animal gets the idea to run around at night, and its favorite toy has disappeared somewhere, then this is a good reason to wake up the person and demand his assistance. If the owner notices such a habit in his pet, before going to bed, care must be taken to ensure that the mouse or ball that the animal likes to play with remains in a visible place.

Stop feeding your animal 24/7

First, stop feeding your cat at different times. There is no predictability in their behavior when there is no clear meal. When you're trying to teach your cat a new habit, she won't even try to please you if she's not hungry. You should know that cats are not motivated by unconditional love for their owner, but by food.

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Second, feed your cat three times a day. This should be done first in the morning, then when you return from work and about an hour before you go to bed. By feeding your cat in the evening, you can sleep peacefully all night and not be afraid of her heart-rending screams in the morning. However, don't let her eat for too long. Put away the bowls until the next feeding, as soon as the animal has finished eating.

Before the last meal, you need to increase your cat's feeling of hunger. To do this, use a large number of exercises. Play with your pet. It's not a dog, so you don't need to throw a stick at it. Use a shiny wad of foil for your pet to play with. You both must be tired. In the wild, a cat hunts, then eats, then sleeps. This feeding plan will help replicate their natural habits and sync them with yours. A tired pet will eat more food and sleep more soundly, which means it will not disturb your sleep ahead of time.

Hanging blackout curtains

How to stop a cat from getting up early? Create an artificial night! The first rays of the sun are a signal about the coming of a new day, which the pet perceives in the same way as we do. He may wake up with them and want to have breakfast or play.

To prevent this from happening, you can hang special blackout curtains and close them at night. And then, with the onset of early morning, the pet will think that it is still night and it is not time to get up yet.

Blackout curtains will help create an artificial night so that the cat doesn’t bother you Up We organize evening games

To prevent the cat from disturbing you in the morning, you can keep him busy with active games the night before. The more effort you put in, the better the effect will be.

hunting are best suited . After all, it is after this that cats usually go to sleep.

Up We provide entertainment for the mustachioed

How to wean your cat from waking up early in the morning? Provide toys, and then instead of waking you up, she will have more interesting things to do. Just keep in mind: toys should not create loud sounds, otherwise the effect will be the same.

A good option is interactive games with food . They will solve two problems at once: they will be excellent entertainment, and at the same time they will help you get food on your own in the morning, and then the need to wake you up will disappear by itself.

Toys with food are great entertainment for cats Up

Ignore the cat

Once you've completed the previous tips, it's time for the most painful part, which is ignoring your cat. When she wakes you up too early, the cat knows that the screaming and yelling will cause you to give in and provide the food. You have to have amazing restraint not to get up and feed your own animal. However, you should not call her name, throw anything heavy, or splash water. You and your partner or other family members should pretend to be asleep until it is time to get up.

This method was used by a specialist who assisted in the re-education of cats. He suggested that his clients call on the twelfth day if the cat was still waking them up in the middle of the night. He says that no one ever called.

However, we must admit that at first it will not be easy. You'll have to be patient and wait until it gets better. It's like jet lag. It's going to be very difficult at first, but a couple of sleepless nights now will end up making your mornings much more enjoyable.

Worried about the person

Why does a cat bury food?

Sometimes animals feel the processes occurring inside the human body better than he himself. If a pet notices something strange, such as uneven breathing, a rise in temperature, or an erratic heartbeat, it subconsciously begins to worry and tries to wake the person up. This is a manifestation of care for those who are nearby, feed and take in their arms.

Cat lovers often tell how animals saved their lives when they woke them up in their sleep. In this case, you should not swear at the cat. Concern on her part indicates warm feelings, affection and even love.

Don't try to automate

When people hear the advice that a cat should be fed three times a day, they think that using an automatic feeder is the ideal solution. These devices can help if your schedule becomes erratic, but you should not leave your cat's feeding responsibilities to the device. The fact that you provide your cat with food regularly will bond her with you more than anything else.

Now you know how to “persuade” your cat not to wake you up in the morning.

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The biological clock

In the usual sense for a person - no, but they, of course, have a biological clock, that is, a sense of time and its intervals. Wild cats know exactly what time of day small animals leave their burrows and when it is best to watch for a bird.

Stray cats living in cities hide from the eyes of people or, conversely, come out of their hiding places at certain times of the day when they can feel most safe or expect food.

However, unlike people, cats do not attach any abstract meaning to hours and minutes, but associate them exclusively with some specific action. Therefore, those sufferers whom the cat wakes up in the morning at five o’clock to be fed are themselves to blame for their torment.

How can you calm a cat during heat?

What are some ways to calm a cat during heat?

  1. Sterilization (castration). A surgical procedure called ovariohysterectomy. ...
  2. Knitting. A classic way out of the situation. ...
  3. The use of drugs to delay and interrupt estrus. ...
  4. Use of sedatives. ...
  5. Just wait out the heat.

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Considers the owner strange

For a cat, the most interesting things begin to happen at night. You can see unusual lights from the windows, and playing in the dark becomes much more exciting. For the only cat in the house, the closest creature is a person. The animal does not understand why the owner sleeps when there is so much exciting stuff around. So he starts waking up the whole house and invites the family to take part in the game and not miss the most important thing.

Psychologists say that a cat can be trained to sleep and rest at a time that is convenient for humans, or explained to it that it is forbidden to wake people up at night. This will require a lot of time and patience, but the result will allow you to get enough sleep and not be offended by your pet.

Give your cat freedom to roam around the house

Cats, as a rule, do not tolerate enclosed spaces. They need to exercise full control over their territory. You should not leave your pet in a locked room at night. Otherwise, you risk waking up from him trying to open the door to your room. If possible, you should allow your pet to share the same bed with you. But if you consider this unacceptable, the cat should be taught order from the moment it arrives in the house. In this case, it is best to take a kitten, as they are easier to teach. The pet should be made to understand that he can only sleep in a place specially designated for him. To do this, you will have to purchase a cat basket, bed or house. Remember that the learning process can take a long time. During this period you need to be patient, you may have to sacrifice a few hours of morning sleep. But under no circumstances should you show aggression towards your pet. This threatens the appearance of nervous diseases, which will then have to be treated.

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