Arabian (Arabian) Mau: features of the breed, photo

Woolshort, hard, without undercoat
Dimensionsmedium, 25-30 cm at the withers, 4-8 kg.
Lifespan10-15 years

The Arabian Mau is an old desert breed that was created in natural conditions, without targeted breeding. As a modern breed, it was recently recognized by the World Cat Federation. It has another name - Arabian Mau, which, like the main one, also indicates the place of origin of the breed.

Brief history of the breed

The Arabian Mau (another name for the breed is Arabian) comes from the Middle East. For more than a thousand years, slender and hardy wild cats inhabited this territory. They began to approach humans when mass development of the desert began. The Mau, who were accustomed to a free life, appreciated the proximity to people: there was more food.

Even when the Arabian Mau began to walk the streets of cities in large numbers, few people paid attention to them. Residents of the peninsula preferred to buy expensive purebred kittens. The situation was changed by Petra Muller, President of the MECATS Society of Middle Eastern Cats in the Emirates.

Petra was very interested in the pets, and she turned to WCF with a request to pay attention to these four-legged natives of the peninsula and recognize them as an independent breed. Muller soon received an answer: to do this, it is necessary to conduct observations of five generations of Arabian Mau. The result of the work was the recognition of the breed by WCF in 2008. And since 2009, these cats have been allowed to participate in exhibitions.

Today, the Arabian Mau is recognized only by WCF, but the price for representatives of the breed is quite high - about 60,000 rubles. You can buy a truly purebred kitten in the United Arab Emirates - first of all, we are talking about Petra Muller's nursery in Dubai. In other countries of the world, felinologists have not yet taken up this issue in depth. After all, crossing the Arabian Mau is only allowed with a representative of the same breed or with other wild desert cats, which can only be found in the Middle East.

Arabian Breeding

For now, only Petra Müller’s nursery is officially breeding the breed. However, it is already known that Arabian Mau can be crossed with outbred cats of the Middle East. This is necessary so that under the influence of selection the breed does not lose its original natural appearance. Otherwise, when breeding Arabian cats, you need to adhere to the basic rules that apply to breeding any breed.

If a pet lover has a mysterious Arabian cat, then sooner or later the owner will think about kittens. Unsterilized and uncastrated animals should reproduce, but the stumbling block in this matter will be the search for a partner. Due to the relative “youth” of the breed, it will be difficult to find an animal of the opposite sex. If we are talking about a cute domestic kitten born from a beloved pet, then you can cross the cat with any other cat. But the kittens will not be purebred, in addition, for such an act the owner may be expelled from the club (if the cat owner is a member of it).

No matter what, a partner for breeding a cat cannot simply be chosen on the street. You need to make sure that the animal is cared for. After all, the health of the future offspring and the cat itself depends on the physical condition of the cat.

You need to approach the issue of choosing a mating partner with full responsibility.

Criteria for choosing a partner

Regardless of the breed, the future partner must meet the following criteria:

  • healthy appearance (no abrasions, wounds or fleas on the animal’s body);
  • absence of physical defects (examine the cat: he should not have any defects in appearance);
  • vaccination (look at the cat’s passport, make sure he has received all the necessary vaccinations);
  • experience of the future partner (the cat must be untied);
  • color and build.

It is important that the chosen cat matches its structure and coat color. If your Arabian cat is red and white, then the cat should be a similar color. This way, the kittens will have a better chance of being born like their mother. There is no need to choose a stocky, dense cat; let him also be slender and long-legged. If at least these requirements are not met, then the kids will look more like Russian street cats.

I saw advertisements on the Internet for the sale of Arabian Mau kittens. This is how “breeders” profit from the desires of gullible connoisseurs of the breed. That is why only intrabreed matings are recommended. Before choosing an ordinary cat for your Arabian pet, think three times about whether you need such “fame”.

A representative of the same breed or an ordinary oriental cat with similar external characteristics would be suitable as a partner for an Arabian cat.

At what age should an Arabian be given for first mating?

Arabian cats reach puberty before the age of 1 year. The animal will let you know when it needs a partner. A cat in heat will meow loudly and roll around on the floor. Some cat breeders note that their cats become affectionate and especially tame during the period of heat. Cats, in an effort to escape outside, scream heart-rendingly, looking at the door or out the window.

However, a cat cannot be bred when it is in its first heat. At this time, the animal’s body may not be fully formed. Cats up to one year old do not even have time to gain the usual weight for their breed. Therefore, the first mating should take place after 2-3 “idle” heats. This usually occurs at 12–14 months.

Some people believe that native breed cats should be bred every time they come into heat, because that's what nature wanted. But on the other hand, no owner wants his affectionate pet to look like a stray cat with shabby fur and retracted sides. To keep your cat healthy and beautiful, you need to follow a breeding and birth schedule. Professional breeders allow their cats to give birth once a year. With this schedule, the cat’s body will have time to recover between birth and the next pregnancy.

Video: a whole family of Arabian Mau

Interesting Facts

Although the Arabian Mau looks very similar to ordinary barn cats, there are significant differences between them. Here are a few moments from the life of representatives of this breed:

  1. Over the millennia, the Arabian Mau, who were forced to obtain their own food, became excellent hunters. This fact should be taken into account by those people in whose home there are already rodents or feathered pets. Mau is unlikely to take such company calmly.
  2. Representatives of the breed adapt well to life in the hottest climates. After all, their natural habitat is the desert.
  3. Very often, Arabian Mau have a striped coat. This is no coincidence: alternating stripes helps cats cope with the heat. Since light colors repel heat and dark colors absorb it, air constantly circulates along the animal's body. A kind of draft is formed.
  4. People who are familiar with the breed believe that Arabian Mau have the same intelligence as dogs. That’s why these cats easily perceive everything new.

Taking into account the fact that the breed is still very young, it can be assumed that felinologists will still learn a lot of interesting things about these cats.


The most common color is the white and red tabby. Cats can have an unlimited number of white spots.

  • Possible colors:
  • Pure white;
  • Completely black. Very rare;
  • Black and white color. The colors can be arranged in completely different ways;
  • Brown color with dark brown stripes on the back;
  • Gray and white with spots.

Breed description, standards, appearance

Real Arabian Mau amaze with their slenderness and grace. These amazingly dexterous pets retain the qualities that are inherent in wild animals, even if they live in the house for a long time. Not the least role in this is played by the body constitution and color of cats, the standards of which are approved by the WCF.

Dimensions and weight

Arabian Mau cats are quite large (males are larger than females) and tall. The latter thanks to the long legs.

Representatives of this breed weigh from 4–5 (females) to 7–8 (males) kilograms. This is a normal condition - if the Arabian Mau's diet is not controlled, they will easily become overweight.

Anatomical characteristics

Features of cats from the Arabian Peninsula are beautiful:

  1. The head is rounded, but with a noticeably elongated muzzle, a flat and narrow forehead.
  2. The ears are large and vertical. They are spaced apart and covered with fluff. The tips are slightly rounded and sometimes droop down.
  3. The eyes are large and oval. Their color (usually green or yellowish) matches the color.
  4. The chin and mustache pads are well defined.
  5. The body is toned and elongated, with athletic muscles.
  6. The legs are straight and slender with stable, elongated pads.
  7. The tail is of medium length. Wide at the base with a noticeable narrowing and rounding towards the tip.

These features make it possible to distinguish the Arabian Mau from a barn cat.

Color and coat type

Arabian Mau kittens are born with soft, fluffy fur. As they grow older, the coat becomes coarser. Adult representatives of the breed have short and stiff hairs. They fit snugly to the body.

A distinctive feature of the Arabian Mau is that they have no undercoat at all. They don't need it in hot climates. For this reason, representatives of the breed do not shed or shed dander, and are therefore considered hypoallergenic.

Arabian Mau have a variety of colors: ginger cats with white patches (a typical color for desert dwellers) are more common, although many of them are pure white or black, black and white, brown or gray. Tabby patterns (in the form of spots or mackerel) also occur.

Possible breed defects

If kittens are born from two representatives of the Arabian Mau, they have practically no defects. But sometimes people inexperienced in felinology can be offered a cross between a Mau and an ordinary cat. To avoid being deceived, you need to pay attention to several points.

In principle, purebred Arabian Mau cannot have:

  • undercoat;
  • too soft fur in adulthood;
  • short body with short legs.

These features appear in cats due to improper selection. If you plan to participate in an exhibition, kinks in the tail, lack of claws and other defects in appearance are also grounds for disqualification.

General information

City residents perceived local cats as an integral feature of the city, just as we now perceive pigeons. They preferred to buy kittens of exotic European breeds for home decoration, but catching mice in barns was just the thing for the semi-wild Mau.

Until 2004, the region's native cats were not of interest to the breeding community. It was only thanks to the efforts of Petra Müller that cats were selected to compile a stud book and breed the breed as a full-fledged show cat, and not as a semi-wild animal from the local streets.

The breeder benefited from the health of the selected cats, their strong bodies, which had gone through a long path of natural selection, helped create a breed line in just 4 years. By 2008, the breed was officially recognized by the WCF.

INTERESTING: it is the ancestors of the Arabian Mau that are considered the cats of the Prophet. To this day, all cats are treated with reverence in Islam; they are even allowed free access to mosque buildings.

Character and temperament

The main advantage of the Arabian Mau is its exceptional devotion to its owner. Moreover, no matter how many people live in the house, the pet will have only one owner - the one whom the cat chooses himself. Usually this is an active and active person, the same in temperament as the Arabian Mau. Other features of the breed:

  1. These cats are relatively silent. They are unlikely to demand anything with persistent meows or heartbreaking screams.
  2. Arabian Mau are affectionate pets, but you shouldn't expect them to lie on your lap for a long time and purr. These cats prefer to be located next to the owner at arm's length.
  3. Curiosity is a natural quality. These pets are sure to explore all corners of the apartment, including closets and other tall furniture. Indeed, in natural conditions they sit for a long time on hills and examine everything around them. Therefore, a good solution would be to equip a corner with shelves along which the Arabian Mau will climb right up to the ceiling.
  4. Friendliness is another good quality of this breed. The cat will greet every guest cordially and will definitely try to get to know him.

Together with the Arabian Mau, there is an opportunity to acquire a faithful and devoted friend who loves company, but will feel quite comfortable even if there is no one at home.

Vices of the Arabian breed

Arabian outdoor cats are accustomed to hot climates. Due to specific weather conditions, the animals were forced to lead a nocturnal lifestyle. With the onset of coolness, they hunted, and in the light of day they rested, hiding in the shade of trees. This complex regime contributed to the development of strong immunity and good health. Therefore, Arabian Mau practically do not get sick. They also have no predisposition to genetic diseases.

The owner of an Arabian still does not need to neglect the basic rules for caring for a cat. Periodically it is necessary to prevent the appearance of fleas and ticks. In addition, you must not forget about deworming. Preventative measures are very important, because the cat will probably spend a lot of time outside. And you also need to remember to visit the veterinarian. A veterinary clinic specialist will tell you when the next vaccination should be done.

Arabian Mau are not prone to genetic diseases

Defects in appearance

Arabian cats are not born with deformities, so any signs that do not meet WCF standards can be called appearance defects in these animals:

  • presence of undercoat;
  • too soft fur in adult cats;
  • too heavy, short body or too short limbs (disqualification);
  • tail defects (kinks, knots, etc. - disqualification);
  • cryptorchidism, deafness, lack of claws (amputation) also lead to disqualification.

There is no particular fear of disqualification, since Arabian Mau rarely participate in exhibitions. In Russia there are only a few such cats, and in Arab countries there is little attention to the breed. Now the development of “cat” policy has just begun; the Emirates are trying to correct the situation, occasionally holding special exhibitions and championships.

Arabian cats rarely participate in exhibitions

How to choose the right kitten

It is better to buy a kitten from a nursery. But here a problem arises - in Russia there are no felinologists who breed Arabian Mau. If people are really willing to spend money to get the kitten they like, they turn to Petra Müller's cattery.

The purchase of a representative of this breed should be approached in the same way as the purchase of any purebred pet:

  • carefully examine the baby and make sure that he has no problems with the eyes and ears (mucous membranes must be clean), as well as wounds and insects;
  • check documents: veterinary passport and pedigree;
  • make sure that the kitten has all the signs of the breed: no undercoat, an elongated muzzle, pointed ears and a slender, but not thin body.

The optimal age of a kitten when purchasing is 3 months. The longer a mother feeds her babies, the stronger their immunity. That is why kittens are vaccinated from 2.5–3 months.

Kitten care

There is no fundamental difference in the care of kittens and adult animals. At the time of sale, children should already be accustomed to the tray. To avoid problems with the gastrointestinal tract, it is advisable when purchasing to ask what the kittens were fed before.

Difficulties in caring for a small pet arise only at the moment when the baby is accustomed to combing and hygiene procedures.

Buying an Arabian kitten

An Arabian cat kitten is not cheap. The average price for such a pet is 60,000 rubles (it all depends on the class and gender of the animal). But even if a person decides that buying an unusual kitten fits into the family budget, then the next problem will be finding a nursery. The fact is that so far in Russia, Ukraine and Belarus there are no organizations professionally involved in breeding Arabian cats.

The largest number of Arabian Mau (more than 100 individuals) is kept in the nursery of Petra Muller (Dubai). Even “smaller” nurseries are also located in Arab countries, so you need to look for the mysterious cat there. Nowadays it is not so difficult to get to warmer climes (many families spend their annual holidays this way). If it is not possible to get there in person, for example, in Dubai, you can hire a courier or turn to intermediaries. In any case, it is recommended to clarify information about the reputation of the nursery, since in some Arab states there are restrictions on the registration of nurseries.

Unfortunately, no one takes care of these cats in the Emirates. There is no talk of any breeding, firstly, why breed if there are already plenty of them on the streets, and secondly, the laws of the UAE prohibit the sale of animals without a special license from a pet store (which requires registration, renting premises and paying the appropriate fees). Otherwise, animals can only be given as a gift or given away for free. Therefore, there are no official nurseries in the Emirates.

Andastra, forum visitor

"Real" Arabian kittens can only be found in Arab countries

Criteria for choosing an Arabian kitten

If you have decided on a nursery, you can start choosing a little Arabian. The ideal representative of the breed must meet several criteria:

  • healthy appearance (clean ears, nose and eyes, no traces of fleas or wounds on the kitten’s body);
  • availability of documents (veterinary passport with vaccinations and pedigree);
  • the presence of characteristic features of the breed;
  • suitable age for the kitten.

Even the smallest Arabian kitten should be recognizable as a representative of an ancient breed. The kitten should not have undercoat. A baby's coat may be soft, but as it grows it will become coarser and spikier. Even the tiniest Arabians should have large triangular ears. The tips of the ears should be slightly tilted forward. The kitten's muzzle should be pointed; Arabian kittens cannot have a “square” muzzle. And Arab kids are rarely “fuckers.” Most representatives of the breed have been naturally thin and slender since childhood. Moreover, the kitten should not have ribs or shoulder blades sticking out, its body should simply be elongated and thin.

A kitten’s belonging to an indigenous breed should be guessed from early childhood

The age of a kitten at which it is better to adopt it

Breeders of any cat breed believe that kittens can be given away no earlier than they reach three months of age. Veterinarians agree with this, because it is at 3 months (12 weeks) that the kitten receives vaccinations, on which the baby’s life depends. Some people try to persuade the breeder to give the baby away earlier, believing that they can carry out such an important vaccination themselves. But not everything is as simple as it seems. The fact is that the three-month age for vaccinations is closely related to breastfeeding a kitten. The first two months of life, the kitten receives antibodies from the cat's milk. This is the only way to obtain immunity at this age. And by the third month, the concentration of antibodies in milk decreases.

In addition, while the cat feeds the cub herself, she cares for him in a way that a person cannot do. The cat “washes” its baby, monitors its behavior and teaches everything that it knows how to do. Only a cat can correctly and carefully teach a kitten to visit the litter box, play, behave, etc. A mother cat sets an example for her offspring in everything, including in communicating with people. If you tear a kitten away from its mother too early, it will not know that the person is a friend. Such kittens can grow up to be aggressive or, conversely, too apathetic.

A kitten separated from its mother early can experience serious psychological stress. This will affect the kitten’s well-being. Such babies weaken and become a target for germs and various infections. It will be doubly difficult for a small animal to cope with diseases. My family had this experience. The month-old kitten my father brought in died just a few days after the move. This was a necessary measure, since the cat was left without a mother, but it was too early to vaccinate.

Little Arabian kittens become vulnerable without their mother

Care and maintenance

Under natural conditions, the Arabian Mau fended for itself for centuries. Therefore, unpretentiousness, the ability to independently obtain food and cleanliness are given to these animals from birth. The owner only needs to spend a little time every day for the cat to feel great.

Hygiene procedures

In the case of the Arabian Mau you will need:

  1. Wipe the cat's ears weekly and, as needed (but at least once a week), the eyes.
  2. The weak point of the Arabian Mau is its teeth. They need to be cleaned with a special paste for your pet.
  3. You will also need to trim the nails as they grow, otherwise an active pet may damage the upholstery on the furniture. To do this you will need a sharp nail clipper.


Since the Arabian Mau's coat is short and without undercoat, it can be brushed once a week. This is enough to remove excess oil from the hair and give it shine. This must be done with a pet brush or a special massage mitt with a silicone pad.

Representatives of this breed also do not need frequent bathing - a couple of water procedures per year are enough. These cats are accustomed to licking themselves regularly, as this regulates heat exchange in hot climates.


Arabian Mau have no problems visiting the litter box, especially if the kitten stays with the mother for a long time: she teaches the kids everything herself. You just need to make sure that the tray is always clean. Otherwise, the pet will refuse to go into it.

Choosing a kitten, keeping, raising

Purebred kittens are bought at an exhibition, in a nursery, or a pet store.
On the market, according to advertisements, cats are sometimes sold that are similar in color to Siamese. It should be borne in mind that the characteristic coloring is not yet a sign of the breed. Before purchasing, it is advisable to examine the baby’s parents, paying attention to appearance and behavior.

If you need a Siamese to participate in exhibitions, choose a show-class kitten that meets the breed standards. They are not cheap. Prices for breeding class animals will be lower. The category includes individuals for breeding that have slight deviations from the standards.

Pet class kittens are relatively inexpensive. Due to disqualifying defects, they cannot take part in exhibitions or breeding

Pay attention to appearance:

  • The vertebrae and ribs should not protrude (a sign of exhaustion);
  • no tumors, lumps (symptoms of cardiovascular diseases, cancer, presence of parasites);
  • no skin damage, bald patches;
  • no discharge from the ears, eyes, nose, anus;
  • no gait disturbances;
  • the fur is shiny, smooth;
  • the eyes are clean, the teeth are even white, the gums are pale pink;
  • The kitten is active, active and friendly.

It is not recommended to choose a baby who shows aggression (scratching, biting, hissing) or, conversely, who is indecisive and timid. There will be problems with taming in the future.

The recommended temperature is 25-28 °C, drafts and dampness are excluded. During the cold season, place a heater near the kitten's resting place. The bedding should be warm. You can put a heating pad by wrapping it in a towel. A comfortable temperature regime is important for preserving the color of Siamese cats.

Prepare a tray with filler, bowls for food, and water. Place bowls away from the toilet. Siamese will not eat where they relieve themselves. The tray should be in a secluded place. Change the litter in a timely manner; if the toilet is dirty, the cat will “do the job” in another place.

Place small objects, household chemicals, and wires out of reach. To prevent your kitten from spoiling indoor flowers, grow catnip and grass, they are sold in pet stores. Do not let your older pet go outside alone if you live in an apartment. Siamese do well in confined spaces if given enough attention.

Give anthelmintic drugs regularly (1 dose every 3 months). Vaccination schedule:

  1. At the age of 12 weeks - a vaccine against rhinotracheitis, rabies, panleukopenia, calcivirosis. Revaccination - after 3-4 weeks, then 1 r. per year, during the same period.
  2. At the age of 1-6 months. – vaccination against microsporia, trichophytosis. Revaccination - after 2 weeks, once a year.

Features of education

At first, do not leave the kitten alone for a long time, this way it will quickly adapt to the house and its owner. Give your pet enough time. Please note that at the age of 2-5 months. In animals, areas of the brain responsible for mental development are actively developing, incl. for social behavior.

How to behave towards a Siamese: respectful, be patient, persistent, feel the animal’s mood. The only method of influencing the psyche is affection; physical punishment is excluded.

The kitten will quickly get used to its name and the routine in the house. He should act friendly and calm. To prevent the kitten from showing aggression during grooming procedures, accustom it to touch from the first days of life in the house. Take the baby in your arms, stroke the fur, talk affectionately. The process may take several weeks.

Accustoming your pet to a scratching post and litter tray is not difficult. Siamese are quite trainable; they can be taught:

  • walk on a harness (leash);
  • give paw;
  • follow the commands “sit”, “lie down”, etc.;
  • bring items;
  • jump over a barrier, etc.

The kitten should have toys: ping-pong balls, spools of thread, an ordinary sock stuffed with rags and rolled into a ball.

Siamese are prone to destructive behavior, which is difficult to influence. Just don't leave clothes or any other objects within the animal's reach. One of the possible causes of aggression is lack of attention; you need to regularly communicate and play with your pet. The optimal solution to the problem is keeping 2 cats.

Feeding the cat

Cats of this breed can be fed both industrial food and natural food. If you choose the first, then preference should be given to premium and holistic products - they consist of natural ingredients and contain a full range of vitamins and minerals necessary for your pet. In the second case, you will have to prepare food for the cat separately. Although Arabian Mau naturally find their own food, they should not be fed what is left from people's dinners.

We must not forget about water. The best option for your pet is filtered or bottled. It must be changed daily, even if it seems that the cat has not drunk at all.

Complete diet

If your cat's diet is natural, you need to make sure that protein predominates in the diet - as it happens in the natural environment. The following products are required:

  • boiled or raw beef, chicken and offal - at least half of all food (raw foods must first be deep-frozen);
  • low-fat boiled sea fish - no more than once a week;
  • kefir and cottage cheese - a little every day, fresh milk is allowed only for kittens;
  • egg yolks;
  • rice, buckwheat and oatmeal;
  • boiled or raw vegetables;
  • fruits if your pet likes them.

It is also advisable to grow special grass - from it the cat will receive the necessary vitamins, minerals and fiber. The traditional list of foods is prohibited: pork, river fish, fatty and fried foods or sweets.

Feeding frequency

The number of feedings is determined taking into account the age of the pet. For kittens it is:

  • 5 times a day if they are less than 3 months old;
  • 4 times – up to six months;
  • 3 times – up to 9 months.

After this, the pet is transferred to feeding in the morning (they give most of the norm) and in the evening. Pregnant Mau are fed more often (up to 3-4 times), sick ones - according to need, but without increasing the total amount of food. Typically, the daily norm is 30 g of food per kilogram of cat weight.

Vitamins and minerals

A special selection of a vitamin and mineral complex is required only if the Arabian Mau eats natural products. This must be done with a veterinarian. He will determine what kind of metabolism your pet has and what microelements he lacks, and then recommend the necessary food supplement.


In their natural habitat, cats move a lot and lead an active lifestyle.

To keep your cat healthy, you need to give him free rein so that he can run, jump from high places and hunt.

It is better to walk your cat on a leash if you do not want an unwanted pregnancy or tick infestation.

The price for an Arabian Mau will be from 50 to 100 thousand. The price largely depends on gender, color and origin.

Cats are currently enjoying good popularity, although once they were not even paid attention to.

Mau will become your good friends and loyal companions, they will love their family.

Education and physical activity

Arabian cats are easy to train and quickly understand what is wanted from them. Therefore, you won’t have to explain to them for a long time where the tray, scratching post and bowls are located. They quickly get used to the order in which their household lives. With all this, without proper physical activity, the Arabian Mau is capable of creating a real mess in the house.

The need to walk is inherent in these cats from birth. That’s why they need to be taken outside at least every other day. It is better to take walks with a leash and harness - the freedom-loving Arabian Mau is unlikely to like a collar. They are needed not because the pet can run away - these cats easily find their home because they remember details well. Keeping him on a leash will protect the Mau from communicating with other animals and other troubles. These include hunting birds or rodents.

By the way, if an Arabian cat lives in a private house, it will become an excellent mouse catcher. Moreover, all the prey will be brought into the house, as is customary with animals that live in packs.

Owner reviews

There are many photographs on the Internet depicting homeless Arabian cats.

There are still very few real Arabian Mau in Russia, so there are also few reviews. However, those who have already tried to communicate with such pets have realized how affectionate and at the same time independent character these animals have.

It won’t get lost, it will always find its way home, even a kitten. Clean, knows his place. Good-natured cats, well suited for families where there are already animals (be it cats, dogs or even parrots). Fearless, quickly toilet trained, not pretentious, playful and incredibly affectionate. They quickly become attached to the owner, are persistent, and achieve what they have in mind.

8kechka36, forum user

Video: red Arabian cat catches a toy

I currently have 2 Arabian Mau. Mau are very beautiful and smart. These cats are quite large and heavy (my cats are over 6.5 kg a year), with a slender, strong body on long, muscular legs. They resemble wild cats with their natural beauty.

Andastra, forum user

The Arabian Mau is an indigenous breed of graceful oriental cats. For centuries, these cats lived on the street, strengthening their character and strengthening their health. Despite the fact that the breed was recognized only recently, these cats have already managed to please even Russian cat breeders. Arabian cats have a wonderful, kind character. They make friends with everyone, studying even unfamiliar people. In addition, these animals are very smart. They remember where and what is, so they learn to open any doors themselves. Such a cat is unlikely to get lost, because she knows exactly the way home. Arabian Mau are ideal for living in a private home, since, among other advantages, this cat is famous as a noble mouse catcher.

Health and susceptibility to disease

Representatives of these cats, with proper care, live up to 14–15 years. Since the breed was formed naturally and lived in the desert for a long time, the Arabian Mau developed good immunity. Their body is resistant to diseases and cats are in excellent health. Problems usually arise only with excess weight and teeth.

Vaccinations and antiparasitic treatments

Visits to the veterinary clinic are necessary primarily in order to promptly vaccinate your pet and prevent the appearance of parasites in the cat. The vaccination schedule is compiled by a specialist taking into account the age of the pet. Typically, cats are vaccinated annually against rabies and rhinotracheitis. If the Arabian Mau often walks outside, it is necessary to carry out preventive treatment against ticks and other parasites, and be vaccinated against lichen.

Sterilization and castration

If you do not plan to use the Arabian Mau to reproduce offspring, you need to sterilize or castrate him. In the future, this will eliminate the occurrence of hormonal imbalances in the pet’s body and diseases that sometimes develop in animals as a result.

The optimal time for procedures is between 9 months and one year of age, when cats reach puberty. The operation is performed under anesthesia for a maximum of 15–20 minutes after the necessary examinations.

Castration and sterilization

Castration and sterilization is the deprivation of an animal's ability to reproduce. If you do not plan to get offspring from your Arabian pet, then it is recommended to castrate or sterilize it. There are people who consider such operations inhumane, but modern veterinary medicine makes it possible to operate on pets quickly and painlessly. There are several types of anesthesia; the owner can decide for himself which type of anesthesia is suitable for his cat. In addition, some operations can be performed using high technology (sometimes you don’t even need to use stitches).

Even cavity sterilization is carried out quickly (15–20 minutes). I spay all my cats. Usually the cat is brought in the day before to be left overnight in the hospital. The cat will not be fed, it will be examined and the necessary tests will be taken. The operation is usually scheduled for the next day. The cat should be given back to its owner only when it begins to recover from anesthesia. Such operations are inexpensive (on average up to 1000 rubles). At the clinic where I take my cats, they give blankets for free, but sometimes you have to pay extra for them. The veterinarian will tell you about all this on the eve of the operation.

Recently, veterinary clinics are increasingly practicing early castration/sterilization, but some cat owners spare their pets. It is impossible to delay the operation, because “empty” estrus and long abstinence can lead to hormonal imbalances and serious illnesses (sometimes with death). Typically, cats are submitted for surgery after they reach sexual maturity (9–12 months).

Video: caring for a cat after surgery

Pros and cons of the breed

So, the Arabian Mau is a cat that feels comfortable in any conditions. But its content has both advantages and disadvantages:

Arabian Mau is a friendly and loyal petVery expensive
Gets along well with people and other animalsIt is quite difficult to buy a real Arabian
He is beautiful and has retained the habits and gracefulness that are characteristic of wild animalsTo obtain purebred offspring, you can use only real Mau or wild cats from the desert
Differs in good health and is not demanding in careYou need to trim your claws regularly, otherwise your pet will start sharpening them on the furniture.

It is best to get an Arabian Mau for those who live in a private house. By nature, he is a freedom-loving hunter, and therefore loves to run and walk outside a lot. This cat will feel good in a city apartment if it is given the opportunity to run and jump outside the house. A good option is to equip her with a play area on the balcony.

The Arabian Mau will feel equally comfortable in a large family or with a lonely, but always active person. You can leave him alone for a while, if, of course, the cat has something to do during this time.


The Arabian Mau cat breed was bred with minimal human intervention, has rich genetic material, and therefore does not have any serious hereditary diseases. Cats have good health and strong immunity. They support him with walks and proper nutrition. Try not to overfeed your cat; obesity increases the likelihood of developing heart disease.

Like other breeds, Arabian Mau need systematic veterinary examinations, routine vaccinations, deworming, and treatment for external parasites.

Tips for choosing a kitten

The Arabian Mau mainly lives in its homeland - the Arabian Peninsula. Even in America, the Mau have not yet gained popularity. Therefore, it is best to go for a cat to the UAE, where Petra Muller’s cattery is located. She personally breeds Arabian Mau and currently the nursery houses about 100 cats of a wide variety of colors.

Distinctive features of the Arabians:

  1. Muscular, streamlined body.
  2. A close-fitting, smooth coat without undercoat.
  3. Large ears with thin skin.
  4. Long thin limbs.

Mau is a special cat

How to choose a healthy kitten:

  1. His eyes should not water and fester.
  2. The nose should be slightly damp, without crusts.
  3. The coat should be shiny and well-groomed.
  4. The area under the tail should be clean.
  5. The abdomen is soft and not bloated.
  6. There should be no wounds on the skin except for spots on the neck from the teeth of the mother cat.
  7. The cub itself is active, fearless, and curious.

The price for a purebred desert cat starts from 40,000 rubles. Arabians in the UAE even live on the streets, so you can even adopt a semi-wild cat. But in this case, you will have to tinker with documents, and it will not be easy to tame a wayward savage.

There are Arabian Mau in shelters in the UAE, but they are difficult to tame.

The Arabian Mau is warm in temperament, like desert sand. This oriental handsome man, living on the streets of Arab cities, deserves to find a loving family. With their grace, devotion and playfulness, these cats captivate at first sight. But they are suitable only for active people who can devote a lot of time to the cat.

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