Persian cat: features of the breed of red and white Persian kittens, photo

Persian cats are attractive animals with a flattened upturned nose and a luxurious fluffy coat. Interesting appearance and easy-going, calm disposition turn representatives of the breed into an object of increased attention from novice felinologists. But in reality, few people are prepared for the fact that the luxurious fur of Persians requires careful care, and their special physiology implies seriousness in the selection of nutrition.

So that the difficulties of keeping these cats do not come as a surprise, you should study the characteristics of the breed in advance.

Red Persian cats: characteristics and care features

Persian cats, or Persians as they are often called, are representatives of one of the oldest and most popular breeds of long-haired cats.
It is not possible to find out their exact origin in our time. Many researchers of this issue believe that the ancestors of these cats actually lived in the territory of ancient Persia. Persian cats are also called Iranian - from the modern name of this country . These animals were brought to Russia in the late 80s from European countries by diplomats, where they gained the status of a very rare and expensive breed.

Vaccinations and antiparasitic treatment

To protect your dog from viral diseases, he is regularly vaccinated with a complex drug that develops immunity to rhinotracheitis, calcivirosis and panleukopenia.

For the first time, a cat of this breed is vaccinated at the age of 7-8 weeks. After 4 weeks, the animal is vaccinated again, but with an anti-rabies component. Subsequently, the Persian is vaccinated once a year.

To prevent diseases transmitted by parasites, a cat of this breed is regularly treated for fleas and worms:

  • Anthelmintic drugs are given to Persians 2 times a year with mandatory repetition after 10-14 days.
  • To protect against fleas, use special shampoos or drops. And if a Persian cat is outdoors, an anti-parasitic collar is put on it.

History of selection

According to felinologists, Persian cats descended from the wild manul cat and Asian desert representatives of the cat family.

At first, Persians had only black and blue coats, but as a result of selection, about a hundred different colors appeared: white, gray, red, lilac, color-point and many others.

In the 1970s, America was the country with the largest number of nurseries, but this had a negative impact on the formation of the breed - many animals with selection defects were exported to European countries. Only about 20 years ago, European breeders bred a healthy Persian cat and developed appropriate standards for this breed.

Tortoiseshell color: what does it mean?

Not all calico cats are called tortoiseshells. Animals whose colors contain three colors (usually white, red and black) are called tortoiseshells only when multi-colored hairs are mixed together and create a motley small pattern. If a cat’s spots are large and have clear boundaries, this color is called tricolor, which, in fact, means a color that includes three colors.

Curiously, only cats are tricolor or tortoiseshell. This is due to a specific genetic code, and the fair half of the cat family has completely taken away the right to be variegated from the strong one. Tortoiseshell calico cats are rare - one in several thousand, and, as a rule, these animals are sterile from birth, that is, they cannot give birth.

How do cats get tortoiseshell coloration?

The color of a cat's fur and the pattern on it are determined genetically, that is, before the kitten is born. Mother cats have a set of two chromosomes - XX, while cats "got" only one X chromosome, the second - Y. The "X" chromosome is responsible for the black and peach-red color, so in addition to snow-white fur, cats may develop both charcoal and orange. Accordingly, the only X chromosome in cats, in addition to white, can give them either black or red, but not at the same time.

That is, the sex of an animal is determined by a pair of chromosomes: XX - cat, XY - cat. The black and red colors of a cat's coat are determined by the genes of the sex chromosomes. The Y chromosome, which is smaller in size, does not contain genes for black(o) or red(O) color. If we consider a cat (that is, an XY individual), then the game does not contain information about color, and the claim will contain either a red tint (O) or a jet black color (o). Accordingly, the chromosome can contain only the shade of fur of one variant.

Having seen a tortoiseshell cat, a person can know exactly what gender it is.

In a cat (XX individual), there are more color variations, since the first X can carry the red gene (O), and the second X can carry the black gene (o). That is, the combination of XO and Xo will give exactly the tortoiseshell color.

It turns out that only cats are genetically inclined towards the tricolor color. The tricolor cat is a real anomaly, which neither scientists nor feline breeders can explain. Unfortunately, tortoiseshell cats have violations of the genetic code, suffer from pathologies of the endocrine and reproductive systems, and rarely live beyond two or three years.

Video - How is tortoiseshell coloration inherited in cats?

Breed standard

The World Cat Federation has prescribed the following standard of appearance for Persian cats.

  • The squat, large or medium-sized body is supported by low, stable paws. The chest and shoulders should be broad and muscular.
  • The thick coat, up to 12 centimeters long, is fine and silky. The neck, shoulders and chest have a collar-shaped coat of fur.
  • The not very long fluffy tail is slightly rounded at the end.
  • The head is round and massive, of good proportions, with a voluminous skull.
  • The forehead should be prominent and the cheeks should be full.
  • Persians have a short and wide, slightly snub nose with very open nostrils.
  • Strongly built jaws and chin.
  • The ears are small, set wide and low on the skull. They should be rounded at the ends, with beautifully growing tufts of hair.
  • The eyes are large, very expressive, shiny, round and spaced far apart. Their color depends on the specific coat color (they can be blue, golden and even multi-colored).
  • The coat can be either one color or consist of two or three shades.
  • The weight of the animals varies from 3 to 7 kg.


Persian and Exotic Shorthair breeds have a dense cobby-type

, square format with developed muscles. These are large animals, squat with a massive body. The weight of adult representatives is 4-7 kg. The chest is wide and deep. The body is equally massive and wide at the shoulder and hip girdles, with a well-rounded middle part and a straight back. The limbs are thick, short, powerful. The paws are large, round, dense with tufts of hair between the toes. The tail is short, straight, proportional to the body, with a blunt or slightly rounded tip, slightly below the line of the back and well furred.

A distinctive feature of Persians and exotics is their head and muzzle. The outdated classic version does not have a “flattened” muzzle, their nose is long, the nose is directed downwards and vertically. These representatives are not used for breeding and are sold only as pet-class animals.

The head of the modern Persian and exotic cat is round, massive, with a wide convex skull, wide at the cheekbones, and harmonious. The facial part is round with a rounded bone structure, the forehead is round. Cheekbones are low and wide. Cheeks – round, full. The nose is short, upturned, wide with a sharp transition - “stop”

from forehead to nose.
The length of the nose does not exceed its width. The nose is wide, slightly convex. The nose mirror is well designed. The chin is strong, wide, ideally in a vertical line with the nose. The jaws are strong, with the correct bite, let's say an overshot of 2-3 mm. The line of the upper lip creates the impression of a “smile”
The eyes are large, round, expressive, wide open, set wide and straight, slightly surprised - which creates a cute “baby-face”
. The color is uniform and matches the coat color. The ears are small, low set, with rounded tips, well pubescent with good internal tufts. The Persians' whiskers can have an interesting direction - forward and curved upward.

15 cm long

, thick, dense wool with a delicate, airy texture. It is soft, shiny, “alive”, and in good condition. Same length throughout the body. A thick collar covers the neck and shoulders and extends down to the front legs. "Watiness" is not acceptable.

Exotic wool

considered short, it is slightly longer than other short-haired cats. Thick, plush, soft texture, non-fitting, tightly stuffed.

Colors of Persian and Exotic Shorthair breeds

Among Persians and exotics, white, tabby and color-point colors are more common, and solid, silver and golden chinchillas are less common. When assessing color, attention is paid to the color of the coat, pattern, color of the eyes, paw pads and nose.

Solid, solid colors


– black color from tip to roots, without “rust”, without white hairs, without pattern and gray undercoat. The nose and paw pads are black. Eye color – orange or copper, uniform, without inclusions. Kittens may have the so-called “moiré” - a residual pattern; their fur is dark gray with white hairs; complete coloring occurs with age.

Blue (a)

– all shades of blue from light gray to rich steel blue. The color should be clean and uniform, without white hairs or tints. The nose and paw pads are bluish-gray. Eye color – orange or copper.

Chocolate (b)

– all shades of brown, without “rust”, white hairs or patterns. The color is uniform, without gray undercoat. The nose is the color of milk chocolate. Paw pads are the color of cinnamon or chocolate. Eye color – orange or copper.

Lilac (c)

– pale lilac coat with a pinkish tint, without white hairs or patterns. The color is uniform, without gray undercoat. The nose is purple. Paw pads are lilac-pink. Eye color – orange or copper.

Red (d)

– warm red-red color from roots to tips, without marks or light spots. Light shades on the forehead and limbs are acceptable. The nose and paw pads are brick red. Eye color – orange or copper.

Cream (e)

– pastel beige uniform color without an orange tint, without patterns or marks. The undercoat should not be light (white). Eye color – orange or copper.

White (w)

– pure white color without marks or patterns. The nose and paw pads are pink. Kittens may have small blue, red, black, or cream spots on their heads that disappear with age. Eye color – orange or copper, blue, possibly “odd-eyed” – one eye is orange, the other is blue.

Tortoiseshell colors and Particolors

Black tortoiseshell (f)

– a combination of the two primary colors black and red in different proportions. A uniform distribution of colors and the presence of red on the face is desirable. Various shades of red are allowed. The nose and paw pads are black, pink or black with pink spots. Eye color – orange or copper.

Blue-cream tortoiseshell (g)

– a combination of blue and cream colors throughout the body, on the limbs, muzzle, and tail. Lighter shades are preferred. The nose and paw pads are bluish-gray, cream or gray with cream spots. Eye color – orange or copper.

Chocolate tortoiseshell (h)

– a combination of rich, warm chocolate and areas of red. Red can be lightened shades. The nose is the color of milk chocolate, pink or chocolate with pink spots. Paw pads are cinnamon or chocolate colored, pink or chocolate with pink spots. Eye color – orange or copper.

Lilac-cream tortoiseshell (j)

– rich, warm lavender with cream flecks. The nose and paw pads are lilac, pink or lilac with light pink spots. Eye color – orange or copper.

Calico (tortie-and-white)

– a combination of black, red and white colors in various combinations. The nose and paw pads are the same color as the base color. Eye color – orange or copper.

The tortoiseshell color group can be solid or tabby. For a correct determination, it is necessary to evaluate the absence or presence of a pattern on the black (blue, chocolate, lilac) part of the color, since red genetically always has a pattern.

Tabby colors

Tabby is not a color, but characterizes a pattern on the main background, which is manifested due to the presence of the “A” (agouti) gene in the animal.


(encoding 22) – a clear pattern in the form of wide lines. Large stripes run along the back from the withers to the tail. Several necklaces are attached to the neck. A “butterfly” pattern can be formed on the shoulder blades and curls can be located on the sides. There are 2-3 wide rings on the tail.


(code 23) – the stripes are narrower, starting from the center line on the back and descending in narrow stripes on the sides. The necklaces on the neck are thinner, the tail is striped.


(code 24) – against a lighter background of the main color, clear contrasting spots are evenly located throughout the body. They can be round, oblong, or in the form of rosettes. There are spots on the limbs and preferably on the tail (open rings are acceptable).

The common features of all tabby patterns are the outline of the nose, eyes, the letter “M” on the forehead and the “scarab” on the top of the head. Tabby colors with the presence of the “silver” gene (inhibitor) have a light (almost white) undercoat.

Bicolor colors

Persian and exotic shorthair breeds have three options for combining white and any base color: van, harlequin, bicolor.

  • Van
    has the maximum amount of white. Completely white body and limbs. Only the tail and the “cap” on the head are colored in the form of one or two separate spots (ideally), always affecting one ear.
  • Harlequin
    . A fifth of the surface of the body is colored, the rest is white. The tail, the “cap” on the head with the obligatory inclusion of one ear, and spots on the back and/or sides must be colored. A white collar is required.
  • Bicolor
    . Half of the entire surface of the body has a basic color and can be located in one continuous area or have an island appearance. For bicolors, the placement of white is mandatory on the muzzle in the form of an inverted “V”, on the chest and lower part of the body, on the hips and legs in the form of “slippers”. A white collar is also desirable.
Tipped colors (tipping, tipping)

This is a group of colors in which the hair has a light root zone and a colored tip. There are two types of tipping: with and without silver (gold).

Silver tipped colors (s is added to the encoding)

  • Smoky color
    (smoke) - each hair is painted 2/3 from the root with pure silver (almost white) color, including the undercoat. The remaining 1/3 of the hair towards the tip is colored in the main color (black, blue, red, etc.). Eyes must be orange or copper. The nose and paw pads correspond to the color of the main color. Smoky is always a solid color and has no pattern.
  • Shaded color
    (shaded, 11). 1/6 of the hair at the tip is dyed in the main color, the rest is silver. The eyes can be green or bluish-green. The nose and paw pads match the color of the base color. Pewter is a shaded coat with orange eyes, with an eye color code indicated. Shaded cameo - red, cream, tortoiseshell main colors.
  • Veiled color
    (shell, 12). 1/8 of the hair at the tip is dyed, the rest is silver. Chinchillas have green eyes. The nose and paw pads match the color of the base color. Veiled cameo - red, cream, tortoiseshell main colors.

Golden tipped colors (y is added to the encoding)

By analogy with silver colors, golden Persians and exotics can be shaded, when 1/6 of the hair at the tip is dyed, or veiled (1/8 of the hair). The main background is from pale apricot to dark brick with transitions to black. The nose is brick-colored, the paw pads are black or dark brown. The eyes are only green. The main color can be black, blue, chocolate, tortoiseshell, etc.

Shaded and veiled colors are always tabby colors. The pattern, due to the action of the inhibitor gene, looks like a spray on the ends of the coat. There are no classic tabby signs on the face, dark rims on the eyes and nose are required/

Himalayan color (color-point)

Color-points have a lightened body and darker areas - points (areas with low body temperature - muzzle, tail, ears, limbs, scrotum). Like solid colors, they are distinguished: seal-point - black, blue-point - blue, chocolate-point - chocolate, lilac-point - lilac, red(flame)-point - red, cream-point - cream. Tortoiseshell color points - tortie-point - tortoiseshell, blue-cream point - blue-cream, chocolate-tortie point - chocolate tortoiseshell, lilac-cream point - lilac-cream. Patterned tabby color points are not divided into classic ones, since the pattern is quite blurred. They are combined into the links-point color. The eye color of Scottish pointing cats is only blue.

Red Persians

These cats have bright sunny red fur and often have beautiful honey-colored eyes.

By nature, red Persian cats are soft, affectionate, attached to the owner, whom they choose among all family members themselves.

But the calm disposition of these animals does not mean that they are not capable of strong emotions. Persians get very upset when they are left alone for a long time, without their owner, or if he pays little attention to them. These representatives of the cat family are very smart, quick-witted, and easy to train.

Intrabreed varieties of Persian cats

Due to the fact that both European and American breeders were involved in improving these animals, they were divided into 2 types:

  1. Classical. This variety of Persian cats is characterized by a slight snub nose and a slightly flattened muzzle. The nose of such Persians is located just below eye level, so the classic visually resembles ordinary cats.
  2. Extreme. Persians who belong to this type have a strongly flattened muzzle, a convex forehead and deformed jaws. The upturned nose of the extreme sportsman is almost at the same level with the upper eyelid.

On a note. There are no divisions into types based on other characteristics among the Persians. A short-haired, curly-haired, bob-tailed or fold-eared cat may be a half-breed at best.

How to care?

If you become the owner of an adult Persian cat, then the following recommendations from experienced breeders will help you maintain his health and charming appearance.

  • Hair and eye care. It is not difficult to guess that the main care is related to maintaining the healthy condition of the coat of Persian red cats. It needs to be thoroughly combed every day with special brushes and ensure that it does not fall off. Persians need to be bathed more often than cats of other breeds: approximately once every 2 weeks. The weak point of all cats of this breed is also the eyes.

To care for them and to prevent serious diseases, you should purchase a product from a pet store that needs to be used to wash your cat's eyes every morning.

  • Correct diet. Adult Persian cats can be fed 3 times a day with both special super-premium food and natural food. The latter must necessarily include proteins (meat), offal, sea fish, cereals, cereals, and stewed vegetables. You can add a few drops of refined sunflower oil to your food; it improves digestion and the condition of the coat. It is forbidden to give cats sausage, spices, bones, pasta, and potatoes. Fish should be offered no more than twice a month, steamed and be sure to remove all bones.
  • Typical diseases. Persian cats are prone to diseases such as cardiomyopathy, kidney disease, retinal atrophy, gingivitis, and they may have breathing problems. In addition, due to the ingestion of long hair during the licking process, hairballs form in their stomachs, to remove which special pastes or tablets are used. You should have regular checkups with your veterinarian and get all necessary vaccinations.

Feeding the cat

Persian cats eat both commercial and natural food equally well. Therefore, when choosing a diet for your pet, you can be guided by your own preferences.

It is advisable to give premium, superpremium or holistic class products to Persian cats that eat dry food. These foods contain all the necessary substances and no questionable additives.

The best options are the following brands of food:

  • Royal Canin;
  • Farmina;
  • Acana;
  • 1st Choice.

The diet of Persian cats on a natural diet is designed so that fresh, lean meat predominates in it. The pet is also given:

  • boiled vegetables;
  • porridge with water;
  • offal;
  • sea ​​fish;
  • eggs;
  • dairy products.

Neither a purebred nor a half-Persian cat should eat sausage, pastries, sweets, bones and pork. Also, you should not give your animal salty, fatty, spicy or fried food.

On a note. With a natural type of nutrition, the Persian cat is given vitamin and mineral complexes twice a year.

Home keeping kittens

Persian red kittens are very attractive and look like fluffy bear cubs with huge eyes. Purchase in advance everything you need for this cute baby: food bowls, a scratching post, brushes for combing wool, bathing products, a tray, a bed, toys. Kittens of this breed are very inquisitive, affectionate and trusting; they follow their owner everywhere. Persian babies are clean and quickly get used to the litter box.

Up to 6 months, kittens should be given warm milk mixed with cottage cheese, a boiled egg, boiled chicken meat, a little raw beef, milk porridge (but not often). Dry food is introduced no earlier than the kitten is 3 months old.

Red Persian cats are charming, sociable and completely non-aggressive creatures. They easily get along with any family member and are friendly towards other pets. It is also believed that red Persians attract financial well-being to the home.

For general information about the Persian cat breed, see below.

Signs associated with ginger cats

Red cats, just like black ones, are haunted by all sorts of legends.

  1. It is believed that red pets are always obstinate and overly independent. In fact, there is often a very strong emotional connection between an animal and its owner.
  2. Picking up a ginger kitten on the street and bringing it into the house means attracting prosperity and good luck. Since the fiery color is no more common among street vagabonds than among their purebred relatives, not everyone will experience such happiness.
  3. Some people believe that a sunny-colored cat absorbs negative energy and protects a person from negative influences.

They also say that they purr louder than others, cure alcoholism, and predict illness and death. The only true observation is expressed in the popular saying “a cat in the house means happiness in it.”

Persian cat - features and photos of red and white kittens

Due to their character traits, Persian cats can be classified as homebodies who love to communicate with their owners. The animal is extremely affectionate and completely trusts the family members where it lives. At the same time, the pet is absolutely not annoying, does not raise its voice without special reasons, but simply waits for attention to be paid to it. Although they are often classified as animals that constantly spend time on the sofa, the furry beauties love to play and catch insects that fly into the apartment.

Interesting facts from the history of the animal

The cat came to Europe back in the 16th century thanks to the famous traveler Pietro della Valle , who bought the animal in the Persian province of Khorasan. At the same time, the cat was similar to its modern relatives only in its long coat. Due to the fact that the breed was considered exotic in those days, only wealthy merchants and other members of the nobility could buy it.

The lion's share of the work in the selection of modern representatives of Persian cats was done by America. Thanks to the efforts of American breeders, the cat's fur lengthened and its nose became flattened, which turned into a real problem for the animal's respiratory system.

The breed became a trend thanks to Queen Victoria, who kept more than a dozen Persian cats with a blue color. She even ordered the construction of a special castle for pets. So, the Persian cat, as in the photo, turned into the most desired animal among the aristocracy of Europe.


Typically, Persian cats rarely get sick. With proper care and if everything is in order with heredity, then these are surprisingly active and playful animals. Persians, however, have several genetic diseases.

These include polycystic kidney disease, retinal atrophy, leading to the animal’s blindness; it can be diagnosed in a kitten as early as the second month. There may also be a problem with teeth; Persian cats should definitely be shown not only to a veterinarian, but also to a dentist.

Also, in some cases, problems with the heart and blood vessels are possible. Because of this, Persians do not tolerate travel and travel well.

You can buy a Persian kitten in almost any city where there are nurseries. Since these cats are very common, there are many breeders of them.

Different prices. They depend on the color and pedigree of the animal. On average, the price ranges from two to twenty-five thousand rubles.

Features of the Persian cat breed

The Persian cat can easily be considered one of the most beautiful and popular breeds in the whole world. Most Persians are sweet, magical creatures that turn into true friends and family favorites. Moreover, this happens not because of the external attractiveness of the furry pet, but due to the unique character traits that make a person fall in love with him at first sight.

The Persian cat breed is characterized by a miniature, wide and slightly snub nose. The breed also has short but powerful legs. The Persian cat breed standard implies that the animal has the following distinctive features:

  • round and massive head, proportional to the structure of the body;
  • short but wide neck;
  • large or medium massive body;
  • low, wide cheekbones and round, full cheeks;
  • shortened snub nose;
  • low-set miniature ears, rounded at the ends;
  • round eyes always wide open;
  • powerful shortened paws;
  • thick but short tail slightly rounded at the end.

Due to the variety of cat colors, breeders subdivide the breed into more than a hundred subspecies . You can meet a black, gray, white, blue, cream, red, red and even purple cat. At the same time, a white cat may have dark orange, copper, green or blue eyes. But in most cases, the color of the coat corresponds to a certain shade of the eyes. If the animal has a single color coat, then no stripes or spots should be present. In general, the standards of Persian cats have a huge number of coat shades, which directly affect the cost of kittens.

Variations of tortoiseshell colors in cats

It is impossible to find two identical tortoiseshell cats. This is due not only to the individual arrangement of colored hairs on the animal’s body, but also to the different subspecies of tortoiseshell color. Breeders have divided the tricolor colors into three variants to avoid causing confusion.

Table 1. Tortoiseshell colors: options

"Cake""Calico"Turtle on white
Otherwise, this subspecies is called the “scaly turtle.” The coloring of tortie cats is similar to small fish scales, colored red and black, and placed on top of each other in a checkerboard pattern. Of course, the geometric precision of the coloring of cats is extremely rare, but the distinctive feature of this subspecies of color is the approximately equal ratio of black and red, as well as a small, motley pattern created by multi-colored hairs. This subspecies is also called “calico” or “patchwork”. Calico-colored cats have larger spots - that is, not individually colored hairs, but small areas of fur, colored either black or red. The spots can creep on top of each other, be randomly located or in groups. Calico cats with short hair (British, Cornish Rex) or even without a fur coat (Canadian Sphynx) look very impressive. If the color of the animal contains a large amount of white fur, this subspecies is called “turtle on white.” Typically, cats have large snow-white patches of fur on the tummy, in the groin area, on the bottom of the neck, near the chin or on the face. The upper part of the body has a tortoiseshell color, while the “tortoise on white” can be either a “calico” or “torti” variation. These cats look very attractive and cute.

Color "tortoiseshell on white", type "calico"

Tortoiseshell colors come in two types: solid or patterned. In the first case, the spots will be located evenly on the animal’s body, without forming patterns or patterns. The patterned version assumes that spirals, stripes, and “marble veins” are clearly visible on the cat’s fur. Patterned cats can be either short-haired cats (then the pattern is clearly visible) or long-haired cats (to see the pattern, you need to part the animal’s fur and look at the skin, which will also be colored).

Also, “turtles” can have different shades. Yes, the main colors will be black and red, and perhaps, looking at one tortoiseshell cat, these colors will seem to be the only possible ones. But if you put two, or better yet several, turtle cats together, you will see that the black color looks coffee or chocolate, has a bluish or graphite-gray tint. It’s the same with red – it shimmers with shades of honey, caramel, sunny orange or gives a creamy tint.

Tortoiseshell cat with very bright shades of fur

Why then were motley cats called tortoiseshells? The fact is that the fur of animals with this color is surprisingly similar to products made from a tortoise shell, sanded and varnished. It’s worth looking at tortoiseshell combs or other accessories to understand what exactly gave the name to the unusually beautiful coloring of the cat’s fur.

Tortoise shell hair comb

Character traits inherent in the breed

According to the stories of owners of Persian pets, keeping a cat at home is a lot of fun. This is a playful representative of the cat family who loves his owner immensely. In addition, the breed has the following character traits:

  • Persians have soft character traits and a very pleasant voice, which the cat practically never uses;
  • the Persian constantly demands love and attention from his owners, repaying the same in return;
  • the breed is gentle and pampered, although undemanding compared to other representatives of cats;
  • the cat remains devoted to its owner until the end of its life, not forgetting to show its status.

Features of caring for a pet

The Persian cat can be classified as one of the most demanding animals in terms of care. Due to the very long and thick coat, it is important to take good care of your pet every day. Otherwise, the wool rolls down and balls form. Every person who decides to have a Persian at home should have metal combs with teeth of different lengths, as well as brushes with different degrees of bristiness in their arsenal. You will also need a whole arsenal of cosmetics: shampoos, conditioners and, of course, talc.

In addition, the cat suffers from regular eye discharge and breathing problems, so it is important to clean the eyes from time to time . Having decided to have a fluffy Persian cat at home, it is important to be prepared to constantly care for the fur, bathe the animal, and also clean the eyes and ears. Only by giving care and love to an animal can you receive affection and devotion in return.

Pros and cons of the breed

Persians, like cats of any other breed, have both positive and negative traits.

Beautiful exteriorPredisposition to snoring
Calm dispositionDifficult coat care

Persians are attractive animals with a frowning face and luxurious long hair. Their angelic appearance, complemented by a calm, friendly disposition, makes them desirable pets for many lovers of fluffy cats who are willing to spend time caring for their thick, luxurious fur coat.

How to choose the right kittens?

When choosing a Persian kitten, it is important to pay attention to how playful and active he is. A healthy animal does not sit still for long, and its coat is shiny. The kitten's belly should be soft to the touch, and no unpleasant odors should be emitted from the mouth. When buying an animal, it is important to ask the breeder for all the accompanying documentation and see in what conditions the Persian kitten was kept.

It is advisable to buy an animal at two months of age , when the kitten can feed itself and its body is fully formed. If a person decides to get a pet for the purpose of breeding, then it is better to buy the animal from a nursery at the age of 4 months, when any defects, if the kittens have any, can be easily identified. Photos of Persian predators will also help you decide on the choice of a red or white furry pet.

The times when the purchase of a Persian cat was available only to wealthy sultans or other nobility have long since sunk into centuries. If a person is fascinated by this cute and beautiful animal, then there is no need to doubt and boldly go to the nursery to acquire a faithful and devoted friend for the whole family.

Cat breeds with tortoiseshell color

Of course, tricolor kittens are also born to outbred cats, but if a person is seriously interested in purchasing a tortoiseshell-colored pet, it would be useful to know in which breeds this color is standard. We suggest getting acquainted with the most common and popular breeds, within which “turtles” appear most often.

Tortoiseshell color is found in outbred cats

British cat

These aristocratic representatives of the cat world look great in tortoiseshell color. There are many variations of the tri-colored British, they are found in the “tortie” type, and in the “calico” and “turtle on white” variations. Breeders distinguish more than eighty types of colors included in the tortoiseshell group: black-red, beige-blue, cinnamon red, chocolate peach and the like.

British tortoiseshell cat

Oriental cat

The Oriental breed is represented by the largest number of colors in the entire cat world. These sociable, intelligent cats are carriers of one of the most beautiful tortoiseshell colors. Like the British, Orientals have more than fifty varieties of tortoiseshell tricolor: a kitten can wear a warm or cool coat, a patterned or checkerboard coat.


Basic moments

  • The Persian cat is exclusively a domestic animal in the literal sense of this definition. Representatives of this breed have lost the ability to hunt; they cannot run fast or make high jumps. Your pet will not need walks outside.
  • Persians love to lie down for a long time. Such inactivity is typical for all representatives of the breed and is not a sign of any physical ailment.
  • Persian cats are very calm and do not need large spaces. They will never bother you with their activity and get under your feet. For the same reason, you won’t have to be upset about torn curtains and damaged upholstery of upholstered furniture.
  • Persians are very affectionate and do not like to be alone. They will even prefer to sleep in bed with you and it is difficult to wean them from this.
  • The animal’s kind, easy-going disposition allows even the smallest children to be left alone with it without fear.
  • Owners of Persian cats note their high intelligence. They are well trained, follow simple commands, and quickly get used to the litter box.
  • The Persian will rarely draw attention to his problems by meowing. In most cases, he will simply come to the owner and begin to look at him intently, as if trying to mentally convey to you the essence of his request.
  • Due to their balanced character, these “sofa” cats easily find a common language with other pets and peacefully share their living space with them.
  • The Persian cat will treat all household members peacefully and calmly; some wariness may appear only when a stranger appears, but this will not last long.
  • The attractive appearance of the animal makes most people want to take a cat in their arms. If she resists, never insist. The Persian does not like violence and can hold a grudge for a long time.
  • Persian cats have a tendency to overeat. They often beg in an effort to get a tidbit from their owner. If you do not accustom your pet to a certain diet and indulge his gastronomic desires, then health problems due to obesity will not take long to occur.

Character and intellectual abilities

Persian chinchilla cat, Himalayan Persians, exotics and other subtypes of the breed - they are all wonderful in their own way. They are united by a humble and peaceful character. You need to work hard to interest the Persian in any action. Lying on the sofa and lazing around the fireplace is a joy.

At the same time, the Persian cat greatly values ​​the attention of its owner, becomes attached to him and is afraid of condemnation. She will easily follow instructions regarding household order and will submit to initial training. This cat treats strangers with curiosity, not aggression.

It is interesting that having a pet reduces discomfort in various diseases. Persians are excellent at treating osteochondrosis and back pain.

Dogs, birds and other pets will certainly find a common language with a friendly Persian. It’s great if you choose a Persian kitten - he will give everyone affection and will not bother you with his continuous meowing.

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