American Shorthair - character, cost, price and features of choosing kittens (115 photos)

The American Shorthair or shorthaired pointer is a breed that is considered a symbol of the United States, like baseball and apple pie. They are considered indigenous and the undisputed pride of the country. These cats belong to the short-haired category and lived in America, where they arrived along with the first settlers more than 400 years ago.

Initially, sailors took them with them on trips on ships to reduce the number of rodents, and later these cats already lived on every ranch and farm. It is for this reason that a strong gene pool was formed on the basis of these animals. They are excellent hunters and affectionate pets that are easy to care for. American Shorthairs are the ancestors of such breeds as the Maine Coon, Bombay and Ocicat.

The formation of American Shorthair cats into a separate breed was not easy and took a long time. Until 1966, they were not identified as a separate species and were exhibited as domestic shorthairs. But at one of the exhibitions, a male named Jimmy received the title of best cat, which significantly increased the demand for this breed.


Two cats of this breed were brought to Russia from America only in 2007, and it was from them that the first blood American kittens originated. Now their numbers have increased significantly and the popularity of this breed is gradually growing, winning the hearts of more and more cat lovers.

Description of American Shorthair cat standards:

  • the body is medium in size, distinguished by strength and muscularity, the weight of males can reach 8 kg, females - 5 kg;
  • the head is large, round in shape, its length is equal to its width, with round cheeks, a wide muzzle and a weighty chin;
  • the ears are small, set wide apart, rounded at the ends;
  • the eyes are almond-shaped, set wide apart, the color is different, should be in harmony with the color, the breed is distinguished by clearly defined eyebrows
  • the neck is muscular, short;
  • the legs are short with round paws, strong and powerful, but despite this, these cats are distinguished by an easy and relaxed gait;
  • the tail is long and tapers at the end;
  • The fur is short, thick, soft to the touch, with a dense undercoat; the color can be varied.

History of origin

In the United States, the breed arose thanks to European settlers who brought cats to the continent. Most often, with their help, Americans were able to avoid the plague pandemic that terrorized the cities.

The American Shorthair breed was officially registered only in 1904.

History of the origin of the American Shorthair cat breed

History believes that their ancestors were European forest cats. Wild cats came to England when the Romans gave them to the English to protect grain from rodents. At that time, there was even a law protecting animals in Britain. Everyone who took their lives and mocked them received serious fines.

Later, the animals had to face the Inquisition, which exterminated the breed. Animals were believed to be associated with magic. This is how the population of wild European cats decreased.


In the 21st century, the American Shorthair occupies a leading position in the ranking of cat breeds.

They were remembered during the plague, when the cities were filled with rat carriers. Very quickly the cats spread throughout England. They entered America during the Gold Rush. Cats were brought on ships, where they protected food from rodents. Already at the end of the 19th century, animals inhabited the entire territory of the United States and became very popular.

The variety was first registered in 1900. She was given a name - domestic shorthair. Later the cat became known as the American Shorthair. At the beginning of the 20th century, a selective breeding plan was created aimed at preserving and developing the breed.

Breeders selected ideal breeding pairs who had an easy-going character and good appearance. In 1904, a kitten named Buster Brown was officially registered - a true descendant of cats that came to America on ships. This is the first official representative of the American Shorthair.

After this, breeders created a clear algorithm for breeding short-haired cats. So by 1930 they enriched the basic breed standard with completely different combinations. There are already more than 80 different colors, including black, white, and tricolor. Until the end of the 20th century, cats were called domestic shorthairs. Since 1966, the cat is officially called the American Shorthair and becomes famous.


The breed came to Russia in 2007. The KC Dancers cattery sent the cat Lucky and the cat Cleopatra to Moscow.

Over time, the cat has changed in appearance. She became larger, her fur became thicker. One thing has remained unchanged - their good health and ability to hunt.


The cat has a fairly developed and muscular body, passed down to it from its hunter ancestors. As an adult, it can weigh up to 8-9 kg. It has a wide muzzle with large almond-shaped eyes. The coat is dense and thick, but rather short.

Color varies from black to blue. The tabby (silver merle) color is considered the most popular among breeders. They have medium-sized ears slightly rounded at the ends and large cheeks.

Choosing a kitten and its cost

To buy a healthy pet, you should follow several rules:

  1. For a purebred kitten, it is better to contact a good nursery. Sick or out-of-breed animals are often sold in markets, message boards and pet stores. Nurseries are interested in further breeding; they monitor the health and appearance of their charges.
  2. The kitten is given to the owner at the age of 3 months. By this age, he is given his first vaccinations, taught to use a litter tray, and weaned off cat milk. At the age of three months, the kitten has a stronger psyche and a developed body.
  3. If an American Shorthair cat has abnormalities, a description of the breed will help you avoid purchasing a non-pedigreed kitten. It is important to familiarize yourself with the characteristics of the animal in advance and remember its external description.
  4. Before buying, you should watch the kitten. He should be active, curious, playful. A bad signal is moving away from people, hiding in a corner, or painfully meowing at a simple touch.
  5. Eyes and ears should be dry and clean. The body is moderately well-fed. You cannot buy a kitten - this is an unhealthy sign. The coat should be clean and shiny, there should be no bald spots or red spots.

In nurseries, kittens can be sold without documents. The price for such a cat varies between 10-15 thousand rubles.

If an animal is purchased for further breeding or exhibitions, you should contact elite nurseries. It is necessary to have all documents - vaccination passport, pedigree, etc. The price for such a kitten is 20-30 thousand rubles.


Friendly couch potato is the most appropriate description of American Shorthair cats. They like to lie on their owners' laps, relax and lazily watch what is happening. They love to purr and bask in the arms of a person for whom they have boundless sympathy.

They get along well with children and other animals, are inquisitive and playful. They adapt perfectly to any conditions and do not require special attention.

They are obedient and smart, never becoming a source of noise and disorder in the house. They are very independent and smart, with an easy-going character.

Characteristics and habits

The American Shorthair cat has a balanced and easy-going character. She is moderately active, moderately lazy, treats people well and loves children. Not demanding.


This is an ideal cat for a family whose members are constantly at work or school.

Activity and curiosity

Cats of this breed never refuse to play, especially under the age of 1 year. Over time, cats reduce their activity and become calm. Pets are loyal to moving, changing surroundings, and traveling.

They are unobtrusive. If the owner is not in a good mood or is busy with important matters, they do not bother him. Cats are independent and have fun alone. They spend the breaks between games in sweet sleep.


The American Shorthair cat breed is prone to obesity. Active physical activity with the owner is necessary for losing excess calories and being in good physical shape.

Communication with people and other pets

American Shorthair cats are wonderful companions for humans. She respects personal boundaries, but is always happy to chat.

Reviews note that while no one is home, the cat enjoys privacy. She will be able to find her own entertainment. During the daytime they prefer to sleep. The pet adapts to the owner’s work schedule. When he arrives, he will definitely wake up and meet the person at the door.

They get along well with other animals, with the exception of rodents and birds.


Despite its friendly attitude towards humans, the cat cannot be called tame. They prefer short-term close contacts of no more than 10 minutes.


The American Shorthair cat, despite its playful nature, has a developed intelligence. She is easy to teach basic skills. They quickly determine the location of the tray, scratching posts, toys, etc. Breeders rate the intellectual development of the breed 8 points out of 10.


Animals never cause chaos in the apartment. While the person is not at home, they rest peacefully.

Hunting instinct

This is the best mousetrap in the world. They only need 2-3 attacks to catch the unfortunate creature. The ancestors of this breed even saved people from the plague by quickly exterminating all the rats. Flies, ants, and moths are caught in apartments. Neighborhood with hamsters and house mice is excluded; hunting instincts will always prevail over the animal.

Attitude towards kids

American Shorthair cats respond favorably to small children. Pets are patient, intelligent, always open to communication, and have a friendly attitude. They will be happy to become part of a big family. The child should be explained the rules of behavior and safety precautions with a cat. Even in emergency cases, pets do not release their claws and show patience and care.

Education and training

Cats are already well-mannered enough. They don't steal food from the table, don't ruin clothes, don't mark slippers. They are very clean and use the litter box regularly. They don't like training.

Before you start training your pet, it is important to follow the points on the list:

  1. Establish a warm, trusting relationship with him. Cats only follow commands when they have a close emotional connection with a person.
  2. Get used to activities from early childhood.
  3. Create effective motivation and encouragement.
  4. The training process should resemble a game, rather than a strict teaching process.


The cat's dense coat does not require careful grooming. It is important to brush it twice a year during shedding with a special brush.

It is also advisable to get rid of excess hair with a damp towel or a regular comb.

Water treatments should be performed on your pet only as needed.


The animal has an excellent appetite, so it is completely unpretentious in food. You can feed him dry food or natural products.

But it is worth choosing the right diet so that he does not have problems with excess weight. Your daily menu should include lean meat, vegetables and dairy products.


They will feel comfortable in any conditions. Therefore, American shorthair cats can be owned both in a private home and in an apartment.

But veterinarians recommend occasionally taking your pet out into the fresh air. Due to laziness and a sedentary lifestyle, the cat is prone to obesity, so she needs walks.

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It is important to remember that you should not let your animal go outside without first receiving vaccinations.

Maintenance and care

The American Shorthair is known for its cleanliness, so it is very picky about the litter box. If you haven’t cleaned it up or there’s an unpleasant smell coming from it, then the nitpicker will most likely show character and do his business in other, most unexpected places for you.

You should carefully monitor your pet’s hygiene to avoid a number of diseases. It’s best to start by purchasing personal hygiene products for your pet – brushes and toothpaste. She should brush her teeth every day, carefully so as not to damage the delicate cavity of her mouth.

The next step is to clean the cat's ears, eyes and trim the cat's claws. You should clean your ears as they become dirty, using damp cotton pads. The pet's eyes should also be treated with damp cotton pads, using an individual pad for each eye to avoid various infections.

Nails should be trimmed approximately once every two weeks, using special pliers or by taking your pet to a salon. It will be important to buy a scratching post that will protect your furniture and help the cat independently monitor the neatness of its claws. It is worth teaching a kitten to sharpen its claws in a strictly designated place from the first days of its arrival in the house.

American Shorthairs do not like water procedures, but despite this they are very clean. You should bathe your pet rarely, using a special shampoo. Drying should be monitored, avoiding exposure to drafts.

Cat nutrition requires special attention. This breed is very gluttonous and does not know moderation in food, so it should be fed on a schedule and in strictly limited quantities, with special food, which a specialist will help you choose. When choosing food, you should take into account many nuances; this will help prolong the life of your pet and avoid problems with its health.

The coat of the American Shorthair cat does not require special care; it will be enough to brush it several times a week with a silicone comb or glove. If your pet begins to shed seasonally, the procedure should be repeated every day or even several times a day.


Veterinarians speak of American Shorthair cats as the breed with the best health. With proper care, the animal can live up to 20 years.

One of the main problems of cats is the tendency to be overweight. It’s easy to combat this: the main thing is to keep her busy with active games and keep her diet balanced.

Hip dysplasia, hypertrophic cardiomyopathy and polycystic kidney disease are rare.

Reproduction and lifespan

On average, the American Shorthair lives 12-15 years, but with proper daily care and following all the recommendations, you can extend the life of your pet up to twenty years. To do this, you should visit the veterinarian at least once a year, getting vaccinations and other necessary procedures.

Initially, the reproduction of the breed was not monitored, so mixing occurred, and there were few purebred individuals left. At the beginning of the 20th century, breeders did their best to preserve the breed.

The breeding of cats was strictly controlled, breeding and preserving purebred individuals. In 1904, a purebred direct descendant of the “British” was registered, who came to America with the settlers. This helped create a clear plan for breeding the American Shorthair.

The result was the appearance of many colors: silver, red, black, smoky and others. A clear plan also helped in breeding others from this breed: Bengal, Scottish Fold, Exotic, Maine Coon.

Today there are special nurseries dedicated to breeding American Shorthair cats. Most of them are in America. In Russia, this breed can be found from breeders, but it is quite rare.

How to choose a kitten?

There is a breed standard that you should rely on when choosing a kitten. An American is supposed to have a large and strong body with powerful and strong paws.

The appearance of the coat is of great importance: it should be soft and silky.

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It is recommended to look for representatives of the breed at exhibitions, where the established standard is always observed. The price of an American shorthair cat usually does not exceed 20-30 thousand rubles.

Description and features

The breed received its name only in the 1960s, although it appeared much earlier. Its ancestor is called the European shorthair, which came to America with the first settlers who used the animals to catch mice on ships.

The American Shorthair breed shares common characteristics with its ancestor, but is still very different and is considered more attractive. The weight of an adult cat ranges from 3 to 5 kilograms, depending on care and nutrition. She has a muscular body, which makes her durable and agile.

The head is square-shaped, the neck is short, the ears are small, slightly rounded, the lines of the wide muzzle are smooth, the muzzle is symmetrical and very attractive, the cheeks are plump, the chin is developed, the eyes are set far apart, round, goggle-eyed, the tip of the nose is extended upward, parallel to the lines of the ears. , most often orange-yellowish in color.

Representatives of the breed with a light color may have blue eyes. The American Shorthair cat always looks great in the photo and evokes positive emotions. Due to her attractiveness, she was the one who got the role in an advertisement for the world-famous Whiskas food.

The cat's fur is short, thick, harsh to the touch, does not require careful grooming, and is varied in color (more than fifty variations). Most often you can find a silver color, with black stripes along the entire body, a completely black American Shorthair cat is less common, the red American Shorthair is rightfully considered , because this color is the least common and therefore more in demand among breeders.


They are calm and affectionate, able to comfortably coexist in the house with other pets. They have a pleasant and memorable appearance: photos of the American Shorthair are often used for advertising products.

They do not require special nutrition or specific conditions of detention. They get along well with people, are not afraid of strangers and willingly spend time with children.

Psychological picture

The American Shorthair is an affectionate and friendly cat, a good companion and a very intelligent pet. This cat has a lively mind, is very curious and always tries to be aware of all household chores. You can’t hide or hide anything from her - she’s very bouncy, she loves to study everything and try everything “by the tooth.” Their character is calm and balanced. Although cats are energetic, they are still restrained in showing emotions - they are not aggressive and silent, and will not burden their owner’s ears with obsessive meowing. American Shorthairs are also distinguished by their love of solitude and independence. Tenacious in a private home, they love to explore the surrounding area. They are also very sociable - they are not afraid of new people coming, they easily find contact with all family members and pets. They are tolerant of dogs, but they will not give in if they suddenly decide to offend them, because these cats do not know fear - they have a strong character and remarkable courage. They are also difficult to scare; representatives of this breed usually do not shy away from loud noises. American Shorthairs are also very clean and easy to train, that is, training them to use a litter tray will not be difficult. You can just as easily teach these beauties to walk on a leash or harness, they will be happy about it, because the American Shorthair must receive a sufficient amount of physical activity to fully develop. These cats are moderately independent, they love when their owner caresses them, but they are not inclined to impose their company.

Photo of American Shorthair

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Watch your weight

Obesity is a growing problem for all cat breeds, including the American Shorthair. This can lead to a range of health problems, from heart disease to diabetes.

Talk to your veterinarian at your cat's next annual checkup about a healthy diet and exercise regimen for your high-spirited friend.

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