Egyptian hairless cats: name, photo and description, characteristics of the breed

Among hairless animals, the most famous are hairless Egyptian cats. Despite the fact that the breed was officially registered only in the middle of the 20th century in the USA, the first mentions of unusual cats are found in ancient chronicles.

This breed received its further development thanks to the work of breeders and breeders in America and Canada. They managed to fix a genetic recessive mutation and breed completely hairless animals, which are today recognized by the vast majority of international felinological organizations. The name of the hairless Egyptian cat is Sphynx. We will talk about the characteristics of this breed, the nature of the animals and the rules for caring for them in this article.

History of the Sphinxes

Egyptian hairless cats were sacred animals of Egypt that lived in temples. It was believed that they were intermediaries between man and the gods. Sculptural images of these cats guarded the entrance to the sanctuaries and tombs of the Egyptian pharaohs.

In surviving manuscripts, other nationalities also mentioned their existence - the Aztecs, Indians and Mexicans. Experts believe that the breed of Egyptian hairless cats is one of the most ancient on our planet.

Hairless Egyptian cats have lost their popularity over time. However, the breed was revived in Canada and the USA in the second half of the 20th century. The Egyptian hairless cat reappeared in Toronto in 1966. One ordinary short-haired purr gave birth to a completely hairless kitten.

The unusual breed received its modern development thanks to the efforts of breeders and breeders from America. They managed to fix the genetic mutation and breed completely hairless cats, which quickly attracted the interest of animal lovers all over the world. Tatyana Smirnova, who brought two representatives of the breed from America, was engaged in breeding hairless cats in our country.

History of appearance

The first mentions of hairless cat breeds can be found in ancient documents. Such an animal was on the same level of importance as “naked” domestic dogs. The Egyptians deified the cat: images of it decorated the walls of temples and ancient writings.

In 1903, the Sphynx brother and sister were described in The Book of Cats. They were called the last representatives of this breed. The owner did not cross the kittens of the same litter, and this was equivalent to the fact that the exotic gene would disappear forever. However, after some time in Canada, a completely ordinary cat gives birth to a hairless kitten.

The second branch of the breed occurs in Russia: in Rostov-on-Don, a local resident picks up a hairless cat on the street, which will later give birth to her copy. And in 1994, the Peterbald breed was established - the St. Petersburg type of hairless cats.

External features

Egyptian hairless cats, photos of which we posted in this material, have a very unusual appearance. At the same time, they have a certain magic and magnetism. These are medium-sized animals, weighing no more than seven kilograms. Despite their seemingly slight build, they are muscular and strong. On a large wedge-shaped head, large ears and expressive oval eyes are set wide apart.

Sphynxes have a somewhat convex belly, a broad chest, long limbs and a thin, long tail. Their skin is wrinkled, especially in the neck, head and shoulder girdle. This gives the animals a rather gloomy appearance. Fans of fluffy cats often find this breed unattractive, but thousands of people consider their appearance to be sophisticated and aristocratic.


The outlines of their body and head are soft, smooth, and there are no straight lines in the figure. These cats have massive chests and a round belly, like a ball. The front legs are slightly crooked, but this does not prevent the animals from moving gracefully. The hind legs are slightly longer than the front ones, and the tail is flexible, like a whip. Sphynxes do not have mustaches, but their ears are quite large (for domestic cats). The eyes are shaped like lemons, and according to the standard they are in harmony with the color.

Such cats are often called “hot water bottles”: the temperature of a hairless kitten is approximately 42 degrees, adults are a little “colder”: 39-40 degrees. They have thick skin with numerous folds. Kittens of this breed are completely wrinkled for the first month, but as they grow older, all their folds disappear. The more folds on a cat's body, the higher its value is estimated. If there are no folds at all, such a cat is considered a “marriage” and is no longer called a sphinx.

The Sphynx feels like kid suede to the touch. The velvety effect is created due to the short fluff that is on the skin. Due to their pronounced pigmentation, sphinxes have a clear color: most often they are white, less often they have a solid or tortoiseshell skin color.

Where's the wool?

A special feature of the Sphinx is its fur, or rather its absence. Why are Egyptian cats hairless? According to felinologists, this is due to a natural mutation of the gene responsible for fur, which was later fixed by crossing with short-haired animals. In fact, the descendants of Egyptian hairless cats have hair on their skin, but it is so short and thin that it is impossible not only to see it, but also to feel it when stroking the Sphynx.

Sometimes there is pubescence on the face, ears, tail, paws and groin. These animals do not always have eyebrows and mustaches.

Health and life expectancy

The average life expectancy of sphinxes is 12-15 years.
Following the requirements of proper nutrition and a balanced diet, these cats rarely visit veterinary clinics. Health problems are often caused by hypothermia and poor hygiene. Problems may arise due to the animal's prolonged exposure to sunlight. However, there are diseases characteristic of sphinxes - urticaria, various skin irritations, rashes. For them, one of the health problems is hypertrophic cardiomyopathy.

With it, the septum between the ventricles of the heart suffers. However, geneticists have no evidence that it is associated with poor heredity. Another disease is myopathy - it is inherited. This disease is common in Devon Rex dogs. The Sphynx's body temperature normally reaches 39 degrees, which is much higher than that of other cat breeds.

Sphynx colors

In the description of Egyptian hairless cats, various colors are mentioned. The breed standard allows several of them.


  • grey:
  • lilac;
  • white;
  • ginger;
  • black;
  • pinkish and blue.


  • grey-lilac;
  • white-gray;
  • black chocolate;
  • tabby;
  • biocolor (primary color + white);
  • color point (reminiscent of the color of Siamese cats).

Under the sun's rays, such a pet can tan, and then its color becomes brighter.

Sphinx character

Sphinxes have a versatile and rich character. These are smart, intelligent animals that show a complete understanding of the words and requests of the owner, and easily remember simple commands and their name. Hairless cats prefer to lead an active lifestyle; they like to follow their owner, overcome obstacles, and jump from one object to another. There is something doggy about them, they also love to play, fetch objects, they become very attached to their owner, miss him, and seek companionship.

The breed is considered decorative, so cats have almost no hunting instinct. They get along well with other animals and are not afraid of large dogs. They are kind and affectionate, but sometimes they can turn into a real fury, showing their teeth and claws to the enemy. Each individual has character traits; behavior is not always a character trait of the breed.

The owners of sphinxes say that the animals seem to understand that they are completely dependent on humans and are grateful to him for his care. This breed of cat lacks not only fur, but also whiskers, the most important cat “device”. If you find yourself on the street or in the wild, the sphinx will die almost immediately.

Egyptian hairless cats: character

Despite the fact that representatives of the breed do not have the most attractive appearance, this disadvantage is more than compensated by their friendly character, devoid of even a hint of aggression. These animals are fun and playful, so if you are planning to buy an Egyptian hairless cat, be prepared to clean up after her.

Sphinxes really need human attention. They love it when their owners talk to them. Hairless cats have a hard time being alone. Representatives of the breed are characterized by depression due to lack of communication. It manifests itself as lethargy and apathy of the animal.

It’s not for nothing that felinologists call sphinxes the aristocrats of the cat world: they are extremely vulnerable. Therefore, ideally, the owner should choose company for such a pet, especially if a long trip is planned. Sphinxes get along well with all animals, and they are not afraid of dogs at all and communicate with him as equals.

Hairless cats have a rather contradictory character. They, like dogs, can spend several hours anxiously waiting at the door for their beloved owner. Seeing their owner after a long separation, they do not hide the joyful emotions that engulf them. Hairless cats are active and have a lively character. They will not refuse toys, special exercise equipment, and during the owner’s absence they often entertain themselves, which can become a problem for owners who do not know how to curb their pet’s irrepressible temperament and wean it from playing with curtains and climbing through cabinets.

Hairless cats easily find a common language with children, although they do not feel any special affection for them: they behave with restraint and even coldness. In this regard, breeders do not recommend purchasing such a pet for families with very young children. It is better for them to pay attention to more patient and affectionate pets, such as Ragdolls or Scots.

They usually avoid strangers in the house or demonstrate complete disinterest in communication in front of guests. But they will never allow themselves even a hint of aggression towards a stranger. If they are particularly fond of a stranger, they may demonstrate their unusual eating skills using their front paws. And the talents of these smart animals don’t stop there.

These unusual cats reveal the softer traits of their character to their owners - they become attached to all family members, although they single out one owner, who gets the lion's share of love and affection. Representatives of this breed do not have a hunting instinct, which is due to their decorative nature. Hairless cats do not have whiskers, so they cannot survive outside.

Interesting facts about sphinxes

This breed has many interesting stories about itself that they have acquired over their long history. Here are some facts about sphinxes:

  • Sphynxes are very smart animals, but with a sensitive psyche. You can’t shout at them, much less hit them.
  • These cats have a high appetite, which is associated with a fast metabolism and elevated body temperature.
  • Many owners notice that in terms of their activity and ability to climb, they are similar to monkeys, and in terms of the degree of attachment to their owner, they are similar to a dog.

Due to the characteristics of the skin, all flaws in the figure are noticeable, especially excess weight gain. This breed has an increased tendency to become obese, so it is important to monitor the animal’s diet and body weight.

Interesting read: everything about the Balinese breed.


By nature, hairless cats are generously endowed with a sharp mind and good memory. They are easy to train and can perform various tricks. For example, opening doors, bringing small objects in the teeth to the owner, etc. They get used to the tray instantly, you just have to show where it is. Sphinxes are smart, but they need training to bring out their best natural qualities.

Hairless cats are extremely curious, so constant monitoring of such a pet is necessary. The Sphinx should be raised without screaming or physical influence. The animal simply will not understand the reason for such treatment. Use a stern, emotional tone in your speech if your pet has done something wrong.

Sphynx temperament

Sphinxes are naturally endowed with intelligence and good memory. Among the representatives of the breed there are the most intelligent cats that are easy to train and can be taught various tricks. These animals are incredibly smart, but they require some training to develop their natural qualities. The hairless Sphynx cat, whose breed description indicates natural curiosity, needs constant monitoring. A cat should not be left unattended outside for long periods of time as it could end up in a potentially dangerous situation.

Domestic Sphynx cats often show activity and a lively character. They do not refuse entertainment, toys, cat exercise equipment, so during the absence of the owner they can amuse themselves on their own. The lively antics of Sphynxes often become a source of headaches for owners who do not know how to curb their pet’s temperament and wean it from climbing cabinets and playing with curtains.

By nature, sphinxes are the most unusual cats with a contradictory disposition. They, like dogs, can spend hours in trembling excitement at the door, waiting for the owner to return home. Cats do not hide their joy and emotions when they see their owner after a long separation. At the same time, the Sphynx cat does not show special affection for other pets and children and behaves coldly and reservedly towards them.

Because of this, breeders do not often offer families with growing children to buy a Sphynx cat, the price of which is about $1,000 for a “show” class pet. Married couples with children are advised to pay attention to more affectionate and patient pets, such as Scots or Raigdolls. Read about Scottish cats in the article “The Scottish cat is an animal with a gentle temperament and a loyal character.”

Hairless cat health

When purchasing a defenseless, wrinkled, naked kitten, owners should know that at home, with good care, Sphynx cats live on average about 14 years, and they need special care. Due to the lack of fur, these animals are sensitive to climate and weather changes. They cannot easily tolerate extreme cold or heat.

Sphynx cats suffer from hyperhidrosis. Impurities and oil deposits accumulate on their skin. Therefore, it should be wiped regularly with a damp sponge.

Hairless cats are prone to developing allergic reactions that manifest as skin rashes.

Varieties of the Sphynx breed

Today there are seven varieties of the Sphynx breed. Three of them are called pioneers - the main branches of the breed that arose as a result of spontaneous mutation, naturally. The rest are a product of selection; they were bred later.

As a result of spontaneous mutations, the following appeared:

  • Canadian Sphynx;
  • Don Sphinx;
  • Cohona (rubber, Hawaiian hairless)

As a result of breeding programs, the following were developed:

  • The Peterbald was obtained by crossing the Don Sphynx and an Oriental cat.
  • Minskin, the Canadian Sphynx, Munchkin, Devon Rex and Burmese were used for breeding.
  • Bambinle is a Canadian Sphynx and a Munchkin.
  • Ukrainian Levkoy was obtained by crossing the Don Sphynx, Peterbald, Oriental, Scottish Fold, Persian, and domestic cats.


It is very important to discuss your unusual pet's diet with your veterinarian. It can be based on Royal Canin for cats, formulated taking into account the characteristics of this breed. You can choose another complete composition of good quality.

If the owner prefers to feed his pet natural food, then it should contain a lot of protein (offal, meat) with the addition of cereals and dairy products. In addition, caring for a Sphynx involves the following procedures:

  • nail trimming;
  • rubbing the eyes;
  • ear cleaning;
  • bathing.

How to care for a Sphynx

You can train your Sphynx to use the litter tray simply by showing him the right place to go. Even if the kitten does not understand this the first time, the kitten needs to be shown again. If the owner notices that the cat begins to behave unusually and begins to look for a place, it is necessary to immediately transfer the kitten to the litter box. In general, caring for an animal does not have any special conditions. The main difference in caring for this breed is its coat. A cat sweats a lot due to its high body temperature - the cat needs to be bathed frequently, at least once a week.

These cats need to be wiped down daily. This is best done with wet wipes. Dead fur hairs are removed in the same way. Ears and eyes should be cleaned periodically. To do this, you can use cotton swabs soaked in warm water. Once a week, it is important to wipe your eyes with a damp cotton pad to remove discharge from the tear ducts. You can use chamomile infusion or weakly brewed tea.

There are some requirements for swimming:

  • water temperature should be 36-38 degrees;

  • During the procedure, you need to talk to the animal in a calm, pleasant voice so as not to cause stress and discomfort;
  • It is better to bathe the animal in thick, dense foam;
  • You can’t wash your hair so that water doesn’t get into your ears;
  • After bathing, the cat should be wrapped in a towel and dried well.

Once a month it is necessary to brush your teeth. To do this, you need to purchase special brushes. It is also necessary to cut your nails regularly. This breed is distinguished by long claws that require special attention.

How much does an Egyptian hairless cat cost?

The answer to this question is of interest to all people who are planning to purchase such an unusual pet. The cost of a Sphynx largely depends on the class of the chosen kitten. For example, a baby who in the future will be able to take part in exhibitions, including international ones, can cost more than a thousand dollars (64,800 rubles at today's exchange rate). Such a pet meets all existing standards and is allowed for mating.

If you do not plan to participate in exhibitions, you can purchase a pet-class kitten. It will cost you 200 dollars (12,970 rubles). Such animals have minor defects in the exterior, which do not allow them to be exhibited. This will not make your unusual pet any less loved. In any case, the price of the Sphynx is set by the breeder, and it is discussed individually at the time of the purchase and sale transaction.

Of all the variety of cats, hairless cats undoubtedly stand out in appearance. If you want to have a smart, intelligent pet who will be attached to you with all his soul, pay attention to this unusual breed.

Cost of a Sphynx kitten

Pet lovers who are attracted to cats without hair are interested in knowing what the average cost of a purebred Sphynx is. The answer to the question: how much does a Sphynx cat cost depends on the kitten’s belonging to a certain class. In particular, an exhibition Sphynx cat, which can only be purchased from professional breeders, can cost more than a thousand dollars. This pet meets all standards and can be used for mating.

Pet class kittens are more affordable. Such a Sphynx cat, the price of which is about 200 dollars, may have some defects in the exterior and is not allowed to participate in exhibitions. However, she will become a devoted pet for lovers of unusual cat breeds. In any case, the question of how much a Sphynx cat costs, the price of which is set by the breeder, is always discussed individually at the time of purchase.

Sphynxes are hypoallergenic cats that are distinguished by their peculiar disposition and unusual appearance.

In relation to strangers, sphinxes are reserved and cold - they can demonstrate complete disinterest, but at the same time they will never allow themselves to show aggression towards a stranger. These unusual cats reveal softer character traits to their owners - they become very attached to family members and demonstrate friendliness, tenderness and affection.

Food Advocates

Cats were first domesticated in Egypt about 10,000 years ago after several cats strayed into agricultural farms. Ancient Egyptian societies were largely agrarian and faced many challenges in protecting their products from pests such as mice, rats and snakes. While food was not abundant and what little was stored was subject to rodent attacks, cats played a critical role in ensuring food security.

A cat herds geese - satirical ostracon ca. 1120 BC e. Cairo Museum

The ancient Egyptians learned early on that wild cats saved their crops by eating rodents. Soon, many households began leaving food out for cats to entice them to visit their homes more regularly. At some point, almost all Egyptian families had cats, which helped keep rodents and other threats at bay.

This relationship was seen as a symbiotic or reciprocal relationship in which both the cats and the Egyptians benefited. Cats enjoyed life with people because it meant they had access to excess food (parasites as well as food left out for them by humans) and could avoid threats such as large predators. On the other hand, the Egyptians got free pest control!

Farmers welcomed their presence as they helped keep their produce rodent-free. Soon, migrating farmers, sailors, traders (basically everyone) took domestic cats wherever they went, which is how cats were introduced to numerous places throughout Egypt.

Main breeds and colors

It is not difficult to give a general description of the breed. An adult animal can reach 5 kg in weight and up to 40 cm in height. In addition to developed muscles, a small head and a very high body temperature, each of the varieties has its own characteristics. The Sphynx cat currently has only three varieties: Canadian, Don and St. Petersburg Sphynx. The Sphynx cat has existed for about 50 years and is considered the ancestor in the new history of the Sphynx. Canadian Sphynxes are medium-sized and the most wrinkled, with a short nose, huge ears and equally huge eyes.

The Don Sphynx is the largest. His ears are just as big, his eyes are smaller, and his nose is larger. The mustache is well defined. The St. Petersburg Sphynxes appeared due to the crossing of Sphynxes with Oriental cats. They have long, thin limbs, large, pointed ears, and almond-shaped eyes that come in shades of blue and green.

The peculiarity of the breed is that each species has skin covered with very short hair, like the skin of a peach. So it is not entirely correct to consider these cats completely hairless. The color of a cat comes in a wide variety of colors, and can surprise you with the types of “patterns” on the skin. There are white, black, chocolate, lilac and even blue cats.

Why is the cat a sacred animal in Egypt?

For several centuries, archaeologists have found cave paintings, vases, and figurines depicting cats in Egypt. And this may already be a sign that even in ancient times the Egyptians revered and respected these animals. Cats in Ancient Egypt were decorated, given various gifts and worshiped. According to scientists and according to documents that have survived to this day, cats occupied a special place in the history of the peoples inhabiting the Nile Valley. It was in Egypt that the cat was first tamed and domesticated. The pharaohs treated cats that lived in palaces with even more reverence. On the day the cat died, the pharaohs went into seventy days of mourning. Why did the Egyptians fall in love with cats? There are several versions.

Excellent rodent fighter

The most basic and widespread food product in Ancient Egypt were various cereals (barley, wheat). Rodents were a real disaster for people. Even a small population of mice could destroy all a family's grain reserves, thereby dooming the family to starvation. The Egyptians needed to preserve their crops, and cats could be the best protectors. Cats could also be good hunters, catching not only rodents, but also birds, which also caused great damage to crops.

Features of the religion of Ancient Egypt

Initially, before the formation of religion with the Pantheon of Gods, there was a Cult of Animals in Egypt.
People worshiped various animals and revered them for their power and strength. The Egyptians simply adored cats. They worshiped this animal so much that they practically made them gods. The cat's glowing eyes in the dark made the ancient Egyptians feel trembling fear. The ability of a cat to appear silently and disappear just as silently evoked respect mixed with horror, attributing it to magical properties available only to the Gods. The Egyptians admired these soft and furry creatures. There is evidence in historical literature that when a Roman cart driver accidentally ran over a sacred animal, he was immediately killed by an angry crowd that attacked him. If a cat was killed by someone in Egypt, it was considered a terrible crime and was punishable by death. Also, on pain of death, the export of cats from the country was prohibited. goddess Bastet

It was in Egypt that cats were given various gifts. There are many examples of this: the god Ra was depicted as a red cat. The ruler of the hearth, female beauty and fertility, the goddess Bastet (Bast) was depicted as a woman with the face of a cat. In honor of this cat goddess, temples were built and annual holidays were held, and the priests made sacrifices both to the goddess Bastet and to the cats who lived at the temples. The cat was loved for its cleanliness and immense care for its offspring. And these properties were also attributed to the goddess Bastet.

If there was a fire in the house, people would rush into the fire to make sure that there were no cats left there. Dead cats were mummified and buried with special honors, and the family shaved off their eyebrows as a sign of grief. The cult of Bastet was officially banned by Pharaonic decree in 390 AD. Thus, religious interest in cats began to wane in Egypt, and although they remained as pets, they were no longer objects of worship in temples.

Love played a cruel joke

But such a great love for cats once turned out to be a different side for the Egyptians. In 525 BC. Egypt was attacked by the Persians. The Persian king, Cambyses II, decided on an insidious, vile cunning. Using knowledge of the great love and religiosity of the Egyptians for cats, he ordered his warriors to attach cats to their shields. Thus, the Egyptians faced a difficult choice - break the law and kill the sacred animal or surrender with virtually no fight. In the end, we chose the second one. Thus, Cambyses II, thanks to his sophisticated cruelty and knowledge of the laws of another country, was able to conquer Egypt.

Only wealthy people could keep a cat in their home, since the cat required special care, which was not very cheap. Cats didn't just eat mice. The cats were given the best pieces of meat or fish.

Cats in Egypt today

Cats and people have lived together for more than 6,000 years. Despite this, unlike other domestic animals (cows, horses, dogs), the cat managed to maintain its primitive independence and free character. Today, in Egypt, the cat is as common a pet as in many other countries. Some people are avid cat lovers, while others can’t stand these fluffy creatures. But, nevertheless, living under one roof for such a long time could not help but leave its mark on the behavior of both people and cats. As before, they try not to offend cats (so as not to incur the wrath of the Gods). Man constantly uses cat motifs in his creativity, be it fine art, sculpture or cinema. Love and respect for cats seems to be already in the Egyptians' genes.

The Sphynx is Egypt's most famous cat

The Sphinx is a mythical creature with the body of a lion (a member of the cat family) and the head of a man, falcon or ram. The word itself is of Greek origin and is translated as “strangler.” The ancient Egyptian name of this creature could not be established. Such statues personified the pharaoh defeating his enemies. The statue of sphinxes was installed in temples and near burial vaults. The most famous Great Sphinx - one of the oldest sculptures on Earth - is located in Giza, on the west bank of the Nile, near the Pyramid of Cheops.

Currently, there is also a breed of Sphynx cats, which in turn is divided into:

— Don Sphynx;

— Canadian Sphynx;

— Petersburg Sphynx or Peterbald.

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