Ukrainian Levkoy cat is an experimental cat breed

The founder of the new breed of cats was Kiev felinologist Elena Biryukova. Ukrainian Levkoy is the fruit of her many years of work, which has been carried out since 2000. To create the breed, the Don Sphynx and Scottish Fold were crossed. The breed has only recently existed; in 2007, the first nursery for its representatives was created, but it has already managed to find its admirers.

Characteristics of this breed:

CharacteristicRating using a five-point system
Shedding intensity1
Communication skills with people4
Attitude towards strangers3 (complete indifference, without a bit of aggression)
Interaction with children4
Activity level3
Health status3
The need to communicate with owners4
Picky eating3
Showing affection5
Intellectual abilities4
Need for care3
Maintenance cost4
Get along with other pets5
Need for clothing5

The breed is characterized based on statistical data and reviews from owners. These are average readings taken as a result of assessing the behavior of an individual representative. Therefore, individual differences are possible.

Levka without fur

Breed Features

The Ukrainian Levkoy, according to the WCF provisional standard, is a hairless cat whose unusual feature is lop ears. The body of the individual is medium in size, elongated, with good muscles. The animal is soft and hot to the touch.


A detailed description of the Ukrainian Levkoy includes the following criteria:

  1. Head. It has the shape of an elongated wedge. The size is average. If you look from above, it will look like a pentagon with rounded outlines, longer than wide. The cranial area is impressive, the forehead is almost flat. The cheekbones are strongly pronounced and located high.
  2. Nose. Not long and not short, not wide. It features a smooth transition to the forehead and has a small step at eye level.
  3. Muzzle. Without sharp corners, rounded. The mustache may be absent, stiff or crimped.
  4. Eyes. They have an almond shape. Not completely open, slightly slanted. Can be of any shade.
  5. Ears. Widely located. In the middle part they have a forward bend. They can be almost pressed to the head or slightly raised.
  6. Torso. Medium size, strong, but not massive. Males are usually larger than females. The chest is oval-shaped, not wide, the back is slightly arched.
  7. Tail. Short and flexible.
  8. Limbs. Elongated and powerful. Paws are oval-shaped with long toes and webbed feet.
  9. Skin covering. There must be folds on it: between the ears, on the neck, in the groin area and under the armpits. Can be completely hairless or covered with fur up to 2 mm (flock type). Partial presence of vegetation on points (brush point type) is also allowed. Straight-haired and brush-coated dogs participate in breeding, but are not allowed for exhibitions. The color can be any.

The Ukrainian Levkoy has amazingly beautiful almond-shaped eyes and unusual forward-curved ears.

Character and behavior

Activity, devotion to people and sociability can be called the main character traits of Ukrainian Levkoys. In addition, these animals are extremely intelligent and easy to train. Thanks to these qualities, Ukrainian Levkoys can be called absolutely problem-free pets and ideal companions.

They easily get along with all household members and other pets. They are very attached to a person, constantly need his presence and communication - they can sit next to him or lie on his lap for hours. Levkoys are sensitive to changes in the mood and well-being of the owner. If the owner is preoccupied with something or feels unwell, the pet will not leave him a single step, will caress and purr until he considers that he has managed to correct the situation.

Ukrainian Levkoys get along well with other pets

Ukrainian Levkoys are unusually playful - they enjoy playing with various kinds of toys or actively spending time with children. They are not vindictive, not aggressive and rarely enter into conflicts.

Little lefties quickly get used to the tray. When visiting it, they behave very carefully - the owner will never see the filler scattered around. Pets are easy to train; if desired, they can be taught simple commands and tricks. It’s not for nothing that many compare their character and behavior to that of a dog.

Levkoys need to know that they are needed, the most important thing for them is the affection and attention of the owner. Loud, sharp sounds and violence are unacceptable for them, but the pets will like the gentle praise of the owner or calm, soothing music

If a person treats the left-handed dog with attention and love, the animal will definitely respond in kind and will not create any problems.

Brief description of Levkoy cats

This is how you can briefly describe the Ukrainian Levkoy breed:

Country of originUkraine
Time of origin of the breed2004
Lifespan12-14 years old
Average cat weight4-6 kg
Cat weight4-5 kg
Height at withersAbout 25 cm
Body length with tail70-75 cm
The cost of a purebred kitten15-25 thousand rubles.
Price of an animal without documentsUp to 10 thousand rubles.

History of origin

In Ukraine, cats are very popular; there are cats in almost every home, but until 2000, felinological activity there was not very developed. Biryukova Elena Vsevolodovna decided to correct the situation and surprise the whole world with her “work”. From the very beginning of the 21st century, she took up the development of sketches of a previously unknown animal specimen, selection calculations and the study of materials on genetics. Then she crossed a representative of the Don Sphynx, who had a mutant gene for hairlessness, and a Scottish Fold with a dominant gene for folding ears.

Levkoy Primero - founder of the breed

As a result of this experiment, in January 2004, the first founder of a completely new cat breed, named Levkoy Primero, was born. The species of animal itself was registered under the name Ukrainian Levkoy. There is such a flower in nature, and due to the similarity of the shape of the cat’s ears, they sound in tune.


Experimental breed of cats - Ukrainian Levkoy
These cats are truly unique in appearance. Even in the same litter there can be babies of different colors.

The main difference between purebred Levkoys is the lack of fur. It happens that fur is present in small quantities and then in isolated areas. Some have fur covering their entire body. Variations in color are also possible.

In any case, you need to focus on the established standard:

Weight of cats6/4.5 kg (males are larger than females)
HeadElongated, wedge-shaped, rectangular in shape. Well-defined cheekbones and arched eyebrows give the skull an angular appearance. The forehead is narrowed, with a smooth transition to the withers. The vibrissae cushions are dense, the vibrissae themselves are thickened and may be curled.
EarsWide set, wide, soft to the touch. At the tips they are slightly curved (in some left-handers they are straight). Usually they are pressed tightly to the head. Individuals with erect ears are called straights.
EyesIn the form of tonsils, medium in size, slightly sloping and covered by the eyelid. The color of the iris is not important.
FrameRectangular-elongated, more massive in the rear. Well developed muscles. The chest is oval. The limbs are muscular, slender, strong with wide paws. The pads are oval with clearly distinguishable toes.
TailRelatively long, mobile, thicker at the beginning and tapering towards the end.
Skin coveringSilky and elastic to the touch, warm. There are folds throughout the body, especially on the head and ears.
WoolCompletely absent. However, some representatives may have a small fuzz.

Hairless cat Levkoy
Disqualifying signs:

  • rounded head;
  • short nose;
  • underdeveloped chin;
  • weak eyelids;
  • strabismus;
  • underdeveloped skeleton.

Levkoi are divided into varieties according to the intensity of their coat:

  • bald;
  • velor - wool up to 3 mm long;
  • flock - edge up to 2 mm;
  • brushpoint - sparse overgrowth;
  • bristly brush - not allowed for exhibitions, but can be used for breeding.

Description of the breed

Levkoy cats are large, with a harmonious build, which is noticeable in the photo. The male weighs 5-6 kg, the females weigh about 4 kg.

Strict breed standards distinguish the Ukrainian Levkoy from the Sphynx; a description of the breed is given in the table.

headsmall, with smooth outlines, slightly elongated, when viewed from above it forms a pentagonal figure, the forehead is low, flattened
muzzlerounded, high cheekbones, with noticeable eyebrows, the nose is level, not wide, the bridge of the nose is parallel to the forehead, the chin is developed, not massive, the vibrissae are short or absent
eyeslarge, almond-shaped, with a pronounced slant, the iris is blue or rich green
earslarge, standing high, directed forward, soft ends drooping
neckmedium length, curved, well-muscled
torsostrong, muscular, not wide chest, arched back
limbslong, sinewy, rounded paws, large, mobile toes
tailthin, tapering from base to tip
skinno hair, it is possible to cover the body with fluff of varying lengths and densities, the skin on the ears, face, neck, under the arms, and in the groin area is wrinkled

The following are considered breed defects in Ukrainian cats:

  • irregular skeletal structure;
  • eyes do not open completely;
  • underdeveloped eyelids;
  • strabismus;
  • round eyes;
  • undeveloped chin;
  • rounded head;
  • short nose.


There are Ukrainian Levkoys with bare skin and hair. According to the length of their fur, cats are divided into:

  • velor – wool 2-3 mm;
  • flock – up to 2 mm;
  • brush – the body is covered with hard, sparse bristles;
  • brush point - the structure of the coat is the same as in the previous type, but the covering of the body is thicker in the “point” areas - tail, muzzle, paws.

There are no restrictions on color. Levkoi are:

  • black;
  • white;
  • blue;
  • lilac;
  • chocolate;
  • red;
  • cream;
  • tabby – striped or spotted color, the lower part of the body is lighter than the upper part, cast in yellow;
  • bicolor – two-color (white makes up half or 2/3 of the color).

Origin story

The Ukrainian Levkoy is a relatively new breed - bred in the 21st century. She owes her origin to felinologist Elena Biryukova. She set out to create completely original cats. Initially, I visualized my ideas in the form of pictures that I drew myself. Gradually I began to realize what exactly I wanted and what breeds could be used as primary sources.

Drawings by Elena Biryukova

The first baby appeared in January 2004 in the nursery owned by Biryukova, called Lada cats. He was christened Levkoy Primero. The kitten was without fur, with curled ears and huge eyes. The name for this breed was not immediately determined. The author saw in her charges certain traits from lions and dragons.

One day she saw a bud of gillyflower, whose petals were exactly like the ears of new cats. The name of the variety was instantly born.

After only 2 years, the original sample acquired multiple offspring - 40 representatives. A year later, these wonderful creatures took part in the WCF exhibition. At the same time, the first nursery for Levkoys appeared. In 2010, hairless cats could already participate in the Ukrainian championships using the ICFA RUI strategy.

Ukrainian cat at an exhibition

Despite the fact that the International Organization of Felinology has not yet recognized this species of feline, seals have gained popularity in many countries.

In 2012, the WCF officially introduced the Levkoy as an independent breed and developed a preliminary standard.

Origin of the breed and its features

The history of the origin of the Ukrainian Lekvoy Sphynx breed begins in 2000, when the first representative of this species was born.

Hairless, lop-eared kittens bred artificially are not yet recognized by the international federation, but have already been presented at several competitions for declaring the breed.

The breed got its name from a beautiful flower, the shape of the petal of which is repeated by the ears of animals bred in Ukraine.

Ukrainian Levkoy (ULV) is a breed of hairless fold-eared cats with an original exterior, formed as a result of crossing cats with a dominant gene for fold-eared Fd (Scottish Fold) and cats with a mutant gene for hairlessness Hrbd (Don Sphynx). This breed received the name “Levy” due to the shape of its ears, reminiscent of the flower of the same name.

Preparatory work for the creation of a new breed began quite recently (2000) with the identification and selection of genotypes, as well as the creation of sketches of the Levkoy phenotype. The work belongs to felinologist Elena Vsevolodovna Biryukova, and now the founder of the breed runs the Ladacats nursery (ICFA RUI Rolandus Union International) in Kyiv (Ukraine).

The breeding commission ICFA RUI registered the first cat of the Ukrainian Levkoy breed. He was born on January 21, 2004 and was named "Levkoy Primero". On October 14, 2007, the first Ukrainian Levkoy nursery “HELEN GRIGS” was registered in Russia (St. Petersburg), and according to various estimates, by 2010 there were over a thousand hairless fold cats in the country.

The Ukrainian Levkoy breed was born relatively recently, about 10 years ago. However, despite this, it quickly became popular. All work on crossing animals was carried out by felinologist Elena Biryukova. She began working on the creation of this breed at the beginning of the 21st century, but achieved final results only after 4 years.

For the experiment, cats of completely different breeds were taken. These are the Don Sphynx and the Scottish Fold. As a result of this, the animals received a bald body from the sphinxes and fold ears from the Scottish breed of cats. In addition, extraordinary handsome men are distinguished by good health and excellent character.

The first appearance of the cat in the world aroused great interest not only among fans of the original breeds, but also among specialists. Today this breed is already quite popular, but so far only in the CIS countries. But international organizations have not yet decided how they should treat unusual Ukrainian cats.

Levkoy colors

The standard does not establish clear boundaries for animal colors. They are different: solid, patterned, spotted. The coloring of babies is determined by the color of their parents. Kittens of light and smoky shades are common, and saffron milk caps are sometimes found. The monochromatic colors include:

  • resinous - looks like a grayish slate, darker paw pads and an almost black nose;
  • blue - light black, with a bluish sheen, with light gray pads and the same nose;
  • chocolate - all shades of brown, paw pads - light cream, nose - the same as the base color;
  • lilac - cold silver with a pinkish inclusion, pillows and nose - lilac-pink;
  • scarlet - fiery red color with clear stripes and spots throughout the body (as cats grow older, they shade);
  • creamy - light scarlet shade, pads and nose - pinkish (cream cats, when mated with cats of different colors, give tortoiseshell offspring);
  • snow-white - without any inclusions, pads and nose - pink, eyes - blue or different.

Of the common colors, they also note:

  1. Tabby - there are stripes and spots; in the neck, belly and inside the paws the tone is lighter with a lemon tint. The nose is pink with a dark border. There are tabbies: black, chocolate, blue.
  2. Bicolor is a combination of the main color and snow-white. The colored areas stand out against the white background (they occupy about a third of the body). One ear is stained, there may be a white spot on the head. There is a white streak on the tail.

Gray - white

Character of the breed

These are surprisingly loving creatures. They are flexible in nature and loyal to their owner. They live well in the neighborhood with other small domestic animals, behave well with children, and do not shy away or show aggression towards strangers in the house. Hairless cats prefer to spend most of their time on their knees.

There is no aggression at all from them, they are the embodiment of kindness and tenderness. Excessive curiosity encourages these tomboys to participate in all everyday activities. Cats are highly intelligent, so they are easy to train and learn quickly. They can independently analyze what is happening and get out of problematic situations with dignity.

very playful creatures
take root in a new place without any problems and quickly understand where to go to the toilet. They are clean from birth, so they never scatter the contents of the tray around.

They immediately understand where they need to sharpen their claws and will not damage furniture or carpets.

These are determined animals who will not doubt their actions. If they need communication, they will come up and touch you with their paw. They can listen, sometimes responding with meows. Therefore, it is an ideal companion for older people. They enjoy participating in outdoor games with children.

In the basket

In terms of devotion to humans, they are similar to dogs. Kitties sense the mood of the owner and will not impose themselves if it is not up to them. They love to walk outside, but due to their bare skin, long walks are fraught with colds.

Their excessive curiosity and restlessness pushes them to explore everything new on the street - they may even taste flowers. At home, everything that breaks must be put away, otherwise the pet, in the excitement of the game, will definitely break or break something. Levkoys do not climb cabinets because they are afraid of heights.

Turned away

How to care for the breed

Unpretentiousness in nutrition and maintenance is the advantage of the Ukrainian Sphynx. The only thing is that due to the lack of wool, they can freeze in the cold winter. Therefore, owners should maintain a certain temperature regime in the apartment or house where the Levka lives. You can choose warm suits and bedding for these cold seasons.

An individual feature of this breed is a fear of heights. So you don’t have to worry that your pet can climb onto a closet, under the ceiling, or hang on curtains and curtains.

Due to the lack of abundance of hair, it is not recommended to bathe the cat too often; it is better to do it as needed. Since the skin of the Levkoy produces excess sebum, it is necessary to use specialized shampoos for bathing

It is very important to monitor the condition of the claws; it is worth trimming them regularly. It is best to purchase special nail clippers or tweezers and, if necessary, trim the claws, being careful not to damage the fingers themselves.

On hot summer days, when the sun is especially hot, you should not let your pet outside for a long time. This threatens to cause burns on the delicate skin of your pet.

You can feed the Levkoy to everyone, as it is omnivorous and always has an excellent appetite.

Fresh fish, boiled meat or cooked in a double boiler, porridge, vegetable soups and purees - the cat will always eat with pleasure. Sometimes you can use dry fortified food or canned cat food, but you shouldn’t use them as a basis in your diet. The more varied and healthy the levkoy menu is, the healthier it will be.

Extraordinary grace and a non-propensity for obesity are characteristic of Ukrainian Hairless cats, but if they are completely passive and do not follow a balanced diet, the Levka can develop extra skin folds, which will lead to metabolic disorders and various diseases.

We must not forget about the mandatory visit to a veterinarian. This should be done not only if the cat is sick, but also just come for a routine examination, timely vaccinations, and consultation.

Caring for Ukrainian Levkoys

You need to prepare in advance for the arrival of a new resident. It is recommended to remove away objects that pose a danger to the baby. This also applies to values. Plants can also fall into the field of interest of this inquisitive creature, so they are moved higher. Protective nets are installed on the windows so that they hold well and the left-handed one cannot handle them.

If you have a balcony without glass, you need to limit your pet's access there.

like a hare)
Be sure to purchase the necessary accessories:

  • sleeping area;
  • scratching post;
  • bowls for food and drink;
  • litter tray;
  • all kinds of toys;
  • cosmetics, clothes;
  • carrying.

Bathing training

It is necessary to accustom your cat to hygiene procedures from an early age. In animals with fluffy fur, the oil produced by the sebaceous glands spreads throughout the fur. Hairless cats accumulate it on their skins. When there is an excess of it, a specific smell appears and the animal begins to dirty things.

Well, let's go swimming

To avoid such an incident, it is necessary to wipe the Levkoy’s skin every day with a damp cloth (without alcohol). Once every 7-8 days you can bathe the tomboy using a specialized shampoo. After the bath, wipe it with a terry towel and apply baby cream to moisturize the skin.

Eye care

Eyes need daily care. They should be wiped with damp wipes or feet, after soaking them in zoo balm. If there is heavy discharge, you should immediately consult a veterinarian. If they are completely absent, then you also need to show your pet to a doctor.

Favorite pet


The ears are examined 2-3 times a month. Systematically treat the inside of the sink with moistened cotton swabs or disks (chlorhexidine solution is suitable). The floppy ears of left-handed cats quickly become dirty. And the accumulation of sulfur and dust is fraught with inflammatory processes.



Dental care for cats is mandatory. From an early age they begin to have problems with them: plaque on the teeth leads to the formation of tartar, pulpitis and periodontitis. Cleaning paste can be purchased in specialty stores (human ones cannot be used). A brush, suitable for children with soft bristles (slightly shorten it).

Sharp teeth


Claws are trimmed regularly. You only need to cut off the light part, since the pink part contains small vessels. The claws grow quite intensively, which is already dangerous for people. Therefore, it is recommended to cut them 1-2 times a month, as well as before exhibition shows, mating and after childbirth.

With claws


It is advisable to check your nose every 2 days. Wipe it no more than once a week. To do this, take a damp cloth. If there is discharge, contact a veterinarian.

small nose


It is better to take care of clothes for left-handed people when the room temperature drops below 22-23 degrees. They also dress the pet when walking, regardless of the season. In summer, a thin cape made of cotton fabric is enough to protect against ultraviolet radiation. In winter you will need an insulated overall, shoes and a hat. The seams on clothing should be on the outside.

Levka in beautiful clothes

It is not recommended to take your cat for a walk in cloudy weather with rain. Even the presence of a raincoat will not protect you from moisture and there is a high probability of catching a cold.

To prevent the lefty from catching a cold while walking

Care and maintenance

Levkoi are not capricious, care for hairless cats is standard.
The only caveat is that Ukrainian pets tend to catch colds from drafts even in the off-season before heating is turned on in apartments. Therefore, it is important to maintain a comfortable temperature in the home and purchase warm cat clothes for your pet.

The absence of fur does not mean that the skin of the greyhound does not need to be looked after. The sebaceous glands of Ukrainian hairless cats intensively synthesize secretions, so you have to bathe your pet often using pet shampoo.

Leaped leaves should be wiped daily with a lint-free napkin moistened with chamomile infusion or weak tea leaves. To clean the ears, use a cotton wool moistened with veterinary ear lotion, the procedure is carried out 2 times a week.

The claws are shortened with a nail clipper once a month, trying not to touch the living part with blood capillaries. To prevent tartar, the Levy's teeth are cleaned weekly with a soft brush using animal paste, and treats are given to cleanse the tooth enamel.

In warm and calm weather, the cat is taken for a walk on a leash. You should walk in shady areas so that direct sunlight does not fall on the animal’s delicate skin.

In order for the lefty to find independent entertainment, you should buy toys or a cat play set. The bed should be in a shaded corner.


Hairless Ukrainian cats have a fast metabolism, so their appetite is excellent. But overfeeding is unacceptable, it leads to obesity and digestive disorders.

The food of Ukrainian Sphynxes must be of high quality, balanced, and the drinking bowl must be constantly filled with water. The Levkoy is fed premium store-bought food or natural food. An adult cat eats 3 times a day.

With a natural diet, levkoy is given:

  • lean meat;
  • offal;
  • lean sea fish;
  • fermented milk products;
  • boiled vegetables;
  • cereal porridge;
  • egg (once a week).

You cannot feed the Ukrainian Levkoy:

  • fatty meat;
  • smoked meats;
  • canned food;
  • sausages;
  • sweets;
  • potatoes;
  • fried foods;
  • pasta, baked goods;
  • leftovers from the master's table.

Health and diseases

With proper care and a high-quality diet, the Ukrainian Levkoy lives 12-14 years.

Representatives of the Ukrainian breed are susceptible to defects and genetic pathologies. Levkoy kittens may be born with:

  • ears turned up;
  • the tip of the ear bent back;
  • folds in the auricle;
  • cleft palate;
  • defects of the eyeballs and eyelids;
  • pathologies of the blood, digestive organs, and nervous system.

Adult Levkoy cats can get sick:

  • mastitis;
  • uterine hernia;
  • malignant tumors;
  • metabolic disorders;
  • eczema (due to improper skin care);
  • leukemia;
  • rabies;
  • pseudorabies;
  • salmonellosis.

To prevent infectious pathologies, your pet is vaccinated annually. 10 days before vaccination, the animal is given an anthelmintic drug.


Levkoys have an accelerated metabolism, so they do not suffer from lack of appetite. Contrary to this, they are not omnivores. You should not feed them from the common table. A balanced diet is required, according to a specific schedule. Overeating is fraught with problems with the digestive system.

You can feed your pet both ready-made food and natural food (choose one or the other). If you choose the second option, then you should cook it separately. They give food three times a day. The menu should include the following:

  • meat (turkey, rabbit, chicken, veal);
  • liver, stomachs, necks, heart;
  • fish without small bones (sea);
  • sour milk (cottage cheese, kefir, cream);
  • chicken eggs (once a week);
  • fresh vegetables (cabbage, carrots, zucchini);
  • various cereals (rice, buckwheat, millet);
  • greenery.

It is forbidden to give your cat fatty meat, various seasonings, garlic, onions, sausages, smoked meats, canned food, potatoes, noodles, spicy and fried foods.

Ukrainian Levkoy with wool
If preference is given to industrial feed, pay attention to the composition. It must contain vitamins and microelements. It is not recommended to save money in this matter and buy only premium food. The cat should be provided with free access to clean drinking water.

Recommended food

Dry food has many advantages. They have a balanced composition, portions are easily calculated according to the weight of the animal, are stored for a long time and save time. In addition, the assortment includes a variety of lines: for castrated (sterilized), sick cats and others.

You should choose food not according to advertising, but according to common sense. Thus, the compositions of the brands Perfect Fit, Wellkiss, Whiskas and “Our Mark” are budgetary, which include meat waste, ingredients of plant origin, and few minerals and vitamins.

Premium category food is much better in composition. These are the brands Brit Premium, Blitz, Eukanuba, “Night Hunter”. They contain wheat and corn (a carbohydrate source), natural meat, and antioxidants. But super-premium food is expensive, but also of the highest quality. These are: Dr Сlauder's, Landor, Guabi Natural, Karmy, Pronature Original.

Feeding the cat

Representatives of the Ukrainian Levkoy cat breed have an accelerated metabolism and excellent appetite. They are prone to overeating, so it is recommended to feed them strictly on a schedule.

Complete diet

Like cats of any other breed, Ukrainian Levkoys are fed both natural and industrial food.

In the first case, the pet’s diet should contain the following products:

  • lean meat;
  • offal;
  • sea ​​or ocean fish;
  • sour milk;
  • cereals;
  • vegetables;
  • quail eggs.

To prevent digestive problems, spices, fatty meats, starchy vegetables, river fish, sweets, sausages, baked goods and any dishes from the host’s table are completely removed from the Levkoy menu.

With the industrial type of feeding, the cat is given premium or super-premium drying, which does not contain harmful components. This could be products from the following brands:

  • Arden Grange;
  • Bosch;
  • Hills;
  • Pronature;
  • Farmina.

Feeding frequency

Ukrainian Levkoy kittens eat little by little, but often. Therefore, when drawing up a feeding schedule, be sure to take into account the age of the pet:

  • up to 12 weeks – 5-6 times a day;
  • 3-6 months – 4 times a day;
  • from 6 months – 3 times a day.

Vitamins and minerals

If the Ukrainian Levkoy's diet consists of natural products, he is given special supplements twice a year, which are recommended by the veterinarian. If a hairless cat eats high-quality dry food, it does not need additional vitamin and mineral complexes.

Diseases and vaccinations

It is recommended to learn about possible genetic defects and predispositions to certain diseases. By how an animal behaves, you can understand its health status. If the baby is apathetic and not very active, it means he is not doing so well. If he is still meowing, he is probably in pain.

a bit large

Levkoys have the following health problems:

  • a congenital defect called “bent ear” - underdeveloped ears (manifests in the fourth week of life);
  • “twisted ear” defect - when the tips are bent back;
  • denovo - there are folds in the shells of the ears, and the ears, curved at the ends, puff up on the sides;
  • “cleft palate” - curvature of the jaw;
  • blood pathologies;
  • eye diseases;
  • problems with the digestive tract;
  • neurology.

cat sailor
Levkoys have a predisposition to the following diseases:

  • neoplasms;
  • mastitis;
  • uterine hernia;
  • hypovitaminosis;
  • rabies;
  • violation of metabolic processes;
  • leukemia;
  • worms.

To avoid dermatitis with eczema, you need to carefully care for your cat's skin. Even the slightest wounds are treated with a special solution. Levkoys are also prone to colds, although they have an elevated skin temperature.

With different ears

Cats should be vaccinated on time to prevent diseases. Then the animal will have strong immunity. The first vaccine is given at 2 months, the next one is given a couple of weeks later. This is followed by vaccination at six months of age and one year. Then you need to be vaccinated once a year. 10 days before such a procedure, it is necessary to worm your pet.


With proper care, the animal can live up to 13-14 years. The main thing is to monitor the condition and at the slightest deviation from the norm, contact a veterinarian.

Adult lefty

Description of the Ukrainian Levkoy breed (standard requirements)

These unusual animals can be distinguished by many characteristics.

  1. The head of bald lefties has a flat, slightly elongated shape. From above it looks more like a pentagon. But their convex forehead makes these animals unusually attractive.
  2. Almost a third of the head is occupied by a round face, while the cheekbones are quite pronounced. Levkoi also have interesting brow ridges.
  3. The nose is not too wide.
  4. Cats' eyes are slightly slanted with a green or blue tint.
  5. Their neck is of medium length and quite muscular.
  6. It is worth noting the large, as if made of mastic, ears of left-handed leaves. They are slightly curved down.
  7. The body looks very beautiful. It is muscular with a not very wide chest.
  8. The paws of an animal of this breed are long and strong.
  9. They have almost no fur, but their entire body is covered with soft down. There are small folds in the neck, eyes, ears, and also in the armpits that make this cat breed individual.
  10. The weight of the male reaches 6 kilograms, but the females are slightly smaller - up to 5 kilograms.
  11. They reach sexual maturity approximately 1 year after birth.

Skin care is very important due to the lack of hair. The sebaceous glands of animals secrete a special secretion, which often smells unpleasant and which you don’t want to touch.

Special wet wipes for treating your pet's skin will help cope with this condition. Ukrainian Levkoys are bathed more often than ordinary cats - 2 times a month, while choosing special shampoos or tar soap. It is better to accustom a cat to a bath from a young age.

It is important to carefully monitor the condition of the ears, clean them with cotton swabs or wet wipes

It is important to pay attention to the condition of the eyes; small transparent discharge is acceptable. You can get rid of them with a napkin soaked in weak tea leaves. Once a month, the cat’s claws are trimmed. If it is not possible to do this yourself, it is recommended to contact a veterinarian.

Once a month, the cat’s claws are trimmed. If it is not possible to do this yourself, it is recommended to contact a veterinarian.

Only the light and transparent part of the claw is cut off; the pink part contains blood vessels. In order to keep your pet's teeth good, it is recommended to brush them with special products or give the cat various treats that reduce the risk of stone formation.

Otherwise, cats are unpretentious and do not require special care.

In winter, the cat must be warmed - put on special clothes. The walk should not be long; on frosty days it is better to stay at home.

It is quite simple to understand the presence of a disease in an animal - by its mood. If the cat is apathetic and lethargic, then most likely something is bothering him. The following pathologies are characteristic of this breed:

  • heart and blood vessels,
  • respiratory system,
  • digestive organs,
  • nervous system.

Cats can also be diagnosed with blood diseases and urolithiasis. The occurrence of ear diseases and dermatitis is possible. Therefore, proper care and timely vaccination are quite important.

For reference! With proper care, the life expectancy of Ukrainian Levkoy cats reaches 14 years.

Levkoys do not need a special diet; they are unpretentious in terms of food. The main thing is that the diet is balanced and the pet receives all the necessary elements, as well as nutrients. The diet can include:

  • offal,
  • lean meat and poultry,
  • fermented milk products,
  • different porridges,
  • fruits and vegetables,
  • raw eggs.

If it is impossible to feed your cat natural food, it is recommended to choose high-quality industrial food. It is better to consult with specialists first. If you choose correctly, you will not need to buy additional vitamins for your pet.

Important! Dry food should be present in the diet at least once a week to prevent gum and dental diseases

In cool weather, cats need to be dressed

The lifespan of the Ukrainian Levkoy is 10-14 years.

Their predisposition to such diseases as: uterine hernia, uterine prolapse, diseases of the ears, eyes and rectum, some diseases of the nervous system, cardiovascular, digestive and respiratory have been noted.

Also, take your pet to a veterinarian regularly for a preventive examination.


After mating, pregnancy can only be diagnosed at 3-4 weeks by looking at swollen nipples. It lasts 65 days in cats. By the end of the second month, the cat is gaining significant weight, and milk appears in the nipples. Toxicosis is possible - just like in humans.

During this period, the pet needs special care. Be sure to give additional vitamins (in particular, calcium and protein). It is advisable to consult a veterinarian about the choice of mineral complex. He will probably advise you to switch to specialized food.

Very small

Even before giving birth, you need to make a comfortable place for the animal. The box is lined with yarn. Usually the cat copes with childbirth on its own, but in extreme cases outside help may be required.

15-20 minutes after the baby is born, the woman in labor gnaws the umbilical cord and removes the amniotic sac. If she does not do this, the owner should take the kitten out and cut the umbilical cord himself, stepping back 2-2.5 cm from the belly. If there are numerous offspring, the mother should not be allowed to eat the entire afterbirth - this can lead to poisoning.


Advantages and disadvantages

Almost no one will be able to remain indifferent once they get to know this amazing creature better. His complaisance and loving nature will conquer anyone. The advantages of Levkoy include:

  • unique appearance;
  • high IQ, quick learner;
  • obedience, affection;
  • playfulness;
  • friendliness;
  • communication skills.

My charm
There are also disadvantages:

  • lack of independence;
  • dependence on the owner;
  • special care;
  • secreted skin secretion that stains everything;
  • predisposition to colds;
  • loud meow.

The good-natured and humble disposition of a hairless cat allows her to easily take root in any home. Some people are not satisfied with the unusual appearance of their pet: no eyelashes, mustache, or fur. Some people find excessive sweating annoying.

If you do not wipe your skin for a long time, the discharge becomes oily and dark. Then the cat begins to dirty everything it touches. Plus, it smells bad.

How much do kittens cost?

It is recommended to buy baby Levkoys from professional nurseries, and not from dubious advertisements. First you need to study the breed standard. The price depends on the breed. So, in one litter there can be kittens worth from 10 to 25 thousand rubles.

Levkoy kittens cost differently, depending on their breed

A separate item are lefties with straight ears - called “straights”. The price for them is less than for left-handers with a standard appearance.

Ukrainian Levkoy - price and how to buy correctly

It is better to purchase a baby from specialized nurseries with a good reputation. This will help prevent surprises associated with purchasing a pet. Before going to a breeder, you should study the breed standards. If an animal is purchased only as a pet, it is better to rely on personal sympathies.

Externally, the kitten should be healthy, active, playful, and inquisitive. If you plan to take part in various competitions and exhibitions, the animal should be inspected for compliance with standards

The main features include the structure of the head, this needs to be given special attention

The head should be wedge-shaped, the brow ridges and cheekbones should have clear outlines. The muzzle is not elongated, with a developed chin and jaw. There should be folds on the head, neck and armpits. Their absence is considered a disadvantage of the breed.

Since the species is not yet officially recognized, you will not be able to receive higher titles at exhibitions. The judge will evaluate the animal only for compliance with the standards. Professional breeders strictly monitor the character of their babies; kittens sold should not be aggressive.

Many people who are thinking about buying a pet come across negative reviews on the Internet, which is why they choose other hairless cats. Often comments are based not on the character of the breed, but on political views. Reviews from breeders are completely opposite.

The price of cats varies between 10-25 thousand rubles. The cost is directly related to the prospects of the kitten. Therefore, even in one litter, one baby can cost 10 thousand, another - 25 thousand rubles.

The Ukrainian Levkoy will fit wonderfully into any family - large or small, with children and elderly people. The animal will become an excellent companion, a loyal friend and even an assistant. Cats will captivate your friends not only with their glamorous appearance, but also with their excellent manners, intelligence, sociability and friendliness.

Interesting Facts

Despite the fact that the history of the breed began in Ukraine, the first nursery for this breed opened in Russia. Today thousands of Ukrainian Levkoys live there. Cats are already eligible to participate in shows and receive awards, although the breed has not yet received official status.

Ukrainian cat

Owners of such cats say that their skin is very silky and soft to the touch, like a baby’s. The body temperature of left-handed cats is much higher than that of other felines - 40 degrees. Therefore, when you touch them, it seems that they have a fever. And due to the fact that there is no fur, even minor flaws are noticeable on the skin. But this is good for those who are allergic to cat fur.

With a teddy bear

It is easy to distinguish males from females - the former are larger and much larger. Another interesting fact about the Levkoy: the founder of the species made sketches on paper for several years before she received the ideal cats for the new breed. The standard does not provide for restrictions on the colors of hairless kitties. Various colors are acceptable.

Lefty litter

Since ancient times, these hairless creatures have been revered in Egypt. They were considered sacred animals and had certain magical powers. It was assumed that the cats gave their clothes to their owner to save him from the cold. And in return, higher powers awarded cats with high warm-bloodedness.

new breed

Description: what they look like and what colors they are

The appearance of Levkoys is very original, and it is almost impossible to confuse them with other breeds. These cats, despite the fact that the breed is still young, already have exhibition standards, deviation from which leads to the disqualification of the individual from breeding or, in the case of minor defects, to a reduction in ratings.

Exhibition standards

The general appearance of the cat is strong due to its well-developed muscles and elongated body. The head is wedge-shaped with pronounced cheekbones and brow ridges. The forehead is strongly wrinkled and clearly visible. The cat's muzzle is wide, without sharp angles, and somewhat elongated forward. The eyes are obliquely cut and almond-shaped. Any color of the iris is allowed, in most cases it has a deep shade. The chin is large and straight. Vibrissae present. They are well developed and can be curly or straight.

The cat's ears are not erect. They are folded in half and hang forward, towards the forehead. The fold on the ear is single or double. The ear size is average. When unfolded, it has a classic triangular shape.

Levkoy's paws are long and slender. The foot is oval in shape, with toes tightly pressed together and well-developed claws. The fingers are long and flexible, allowing the cat to deftly use its paws as hands, from which they can easily open various doors.

The tail is long and quite thin. Its end is pointed. The skin of representatives of the breed is dense and soft to the touch. She is hot and tender.

Warning! The skin of Levkoys requires special care, since in its absence the pet may develop health problems.

The breed standard allows different skin colors. The color of an individual does not affect exhibition ratings and the possibility of being used for breeding.

Differences between Levkoys and other similar breeds

These cats have some similarities with some similar breeds. Therefore, it is worth finding out the main differences.

Don Sphynx

The highlight of the Don Sphynx is its large, smooth, erect ears. According to the constitution, Levkoi are larger than Sphinxes (weight 3 - 4 kg). Also, their chest is not as wide. Sphynxes have more graceful limbs.

The breeds are similar in that both have hairless varieties and those with fur.

Canadian Sphynx

They are almost identical in size, but the Sphynx is more muscular. Their ears are erect, much larger than those of Levkoys. Another difference is the protruding round tummy, which is present even in specimens with normal body weight.

Canadian Sphynx cats have pinkish fluff on certain parts of their bodies.


These animals have no hair at all due to underdeveloped hair follicles. They have folded skin and straight ears. They are also smaller in build.

Folded, hairless cats are kohans


The main difference between Bambino and Ukrainian Levkoys is their shortened paws.

Squat hairless cats


Elves have ear tips that bend back. This is their main difference from Levkoy.

These cats look like a fairy tale character


These are representatives completely covered with hair. They have straight ears and a tucked belly, which is not typical for Sphinxes and Levkoys.

Lop-eared cats


This animal stands out for its excessive “talkativeness”. It has a profile similar to that of a snake. The ears are long and erect. The overall impression of the figure is elegant and graceful.

Peterbald cat breed

It’s worth mentioning right away that you need to purchase Ukrainian Levkoys from specialized nurseries, and not from random advertisements. Many unscrupulous sellers pass off similar breeds as Levkoys, having first shaved the animal. This cat breed is unusual in itself and requires special care and attention. But all efforts will be returned with interest in the form of devotion and love of the pet.

Before you start such a creature at home, you need to evaluate your strengths. Cats cannot stand being alone, so they should not be left for long periods of time. Their advantage is that they do not cause allergies.

Interesting video:

Health and feeding of Ukrainian Levka cats

This cat will really like fresh meat, boiled fish, porridge, purees and vegetable soups.

Sometimes you can feed her with dry fortified food or canned food for cats, but they should not form the basis of the diet. The more varied the menu, the healthier the pet.

Unusual gracefulness and a lack of tendency towards obesity are inherent in the Ukrainian Levkoy, but if the diet is not balanced, and the animal, on the contrary, becomes overly passive, the cat may develop extra folds, which will contribute to metabolic disorders and the appearance of various diseases.

A person who buys a levkoy gets a reliable comrade and ally who will support the owner in any situation. The breed is especially good for elderly or lonely people.

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