The smartest cat breed - 10 smartest cat breeds by rating (12 photos)

Updated: 02/26/2021 13:54:59

Expert: Rudenko Irina Sergeevna

*Review of the best according to the editors of About the selection criteria. This material is subjective in nature, does not constitute advertising and does not serve as a purchase guide. Before purchasing, consultation with a specialist is required.

There is no single system that measures IQ in cats. However, breed breeders believe that certain representatives of four-legged animals learn much faster than others. We selected the 15 smartest representatives of the cat family and reflected them in a rating divided into 4 categories.

The intelligence of the animal was determined based on the following criteria:

  1. speed of training to the tray and scratching post;
  2. the ability to respond to one's name and respond to orders;
  3. speed of reaction to external factors;
  4. memory depth;
  5. the ability to distinguish the owner from other people.

The choice of participants was influenced not only by the natural and selection characteristics of the breeds, but also by reviews of cat owners.

Rating of the smartest cat breeds

The smartest breeds of shorthair cats1Abyssinian cat5.0
2Oriental cat4.9
3British cat4.8
4Siamese cat4.7
5Bengal cat4.6
The smartest breeds of semi-longhair cats1Norwegian Forest Cat5.0
2Maine Coon4.9
3Balinese cat4.8
The smartest breeds of long-haired cats1Siberian cat5.0
2Turkish Angora4.9
4Russian blue4.7
The smartest breeds of hairless cats1Canadian Sphynx5.0
2Ukrainian Levkoy4.9


These little cats have two unusually rare and funny features: they hide small things that they like and, if they want to look at something, they do not stand on their hind legs, but sit comfortably on their hips, using their tail as a support for balance.

Munchkins are naturally endowed with a lively mind, intelligence, prudence and amenability to training. With appropriate training, a smart and obedient cat grows up.

The intelligence of these cats is especially evident in cases when it is necessary to defend themselves - humble and carefree in everyday life, he instantly becomes a brave and cold-blooded warrior.

And although he has a small body and short legs, he often defeats the enemy precisely thanks to his small legs, or rather, the unpredictability of their actions, which confuses the enemy.

Another thing that makes these little animals stand out is their great curiosity. They definitely need to know everything about what interests them. Every day they love their owner more and more, joyfully make contact with him, adopt his character, habits, and share his mood.

Getting them mad is beyond the realm of possibility; they are incredibly calm and extremely balanced. They are open to the world, enjoy playing with children, new people and new places do not frighten them.

Important! The cat has absolutely no sense of guilt. Punishing your cat will only make her resent you.

The smartest breeds of shorthair cats

Pedigree cats with short hair are especially popular among lovers of these animals. They are beautiful and graceful. The smartest of them will be discussed in the first category.

Abyssinian cat

Rating: 5.0

The appearance of the Abyssinian cat gives the impression of an independent animal with a proud character. However, in the process of communication, the owner of the four-legged creature will begin to understand that the pet is friendly. It is distinguished by long legs, a neat head with large ears. The color resembles a predatory puma.

The main advantages of the breed include attentive attitude towards children in the house, lack of need for frequent grooming, playfulness and beauty. It is worth considering that the Abyssinian cat cannot stand loneliness and constantly finds places to play. She needs quite a lot of space, including vertical space. You can buy an Abyssinian kitten for 10-15 thousand rubles.


  • gets along with kids;
  • unpretentious care;
  • friendly attitude;
  • playfulness.


  • require a lot of attention;
  • space for games is needed.

Cat intelligence

It is not entirely correct to believe that an animal’s intelligence depends entirely on its breed. In each of them there are cats with developed intelligence, and frankly stupid individuals. And this does not mean that, under certain circumstances, lazy and passive cats will not display amazing mental abilities.

Criteria for evaluation

When assessing cat intelligence, experts take into account the following parameters:

  1. The ability to remember your nickname and respond to calls. If a cat willingly runs to a gentle call, but is in no hurry to follow orders, it means that it can distinguish intonations. Such an animal has high intelligence.
  2. The speed of getting used to the scratching post, tray and eating in the designated place and the degree of accuracy in doing so.
  3. Speed ​​of reaction to new objects, strangers and other external stimuli.
  4. The ability to build logical chains and understand the cause and effect of actions.
  5. The ability to distinguish the owner from other people and adapt to his character or rhythm of life.
  6. The ability to easily capture the mood of others.
  7. Depth and durability of memory. Many cats see where their owners put away a bag of food or toys and try to get them out on their own. And the smartest animals remember the way to home and travel many kilometers to get back there.

Innate ability or acquired skill

Intelligence is given to animals from birth. But even the smartest cats, left to their own devices, quickly turn into weak-willed creatures and begin to perform exclusively decorative functions.

To prevent the animal's brain from atrophying, it needs constant training. True, to achieve results with a cat, you cannot train according to the same type of program that dogs are trained on.

You need to train a purring pet according to an individual scheme. Moreover, classes should consist mainly of his favorite tasks.

The smartest breeds of semi-longhair cats

Cats belonging to the semi-longhaired group have pronounced pubescence on the sides, tail and collar. They can roam freely during the cold season. They are interested in everything that happens around them. They are inquisitive and attached to their owners. Let's meet the smartest of them.

Norwegian Forest Cat

Rating: 5.0

Because of their fluffiness, Norwegian Forest cats appear quite large. Their body is elongated and massive, and their hind legs are longer than their front legs. The fur pattern is expressive and clear. Its color can be almost any. Reviews about the breed are mostly favorable. The owners note the affectionate and understanding character of their four-legged friend.

One of the disadvantages is molting in the hot season. A Norwegian Forest kitten can cost 20-25 thousand rubles. If you buy a pet “from hand”, you will be able to find an option for 1000-2000 rubles.


  • many rave reviews;
  • devotion to the owner;
  • gets used to commands;
  • an understanding and sensitive pet.


  • In hot weather it can shed heavily.

Scottish lop-eared

Such cats attract not only their intelligence, but also their appearance. Their rounded shape and soft fur make them look like a plush toy. Scottish Folds can stand on their hind legs. They can be taught to perform other tricks as well.

The smartest breeds of hairless cats

Hairless cats look very unusual. They appeared due to the absence of a gene that is responsible for hair growth. Over 10 breeds are classified as hairless species. They are chosen not only for their hypoallergenicity, but also for their developed brain.

Canadian Sphynx

Rating: 5.0

Canadian Sphynx cats are distinguished by their excellent memory and the ability to jump to impressive heights. They are easy to train. This breed has many advantages that make it especially attractive for keeping in an apartment. We are talking about an easy-going character, easy learning and high intelligence.

Canadian Sphynx cats are attached to their owners and are friendly with children. They are not capricious and do not require any specific living conditions. The disadvantages of the breed include high prices, a tendency to respiratory pathologies and annoyingness. Sphinxes do not leave a person's side, which can be annoying. Cost – from 15 thousand rubles.


  • excellent memory;
  • easy to train;
  • easy care;
  • flexible disposition.


  • prone to respiratory diseases;
  • obsession.

How to earn your pet's trust and loyalty

Most cats hate 2 things: change and intrusiveness. They are frightened by strangers who try to pick them up when they first meet, so to build trust, it is important to remember personal space. Holding an animal in your arms against its will is the easiest way to become its enemy.

Another important point is the correct use of punishments. Try not to scold your pet if too much time has passed since the offense was committed. He will not understand the true reason for your dissatisfaction, but will simply become afraid of you. Shouting and physical assault lead to a similar result, so never go beyond a stern tone.

Build relationships as equal partners. Don't look down on your pet or ignore his needs. This is the only way you can earn reciprocal love and affection.

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Until the middle of the last century, cats were not favored in Southeast Asia, and this affected their character, in particular, Singapore cats.

They are still fearful and distrustful. But at the same time, the Singaporean woman has a relatively high level of intelligence - she loves to explore new places, she usually sets up a secluded place somewhere at the very top and watches everything that happens from there, and at the same time remembers everything she needs.

She firmly knows not only where her tray is, but even where the cache of food is located. But that is not all. Singaporean women are smart pets; with the right upbringing, they perceive commands not only by voice, by intonation, but also, as hard to believe as it may be, at just one glance.

The owners of these cats claim that they somehow manage to influence people. Well, that's an oriental trick. However, in conclusion, it must be said that for any owner, his pets are the smartest, the most affectionate, the nicest, and generally the very best.

( 2 ratings, average 4 out of 5 )
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