6 of the dumbest cat breeds that are difficult to even litter train

The rating assessing the stupidest cat breeds is conditional.
The intelligence or retardation of an animal cannot depend on its pedigree or lack thereof. The selection criteria were adaptation to a new environment, activity in play, speed of litter training, remembering a name, simple commands, and selectivity in food. American researchers, understanding the IQ methodology, took into account such parameters as: socialization, communication skills, memory, ingenuity, adaptability and coordination. You will not find Oriental cats in this list of breeds. It is believed (established by scientists) that the older the breed, the better the qualities are fixed in it, the strong and smart survive! Young and experimental photogenic species are designed specifically for external data; you cannot expect great intelligence from them.


“Persians” are distinguished by their characteristic flattened muzzle and shiny coat, the length of which can be up to 12-15 cm. The short neck and massive body give this cat the appearance of a clumsy couch potato, and coupled with a flat nose and close-set eyes, its appearance is completely awkward and narrow-minded . This reflects well on their character: they move little and are very difficult to train.

Even in everyday life, they have problems communicating with people, since these pets do not like to voice and do not develop their own non-verbal language to communicate with the owner in order to ask for food or additional attention to their person. For this reason, the “Persians” simply look intently into their eyes, waiting for you to guess what they want.

The most unpleasant surprise from Persian cats is their low learning ability. They may be exposed to danger from any source: a washing machine, a switched-on stove, an open window, etc. If they have already been injured in this place once, they will most likely conclude that it is not worth going there again.

Silly cats

The Turkish Van ( Turkish Van ) begins its rating - don’t scold your pet, and it won’t ruin your shoes. He is rated satisfactory for toilet skills and neatness in eating. You can't expect more from him.

“A kitten until old age” - this is what you can say about the Selkirk Rex , a charming creature. You shouldn't expect smart actions from him - his character is too mischievous, forcing him to rush after a toy from morning to evening. However, the popular Selkirk Rex is becoming more common, with curled whiskers and curly coats being excellent attractive traits.

Ragdoll , although outwardly attractive, due to its natural softness, laziness and calmness, is not able to carry out a combination of commands. Bred only for home keeping, extremely “taciturn” with the owner.

The Japanese Bobtail has an irrepressible temperament, which is why it constantly finds itself in dangerous situations. He does not perceive measured and calm communication; the word “impossible” means nothing to him. He learns only very simple techniques that may not be retained in memory. The Japanese love their bobtail because they believe that these animals bring happiness to the home.

Shorthaired Pointer often featured in commercials , wins only due to its spectacular appearance, but certainly not its intelligence. Attractive, thick fur, like silk, and a pretty face with large cheeks and eyes. Able to remember simple commands, instead of communicating, they simply open their mouth silently. Natural-born shorthaired hunters are likely to strip furniture and wallpaper and climb into unauthorized places. It is difficult to explain to them not to do this. The character of the American Shorthair is unobtrusive, flexible, and conflict-free. If the children don’t pester you too much, you’ll get along with them too.

A young, attractive breed with a spectacular appearance - the Devon Rex - does not understand prohibiting words or pretends that it does not understand. It is difficult to train to the tray. He loves to climb onto the table and into dishes in search of something tasty.

Scottish Fold (Scottish Fold) is a charming cat with special drooping ears. A round head topped with rounded ears, expressive eyes, plump cheeks. The wool is like plush, soft and thick. Large and muscular body with massive legs and a plump tail. Calm and friendly character with independent aristocratic habits. Scottish fold keeps some distance and people, its content is suitable for busy people. Difficulty in litter box training and an inability to remember command combinations brought this cute animal to the list.

Another bobtail continues the list, this time Kuril. The origin of the breed was registered on the islands of the same name about 30 years ago. The dominant feature is a very short tail, like a severed tail. Ears with tassels evoke associations with a lynx. Long and semi-long fur covers the muscular body on dense limbs.

The nose and eyes are shaped like a nut. An excellent hunter, unfortunately, is not interested in techniques and is extremely unfriendly to strangers (there is a case where 8 people held a bobtail during the injection). It may even attack a stranger, while a smart animal will simply ignore him.

The leaders in the top 10 stupid cats are Persians and their descendants, exotics. The first ones are too lazy and not easy to train. And this despite the centuries-old history of the breed. The appearance of the Persians is memorable for their flattened nose and excellent silky wool, like an Iranian carpet. They love to play, but they overpower themselves. They can communicate with the owner barely audibly (or remain silent at all); a person will have to guess what his pet wants. Unpleasant situations do not teach Persians prudence; it is necessary to ensure that the pet is not harmed by hot or sharp objects, does not get into the dryer or washing machine, etc.

Representatives of the exotic shorthair cat have problems with toilet training, although they are considered smarter than their Persian ancestors.

Even adults can relieve themselves outside the tray. They don’t want to take care of wool, considering it a human responsibility.

Some people associate developmental problems with a flat skull and flattened nose. The character is the same as that of the Persians, balanced and affectionate. Forgive their blunders for their cute appearance.

Exotic Shorthair

This breed is the result of crossing Persian cats with American Shorthairs. Thanks to this pedigree, the “exotics” inherited the character traits of both ancestors, although they are more similar to the Persians. They differ in that they are easier to learn commands, but in adulthood they perform them reluctantly and not always the first time.

From time to time, animals have problems with litter box training, and this applies not only to small kittens. Otherwise, the exotic shorthair cat is an affectionate, non-conflict pet with a stable psyche. Externally, they adopted the constitution of the Persians, possessing the same rich selection of colors as the American Shorthairs.

The stupidest cat breeds - TOP of the most stupid +Video

The rating assessing the stupidest cat breeds is conditional. The intelligence or retardation of an animal cannot depend on its pedigree or lack thereof. The selection criteria were adaptation to a new environment, activity in play, speed of litter training, remembering a name, simple commands, and selectivity in food. American researchers, understanding the IQ methodology, took into account such parameters as: socialization, communication skills, memory, ingenuity, adaptability and coordination. You will not find Oriental cats in this list of breeds. It is believed (established by scientists) that the older the breed, the better the qualities are fixed in it, the strong and smart survive! Young and experimental photogenic species are designed specifically for external data; you cannot expect great intelligence from them.

American Shorthair

The second official name of the breed is Shorthaired Pointer. American Shorthairs are widely known to the public because representatives of their breed are often featured in advertising. This is not surprising, because they are real beauties. A proportionate, muscular body, expressive eyes and a spectacular striped color with fuzzy streaks on the sides amaze even those who cannot be considered cat lovers.

Shorthaired Pointers cannot be called completely stupid, because they are easy to train and understand basic commands, get along with children and other animals. However, sharing personal boundaries with such a pet is very difficult. To explain to an “American” that you will not tolerate damaged furniture or wallpaper in your home, you will have to try very hard.


You might think that a cat with a French connection would be slender and suave, but you could be wrong. Have you ever seen blue potatoes on toothpicks? If you know Chartreux, you know how accurate this description is. But don't be fooled by his typically stocky appearance. A gray furball can turn somersaults when teased with a feather toy or fishing rod. He will also play with his humans, opening latches to look for food, turning on faucets to drink water, and manipulating light switches - perhaps in an attempt to get you out of bed to feed him.

Tetsu Yamazaki, Animal Photography

Devon Rex

This breed is designed specifically for exotic lovers. The Devon Rex is difficult to describe in one word: it simultaneously looks like an alien and a prim, arrogant Englishman. Nevertheless, curly-eared cats received the love of breeders not so much for their extravagant appearance, but for their unprecedented devotion and affection for a cat. For this, many are ready to turn a blind eye to the fact that rexes are poorly trained, understand only basic commands, are very capricious in litter training and are not susceptible to prohibitions.

For example, they love to jump on the table in search of goodies, and do not hesitate to tear plastic bags or open pots in which food may be hidden. Strictness in raising Rex and strict discipline change the situation little.


The soundtrack to Bengali life could well be the theme music from The Pink Panther

movies. Life with this cat can be endlessly interesting. When he's not popping bubbles, he's probably skateboarding or hiding in his fort on the couch. Oh, and he usually loves water too. Don't be surprised if you find him fishing out of your pond.

Alan Robinson, Animal Photography

Kurilian Bobtail

The Bobtail looks more like a wild lynx than a domestic cat. Its distinctive feature is its short pompom-shaped tail. Tassels on the ears and curled mustaches give the appearance a special mischief. As for its character, the bobtail is more like a dog. He is ardently devoted to only one person - his master. In this regard, the pet can be extremely stubborn and often even aggressive. It’s difficult to say that this makes him stupid, but “communication” with such an animal becomes much more difficult for everyone else whom the bobtail does not consider his favorite.

For example, he can purposefully attack a guest in your house or a random passer-by, scratch him or bite him. Such behavior may be justified, but still, for most people it will be unacceptable, because we are accustomed to cats that do not want to be in our company, hide or simply ignore people.

And also “Smokers” do not learn commands well. They prefer hunting small animals.

The dumbest cat breeds in the world

When it comes to assessing cat intelligence, active debate often begins - some argue that cats in general are not very smart, while others focus on individual breeds. Opinions about the smartest or stupidest cats vary, since when it comes to criteria for the mental abilities of animals, one can rely on a variety of signs. A pet, unlike a human, cannot be asked to solve an equation or find dependencies between letters, so animal psychologists and ethologists use observations on the following parameters:

Scientists have come to the conclusion that in cats, the development of sensorimotor intelligence comes first - they are sensitive and dexterous, and hunt well. But dogs have better developed social intelligence, which is why it seems that they are smarter, because they are better at making contact with humans. It is not surprising that the dog immediately responds when the owner calls him, and the cat, although he hears his name perfectly well, can completely ignore it.

Based on the described criteria, representatives of the following breeds are most often called the stupidest:

Himalayan cats are lazy and calm, which is why they often ignore training and requests from their owner.

Short-haired exotics love their owners, but, lacking attention, they become disobedient and stubborn

The Persian cat may well ignore its owner, preferring solitude

Bombay cats are prone to overeating and are quite aggressive towards strangers.

American Shorthair cats are very smart, but due to laziness they are difficult to learn.

Fold-eared Scots communicate little with people, preferring splendid loneliness

Ragdoll cats are usually passive and quiet.

American Curl cats rarely feel their owner; they are selfish and demanding

Selkirk Rex cats retain their goofy little kitten behavior into old age.

Savannah is a semi-wild breed that is very poorly socialized

It is important to understand that the level of intellectual abilities often differs not by breed, but by individual animals. Thus, one representative of the breed can be aloof, aggressive and difficult to train, while another can be affectionate and obedient.

The division into the stupidest or smartest breeds is very arbitrary and reflects, for the most part, the level of socialization and interest in learning. Cats are less emotional and not as human-oriented as dogs, which is why they often look stupid compared to them. Breeds with the lowest intelligence are usually identified according to one specific characteristic: silence and minimal contact with humans, laziness, touchiness, disregard for rules, etc.


Selkirk Rex

Selkirk Rex cats are easy to distinguish from other cats because they have an unusual curly coat and curly whiskers. Thanks to their frivolous nature, they remain mischievous kittens throughout their lives and willingly play with a dot from a laser pointer, a bow on a string and balls until they are old.

For this reason, owners will have to pay extra attention to cleaning so that the pet’s claws do not become subject to expensive items or dangerous objects that could injure him.


The truth is right in the nickname of the Abyssinian: knowledgeable people call him “Aby-stupid an.” This people-oriented cat usually wants to be in the thick of things and may seem like he will do anything to get and hold your attention. Abis has been known to steal clothes from closets, relax in (filled) bathtubs, and pull each other's tails. Aby may also prefer to ride while standing in his stroller, looking like a victorious Roman general on parade. He knows he's a star - he just can't understand that he's a comedian.

Anna Pozzi, Animal Photography


You might think we included Sphynx solely for his resemblance to Yoda, but he easily earns a place in the dumb cat hall of fame for more than just his looks. You'll likely find him taking a bubble bath with his owner, petting men with beards (perhaps wondering how he can get some of that hair), or riding on your shoulder while squeezing his "horse's" head. The Sphynx may paw madly at the aquarium in a vain attempt to get her fish dinner and attack her reflection in the mirror. Besides his goofy behavior, Mr. Snooglepass usually loves to cuddle with you (preferably under the covers) and be your best (not) furry friend.

Alan Robinson, Animal Photography

How to care?

Flat-faced cats need proper care. Let's look at how to take care of these cute pets.

  • Take care of your cats eyes. There is no need to constantly wash your eyes with water, especially if you have a Persian cat. It is better not to use cotton wool for processing - its lint can get into your eyes. When carrying out the procedure, use a paper napkin or cloth. They are moistened with a weak solution of boric acid or special drops, and then the cat’s eyes are cleaned, you can use the “Optic-gel” product.
  • Give cats dry food to prevent the accumulation of plaque and tartar on the teeth. You can buy a chew toy. Brush your pet's teeth with a special paste at least once a month. Use a special brush purchased at a pet store.
  • Check the ears of flat-faced cats regularly. Clean your ears with cotton swabs at least once a month. As soon as your pet's ears become dirty, they should be cleaned immediately.
  • Take care of the normal condition of the animal's claws . Buy or make a scratching post. Trim your nails once a month using a nail clipper. Cut off the excess part evenly and capture no more than 2 mm.
  • Brush long-haired pets every day, bathe cats . If the coat is long, then this should be done once every 8-12 weeks.
  • Feed your pet high-quality natural food or premium and super-premium food. You cannot feed salted, smoked, fried, fatty, sweet foods, as well as cheap economy-class food.

Animals with a flattened muzzle are among the most interesting and popular. They are started by many people who want to keep a sweet, beautiful and unusual friend in their home.

See below about the characteristics of exotics.

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