Gentle and kind friends: 16 of the most affectionate cat breeds

Of all pets, cats are perhaps the most amazing and mysterious creatures. They maintain their independence, despite the fact that they live next to a person for many years.

First published - 05/07/2020


Many owners of these animals notice that the pet does not recognize the owner in the person. Rather, cats recognize themselves as the main ones in the house. Even when they rub against us, it is not so much a way to express their affection as a desire to mark. After all, cats have glands around their faces. Their scent remains on the owner to indicate whose person it is.

Despite this, cats remain the most popular pets. After all, they are very smart and understanding creatures. The same parts of the brain are responsible for emotions in these animals as in humans. They feel our mood and are able to support us in difficult times or play when we are having fun.

Currently, there are about 200 breeds of domestic cats. They are all different, not only in appearance, but also in habits and character. Many people want to get an affectionate cat that can brighten up loneliness, will not offend the child and will simply allow itself to be pampered.

In our rating, we have selected those cat breeds that are recognized as the most affectionate, friendly and calm.

1. AbyssinianEthiopia
2. RagdollUSA
3. Russian BlueRussia
4. OrientalThailand
5. SphinxCanada, Russia
6. SiberianRussia
7. BurmeseMyanmar (Burma), France
8. PersianIran
9. Maine CoonUSA
10. ManxGreat Britain
11. BurmillaGreat Britain
12. Shorthair exoticUSA
13. SiameseThailand
14. HimalayanUSA, UK
15. Pixie BobUSA
16. Cornish RexGreat Britain


Munchkin is the intellectual of the cat world. They are distinguished by intelligence and high intelligence, thanks to which they are excellent learners. These cats are very sociable and patient, and these qualities help them get along with other cats and dogs living in the house. Munchkins are active and inquisitive, always trying to be in the center of events. Short-legged cats are characterized by an absolute lack of aggression; they are affectionate and good-natured pets.

Munchkins have a very cute feature - the manner of sitting on their hind legs in a “column” position. At these moments, these cats resemble bunnies or kangaroos. They are also kleptomaniac cats; they tend to steal small things, so it is better to hide valuable items from them.

Second place – Maine Coon

Maine Coon A giant among its brothers, the Maine Coon resembles a small lynx rather than a house cat.
Its signature feature is its thick coat that repels water, thanks to which the animal does not freeze, even after being in the snow for a long time. The size of the majestic creatures is impressive. In 2013, representatives of the Genness Book of Records recorded an absolute record - the body length (from nose to tail) of an 8-year-old representative of the Stewie breed was 123 cm. But potential owners should not be embarrassed by its solid dimensions, sharp claws, impressive teeth and the stern look of attentive eyes. A tender heart beats in a wide chest. Furry giants are famous for their affectionate nature and sociability. Maine Coons demonstrate an easy-going and easy-going disposition to their owners. Fans of the breed note the pets' poise, high intelligence and ability to learn. Huge cats are indifferent to strangers, but they give kindness and affection to household members. They get along well with other pets.

Neva Masquerade

The photo shows a Neva masquerade cat. It is very similar to the Siberian, and it is not surprising, because the “Nevka” is a subspecies of the previous breed. She has the same thick fur coat and large muscular body as Siberians.

Their main difference is color. “Nevki” have a so-called point color. Another detail is the presence of a dark mask on the muzzle. Its color depends on the basic tone of the fur coat. The breed was bred by St. Petersburg breeders.

The Neva Masquerade cat is the most affectionate and intelligent among all the cats that exist on earth. She is easy to train, quickly remembers her nickname and responds only to it.

The Persian cat and the Oriental cat are also considered easy to train.

She is also able to remember the names of all family members and distinguish them.

Distinguishes the intonation with which the owner addresses her.

She is always calm and balanced and behaves with dignity.

Mischief is very rare. Loves to play with children. He will never show aggression towards them, he will not even allow himself to let out his claws.

Very loyal to their owner. They appreciate affection and care and respond in kind. They never impose themselves, and if they are lured into a game, they participate with pleasure. Overly sociable.

Russian Blue breed

It is not entirely known where this cat breed comes from. Based on the name, one can assume that its homeland is Russia. There are also many myths that talk about the birth of this breed in England, America or Spain.

The Russian Blue cat has a kind character. She becomes very attached to a person and understands his gestures and speech. They tolerate loneliness calmly. Individuals of this breed have an ideal upbringing and are wary of strangers. These cats get along both in large families and with elderly single people. They get along great with children. They don't like dogs. A distinctive feature of the Russian Blue is its incredible jumping ability.

Russian Blue cats do not have genetic diseases. Due to the presence of short hair, these cats do not need special care: brushing once a week, feeding them a balanced diet, keeping the litter box clean and occasionally trimming their claws.

The price of Russian blue varies from 8,000 rubles to 35,000 rubles.

Purring fireworks

Do you lead an active lifestyle and can’t sit still? Then the Bengal cat will become the best pet for you! They love to swim, explore new places and become so attached to their owner that they truly love him all their lives. As for the variety of games and entertainment, you can play with this cat without stopping!

Japanese Bobtail

Japanese bobtails are completely unsuitable for the role of a “couch” cat. They are very energetic, curious and inquisitive, and are also known for their amazing jumping ability. These are fidgety and passionate hunters, which is something their owners need to remember. After all, even on a balcony or window, hunting for a fly, they completely forget about everything and can accidentally jump out, getting injured.

Bobtails do not like strangers and do not make contact, but in their family they are very affectionate and sociable. Japanese bobtails need to be provided with physical exercise, otherwise, if their ebullient energy does not find a way out, the cats may show nervousness and unusual aggression.

Siamese breed

The homeland of the Siamese is Thailand. Average life expectancy is 25 years. This cat breed is long-lived. The Guinness Book of Records records a Siamese cat that lived for 38 years.

Everyone has long known that Siamese cats are very gentle, trusting and active. Do not forget that these cats cannot be forced to do anything, otherwise they will remember and take revenge on you. Siamese cats are very talkative.

Siamese choose one owner in a family. If you want to get a Siamese cat for a child, then the child must care for the cat so that they form a bond.

The short and smooth coat does not require special care. You can feed your cat natural food or dry food. Siamese are terribly afraid of water, so they don’t like to swim at all.

Siamese cats have a number of hereditary diseases:

  • expansion of the heart;
  • neoplasms of the mammary glands;
  • lung tumors;
  • intestinal neoplasms;
  • asthma.

They are also highly sensitive to anesthesia.

Siamese cats can be trained, but it requires patience. They also calmly let you put on a collar and you can walk with them.

On average, the price of a Siamese kitten is 7,000 - 30,000 rubles.

Snow shu

Magnificent, but still quite rare representatives of the Snowshoe breed, which literally translates as “snow slipper,” have won the recognition of many animal lovers. Cute cats with white paws embody all the qualities of a truly domestic and affectionate cat.

Snowshu are very attached to their owner, and subtly sense his mood. If the owner is sad, the cat will try to calm him down by purring and caressing him. Well, if he is in a good mood, he will take measures to involve him in joint games.

Snowshoes are very smart, highly intelligent and well trained in commands and tricks. Representatives of the breed interact well with children and also get along well with other types of pets.

Making a choice

If at a family council it is decided to accept a new tailed tenant into the house, you need to slowly think through all the details. First of all, it is important to decide what character the cat should have, what the role of the purr in the family will be. To do this, it is better to carefully study the ratings and lists of the most friendly and affectionate breeds, and find detailed information about them if you are interested.

When the issue of choosing a breed has been resolved, it is time to look for a breeder or club specializing in the sale of kittens. And here it is worth remembering that the lower the cost of kittens in an establishment, the lower the “quality” of the animals offered. When visiting a nursery, you should immediately inquire about the permitting documentation and veterinary passport for the tailed friend you like . Conscientious breeders, as a rule, themselves offer pedigrees and papers confirming registration with international felinological organizations for study.

It is important to decide in advance on the choice of a pet and clearly think through the plan for purchasing a cat.

Carefully examine the kitten you like for any flaws in appearance.

The pet must be healthy, as evidenced by:

  • shiny wool;
  • moderate fatness;
  • clean ears and eyes;
  • absence of inflammation on the skin, including under the tail.

The kitten's behavior should also not cause any complaints. An animal happy with life will not hide in a corner and hiss, but will show curiosity and goodwill.

Knowledgeable people say that the character of the purr depends not only on the breed, but also on the gender of the animal. So, cats are more attached to men and will be more affectionate, while cats sympathize with women and are distinguished by devotion.

The choice of a kitten is also influenced by the emotional attitude of the future owner to the breed. It is important that it evokes positive feelings - from delight to tenderness. Then it will be much easier to establish contact with the mustache.

Affectionate cat breeds are very attached to their owners, so it is better to decide in advance whether the animal will have long lonely hours in its life. After all, business trips and other travel sometimes have a very negative impact not only on the nervous system of delicate cats, but also on their health in general.

Even a simple yard cat can turn out to be the gentlest and most affectionate creature in the world if the owner shows maximum care and kindness to the animal. I believe that compiling ratings among kind cats is a very conditional task, designed to orient animal lovers in all the variety of adorable purring lumps.

Burmese breed

This cat is originally from Myanmar (formerly Burma). She lived on the territory of temples and was considered sacred. The Burmese breed is also called the Sacred Burmese. Last century, an American millionaire saw this cat and was fascinated. He bought several kittens for a fabulous sum. After the Second World War, only 2 cats of this breed remained in Europe and breeders began to revive it.

This breed is easy to recognize due to the white coloring on its glove-like paws. This breed was created by crossing Siamese cats with Persian cats. She has long, thick hair from the Persians, and color from the Siamese breed. The advantage of wool is that it does not form tangles. It is also interesting that kittens of this breed are born completely white. Only by six months does the Siamese color appear, and by three years the full signature color is formed.

This cat breed has the good manners of a real lady. Smart, calm and sociable. The Sacred Burma has a neutral temperament. She can be either playful and lively when you are free, or quiet and calm when you are busy with something. The Burma loves human affection and lying on its owner's lap. Only one owner is recognized. They love children. They experience great curiosity when they see a stranger.

These cats are gourmets and poor quality food can lead to changes in coat color.

The cost of a Burma with a full package of documents varies from 20,000 rubles to 70,000 rubles; without documents it can be sold much cheaper.


The name of these cats is translated as “rag doll”. This is due to the fact that in the hands of the owners the cat completely relaxes, and there is a feeling as if in the hands of a toy, and not a living creature. The character of Ragdolls is just as soft: they have absolutely no aggression, these cats are attached to all family members, not singling out anyone more than the rest. They love to sit in your arms, they are affectionate and trusting. It is very important to communicate and pay attention to such a pet every day, since they suffer greatly from loneliness.

Exotic shorthair.

In the same year and in the same country, another cat was born, with a character reminiscent of a dog. Exotics are distinguished by their intelligence, peacefulness, and, of course, extraordinary appearance, inherited from the ancestors of the Persian and American Shorthair, and the parents were crossed to obtain new colors from the Persians.

A distinctive feature of the breed is hypersociality. It is not a burden for the exotic to live next to other pets and small family members, thanks to its sociality. He is able to carry out simple commands. However, such a cat suffers loneliness very painfully; he always needs company, but he does not notice any attachment to his owner. There are often representatives who take a long time to get used to new people, so his trust is worth long days and weeks of spending time together.

Despite their appearance, these cats have good health and an average life expectancy of 12-15 years.

( 2 ratings, average 4 out of 5 )
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