Does your cat get bored when you're not home: research

Scientists and owners are debating whether cats miss their owners; their opinions differ diametrically, and there is no clear answer. Therefore, in order to make sure whether the pet misses him, the owner should know whether the cat loves him, what experiments the researchers conducted, whether the animal will remember the owner after a long separation, and how long it misses him in his absence.

According to expert felinologist K. Bessant, there is a type of people “cat’s favorites”, to whom even nervous and timid cats immediately feel affection, but this does not mean that the pet immediately forgot and betrayed the owner, it’s just that the guest’s energy is very positive, and he the person is open and pleasant.

Quarantine and cats

During the lockdown period, there were a lot of cute cat memes going around the internet. They say that furry pets are so accustomed to their owners being constantly away from home that they were extremely surprised when they stopped going to work and spent all their time with them.

When the quarantine ended and everything returned to normal, many cat owners noticed how the behavior of their cats had changed. Returning home from work, they saw how the cats did not leave them a single step, constantly trying to tell about something, rubbing against their legs, looking devotedly into their eyes, in a word, in every possible way demonstrating their joy at the person’s return home. They, who quickly got used to the constant presence of people nearby during self-isolation, again found it difficult to get used to forced loneliness.

Do cats have any feelings for their owners?

Cats can have different feelings for their owners, the strength of which varies depending on early experiences, heredity (possibly differences between breeds) and animals coming from different families. One of the things cat owners can do to strengthen their relationship with their pet is to treat the animal well, learn to recognize its body language, and provide food, water and shelter.

Research by American scientists

Scientists from Oregon were able to prove that cats become no less attached to their owners than dogs. About 80 kittens and their owners took part in the experiment.

Small pets were separated from their owners for a short period of time and placed in an unfamiliar place. When the owner returned, the animals' reactions were checked using special instruments.

It turned out that the babies experienced severe stress when they were separated from their owners, but after being reunited with them, they rejoiced and expressed strong positive emotions.

Opinion of zoopsychologists

Animal psychologists do not give a clear answer to the question of whether cats miss their owners. Some animals, left alone, show fear and anxiety. But many pets tolerate separation from people without any problems.

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In the absence of the owner, some cats refuse food and water. They stop playing and constantly sit in one place. But can these be considered signs of melancholy?

Animal psychologists consider this behavior a reaction to stress from environmental changes. Some cats experience increased anxiety when their owner is not home. There are breeds (Sphynxes, Orientals, Maine Coons) that do not tolerate loneliness well. They feel protected only in the presence of their owners.

How to help your cat cope with stress

Do you have to spend a lot of time outside the house, and your cat is forced to hang around four walls in splendid isolation for days? Here are some tips to help her cope with stress:

  1. When you come home, be sure to pay attention to your cat. When she runs up to greet you, crouch down to her level, pet her, and talk to her in a calm, friendly tone.
  2. Play with your cat, come up with joint activities. Physical activity is a great way to cope with stress, the cat will switch gears and the sadness will go away.
  3. Pamper your pet with gifts from time to time. A house with manholes, a cat teaser from a pet store or another interesting little thing will delight the cat and improve its mood.

What triggers fear of separation?

It is still impossible to determine exactly what exactly causes this fear in cats. Presumably, the cause of this syndrome may be congenital, genetic predisposition and the environment surrounding the cat. That is, if you look closely at this explanation, you will have to admit that it states a fact rather than explains something. The only way it may be useful is to suggest that kittens who, for example, were taken from their mother too early or orphaned too early, are likely to be more predisposed to separation anxiety than those who did not have such troubles in childhood.

It is still impossible to determine exactly what exactly causes this fear in cats.

What should a cat owner do if he suspects his pet has separation anxiety? First of all, he should discuss this issue with a veterinarian, and then conduct a full examination of the animal.

It should be remembered that very often behind changes in behavior and simply oddities there are reasons not of a psychological nature, but certain deviations in health.

Therefore, it is best to start by identifying and eliminating precisely such causes. If they are not found, great: this will only make things calmer. In addition, we should not forget that the symptoms of various diseases and mental problems can overlap each other, forming a completely wrong idea about the problem. For example, if a cat has inflammation or obstruction of the urinary tract, she may urinate somewhere other than the litter tray and meow loudly. And if a cat has a food allergy, it may become addicted to excessive licking. All this can create the illusion that the animal suffers from separation anxiety or is dissatisfied with something in the actions of its owner. A timely examination will help resolve this issue.

It would also be advisable to talk to a cat behavior specialist. Separation anxiety in cats began to be studied quite recently and a specialist could help, if not understand this syndrome, then at least exclude other possible fears.


Manufacturers offer a variety of balls, mice, spring teasers, and mazes.

The buyer should pay attention to products designed for pets to play independently. They have an attractive appearance and a large margin of safety

You can make some fun toys yourself. For example, sew a round bag from an old bright sock and fill it with dried peas. Or knit a small mouse from threads. If you use pieces of natural fur for decoration, your pet will simply be delighted.

The new toy should be made available to the domestic predator for a while - let him try it out. After this, the item should be hidden and taken out only before leaving for work.

Otherwise, the cat will very quickly get tired of the accessory, and she will stop paying attention to it.

Cat houses deserve special attention, as they not only serve as a playground, but also provide comfortable conditions for relaxation. Designs should be chosen based on the size and character of the pet.

Animals are looking for people everywhere

The Phoenix Zoo has started hosting lunches with elephants and orangutans to keep them entertained. Many birds, accustomed to people, also now need their frequent visits. The primates, not understanding where the people had gone, went in search of them. The animals seem to be asking what happened to everyone.

Zoo director Leo Osterwegel said the animals now look at him with longing: “They are used to visitors. The elephants and gorillas especially seem to miss people, they really enjoy seeing people." Linda Hardwick, director of communications, said: “We have noticed that some of our more social animals are becoming very bored. The primates especially noticed that our guests were gone, and they went looking for them.”

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