11 signs your cat doesn't like you

If your cat often runs away from you, it's natural to take this to heart. There are actually several reasons why a cat runs away, and sometimes it has less to do with her thoughts and feelings towards you and more to do with her mood and overall health.

A cat will run away from you if it is sick or injured. This happens because cats prefer to hide away to protect themselves from potential danger. Stressed or fearful cats will also run away, as will cats that have not been socialized to interact with people. Sometimes cats need their own space. In other cases, they run away, trying to start a fun game with their owners.

If you notice sudden changes in your cat's personality or appearance, she most likely has a health problem. If this happens, take your cat to the veterinarian for an examination.

Your home is noisier than usual

If you suddenly have a lot of unfamiliar visitors, for example at a children's birthday party or barbecue, the volume level in your home can skyrocket. For a sensitive cat who is not used to such noise, this may be too much. Your cat may decide to run under the sofa and hide, or even run away from the house. While they usually return once the volume returns to normal, there are a few things you can do to make the process easier.

  • Solution : Consider planning ahead. If you know you'll be having a large gathering, use something like a cat diffuser that uses cat pheromones to comfort and calm your cat. You can connect it a few days before the volume increases. On the day itself, designate one area of ​​your home as a guest-free zone and allow your cat to stay there with plenty of toys and food. You can use a calming collar and even calming treats to help your cat relax.

Image Credit: coryr930, Pixabay

What to do if the pet does not return for a long time?

If a cat has disappeared, it is necessary to take search measures: ask neighbors and post notices.
If it happens that the cat goes on a spree, you need to take immediate action. There is no need to wait for the pet to come on its own; this may not happen. In such a situation, there is only one way out - to start persecution as soon as possible. You need to leave the house and ask neighbors and surrounding residents. Maybe someone saw the animal on the street or took it for themselves. It is recommended to place an advertisement. This can be done in a newspaper, on the Internet, written by hand and hung on poles. You must provide a detailed description of the animal and attach a photograph.

If the cat, upon coming home, runs away again after a while, then you need to purchase special address cards. They are attached to the pet's collar and contain the owner's name, address, and phone number. A modern method that can be done is microchipping a cat. It does not cause discomfort to the animal. A microchip is inserted under the skin and, if something happens, information about the location is read from it.

Your cat wants to play

If your cat comes up to you with a playful look and paws at you before curling her tail and running away, she's trying to tell you that she wants to play! Some cats will want to play with you when you get home and they've been alone all day. Others have a favorite time of day when they love to race around the house!

  • Solution : It's very simple - just play with your cat more! Make sure you have a good selection of different toys for your cat, including kicker toys, wand toys, and toys that your cat can play with on her own when you're not home.

How to stop my cat from running away from me

All cats are different - what one likes, others don't like. To train your cat not to run away from me, you need to find methods that suit your pet's personality. With time, patience and persistence, you can convince your cat to stop running away.

Building trust

To build a strong bond with your cat, focus on building trust between you. Think about your behavior over the past few days, weeks and months. If you force your cat to hug you or make too much noise in her presence, your cat will lose trust in you and become nervous and fearful.

Likewise, stop approaching your cat when she is drinking and eating or appears uncooperative. Pay attention to your cat's behavior and leave him alone if he seems upset. Once you understand what your cat is trying to say, you can determine when she wants to be left alone.

Create a safe space

Cats need a safe, happy space to feel comfortable. To make your cat feel at home and not want to run away from you, provide her with a comfortable bed, a scratching post, toys, games and tasty treats.

If your cat has plenty of hiding places, she will have somewhere to escape if she feels stressed or scared. You won't be able to stop a cat if it runs away, so giving it safe places to escape will benefit your relationship in the long run.

Boost your cat's confidence

If your cat is shy or nervous, try to give her confidence. Play interactive games with your animal, but do not overload it. You don't even have to play - sit next to your cat while she's resting and talk to her in soft tones to get her used to your voice and presence.

Positive reinforcement

Cats do not respond well to yelling or punishment, especially if they have a traumatic or abusive past. Whenever you try to approach, play with, or pet your cat, use her favorite treats. Over time, your pet will develop a positive association with you and will stop running away.

When feeding your cat, squat down so as not to hang over the animal. Use the same method when trying to pet a cat. Also, before you touch the animal, let your cat sniff your hand so that it gets used to your scent.

be patient

Ultimately, every cat is different, and some always remain a little nervous. Not all cats become affectionate and cuddly and run away from time to time. Don't force anything on your cat or you will push her away.

Leave your cat alone when she needs to be alone and allow her to have her own time. You may want to use treats to entice your cat to come out of hiding, but if that doesn't work, be patient and wait until the cat is ready.

Your cat wants to go hunting

Cats are natural predators and have a strong hunting instinct. If your cat runs out the door at dusk and comes home to proudly present you with a dead mouse, you know she's been out hunting.

  • Solution : You can give your cat more toys that simulate hunting, including puzzles and food toys. You can also spend more time playing with your cat to help her use those hunting instincts at home. Domestic cats can cause serious problems in catching native wildlife, including birds and rodents.

Why do cats run away when you try to pet them?

While most owners love to pet their cats and shower them with affection, not all cats enjoy it. In fact, some cats actually hate being touched. Here are the most common reasons for this:

Past trauma or abuse

If you adopted a cat from a shelter or acquired it from another family, it is not always possible to know its history. The previous owner may have physically abused the cat, causing her to be afraid of being petted. On a less serious note, perhaps the cat was not raised in an environment where she was petted and petted, so she does not understand what it is.

Static electricity

Some cats experience static electricity when they are petted. This happens because long periods of repeated stroking create small discharges in the skin, irritating it. As a result, cats develop negative associations with petting and will run away to avoid it.

Likewise, if you live in a humid area, your cat's fur will accumulate an electrical charge. Stroking creates friction, causing both you and your cat to receive an electric shock. This can be painful and, to say the least, uncomfortable. Long-haired cats, such as Ragdolls and Persians, are at greater risk.

Pain or discomfort

The cat may also be in pain or discomfort and may not want you to touch the sensitive area. Therefore, she will run away from you when you approach her to pet her. In this case, the cat exhibits several behavioral signals to show its displeasure, including:

This is a warning to either not touch the cat or stop doing so. Likewise, if you pet your cat too persistently, your pet will remember it and run away to avoid the situation.

Your cat is in heat

A female in heat will be forced to go out and find a mate, while an intact tom will be wandering around looking for those females!

  • Solution : We recommend talking to your veterinarian about spaying or neutering your cat. This will stop the hormones that cause your cat to wander far from home when she is trying to find a mate. This will also prevent unwanted pregnancies and the need to find homes for kittens you weren't expecting.

They have territorial issues

Cats in the wild have large home ranges where they do not frequently encounter other cats. This is not possible for our domestic kittens, so in each area there will be several cats whose territories overlap. If your cat is trying to take over territory from a more dominant cat, or another cat has moved into your area and is trying to take over part of your cat's territory, you may find that your cat wanders further from home than usual.

  • Solution : There is no one-size-fits-all solution to this problem because your cat may be trying to expand her territory or losing hers and looking elsewhere! You can pay attention to the time your cat usually goes on adventures and entice her to stay home by offering special treats and playtime. You can also use a GPS tracker to keep track of where they're going if you're worried they're wandering too far from home!

How to prevent leaving?

To prevent animals from running away in the spring and getting lost, they are deprived of attraction to the opposite sex. A castrated or sterilized cat will behave calmer, more obedient, and will not run away. There are also special medications to prevent animals from wanting to go for walks.

It is recommended to ensure that the entrance door and windows are closed. Some people jump out of windows out of curiosity when they see a bird or a dog, and thus can get injured. The cat will return sick or get lost. Don’t forget that it’s easier to prevent a cat from escaping than to look for her later.

You recently moved to a new home

Moving to a new home is a stressful time for cats, and you may find that your cat takes a long time to settle into your new home. They may decide they want to come back and live in the old house! If your cat lives outdoors, she will spend a lot of time establishing and defending her territory. This is something they will naturally want to return to.

  • Solution : Keep the cat indoors for the first week or so after the big move. You can use a pheromone diffuser to help calm them down before and after movement. Don't let your cat out unattended for the first time after moving in, as this may cause her to immediately run away.

Having problems with multiple pets

If you have decided to add another cat or dog to your family, congratulations! However, this situation may make your current cat feel threatened and cause her to run away from you. Make sure you manage the initial introduction between your new pets to ensure everything goes smoothly.

  • Solution : Make sure the first few encounters between your pets are short and allow the cat to retreat if she wants. Make one area of ​​your home a separate area for each pet, so that if they don't want to interact, they can spend time in their safe zone instead of feeling the need to run away.

© shutterstock

Offer alternative escape options

It's not fair to simply deny your cat access to a favorite activity. Provide several permitted exits that are more attractive than forbidden areas, and he will naturally prefer to rest there and refuse to rush through the doorway.

Place a cat tree or cat bed on a table directly in front of a window some distance from the off-limits door. Make it the ultimate cat hangout spot by hiding catnip or treats in the bed, for example.

Before heading out the door, use positive reinforcement by giving your cat the "best treat in the world" but only if she is in the cat tree/bed (a safe distance from the door). Then make your exit. Enlist the help of friends to knock on the door or ring the doorbell for practice, so those coming make your kitty think, "Hey, it's time for a treat!"

Your cat needs better socialization

If your cat came from a shelter or you adopted her from the street as a stray, she may not be used to spending a lot of time with good people. If your cat has not yet learned the joys of toys, scratches and cuddles, it will take time for her to come out of her shell.

  • Solution : The best way to solve this problem is simply time, patience and a few treats! Spending quality time with your new cat, but not expecting her to interact with you if she doesn't want to, will be key to building her confidence.

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Injured cats react in the same way as sick cats. They run away from their owners to find a quiet place to heal. This minimizes the risk of pain and further injury. Look out for other symptoms of pain when your cat runs away:

  • Hiss
  • growl
  • Constant excitement
  • Excessive vocalizations

Any changes in your cat's personality indicate that something is wrong.


According to PLoS One, cats run and hide for many reasons, but the most common is behavioral stress. Stress is caused by:

  • Feeling trapped
  • Overwhelmed by space at home
  • Fear of strangers in the house
  • Acclimatization in a new home
  • Territory expansion

If you don't remove stress triggers from your cat's environment, he will run away from you.

If you have recently scolded your cat, yelled at her, or done something that scared her physically, she will develop a fear of you. This is not necessarily something you did on purpose - simply waving your arms or sneaking up on an animal can cause fear in it.

Cats in particular are frightened by loud noises. Perhaps your cat is not running away from you specifically, but is trying to escape from fear-provoking factors.

On the other hand, many fears are caused by negative associations received in early childhood. If you scared your cat about something when she was a kitten, she will remember it and be negatively affected for a long time.


Cats experience a whole range of emotions: happiness, sadness, disappointment. Sometimes cats just need to be alone with their owners, just like we do from time to time. It's nothing personal, it's just that your cat doesn't feel like socializing.

There's nothing wrong with gently encouraging your cat to play, but don't push him if he keeps running away from you. The next step is that the cat will become angry, and there is a good chance that it will attack you, scratching or biting.

Poor socialization

To prevent cats from becoming fearful and aggressive, they need to be introduced to people as early as possible. If they are not socialized from an early age, they develop behavior problems and distrust of people, which causes them to run away.

It is possible to socialize an older cat, but it is not as easy as training a kitten. The ideal period is 2 to 7 weeks, but if you don't have time to do this, try interacting with your cat gently. Walk at your pet's pace to avoid spooking him.

A game

On the flip side of all the negative aspects, your cat may run away from you as part of a fun game. You will know this if your cat continues to sneak up on you after initially running away. Some cats, especially kittens, like to play chase or hide and seek, both of which involve an element of running.

Make it a fun game and grab some of your cat's favorite toys. This is a good approach method.

Your cat is stuck

If your cat hasn't returned from her usual neighborhood patrol, she may have gotten stuck somewhere instead of running away. Cats are extremely curious animals. They might jump into an open delivery van, explore a barn for potential mice, or even walk through someone's backyard into their home.

  • Solution : Make sure your cat wears a secure collar with your details on the tag. That way, if they get stuck somewhere, whoever finds them will have an easy time identifying you as the owner.

You have a baby or another important event

Bringing a new baby home is a wonderful time, but it can also be a stressful time for our sensitive feline friends. A major disruption to your cat's daily routine can make you feel anxious and stressed. They may simply decide to leave and find a quieter place to stay for a day or two.

  • Solution : We know this is an extra thing to add to the huge list of things to do for new parents, but taking the time to think about how best to prepare your cat for the new addition to the family is a good idea.

Your cat has found a new home

It can be terrible if it happens to you, but it is not uncommon. Sometimes a cat runs into a neighboring house to eat and play, and then returns home. In other cases, they may decide that they would actually rather live with someone else.

  • Solution : If you find your cat hanging out with someone else, the first thing to do is try to let them know that your cat already has a loving home. If your cat doesn't have a collar, it may be difficult for someone to contact you.

Posted by Christian Adams An American expat living in Metro Manila, Philippines for over a decade, Christian is a lifelong cat lover and the proud father of two rescue cats, Trixie and Chloe. Both girls used to be among the crowds of homeless people who roam the cities and countryside. Three-year-old Trixie was rescued from a litter found under a neighbor's porch, and two-year-old Chloe was brought home by Christian's young son, Henry, who discovered the crying kitten in the parking lot.

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