Why does a cat run around after using the litter box?

It's common knowledge that dogs have all sorts of weird rituals around the toilet, but they're not alone in their weirdness. Cats, although they try to pretend to be more worthy pets, have their own set of quirks. The main one is that some cats tend to go a little crazy after pooping in the litter box.

Many cat owners have probably noticed that their cat runs out of the litter box after defecating. But why do cats run after they poop? As with the behavior of many other animals, there is no concrete answer, but experts have several theories.

Prevention of cystitis

If a cat has a strong immune system, then the body itself will fight diseases. And the same three pillars on which the health of the animal rests will help to form such immunity - regular treatments against parasites (deworming), annual preventive vaccinations (vaccination) and proper feeding (what to feed the cat). To prevent cystitis, you should protect your pet from drafts and hypothermia, avoid infectious diseases, and ensure that your cat always has a clean litter tray and fresh drinking water.

The cat attracts attention

Due to lack of attention from the owner, the cat can also behave too actively. He runs around the house, makes various sounds and shows aggression. In addition, cats try to reach their owners in this way when something bothers them: for example, wounds appear or negative changes occur in the body and the pet gets sick.

The stomach has become tight

If you are unable to urinate, urine remains in the body and accumulates in the bladder. Externally, this condition is manifested by tension in the abdomen - it becomes tight and painful. Due to the poisoning of the body by toxins contained in the urine, the cat begins to vomit. Against the background of intoxication, body temperature decreases. The pet may lose consciousness, have convulsions, and the bladder may rupture. If such symptoms appear, urgent surgical intervention by a veterinarian is necessary.

Why do cats run after using the toilet?

Based on materials from www.animalwised.com, Josie F. Turner, 2018 Many owners notice that their cats, after visiting the litter box (usually after defecation), run around the room for some time. Some not only run away very quickly, but also, like acrobats, perform pirouettes and cling to everything. However, not everyone demonstrates this behavior, so you may not have ever seen such a strange phenomenon. Why do our pets behave this way? Why not everyone? Is there any cause for concern? The article attempts to explain this feature of cat behavior.

Among the reasons that could potentially cause a cat to run after using the toilet are the following:

  • Survival instinct;
  • Feeling of satisfaction;
  • Urinary tract infections;
  • Kidney problems;
  • Dirty tray;

When examining the causes in detail, hidden problems may sometimes be discovered that the owner was unaware of, sometimes even requiring a visit to the veterinarian.

Internet Speculation: Why Do Cats Poop and Run Away?

I recently came across an article by Amanda Bernocco on HNGN that reflects on this issue. The publication says that "expert speculation" has finally revealed a "very scientific reason" why some cats can jump out of their litter boxes after defecating (it's actually very interesting). Bernocco goes on to say that cats run because in the wild the smell of feces attracts predators.

Unfortunately, while the blog does mention "experienced writer (Laurie Soard)", it is unclear how this information has been scientifically verified. No specific veterinary or animal behavior experts are mentioned, nor are there any references to scientific research on the subject. So while I find this suggestion very interesting, I need to get more support before I agree with the conclusion of this article.

Article by: Susan Paretts Susan Paretts is a pet expert who has volunteered at local animal shelters for many years.

Physiological reasons

Physiological causes are often not dangerous and go away on their own after some time. To prevent the development of complications, it is necessary to monitor the pet and its behavior.

Marking territory

Marking territory is a normal phenomenon not only in cats, but also in cats. Thus, they designate their possessions and territory. Females can mark during pregnancy, so treatment is not required in this case.

Natural instincts often manifest themselves in cats that live in apartments, which causes inconvenience to the owners.

One of the ways to stop marking territory is to castrate the cat.

Stressful situation

Some owners notice that the cat began to pee a lot after some past situations. Stress in an animal can be caused by simply moving to another place. In this case, the pet stops eating normally and becomes angry or fearful. Such situations can reduce the pet’s immunity, which will provoke the development of inflammatory processes in the body. In this case, you need to carefully monitor the cat. If mucus or blood appears in the urine, you should immediately consult a doctor.

Note! Pedigree cats, for example, “British” cats, are especially sensitive to stress.

Drinks a lot of water

To understand why your cat is urinating frequently, you need to monitor what he eats and drinks. If the weather is hot outside, your cat has eaten salty food, or has been playing for too long, he may drink large amounts of water. In this case, the animal will go to the toilet more often.

Important! Drinking too much can be a symptom of diabetes. If your cat is drinking a lot of fluids at normal times, you should visit your veterinarian to check the cat's condition.

Diabetes mellitus is easily diagnosed by taking a blood test

If your cat is drinking a lot of fluids at normal times, you should visit your veterinarian to check the cat's condition. Diabetes mellitus is easily diagnosed by taking a blood test.

Cat poops in pain

If you notice that your cat runs away from the litter box and cries after pooping, this may indicate that she has a health problem. This is especially true if you have never noticed this behavior before.

Cats that experience pain during elimination may run away from boxing and avoid it afterwards due to boxing's association with discomfort. To resolve these litter box problems, visit your veterinarian to rule out a medical cause for your cat's unusual behavior.

Why does a cat run around the house before going to the toilet?

Many owners have noticed inappropriate behavior of their pets before doing their thorough business in the toilet. They begin to run, making circles throughout the house. In this case, not only horizontal surfaces can be used, but also vertical ones, for example, curtains. Some especially talkative individuals emit heart-rending screams of varying degrees of intensity, depending on their temperament.

Cats often rush around the apartment before going to the toilet in a big way.

Unfortunately, the cats themselves cannot explain their unusual behavior before going to the toilet to us, so we can only make more or less logical assumptions. There are several versions:

  • Physical activity, during which the abdominal muscles contract, stimulates intestinal function. As a result, peristalsis improves, and the process of releasing feces is easier.
  • The tray is dirty, smells bad, or there is not enough filler. The pet signals that it would be nice to clean his potty.
  • The act of defecation itself is painful for the cat, so he worries and screams.
  • The animal warns its owners in advance about the upcoming cleaning of its toilet.

Active movements help the intestines work better

Our cat, before leaving to accomplish great things, always begins to look into her eyes, while meowing pitifully, and asking to go outside (where she is not allowed). This action can last for a different amount of time (from 5 minutes to an hour), apparently, it depends on the degree of fullness of the intestines. Realizing that everything is useless and it will not be possible to break into the street again, the kitty goes to the potty and does his “dark” things there. Then he happily runs around the rooms and tears at the carpet with his claws.

Why does a cat rush around the apartment and what to do about it?

What does a cat do most of the day? If you say that she is sleeping, then in the vast majority of cases you will be right. A healthy adult cat can actually sleep up to 16 hours a day.

But sometimes the lazy (at first glance) purr seems to switch on a different mode and she begins to rush madly around the house, from one end of the apartment to the other, sometimes pushing and crushing carpets and rugs and knocking over things that get in her way. Is this normal? What to do about it? “Murkosha”, as always, will give answers.

  1. 1) Why does the cat most often rush around the apartment?
  2. 2) How to ensure the safety of things and healthy sleep
  3. 3) If the cat is alone for a long time
  4. 4) Health problems
  5. 5) Sexual instinct
  6. 6) The cat is trying to wake up the owner

Why does the cat most often run around the apartment?

Some owners believe that the cat is having some kind of “seizure” at this moment. No. In most cases, this is absolutely normal behavior, determined by instincts and lifestyle. Cats rush around the apartment because they are predators, their instincts tell them so. They constantly need to move to keep their body in good shape. In this way they improve their hunting skills. After 5-10 minutes, the cat usually gets tired and lies down to rest. These bursts of activity are completely natural, especially for kittens and young cats.

Sometimes a cat has an additional goal - to attract the attention of the owner. Especially if the owner does not spoil his pet with attention too often. But even if you often play with your cat, even if he has a wide variety of toys, this behavior can still be an invitation to play. All cats have very different habits and preferences, including in games. For some cats, there is nothing better than hide and seek and chase, and this requires at least two. Don't deny your cat attention, at least don't do it too often. Cats are very sensitive animals, and such neglect can cause your pet to become stressed. And stress often leads to various behavioral problems.

If you cannot support games of hide and seek and chase, or such activity is unacceptable for you for some reason, you can redirect the cat’s energy in another direction (more on this below).

So, this behavior in itself is normal - the kitten runs around to let off steam and keep itself in good shape. It’s good when this happens during the day and your things don’t suffer. Then it's even fun to watch. But sometimes this can turn into a problem.

  1. When a cat rushes around the apartment, he often also jumps to higher places. Often there are already some things in these places, sometimes fragile and valuable. Naturally, these things can fall or even break when the cat jumps.
  2. Cats are nocturnal animals after all. During the day they rest more. But if by night they have accumulated a lot of excess energy, they will definitely decide to throw it out. The kitten will begin to rush around the apartment, preventing the owners from sleeping. And none of your screams and exhortations will help here, if only because for him such behavior is quite normal in this situation. Locking a kitten somewhere is also not a solution - it will meow loudly and ask to be let out. Put yourself in his place: you are full of strength and energy, thirsty for action, ready to move mountains, but you are told to just sit quietly and not disturb anyone - and nothing else. And so on all the time.

How to ensure the safety of things and healthy sleep

Here you probably have a question: is it possible to make sure that the cat lives a full active life, and things remain safe and sound, and the owners get enough sleep? Of course you can! Moreover, it is not difficult at all.

To begin with, valuable and/or fragile items should be placed out of reach of the cat. When we say “inaccessible,” we do not mean those where the cat “cannot” climb, but those that it cannot reach even if it wants to. This must be done in any case, even if your pet does not like to run and jump too much. Firstly, the mood may change. Secondly, all cats love to explore the territory, and if your pet has not explored something yet, but he has the opportunity, then he will almost certainly eventually do so.

Next, the cat needs to be provided with an alternative. If your cat runs around at night, play with it (perhaps like catch) just before bed. But only so that she gets tired, that is, she lies down and does not show any desire to continue playing. If the cat is not tired enough, it will continue to run around at night. This can be noticed if the pet does not lie down, expects some action from you, looks at you while its pupils are dilated, touches you with its paw, etc. But if you really exhaust your cat, she will sleep without her hind legs and won’t wake up until the morning.

Are you not satisfied with the format of races around the apartment? No problem - show your cat other games. Special “fishing rod” toys are best suited. A game for a cat is something like hunting. Let the toy be his “prey.” Accordingly, it should resemble prey: remain at some distance from the cat, “run away” or “crawl away,” fly up, to the side, change the direction of movements, and look for shelter. Almost no cat can resist chasing this one.

Read more about games: Why do cats play and how to do it correctly with them?

Such games have two goals at once. Firstly, they will exhaust your pet no worse than running around the apartment. Secondly, in the process, the person guides the cat with the help of a toy. Play with her where she can, and take her away from places where she doesn't want to run or jump. A maximum of 15-20 minutes of such a game (if everything is done correctly) - and the cat itself will want to rest. 2-3 sessions a day will fully satisfy an adult pet’s need for games and a burst of energy. Of course, you need to play with the kitten more. It's best to play before giving your cat food. Then the cat’s behavior model in natural conditions will be reproduced: hunting - catching prey (the game should always end with the pet catching the toy) - food - sleep.

If the cat is alone for a long time

It’s not very good if an overly active cat (a kitten or just a representative of a super-energetic breed like an Abyssinian or Egyptian Mau) is left alone most of the day. It’s not very good both for him, because it will be hard for him to endure loneliness, and for the apartment, because such a pet will definitely look for something to cheer himself up. Therefore, the Murkoshi team insists that the owner’s work schedule and pace of life should play an important role in choosing a pet.

More information about choosing a breed: https://www.murkosha.ru/nashi-stati/interesnoe-o-koshkakh/kakoj-porody-kota-luchshe-zavodit

We recommend getting a kitten only if there is an adult in the apartment who can look after it (and play with it) most of the day.

And yet, if you have a playful pet and you don’t want him to get bored (and knock over your things, trying to occupy himself), but you have to leave him alone from time to time, then we recommend, in addition to the standard balls, mice and teasers, purchase various interactive toys: tracks, puzzles, mazes, toys with hidden treats, etc. - in general, everything that can attract the cat’s attention for a long time. The more he occupies himself with these toys, the less he will just run around the house.

Read more: Interactive toys for cats: why they are needed and how to use them

And for cats who love to run, we recommend installing a running wheel like this:

Your pet will definitely appreciate it!

Until now, when we talked about the kitten running around the house, we only meant its desire to play. In most cases, this is actually explained by the game. But other reasons are also possible.

Health problems

Sometimes the pet attracts the owner’s attention in this way, trying to show that something hurts or that something is causing him discomfort. Or it could be some kind of neurological disorder. Especially if the cat is running in circles or running sideways, this is almost always the result of a medical problem. In this case, you should immediately show your pet to a veterinarian.

Perhaps the cat runs actively because he wants to, but cannot go to the toilet, and after such runs he succeeds. If this is not the first time you notice a connection between running and going to the litter box, you should also contact your veterinarian. Perhaps the cat's intestines are not working as they should.

Sexual instinct

Running around the apartment often happens if you have an unspayed cat or an unsterilized cat. During a period of hormonal peak, an animal looks for a partner in this way. This is usually accompanied by other behavioral problems: loud meowing, constant marking, refusal to eat, and cases of aggression are also possible.

If this is the case, then in fact only castration/sterilization can help. Everything else will either have no effect, or will give a purely short-term effect, or will lead to serious health problems (in the case of using various hormonal drugs). But castration/sterilization is a completely safe operation that will save both you and your pet from many problems. Moreover, the operation will not affect your character at all!

Read more about sterilization: https://www.murkosha.ru/nashi-stati/kastratsiya-i-sterilizatsiya/8-mifov-o-sterilizatsii-koshek

At the Murkosha shelter, all children over 6 months old are castrated or sterilized, but this does not prevent them from playing, being active and enjoying life. Come visit us and see for yourself!

The cat is trying to wake up its owner

There may be such a curious explanation. If your cat jumps on your bed in the morning and then suddenly takes off from it (or if the path of the run passes through your bed and your body), then she is clearly trying to wake you up. This happens if you feed your cat immediately after waking up. So she developed a reflex: the owner stood up - food appeared. The cat gets used to the fact that in order to get food, it is necessary to wake up the owner as soon as possible. If you do not want your cat to become a kind of “alarm clock” for you, do not give in to its demands until it becomes a habit. It is best to feed your pet not immediately after getting up, but, for example, before leaving for work. It is highly advisable to play with the cat at least a little before this.

Thus, the fact that a cat runs around the house is a very common and, in general, normal phenomenon. As a rule, this indicates the pet’s desire to play, the need to throw out energy. It is enough to satisfy this desire by directing it in the right direction with the help of toys, and everything will be fine, the cat will calm down. But in some cases, a visit to the vet or spay/neuter (if not already done) will be required.

Instinctive behavior

One of the most common theories explaining this phenomenon is the action of reflexes that helped cats survive in the wild. When, for example, dogs defecate, they usually look around or at their owner, then bury the marks left behind - this is also an instinctive behavior. Like cats, this behavior is shaped by many generations of animals that have lived before. Since this behavior is inherited from wild ancestors, the cat will try to hide its excrement properly and immediately escape in order to deceive possible predators. In reality, the reasons why your cat buries its feces are varied, but the main one is to hide its smell and, therefore, its presence on someone else's territory. Since this is an instinctive reflex, it does not matter how many other animals are in the house. She will carry out the entire program, covering her tracks and then running away from the litter box.

Causes of constipation in cats

If your cat cannot go to the toilet in a big way, it is important to find out the cause of the problem. Constipation is not a disease, but only a symptom that indicates some kind of disorder in the body.

The main causes of constipation in cats:

  1. The pet drinks little. Due to lack of moisture, stool hardens and moves poorly through the intestines. This often happens when a cat is suddenly switched to dry food.
  2. Errors in nutrition. Feeding a cat food from the human table can lead to a lack of vitamins and microelements. Because of this, the functioning of various body systems, including the digestive system, is disrupted.
  3. Stress. A cat may experience constipation after experiencing a fright, a change of owner or place of residence, and a kitten may experience constipation after separation from its mother.
  4. Worms. Infection with parasites leads to disruption of intestinal function - stool becomes irregular, constipation alternates with diarrhea. In advanced cases, when there are a lot of helminths inside, they interfere with the movement of feces through the intestines.
  5. Taking diuretics or iron supplements.
  6. Low mobility. Elderly, pregnant cats, as well as cats with joint diseases have problems with bowel movements because they move little.
  7. Hairballs. Constipation often occurs due to obstruction of the intestines, as hair clumps accumulate in the intestines.
  8. Foreign body. If a cat swallows an object, this can also cause constipation.
  9. Scars in the rectum or anus.
  10. Distension of the intestines as a result of prolonged constipation.
  11. Diseases of the paraanal glands in cats.
  12. After childbirth and abdominal surgery, there are also stool disorders.

Attention! Older cats are more likely to be constipated. It is associated with weakened intestinal motility. In small kittens, this problem occurs due to imperfections in the digestive system.

Chronic diseases that can cause constipation in a cat

Often, constipation is accompanied by diseases that are associated with disturbances in the functioning of the endocrine system:

  • diabetes;
  • tumors in the rectum or anus;
  • kidney pathologies;
  • congenital anomalies of the gastrointestinal tract.

Spinal injuries, which damage the nerve roots of the spinal cord, lead to loss of sensation, and the cat cannot poop.

Painful sensations

Often symptoms of urinary tract or intestinal diseases include pain during urination (defecation). That's why the cat rushes around the house, trying to distract itself from unpleasant sensations. If this behavior is something new, then it is advisable to take your cat to the veterinarian as soon as possible.

So, all the reasons for races after visiting the litter box are quite serious, and sometimes the cat may need the help of a veterinarian. Therefore, under no circumstances should you scold her, let alone punish her, for her restless behavior.

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Pet meows when urinating

In the initial stages of urolithiasis in a pet, even an attentive owner may not notice any signs of pathology: usually the cat does not change its behavior and habits in any way. Perhaps he will become less active and spend more time on the couch or in his house. Often this behavior is attributed to age. As the disease progresses, when pebbles begin to move in the pet’s urinary ducts, the cat begins to meow when urinating. At the same time, he begins to spend much more time in the tray than before. The opposite situation is possible - the cat avoids his litter box and tries to find a secluded place for his “wet” matters.

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