How to understand whether cats love their owners and whether they miss them



Saleswomen and business ladies, policemen and clerks, foremen and politicians, showmen and athletes, pensioners and children get great pleasure from communicating with furry, purring pets. However, do cats love their owners? How do they express their affection? Cats are wise and rather cunning animals. They often use others for their own benefit. Purring pets don't look like dogs at all. They will never be devoted to a person if they do not feel any return and love from him. The trust and affection of such an unpredictable creature still needs to be earned.

How can a cat show love for its owner?

Purrs are very cunning and intelligent creatures. If they like a person, they will never mark his shoes, defecate on the bed or his things. Cats that are more loyal and expressive of love for their owner are animals picked up from the street. They seem to know that they were saved from an unenviable fate and are ready to thank them for the rest of their lives.

Mostly, a cat’s love for its owner manifests itself in excessive pestering. The animal caresses, chirps, extends its claws, as if dancing, spins under its feet, and rubs against them. If you stroke it between the ears and under the muzzle at this time, it will be overly happy. Such manifestations of tender feelings occur not only when the pet is hungry.

It is believed that these animals can heal people. It is clear that there are no clearly proven facts. But some lucky ones claim that the pain in the side, the head, or the legs, all went away after the pet lay down on the sore spot. It is not known whether purrs can heal, but it is highly likely that they can find foci of inflammation.

The animal attracts to them the release of additional energy characteristic of the inflammatory process. This may also be one of the explanations why the cat loves its owner and comes to sleep with him.

In addition, it is believed that purrs can help cope with depression and loneliness. Single people are recommended to have these cute creatures at home. So there will always be a feeling that the cat is waiting and ready to reciprocate. Purrs allow you to get rid of heavy thoughts and escape from routine.

They especially help people with mental work. Many furry cats like to sleep near their owner's head or chest. It is clear that not everyone may like such a neighborhood at night. But you shouldn’t chase the beast away for at least some time. To prevent the animal from waking up early in the morning and at night, it is worth developing a specific feeding schedule.

Cat tenderness

If a cat rubs its muzzle against your legs, arms or face, this does not mean at all that the animal is “marking” its owner as property. On the head of cats there are secretory glands that secrete special substances that allow them to leave their scent on well-studied objects and people that do not pose a danger.

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If a cat licks exposed parts of the body, rubs its whiskers on its hands and face, this is the highest degree of manifestation of cat love and devotion. Stroking a person with a paw is a sign of affection and tenderness. If a furry pet rolls from side to side at your feet, exposing its tummy, this indicates that the animal wants to attract attention, completely trusting you.

If a cat doesn’t trust a person, he will never let you touch his tail and will definitely grab your hand. A cat's tail is a kind of mood barometer. And if the cat follows you with its tail raised like a pipe, this means that it invites you to dialogue, demanding attention.

A sure sign of cat affection is “stomping,” shifting from paw to paw with claws extended. This habit begins in childhood, when babies stimulate the flow of milk. Adult animals thus show that they feel completely safe, they feel very good with their owner, just as they once did with their own mother.

Do cats feel their owner's love?

Perhaps the first spark comes from the person himself. How can you not fall in love with such a sweet and adorable face? Undoubtedly, if you think about whether cats feel the love of their owner, there is no point in guessing. The animal will reciprocate and appreciate the care taken for it. However, there is also another side to the coin. Purrs are vengeful creatures. There is no need to bathe the animal, drive it away from its favorite place, or beat it. Revenge will be expressed in torn furniture or in a puddle in the wrong place.

These unpleasant moments can occur when a cat loves its owner very much. Perhaps he paid less attention to her than to the guests. But here it’s worth taking care of the last one. The animal can spoil their shoes or bag with an unpleasant odor.

However, such incidents are still extremely rare. In most cases, the cat loves its owner very much, despite his bad attitude. The tender feelings of a purr can also be expressed in obtaining food for a cherished person. If a cat loves his owner very much, he can carry mice for him. We are, of course, talking about the private sector. In the apartment things are a little different. Don't be surprised when there's a piece of fish or meat on the bed. A caring animal has brought you lunch!

First meeting with a pet

In most cases, this gentle creature comes into our home as a kitten. He is scared, it seems to him that he is lost, there is no one close to him. The kitten begins to carefully explore the rooms, timidly hiding at the slightest noise, scurrying under cabinets and beds. But this particular moment is very important. In a moment of such weakness, the cat chooses its patron. She urgently needs a reliable, strong protector who will protect her from invisible dangers. How does a cat choose its beloved owner? Everything happens on an instinctive level.

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When meeting a small cat for the first time, the whole family is in an excited state. Mom tries to explain to her where the sun lounger, toilet, and plate of food are. The child does not miss the opportunity to cuddle the cat and show how much he loves it. The only one who remains completely calm is dad. That is why the animal often chooses men as the head of the family . They radiate self-confidence and do not fuss. This means they can protect you. Now the mother of the family will feed the cat, love, care for her, but she will express her favor to the already chosen owner.

Why cats love their owners

We should not overestimate our smaller brothers. They are smarter than we might think. Cats perfectly feel the love of their owner, instinctively predicting a bad attitude towards them. Sometimes it seems that they know human language and understand what people are talking about.

It’s not for us to judge why cats love their owners. Perhaps these creatures are smarter than us. In addition, some believe that they can communicate with spirits and are guides to the other world. In connection with this, a plausible explanation for why a cat loves its mistress or owner may be the fact that the animal has been possessed by the soul of a deceased loved one. Therefore, you should not kick a stray kitten out of the house. There is a possibility that a loved one who has passed away forever wants to communicate with you.

However, if we discard all mystical assumptions, we can note the reasons why the cat loves the owner’s husband, and the cat loves her. In this case, the male is attracted to the female smell of sweat, and the female is attracted to the male. Despite this, all cats feel the love of their owners, regardless of gender.

Joint gatherings

A cat, like any other animal, must have its own space and territory where it can retire to sleep or rest. But a sense of comfort is not the only motive that drives pets. Sometimes an animal, in need of attention, is ready to sit and even lie in an uncomfortable position just to be close to its beloved owner. If your cat chooses a place to rest next to you and tries to climb onto your lap, rest assured, this is another way of showing her love.

Everyone knows that cats sleep most of the day and can spend up to 20 hours sleeping. But it is in their sleep that they feel most vulnerable, so they prefer to rest in the safest places. If the cat lies down at the feet, next to the owner, this indicates complete trust. This means that the animal feels completely safe with you.

Habits and Habits

According to Emma Grigg, cats view us as social companions and a “valuable resource,” that is, as food providers. "Your own pet may love you, but an outdoor cat will often view strangers as potential predators or another form of threat," says Grigg.

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In defense of the theory that cats often treat people the same way as other members of the cat family, many cite the gestures of our four-legged friends, their habits and habits. For example, licking and rubbing are behaviors they use both with members of their own species and with the people who care for them.

Ewan Shepherd explains: “Yes, kittens can purr sweetly and even knead dough with their paws, as if they are with their mothers. Moreover, they bring us prey or play with us the same way they did with the kittens in their litter. However, such behavior towards people is due to strong attachment, not mistaken identity.”

Does a cat remember its owner in his absence?

A cat associates a good and kind owner with safety, comfort, coziness, care and nutrition. But it happens that pets choose only one family member as their favorite, become attached to him, find affection and love in him, despite the fact that other relatives are engaged in feeding and cleaning the tray. Therefore, if a cat’s pet is absent from home for a long time, a week or a month, the cat is waiting for him, will definitely remember and recognize him, even if she does not look sad. In special cases, cats do not show their emotions when they meet, because they are offended and want to punish for “abandoning”. Other representatives of domestic cats express intense joy, showing with all their appearance how missed they are. Therefore, cats remember and recognize their owner, even if they are left alone for a while.

How long does a cat get bored?

Most veterinarians believe that prolonged separation from the owner causes depression, since cats have a developed central nervous system and can have a hard time with separation, which is manifested by apathy, lack of appetite, and reluctance to communicate with others.

It should be remembered that when left alone in a room, a cat sleeps most of the time. They know that the owner will return and know how to entertain themselves during waking moments. But if the owner changes his place of residence and cannot take the cat with him, does not remind him of himself in any way, there are other caring people who love, caress and treat the animal kindly, the cat will most likely forget the previous owner. Cats are loyal, but cannot tolerate betrayal, and the warmth they find in another family replaces the attitude of the first owner. And cats remember their kittens for a long time, although maternal care for them fades away as soon as they become adults.

So what, they don't like us at all?

How to say. They “trample” us with their paws not because they want to give us a massage, but because they still have a reflex called the “milk step.” Kittens absorb it from birth, stimulating milk production in the mother. They climb on our laps or on our bellies because we are warm and soft.

When a cat rubs against our legs, or “butts” its head, inviting us to scratch behind the ear, this is the highest sign of affection. Hurray, we deserve it! But know: the cat “marked” you, that is, left an elusive smell on your things, which for her means: “this is a friendly creature, I trust him.” By the way, they behave exactly the same way with each other.

Don't expect the same unconditional love and devotion from cats as you do from dogs. There are exceptions, of course, but they are extremely rare. For them, we are not the center of the Universe . They can think about anything: about the birds outside the window, about a new box, about a thin cobweb under the ceiling, and not pay attention to fussy people.

The next time you call your beloved cat son, or start scolding him for pranks, remember that for them we are just equal relatives who, for unknown reasons, move on two legs.

But don't be upset - they are really happy when we come home and generally love us. Only in his own way, continuing to live his special cat life.

Do they understand our emotions?

Based on the limited research available, scientists have concluded that cats are not as good as dogs when it comes to perceiving human emotions. “Unlike dogs, cats cannot distinguish human faces and do not respond to facial features that express emotion,” says Molly Devoss.

Why? The reason is that cats rely primarily on their sense of smell rather than sight to recognize who is nearby. Changes in our body odor can signal our emotional state in ways that are invisible to the human eye.

“Moreover, when we are sick, our smell changes slightly due to the use of different medications. Cats notice this and see the changes. This often forces them to act differently and try to understand what is happening,” the expert sums up.

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Important factor

“Research has shown that cats react differently to people depending on their mood,” says Emma Grigg, a certified animal behaviorist. “In terms of what your cat thinks when it looks at you, I would say it depends on your history, familiarity, and affection.”

Experts agree that cats' thoughts are largely shaped by human behavior. For example, cats show sensitivity to clinically depressed people. “Research has shown that cats turn to people when something is bothering them. They can follow human body language for clues when solving problems,” adds Emma.

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Of course, to truly understand your cat's thinking, you will need to wait for more research from scientists. The specialist summarizes: “There are still many questions about the behavior of cats, and especially about the inner world of our beloved pets.”

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