Five main differences between dog lovers and cat lovers

At first glance, a cat and a dog are different animals. But they have both similarities and differences. They are both domestic animals and both species are members of the mammal group. You can distinguish a cat from a dog by physiological differences, character, behavior, nutrition and lifestyle. If dogs were domesticated by humans 14 thousand years ago, cats were domesticated much later. But, nevertheless, both are a very important part of life.

See and hear better

  • Cats have vision typical of a nocturnal animal. Dogs are for daytime use. This explains why cats have such large (and keen!) eyes. But both of them distinguish colors much worse than humans.
  • Cats' hearing is also better developed: it reaches at least 65 kilohertz versus 45 in dogs. Whereas a person has only 20!
  • But in the “smell” round, cats give way to primacy. A dog's nose contains 300 million receptors, while cats have "only" 200 million. It’s awkward to talk about a man with his modest 5 million...

The physical characteristics of pets are obvious at first glance

Claws are a clear indication of the differences between dogs and cats. A dog's claws are blunter than a cat's, simply because they are always on the outside and the dog wears them down on the ground as he walks. The cat has very sharp retractable claws, which it uses for protection and to cling to something, for example, to climb somewhere.

Both dogs and cats can be excellent hunters. However, they catch their prey in completely different ways. Cats love to climb and use their claws to climb trees and then easily jump from heights. Dogs are earthly creatures. Although some of them like to jump, dogs still more often find prey by smell or catch up with it.

Eat more often

All pets love to eat tasty food, but their needs vary greatly. Cat portions are usually smaller than dog portions, but the cat should also have more meals.

In addition, the texture of the food is important for cats. They prefer dense and moist foods, but do not respond well to powdery and sticky textures. A cat that is accustomed to a certain food structure may refuse an unfamiliar type of food - this is important to consider when switching to a new diet.

Cats and dogs should not be fed the same food. Individual food lines take into account not the economic needs of producers, but the physiological differences of animals: intestinal length, tooth size and enzyme activity.


The cat and dog get used to the conditions in which the owner lives very well, and begin to adapt to their character and way of life.

For each animal, conditions must be created so that its life will be long and happy. As soon as a kitten appears in the house, he needs to be shown where the tray is, the place for feeding, the house, and also where he will play. It is necessary to purchase various toys and a scratching post. When the puppy appears, you need to show him the place where he will sleep and toys. Don't forget that a small puppy definitely needs to take care of his teeth so that his favorite shoes don't get damaged. The dog's lifestyle should be active: daily walks 2-3 times a day, joint sports and games in the fresh air. Please your pets and they will please their owner.

Walking on their own

Dog: “We love each other - we are best friends - we like to walk together so much - play with me.”

Cat: “Go away. Come back. I like you. Let me go. Give me something tasty. Leave".

Every joke has some humor in it. Everything else is based on real events and is even scientifically explainable. Dogs are members of a pack and see their owner as parent, friend and leader all rolled into one. Cats, by nature, are solitary animals, but this does not prevent them from expecting tasty food and a fresh tray from their owner.

Fun jogging and swimming with a dog - or the comfort of home and taming an obstinate cat? The choice is yours!

Cat people are smart

The differences between cat lovers and dog lovers have long been debated not only among ordinary people, but also between scientists. Several years ago, researchers from Carroll University conducted a study among students. The young people were asked to place themselves in one of the categories and then take an intelligence test. The study found that cat lovers perform better than dog lovers. But to say that cat people are smarter is quite controversial. The sample was not large and could not influence the result globally. However, such results are more related to the lifestyle of representatives of each group. There are more introverts among cat people. Such people prefer to spend the evening at home with a book rather than going to a noisy party.

Dog lovers are more sociable

Again, it all comes down to the fact that cat people love to spend quiet, peaceful evenings. And dog lovers cannot be kept within four walls. Just like their furry pets. In addition, dogs are easy-going and quickly get used to new people. And they show aggression only if they feel danger. Dog owners are also easy-going and find an approach even to strangers. And they feel quite confident in unfamiliar company. After all, natural communication skills help them out in any situation. Dog owners cannot be alone for long and need constant communication. And cat people get along quite well with the company of their pet.

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Cat people look for affection, dog people look for friendship

Cat people have very few friends, and to feel not alone, they only need a few (or even one) close friends. Cat lovers are not looking for fleeting acquaintances; it is important for them to have a proven and reliable person nearby. In addition, cat people rarely get along easily with strangers. The same cannot be said about dog lovers. If a dog lover finds himself in an unfamiliar company, he immediately finds like-minded people. Dog lovers value friendship. And the more friends you have, the better. One close friend is not enough for a dog lover.

Dog people tend to dominate

Cat people are self-sufficient and independent individuals who are not inclined to show aggression towards other people. In addition, cat owners are less emotional and do not show their feelings so openly. Dog lovers, like their pets, cannot control their emotions and are often impulsive. Due to their character traits, dog lovers often prefer to dominate. And cat people should remain neutral. But, of course, all people are different. And not all dog lovers prefer to dominate other people. And not all cat lovers adhere to neutral positions.

Cat owners prefer solitude

Cat owners, unlike dog owners, prefer to spend time at home in a quiet environment. Moreover, as much time as possible. Noisy parties and crowds of people tire cat lovers. A quiet evening at home spent reading a book or watching a movie with your favorite cat is exactly what a real cat lover needs. And getting a dog owner to sit at home for a long time is a whole challenge. In addition, the dog needs to be constantly walked, and the cat is quite happy with a warm house and its favorite window, through which it can look for hours. Or just sleep.

Dog lovers listen

Dog people are considered open and cheerful people who cannot be alone for long. Dog lovers have many friends and just good acquaintances. In addition, dog lovers are more sociable, unlike cat lovers. So if you need a friend to vent to, no one does it better than a dog lover. Cat people are less emotional and closed. In addition, due to their character traits, cat people have few friends, but all of them have been proven over the years. In addition to the fact that dog lovers know how to listen, they also know how to obey. During the research, it was found that dog lovers are more flexible and rarely go against the grain.

How to make the right choice

A comparative table of the characteristics of these animals will help you understand who is better, a dog or a cat.

the washing upHygiene procedures are necessary after each walk, in particular, washing the paws.Cats are clean. You can do without washing. Almost all breeds do not require special care. The exception is Exotics, Persians, hairless cats, but they do not require daily bathing either.
WoolAll varieties, except hairless ones, require regular combing. Many breeds are also groomable. Long-haired cats need to be brushed three times a week.
During shedding, it is recommended to do this twice a day. Only long-haired varieties require regular brushing; some short-haired breeds require regular brushing only during shedding. Hairless cats - this procedure is not necessary.
ToiletFrom an early age it is necessary to accustom them to walking for the toilet or to a diaper for small breeds.You can learn to go to the tray or toilet in a few days. They require litter box training from 2-3 months.
TrainingThey require training, are quite easy to train, there are special cynological schools.It is not customary to train cats, although many breeds quickly remember the simplest commands. There are no specialists for training.
Physical exerciseThroughout life, repeated daily walks and sufficient physical activity are required.Does not require walking. A sedentary lifestyle is most often compensated by special nutrition.
Attitude towards childrenMany breeds require special training to educate and correct correct behavior in human society.They only need affectionate and friendly treatment throughout their lives. Cases of aggression towards humans are very rare.

How can I help the grief?

It is often said that with old age, character deteriorates, a person becomes grumpy, intolerant, unbearably suspicious or overly anxious. Psychologists believe that it is not a matter of character damage, but that the loss of mental and physical strength leads to a weakening of control. Previously, a person could control himself, somehow monitor his manifestations, but over the years, self-control weakens and what was previously hidden begins to reveal itself, sometimes in the most inadequate forms.

What should relatives do if their grandmother got a dozen cats? Of course, you can feel sorry for your grandmother and be forgiving of her weakness, or try to appeal to her reason, wasting time on fruitless persuasion, but... unfortunately, the grandmother herself can take any help with hostility, an attempt to clean her apartment or somehow help animals - violence against yourself and cats. And such aggressive behavior once again confirms that the grandmother does not care about cats, but about the safety of her illusory world, where she is the arbiter of the fate of stray cats.

No matter how bitter it may be for your relatives to admit this, it will be almost impossible to explain something to your grandmother with reasonable arguments. Attempts to deceive or persuade will most likely lead to a nervous breakdown of the persuader himself. Moreover, such a situation usually indicates that dialogue with relatives has already been lost.

Depending on the possibility and desire of the relatives, if the situation is close to extreme, uncontrollable, guardianship can be granted over the grandmother - then a relative can make all important decisions for her. You can invite a gerontologist or psychiatrist to visit your grandmother, and do not say what kind of doctor will come, just say - a “doctor” will come.

The specialist will better assess the grandmother’s condition and can prescribe her the necessary medications. You can hire a nurse for such a grandmother, invite a cleaning lady.

There is no need to ask grandma herself for permission to clean the apartment or give away seventeen extra cats, etc. We must try, as calmly and firmly as possible, to bring the situation closer to normal and in the future to maintain order in the elderly person’s home ourselves. It’s not a sin to think about the suffering animals that ended up with such a mistress - untreated, poorly fed, lousy. They would be much better off in the trash heap. If it’s a shame to throw them out there, then you can turn to people who take care of animals and place the cats in shelters.

Because, although we do not have a law stating that you cannot keep twenty cats in an apartment, there is an article of the Criminal Code on cruelty to animals, and in the case of abnormal living in an apartment of dozens of cats, this article is most likely violated. This can be used by neighbors who suffer from the inevitable smell or fleas in such cases.

Elena Zagorodnaya, clinical psychologist


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