Cat breeds with large ears and elongated muzzle: list and description

Maine Coon breed - 2nd place

These beautiful creatures with expressive eyes have a calm character, despite their apparent severity. They understand people very well and are well trained. Maine Coon cats weigh from nine to twelve kilograms and can reach a meter in length.

Kurilian Bobtail – 5th place

The Kurilian Bobtail is a native of the Kuril Islands. The weight of this cat can be from seven to ten kilograms. One of the characteristics of the breed is its short tail, reminiscent of a pompom. These animals are friendly and inquisitive. With regular training, they can learn some commands.

British breed - 8th place

These cats give the impression of being good-natured and gentle, but in reality this is not entirely true. Representatives of this breed will not reveal their soul to the first person they meet. However, if you gain the trust of this animal, you can find a faithful and devoted friend in him. British dogs can weigh up to eight kilograms.

Myths about black cats

  • -Sailors are happy to take cats on board the ship, and if it is black, then the journey will be safe.
  • -During the Inquisition in Europe, almost all black cats were destroyed by burning at the stake. It was believed that witches were reincarnated into these animals.
  • -In Australia, it is believed that a black cat in the house brings good luck and wealth to the family.
  • -In Ireland, it is believed that if a black cat crosses your path or accidentally wanders into your house, it is a sign of great happiness.

Black cats are not a separate class, but only have colors that are found in different breeds. Let's look at them.

Chartreuse breed (Carthusian) - 10th place

These cats have a strong body build and a beautiful blue color. At birth, kittens have blue eyes, which become orange or copper as the cat matures. Features include a very quiet voice and large, expressive eyes. The weight of an adult cat can be up to seven kilograms.

Tabby color standards

All tabby cats are marked with a special “Scarab mark” - a large letter “M” drawn on their forehead. In ancient times, many peoples considered this mark divine and associated legends and parables with it. And another sign of minke whales is that their eyes are outlined in black.

Black eye rims and the “Scarab mark” are signs of tabby color

The following tabby color variants are known in cats:

  • tiger (mackerel);
  • classic marble;
  • modified marble (marble);
  • marble torn;
  • marble torn;
  • spotted (spotted).

There are six basic tabby color options.

Also, “striping” in cats can appear in combination with other colors:

  • tortoiseshell;
  • Siamese;
  • white (bicolor);
  • smoky.

Paw pads, nose

The standards of different breeds have different requirements for the color of the nose and paw pads of tabby cats. But first of all, they must be in harmony with the basic color tones:

  • pink - if white is present;
  • beige - for fawn, gold and cream colors;
  • gray - with blue, purple and silver tones;
  • red - in ginger cats;
  • brown - with a predominance of chocolate or dark gold;
  • black - in contrasting colors with a lot of black.

The color of the nose should be in harmony with the main color

Eye color

The eye color of tabby cats varies, but it does not depend on the breed, but on the characteristics of the specific color and the saturation of its constituent pigments. So, tabby cats can have the following eyes:

  • different - heterochromia occurs not only in white, but also in tabby cats, only it happens much less frequently;
  • blue - this eye color is rarely found in minke whales, except perhaps in those whose color contains white and color-points;
  • green - common in tabbies with dark pigmentation;
  • yellow, from lemon to orange - a very “popular” color;
  • brown (nutty) - more common in non-pedigreed individuals.

Cats do not have black eyes; an illusion of this color can only be created due to the dilated pupil.

Photo gallery: eye color in tabby cats

Bright yellow eyes make the cat's gaze expressive

Blue eyes look like precious stones

Light yellow eyes make the look hypnotic

Brown eyes are usually found in outbred striped cats. Orange, bright eyes are the pride of breeders. Variation of eyes is very rare in tabby cats. These eyes only seem black - they are the most common, yellow. Rumor gives green eyes not only to cats, but also to witches.

Main color

Although complete democracy reigns in the formation of tabby cat colors, and there are a huge number of possible options, there are also mandatory tabby rules. The main one is: the main background should be lighter and occupy approximately twice the body area than dark markings.

Here are the basic tabby colors:

  • grey;
  • Ivory;
  • gold;
  • golden brown;
  • silver;
  • light blue;
  • red.

However, nature and selection create such backgrounds for tabby patterns that sometimes even an artist cannot name their color with precision.

Photo gallery: basic tabby color tones

Red main tone with red streaks - what could be brighter than a ginger cat?

Gray-brown base tone - usually a handsome outbred with a good character and good health

The golden brown base tone goes well with dark marble

Blue base tone under dark blue stripes - pure feline sophistication Gold base tone - an excellent basis for original colors

The gray base tone looks interesting under the mackerel stripes

Silver base tone is good for contrasting patterns

And nature often jokes, placing funny drawings and even inscriptions on cat skins - this also happens with tabby cats.

Photo gallery: striped curiosities

In this kitten’s fur patterns you can see the word CAT Scottish, which “pretends” to be a snail. This kitten has an ancient sword painted on its back. On the back of this white cat, a tabby cat “sits”. On the side of the marbled kitten you can see a cat’s face.

Video: features of tabby cats

Cat breed with big ears

Cats with large ears appeared mainly as a result of selection, but some breeds received this feature from genetic ancestors who live in hot countries, for example, in Africa. Thanks to large ears, the animal adapts to these conditions more easily, since there are many blood vessels on the skin of the ears - the blood, passing through the surface with capillaries, is cooled and thus allows the cat to feel more comfortable.

Big-eared cats with a long muzzle and nose look like fairy-tale creatures and are able to charm even those who are completely indifferent to these animals. Let's name the most famous cat breeds with large ears and an elongated muzzle:

  • Siamese;
  • oriental;
  • Ukrainian Levkoy;
  • Somalia;
  • Maine Coon;
  • Abyssinian (smooth-haired cat);
  • Canadian Sphynx.

The largest cat breed in the world

The largest breeds of cats are the Savannah (Ashera) and Maine Coons. Therefore, when answering the question what is the largest domestic cat breed, one of these two can be chosen.

The first appeared as a result of the work of breeders who crossed the African Serval with domestic cats. Their weight can be from eight to thirteen kilograms, but there are giants that weigh twenty kilograms and even a little more. At the withers, these animals reach a meter. It is recommended to take them outside the house on a leash - when walking, the Savannah behaves like a real dog. This breed is hypoallergenic, so cat lovers who are allergic to the fur of their beloved pets can easily adopt them.

Another breed whose representatives can be called giants is the Mei Coon. This name translates to Maine raccoon. Luxurious, graceful cats of enormous size have an extremely calm character, goodwill and get along well with their owners. Thanks to their elongated body, very long tail and thick fur, they seem incredibly huge. The weight of an adult cat ranges from thirteen to sixteen kilograms, and the maximum length from nose to tail that has been recorded for this breed to date is 1 m. 23 cm.

History of Pied Pipers

The domestication of cats began in Ancient Egypt. People, seeing that these animals preyed on rodents eating food supplies, began to domesticate them. At that time, cats were sacred animals and they were fined for killing them. If a cat died in the house, people shaved their eyebrows as a sign of mourning. A good rat-catcher cat cost as much as an ox.

In Russia, cats performed the duty of catching rats from peasants, in the territories of monasteries and even in the royal palace. Sovereign Peter the Great ordered the adoption of cats to protect barns. By decree of Tsarina Elizabeth Petrovna, thirty rat catchers from Kazan were brought to the Winter Palace, since it was believed that the most skillful hunting cats lived there. During the reign of Empress Catherine the Great, cats were placed in the Hermitage to protect paintings and other valuables.

Ratcatcher cats help fight dangerous rodents

During the difficult years of the Great Patriotic War, cats saved Leningrad. When during the blockade all the animals in the city were eaten, houses and palaces were attacked by hordes of rodents. In 1943, 5 thousand cats arrived from Yaroslavl, and then another train of furry hunters from Siberia. Thanks to this, mice and rats quickly disappeared. To this day, fifty hunters, who are called “Hermitage cats,” live and work in the Hermitage in the status of Life Guards and museum employees.

Large domestic cats: breeds

Large breed cats are very similar to their wild ancestors, belonging to the cat family. These pets require a lot of space for a comfortable life and activity, special conditions of detention, diet and care.

Large cat breeds are classified as follows:

  • Real ones that were bred in natural conditions.
  • Hybrid - crossed with wild felines.

Most big cats exhibit typical behavior. The first group includes Siberian, British, Ragdoll and Mei Coons. They need their own cozy corner, nutritious food and the attention of their owners. Hybrid cats require a lot of space - cats of the Savannah, Chausie and Bengal breeds have developed instincts and need active games.

General features and habits

The rat catcher is not an independent breed, but a valuable animal skill. Representatives of some breeds have a particularly keen hunting instinct.

Felinologists identify the following external signs of cats capable of catching a rat:

  • large body, powerful jaws, strong paws;
  • special triangular (oriental) head shape;
  • thick vibrissae, large ears with tassels.

It is impossible to determine a rat trap by its character - some hunters are affectionate, some are unfriendly. Sometimes a cat, trying to please its owner, catches rats and brings them to the person as a sign of love and affection.

Cat breeds with big paws

Each cat breed is beautiful in its own way. For example, furry pets with long legs are distinguished by their special elegance and grace, which can be seen not only in reality, but also in every photo and video.

These cats include Bengals, Egyptian and Arabian Mau, Turkish Angora, Abyssinians, Serengeti, Orientals, Peterbald, Cornish Rex. The most prominent representatives of long-legged cats are the Chausie F1 and Savannah F1 breeds - the name of the breed contains the F1 marking, which indicates that it belongs to the first generation of the hybrid. Whatever the cat is, it is always unique in its own way! If you love your furry pet, care for it properly and pay enough attention, it will definitely reciprocate with sincere love!

How to raise and care for hunters

Even if a kitten of the right breed has been chosen, this does not guarantee that it will become a rat catcher. The determining factor here is the behavior of his mother cat. If she hunts rodents, then the kitten will acquire the necessary skills from a very early age, and this is difficult to instill artificially.

You cannot separate a kitten from its mother too early, because only she can teach the baby to hunt. It is better to take an already strong fluffy at the age of 4-5 months.

When raising a future rat catcher, you need to adhere to the following rules:

  1. They will encourage the pet's love of hunting and praise it for catching a rodent.
  2. Don't starve your cat by trying to encourage him to hunt. A hungry animal will either run away or eat from neighbors or in a garbage dump.
  3. Monitor the physical shape and body weight of the purr, do not overfeed. It is recommended to feed 5-6 times a day, but in small portions.
  4. Get the required vaccinations, especially against rabies. This is important because during a fight with a rat, the rodent may bite the cat.

If your cat is scratched or bitten during the accident, you should contact a veterinarian to avoid developing rabies.

The animal must be vaccinated against rabies

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