Cat breeds similar to dogs

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What is she like, a cat that looks like a dog

Some cat breeds exhibit canine traits, such as:

  1. They accompany their owner from room to room. They are waiting at the door.
  2. Greeted at the door after work.
  3. They show aggression towards strangers and protect the owner.
  4. They love to swim and are good swimmers.
  5. They are easily accustomed to a leash and harness. They love to walk outside with their owner.
  6. They are smart, easily learn commands, perform various tricks: bring slippers, a toy, a ball.
  7. They want to be around people all the time and show affection and devotion.

Cat breeds

Home » Cats » Kittens » Buying a kitten
Many people prefer cats to dogs. And such a choice is not difficult to understand: cute, fluffy, purring lumps, imposingly lounging right on the keyboard or desktop, cannot evoke any other feeling than complete happiness.

All cats are unique: they have their own habits, their own disposition, their own requirements. Be that as it may, the properties of the rock always remain the same. The main thing is to raise your four-legged friend properly.

For warmth

Cats are excellent companions, despite their independent nature and lifestyle. Next to them, a person relaxes and gains positive emotions.

Particularly loved are small cats, the breeds of which are common mainly in the Asian region. So, the smallest cat breed is the Singapura. An adult weighs no more than 3 kilograms! Her short silky fur is pleasant to stroke, and the cat herself is very smart and kind.

In contrast to the tiny ones, very large breeds of cats were bred. Take ragdolls, for example. They are slow, lazy, sometimes inhibited, but at the same time their movements are graceful and full of aristocratic dignity. Ragdolls weigh up to 10 kilograms. However, the most popular large cat breed is the Maine Coon. By the age of 4–5 years, their weight is about 15 kilograms. These are gentle, friendly walking “ottomans”.

In our country, the Siberian cat breed enjoys well-deserved love, which, by the way, is also quite large. She is calm, but even in adulthood she is not averse to playing with children. One of the varieties of “Siberians” is the Neva cat breed. These are calm, balanced four-legged friends who require attention to their person.

Breeds of white cats - longhaired Manx, Turkish Angora, Oriental, Himalayan, Colorpoint, Chinchilla - also have a cheerful disposition, which is important for families with children.

For children

Speaking of children. Little people sometimes want to run around, cuddle, play or talk with someone. For introverted guys, a cat becomes a true friend who can be trusted with their most intimate secrets.

The Scottish Fold cat breed is great for families with small children. She is friendly, loving, calm and silent, although on occasion she will not miss the opportunity to have fun.

Short-haired cat breeds, such as the Abyssinian, are also chosen for children. Abyssinian cats are curious and peaceful. They cannot stand loneliness, so in families with two or more children they will be incredibly happy.

Remember the Whiskas ad? The cat breed (fluffy, marbled color) is British Shorthair. She does not require special care, is friendly and silent. Patient with children and gets along well with dogs. The British cat breed has two disadvantages: its representatives do not like familiarity and cannot stand being held, which will certainly upset the child.

For singles

Many lonely people scroll through cat breeds with photos in the hope of finding a faithful friend who will help brighten up dreary evenings. For such people, for example, Persians are suitable - sophisticated creatures. Only rare cat breeds can boast of such a sensitive nature. Persians cannot stand being treated with disdain and can hold a grudge against their owner for the rest of their lives.

It is unlikely that a large cat breed (an Asher or a Maine Coon) will be suitable for a single person, especially at an older age, because they need to be looked after very carefully: selecting the right food, monitoring the condition of the coat and teeth, brushing them regularly, etc. However, if you have plenty of free time, then why not.

The exotic cat breed with big eyes leaves no one indifferent. These are smart, balanced, affectionate, meek, sympathetic, quiet creatures. What else does a lonely person need?

Description of breeds

  • Abyssinian

    10,000 - 45,000 rub.

  • Australian smoke

  • Asian smoky cat

  • Asian tabby

  • Alaskan snow cat

  • American Wirehair cat

  • American Keuda

  • American Shorthair

    from 400 USD

  • American Bobtail

  • American Curl KSH

  • American Curl

    from 500 USD up to 4000 USD

  • Anatolian cat

  • Balinese

  • Bengal cat

    from 800 to 2000 euros

  • Bohemian rex

    about 1000 USD

  • Bombay

  • Brazilian Shorthair

    10-15 thousand rubles

  • British Longhair

    from 500 to 1500 USD

  • British Shorthair

    from 500 to 1500 USD

  • Burmanskaya

    from 600 to 1500 USD

  • Burmilla

    from 500 US dollars

  • Viverrid fishing cat

  • Havana Brown


  • Herman rex

  • Himalayan

    300-1300 USD

  • Devon rex

    from 400 to 1500 USD

  • Jungala

  • Don Sphynx

    from 100 to 800 ye

  • European Shorthair

  • Egyptian Mau

    1000-3000+ euros

  • York chocolate

  • California radiant

  • Kanaani

  • Canadian Sphynx

    from 400 to 1500 dollars

  • Karelian Bobtail

    from 1000$

  • Cymric

  • Korat

  • Cornish Rex

    from 300 to 1000 USD

  • Kurilian Bobtail

    from 300 to 1200 USD

  • La Perm

    1000-1600 dollars

  • Munchkin

    10000-25000 rubles

  • Maine Coon

    from 500 to 650 euros

  • Mekong Bobtail

    from 200 to 700 USD

  • Manx

  • Neva Masquerade

    from 200 to 700 USD

  • Nibelung

  • Norwegian forest

    15-17 thousand rubles.

  • Oriental Shorthair

    from 300 to 1300 USD

  • Oriental semi-longhair

  • Ojos Azules

    Cats are usually more expensive than cats.

  • Ocicat

  • Persian

    from 50 to 1000 USD

  • Petersburg Sphinx

    300 USD — 1300 USD

  • Pixie Bob

  • Russian blue

    from 200 to 800 USD

  • Ragdoll

  • Savannah

    from 4,000 dollars

  • Safari

    7-10 thousand conventional units

  • Sacred Burma

  • Selkirk rex

    15-20 thousand rubles

  • Siamese

    from 200 to 1200 USD

  • Siberian

    from 200 to 800 USD

  • Singaporean

    From 700 to 4000 USD

  • Snow-shoe

  • Somalia

    300-1800 dollars

  • Soukok

  • Thai

    from 5000 to 9000 rubles

  • Toyger

    from 100 to 200 thousand rubles

  • Tonkinese

    from 5 to 25 thousand rubles

  • Turkish Angora

    from 150 to 500 USD

  • Turkish van

  • Ukrainian Levkoy

    from 15,000 to 20,000 rubles

  • Ural rex

    from 15 to 50 thousand rubles

  • Highland fold

    from 6,000 to 25,000 thousand rubles.

  • Ceylon

  • Chartreuse

    from 300 to 600 dollars

  • Chauzie

  • Scottish lop-eared

    from $100 to $1000

  • Exotic Shorthair

    from 300 to 1000 USD

  • Javanese

Munchkin or dachshund cat with the shortest legs in the world.

The Munchkin is a relatively new breed of cat, characterized by very short limbs, which are 2-3 times smaller than those of a normal animal. This feature is the result of a natural genetic mutation.

Funny animals with short legs have another unusual feature - unlike other representatives of the cat family, dachshund cats, if they want to look at something, do not stand on their hind limbs, but sit comfortably on their hips, using their tail as a reliable support for maintaining balance.

This comical position in addition to the short front legs hanging along the body completes their funny image, which bears a striking resemblance to a kangaroo. They can stay in such a funny pose for quite a long time, which is bound to touch them and attract everyone’s attention.

The first mentions of munchkins date back to the 30s. 20th century - during this period, reports of unusual short-legged animals appeared in different parts of Europe. In Germany, they were given the name kangaroo cat, thanks to their habit of inspecting their possessions while sitting in a “column”.

In 1944, British veterinarians documented four generations of healthy, short-legged animals that were exactly like regular cats except for the length of their limbs.

The Second World War dealt a serious blow to this line, but in the 1950s. shortlegged were seen in Russia, and in the 1970s - in the USA. Russian munchkins were nicknamed “Stalingrad kangaroo cats.”

Cats of this breed can be praised endlessly - they have a wonderful character: intelligent, sociable, good-natured, cheerful, inquisitive, playful, affectionate, completely people-oriented. At the same time, they are self-sufficient, endowed with high intelligence, strong in spirit and able to stand up for themselves. They easily get along with cats and any other pets, without being embarrassed by their small stature.

Munchkins are incredibly curious animals, constantly wanting to get the maximum amount of information about an object that interests them. They are calm and balanced, it is almost impossible to get them angry. The kindness, calmness and tenderness hovering around these cute short-legged creatures always charges the atmosphere with positive energy. Loving dachshund cats are not characterized by bright manifestations of aggression, but if necessary, the animals are able to defend their honor in a duel with yard cats. Thanks to their inherent mobility, munchkins lead their opponents into a dead end, because... It is extremely difficult for him to predict the next step and speed of an agile opponent.

Loyal munchkins love their owner more and more every day; they are always happy to make contact with him, sharing his mood, habits and character. Cats with short legs enjoy playing with toys and taking part in children's activities, even if it is burying in the sand, swaddling or riding in toy cars.

Despite the short length of their limbs, munchkins are agile, active and flexible cats. The short-legged animals are perfectly oriented in space and run quite quickly, moving their paws funny, like hedgehogs.

They are able to climb onto low sofas, chairs, tables and beds, as well as conquer curtains and trees, deftly and quickly, like ordinary cats. The movements of munchkins while jumping, running and conquering heights look harmonious and beautiful, reminiscent of the movements of a weasel or a mongoose.

However, they cannot jump as high as their long-legged relatives can, but they will quickly think of an alternative route to the goal that lies through lower objects. Another funny feature of Munchkin dachshund cats is their tendency to take and hide small things they like in their “stash”.

Cats of this breed need personal space - they often create their own kind of nests where they can retire and feel safe. Therefore, the owner is recommended to allocate a special place for his pet and place a basket or house there.

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