A castrated cat marks - the main reasons and how to stop it

  1. Why do cats continue to mark even after surgery?
  2. What should I do if my cat continues to mark his territory after castration?
  3. Should cats be neutered?

Do cats mark in the house where they live after castration?
This question interests many pet owners who want to forget once and for all about the problem associated with an unpleasant odor from a cat in a living room. During castration, the cat's testes, which produce sex hormones, are removed, as a result of which he ceases to mark the territory in which he lives. But there are isolated incidents when an animal, even after surgery, continues to misbehave in the house, which greatly upsets its owners. So will a cat stop marking after castration ?

Can a neutered cat mark territory?

The correct answer is no.
However, here you need to find out 2 things: whether the cat is really neutered and whether he is really marking his territory. It is quite possible that the pet simply has a habit of relieving itself in the wrong place. Signs that a cat is marking territory:

  • his urine has a strong unpleasant odor (the main symptom);
  • the animal pees mainly on vertical surfaces;
  • the pet behaves restlessly, constantly asks to go outside, screams, “demands a cat”;
  • the cat's appetite decreases, and he becomes restless, aggressive, scratches furniture (more often, more strongly than usual).

If such signs are observed, then the operation was unsuccessful. It is quite possible that the cat turned out to be cryptorchid, that is, one testicle was not removed, since it was in the abdominal cavity. The surgery will have to be repeated.

Normal urination and marking are two different things. By marking territory, the cat tells the animals that he is the owner of this territory. In addition, the marks attract females. At the time of sexual heat, the pet's urine changes composition due to hormones, its smell becomes extremely unpleasant and strong. Cats also love to leave marks on their owner’s things. Shoes suffer most often, because they have the smell of someone else’s territory, and the pet wants to make them “his own.”

When marking territory, the cat pees exclusively on vertical surfaces. He does this so that the smell spreads further. Also, his instincts tell him that urine is quickly absorbed on the soil, so he needs to defecate on vertical objects. If your pet pees on horizontal surfaces and the smell is weaker than before, then most likely the reason is not the animal’s sexual instinct.


The disappointment of owners is understandable when their castrated cat continues to mark even after castration surgery. The first impulse is to yell at the animal and poke its face into the stinking puddle. But this absolutely cannot be done.

ATTENTION! The cat will react to aggression with resentment and may take revenge by continuing to leave marks with a terrible smell.

You should restrain your emotions and aggression even in such an unpleasant situation:

  1. You can't shout or speak loudly.
  2. You should also not poke his muzzle into the mark.
  3. The worst option is to hit or kick the cat.

Felines are known for being touchy. But this is not the main thing - fear causes stress, and that, in turn, will negatively affect behavior and health. Often it is stress that causes serious and even fatal diseases in cats.

When does a cat stop marking after castration?

After the testes are removed, the habit disappears gradually, so the pet may continue to urinate in inappropriate places. This is usually observed in cases where an adult cat, whose reflex has already been formed, is castrated. If the operation is performed before 6-8 months, then animals do not have this problem.

If the doctor is a professional, he will tell you whether the cat will continue the habit of marking. Typically, an adult animal will recover from conditioning within 4-12 weeks, but it may take longer if the pet is quite old. However, the habit will not remain forever; sooner or later it will gradually become a thing of the past.

What do you need to do?

You need to catch the cat at the scene of the crime, take it by the scruff of the neck, raise it to your eye level, growl menacingly at it and even hiss. The cat can’t even imagine anything more humiliating. After that, you can let him go, but not just like that, to consolidate the effect of education, growl after him, and even throw him with a slipper.

The next step is to remove the applied marks; there should be no trace left of them, not only visible, but felt. Tags must be removed using special means; just a soap solution will not remove the smell.

Why does a neutered cat mark its territory?

A cat may continue to mark its territory after surgery in the following cases:

  1. Cryptorchidism is a pathology in which one or both testes do not descend into the scrotum, but remain in the pelvic area. Since the temperature in the abdominal cavity is higher, the level of hormones in cryptorchids is much higher. Why do such animals behave aggressively? During surgery, a normal doctor should notice this feature and perform abdominal surgery. But if the veterinarian removed only one testicle, the hormones will continue to be produced, but the cat's behavior will remain the same.
  2. Little time passed after the operation, which is why the amount of hormones did not have time to decrease. In addition, the animal can maintain the habit for some period even with a decrease in the number of hormones in the blood.
  3. We operated on an adult pet who had already entered into relationships with cats. If, as a result of the activity of hormones, he has formed a strong habit of marking the boundaries of his personal territory, then it may not disappear for a long time after castration. If the behavior persists for more than six months, the pet should be shown to a veterinarian or animal psychologist.
  4. Competition for territory with other animals. This is especially true if there is another cat in the apartment. In this case, the habit of marking territory will be stimulated by an external stimulus. As a result, the pet may not get rid of the dishonest reflex for quite a long time.
  5. Stress. When moving or replacing furniture, your cat may want to make the new environment smell more familiar. Of course, why would he urinate in all corners? In addition, this is a great way to attract the attention of the owner, albeit with a negative sign. Thus, bowel movements in the wrong places during stress are just a measure of psychological protection.
  6. Change of owner. In this case, the uncertainty of a new relationship is added to the stress. The animal does not understand whether it is necessary to follow the old rules in the current conditions. In particular, will the owner demand that the cat go exclusively to the potty. Of course, the assumption is tested in practice.
  7. The appearance of a new pet. In this case, competition for the owner's attention arises. The cat may behave aggressively towards its neighbor, become capricious, or get sick. An option to attract attention would be to defecate in different places. In addition, the tags warn the competitor that he is redundant.
  8. Indifferent attitude of the owner towards the pet. It may seem that cats are too individual and independent to need the attention and affection of their owner. But in reality, they strive for love, just like everyone else. If they don’t get enough of it, they may start doing things in inappropriate places to attract attention.
  9. Urolithiasis disease. At the same time, stones form in the bladder. Because of which the animal has problems with urination. The pet behaves restlessly, refuses to eat, and constantly tries to pee, but it fails. As a result, due to endless unsuccessful attempts to relieve itself, the animal may begin to defecate in any place.
  10. Cystitis. As a result of inflammation, the irritability of the bladder walls increases. As a result, the animal is forced to frequently run to the toilet, and this often leads to the fact that the pet begins to defecate before reaching the litter box.

Veterinarian advice

Why does a cat walk past the litter box: the main reasons and what to do

Experts recommend focusing on the toilet - dissatisfaction with the litter box is one of the most common sources of marks throughout the house. Proper organization of a secluded place for natural needs will help reduce the risk of damaged things by 50%.

  • Match the crate to the size of the animal - small cups for kittens cause rage in adults who do not fit comfortably in them. It is better to purchase a deep and wide enough tray, about one and a half cats in volume.
  • The toilet should not be within walking distance from the feeding area - combining the two zones will lead to attempts to empty into bowls instead of the box.
  • Secluded location - animals prefer to visit the corner of reverie without unnecessary witnesses. The constant movement of family members near the box forces them to look for quieter places.
  • Frequency of washing - cats are characterized by increased cleanliness and disgust. Sanitation of the pot should be carried out daily, using detergents.
  • Filler - its presence or absence plays an important role. Each pet prefers something different: one requires clean granules, the second hates them with all his cat soul.

The cat is happy with the toilet

Important! If, after fulfilling all the above conditions, the marks continue to appear with enviable consistency, then you need to look for another source of the problem and fight it. Correction of the animal's behavior is carried out in accordance with the prerequisites for the deviation.

Will a cat stop marking after castration?

Veterinarians cannot guarantee that an animal will stop marking after surgery. To increase the effect of the operation, the owner will have to create ideal conditions in the postoperative period. This approach will speed up the cat’s adaptation to changes.

Eliminating habits takes time. Over the course of several months or six months, the owner will have to silently remove traces of vital activity, waiting for the end of hormonal storms.

How long after castration does a cat begin to mark?

Changes in the animal’s habitual behavior can be noticed a week after the operation. Most owners note that behavioral reactions change immediately after castration. The cat stops marking the area and begins to behave like a completely asexual creature.

In some cases, the problem cannot be solved by intervention: an adult pet is not going to give up its usual way of life and continues to persistently leave puddles in all available places. Some individuals manage to “remember their youth” several years after castration - when certain conditions arise (a new pet, moving, a baby).

Very often, the problem of marking is worsened by cat owners themselves - they sincerely believe that a castrated pet is taking revenge on them for its ruined life. People are trying to take out their anger on the unfortunate animal, because they sincerely believed those who convinced them of the ideal behavior of cats after surgery.

Important! Constant screaming and beatings lead to a cold war: the cat defends itself from aggression by protecting its land from evil ill-wishers.

To avoid such trouble, you need to properly care for your pet. He should be fed on time and happy with everything, with a clean tray. Veterinarians advise bringing cats quarterly for preventive examinations in order to timely identify hidden diseases, especially those related to the urinary tract. The ideal keeping of a neutered cat involves the absence of other animals in the house - then he will not have to attract attention with the help of bad-smelling puddles.

What to do if after castration the cat continues to mark?

It is not recommended to use physical force. This often only makes the situation worse. If there is a need to punish a pet, you need to declare yourself as the main “male” in the apartment.

To do this you need to proceed as follows:

  1. Immediately after detecting feces, grab the animal by the scruff of the neck, then lift it to face level.
  2. Looking him straight in the eyes, you need to hiss, that is, reproduce the sounds that fighting animals make. It may not work right away, you'll have to practice.
  3. When hissing, you need to hit your pet’s nose with your index finger several times on the left and right (not too hard).
  4. During the procedure, the cat will hiss, squirm, and close its eyes. When he meows pitifully, release him.
  5. After the procedure, you need to re-mark the entire area. To do this, you need, firstly, to clean the corners and get rid of the smell, and secondly, wipe the surface with something odorous (socks, T-shirts, perfume will do).

If it is not a matter of habit, you will have to resort to the following actions:

  1. In case of cryptorchidism, you need to take your pet for re-castration. This time, abdominal surgery will be required, which is much more complex. Therefore, it is undesirable to use an old clinic (even if they offer to do everything for free), since if the doctor there did not notice that the cat is cryptorchid, then this indicates too low qualifications.
  2. You can reduce the concentration of hormones by reducing the amount of protein foods. Of course, you need to keep your pet on a diet for no more than a month, so as not to cause a deficiency of amino acids and vitamins in him.
  3. If your cat is marking his territory due to competition, stress or lack of attention, give him valerian or other sedatives. In addition, you need to give your pet more energy, play with it, and pet it.
  4. In case of urolithiasis or cystitis, the underlying disease is treated. Anti-inflammatory drugs, painkillers, and antibiotics are commonly used. An important element of treatment is the diet, which is prescribed based on the causes of the disease.

General information about castration

Castration is a surgical operation to remove the testicles (testes) of a cat. This is the only procedure that guarantees control over a cat’s sexual desire and related problems.

The operation is performed under general anesthesia, which requires certain preparation.

  • Even if the cat looks absolutely healthy, 2 weeks before castration you need to carry out parasite prevention and show your pet to a veterinarian.
  • Before castration, the cat must receive a full course of vaccination or revaccination.
  • The veterinarian examines the cat for breathing and heart problems. If the doctor has any doubts, he will recommend contacting a veterinary cardiologist.

The cat's blood must be taken for analysis. Contraindications for the use of anesthesia are:

  • Reduced hemoglobin - indicates anemia, which can cause severe complications when recovering from anesthesia and rehabilitation after surgery.
  • Rapid erythrocyte sedimentation indicates oxygen starvation of cells and low immune defense of the body. Red blood cells carry blood throughout the body, and their rapid sedimentation indicates rapid death.
  • An increased number of leukocytes may indicate an infection or virus that is already attacking the cat’s body. Anesthesia will significantly reduce the body's immune defense, which will allow any illness to develop into an acute form.

To tolerate anesthesia normally, the cat must be healthy and have an adequate weight for its build. The veterinarian will prescribe a diet for your cat if he is obese or malnourished. In the second case, if the weight loss is not caused by a serious illness, the situation is a little simpler. The cat needs to be kept on a diet rich in carbohydrates, and after the operation, transferred to a special food for emaciated animals. In the case of obesity, weight loss should occur gradually. Too sharp burning of fat tissue literally poisons the body with decay products.

The relationship between diseases of the genitourinary system and “marks”

You shouldn’t definitely consider all cats that mark walls to be prisoners of their instincts and “inadequate.” It is quite possible that the animal is simply sick. Owners of cats castrated by adults should be especially attentive to the behavior of their pet.

In such cases, the risk of stones in the kidneys and bladder (urolithiasis) is very high. Be sure to take your pet to the vet if he is constantly marking, and small puddles of urine are often found in the house. Such symptoms are typical for ICD. If you identify it in the early stages, there is every chance of maintaining an acceptable quality of life for your cat.

In addition, infectious diseases of the genitourinary organs often lead to similar problems. It happens that after a short course of antibiotics, an adult cat completely returns to normal and stops marking. So don't scold your pet. It is quite possible that behind its transformation into a “pulverizer” there is some serious illness that poses a considerable danger to the life and health of the pet.

Be sure to take him to the vet. The specialist will take urine and blood tests and take scrapings from the walls of the urethra. This will help determine what your cat is sick with and how you can help him.

Why does he stop going to the litter box?

No, that's not true at all. He still urinates in his toilet. The secret released during sexual heat is a completely different composition, and it is sprayed in minimal quantities. That's why it can be so difficult to find. Will all cats start marking their territory? It’s difficult to answer, but most of them are prone to similar actions. If you live in a private house and he has the opportunity to walk around the garden, then the problem will be solved by itself; apple trees and fences will be enough for him to declare his masculinity. But in an apartment this is just a problem.

You have only two options: endure it or decide to have surgery. And again we return to whether cats mark after castration. This largely depends on the age at which the procedure will be performed. If you leave her until she fully matures and reinforces unnecessary behavior, then nothing can be done about these habits. Therefore, it is best to catch it before he even makes the first marks.

Time cures

This is some consolation for owners who are tired of dealing with a similar problem. Not immediately, after a certain time, but castration of the cat should still bring a positive result. Reviews from doctors indicate that hormonal changes in adult animals take quite a lot of time. Therefore, for several months the body will work in its usual mode, slowly moving onto new tracks.

No, he will not be oppressed and tormented by the thought that he will no longer be able to have offspring. In animals this issue is much easier to solve. Since there is no longer a need, the individual does not experience any worries about this. By the way, if you ask a veterinarian about why to castrate a cat, he will answer you that way. So that he lives in peace and gives to you.

Proper organization of the toilet space

If a cat does not like his litter box, he can express his dissatisfaction through marks, thereby emptying his bladder outside the litter box. It is very important to properly organize a suitable toilet for him.

  • The tray should be the right size for the cat (a small bowl will not fit a large cat).
  • The location of the toilet should not be in contact with the eating area. Animals cannot go to the toilet where they eat.
  • The best place for the tray is in the bathroom or toilet. It should be secluded. Cats get embarrassed when people stare at them during an important task.
  • The toilet should be cleaned at least 2 times a day. Cats are very clean animals. A dirty litter tray is unacceptable to them.
  • If it is not possible to wash the cat litter frequently, then it is advisable to use a special 'clumping' litter.

If all of the above recommendations are followed, the reason for the marks of a castrated cat lies in something else.

Although castration does not provide a 100% guarantee, everything is in the hands of the owner. If he learns to correctly understand his pet and helps him live comfortably in the house, then over time the problem will be solved and the cat will stop marking. You just need to be patient.

Why the tagging period may be delayed

From time to time, owners come for a consultation with a veterinarian with the question of why time passes, but the number of marks does not decrease. Usually by this time they have time to try absolutely everything. Factory sprays, punishment with slippers, locking in the bathroom and much more. But there is still no effect. But so many hopes were placed on the operation.

Analyzing these data, we still could not find a clear answer to the question of whether the cat will mark its territory after castration. Let's try to look at a specific case and ask the veterinarian for his opinion.

How to solve a problem?

Below is a list of solutions to the most common problems:

  1. Remove the remaining testis. This procedure should be performed by a veterinarian. This problem most often arises after the first, not entirely successful castration.
  2. Use of drugs. There are special aerosols, for example, Antigadin, which are applied to the place where cats mark. Before doing this, you should wash the places where the cat urinated, and then use the aerosol. The effect will occur in approximately 1-2 hours. This option is used only for castrated cats, otherwise there may be no effect.
  3. Intervention by an animal psychologist. Sometimes nothing stops an animal from marking its territory, in which case it is worth seeking the help of a zoopsychologist. Very often, doctors in this category save you from this problem. They change your pet's behavioral responses.
  4. Change of permanent residence. Often, to solve the problem with marking, it is enough to change the housing where your pet lived. After this, in theory, he will not mark the territory.

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After operation

In the case of males, castration is considered the natural solution, although, as we have already understood, hormones are far from the only “culprits”. So, if the behavior does not change then, some cat owners suspect the doctor of the failure, while others are looking for other explanations. Yes, you need to look, but not on your own, but with a doctor!


- the operation was indeed of poor quality; this can happen in the case of a rare congenital pathology - cryptorchidism, when one undescended testicle remains forever inside the abdominal cavity, and due to inexperience the doctor did not notice this;

- if the animal is young - a little older than 1 year, then the “bad” habit will have to be tolerated for only 3-4 weeks;

- and if the cat has had contact with cats for several years in a row and the “model of male behavior” has long been firmly entrenched in his mind (show aggression, scream loudly and mark), then the reproductive instinct will persist for up to 6-12 months, but the typical caustic the “male” smell will decrease, and after the end of the restructuring of the hormonal system (over several months), the smell disappears and the previous behavior is forgotten;

- due to infections of the genitourinary system;

- due to urolithiasis; it occurs more often in those who have undergone castration (urination is painful, so it is not done in the toilet in the hope that there will be no pain elsewhere), so a sudden change in the place of the toilet is an urgent reason to visit a doctor due to a suspicion of illness.

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