Why a cat shits on the bed: reasons and how to stop it

In this article we will understand why a cat shits on the bed and how to correct this behavior of your pet.

  • How to stop a cat from shitting on the bed?
      Check your pet's health
  • Remove the source of stress
  • Provide a comfortable toilet
  • Neuter your pet
  • Use strong odors and replace damaged surfaces
  • Limit your pet's movement
  • How to stop a kitten from peeing on the bed?
  • How to train to a tray?
  • How to get rid of urine smell on a bed or sofa?
  • They say about cats that they walk on their own, hinting at their special character. A cat is not as easy to win over as a dog. Representatives of cats are more independent. Because of this, they are often attributed character traits that do not exist. For example, if a pet begins to shit in the wrong place, the owners may attribute it to harm. But animals do not know how to make plans for revenge; such behavior is associated either with stress or with health problems. Pay special attention to your pet’s health if your cat starts peeing on the bed and sofa unexpectedly and has never done anything like this before. Our experts examined the reasons in detail and also made recommendations on how to stop a cat from peeing on the bed.

    Common Causes

    If your cat shits on the bed, you first need to understand the reasons for this behavior, and then you will understand what to do about it. Remember that a cat often seeks protection from its owner in a similar way. Or, for example, if you have a new family member, the cat may try to make friends in this way - to mix its smell and the smells of the new person. Let's look at all the reasons why a cat shits on its owner's bed. After listing the main reasons, we will tell you how to stop your cat from peeing on the bed.

    Changing of the living place

    Unlike you, your pet receives information about the world around him through his sense of smell. In the new place there are no smells familiar to him, and he begins to mark the territory. The pet evaluates the owner’s bed as a safe place and strives to make it his own. This behavior can even provoke a move from a dacha to an apartment.

    Inconvenient or dirty toilet

    Some owners do not use litter for trays, and it is unpleasant for animals to go to the toilet on bare plastic. By nature they prefer something loose and dry. Try removing the plastic grid from the tray; many pets don’t like it. Also, the tray itself may be too small, and it is inconvenient for the animal to dig holes in it. Keep the litter box clean so that your pet enjoys using it.


    You got another animal or a child appeared in the family. All of this can be a source of stress for your pet and cause him to change his behavior. Your furry friend may start pooping in inappropriate places if he doesn't feel safe.

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    The pet feels unwanted if it does not receive enough attention. He stops considering your home his own. In this case, he tries to mix his smell with the smell of the owner.

    Markings caused by sex hormones

    An animal marks its territory when it begins puberty. This way the pet shows its readiness to reproduce.

    Joint pain

    Diseases of the musculoskeletal system can occur both in older animals and in young representatives of some breeds. With such diseases, trays with a high side are uncomfortable for the pet, and he looks for new places for the toilet.

    Diseases of the urinary tract and gastrointestinal tract

    Due to various diseases of the urinary tract or gastrointestinal tract, going to the toilet can become painful for your pet. In such cases, the animal tries to find something soft and comfortable for the toilet. The master's bed fits perfectly.


    As your pet ages, incontinence may develop. Also, due to memory problems, your pet may forget where his litter box is.

    The main reasons why cats shit in inappropriate places

    The furry creatures torment their owners with their bad habit with depressing consistency or from time to time. As a rule, this is explained by the following factors:

    • the cat is not litter box trained;
    • the cat does not like the place where the tray is installed;
    • the cat has complaints about the shape or filling of the tray;
    • the tray is dirty;
    • Competitors living in the house claim the tray;
    • the cat is stressed;
    • the cat has health problems;
    • age problems;
    • the cat wants to go for a walk.

    Depending on the reason, you should choose a method by which you can ensure order and cleanliness in the house.

    How to stop a cat from shitting on the bed?

    First you need to figure out why the cat shits on the bed. Identify your pet's problem and act according to our recommendations. Let's look at ways to stop cats and cats from shitting on the bed or sofa.

    Check your pet's health

    Check your pet for urolithiasis and gastrointestinal diseases. If the cause is a disease, then after treatment the problems with the toilet will be solved.

    Remove the source of stress

    Don't yell at or punish your pet. This will only increase stress and reinforce unwanted behavior. Spend more time with your pet, play with him, create an atmosphere of calm and security. This way your pet will feel needed, and he will not have the need to mix his scent with yours. If new animals appear in the house, delimit the territory and provide each with a separate tray. Observe how the animals move and whether any of them show aggression.

    Provide a comfortable toilet

    Place several large trays with different fillings. The animal will choose the option that is more suitable for it. Set up the litter box so that your pet feels safe. It is advisable to choose an angle for this so that the walls protect it from the back. Going to the toilet should be comfortable. If your pet is older, then buy a tray with low sides. Special diapers are also sold for older animals.

    Neuter your pet

    If you do not plan to breed offspring, then castration is a necessary step. Otherwise, the pet will mark the territory, since natural instincts will not go away. Also, castrated animals are less likely to develop cancer of the reproductive system.

    Use strong odors and replace damaged surfaces

    Mist your bed with lavender or citrus essential oil. These strong smells will scare your pet away. Treat all marked surfaces with special anti-odor products. Regular bleach will not help, it only attracts attention. Only your pet's litter box may have a specific smell; all other places will have to be treated. Also, for a while, try covering the bed or sofa with a hard blanket or oilcloth so that it does not attract the animal.

    Limit your pet's movement

    If the problem cannot be solved, temporarily lock your pet in one room and do not allow it into other rooms. In this room, place several trays with different fillings. Use a special sedative in a diffuser that plugs into an outlet. This sedative can be purchased at pet stores. When your pet chooses the litter box and stops pooping in other places, let him go into the rest of the rooms.

    Why did a neutered cat start peeing anywhere?

    A castrated cat marks his territory . This is commonplace and far from a revelation. Don’t despair and panic; you need to determine the cause and understand how to deal with the situation. After all, curing the disease is simple. There are many reasons, but it is important not to swear at the cat

    and do not punish him, this will cause unnecessary stress and anxiety for the pet and will only worsen the situation.
    The cat does this based on the instincts and genes
    embedded in it. The pet does this during puberty.

    Whatever the reason, the first thing here is the desire to mark the territory and show the rights to the land and apartment. This way the cat gets rid of competitors during puberty. Shows that the property here is his and uninvited guests should not interfere.

    There are rumors and opinions that if castration surgery is performed at an early age, about six months, the problem will disappear. However, some owners confirm that such a problem develops at any age and does not go away unless measures and solutions are taken.

    Reasons why a neutered cat started peeing anywhere

    Very often everything goes fine even after castration. The cat is litter box trained and knows where to go to the toilet. But at one point the cat begins to leave urine in places where this should not be done and where the pet has never done this. For example, puddles often appear near the sofa, very close to the tray, near the owner’s shoes and in other places. Often the places can be secluded, for example, behind a sofa or closet. It is worth noting that this also applies to cats; sometimes females can also mark their territory and show reluctance to see strangers within its boundaries.

    First of all, the owners begin to swear at the pet, scold it and try to wean it from the habit using aggressive methods. All this makes the situation worse

    due to the cat's stress and anxiety. Moreover, the pet takes offense at its owners. After all, the cat doesn’t do anything bad on purpose and doesn’t want to do anything bad. At first he doesn’t take revenge and does it because of his genes, but then a stage may begin when he will simply specifically do things where you least expect and would like to see. On the bed, for example. Therefore, you can’t swear, but we’ll talk about treatment methods a little later, and now we’ll look at the reasons.

    There are many reasons for the disease in cats, let’s look at the most common ones. However, it is worth remembering that the final diagnosis must be made by a doctor

    , because your pet may have a unique case that therefore requires a unique course of treatment. We will also dispel some myths that relate to the causes of urination, and consider other reasons why a cat refuses to go to the litter box:

    Myths and additional reasons why a neutered cat began to pee anywhere

    1Marking places: this is the most common reason, about which a few words have already been said.
    It is mainly males who mark the territory, but females can also in some cases. This also applies to castrated animals. If we are talking about the male sex, then males mark territory on vertical surfaces. And it doesn’t matter so much whether it’s a wall or curtains. Females leave small puddles on the floor throughout the apartment.

    2 Other situations: cats are very sensitive and have a good memory, so it happens that he will not have the best association with the litter box. In this case, the cat will start walking around, but will not come close to the litter box. Then you should buy a new one and try to teach the cat to use it. Also, do not allow, for example, children or another pet (especially a dog) to drive the cat out of the litter box, because this may end in the same stress and reluctance to go there again. 3The situation in the home and family: it has been said more than once that a pet is a member of the family and a large part of it. Therefore, any stressful event affects the cat. For example, one of the family members left home forever, you yelled at the cat or even not at him, you accidentally kicked him out of the litter box, or you broadcast a loud noise on TV. All this can affect his psyche, especially if it concerns a move or a long absence of the owner. A bad mood has a bad effect on all animals, and even more so on cats.

    Strange animals or guests

    : If you already have a cat and the family decides to get another pet, then the old family member may be against it. The protest consists precisely in marking the territory and protecting it. Therefore, at first you will have to endure the fact that the old-timer does not want to get along with the new pet. However, after some time this will pass and the cat can become very good friends with the new inhabitant.

    This also applies to guests or relatives. After all, this is something new for the pet, which means it will be wary. This works most of the time, but sometimes cats can be curious and friendly.

    4 Late castration: marking territory in this case is simply a habit for the cat and it does it out of instinct and automatically. The cat gets rid of this behavior only after some time, for example, after 4-5 months, when a long period of time has passed since castration. The habit can disappear either on its own or after several methods, which we will describe further.

    Reasons why a cat walks past the toilet - a neutered cat began to pee anywhere

    Here are some reasons why a cat walks past the toilet and castration does not play any role:

    5Disease: first of all, it is worth ruling out diseases. Some of them can lead to frequent urination, which is often not to mark territory, but is simply uncontrollable and can happen at any time. An increase in urine can lead to more negative consequences.

    Due to some diseases, such as cistritis or urethritis, the animal goes to the toilet in small portions. However, he still does it in the tray if he manages to get there. The reason for improper use of the tray can be various allergies, diabetes or hepatitis. Check with your doctor for a more accurate list of illnesses, because in each case everything is individual.

    6Age of the cat: the age of the cat does not always affect the marking of the territory and problems after castration. So, for example, if a kitten is less than six months old, he may simply forget or make mistakes, because the kitten is still a child and this is natural for him. Also, if the cat is already old, he may have a disorder due to old age. Vision is lost, paws begin to ache and ache, and then it does this completely unconsciously; sometimes the cat is not even able to climb onto the tray due to sore joints. 7The condition of the litter box itself: I doubt that you would want to go to a dirty and unkempt toilet. It’s the same for cats, only here it’s even more difficult. The tray is perfectly clean, but washed with strong chemicals. Due to the strong smell, the cat will not want to use the toilet. If you wash the tray, then you should make do with ordinary clean water and only as a last resort use a drop of baby liquid soap or special products, but not household chemicals.

    It is better to choose odorless filler

    , and if with a smell, then it’s better to have one that your cat already knows. After all, these animals are very sensitive to smells and cats are unlikely to tolerate anything new in the litter box.

    Also, due to the fact that the kitten has grown into a cat, using the tray is difficult due to its size

    . Choose full-size trays.

    How to stop a kitten from peeing on the bed?

    Let's figure out why the kitten started peeing on the bed and what to do about it. Domestic cats themselves teach their offspring to go to the litter box. If you have your eye on a kitten, do not take it away from its mother too early, and then the question of how to wean a kitten from peeing on the bed will not arise. Let's consider what to do if you get a very small pet.

    At first, the kitten is stressed. He needs to get used to the new environment. In addition, he does not yet fully understand that there is a special place for the toilet. We need to show him this. Keep an eye on your pet. Take him to the litter box as soon as he is about to pee on the bed. If he has already pooped on the bed, take him to the litter box anyway.

    Take the kitten with you to bed while you sleep, play with it on the bed. The kitten should understand that your bed is not intended for the toilet. After each meal, take the kitten to the litter box. Close the door to the room if you leave the kitten at home alone. Remember that cats do not associate punishment and wrongdoing. If you swear, this will only increase your pet’s stress, and he will not stop shitting in inappropriate places. We found out how to stop a kitten from shitting on the bed or bed, then we’ll learn how to accustom your pet to the litter box.

    Treatment and what to do if a neutered cat starts peeing anywhere

    The most popular and proven method here is to buy a large number of trays

    . They are placed where the cat most often marks his territory and pees. The trays should be of different sizes, the sides should be of different heights, and the filling should be neutral and also different. If the cat does not sit in the tray. and walks nearby, then it’s worth changing the filler and trays. At one point, you will most likely notice how the pet scratches on the floor and meows. This is a signal that the pet wants to go to the toilet and litter tray, but does not understand how to go. In this case, it is enough to just be affectionate and put him in the tray yourself, while petting him and saying kind words.

    This procedure should be done only after sterile treatment of all places where the pet has gone before.

    . After all, for a cat, the toilet is where it has already gone, where there is smell and signs. It is necessary to wash without bleach or dangerous chemicals, because this can only harm the cat, who will still walk in familiar places for some time. However, over time, he will forget about them and get used to the trays placed around the territory. And after that, he will choose one tray for himself and go to it.

    It is recommended not to move this tray anywhere and just let the cat choose the place where he wants to go.

    If you couldn’t get rid of the smell and the cat is still marking for a month or more, you should clean it better and put something nearby that emits a light aroma. For example, citrus peels
    . This is safe for the cat and will help fight off the smell.

    Another option is to look at the barricades of those places that the cat has chosen. Cover the places with boxes and make the conditions as uncomfortable as possible. If the cat is neutered and has chosen the bed

    , then you should use polyethylene and double tape, which will scare the pet and the cat will no longer return to this place.

    In this matter, the main thing is patience and affection. You can't yell at your pet, you can't swear at him. Also, do not diagnose yourself. As we have already found out, there are many reasons and this is far from marking the territory. Also, castration is not the only reason. Therefore, it is recommended to call a veterinarian at home to examine and give a verdict. There is no point in taking your pet to the clinic in such a situation. This is extra stress for the pet, and the doctor simply will not see the places that the cat likes. He will not understand the behavior and is unlikely to make a correct diagnosis. The pet must be examined directly in the apartment.

    How to train to a tray?

    If you have determined why your cat is peeing on the bed, then training your pet to use the litter box will be much easier. Let us briefly repeat our recommendations:

    • Cover the bed with oilcloth for some time.
    • Eliminate the smell of cat urine in your bed.
    • Spray your bed with lavender or citrus essential oil.
    • Place several trays with different fillings and provide easy access to them. Trays must be placed in a safe place.
    • Don't let your pet into other rooms. Create comfortable conditions for him in one enclosed space. Place a cat house there and leave toys.
    • Use a diffuser with a sedative.
    • Place your pet in the litter box after every meal.
    • Praise your pet after each successful visit to the toilet.

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