How to stop a kitten from peeing on the bed - ways to wean it

Why does a cat shit on the bed?

Before selecting educational methods, it is important to understand why the cat stubbornly shits on the bed, avoiding the tray prepared for it.
Although some believe that this is how a pet expresses its resentment or is trying to take revenge, in fact, such behavior is explained by other objective reasons:

Dirty tray

The cat has a dirty litter box

A feature of cats is that they bury feces, which allows them to avoid attracting predators under natural conditions. Therefore, if a cat does not go into the tray, but tries to disguise its feces with the folds of the blanket, you should immediately check the cleanliness of the tray. You need to understand that the pet will not re-use an already used container that acts as a cat litter box.

Problems with the filler

Problems with the filler

An unfamiliar or unpleasant smell can serve as a deterrent signal for cats with their sensitive sense of smell. For this reason, the pet is able to avoid going to its litter box after replacing the usual litter with a different brand. The same reaction is often observed after the owners decide to completely abandon the use of filler. To make sure that your cat started defecating on the bed for this reason, you should return to your previous routine.

Consequences of stress

A common reason to understand why cats use their master's bed as a toilet is a stressful situation:

A pet experiences a negative psycho-emotional impact if it is transported to another home. The appearance of another pet in the house can cause serious concern. Fear manifests itself and is reinforced through physical punishment. Some cats react negatively to the appearance of a newborn in the house, to whom the attention of the household is maximally switched.


The cat is sick

Sometimes cats shit themselves while climbing on the bed due to illness. If you notice this behavior, you need to examine the animal. Typically, puddles on the bedspread indicate the development of urolithiasis. Due to pain when urinating, the animal strives for soft surfaces to reduce unpleasant symptoms. Feces appear on the sleeping bed due to intestinal diseases of the cat.

Hormonal imbalance

Inappropriate behavior in animals is often observed during periods of hormonal fluctuations. Submitting to natural instinct, the female marks her territory during estrus. Therefore, odorous traces will be observed in different places.

Elderly age

An aging cat often goes to the toilet in different places, including on the bed, due to weakness and the presence of chronic diseases. Forgetfulness and loss of skills may occur. In such a situation, it is advisable to make a comfortable bed for your cat with your own hands, which can be easily washed.

Tray inaccessible

Tray inaccessible

Sometimes the owner, having decided to change the location of the cat’s toilet, rearranges its container. Most often, the animal does not immediately get used to such changes. A puddle may appear on the bed if the room in which the cat litter box is located is accidentally closed.

It should be taken into account that kittens, as well as non-sterilized animals, often use the sofa, carpet, bed and other inappropriate places to defecate. It is necessary to control a pet that has recently appeared in the house.

A cat shits on the bed - a folk sign

They say that among the people there is even a sign that determines that a cat pooping in the bed portends profit. According to another interpretation, this is a harbinger of illness in one of the household members.

How to get rid of stains and odor

Many owners don't know what to do when their cat shits on the bed. Superstitious people try to get rid of bedding or a pet. It is believed that such a situation is a bad omen, it promises illness or death. Puddles on the bed are unpleasant and unhygienic, but you can get rid of stains.

First of all, you need to remove the smell of urine. To do this, you must immediately remove soiled bed linen. The stain should be rinsed under running water and laundry soap, then the textile should be soaked in a solution of vinegar and soda. After this, it is recommended to wash with powder.

It is more difficult to remove stains from blankets, sofa upholstery or mattresses. The smell of cat urine is corrosive; it will attract the animal, provoking the pet to shit again in the same place. It can be removed with substances that dissolve uric acid:

  • vinegar diluted half and half with water;
  • vodka or alcohol;
  • baking soda solution;
  • citric acid solution;
  • a weak solution of potassium permanganate.

You cannot use bleach or ammonia to mask the smell, they will only worsen the situation. It is also not recommended to spray perfume, cologne or eau de toilette on this area.

Dilute vinegar removes odor

Vodka and alcohol dissolve uric acid

Baking soda solution will help get rid of stains

Citric acid removes odor

A weak solution of potassium permanganate also removes odors


Consider the following ways to stop a kitten from peeing on the bed:

  1. Remove the mattress cover and put it in the wash. You need to collect the liquid from the mattress itself as quickly as possible with a dry towel or napkins. Next, blot the surface of the mattress with them. Do not press or rub the stain to avoid pushing the liquid deeper.
  2. Eliminate pungent urine odor with vinegar. It will neutralize uric acid and eliminate its odor. Vinegar must be diluted with water in a ratio of 1:3 and sprayed onto the mattress from a spray bottle. If you don’t have a sprayer, apply the solution with a sponge, but immediately lay napkins over the treated stain so that they absorb excess moisture.
  3. Absorb any remaining moisture with regular baking soda. Sprinkle baking soda over the stain for 10-15 minutes and it will absorb any remaining vinegar solution and urine.
  4. Use hydrogen peroxide to remove stains from the surface of the mattress. Buy 100 ml of peroxide at the pharmacy and dilute it in 200 ml of water and shake well. Then, using a spray bottle or a sponge with napkins, apply the composition to the stain directly on top of the baking soda scattered over it. As a result of the chemical reaction between soda and peroxide, a thick and persistent foam should form. Leave it to act for 2 hours. The abundant oxygen released during the reaction effectively bleaches the stain.
  5. After 2 hours, blot the area where the stain was with dry wipes and vacuum thoroughly to remove the soda from the mattress. After such cleaning, you need to leave the mattress in a well-ventilated room for at least 10 hours to completely dry and remove the odors of soda and vinegar.
  6. Forbid your pet to sleep on the bed, evict him, it is better to close the door to the room.
  7. If there are several animals and it is not clear which of them is peeing, then this is determined using food coloring, which is harmless. Take bowls and put different dyes in them. You need to remember which cat ate what, then scan the wet area with a fluorescent lamp.

Use special products that neutralize odors. If the kitten does not smell its excrement, it will stop trying to make a puddle on the bed. Most likely he will try to find a tray or other secluded place.

Scare away the kitten with the help of the drug “Feliway”, buy it in pet stores and veterinary clinics. You need to spray the bed with this product. Out of a sense of self-preservation, the pet will not encroach on “foreign” territory. The smell is imperceptible to people.

Proven ways to wean yourself from a bad habit

Alternatively, you can seal your favorite spot with double-sided tape or cover it with a thick-pile rug—cats don’t like being uncomfortable.

The pet can't pull off the trick if it doesn't have access to the room.

So that a single mistake does not become permanent and the cat does not regularly try to spoil upholstered furniture, it is important to instill in the animal the desire to go to its potty. You can prevent your kitten or adult pet from pooping on the couch using the following methods:

  • Spraying furniture. To do this, use tinctures of water on citrus peels, lavender-scented perfumes, special cat repellents from pet stores, or essential oils.
  • Organization of personal hygiene. If the cat is too clean and there is no way to constantly clean it, you can put a second tray or change the filler, for example, to silica gel. In this case, the box should be placed away from food, drafts and extraneous noise. The shape and size must correspond to the parameters of the cat itself.
  • Limitation. To keep furries away from the sofa, simply block access to the room where this piece of furniture is located.


The most common reasons why a cat starts peeing not in the litter box, but in the owner’s bed:

  • Dirty tray. If your cat starts peeing on the bed, this may be due to insufficient cleanliness of the litter box. The animal instinctively shits in a certain place so as not to spread odors and pollute the home. An unclean litter box forces the cat to dirty in places that are most convenient for this from her point of view.
  • Cleaning the tray at least once every 7 days will help prevent problems. You should not wash your cat's litter box using odorous products, as this may lead to litter box abandonment.
  • Animal physiology. The cause of puddles and piles in the most unexpected places can be animal diseases. You need to look at the color of your urine and how often you urinate. If necessary, you will need to undergo tests and do an ultrasound. A correct diagnosis will help rid your pet of the disease and at the same time wean it from a bad habit.
  • Age. A small kitten gets used to its toilet only at the age of one and a half months. An adult pet begins to do its business where it is more convenient for him in most cases due to the inconvenience of the tray, for example, if its sides are too high. Replacing the cat litter with a more convenient option will correct the current situation.
  • Change of place of residence. Moving is stressful for a cat; everything new causes fear, but the owner’s bed is familiar and cozy. Patiently showing the tray to your pet will help solve the problem.
  • Moreover, for the cat’s toilet it is necessary to choose the most comfortable place from the animal’s point of view. The tray should be located away from drafts and places where people constantly walk. The pet should also like the filler, because if the blanket on the bed suits the cat much more, then she will start to shit on it.
  • Discord with other pets living in the house. Several animals living in the same territory invariably begin to find out who is boss in the house. The cat begins to pee in the owner's bed, demonstrating leadership, seeking protection, or complaining about oppression. If there is a dog living in the house, then the cat may begin to move away from communicating with it to the owner’s bed.
  • A cat's affection for one of the people. This is rare, but when the owner leaves, the animal begins to get bored and the owner’s bed becomes his favorite place. As a result, the cat shits on it, thus feeling closeness to the person - this calms it down.
  • Sometimes your pet demonstrates in this way how much she misses you. Punishment in this case is pointless; isolating the animal from the owner’s bed will help.
  • Cat place. If an animal has chosen, for example, a sofa as its place, and the owners are constantly driving it out of there, then, not finding another place, the owner’s bed becomes the most suitable option for the cat.
  • The cat marks its territory. The fight for territory is inherent in nature; in this case, only sterilization or castration can stop you from peeing on the bed. Thanks to this procedure, the animal's behavior changes dramatically.
  • Character. The reason that a pet begins to pee or shit in its owner's bed can be jealousy. For example, if a lonely person has a soul mate, this may be interpreted by the animal as a betrayal. Sometimes, if there are other pets, the cat may pee just to replace their scent with her own.


What measures to take

In order to understand how to correct the animal’s behavior, it is necessary to establish the reason why it began to use the entire house as a toilet. Once this reason has been established, it is not necessary to punish the cat who has pooped - sometimes you can return it to the litter box using gentler methods.

What to do for skeptics

All people, regardless of whether they believe in omens or not, need to remember that it is necessary to accustom a kitten to the litter box from the first days of life. However, teaching your four-legged pet to relieve itself in a specific place in the house is still half the battle. Next, you need to make sure that the litter in the cat litter is always fresh and the tray itself is clean, otherwise the cat may start looking for another litter box.

If everything is in order with the tray and your four-legged friend has long been accustomed to it, but suddenly begins to mark the master’s bed or other objects in the home, then the following will help wean him from bad actions:

  • If the animal is sick (diarrhea or disease of the genitourinary system), then it must be shown to a veterinarian, who will prescribe treatment for the cat. As a rule, a recovered pet returns to the tray on its own.
  • If a cat is offended by a person and takes revenge on him for something, then the owner would do well to try to understand why this happened. Perhaps the cat felt that the owner’s love for her had decreased due to a new family member (child) or another animal appearing in the house. In this case, the owner of a four-legged pet should show more attention to it for some time. It’s not worth punishing a cat for a shitty shoe or bedspread. It will be enough to defiantly ignore him after each such incident. And, conversely, after any proper trip to the litter box, pet the cat and give him his favorite treat.
  • If a purr craps all over the house because he is already old and simply does not have time to get to the litter box, and the owner loves him so much that he does not want to put him to sleep, then the solution may be to install another cat litter box in another place. It is easy to accustom an old cat to such a toilet by placing any object that carries the smell of her urine in the spare tray.
  • The worst option is when a young male cat urinates on the furniture and belongings of the owners, marking its territory. In this case, it is sometimes impossible to return it to the tray using normal methods, even if you treat all marked places and objects in the house with chemicals that repel strong odors. The only method to wean an animal from improper actions is castration.

What should superstitious people do?

For those who believe that cats connect the human world with the subtle other world, esotericists give some advice on how to wean your four-legged pet from walking past the litter box:

  • If a cat shits on the bed of an owner who is already sick or prone to illness, then the person should try to clean his house to avoid the illness or death predicted by the furry soothsayer. Daily reading of prayers, blessing the house with lit church candles, fumigation with incense, and also wearing a special amulet will help cleanse your home.
  • Those who are sure that a kitten pooping on the bed predicts a quick financial profit can be advised to strengthen the effect of the prediction by additionally charging the home with material well-being with magical rituals and talismans.
  • Cats anticipate future quarrels between family members, especially between spouses, so it would be a good idea for the owners of the crapping animal to analyze their own behavior and try not to lead to family conflicts. Then the cat will not mark the marital bed.
  • If a cat constantly shits on the same thing, then perhaps the owner of a four-legged pet should listen to the furry “esotericist” and throw this thing out of the house, since it poses a threat to all family members with strong negative energy.

Every person, when getting a kitten, wants to receive only positive emotions from their pet. But sometimes there are embarrassments with the latter. However, instead of scolding a naughty pet or trying to correct its behavior in the usual ways, sometimes it can be useful to “listen” to what the four-legged soothsayer is trying to say and check your own health or the things he has soiled. It is possible that this will help the cat owner not only avoid some kind of disease, but also protect himself from something more terrible.

Why such problems may occur

If your cat starts shitting anywhere, don’t rush to run to the veterinary pharmacy for a spray or look for all sorts of folk remedies. Remember, cats are clean animals, and if you train them to use the litter box, they will go there. However, incidents can also happen when the pet seems to be accustomed, but suddenly “traces” begin to appear throughout the apartment. Why did it happen? Let's look at several reasons.

The cat is uncomfortable in the litter box. If she doesn’t like, for example, the smell of the litter, she won’t go there. If the structure of the filler does not suit her, she will not go into the tray. Moreover, if for some reason she simply did not like the toilet as a design, the result will be the same. This is the first step to take to prevent “surprises” in the bed and in the corners; disease of the genitourinary system or gastrointestinal tract. If a cat experiences pain when defecating or urinating, it will quickly form a negative association with the litter box and will try to “solve the problem” on its own. The methods preferred by the animal are not always pleasant to the owner. If maneuvers with the tray do not help, visit a veterinarian; protest

Cats are perhaps the most cunning and most vindictive pets! If you stop paying attention to the animal, it will attract it in all sorts of ways. Yes, cats can also be offended by the owner, trying to remember the offense for refusing to hold him in his arms, feed him once again, play, take a walk, or do anything else that the animal is accustomed to.

reflex bowel movement. Cats may have more than just negative associations with the litter box. It happens the other way around, if a certain object reminds an animal of a tray by smell or by some other sign, the pet can go there simply reflexively; age factor. This is especially true for older animals that may suffer from memory problems.

How to treat a place where a cat shits so that it doesn't shit anymore

You can stop your cat from crapping wherever she is using home remedies and commercial repellent sprays.

Folk remedies

Simple but proven methods will help keep your cat from defecating in the wrong place:

  1. If your cat shits in the potty, you can train him to stop doing it with toothpicks. They are nailed tightly to the ground so that the pet has nowhere to step. This method will help your cat stop constantly pooping in the wrong place, but it is quite traumatic. It is much more humane to protect the pots with double-sided tape or homemade covers cut from cardboard or other materials.
  2. If your cat defecates on the carpet or bed, you can use water to stop it in the wrong place. Realizing that the pet is about to go to the bathroom, he douses himself with a spray bottle. Usually, to prevent a cat from shitting in the wrong place, 2-3 such sessions are enough.
  3. Every time you try to urinate, you can clap your hands loudly. A high-pitched sound will scare the animal and help it quickly get used to the command.
  4. It is not difficult to stop a kitten from pooping in the wrong place by scattering aluminum foil in the corners of its choice. The child is unlikely to like the whispered material and will stop defecating anywhere.
  5. To prevent your cat from pooping in the corner, you can put garlic, citrus peels, burnt paper, hot pepper or mustard in this place.
  6. You can remove cat smell from interior items and wardrobe by washing them with hydrogen peroxide, alcohol or iodine. Expert advice. A bite and bleach will not prevent your cat from defecating no matter where she is. These substances are not only harmful to the health of pets, but also increase the smell of their urine. If the corner where your cat has a habit of pooping is washed with a solution of bleach or vinegar, this will attract her even more.



Extraordinary and reliable measures to stop your cat from shitting on the bed

Before you understand and figure out why a cat shits on the bed, you can try to take quick measures to eliminate the animal’s desire to relieve itself where it is prohibited.

The aroma of lavender will help stop your cat from shitting on the bed.

These methods (measures) are:

  1. Using the scent of lavender as a deterrent. Cats really don't like its scent, so it is recommended to use fabric softener after washing clothes with this scent. In addition, it is also recommended to purchase a bottle of lavender oil at the pharmacy and apply a couple of drops to the head of the sleeping bed.
  2. Close the doors to the bedroom tightly so that the cat cannot get in.
  3. Use a soft cloth to gently wipe your cat's neck and tonsils, and then use the same cloth to wipe vertical and horizontal surfaces in the house where the animal likes to mark its territory. These areas, behind the ears and under the neck, are where cats produce the most pheromones. Therefore, if you take care in advance and indicate at a very subtle level the smell of the animal where it is necessary, you can be sure that the pet will not do this on its own later.

If, for example, the smell of lavender and a closed door does not help, then as a punishment (the main thing is when it is directly discovered at the crime scene!), and not after discovering a “surprise,” you should give the animal a light slap with a rolled-up newspaper.

Maintain constant cleanliness not only in the pet’s tray, but also in those places where the animal’s foreign smell prevents him from living peacefully

Try to use air fresheners and deodorants as little as possible; cats are very susceptible to laundry detergents. Do not give the animal a reason to drown out its marks in the form of piles and puddles from other people's odors. Maintain constant cleanliness not only in your pet’s litter box, but also in those places where foreign odors interfere with the animal’s ability to live peacefully.

As another way to wean a cat from going to the toilet where it is not supposed to, the technique of placing bowls of food or pieces of dry food on cardboard in “favorite” places can be used. The cat will not shit where it eats.

The main thing is to understand and understand the reason why the cat shits on the bed, and it is quite possible to solve the problem in 5-10 minutes. A self-confident cat, with a properly selected method of education, is the key to peace and comfort in the home.

You should always carefully monitor the animal’s health and, if necessary, contact a veterinarian

Don't forget the smell and peace, i.e.

the absence of stress and the attention of the owner play a huge role for the cat, and the pet’s health should always be carefully monitored, promptly receiving advice from a veterinarian. Love, care and perseverance in parenting work wonders

Remember this, and you will definitely succeed.

Why does my cat constantly shit on the bed? was last modified: September 16th, 2016 by Maxim Bartsev

Any cat owner will confirm: there is no creature more capricious and vindictive than this furry creature. Cat love, like hatred, sometimes takes on very strange forms that can turn the life of all the inhabitants of the house into real hell.

Such manifestations include puddles and piles left by the little monster right on the owner’s bed. Why does a cat shit on the bed, and most importantly, why don’t any penal measures work on everyone’s favorite cat, who stubbornly continues to spoil linen, pillows and mattresses?

Puddles or marks

Why the cat shits on the bed has now become known. How to find out what is left on the bed: puddles or marks?

Tags are determined by the following criteria:

  1. Puberty period. It begins in animals at different times, depending on the breed. Puberty occurs at 6-9 months of age. This is when cats begin to mark their territory;
  2. Cats in heat may also begin to pee in inappropriate places;
  3. They recognize marks by smell, unlike urine, it is specific and very pungent;
  4. If you take some of it for analysis, it turns out that it is only pheromones and not a drop of urine;
  5. You can identify puddles or marks by watching exactly how the cat does it. He raises his tail vertically, stretches out his hind legs and sprays pillows and blankets with a strong stream. A cat's marks signal its readiness to breed.

Signs of cat puddles:

  1. The puddle is much larger than the mark stain, it is not a few drops, but a large wet spot on the bed;
  2. To pee, the cat lowers its tail low, sits down, and spreads its hind legs;
  3. Puddles may not have a strong odor like marks.
  4. A cat will try to “bury” a puddle by covering it with a blanket or crumpling up the bedding.

Depending on whether they are puddles or marks, it is worth dealing with their appearance differently.



Ways to solve the problem

There are several recommendations on how to wean an animal from peeing on the master’s bed or sofa:

The best thing to do is to start weaning immediately after the first puddle that appears. You need to buy a special tray and filler that eliminates odors. An alternative to filler would be pieces of ordinary newspaper. A specific place must be allocated for the tray. You cannot change the location of the cat litter box, as the kitten must remember its location; searching for the litter box will lead to the appearance of new puddles. It is necessary to carefully monitor the baby, as soon as he climbs onto the bed to pee, you should pick him up and take him to the tray. The kitten must pee there, after which it must be praised. If a small pet has managed to do its job on the bed, it should still be taken to the tray, but kindness and affection cannot be demonstrated. You need to show dissatisfaction with his behavior by leaving him in the cat litter box to “think about your action.” Until the kitten gets used to the litter box, you should limit access to the kitten's bed. That is, the door to the bedroom should be constantly closed. This is necessary to wean your baby from peeing on the bed. You need to make sure that the kitten does not leave the tray until he has done his business in it.

This will speed up the process of getting used to the toilet. It is important that access to the tray is always free and the kitten can use it at any convenient time. The tray should be comfortable, long, deep (but in moderation) and spacious enough so that the pet can turn around in it without difficulty. Representatives of the cat family have a developed sense of smell 10 times better than that of humans. Therefore, cheap plastic with the strong aroma of chemicals emanating from it can cause disgust in a kitten. For kittens that are too clean, you can install two toilets.

Following the described recommendations will help to wean the kitten from peeing in the owner’s bed and at the same time understand what the tray is for, remember its location and get used to it. In most cases, kittens learn easily, are smart, and if you do everything correctly, the results will not keep you waiting and the pet will begin to go to the place strictly designated for this.

Additional recommendations

If the kitten was taken from the street, he had no restrictions on the choice of place to defecate. Then he may not understand the prohibition that you can’t pee in bed.

To wean a kitten in a week, read the recommendations:

  1. Create an unpleasant sensation in the animal at the moment when he is about to pee on the bed. Repel him with aluminum foil placed on the bed. The kitten will step on it, get scared by the rustling sound and run away.
  2. Play with your pet on the bed, sleep together. In this way, he will develop the understanding that “a bed is not a toilet.”
  3. Place the kitten's tray in a special place in the house.
  4. To prevent the kitten from peeing, spank it with a wet rag, spray its face with water from a spray bottle, and then immediately transfer it to the tray. When he finishes his business there, pet him and praise him.
  5. Cats are repulsed by strong scents. Place a sachet of lavender or any other strong-smelling ingredient in your bed. Avoid experiments with oregano and mint, they attract animals.
  6. The kitten can see the mother cat in the owner. When they are together, the baby pees on the bedding. In the house it can be replaced with a soft bed.
  7. The tray should be comfortable, long and spacious enough so that he can unfold it without difficulty.
  8. If a small kitten has managed to do its job in bed, it still needs to be taken to the tray, but kindness and affection cannot be demonstrated. Express your dissatisfaction with his behavior, leaving him there to “think about your action.”
  9. Until the animal has firmly learned that it only needs to go to the litter box, forbid it from sleeping in bed with you. The house and bed are suitable as an alternative to a bed. The toilet should be placed next to them.
  10. The toilet should be made attractive; after cleaning, treat it with a smart spray, then the kitten will be ready to go to the litter box again.
  11. Cats are clean and will not go to the dirty toilet. A couple of stuck together lumps can scare them away, change the filler or immediately remove the dirty lumps.
  12. Choose a litter that your kitten will like: clumping, absorbent, wood, silica gel.
  13. Sometimes the reason is that a particular blanket or blanket is attractive to the kitten, its texture is pleasant for the paws, especially if the tray provided by the owners causes inconvenience.
  14. Stress may be the cause. It occurs due to moving, a change of environment, owners, or the appearance of other animals in the house. In this case, caress and soothing herbal remedies will help. The doctor will tell you which one to choose.
  15. If the kitten begins to walk past the bed and pees on chairs, sofas and armchairs, this indicates health problems: cystitis, infection, problems with the urinary tract. At the same time, he will often pee, and sometimes he will not have time to run to the tray. You can understand the reason by contacting your veterinarian.

Preventive measures will not give the expected result if the kitten is sick or worried about changes that are incomprehensible to it. A patient, attentive attitude towards a pet in case of any failure gives better results than physical punishment, screaming and threats. Pets are family members just like the rest of the household. Comfortable living conditions, protection from diseases, a properly selected diet and a convenient, accessible potty will help to avoid problems and conflicts.

Which cats are more likely to shit on the sofa?

Older animals have their own body characteristics. Often, as a cat ages, those reflexes that have been developed during life are suppressed. This is due to lower metabolic processes and gradual degeneration of nervous tissue. Also, permanent changes in the body of old cats occur with the genitourinary system. Older cats are more likely to have incontinence problems due to weakened pelvic muscles. Therefore, older animals can shit on the sofa due to health problems.

Old cats may forget where to relieve themselves

Non-sterile animals have more unbalanced hormonal levels. And this behavior is due to changes in the levels of various sex hormones. In addition, when a cat is not sterilized, he has a physiological attraction to the opposite sex. This includes both the mating season and the estrus period.

Note! In such an excited state, the animal simply has no time to think about where to relieve himself and where not.

What can you spray on the sofa?

If you decide to clean your sofa of cat urine in order to get rid of the nasty smell forever, then after drying it, you need to spray it with one of the following products:

  • vinegar or potassium permanganate (weak solution);
  • hydrogen peroxide;
  • weak iodine solution;
  • alcohol;
  • water with lemon.

After cleaning the sofa on which the pet is peeing, citrus peels, pieces of onion or garlic placed in the corners are also used.
Representatives of the cat family do not like the smell of essential oils (mint, rosemary, lavender), perfumes, construction chemicals, and detergents that have a strong odor. Attention! Products with strong odors should be used very carefully, as they often cause irritation and inflammation of the nasal canals in animals.
If you managed to clean the sofa well at home, then to prevent your pet from using it as a toilet, you can use special veterinary products.

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