Education and training: how to wean a kitten from bad habits and teach simple tricks

The mother cat teaches the kittens how to take care of their fur coat, go to the litter box, hunt, and punishes them for pranks. If the kitten came to you as a baby, you will have to teach it everything yourself. This is not very difficult and will allow you to get even closer to your pet.

You need to raise a kitten as soon as it gets into your home. First of all, give your pet an easy to pronounce name that he will respond to, and do not change it. Then show the cat where his sleeping place, tray, feeder and scratching post are. At first, the animal will be confused by new smells and sounds, it will need to get used to it.

When you realize that the kitten has become accustomed to its new habitat, begin to correct the pet’s behavior. Clearly outline the boundaries where the baby is not allowed to go, for his safety. If a habit is learned in childhood, it is not so easy to get rid of it later, so say a clear “No!” or “Ugh!” when the kitten:

  • plays with wires;
  • tries to get into the washing machine;
  • wants to playfully bite your arm or leg;
  • tinkering in flower pots;
  • scratches wallpaper or furniture.

It is important to secure the apartment as if there were a small child in it, because kittens are very curious and active.

The animal is considered a kitten until puberty, which occurs in different cat breeds at approximately 6-24 months.

If you don't want your cat to sleep in your bed in the future, don't let her lie on your bed. But no concessions, otherwise the pet will get confused in the commands and will do whatever he wants. Be logical and consistent in raising your kitten. Try to form the right habits in a timely manner and immediately correct unwanted behavior.

Should I leave the light on for my cat?

Answer: There is no need for this. But keep in mind that although cats can see in the dark, they cannot see in pitch darkness. If you have at least some kind of light source at home - even from the street, then everything is in order. There is no point in leaving the light on on purpose.

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How to train a kitten to use a litter box

Cats are clean and instinctively want to relieve themselves according to all the rules. All you have to do is provide the kitten with everything necessary. Place the tray in a quiet, secluded place with a small layer of litter or torn newspapers inside. After eating or sleeping, walk your pet to the toilet and show him burrowing movements; most likely, instinct will tell the kitten what to do.

When everything works out, pet the kitten and praise, but not too pompously. If something doesn't work out, be patient. You may need to change the location of the tray or the filler. You cannot scold or beat an animal, this will cause stress, mistrust of you and, as a result, puddles and piles in the most unexpected places.

If you cannot train your kitten to use the litter box, be sure to visit a veterinarian. Your pet may have health problems.

How to toilet train a kitten

If you don’t want to deal with the litter box every day, you can teach your kitten to use the toilet. But only on condition that the animal is completely healthy. Wait until your pet is older (small kittens can drown in the toilet) and start training. Smart individuals usually master this “science” in 3-4 weeks.

First, place the cat litter box on a slight elevation so that the kitten gets used to relieving itself this way. Gradually raise the tray higher and higher, but do not forget about stability. When the cat litter is the same height as the toilet, secure it firmly and securely to the seat. If the cat is not afraid to use such a tray, then everything is fine.

The next step is to remove the cat litter box and attach a strip of polyethylene with filler across the toilet. The kitten will jump on the seat and will not find its litter box, but the smell and location of the litter will tell it what to do. Then you can remove this “hint”.

Wash daily

When it comes to water procedures, people often go to extremes. Some people cannot bathe their pet for years, while others wash it like a child every day. Don't be overzealous - it could end badly.

Firstly, cats have a higher body temperature. Wool performs the functions of thermoregulation, so after bathing the animal can easily get sick.

Secondly, if your cat doesn't like water (this is a common problem), every bath becomes stressful for her. “Bath days” should be arranged only when necessary. It is recommended to wash long-haired cats after going to the litter box, but it is enough to limit yourself to “washing” the problem area.

Teaching a kitten simple commands

Cats are not as trainable as dogs. But a little patience and diligence - and your pet will amaze you with its abilities! Choose a quiet place to study, without distracting sounds or people. It is better to conduct exercises at the same time before feeding, but do not spend too much time on exercises: 5-10 minutes will be enough so that the kitten’s attention does not wander.

Many cats have a tendency to perform certain actions since childhood, so watch your pet and study its habits.

Command "Give me a paw"

Place a treat on your palm and clearly say: “Give me your paw.” The kitten will instinctively place its paw on its palm and reach for the treat. Praise him immediately and give him a treat. If your pet hesitates, carefully place his paw on your palm, and then treat him with a treat. It is important that the animal remembers that after a phrase and a certain action you can get food. It is advisable to repeat the command 4-5 times to consolidate it.

Team "Come to me"

This is an important command, although in some ways it goes against a cat's nature. Like, it’s not a royal thing to come running at the first call. Meanwhile, many cats successfully perform it if the phrase “Come to me” is immediately reinforced with the sound of food being poured into a bowl. Soon the cat will learn to run to the command “with all its paws,” but most importantly, it will remember the key phrase.

Commands “Sit” and “Lie Down”

Cats love to sit and lie imposingly without any commands. But it can be more interesting to train your pet in such a way that he does it according to your desire. Wait until the kitten is in a calm mood. Then get your pet's attention and clearly say, “Sit,” while applying gentle pressure on the lower body. When the kitten sits down, immediately reward him with a treat and reinforce the command several times.

In order for your pet to learn the “Lie Down” command, lightly roll the kitten onto its side, and then immediately give it a treat. Try to achieve an association: phrase - action - treat.

If a kitten does not comply with the training conditions, it should not be rewarded with food. Wait for exactly the desired behavior so that it becomes fixed in the animal’s mind.

Command "Bring"

If your kitten likes to hold toys in his teeth, try using this habit for training. Say: “Bring it” and entice your pet with a treat. No reaction? Then there is no refreshment. And if a kitten, even by accident, still comes up to you with a toy in its teeth, encourage it and try to consolidate the skill in the future.

How to teach a kitten to be brushed

It is necessary to accustom a kitten to hygiene procedures from childhood. Cats with long hair and a thick undercoat need regular brushing, otherwise they will develop tangles and hair loss. To avoid this, first lightly stroke the kitten with a special comb mitt. Then gradually move on to the brushes. Choose a calm time for the procedure and try not to hold the baby by force, so as not to hurt him. You can gently brush it with a brush after waking up. Very soon the pet will get used to this procedure and even begin to enjoy it. If resistance is strong, try rewarding your pet with treats.


From the cat’s point of view, if the owner punished her, then he is angry and inadequate, and it is not her fault. The only thing you can achieve by punishing a cat is to ruin your relationship with it, provoking fear, mistrust and worsening behavior. Yes, cats' conclusions rarely coincide with our desires, but by better understanding the reasons for their actions, we can correct the situation.

Especially many questions regarding behavior arise during the period of adaptation of cats to a new place. The well-being of the shelter’s residents is very important to us, so the Murkoshi team is always ready to help the owners of their graduates. And also for all cat lovers, we have prepared useful articles on care, behavior adjustment, documents, adaptation, pet health and the most exciting issues that you can find on our website.


Of course, all pets have different personalities. And some “pranks” can piss off even very calm people. But don’t rush to force yourself. Cats cannot be trained, so you will not achieve educational goals, but rather aggravate the situation. Cats have a good memory and vindictiveness, so displaying aggression can start a protracted war in which there will be no winners.

In a fit of anger, an adult may miscalculate his strength and injure his pet. Once you calm down, you will blame yourself for it, but you will not be able to fix anything. Revenge and physical injury are not the only consequences of human violence. Even if the cat’s health is not in danger, it can suffer psychological trauma and become depressed.

On the other hand, pets are often compared to children. Stop for a second and think. This is a helpless creature that depends on you for shelter, food, and safety. You took it voluntarily and are responsible for it. And if your children (existing or theoretically possible) stood in the place of the cat, would you raise your hand against them?

The only way to raise a cat is with a huge amount of patience, love and affection. By the way, this also works with people.

Mistake #5. Overdoing it with spray bottles and water guns

A wet cat is a dissatisfied cat. And at the same time, the pet is smart enough to understand why it got wet and where the hated water came from. It is believed that if you catch a cat doing something indecent in time, you can use water as punishment to discourage your pet from the bad habit. And in some cases this is true. But it is necessary to take into account a number of points.

We have already discussed why punishment, the threat from the owner and the lack of an alternative are bad. Therefore, if other methods have not worked, and you still decide to grab a spray bottle, it is advisable to spray the cat from the back so that it does not see you. And you shouldn’t use water too actively, otherwise you can only make the problem worse. For example, a cat may misinterpret your actions. Let's say a cat is chewing on your headphones, and you throw water on it. He may decide that the headphones cannot be chewed in your presence / when they are lying on the table (and not on the floor, shelf, sticking out of the bag) / instead of the headphones he will begin to chew on other wires that may be live.

A good solution could be a non-contact “fight”: double-sided tape pasted on surfaces prohibited for cats, rustling foil placed there, citrus oil and special sprays sprayed in the right places, automatic repellers with a motion sensor (when cats approach, they release a stream of water or air). In this case, you or other family members should not be nearby - the unpleasant association for the cat should concern only the place or action.

Pull the tail

Soft, fluffy, mischievous. It resembles a moving brush and fascinates with its smooth movements. The temptation to pull a cat's tail is great, especially for children. But this is absolutely forbidden! It is important not to set a bad example and explain to children why.

A cat's tail is an extension of its spine. It can be easily injured, dislocated discs or pinched a nerve. If the tail is seriously injured, the cat can even be paralyzed. In addition, many nerve endings are concentrated in the tail. Even if it seems to you that you pulled “not too much,” it will be extremely painful for the cat.

What can you teach a cat

The commands that are taught to dogs can also be taught to cats, especially curious ones. She can learn to sit, lie down, give a paw, fetch a toy and do various tricks. You can teach your pet elements of a circus program: jumping through a hoop, walking on its hind legs, fetching a ball.

Of course, training cats is different from training dogs; these are different types of animals, and they need an individual approach.

Special training systems have been developed for cats and are used by people at home. With regular exercise, even a 2-month-old kitten will achieve positive results.

Special conditions must be created for training, then the result will be as effective as possible:

  1. Your four-legged friend must be in good health.
  2. It’s better if the cat ate a long time ago, then rewarding it with a treat works better.
  3. A good, playful mood between the owner and the cat - it is important that the pet enjoys the process.
  4. The lesson should not last long, no more than five minutes: cats quickly lose interest in training.
  5. Age also matters - you should not train small kittens, less than two months old or old kittens, most likely this will not bring the desired results.

Mistake #3. Use physical force

Hitting animals, especially cats, is strictly forbidden!

  • The cat does not associate punishment with its “misdeeds” - this will in no way help correct its behavior for the better.
  • Cats take aggression and the use of physical force from humans very seriously. Rest assured, the cat will never forget or forgive its offender.
  • You could injure or seriously injure your cat.
  • Do not throw shoes at the cat, do not chase it with a broom, etc. All this relates to the topic of physical punishment.
  • Don't swing at the cat. Even in the absence of a blow, the animal will associate your hands with danger and see you as the aggressor.

There are no alternatives here, because physical punishment is inherently wrong and brings nothing but harm. The Murkosha shelter periodically ends up with cats that are so downtrodden in every sense that it takes a lot of time and effort to adapt them. We encourage all owners to use peaceful methods to resolve behavioral problems in their pets and avoid violence.

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