The cat vomited worms: the main reasons, what to do, first aid, medication and alternative treatment


It is often very difficult to determine that a pet has become infected with worms. Owners learn about this disease only after the cat has vomited worms. Some people think that if an animal vomits worms, then they are gone, but, as a rule, this is a mistaken opinion.

If your pet vomits worms, then this is an alarming sign, which means that:

  • he became infected with parasites;
  • There are a lot of worms in the animal’s body that can vomit.

Therefore, it is worth starting treatment immediately, otherwise it can even lead to the death of the animal.

The cat vomited worms: 5 reasons

The infestation of animals by parasites is the rule rather than the exception. Pets that do not walk outside are also not immune from helminthiases. Worm eggs and larvae are everywhere: in the ground, crowded places, tap water, food.

Upon contact with outer clothing, shoes, or water, roundworms and nematodes enter the body.

Vomiting of worms is a consequence of a number of reasons:

  1. Severe worminess. In the absence of anthelmintic prophylaxis, helminths multiply quickly, and the body rejects the excess.
  2. Intestinal obstruction. An excessive number of worms creates congestion in the digestive organ, disrupting peristalsis.
  3. Intoxication. Nematodes and Giardia produce toxins. Vomiting is a protective reflex during poisoning; some parasites are released in the vomit.
  4. Damage to internal organs. Worms cause inflammatory processes in the stomach, liver, even cirrhosis. Reflexive evacuation of stomach contents is one of the symptoms of organ damage.
  5. Reaction to an anthelmintic drug.

Vomiting is a serious symptom that indicates a serious condition of the animal.

Worm infestation in kittens

For helminthiasis in a kitten, treatment is carried out in the same way as in the case of adult cats, but gentle drugs are used. The first deworming is allowed after 3 weeks. Until this moment, even if worms are detected, they try not to give medicine, because it can harm the kitten more than helminths. If parasites are transmitted to an animal in utero, they will take some time to develop. Kittens cannot have adult worms, which can cause rapid death.

How do worms come out through vomiting?

The animal's immune system is able to independently resist parasites. Poor nutrition, care, and chronic diseases undermine the defense system, and worms actively multiply.

Once inside, the worms cling to the intestinal microvilli and feed on the juice produced to digest food. A lack of digestive juice disrupts the food processing process. Peristalsis is disrupted, congestion forms, which the kitten’s body tries to get rid of by vomiting. Nematodes and roundworms live mainly in the intestines and come out with the contents of the intestines.

Be sure to read:

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Worm larvae migrate through the intestines into the intrahepatic bile ducts. The secretory function of the liver is impaired. Excess bile enters the blood, cholemia develops, accompanied by vomiting.

Regardless of the type, parasites in the acute phase cause allergies in the host. The immune system intensively produces antigen.

A high concentration of antibodies causes degenerative processes in organs where larvae and adult parasites accumulate. If the digestive system is not functioning well, the remains of undigested food have a toxic effect with manifestations of the gag reflex.

What are the dangers of having parasites in cats?

Cats can get 2 types of parasitic worms: tapeworms and roundworms . In addition, they can exist together and coexist perfectly. Most helminths of these groups can settle in humans. A cat infected with helminthiasis poses the greatest risks to small children, who can hardly keep a distance when interacting with the animal. That is, the presence of worms in an animal living in the house creates a high risk of infection for humans.

But not only people feel discomfort if worms appear in their body. The cat is an intelligent creature and also suffers from health problems. Worm infestation in cats can significantly ruin a pet’s life, and in the worst case, lead to death. The cause of fatality when cohabiting with parasites can be the following factors:

  1. Intestinal obstruction, which can be caused by a large accumulation of worms.
  2. Poisoning by helminth waste products.
  3. Exhaustion of the body due to a deficiency of vital substances. Especially in combination with other animal diseases.

Kittens suffering from helminthic infestation may be stunted in growth and development. When a growing body is poisoned by toxic waste products of worms, it does not receive enough necessary nutrients and vitamins. A kitten may even die from a large number of parasites.

The cat vomited worms: what to do

The presence of parasites in the vomit indicates an advanced form of helminthiasis. The pet must be taken to a veterinarian for examination as soon as possible. The doctor will assess the condition of the predator and, based on the test results, determine what damage has been caused to organs and systems.

The breeder tells the doctor about the pet's behavior in the previous month. A description of the symptoms will help you understand how long the predator has been sick.

Signs of infestation:

  • loss of appetite: refusal to eat or, conversely, eating a lot;
  • bloated stomach;
  • upset stool, frequent diarrhea with a strong odor, constipation;
  • decreased activity, drowsiness;
  • hair loss;
  • allergy symptoms: cough, watery eyes;
  • irritability, avoids contact, does not give in to hands;
  • rubs and licks the anus.

The doctor will prescribe treatment taking into account the presence of complications. After completing anthelmintic therapy, the doctor will explain how to use the medicine for preventive purposes.

What parasites live in cats?

There are many types of parasites that can live in the body of cats. In total there are about 30 species. They are distinguished into flat and round.


  1. Tape (cestodes): tapeworms, tapeworms.
  2. Flukes (trematodes). Infection with trematodes is also called opisthorchiasis.


  1. Roundworms.
  2. Toxocars.
  3. Nematodes.
  4. Hookworms.

All types of these parasites can live in the human body. That is why it is simply necessary to find and neutralize helminths in a cat in a timely manner. If a pet is found to be infested with one or another pest, all family members should undergo prevention along with pet therapy. It is advisable to carry out a general cleaning with disinfection of the room and treatment of all things.

First aid

Severe symptoms may occur in the evening when veterinary clinics are closed.

The pet owner can provide first aid independently.

  • The predator is given plain water (not by force). The liquid will help remove residual toxic substances and relieve spasm of the intestinal muscles.
  • Refuse to feed, especially dry food. Food provokes attacks of nausea. A predator may choke on pieces of food.
  • Sorbents are given to block the action of toxic substances; activated carbon (1 t/kg) or Phosphalugel (0.5-1 mg/kg) are suitable.

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When to worm kittens for the first time: for what, at what age is it better, how to do it correctly, the best drugs

As soon as the pet's condition improves, it is taken to the veterinarian.

What to do and how to help your pet?

When a cat vomits a white worm, you should not immediately grab it and go to the veterinary clinic. Such sudden movements can lead to the pet simply choking on vomit. You should contact a specialist only after the worm has already come out and the animal no longer regurgitates. After this, you need to collect the vomit along with helminths in a jar or sealed bag. This will make it easier for the veterinarian to determine the source that is causing the cat to vomit, as well as select the necessary medications. Vomit does not pose a danger to humans, but you should still carefully collect its remains. At the same time, they follow the rules of hygiene, perform the manipulation with medical gloves and treat the dirty area with chlorine bleach or a disinfectant.

First aid

To rid your pet of parasites, you need to try to give him medicine against them.
When a cat burps white worms, and the owner is unable to take it to a veterinary clinic, then it is possible to help the pet on your own. If the animal is sick and vomits, then it is necessary to give liquid to reduce the irritant effect on the esophageal mucosa and wash away digestive juices. The following steps can also be taken at home to help a cat with parasite vomiting:

  • Give your pet anti-worm tablets, as well as activated charcoal. In this way, it is possible to prevent the spread of helminthic toxic substances throughout the cat’s body.
  • In the first few hours after vomiting, do not feed the cat, as it may again vomit worms.

Drug treatment

Vomiting with worms requires urgent contact with a veterinarian, who will examine the cat and select the necessary therapeutic actions. If your pet vomits once and thin worms come out, then an anthelmintic drug is prescribed, which fights specifically against a specific type of parasite. When a pet vomits and a white worm or other helminths are detected in the masses, the following medications are prescribed, indicated in the table.

Drugs that eliminate intoxication and replenish water balanceGlucose for intravenous administration
Ringer's solution

To stabilize the digestive function of a pet after prolonged vomiting, it is necessary to drink probiotics.

If this phenomenon does not recur, then the animal can be given regular food only after 3 days.
After a cat has vomited a long white worm, it is necessary not only to treat it with medications, but also to monitor its diet. It is important to refuse to eat any food on the first day to prevent your pet from vomiting again. If within 24 hours the cat no longer burps and its condition is satisfactory, then you can give chicken broth or porridge with a liquid consistency. They return to their normal diet no earlier than 3 days after vomiting.

Folk recipes

When a cat regurgitates worms or has severe vomiting, you can use unconventional therapeutic measures, which are previously discussed with a veterinarian. After your pet has vomited, it is recommended to make pumpkin puree. This dish helps stabilize digestive function and alleviate the cat’s condition. This food is fed for 1 tsp. twice a day for 3 days.

It is equally effective to use a decoction of oak bark after vomiting worms. Due to the tanning properties of the main component, the absorption function of the intestine is reduced, which is why fewer toxic substances enter the bloodstream. Tea leaves have the same effect on a cat after vomiting. It needs to be consumed orally, 1 tsp. per day. If the cat is rapidly getting worse, and vomiting interspersed with worms becomes more frequent, then you should not engage in self-treatment, since this can only harm the animal.

Drug treatment

Veterinary pharmacies offer a variety of anthelmintic drugs. For severe infestations, treatment is prescribed by a doctor. He selects a remedy based on the disease, clinical picture, and condition of the cat.

Medicines differ in dosage form and methods of administration.

The dosage and treatment regimen are determined by the veterinarian and, if ineffective, adjusted.

name of the drugdosage formdosagecontraindications
Drontalpillstablet per 4 kg of cat's weightage up to 21 days, weight less than kg
Kanikquantel Plustab.1/10 kgup to 3 weeks, pregnancy
Milbemaxtab.0.5 tab./kgup to six months, less than 0.5 kg
Prazitelsuspension1 ml/kgpregnancy than 3 weeks
Prasimek-Spills2/2.5 kgup to 2.5 months,
Helmintal Kdrops0.1 ml/kg

Drops are applied to the skin, in places inaccessible to licking. For kittens and pregnant females, therapy is carried out carefully. If health deteriorates, discontinue the drug and contact a veterinarian.

Traditional methods of treatment

Only anthelmintic drugs can cure severe forms of parasitic infestations. But folk recipes will help speed up the healing process. The use of alternative methods is agreed with the doctor.

Medicines used to treat humans can also be given to four-legged animals, only in a smaller dosage.

Home Recipes:

  1. Garlic. The peeled clove is crushed and added to canned food; you need to make sure that your furry friend has eaten the “medicine”. The procedure is repeated every other day.
  2. Onion water. Cut the onion into 4 parts with a glass of warm water. The infusion is given to the pet in the morning on an empty stomach for a week.
  3. Tansy. Pour boiling water (200 ml) over a tablespoon of dried flowers and leave for an hour. The strained infusion is given three times a day (as much as you drink) 30 minutes before meals.
  4. Fennel decoction. Dill seeds are poured with a glass of water and put on fire. After boiling, cook for 5 minutes, cool and strain. The decoction is poured into the mouth using a spoon or syringe.

During therapy, the condition of the furry friend is monitored.

Be sure to read:

How many days before vaccination should a cat be given anthelmintic: why, how to do it correctly, the best remedies

Can a person get worms from a cat?

Unfortunately yes. During licking, lamblia and roundworm eggs fall through the mouth onto the fur, and from there onto the person’s hands. You can become infected by washing the litter box without gloves. The pet is usually allowed to sleep anywhere. Wool remains on the chair or sofa; upon contact with the surface of the furniture, the larvae get on the skin.

Infection with helminthiasis through contact with a pet is not a reason to abandon the animal. Anthelmintics, which are given to prevent diseases, will help protect your cat from toxoplasmosis and ascariasis.

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