A cat has an earache: causes, how to understand, symptoms, first aid, what to do at home

Otitis externa is an inflammation of the outer ear, which includes the pinna and external auditory canal (EA).


  • Filatova Evgenia Vladimirovna

    otolaryngologist, rhinosurgeon

3.80 (Votes: 10)

  • Limited (local) otitis externa or boil of the external auditory canal
      Causes of a boil in the external auditory canal
  • Diagnostics
  • Treatment
  • Acute bullous or hemorrhagic otitis externa
      Causes of development of bullous otitis media
  • Treatment
  • Myringitis
  • Dermatitis of the ear
  • Erysipelas of the auricle
  • Erysipelas
  • Malignant otitis externa (necrotizing otitis externa)
  • Chondroperichondritis of the auricle
  • Conclusion
  • Otitis externa is an inflammation of the outer ear, which includes the pinna and external auditory canal (EA). Like most inflammatory diseases of the ENT organs, otitis externa can be acute or chronic.

    Features of the structure of the outer ear

    The auricle and ear canal are covered with skin that extends to the eardrum. There are two sections in the ESP: cartilaginous and bone; at the border of these sections, a physiological narrowing is determined - the isthmus, which is why the three-dimensional model of the external auditory canal resembles an hourglass. Under the skin of the auricle and the cartilaginous part of the external auditory canal there is elastic cartilage, due to which this part of the auditory canal is mobile during chewing and articulation. In the bony section, under the skin, there is periosteum and bone. The skin of the external auditory canal differs from any other skin in that its thickness contains cerumenous glands that produce earwax (cerumen). The function of cerumen is to protect the skin from constant moisture and microorganisms, and the presence of a cerumen film is an important factor in the normal functioning of the outer ear. The dimensions of the external auditory canal may vary markedly depending on individual characteristics. Often in the area of ​​the isthmus there are osteophytes - bony protrusions that reduce the lumen of the ESP, and sometimes completely block it. Anterior, posterior and inferior to the auricle in the subcutaneous tissue there are lymph nodes that can become inflamed with otitis externa.

    Acute external otitis is an inflammation of the external ear that occurs within 1 month.

    Forms of external otitis:

    • diffuse external otitis;
    • local external otitis or NSP boil;
    • acute bullous (hemorrhagic) external otitis;
    • myringitis;
    • dermatitis of the auricle;
    • erysipelas of the auricle;
    • malignant (necrotizing) external otitis;
    • chondroperichondritis of the auricle.

    The most common is acute diffuse external otitis, in which bacterial inflammation of the skin of the entire ear canal occurs, often spreading to the eardrum or the skin of the auricle.

    How is the treatment carried out?

    Drug treatment is prescribed only by a specialist, since self-medication can aggravate the situation.
    Ear diseases in cats can only be cured by a veterinarian; self-medication of the pet is prohibited. Parasites are expelled by antiparasitic agents (BlochNet, Fipronil, Amitrosin). Inflammation is treated with antibiotics, which are prescribed individually. In case of cancer, it is recommended to have surgery to remove the tumor. If the cancer has completely engulfed the cat's ear, the shell is removed. Cropped ears are cured until the wounds heal.

    Acute diffuse otitis media

    Provoking factors: excessive toilet of the ears, water getting into the ear, microtrauma of the skin of the NSP, factors of decreased immunity (hypothermia, excessive tanning, ARVI, chronic diseases). Pathogens: Staphylococcus aureus, Pseudomonas aeruginosa.


    This is severe pain in the ear, ear congestion, liquid discharge from the ear canal in a small amount, there is also an increase in the behind-the-ear or parotid lymph nodes, inflammation of the skin of the auricle, there may be an increase in temperature, and symptoms of intoxication. On examination, hyperemia and swelling of the skin of the NSP are noted, the skin is uneven, with overlays of transparent yellow or purulent discharge, and desquamated epidermis is visible. The lumen of the ESP is often sharply narrowed and the eardrum may not be visible. If it is visible, it is usually also uneven and moderately hyperemic. Enlargement and tenderness of regional lymph nodes, thickening, tenderness and hyperemia of the auricle are often detected. Hearing, while maintaining the lumen of the lumen, is slightly reduced or normal.


    To make a diagnosis, in addition to examination, it is necessary to exclude middle ear disease, for which tuning fork tests (a hearing test using a set of tuning forks), tympano- and impedance measurements (measurement of the mobility of the eardrum), and a study of hearing thresholds (audiometry) are performed. These studies are carried out to exclude diseases of the middle ear. Laboratory diagnostics includes a general blood test, blood sugar, microflora culture from the diseased ear to prescribe antibacterial therapy.


    The main direction of treatment is antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory therapy. Antibiotics and anti-inflammatory drugs (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, corticosteroids) are prescribed locally or systemically. For severe pain, there is a good effect from behind-the-ear blockades with corticosteroids and local anesthetics. A gentle ear toilet and rinsing is carried out to free the ear from discharge and epidermal masses. Additionally, you can use physical treatment methods: quartz tube or laser therapy.


    Various reasons can contribute to the development of the disease. Kittens and cats often suffer from otodectosis; this is a contagious disease caused by ear mites Otodectes cynotis. They are transmitted by contact with a sick animal and can cause otitis media.

    In addition, pathology can result from:

    • Bacteria: staphylococcus, streptococcus, E. coli;
    • Fungi;
    • Viruses;
    • Allergy and autoimmune processes;
    • Hormonal disorders.

    In elderly pets, when examining the auricle, various types of neoplasms and polyps can be found, which also contribute to the development of the disease.

    The cause of inflammation can be injury, structural features of the pet's ear, or a foreign object entering the ear.

    Limited (local) otitis externa or boil of the external auditory canal

    A furuncle is an inflammation of the hair follicle that spreads to the subcutaneous tissue. Bristly hairs grow at the entrance to the NSP and around it, and inflammation develops in their follicles.

    Causes of a boil in the external auditory canal

    The most common pathogens are streptococci. Provoking factors and symptoms are similar to those of diffuse otitis media.


    Upon examination, a narrowing of the ESP is visible due to infiltration in the area of ​​one of its walls. The boil goes through three stages in its development:

    1. Infiltration stage: at this stage, a painful infiltrate of the NSP skin is formed, local hyperemia and thickening of the skin about 0.5-1.5 cm in size appear.
    2. The abscess formation stage is the appearance of a purulent cavity and a necrotic core in the area of ​​infiltration. At this stage, the presence of an infiltrate is also determined, in the center of which a yellow-green purulent core is visible, usually with a hair in the center; when pressing on the infiltrate, fluctuation (the presence of fluid in it) can be determined.
    3. The resolution stage is the release of pus from the cavity with gradual recovery.


    Treatment varies and depends on the stage. At the infiltration stage, systemic and local antibacterial and anti-inflammatory therapy is prescribed. In the stage of abscess formation, it is worth performing surgical treatment of the boil - opening and draining, cleaning the cavity from pus, dressings are performed within several days. Antibacterial and anti-inflammatory drugs are also prescribed. During the resolution stage, it is sufficient to use only local antibacterial drugs and ear toilet.

    How to understand that a cat is bothered by a sore ear, symptoms

    The following symptoms indicate inflammatory lesions:

    • loss of appetite;
    • the auricle turns red, swells, and the local temperature rises;
    • the pet shakes its head, as if trying to shake out a foreign object from the organ of hearing;
    • you can hear the fluid gurgling in the affected organ;
    • the cat scratches its ear with its paw;
    • the animal meows pitifully;
    • tilts his head towards the disturbing organ of hearing;
    • upon examination, crusts are found, as well as pus or discharge resembling coffee grounds;
    • drooping lip, eyelid or ear;
    • the pet avoids stroking the head;
    • the ear smells unpleasant.

    Be sure to read:

    How to understand that a cat is sick: external signs, how the animal behaves, clear signs of illness, what to do

    Otitis is characterized by exhausting pain, however, if the disease is detected at the initial stage, then the cat can be helped.

    Acute bullous or hemorrhagic otitis externa

    This is a form of inflammation in which blisters (bullas) containing bloody fluid appear on the skin and on the outer surface of the eardrum. If such a bubble is opened, then bloody discharge flows out of the ear.

    Causes of development of bullous otitis media

    Most often, bullous otitis occurs against the background of acute respiratory viral infection or influenza, but a bacterial infection can also be the cause.


    An ear canal toilet is required. Antibacterial and anti-inflammatory drugs are prescribed locally, and drugs that strengthen the vascular wall and reduce vascular permeability should also be prescribed systemically. Opening bullae is not recommended.

    Otitis in a cat: symptoms and signs of the disease

    An attentive owner will always notice changes in the behavior of his pet if he knows the main symptoms of otitis media of the inner ear. The most common are the most visually identifiable signs:

    • Irritation and redness of the skin of the sore ear, in which the cat periodically rubs it and at times applies it to the head;
    • Acute pain provokes a sharp jumping up, screaming of cats, frightened looking around, the cat does not allow touching the head;
    • Constant itching and the appearance of ulcers and scratches in the ear area;
    • Shaking the head and lack of auditory response to the affected side;
    • Possible drooping of the eyelid in case of damage to the facial nerve;
    • The appearance of a characteristic cloying odor;
    • Discharge from the ear with purulent otitis media;
    • By bending over to your pet, you can listen to the characteristic gurgling and squelching sounds;
    • Loss of appetite and cheerfulness;
    • Heat;
    • Irritability, constant meowing and screaming

    Due to the slow development of otitis, in some cases, despite minor deviations in the cat’s behavior, a trip to the veterinary clinic is the optimal solution for quick rehabilitation and treatment of the pet.

    Dermatitis of the ear

    It can be separated into a separate form, since inflammation of the skin of the auricle often occurs, without involving the NSP. The causes of the disease are a bacterial infection plus a factor of sensitization of the body to bacterial toxins. With this type of inflammation, redness and thickening of the skin occurs, with the formation of small serous blisters, similar to those in eczema. When the bubbles open, yellow crusts form in their place. Diagnosis is made based on examination, and consultation with a dermatologist may be required. Treatment is also antibacterial and anti-inflammatory, and antihistamines may be prescribed.

    Causes of otitis media in cats

    According to statistics, parasites are considered the main causative agents of otitis media. Therefore, the appearance of fleas and subcutaneous and ear mites should alert every cat owner. By damaging the skin, they create a beneficial atmosphere for the development of pathogenic bacteria, which are formed as a result of the decomposition of tick corpses and their excrement. First, the disease affects the outer and middle ear, but gradually progresses and reaches the inner ear.

    No less dangerous is allergic otitis in cats, which can be caused by an allergic reaction to the introduction of new food, the appearance of an external irritant, or to parasites. Like any allergy, the reaction is accompanied by severe itching and scratching of the skin, where infection subsequently occurs.

    The cat's weak immunity and low body resistance make it practically defenseless against staphylococcus, streptococcus and trichophytosis bacilli, which leads to the development of the most severe form of this disease - purulent otitis of the inner ear.

    It's no secret that cats love to climb trees, which often leads to injuries or scratches to the outer ear, against which otitis media can again develop.

    In addition, the cat owner must remember that hypothermia and poor sanitation of the ears are also a harbinger of this serious disease.

    Erysipelas of the auricle

    Acute erysipelas is an infectious disease and is caused by streptococcus pyogenes; later, other flora may join. With such inflammation there are symptoms of skin damage and a general inflammatory syndrome - weakness, fever, chills. Factors provoking the disease: decreased immunity, abrasions and burns of the skin, swimming in polluted waters, contact with a carrier of pyogenic streptococcus or a sick person. Depending on the depth of damage to the skin, three forms are distinguished:

    1. Erythematous, when pain occurs, redness of the skin (it has a “varnished” appearance) slightly rises above the level of healthy skin and has a clear border with it.
    2. The bullous form, more severe, is characterized by the same skin lesions as in the erythematous form, but with the formation of large blisters above the surface of the skin with transparent or cloudy contents.
    3. Necrotic form. With this form, deep damage to the skin occurs, right down to the reticular and papillary layers, and deep ulcers with purulent plaques form. Due to the addition of various microflora, it is more severe than other forms. Typically, patients with this form require surgical debridement of areas of necrosis.

    Tumors and neoplasms

    Tumors and polyps in cats develop on the middle and inner ear, on the skin lining the ear canal.

    The diseases are typical for older animals; malignant neoplasms require mandatory surgical intervention or the selection of special therapy.


    This is a serious disease that often causes complications, and its treatment should take place in an infectious diseases hospital. If erysipelas is suspected, consultation with an infectious disease specialist is required. Isolated erysipelas of the auricle is rare and is usually combined with lesions of the skin of the face or neck.


    Massive antibacterial and anti-inflammatory therapy, detoxification therapy, and antistreptococcal gamma globulin are prescribed.


    To prevent ear diseases in cats, hygiene procedures must be carried out regularly.

    Cleansing is done using lotion. A few drops are placed in the ear and lightly massaged. After some time, remove dirt with a clean soft cloth.

    The sleeping place for pets should not be in a draft or near a frequently opened window.

    Particular attention should be paid to the cat's ears while bathing. Water should not get into the ear. If this happens, then the water must be wiped off with a dry cloth. Drying your ears with a hairdryer is not recommended.

    Malignant otitis externa (necrotizing otitis externa)

    This form of external otitis is distinguished as a separate one, but in fact it is a negative course of ordinary diffuse external otitis. During the course of the disease, inflammation spreads to the structures of the temporal bone, damage to the cranial nerves and the development of intracranial complications may occur. The name of the disease is not associated with the development of a malignant tumor, it simply reflects the course of the disease. Fortunately, this disease is rare; it affects patients with severe immune disorders, such as AIDS, conditions after radiation and chemotherapy, decompensated diabetes mellitus, and patients receiving immunosuppressive and cytostatic therapy. The leading pathogen is Pseudomonas aeruginosa, but any infection is polymicrobial. During the process of inflammation, necrosis of the skin of the ear canal occurs and inflammation passes to the periosteum and bone, followed by its destruction. Complaints in this disease include severe pain, discharge from the ear of a purulent-inflammatory nature, with a putrid odor, and hearing loss quickly occurs. Later, symptoms of damage to the cranial nerves appear: difficulty swallowing, choking when eating, numbness of the face, paralysis of the facial muscles. When the process spreads to the middle and inner ear, systemic vertigo may develop. When inflammation spreads into the cranial cavity, cerebral and meningeal symptoms develop. On examination, one notices pronounced inflammation of the skin of the NSP, skin with foci of necrosis, a large amount of purulent-necrotic discharge, the eardrum and the structures of the middle ear are often indefinable. Symptoms of damage to the cranial nerves are determined - facial asymmetry, ptosis of the lower eyelid on the affected side, asymmetry of the soft palate, impaired mobility of the epiglottis. In diagnosis, culture for bacteriological examination and computed tomography of the temporal bones are important. Treatment is always carried out in a hospital setting. Massive antibacterial and detoxification therapy is carried out. Infusions of human gamma globulin, antipseudomonas serum or hyperimmune human plasma are prescribed. Surgical treatment is also performed - necrotomy (removal of necrotic areas of skin and bone), and subsequently, upon recovery, plastic surgery of the defect is performed using one’s own tissues.

    Special instructions for treatment

    Therapy begins only after the animal is diagnosed. A correct diagnosis improves the effectiveness of therapy. Independent attempts to get rid of diseases can only worsen the condition and cause an exacerbation of the disease.

    It is strictly forbidden to clean cats' ears using hygiene sticks. Discharge and dirt can only be removed with cotton pads. If the doctor insists on surgical treatment, there is no need to refuse. It may be the only effective method of getting rid of pathology.

    Chondroperichondritis of the auricle

    This disease is an inflammation of the perichondrium and cartilage of the auricle caused by bacterial flora. Chondroperichondritis can be caused by trauma to the auricle with damage to the skin, suppuration of an auricular hematoma, deep burns of the auricle, a boil or suppurating atheroma of the ear, and erysipelas. There are infiltrative and purulent forms. A few days after the described traumatic factor, infiltration and hyperemia of the skin of the auricle develops, accompanied by pain, with or without fever. An important diagnostic criterion is that the earlobe remains unaffected, since there is no cartilage in its thickness. Treatment: antibacterial and anti-inflammatory therapy. If there are purulent cavities, an opening with removal of pus and gentle necrotomy of the destroyed cartilage is performed. The disease is difficult to treat and can last for weeks or months. Often the consequence of chondroperichondritis is cicatricial deformation of the auricle; sometimes there may be complete destruction of the cartilage.

    Signs of ear problems

    Normally, cats' ears are shiny and clean, but not wet. The skin inside the ear is a uniform pale pink color. There is no visible discharge in the ear; at most, there may be a small accumulation of light yellow wax without a strong odor. If a kitten develops an ear disease, it will manifest itself with some of the following symptoms:

    1. The cat shakes its head and purses its ears. 2. The cat actively scratches its ears and even scratches them until they bleed, resulting in crusts and wounds appearing. 3. There is no (or weakened) reaction to sounds. 4. If you touch the ears at the base, the cat presses them and tries to escape, bites and scratches. 5. Swelling, unnatural growths and bumps are found inside.

    Read more: The cat has a swollen ear: what to do

    6. The skin in the ear is red, peeling, there are signs of inflammation and crusting. 7. Discharge in the ears ranges from whitish to dark brown. 8. A putrid or sweetish (unnatural) odor comes from the ears. 9. Shortness of breath and nasal discharge are observed. 10. There may be problems with motor coordination and balance.

    Foreign bodies

    Owners of animals who suffer from pain that appears as a reaction to foreign bodies located in the ear canal turn to specialists.

    These can be specks of dust and specks, grass seeds or organic plant remains; experienced veterinarians know how to treat ear diseases in cats and carry out the necessary manipulations to alleviate the animal’s condition.

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