Why doesn’t a cat allow you to touch and stroke its belly, what to do at home if it hurts?

Cats suffer from stomach pain just as much as humans. The causes of discomfort in an animal can be very different: there are many organs in this area, malfunctions of which can cause pain. Pets may be bothered by pain in the stomach, liver, gall bladder, and kidneys.

Cats do not know how to complain, but an attentive owner can understand what is happening to the pet if he observes its behavior. This will allow him to promptly identify the problem and cure the animal.

Causes of abdominal pain

The main causes of the problem are:

  • Helminthiasis. Infection with worms and protozoa leads to dysfunction of the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Food allergies. Accompanied by skin rash, flatulence, indigestion.
  • Constipation.
  • Damage to the stomach wall with a sharp object.
  • Poisoning with food or a toxic substance.
  • Peptic ulcer of the stomach and intestines.
  • Panleukopenia (feline distemper). A viral disease that affects the digestive tract and respiratory organs.
  • Ascites. A pathology in which a large volume of fluid accumulates in the abdominal cavity.
  • Cholelithiasis.
  • Intestinal cramps and accumulation of gases. May be a consequence of poor nutrition.
  • Inflammatory diseases of the digestive system (enteritis, pancreatitis, gastritis, colitis, peritonitis).
  • Gynecological diseases. Sharp pain in a cat may occur due to ovarian rupture, and aching pain may occur due to endometritis or pyometra. These diseases can develop as a result of hypothermia, birth injuries, or taking hormonal medications.
  • Pathologies of the urinary organs. Pain in the lower abdomen of a cat can occur from blocking the ureter or urethra with a stone.
  • Neoplasms in the abdominal cavity.

Pain in the stomach can be caused by an unbalanced diet, abuse of fatty foods, and overeating. In this case, the cat has a stomach ache after eating. In kittens, the likelihood of this problem increases when switching from breastfeeding to another diet.


Almost all cats don't mind having their heads stroked. But, try not to touch their ears with your hand. This is a special and very sensitive organ, the touch of which is not very pleasant for the cat. One of the places that brings the most pleasure for almost all cats is the upper part of the bridge of the nose and forehead. Gently stroking your fingers in this place has a very beneficial effect on the cat. The thing is that this is the point at which in childhood, each kitten is licked by the mother, washing them. Apparently, these pleasant memories are embedded in every kitten on a subconscious level, therefore, when stroked in this place, they experience very pleasant feelings.

Diseases that cause bloating

A swollen, hard tummy occurs in pets due to various diseases. Diagnosis should be carried out by a doctor, but it doesn’t hurt to know the characteristic symptoms.

Liver failure

Why does a kitten's whiskers break: the main reasons and what to do

If a one-month-old kitten has a hard and bloated tummy, you should think about liver problems. It could be hepatitis or cirrhosis. The disease can be identified by yellowing of the whites of the eyes, a regular increase in body temperature and loss of appetite. With cirrhosis of the liver, an animal experiences diarrhea, vomiting, flatulence and loss of appetite. In such cases, the abdominal cavity swells and hurts.

Oncological diseases

If the cat has a large belly, but he is thin, you should think about cancer. Such pathologies are usually found in adult cats, but every year the oncology becomes younger and appears even in newborn cats. In the initial stages of development, cancer may be asymptomatic. It does not cause significant symptoms. The only warning sign is your pet's protruding belly. Over time, weakness, loss of appetite and weight appear. Given the baby's low body weight, the belly is too large.

Additional symptoms include: pain, digestive problems, enlarged lymph nodes that can be felt in the form of balls under the skin.

Important! In the final stages of cancer, the pet loses a lot of weight and spends almost 95% of all time in passive mode.

Infectious peritonitis

If the kitten has a large and hard tummy, this may be a sign of developing peritonitis. This is one of the most dangerous diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, which is accompanied by an inflammatory process of the abdominal organs. In addition to an enlarged belly, the pet develops regular diarrhea, profuse vomiting, fever, and increased body temperature.


If a kitten has a swollen belly, this may indicate the development of pancreatitis. The pathology is accompanied by severe pain radiating to the side, spasms and bloating. The cat loses its appetite, sleeps poorly and becomes thin.

A large belly in a cat that regularly lives outdoors may indicate pregnancy. In such cases, the physical health of the animal remains virtually unchanged. Good appetite and drowsiness are noted.


You can suspect that your pet has a stomach ache based on the following symptoms:

  1. The cat often meows for no reason.
  2. The animal takes unnatural poses and behaves restlessly.
  3. Touching a cat's stomach causes twitching, crying, and sometimes an attack of aggression.
  4. The abdominal muscles are tense.
  5. The cat loses appetite and sometimes thirst.
  6. The pain may be accompanied by bloating, vomiting and diarrhea.

If your cat is very thirsty, has sores in the corners of his mouth, has a stomach ache and is bothered by bloody diarrhea, most likely he has developed viral enteritis.

If a cat has a stomach ache and constipation, this may indicate intestinal obstruction, campylobacteriosis, giardiasis, inflammatory diseases of the digestive system, helminthic infestation, and gallbladder disease. If a cat has cholelithiasis, an enlarged organ may be palpable in the right hypochondrium, and manifestations of jaundice are also likely.

With diseases of the genitourinary system, a cat may experience discharge with blood and pus, and it will often lick the perineum. In acute cases, the temperature rises, appetite disappears, and the external genitalia swell.

If a cat has urolithiasis, deurination will be rare, mixed with blood. A rupture of the ureter or bladder will be accompanied by severe pain, restlessness and severe crying. With peritonitis, blood or organ contents leak into the abdominal cavity. The cat will be tormented by thirst, sharp pain, fever, vomiting, and the mucous membranes will become light in color.

Chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract are manifested by alternating constipation and diarrhea, and periodic abdominal pain. With giardiasis, stool becomes liquid and foamy. An infectious disease and exacerbation of the inflammatory process can be judged if the cat has a stomach ache and diarrhea. .

Associated symptoms will almost always include fever, loss of energy, and vomiting.

These same signs may indicate poisoning. If the cause is a toxic substance, the cat may begin to have convulsions and foam at the mouth. If a cat has ascites (fullness of the abdominal cavity with fluid), the abdomen will be greatly enlarged in size, and shortness of breath is also often observed.

Ironing correctly

The cat has favorite places (points) from touching which he gets the most pleasure. However, each person also has his own favorite places that bring maximum pleasure, which is noticeable when performing a massage.

For a cat, stroking is a kind of massage that brings pleasure, calm and relaxation.

Conventionally, a cat’s body can be divided into several zones


  • head;
  • back of the head;
  • chest and neck;
  • back;
  • stomach

How can you tell if your pet has a stomach ache?

Does your cat not allow you to stroke its belly and behaves differently than usual? In this case, the owner needs to understand what is causing this behavior. Signs of intestinal or stomach pain in cats are:

  • Difficulty with bowel movements. The pet stomps around in the tray for a long time, and meows loudly during the process of defecation.
  • Hard belly. When there is pain in the abdominal area, the muscles become tense.
  • Passivity. The cat lies all day and reacts with aggression to the touch of its owners. Refuses food.
  • Forced pose. The animal tries to take a comfortable position, arching its back, does not allow its abdomen to be touched, and lowers its head.
  • Bloating. If your kitten's tummy has become unnaturally round, it is probably full of gas. This causes suffering to the animal.

How to pet a cat correctly?

Touch is an important means of communication between owner and cat. By using it correctly, you can deepen your bond with your pet and earn its trust. Cats love to be stroked on their backs, between their ears, cheeks and chin. But the preferences of different pets still differ. To figure out what kind of petting your cat will like, you should use the trial and error method. Basically, you need to try to pet the cat in different ways, its reaction will tell you which areas can be petted and which areas should not be touched. Typically, cats themselves guide people, exposing those parts of their bodies that need to be stroked, so identifying the preferences of a particular pet will not take much time.

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You can independently determine the cause of stomach pain if the owner saw that the cat ate stale food, poison, a plant, or swallowed a foreign object. In other cases, only a veterinarian can make a diagnosis. To do this, you need to inform him about the pet’s diet, his behavior, the nature of his stool, and accompanying symptoms. You can determine the exact cause of abdominal pain using the following methods:

  • Ultrasound of the abdominal cavity;
  • x-ray to rule out intestinal obstruction;
  • blood and urine tests;
  • examination of stool for blood, worm eggs and protozoa.

Symptomatic diet or treatments

Whatever the nature of the pain, following a diet will be the most optimal solution to alleviate the condition. Thus, it is not recommended to feed your cat fish or meat with large bones, sausages, or raw vegetables. These foods are difficult to digest, and bones can be damaged by inflamed mucous membranes. Your pet may get worse.

It is recommended to feed the animal porridge with the addition of boiled meat and stewed vegetables.

It is also necessary to listen to the wishes of the animal. If a cat wants to lie down, you need to give it this opportunity: arrange a place to rest, do not frighten the animal with loud sounds and do not try to entertain it.

Despite the fact that abdominal pain in cats is common and in most cases is not a symptom of a dangerous disease, experts do not recommend self-medicating or letting the animal’s condition take its course. Timely consultation with a veterinarian is the right decision for any owner who cares about their pet.

What is colic and its causes

Each owner brings his own vision of what is happening to the concept of colic. By carefully observing the animal, a person gets used to its manners, behavior, and way of life. Any deviation from the “norm” is alarming and frightening. If the deviation is associated with a pain reaction and this is visible in the animal, the owners will immediately diagnose it as colic.

Colic is a pain syndrome. The pain can be constant and intermittent, strong but subsiding, or weak and aching.

Unfortunately, the animal cannot tell us about the nature of the pain, and we can only guess, given its behavior.

Colic can have various causes:

  • Physical. Associated with traumatic violation of the integrity of the abdominal organs, mechanical blockage of the intestines, ureter, bile ducts with stones, sand, neoplasms, parasites;
  • Infectious. Caused by exposure to microorganisms: salmonella, pasteurella, anaerobes, streptococci, the causative agent of plague, infectious hepatitis and others;
  • Invasive. Exposure to helminths in the intestines or bile ducts without blockage, but with a traumatic effect on the mucous membrane;
  • Chemical. Such causes are possible in case of poisoning with various substances.


To alleviate the cat’s condition, you should not feed it when the above symptoms appear. You need to drink warm water, and to cleanse the stomach and intestines, you can add a few drops of Vaseline oil.

The choice of drug for treatment will depend on the diagnosis. If a cat has a stomach ache due to an infection, she is prescribed antibacterial and antiviral therapy. Erythromycin and Tylosin are commonly used. If worms are detected, anthelmintic drugs will be prescribed, and antiprotozoal drugs will be prescribed to combat protozoa. If the animal is poisoned, it is necessary to cleanse the stomach with water and salt and give activated charcoal. You can induce vomiting using potassium permanganate or apomorphine.

Stroking technique

Experts who study animal behavior have repeatedly conducted experiments on how to pet a cat so that he likes it. As a result, we came to the conclusion that stroking should begin with an attempt to reach out and try to make several strokes on the head or torso. Based on the cat’s reaction, it will be noticeable whether the animal is currently predisposed to affection or not. If the cat moves away from your hand or tries to bite, then you should not anger him and stroke him against his will. If, on the contrary, the animal begins to rub against your hand, expose its head, back or stomach, then the cat is not against caresses.

How to treat a kitten

Depending on what caused hard belly syndrome, treatment is carried out with medications or surgery. The method of therapy will be determined by the veterinarian depending on the results of the examination of the cat.

A cat with hard belly syndrome should not be ignored. The animal needs qualified help as soon as possible.

Of course, the best option in case of bloating in a kitten would be to contact a specialist. Only a veterinarian can prescribe the correct treatment for bloating. And it is extremely undesirable to begin carrying out procedures, and even more so treatment, without consulting a veterinarian. So, for example, often, before starting treatment for ascites (fluid accumulation in the peritoneum), it is first necessary to diagnose the underlying disease. Only after this the doctor provides recommendations on changing the diet and limiting fluid intake.

To summarize, we can say that in any case, the behavior and changes in the appearance of a small kitten must be constantly monitored, regardless of whether your little friend is a month old or six months old - the development of pathologies and diseases in kittens can begin at any age. This is especially true for animals walking outside, because in this case there is always a risk that the kitten will eat something inappropriate. Timely help guarantees that your baby will grow up to be a healthy cat and will delight you for many years.

In the case of a one-time, short-term accumulation of gases in the digestive system, the animal does not require treatment. If your cat often suffers from flatulence, you should take him to the veterinarian. At home you should:

  • prevent the animal from accessing garbage;
  • feed the cat in small portions;
  • pieces of food should be warm (neither hot nor cold);
  • feed must be of high quality, food must be fresh;
  • the cat must have free access to water;
  • The animal must be fed in a specially designated place, in a calm environment.

If the animal's abdominal volume is changed due to ascites or peritonitis, the owner cannot help the animal on his own.

Best places

All cats are different, but they have one thing in common - they love to have their faces scratched.

in different places, are indifferent to having their back stroked and do not like having their belly touched.

Most cats like to be scratched under the chin

, especially where the jaw connects to the skull.

They also enjoy being stroked on the sides of their muzzles.

and, preferably, with both hands at the same time.

There are cats who love having their cheeks massaged.

and a triangle between them and the nose (but very gently).

Some cats love being petted at the base of their ears.

, where the odorous glands are also located.

There are animals that love to be touched on the underside of their tail.


To determine

, what exactly the cat likes, wait until the cat comes to you, take it on your lap, run your hand from head to tail.
If in the process she turns to you and pokes her head under your arm, then this is a clear signal that you need to pay more attention to the face rather than the body. Look at which part of her muzzle she touched you - side, forehead, cheeks, or threw her head back, exposing her neck. This is where you need to concentrate this time. If you stroke not
what is required of you, but what you want, then the cat will simply jump off your lap and go looking for more understanding hands.

Pay attention

and on the cat’s tail - the stronger and sharper she waves it, the less happy she is with you. Try scratching her in another part of her muzzle, or better yet, stop and if she wants to leave, don’t hold her. If she suddenly stopped purring and turned to look at you or changed the position of her ears, then this is a signal that you started doing something wrong or she was tired of it.

Like any massage, your cat will eventually get tired of

and she leaves. However, if she lingers on your lap, and, especially, if she also purrs at the same time, then this means that you did everything right. Don't worry if, after purring, she tried to bite you and then left - this is a normal reaction to excessive stimulation.


The following symptoms indicate that your purr is sick:

  • Refusal of food and water or, on the contrary, excessive appetite;
  • Problems with wool. Severe hair loss, dullness, and the appearance of bald patches – all this indicates an imbalance in the cat’s body. Hairless cats may develop dermatitis, skin sores, or peeling.
  • Purulent or cloudy discharge from the eyes, nose, and ears;
  • Increased or, conversely, decreased temperature (normally it is in the range of 37.5–39ºC)
  • Vomiting or diarrhea;
  • Blood in the urine and stool, difficulty urinating.


The most common genetic diseases in cats are: cardiomyopathy (enlargement of the wall of the ventricles of the heart) in American Shorthairs, Maine Coons, Ragdolls, Siamese, and Siberian cats. Hypotrichosis (baldness) often occurs in Abyssinians, Bengals, Himalayans, Siamese Coshes, Cornish and Devon Rex). Bone deformities are also not uncommon in purebred cats, for example, hip dysplasia (in Burmese, Chartreux, Devon Rex, Maine Coons, Persians, Exotics and Siamese) and funnel chest deformity (Munchkins, Maine Coons, Ocicats). Another serious genetic disease that can lead to the death of an animal is polycystic kidney disease . This problem is most often encountered by American Shorthair, Himalayan, Persian and Scottish Fold cats.

Genetically determined eye problems are most common in breeds that have unusual eye structures. Most often, such diseases occur in Burmese cats (dry eye syndrome), Himalayan cats (cataracts), and Siamese cats (glaucoma and strabismus). But Don Sphynxes are born sighted, which often later affects the eyesight of cats.

To avoid problems with treatment, when buying a kitten, be sure to ask about its parents and find out if there are any cases of the disease in the pedigree. As a rule, it never occurs among conscientious ones, and they guarantee that the litter will be healthy. If your cat suddenly gets sick, contact your veterinarian immediately – timely treatment will help prolong your pet’s life.

Why do cats start running around the entire apartment when the weather changes?

People who have pets for a long time can say that these bursts of cat activity occur very often. And this is not necessarily due to changing weather conditions. Cats seem to accumulate energy, spending almost 18 hours a day sleeping, and then it explodes and requires release.

Domestic cats react especially acutely to the changing seasons. As the weather gets warmer, we keep our windows open almost all the time—this brings a lot of fresh air into the apartment. Pets very keenly sense the appearance of new odors in the familiar air, plus, with open windows, many sounds of interest to cats penetrate into the room. All this together creates in pets the feeling of “the presence of potential prey.”


A cat can easily contract the infection by interacting with other animals or by eating food contaminated with parasites. Infectious diseases can also be divided into groups depending on the pathogen.

The most severe and difficult to treat are viral diseases : coronavirus, calcivirus and rabies. For example, panleukopenia (plague) develops very quickly and most often ends in the death of the animal.

The main symptoms of viral diseases: vomiting, diarrhea, weakness and apathy of the animal, high temperature and fever. If you notice one or more symptoms in your cat, immediately run to the vet. Timely administration of antiviral drugs and a serum injection can save your pet’s life.

Bacterial diseases , such as salmonellosis and infectious anemia, pose no less danger The main symptoms: high fever, weakness, refusal to eat and drink, vomiting and diarrhea. Possible runny nose. Treatment of such diseases is always complex and includes taking antibiotics, prebiotics and immunity-boosting drugs, changing food and diet.

Fungal diseases can affect all organs of a cat, and they can be picked up through food or through contact with another sick animal, and even through a wound or scratch. These diseases include candidiasis, histoplasmosis and cryptococcosis. The latter affects the brain, respiratory organs, skin and central nervous system. The first symptoms resemble a cold: the cat begins to sneeze, has a runny nose, and breathing becomes difficult. Purulent discharge from the eyes is possible, and in the skin form of the disease, the back of the nose first swells and festering ulcers appear on it. For all fungal diseases, treatment includes taking antifungal medications and sometimes physical therapy.

Main causes of abdominal pain

If your cat has a stomach ache, the following factors may be causing it:

  1. Intestinal obstruction. The disease develops against the background of such negative processes as a lack of water in the body, when the pet drinks little clean liquid. Poor nutrition, especially if dry food is often present in the diet. The entry of foreign objects into the intestinal cavity, for example, during play, pets often swallow small balls, designer. A parasitic infection, namely a numerous accumulation of helminths in the organ cavity, causes fecal obstruction. The cause may also be a tumor of the intestinal wall or muscle spasm. Treatment is carried out using laxatives, anthelmintic drugs, antispasmodics and painkillers, which are prescribed exclusively by a veterinarian. The owner should remember that ignoring frequent constipation in a cat sooner or later leads to complete intestinal obstruction. As a result, only surgical intervention can help the pet. Among the accompanying signs, one can often replace the animal straining and not being able to go to the toilet, meowing pitifully. In some cases, the pet may run around the room like crazy; this is a natural reaction to stimulate bowel movements;
  2. Infection. One of the most common diseases diagnosed in cats is campylobacteriosis. This is an acute infectious disease. It is dangerous not only for domestic animals, but also for humans, as it can be transmitted to people from animals. At the same time, the owners notice that the cat has a stomach ache and diarrhea, in some cases even with blood. The pet meows loudly from cramping pain and intestinal spasms. There is restless sleep, nervousness, and poor appetite. Kittens are particularly affected. In the acute phase, stool may contain not only blood, but also bile. The pet does not allow examination at home, and does not allow touching the stomach. The owner should take the ward to a veterinary clinic as soon as possible, undergo diagnostics and establish the exact cause of the disease. Only after this the doctor prescribes antibiotics that adsorb drugs. After therapy, it is very important to restore the correct microflora in the intestines, so appropriate medications containing beneficial bacteria are prescribed;
  3. Worms. Diseases caused by infestations of domestic animals are dangerous for people; worms from four-legged animals are especially often transmitted to children. Cats become infected by eating raw meat or fish. Often, helminths and their eggs enter the cat’s intestines after drinking dirty water, from the tap, from rivers and lakes. Pets can also become infected with worms brought by the owner on shoes. When affected by infestations, signs such as severe weight loss are observed, despite the fact that the pet eats often and a lot, cats meow, lie on their stomachs, and try to scratch the loop area on interior items or the floor. The abdomen is strongly inflated, the cat does not allow palpation of the abdomen, constantly licks the anus, and behaves restlessly and nervously. Antihelminthic drugs provide effective treatment. It is allowed to use a drug from a pharmacy for people, for example Pirantel;
  4. Salmonellosis. A disease of infectious etiology, which is manifested by a strong inflammatory process of the intestinal walls. Infection occurs by eating raw meat and poultry. Salmonellosis manifests itself in the fact that the cat has a stomach ache and vomiting, abdominal cramps and diarrhea are observed. The four-legged friend eats poorly and loses weight. Spontaneous miscarriages occur in pregnant cats. The disease is especially dangerous for kittens; it can cause the death of babies. With proper therapy, the disease can be treated, but it is very important to protect your pet from re-infection, do not allow him to eat raw meat, catch birds on the street, or drink raw eggs;
  5. Diseases of internal organs. This category includes pancreatitis, inflammation of the gallbladder and the presence of stones in it, and pathologies of the genitourinary system. If a cat has a stomach ache and the pet does not eat anything during the day, then it is urgent to do an ultrasound of the abdominal cavity. The earlier the pathology is detected, the easier it is to cure. Each ailment requires its own therapy. If stones are found in the gallbladder, surgery to remove the stones is prescribed.

There are several other diseases that are not often diagnosed in cats, but they also cause abdominal pain. These include peritonitis, ascites, gynecological problems, and poisoning.


Touching the tail can push the cat to defend itself, so you should not touch or stroke the tail. For a cat, this organ serves as a rudder for balancing, i.e. aligns the body when moving. In addition, this organ contains a large number of different nerve endings and the cat is very distrustful of those who try to touch its tail. It can be used to determine the emotional state at a given moment in time. Unlike dogs, tail twitching from side to side indicates emotional stress and irritation of the animal. When a dog wags its tail, it is evidence of an expression of positive emotions.

You can visually see how to properly pet a cat by watching the video


In conclusion, it should be said that stroking is as pleasant for an animal as it is for a person. The main thing is to do it right. Thus, the cat itself receives a charge of comfort and positive emotions and gives them to the person.

“A man is only as cultured as he can understand a cat.”
Bernard Shaw
“God created ferocious lions, bloodthirsty by nature, and then a cat arose - a lioness, but in miniature.”
Heinrich Heine
“God created the Cat so that man would have a tiger to pet.”
Victor Hugo

Do you love petting your cat?

I'm sure most owners love doing this. Some people specifically get an animal so that they can grab it at any time, forcefully place it on their laps and “SHUMP” it thoroughly in all places.

Now the second and more important question: does your cat like it when you pet it?

Is she showing obvious signs of pleasure? Does he purr loudly, rub his head against your hand, squint his eyes contentedly, expose his back to you, “butt” his head, even roll his belly up, completely trusting you?

Or, in response to your “caresses,” the cat hisses indignantly, breaks out, scratches or even bites, and then rather fights?

Then the third and most important question arises: do you know how to stroke a cat correctly and do you think about pleasing the animal and not yourself?

In fact, it turns out that a huge number of people pet cats completely wrong, and as animal behaviorists say, this leads to serious misunderstandings between the owner and his cat.

Sometimes the irritation and dissatisfaction accumulated in a cat leads to serious behavioral problems: the animal begins to scratch and bite the hands of any person who reaches out to it, sometimes it begins to shit in the wrong place or tear things and scratch furniture. Cats are known to be very vindictive.

But if you learn more about the behavioral characteristics of cats, you can avoid many problems and receive great mutual pleasure and health benefits by regularly petting and caressing your pets.

Scientists have proven that when a person pets a cat, his blood pressure decreases and stress is relieved.

Most pets (if they do not have mental disorders) love human affection and even often seek the owner’s attention and ask to be petted.

However, each animal has its own preferences: for how long and in what place a person is allowed to pet it. These preferences develop gradually in a cat and depend on many factors:

Animals came into my pride of 20 cats in different ways: some (Fleur, Fairy, Fiji) were picked up on the street; others (Caesar, Verona, Malibu, Alice, etc.) were rescued from unscrupulous owners; many (Jolly, Michelle, Charlie, Tootsie, Smalley, Adele, Julien, etc.) were born from my cats and were immediately raised in full respect and love in our “hammock of freaks.”

As a result of 20 years of observing cats, I came to the conclusion that if you behave correctly and patiently, you can achieve complete love and trust in any cat.

Below I want to give the rules on how to properly pet cats,

accumulated both from my long experience and summarized from various sources on the Internet.

  1. You can pet a cat only when she wants it and you should never
    force your caresses on her by holding her by force.
  2. Before you try to pet your cat, make sure she sees you approaching her.
    Do not approach a shy cat unnoticed, otherwise you will not be able to build a trusting relationship with it.

  3. Before petting your cat, look to see if she is irritated
    , if she is lashing her tail from side to side, and if her ears are flattened. And if she begins to meow and growl threateningly, retreat immediately and show the animal that you respect his wishes. Observe and study the animal's body language - it can tell you a lot.
  4. Never try to pet a very frightened cat - you will not relieve, but will only sharply increase, its stress. It is better to talk quietly and soothingly to the animal. let it “cool”, but then you can stroke it very gently and comfortingly.
  5. Never pet cats while they're eating and don't disturb them while they're sleeping or when they're in their litter box.
  6. Do not touch the cat if you have used perfume or other scented cosmetics
    or creams - cats cannot stand this.
  7. To understand whether an animal (especially an unfamiliar one) wants tactile contact,
    extend your finger to the cat's nose and let her sniff you and touch your hand to show that there is no aggression coming from you (your movements should always be smooth, calm and not abrupt). If the animal avoids your hand or does not react, do not insist or impose your affections.

    (like “who’s the boss here, I feed this parasite, and she shows off”).

  8. Many cats do not like prolonged petting
    . They can purr quite contentedly and rub against you for 2-3 minutes, but if you overdo it with tenderness, the cat will begin to hiss and sometimes even bite and scratch. The fact is that cats generally dislike long and too frequent stroking - they perceive it as stress and aggression. A group of British animal behaviorists have shown that as a result of frequent and excessive touching, cats begin to produce stress hormones and quiet pets suffer the most. who stoically and against their will endure the obsessive advances of their selfish masters. Several cats. those living in a pack experience much less problems. On average, cats react negatively to stroking more often than positively.
  9. Do not hang over the cat, try to be on the same level with it and avoid looking into its eyes for a long time
    , it is better to stand a little to the side, or sit on the sofa or chair, relax and wait for the cat to come to you and sit next to you.
  10. Never stroke a cat against the grain
    , gently stroke its forehead, areas between the ears and eyes, chin and chest, behind the ears and back of the head, back
  11. Avoid touching (unless the cat completely trusts you) the belly, paws and

    - this often infuriates them and they begin to wrap their paws around your hand, hold it with their claws and grab it with their teeth.
    If a cat takes your finger or hand in its teeth, never jerk it away sharply - the cat will instinctively grab onto the “prey” and you will receive ragged bites. Just relax your hand in the animal’s mouth, letting him know. that you trust him completely and are not afraid. After a few seconds, the cat will let go of his hand. Through a series of studies, animal behaviorists have found out how cats react to touching different parts of the body. The greatest negative effect among the subjects was caused by
    stroking in the tail area.

  12. Cats that have trusted you completely for a long time love to turn their belly up and ask to scratch it, demonstrating complete trust and respect for you. The stomach of cats is the most vulnerable place, and they are genetically programmed to protect it. Be sure
    to comply with the animal's request. In general, you can’t ignore cats’ signs of attention; I know for sure from myself that when you’re running around and don’t have time, they get offended and sulk at you.
  13. AND Never shout or squeal sharply when communicating with a cat
    - you will sharply fall in her opinion of you

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