Why does a kitten not let you sleep at night and what should you do about it?

Cats are natural nocturnal predators. Therefore, activity in the dark is an absolute natural norm of behavior for them. And the cats don’t care at all that this activity causes trouble for the owner. These animals see excellently in the twilight, so with the onset of darkness the real hunt begins for flowerpots, the owner’s slippers, or a blanket that rises while the owner breathes. But this can be prevented.

Organization of the daily routine

It is necessary to accustom the cat to the fact that the owner wakes up and goes to bed at the same time. Before going to bed, you can turn off the light, call your pet to you and spend some time with him - pet him, scratch him behind the ear. The animal should relax and fall asleep next to the person.

Pets sense when their owner lives according to a schedule and notice external signs that indicate sleep is approaching. This could be when it gets dark, or when the TV or air conditioner turns off. You need to repeat these actions every day so that the cat knows that sleep is approaching.

Reasons why a cat doesn't sleep at night

To understand why a cat does not sleep at night, you need to realize that the biological clocks of the pet and the owner are significantly different:

  • The first reason to understand why a kitten does not sleep at night is nature. According to their natural characteristics, cats are predators, and they tend to hunt at night. Pets living in rural areas walk excellently at night and sleep during the day, and this factor does not bother anyone. In the city, the situation is completely different. If the owner allows, the cat will calmly walk around the house at night, sometimes attracting attention to itself.
  • It is a known fact that cats spend 18 hours a day sleeping, and naturally, during the day they sleep well, and at night they are full of energy, demanding attention and food.
  • If a kitten has just arrived in the house and does not let you sleep at night, then you need to be patient a little, because it needs time to adapt to the new environment.
  • If a cat is alone at home during the day, he experiences a lack of communication. He's just lonely. Naturally, he believes that night is the time when the owner could give him at least a little attention. The pet begins to invite him to play, demands affection and communication.
  • The kitten might be hungry.
  • Sometimes a cat is pushed to such night wakefulness by an unrealized sexual instinct.
  • Excessively timid animals, which have been sitting in a secluded place during the day because of the arrival of guests or the activity of another animal located next to it, begin to meow at night and attract attention to themselves.
  • Maybe something is bothering the cat, she may have health problems. After all, as you know, illnesses make themselves felt more strongly at night.


A well-fed pet sleeps more soundly, so it is worth feeding it before bed. Calculate your daily food intake so that you have a slightly larger portion in the evening than in the morning. Then the cat will wake up less at night. You can also buy an automatic feeder that dispenses a portion of food at a certain time. In this case, the cat will leave the bedroom early in the morning and will stop waking up the owner in anticipation of breakfast.

Why cats love to play at night

Nocturnal small predators have their own biological clock. And they are set up in such a way that during daylight hours the animal rests, accumulates energy, and at night begins to release it. Active pastime is manifested by an increased interest in the owner’s legs, attempts to wake up the owner and play with the animal, as well as chasing and “rustling” with various objects.

Great news for all household members - this animal behavior can and should be corrected. In this case, you should start from a very early age, so that over time the cat does not have the desire to hunt for the owner’s slippers at night.

In addition to the fact that nocturnal activity in a cat is a manifestation of instincts, the reasons that cats like to play at night are:

  • Lack of attention and excess energy in the body. This is especially common for owners of kittens. Kids require attention, you need to play with them more and spend leisure time together. While waiting for their owner, kittens sleep all day, occasionally keeping themselves busy on their own. As soon as the owner returns home, the animal tries to attract attention, and if this does not happen, nightly active games are guaranteed.
  • Sexual hunting. The period of the onset of sexual heat, in both females and males, leads to a change in behavior. Uncastrated females and males, under the influence of sex hormones, begin to actively search for their partner. For animals, it doesn’t matter what time of day it is, and even vice versa, activity increases at night. Experts say that sexual activity against the background of hormonal surges and night activity are closely related and are one of the leading reasons for such animal behavior. In addition to nocturnal activity, the pet may begin to damage furniture by scratching it, attack guests and even household members, showing with all its appearance a determined determination to find a sexual partner. Owners should remember that the sexual instinct is one of the strongest, so it is unlikely to be possible to distract the animal with games. It is not recommended to use hormonal drugs to suppress sexual activity, especially in the long term. They can provoke a number of serious changes in the body, including the development of malignant neoplasms. The only solution in this case is castration.
  • Health problems. Unfortunately, pets have no way of telling where they are hurting or what is bothering them. You can understand that an animal is unwell only by behavior and a number of signs. So, nighttime activities may be associated with health problems. In the daytime, as in humans, the painful sensations are dull, but with the onset of night, the pain becomes stronger. Meowing loudly and trying in every possible way to attract the owner’s attention, the animal shows that it is scared, experiencing discomfort or pain. If you are concerned about your pet's condition, it is recommended to seek help from a veterinarian. It is very important to monitor the pet’s condition, noting any unusual changes in its behavior.
  • Shy character. Like people, all animals are individual and have their own specific character. Veterinarians identify a whole category of shy and fearful cats. Such animals experience discomfort during socialization, hide from other people, and have difficulty making contact. A timid kitten or adult cat is by no means uncommon. As a rule, homeless animals that end up in a family become shy. They are not accustomed to an affectionate attitude and attention to their person. The feeling of fear in fearful cats worsens as night falls. Such pets actively scratch at the door or meow invitingly in order to be closer to the owner. During the daytime, shy cats do not tolerate closed doors, demanding that they have free access to all rooms. Frightened by everything in the daytime, cats hide in dark corners, and at night they come out to familiarize themselves and check the territory. Sometimes this is accompanied by nighttime “running”, turning over dishes or flower pots.
  • Manifestation of your own requirements. Standard requirements for a pet are food and a clean litter tray. It is very important that your cat eats food shortly before going to bed. Being a born predator, the cat, having had a good snack, will go to bed. It is best if the cat eats after active games, gets tired and goes to bed. It is also important that the animal has a clean and dry tray. If the animal doesn’t like the condition of the cat’s litter box, it will certainly let you know about it, at night at the most inopportune moment.

Knowing what is the reason for your pet's behavior of being naughty at night, you can begin to eradicate this habit.

You need to understand that it is unlikely that you will achieve positive results the first time. But there is no need to despair. Persistence and an affectionate attitude towards the pet will certainly reward the owner with good nights in silence.

Providing entertainment

In order for a cat to sleep less during the day, it should not be bored. Various balls, mice, and interactive toys will help entertain your pet. If you hang a bird feeder outside the window, the four-legged will always have something to do. The main thing is to place it far enough from the glass so that the birds do not crash into it.

If the balcony is not glazed, you should not hang a feeder. An interested cat may jump for prey.

A few hours before bedtime, you can play with your pet. For example, make you run after a candy wrapper. Most likely, the cat will get tired and fall asleep with the owner.

Give your cat plenty of exercise

To keep your pet awake during the day, you need to play with him and take him for walks. You can use toys that imitate the movement of living insects or birds, balls, light bunnies, and pendulum objects.

You need to play with the cat longer until he gets tired. You can “walk” the cat outside before going to bed. Domestic cats rarely run far from home; it is unlikely that they will be lost if their owners are attentive.

Lack of activity and exercise

Cats that don't usually get any exercise have a greater predisposition to be active at night due to energy storage. Despite their reputation for being calm and sedentary animals, cats are also animals that need to exercise and maintain physical and mental stimulation while playing.

Unfortunately, the myths that have arisen about this species have led many cat trainers to believe that they do not need as much attention on their part, and nothing could be further from reality. These animals also need to spend hours with their human companions, play and exercise, as well as receive affection and feel cared for.

The cat is in heat

Cats are much more eager than dogs, leading them to despair if they cannot mate. During this period, both females and males are more active at night, producing loud moans and meows that disturb the sleep of their guardians. Their suffering is such that their instinct may be to try to run away from home to find a partner. So, if your cat won't stop meowing at night, won't let you sleep, is restless, and has been alive for more than 6 months, she's probably in heat. For this reason and to avoid unwanted pregnancy, the most recommended solution is timely sterilization of the animal.

Entertain your pet during the day

Cats need somewhere to burn off their energy. If the cat slept all day without finding any entertainment, then when the owner returns from work he will be full of strength and desire to jump and play. Therefore, it is important to provide your pet with the opportunity to play during the day.

  • Leave your pet toys. You can buy them at a pet store or make them yourself. Light items that are fun to move across the floor are suitable. They can be rustling or with ribbons. Cats also like toys filled with catnip. Don’t forget to periodically change the set of toys so that your cat doesn’t get tired of them;
  • a new level of entertainment for cats - interactive toys. They can move independently and will keep your pet occupied for a long time. Before leaving your cat alone with such a toy, read the instructions and make sure it is safe;
  • If there is a tree near your window, you can hang a feeder on it. The cat will watch the arriving birds. But do not place the feeder very close to the window so that flying birds do not hit the glass;
  • If possible, you can leave video recordings running on the TV screen for the cat. The TV must be installed so that the cat can see it. Her attention will be attracted, for example, by recordings of flying birds, which she will try to catch.

Before going to bed, also play with your cat so that he gets tired. Cats get tired quickly: 10-20 minutes of active play are enough for them, after which the animal will lose interest in toys and want to rest.

What to do

In order for your pet to bother you less at night, you need to move the cat’s activity to the daytime or another time convenient for the owner. There are a few simple rules for this.

Give the animal enough attention

After coming home, be sure to talk to the cat and ask how she is doing. Pet the animal, let it sit on your lap or on your shoulder if your cat shows interest in these actions. Brush the cat's fur: tactile contacts are pleasant for him, they help establish emotional contact between the pet and the owner. Before going to bed, engage in outdoor games with your cat, for example, you can use a laser pointer or play with a ball - some cats bring fetch. Any physical activity will take away the cat's energy, and the cat is more likely to sleep at night.

Offer your cat toys

The cat should have its own toys that it can play with on its own. These are small balls, artificial mice, ordinary candy wrappers. It is very good if your pet has a play complex: a cat tree with a house and a scratching post. You can place toys on strings on the tree that the cat will try to get. You can also buy smart toys for cats at the pet store: mazes with a ball or a toy with a hole for a treat (the owner hides a tasty piece inside, but the cat will have to work hard to get it out). Check to see if your cat is an “advanced” user of electronic gadgets: you can play a video game for your cat. A fly or spider is crawling on your tablet screen, and your cat is trying to catch it. If you accurately hit the target with your paw, the game moves to the next level and the number of bugs increases. Many cats enjoy playing these games.

Get your pet a friend

Another tip: get your cat a friend. Two cats get along well in one apartment, none of them will be bored, they will be busy with their cat life and playing together. Just keep in mind that if they prefer a nocturnal lifestyle and the two of them start a chase in the middle of the night, then there will be more noise than from one pet. Provided you have a large apartment or house, two cats are better than one.

What not to do

If your cat meows, yells for no reason, and doesn’t let you sleep at night, never get up to see your pet. Even if the animal is hungry. Cats are great manipulators and, having achieved their goal, will constantly take advantage of the kindness of their owners. Therefore, the only right decision in such a situation is not to pay attention to the cat.

You should not lock your cat in a separate room. The animal will not understand why it was isolated from the rest of the family. The pet will become sad and lonely, and in order to attract attention, it will begin to make even more noise.

If the cat is awake at night, do not yell at him, much less hit him. This won't work and will only make the situation worse. The cat will do things out of spite.

It is impossible to force cats to sleep at night, but you need to try to do everything to ensure that the pet is active during the day. Following our advice, do not indulge in night awakenings, be patient, the kitten will eventually adapt to your schedule and sleep peacefully at night.

Features of cat behavior

Statistics show that there are about 600 million domestic cats on the planet. Each differs in its behavior and appearance, but they all have one thing in common - running around the apartment at night. Many people notice how their pets with bulging eyes rush around the apartment in the evening. Animals are not at all embarrassed that their owners are sleeping at this time.

From a scientific point of view, cats belong to the family of predators, and it’s not for nothing that they love meat and hunt rodents, reports the publication rsute.ru. Previously, everyone got cats because there were mice in the house, and the animals quickly dealt with them. This benefited not only the owners of the house, but also the animals, who remained full and did not ask for food.

Cats are social animals that love to communicate not only with each other, but also with people, using different sounds and movements. To show their emotions, cats also use facial expressions, but few people can see them.

Night games of cats

Let's take a closer look at why your pet is more active at night. Night games become an integral part of the life of cats who do not have a daily routine. After all, just like for humans, animals need a clear regime. The cat tries to adapt to the rhythm in which the owner exists. If a person sleeps until noon and watches TV until late at night, then what can one expect from a cat? The pet must have a clear feeding and rest schedule. For example, feeding takes place strictly at 8 am, 12 noon and 8 pm. And you can only run from 8 to 21 hours.

Not all owners are strict with their pets and behave inconsistently: for the same offense they can be scolded or ignored. Such selectivity confuses the animal, and cats believe that they have the right to behave as they want. Don't make these mistakes. Be regular and consistent in your prohibitions, this is the only way your pet will understand what is being asked of him.

If a pet has not spent its energy reserves during the day, then how can it not be active at night? We have to run and play at night. Try to keep your cat busy during the day, play with him, offer special toys so that he can entertain himself while you are at work.

At night, on the contrary, hide toys, close doors, remove rustling packages from the access area, etc.

The main mistakes of cat breeders.

If a breeder is faced with the problem of a cat being awake at night, then it is very important not to make mistakes in adjusting the behavior of his pet. Quite often, in order to solve the problem of nocturnal cat play, the owner simply locks the animal in the bathroom or toilet - this cannot be done. The pet becomes very lonely, he does not understand why the owner is fenced off from him, so the animal begins to scream even louder to attract attention.

Other breeders in a similar situation spray the pet with water - this helps for a while while the cat is licking himself, but as soon as he finishes this he will start making noise again. And the method itself is very offensive for the kitten.

However, you shouldn’t indulge your cat’s desire to play at night - both the cat and the owner need to get enough sleep, and having gotten used to such night games, the cat won’t let you sleep at all at night. The best solution would be to wean the animal from playing at night.

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