How to choose scissors for cutting cats and how to trim them yourself at home

Grooming a cat without leaving home

  • Fact 1:
    The pet should not feel fear, and the owner should be comfortable and light to work
  • Fact 2:
    Cheap clippers often don’t cut hair, but literally tear it off, burning the skin and causing pain.
  • Fact 3:
    In addition to the clipper, the owner will also have to purchase a small trimmer (with blades no larger than 2 mm)
  • Fact 4:
    The most convenient version of the machine - with the ability to automatically adjust the blades without replacing them

The beauty of a cat is an undeniable thing until it falls into tangles or gets ready to participate in an exhibition. For long-haired cats, washing alone is not enough - they need the intervention of a professional, armed with combs and scissors. You can turn to a grooming specialist for help, but it is much more interesting and economical to do everything yourself at home. Plus there is less stress for the fluffy beauty, who trusts only in the hands of his beloved owner. Write down the instructions!

Types of wool

The coat of cats can be divided into four main categories: long-haired, smooth-haired, short-haired and hairless (cats with no hair - Donskoy and other Sphynx cats).

Taking care of long hair (up to 15 cm) is considered the most difficult, although short-haired cats, whose hair may not have undercoat or guard hair, require care.

Many felinological organizations classify primarily the Nibelung, a Persian breed, as long-haired cats. In addition, in some associations the British Longhair and the Highland (Scottish Semi-Longhair) are listed in the "longhair" category.

At a certain period of time, the British and Scots used Persians to obtain long wool, and the structure of the coat is inherited genetically.

Grooming kit

The coat of the Persian breed requires care more often than others. Persian cats cannot fully groom their fur. Their coat is thin, thick and long, with a pronounced undercoat.

In the absence of the necessary care, the hair becomes matted and tangles appear. In this case, it will take a lot of time to comb out and trim the tangles, and the process will give the cat unpleasant sensations.

The coat of cats of the Maine Coon, Siberian, Ragdoll, and Somali breeds is considered semi-long, but differs in texture. Thus, the Maine Coon and the Siberian have clearly defined outer coat (guard) hair, the undercoat is present, it is soft and thin. Ragdolls have a silky coat, but very little undercoat. These facts must be taken into account when choosing a cutting tool.

How cats are cut

Before deciding on such an experiment, you need to choose one of two options: a haircut in a specialized salon or trim your pet yourself at home. In the latter case, it is better not to use a straight razor, especially since special tools and machines for such cases predominate on the open market. If you stock up on them in a timely manner, you won’t need to go to the salon. The main secrets of the home procedure are described below:

  1. Grooming can change the color and structure of a cat's coat, for example, the hair darkens and becomes rough to the touch.
  2. It is important to know that this session takes a long period of time, and with an inexperienced groomer it lasts 2-3 hours.
  3. It is strictly forbidden to trim the hair on the animal's head, paw pads, ears, or trim the whiskers. Otherwise, the cat loses its sense of touch.
  4. To prevent the cat from injuring the hairdresser, it is recommended to trim his claws in advance and give him a sedative before the start of the session.
  5. You can dry an animal's new haircut with a hairdryer, but for this you use a warm air flow, not a hot one.

When wondering whether it is possible to cut cats, you need to find out what kind of haircuts they can be, which cats are best suited, how much will it cost the owner in a special salon? The following cat hairstyles are available to choose from:

  1. A lion. This model can be used to cut Persian, Scottish, and Siamese cats. The body is trimmed, and the hair remains only on the head and the tip of the tail, like a real lion.
  2. Puma. The hairstyle is similar to the “Lion”, but differs in the remaining hair on the chest. Persian, Siberian, and Scottish cats are trimmed using this principle.
  3. The Dragon. A distinctive feature of this image is the mohawk on the back, which starts from the withers and ends at the tip of the tail.

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Why do you need a haircut?

Grooming cats, unlike grooming six dogs, is more of a hygienic and preventive nature than aesthetic, and here's why.

  1. Cats with long hair tolerate heat less well and there is a danger of overheating.
  2. Cats with long hair are more likely to develop mats.
  3. The functioning of the digestive tract may be disrupted due to the large amount of hair in the stomach.

Owners of pets with long and semi-long hair cite the formation of tangles as the most common problem. The animal is not able to get rid of dense lumps on its own. Felt-like lumps form close to the skin. Cutting mats takes several hours and is a traumatic process for both the animal and the owner. It is difficult to carry out such a procedure with scissors; you will need a special tool - a tangle cutter. The question of the beauty of a haircut in such a situation does not even arise.

There is another unpleasant outcome associated with tangles and the hot period of the year. Many owners take their pets outside the city in the summer.

Warning! When mats form, the cat tries to lick the fur itself and begins to bite the mats. At the same time, it can damage the skin. The resulting wounds can be used by flies to lay their eggs. The result for the cat will be very sad.

There are model cat haircuts, which are carried out mainly before exhibition events. With this procedure, some imperfections in coat growth are “polished” to give a flawless appearance.

Some cat owners turn to beauty salons for smaller cats even for a hygienic haircut. However, not all cats can calmly tolerate the sound and vibration of a special machine, especially the touch of a stranger.

What clippers and trimmers are needed to care for a cat's claws and what is their price?

Some members of the feline family also panic during transportation, and in such cases, the use of sedatives is not a necessity, but an obligation.

SIBERIAN CAT (haircut, combing)


Grooming, washing, combing, removing mats from CATS without anesthesia.

Grooming, washing, combing, removing mats from CATS without anesthesia.

Grooming, washing, combing, removing mats from CATS without anesthesia.

Grooming, washing, combing, removing mats from CATS without anesthesia.

Grooming, washing, combing, removing mats from CATS without anesthesia.

Grooming, washing, combing, removing mats from CATS without anesthesia.

Grooming, washing, combing, removing mats from CATS without anesthesia.

Grooming, washing, combing, removing mats from CATS without anesthesia.

Grooming, washing, combing, removing mats from CATS without anesthesia.

Grooming, washing, combing, removing mats from CATS without anesthesia.


The Siberian cat is a breed of semi-long-haired cat. The Siberian cat has long, thick hair that does not allow moisture to pass through, medium-sized ears, and a fluffy tail. The color is different. For the first time, cats similar to Siberian ones were mentioned in publications in the 16th century. Then they were called Bukhara. They could be found everywhere in the Russian Empire. There is no exact data on when and how Bukhara cats appeared in Siberia. At that time, the indigenous people of Siberia led a predominantly nomadic lifestyle. But there were also large camps (settlements) in Siberia - the headquarters of the khans, where the settled population kept livestock, cats and dogs. When Russian settlers colonized Siberia, they brought domestic animals with them and cats to fight rodents. Bukhara cats came to Siberia with merchants from Central Asian countries, with which there was active trade at that time. It is possible that Angora, Siberian and Persian cats had common Asian ancestors. Russian merchants from Veliky Ustyug and Lalsk (Vologda province), who were engaged in the 16th-17th centuries. various trade, including, for the first time, Chinese tea (in Europe known as “Russian tea”), along with the goods, long-haired Siberian cats were brought home, which took root and, having crossed with the local forest cat, gave excellent offspring. The Siberian cat as a breed was formed in the Urals and east of the Urals - in Siberia. Harsh weather conditions, an abundance of snow, severe frosts and winds contributed to the appearance of long, dense hair and thick undercoat in the Siberian cat, which protect the animal from the cold. Wild forest cats also played a certain role in the formation of the breed. Siberian cats are widespread in the north of the European part of Russia, in the central and western regions of the country. The forest cat gradually penetrated into these regions from Western Europe, and thanks to its good food supply and comfortable climate, it began to actively reproduce here. Later he mated with cats brought by Vologda merchants. General Characteristics: Medium to large in size, with excellent physical ability, their strength and power is softened by the sweet expression of their face, they are very fluffy. The body leaves a general impression of roundness and smoothness. Siberians mature slowly, reaching maturity by the age of 5; cats are somewhat smaller than males. Therefore, it is necessary to carefully approach the determination of compliance with the breed standard of cats and young cats. The weight of cats is on average from 6 to 9 kg, cats from 3.5 to 7. When determining the type of animal, size is secondary. Length: These are medium to long coated cats with a double undercoat. The hair on the shoulder blades and lower chest is thicker and shorter. Abundant rigid head framing. Adult animals have a tight-fitting undercoat that thickens in winter. Summer wool is allowed. The texture varies from rough to soft, changing according to color. Color: chocolate, lilac, cinnamon, fawn and their combinations with white, as well as the Burmese color are unacceptable; All traditional colors (solid and patterned) and colorpoints, both with and without white, are acceptable. Any amount of white is acceptable. Silver/smoky colors are acceptable. Rich color and clear pattern (for tabby colors) are desirable, but secondary for the correct type.

Now let's try to figure out how to cut our Siberian cats . Having more than 10 years of experience working with cats, I believe that if your Siberian cat is not a show cat, that is, does not currently participate in such events, then the haircut options can be absolutely anything. Dear owners of Siberian cats, a cat is an addition, a piece of you and your style and taste. Siberian cats cannot be spoiled by any exotic haircut. Its fur is very similar to hair; the more often and shorter you cut it, the better and better the quality of the wool becomes.

Grooming the body of a Siberian cat:

  • “Cut to the breed”, when everything is cut in accordance with the standards as for an exhibition (haircut with a light edge). The length of the coat varies depending on the wishes of the owner and the exterior of the Siberian cat.
  • “Lion haircut”, when the hair on the body is cut completely to 0.5 cm, and only remains on the paws, tail and mane like a lion. All remaining fur is trimmed with a smooth transition to the trimmed body.
  • “Dinosaur haircut” when the hair on the body is cut completely to 0.5 cm, leaving only a strip of hair on the spine, back, legs, tail and mane. All remaining fur is trimmed with a smooth transition to the trimmed body. The strip of fur on the back is cut into ridges like a dinosaur's.

Haircut of the head and face of a Siberian cat:

  • “Grooming according to the breed”, when everything is cut in accordance with the standards as for an exhibition. The length of the coat varies depending on the wishes of the owner and the exterior of the Siberian cat.
  • “Lion cut”, when the hair is left on the face, neck and sometimes shoulders of a Siberian cat. The remaining fur is trimmed and smoothly brought down to a short body.
  • “Dinosaur cut”, when hair is left on the face, neck and sometimes shoulders of a Siberian cat. The remaining fur is trimmed and smoothly brought down to a short body.

Tail trim for a Siberian cat:

  • “Grooming according to the breed”, when everything is cut in accordance with the standards as for an exhibition. The length of the coat varies depending on the wishes of the owner and the exterior of the Siberian cat.
  • “Leo haircut”, when the entire tail is cut to 0.5 cm, and a tassel is left at the tip or left entirely.
  • “Dinosaur haircut” - the tail can be cut like a Lion’s or cut into a braid, herringbone or spikelet pattern.

Grooming the paws of a Siberian cat:

  • When “Cutting according to breed”, only the paw pads and the fur on them are cut to “0”. The length of the fur on the paws most often varies depending on the wishes of the owner and the exterior of the Siberian cat.
  • When “cutting like a Leo”, “socks” are left on the paws, and the hair on the pads is cut to “0”.
  • When “cutting like a Dinosaur”, “socks” are left on the paws, and the hair on the pads is cut to “0”.

Dear owners of the Siberian cat, let’s move away from the stereotypes imposed on us that Siberian cats are cut like this, but not cut like that…. You and only you choose to be you and your cat as an “exclusive individual” or a “gray mass” like everyone else!

You just need to decide which master’s work you liked. We will do the rest. You don't even need to call yourself.

  • You simply sign up on the website to see the master, and send the application to us.
  • Or you can order a call back on the website, and we will call you back at a time convenient for you.

Well, when could we even dream that caring for our beloved CATS and further maintaining all this CAT beauty would be so simple. We decided to move away from the stereotypes of the past imposed on us. Now you don’t need to sign up for a beauty salon and go to a specialist whose work you sometimes don’t know and aren’t sure whether you’ll like the result. And then you will have to pay quite a small amount for the procedures at the cash register at the administrator. The result in most cases is the same:

  • Either you liked the master and you would like to continue to be serviced by him, but we all know that the prices are high in a good salon, where there are good, professional and experienced masters.
  • Either you didn’t like the master and you have to look for a new one...

We offer you, without leaving your home:

  • Choose a suitable master for yourself by looking at his work.
  • Agree on the place and time of the procedure (at your home or in the specialist’s office).
  • And get an excellent price, from what they can give you in any beauty salon, for high-quality, professional procedures.

We do not skimp on the quality of services ; we have been able to seriously reduce prices for procedures and services due to the fact that we do not rent expensive premises; all our specialists receive clients in their equipped offices. Or they come to your home. Zoo salon in Zhulebino in Moscow Salon-Zoo.Ru offers the following services: cutting a Siberian cat, exhibition and home grooming a Siberian cat, including cutting a Siberian cat in Zhulebino, washing a Siberian cat, cleaning the ears of a Siberian cat, cutting and trimming claws of a Siberian cat cats, cleaning the teeth of a Siberian cat, cleaning the glands of a Siberian cat. An inexpensive haircut for a Siberian cat in Moscow at home or in a salon is a vital necessity for animal owners; it allows you to keep the dog’s coat clean, especially if it participates in exhibitions and needs a model haircut. Our best professional groomers do their work inexpensively (reasonable price) and with high quality. We work in Reutov, Novokosino, Kosino, Nekrasovka, Saltykovka, Balashikha, Novogireevo, Zhulebino, Lyubertsy, Shchelkovo, Kotelniki, Lytkarino, Perovo, Vykhino, Tekstilshchiki, Kuzminki, Maryino, Brateevo, Kapotnya.

We really value each of our clients!

Grooming Tools

Recently, a lot of tools have appeared for grooming cats and dogs, both professional and household. These can be standard clippers, trimmers, and various types of scissors. Many such tools do not require skills, so the owner can cut his pet’s hair for hygienic purposes without resorting to the services of a pet stylist.

The clipper can remove hair to a certain length, but it cannot remove hair from hard-to-reach areas. In such cases, even groomers (zoostalists) use scissors.

Some manufacturers ( Zolux, Ferplast) produce scissors specifically for grooming cats , but most models are universal for the hair of dogs, cats and small animals.

Scissors differ in their purpose (for general cutting, for cutting in hard-to-reach places, for removing tangles), the length of the scissors and blades, the shape of the blades and the type of fastening.


With sliding cut


Often used for general haircuts. Thanks to the small patterns applied to the blades, the cuts are clearer and the operation of the scissors is silent. The size of the scissors is selected taking into account the size of the cat.



They can also have small notches on the blades. This type of scissors is used for cutting hair on the face, tail, paws and for “shaping” the ears.

They are made from different types of steel, using plastic or silicone to coat the inside of the rings. They can be with or without an adjustable screw.

You need to understand that curved scissors are not a replacement for straight ones, they complement each other. That is why professional groomers use both options.

With adjustable screw

With adjustable screw

Convenient to use due to the ability to increase or decrease the tension of the sheath. They can be either straight or curved.

They also have a finger rest and plastic inserts on the inner surface of the rings. In addition, as a rule, a micro notch is applied to the blades so that the wool does not slip.

It is necessary to monitor the clamping force, otherwise you may end up with a grip on the wool rather than a cut. It is better to first practice with different degrees of tightening of the adjustment screw, so as not to cause pain from pulled hair.



This type of scissors is designed to thin out the coat without disturbing the texture of the coat. Serrations can be on only one blade (single-sided thinning) or on both blades (double-sided thinning). Thanks to these teeth, the cuts are smooth.

With the help of such scissors you can not only remove the “heaviness” of the wool, but also visually add volume.

Another special feature of thinning scissors is that they always have blunt or rounded tips so as not to damage the pet’s skin.

Special for removing tangles

These are short-length scissors with more rounded tips. The shape of such scissors can be either straight or curved (Zolux, from 700 rubles).



Scaredy Cut is an ideal option for a general hygienic cat grooming without visiting a groomer and without stress for your pet. Scissors are a tool with two types of flat blades and several types of plastic combs.

The upper blade of such knives is flat, the lower blade is serrated or without teeth. The set offers 7 sizes of combs for wool of different lengths.

Selecting tools is a good start

Almost anyone can cut a cat's hair, as long as it is comfortable for the owner and not scary for the pet. Additionally, different types of haircuts require different tools.

If you decide to become a professional groomer at home, it is better to immediately stock up on everything you need. These will be:

  • sharp scissors (small and medium in size);
  • an ordinary clipper (it is practically harmless, but can scare the animal with its buzzing);
  • trimmer with small blades (for processing hard-to-reach places);
  • a comb with soft teeth (so that the cat does not feel discomfort);
  • hydrogen peroxide (in case of injury);
  • scissors with rounded tips;
  • unnecessary fabric (towel) for bedding;
  • a soft toy - so that the cat is periodically distracted from the process that frightens it.

You also need to determine in advance the place - a smooth horizontal surface - where the cat will sit during the procedure. The pet should not feel fear, and the owner should be able to work comfortably and lightly. During the haircut, ensure a quiet atmosphere so that the pet does not jump from a sudden knock or click - any careless movement can cause injury.


The range of tools for grooming cats is quite extensive. The cost varies depending on the brand, purpose of the tool, and material.

Scissors should be easy to use and maintain.

Scissors from the brands Zolux (France), Ferplast (Italy), Trixie (Germany), Witte Rose Line (Germany), Geib Buttercut (USA) have proven themselves well in the household and professional spheres.

The tools from these brands are easy to use and suitable for home care.

Professional scissors are made of durable materials - stainless steel, with an additional titanium coating and therefore will last a long time without losing their qualities.

How does haircut affect animals?

When planning to cut your cat's hair, you should be aware that the structure of its fur, length and color may change, and the regrowth process usually takes several months. It is forbidden to cut the hair on the animal's head, on the pads of the paws and in the inside of the ears.

Guide the machine. It's better to work on wool. Moving against the pile increases the risk of scratching or pulling out several hairs, causing pain to your pet. You should not trim your paws in the area of ​​the pads. Treatment of the genitals is acceptable, but must be done carefully.

We are very pleased with the result, we did not even expect such a responsible approach. Emma doesn’t just do the work, she asks a lot first in order to formulate the task for herself as accurately as possible, offers options and explains each one in great detail. A true specialist, she is calm and pleasant to deal with. Emma, ​​keep it up! We would like to be constantly serviced only by you!

If the animal is very aggressive, it is better to visit a veterinary clinic. In some cases, anesthesia may be needed. It is worth doing it only if there is no other option. For example, a cat is covered in tangles and it’s hard for him.

We are very pleased with the result, we did not even expect such a responsible approach. Emma doesn’t just do the work, she asks a lot first in order to formulate the task for herself as accurately as possible, offers options and explains each one in great detail. A true specialist, she is calm and pleasant to deal with. Emma, ​​keep it up! We would like to be constantly serviced only by you!

You can study prices for home cat grooming in Rostov-on-Don. By ordering the services of our specialists, you will please yourself and make life easier for your beloved furry friend.

Do you want your pet to be irresistible? I will professionally and gladly give your pet a stylish haircut.

Grooming your cat at home will save you money and significantly reduce your time. Our experienced specialists will arrive and quickly “agree” with your pet. The whole process will take place in a calm environment and without stress for the cat herself. If desired, you can immediately get a model haircut or carry out additional necessary procedures.

Grooming of dogs and cats. Trimming. Complete care for your pet: brushing, bathing with professional shampoos, drying, trimming claws and cleaning ears, haircut. Cost of work: 900 rubles. Trimming from 1500 rubles.

We offer haircuts and a full range of procedures for dogs and cats: MODEL CUT TRIMMING PREPARATION FOR A PHOTO SESSION BATHING COLLECTION OF MATTS CUT CUT EYE CARE CLEANING ... procedures - from 700 rubles. Grooming cats and cats - 700 rub. We work in Rostov-on-Don, ZZHM st. Tomskaya 74, Bataysk, Belaya Kalitva, we go to your home and host you. we have..

How to cut your own hair at home

For a calm perception of the tool itself by the pet, it is recommended to first introduce the cat to the scissors, let it sniff, and study the “enemy.”

When using the tool for the first time, you need to make sure that the cat is calm and does not visually react to the scissors, and then try to make cutting movements.

When doing a hygienic haircut, the tangles are cut off first, since ordinary combs will not help here. Felt-like balls often form in the groin and armpits. Removing mats can be called a piece of jewelry, since hairballs form close to the skin and it is very important not to damage the pet’s skin.

Next, the sides are cut. When working with scissors, it is not easy to maintain an equal remaining length of wool, so it is better to use a special machine if beauty is a question.

During the hygienic cutting process, you should not touch the fur on the head, paws and tail.

If necessary, the haircut can be spread over several passes so as not to create an image of danger for your pet. It wouldn't hurt to reward him with some kind of treat.

Optimal hair clipper

For a modern owner, choosing a machine is a pleasure: the manufacturers have taken into account all the needs. But every second owner strives to save as much as possible and chooses among cheap options, forgetting that it will be not a patient man who needs to be cut, but a fidgety, impressionable cat.

Cheap clippers often do not cut hair, but literally rip off hair, burning the skin and causing pain. In addition, they quickly fail and require replacement. Not the best option for grooming.

In addition to the clipper, the owner will also have to purchase a small trimmer (with blades no larger than 2 mm) - they are convenient for removing hair from hard-to-reach and delicate areas: the muzzle, fingers, ears, and the area under the tail. Of course, if exhibitions and cat beauty contests are not part of your plans, you can only cut your cat’s hair with a clipper and scissors. But then it will be difficult to achieve an ideal appearance.

If you are going to cut a luxurious Persian , then prepare a powerful clipper (45 W or more) with wide, sharp blades. Otherwise, the tangles cannot be removed. If the blades are sharpened poorly (which happens with cheap devices), you will have to sharpen them regularly. Less powerful machines can quickly break down in dense Persian bushes. If the animal has fairly short hair, then a 20 W machine should be able to handle such a fur coat.

The most convenient version of the machine is with the ability to automatically adjust the blades without replacing them. The blades themselves should be at least 0.5mm (they will shave off the animal's fur, leaving about 0.5cm of length). It is dangerous to use blades that are too small - only a true professional with many years of experience would risk using them. Over time, you too can become an excellent groomer, but in the meantime, don't risk your cat's skin.

You should not buy a machine with batteries, they will have to be changed often. It is better for the device to work from the mains, especially since you will have to constantly interrupt the work and persuade the cat not to twitch.

Important! When choosing a clipper (trimmer), compare several models and choose the quietest option. Evaluate how the machine fits in your hand. Is it too heavy and slippery? Will you be able to work with this particular machine? Ask the seller to turn the device on and off several times. Is it getting too hot? If the machine gets very hot, it will cause inconvenience during operation. You will have to constantly turn it off and wait for the temperature to optimize. The cat is unlikely to like such a long procedure.

Prices, advantages and disadvantages

The advantages of professional tools include high quality materials, durability, and in most cases, ease of use even for novice craftsmen or just owners.

By choosing the necessary tool according to certain parameters, the owner can forget about visiting pet salons, saving money.

The cost of scissors from the professional line starts from 500 rubles, depending on the brand and type.

Silent Scaredy Cut scissors will cost 2000-2500 rubles.

One-time visit to a groomer – from 2500 rubles.

But the professional line is not without its drawbacks.

  1. With a certain set of advantages (for example, an adjustable screw, rounded ends), the model may have too small a diameter of finger rings.
  2. Some models require periodic sharpening.
  3. Not all models have rounded tips, so work with such a tool should be carried out by a specialist.
  4. The cost of curved scissors with long blades is higher than the cost of other models.

Who is contraindicated for

Fights when trying to cut
any haircut, including silent scissors, is not recommended if the cat is in a state of stress or aggression, has signs of illness, or damage to skin tissue.

It is better to take the necessary pause until your pet calms down, treat him with his favorite treat, and only then resume a new attempt.

An exception is when preparing an animal for surgery, but it is not recommended to do these haircuts yourself. They are more professionally performed directly in veterinary hospitals.

Information about Persian cats

If an animal has a large number of mats, washing it becomes an almost impossible task. The wool becomes rotten and cannot dry, and ulcerative wounds form. It is strictly forbidden to pull out tangles - this causes great pain to your pet. In some cases, special oils will come to the aid of the owner. The mat gradually separates and unravels.

We need high-quality maintenance cleaning of a 3-room apartment (100 sq.m.) for tomorrow. There are equipment and cleaning supplies.

Dear owners of four-legged treasures. Now you don’t have to sign up for grooming salons and wait in line for 2 weeks. It is enough to dial the contact phone number and invite a specialist, i.e. me home. Model haircuts can be performed more often, but in this case the health of the animal, the condition of its coat, and the season of the year should be taken into account. Therapeutic and hygienic haircuts are usually carried out as needed.

Meeting the first pet client, haircut 50%! Fashionable haircuts for dogs and cats without anesthesia, professional equipment and cosmetics by breed! Creativity, Hygiene, trimming, removal of mats, …

Cats need to be trimmed from time to time for several reasons. Most often, this activity should be carried out with animals that have long hair, due to its constant rolling into clumps, which cause numerous inconveniences.

Grooming of dogs and cats •model haircut •original haircut - at the discretion of the hairdresser or owner •hygienic haircut (trimming of paws, butts, ears, haircut and cleaning, claws) •combing out calluses •deep shedding •Ultrasonic number brushing teeth •trimming nails •cleaning ears •brushing glands •shine tattoo…

Cats are not cut with scissors, because the skin is very delicate - you can easily cut it, injure it, and the next time the cat will be very aggressive. And also because using a clipper is simply faster - cats really don’t like to endure various manipulations.\nWhy cut cats? If you don’t take care of the fur of long-haired cats (+if the owners don’t like it), mats will form—haircuts solve the health issue.

Very similar to the previous one is the puma cat haircut. The difference is that the fur on the front of the body and on the legs is preserved.

I offer services for caring for your pet: - full package: includes cutting claws, removing hair between fingers, cleaning ears and removing hair from ear shells, bathing and drying, haircut; -removal (combing) of tangles; -creative: rhinestones, glitter tattoos,... I work in a pet salon and go to a client’s home. I use professional cosmetics for animals, professional tools. I have experience working with different breeds of dogs. Every year I undergo training in Moscow at the grooming festival.

I offer grooming services for dogs and cats. 20 years of experience. Haircut, bathing, grooming, trimming, removing tangles, etc...

Instrument care

Thanks to the use of high-quality materials, professional line scissors do not require special care.

However, general rules for maintaining metal tools should be followed.

  1. Scissors should be stored horizontally. The ideal place for storage would be a special case, lined inside with suede or soft fabric.
  2. Before starting work, you need to check the tension of the sheath if the screw is adjustable.
  3. After use, scissors (but not cutting blades) should be wiped with a piece of soft cloth using a small amount of oil (special).
  4. Shearing scissors should only be used for cutting wool, and not for cutting flowers, paper or other materials.

Silent Scaredy Cut scissors do not require special care. They were originally designed for home use, so maintenance is kept to a minimum. Stuck hairs can be brushed off with a brush or rinsed under running water, then wipe the instrument dry.

Some manufacturing companies stipulate that the blades of their products do not become dull for a long time. But if the question of sharpening still arises, you need to contact a specialist. You should not try to sharpen the tool with improvised means, as this may render the scissors unusable.

How often do you need cat ear care, and what lotions, drops and other products are used at home?

If the cat was injured in the process

You should have iodine or hydrogen peroxide with cotton swabs on hand. Apply a small amount of antiseptic solution to cotton wool and gently rub the skin around the cut to stop bleeding, you can press a dry cotton swab against the wound for a few minutes.

Please note: in such an unpleasant situation, you should not panic. It is advisable to calm the animal by telling it in a quiet voice the kind words that you are used to saying in a normal situation. While grooming, you should under no circumstances raise your voice to the cat or speak in a raised voice with your partner, make sudden movements, and especially not use physical force (we are talking about hitting, pinching and other actions).

How to choose

When choosing the right tool, you should consider several points:

  • animal size;
  • coat length and texture;
  • haircut goals.

So, for a general Maine Coon haircut, you need to choose scissors with a longer cutting blade than for a Highland haircut. But for an owner who has no experience in cutting hair, it will not be comfortable to work with long scissors, so it is recommended to choose a medium size blade.

To create rounded shapes on the face and paws, short scissors with rounded ends are suitable, as are small thinning scissors.

Scissors for cutting tangles come only short.

Before purchasing, the owner is recommended to hold the instrument in his hand to evaluate the comfort.

Cat haircut options

There are several standard options for cat haircuts. All of them are divided into two types: hygienic and model. Since many of the model haircuts are pretentious, it is better to start cutting the animal with simpler shapes, gradually moving on to more complex ones. If the goal is purely decorative, it is recommended to start experiments with the tail.

    Tail haircut options:
  • Brush – leaving some fur at the tip of the tail. The size and shape of such a brush may vary.
  • Broom – repeats the “tassel”, only the tip of the tail is cut straight.
  • Herringbone - it turns out when several “brooms” are cut along the entire length of the tail.
  • Squirrel - the effect is created by cutting the fur in a circle at the base of the tail.

Expert advice

If the animal takes part in exhibitions, it is recommended to carry out a general haircut no later than 4-5 months before the event, otherwise the hair may not reach the required length for exhibition condition.

There are some cat breeds for which haircuts as such are generally contraindicated; only minor trimming is possible. An example is Laperm. Its luxurious curls are the main feature of the breed and it is not recommended to cut them.

It is recommended to carry out haircuts no more than twice a year, since the intervention of tools disrupts the structure of the hair.

Hygienic grooming of a cat makes grooming easier, can reduce the amount of hair falling out, and help avoid problems with the formation of tangles.

Model haircuts make pets look extravagant and well-groomed, but such procedures should be carried out in pet salons.

Note to the master

Some more useful tips for grooming cats:

  1. You can’t cut your hair with just a clipper or just with scissors: it will be ugly and sloppy. These tools should be alternated wisely.
  2. The main coat is cut with a clipper. What remains is trimmed with scissors.
  3. Clippers require dry hair.
  4. Before trimming the fur with scissors, it must be moistened with water and combed.
  5. You cannot shave your animal bald; always leave at least 2 mm of fur. This will maintain normal thermoregulation and reduce the risk of injury.
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