How to cut a cat's hair at home? Cat haircuts: photos

Usually cats are not trimmed because they have a luxurious coat. However, with the help of a beautiful “hairstyle” you can really transform the image, turn an ordinary fluffy simpleton into a graceful lion. In addition, it is advisable to remove excess hair in hot weather so that the animal does not get too hot. Although many believe that this should not be done, since it is the hair that allows one to control normal body temperature and protects against both overheating and hypothermia.

Grooming a pet is more of a whim than the owner himself. This way you can significantly reduce the amount of hair lost. However, what will it be like for the pet himself? You can see the reaction by looking at photos of cats before and after haircuts. Many purrs are reluctant to voluntarily get their hair cut. Therefore, this procedure takes place under anesthesia. And this is definitely harmful to the health of the animal.

How to cut a cat's hair at home: tips

Grooming a cat at home is not an easy task, but still doable. This may be necessary if your cat:

  • Fluffy and the fur is matted.
  • You want to give him a new hairstyle.
  • Your cat got into the paint or glue.

Actually, cutting a cat's hair is like trying to cut a child's hair. He is not interested in your arguments that it will be prettier or more hygienic. “The Tale of the Cat that Walks by itself” clearly shows that of all domestic animals, cats are the ones that demonstrate an independent character. If your pet decides that food or play is more interesting to him than a haircut, he will ignore this offer and you will have to “negotiate” with him on mutually beneficial terms.

How to cut a cat's hair at home?

Let’s immediately discard such inhumane methods of grooming a cat, such as forcible restraint or general anesthesia. After all, you don’t want your cat to lose faith in the kindness of his owner?!

  • And you will be left with one option. Feed the cat to his fill with his favorite food, relax him by scratching behind the ear, massaging his back, and quietly sneak up on him with scissors.
  • Instead of scissors, you can try using an electric hair clipper. But if such a machine is too noisy, your cat may get scared and run away.
  • But the comb-trimmer for removing the undercoat of cats is easy to use, and the stroking that the cat will feel during this procedure will only be pleasant for him. This comb resembles a razor with teeth at the end.

Owners of furry cats face a lot of troubles during molting. Pieces of wool on the floor and beds, as well as tangles that cannot be combed out, will complete the bleak picture.

Advice for those who don’t know how to remove mats from a cat? If the lumps are located close to the animal's skin, do not try to pull them together with the skin and cut them off with scissors. So there is a very high risk of injuring the skin. Take small nail scissors and literally cut off the matted fur, millimeter by millimeter.

Types of fashionable haircuts

a lion

The hairstyle is perfect for Maine Coons, Siberian, Norwegian Forest or Persian cats.

The body hair is cut short. The covering on the head, chest and neck is left long, and hair is removed from the limbs to the joints. A tassel or herringbone remains at the end of the tail.

This haircut is done for hot weather or to reduce the amount of hair on the floor.


Selected for British Longhair, Himalayan, Burmese or Ragdoll cats.

The coat is shortened only on the back half of the body. The covering on the head, tail, paws and chest is not touched.

The Dragon

This hairstyle is created for aesthetic reasons. Suitable for all long-haired cats.

The pet's body is cut short, except for the head. A carved ridge with steps, teeth or stripes is formed on the back along the line of the spine. Sometimes, instead of a crest, mohawks are created.


This haircut will help cats survive the hot period. The hairstyle also reduces the number of tangles and the amount of shedding.

Long hair throughout the body is cut to the length of short-haired breeds. The animal looks younger and does not suffer under a hot fur coat.

Puss in Boots

The hairstyle looks like a lion. The head, the tip of the tail, and the paws below the joints remain uncut. There is no “mane” with this hairstyle.

Suitable for plush cats: British, Scottish fold.

Cat haircuts: photos

Sometimes it happens that after the owner got a cat, he suddenly realizes that he needed to get a dog. The result of such a mistake will be an attempt to convert a cat into a dog. We bring to your attention cat haircuts. Admire the cat as a poodle .

Grooming a cat like a poodle

Or this option - a cat in the role of a lion .

Grooming a cat like a lion

And the owner of this cat not only cut, as it seemed to him, the excess hair, but also increased the missing fur. The result of such efforts was a cat with an Elvis Presley . It’s a pity that cats cannot express to their owners in a language they understand everything that they think about them.

Grooming a cat like Elvis Presley

The owner of this cat decided to joke and, secretly from the family, gave the cat an “ accordion ” haircut. The joke was not entirely successful because the joker’s mother was very upset when she saw her shorn pet.

Cat before and after haircut

Sometimes you can see cat haircuts that were actually appropriate and beneficial for the animals. The photo below shows a fluffy cat after molting.

Persian cat before haircut

Removing excess hair will not hurt such a cat. It’s just important not to overdo it.

Persian cat after haircut

Fashionable haircuts for cats in the form of a lion's mane, a tiger or a dragon may cause affection for the owners or guests, but your cat is unlikely to like it.

If a cat's fur is too short, his body's thermal balance will be disrupted, and even while in an apartment he can catch a cold.

If you decide to cut your cat's hair at home, be patient and use a pet clipper. Cats do not tolerate interference in their privacy. Be prepared for the fact that your pet will run away from you without completing the transformation into a lion or dragon and you will have to “persuad” him with a treat or finish the haircut the next day. But there are cats who categorically do not want any new hairstyles and after a haircut they look pitiful and unhappy. Nature gave cats fur for a reason. It protects the cat from both hypothermia and overheating. It's better not to upset this balance.

When is cat grooming appropriate?

Grooming is more necessary for purebred long-haired animals that participate in various exhibitions. This concept refers to general grooming. To make the coat more beautiful and velvety, it is worth brushing your pet regularly. Special brushes and gloves are suitable for this. Regular brushing can solve the problem of excess hair. It is not recommended to bathe cats. Many of them experience stress during this procedure. In addition, there is a risk that water will get into the ears and cause otitis media.

Purrs are considered the cleanest animals. They constantly lick themselves from head to toe. In addition, a cat does not need to be walked outside all the time, like a dog. She can go to the toilet in a special tray with filler.

Haircut for a cat Dragon

Grooming a cat's dragon
A haircut for a cat's dragon is done with an electric clipper. Your task will include

  • Make the cat bald on the stomach and sides.
  • Leave the head, tail and stripe on the back unshaven.
  • Use patterns in the form of scales to decorate unshaven areas.

If your cat does not have nerves of steel, you will have to call for help from friends who will hold him during this not very pleasant procedure for him. Before cutting your cat's hair at home, weigh all the pros and cons of such a decision. Cutting the fur too short will harm your cat's health. Your pet may end up with hypothermia and psychological shock.

Description of the procedure process

To cut your cat's hair, you need to choose a moment when he is calm and peaceful. Otherwise, it is better to postpone the event at home. In salons, aggressive cats are put on a special collar and sometimes given anesthetics. For nervous, fearful cats, it is better to avoid trimming or minimize stress by using an at-home cat grooming service.

How are cats cut? To begin with, comb thoroughly. After this, they are laid on their side and held by the paws: front and back. Therefore, if you are planning a large-scale haircut at home, you will need an assistant. Follow this order for cutting the fur:

  1. Cut off the tangles with scissors.
  2. If you plan to give your cat a full haircut, trim the hair around the nipples and in the groin so as not to injure them later with the clipper.
  3. Carefully, bypassing the pre-clipped areas, go over the abdomen with the clipper.
  4. After the belly, you can first move to one side, then to the other.
  5. At the very end, the back and tail are trimmed.

After cutting, be sure to remove hair from your body. This can be done by wiping the cat with a piece of chamois and blowing it with a hairdryer. Provided she is not afraid of loud noises.

At home:

  • Don't try to cut your cat's hair in one go. To avoid unnecessary stress, the procedure can be repeated after a while and finish what you started;
  • Don't groom overly active cats. You simply cannot cope with them at home. In the salon, special sedatives are used for this;
  • You can't cut your head. Especially the ears and whiskers of cats;
  • To avoid unnecessary injuries when grooming at home, trim your cat's nails.

Important to remember:

  1. Taiping or colorpoint colors will not look the same after they grow out. The belly and fur along the spine will be several shades darker than it was.
  2. Be prepared that it takes a very long time for the fur to be completely renewed - sometimes more than six months. Cats typically shed twice a year. This is how their body prepares for seasonal temperature changes. This means that it is recommended to cut your hair no more than twice a year. If a kitten needs the procedure, it will grow faster.

Positive points

  1. Yes, a haircut makes life easier for a long-haired pet: it is easier for a cat to lick itself and wash its coat. In this case, the animal will not clog its stomach with swallowed wool.
  2. This means that hair removal paste is not needed and the family budget will not suffer.
  3. In summer, the animal suffers less from the heat, and in the winter months, apartment heating will warm the cat, no matter how short its hair is cut. The main thing is that there are no drafts in the rooms.
  4. The absence of fur on most of the purr's body gives owners rest. There is no need to comb your pet or fight fluffy debris in the apartment. After all, before the haircut, cat fluff flew around the house like poplar.
  5. No wool - no allergies. This is also an important aspect of the issue, especially for family allergy sufferers. You can safely continue to communicate with your four-legged family pet.

Haircut in the salon

In the salon, the main thing is to be close to your pet. The procedure is very stressful for him. Combined with being in a strange place with strangers, this is doubly stressful.

Note! Overly aggressive animals are usually shorn under anesthesia.

The complexity of the haircut determines how much the hairdresser’s service will cost.

Thus, each owner must individually choose how much his pet needs the services of a groomer. The beauty and appearance of an animal’s coat is a clear indicator of its internal condition and health. But you don’t always need to grab scissors to give your cat a beautiful coat.

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