How to cut a cat's hair at home: shave it yourself, cut it with scissors or a clipper, which is better to do it and what happens after

If you decide to take an animal into your home, you will have to take care of it, keep it clean, and feed it nutritious food. Most often, cats appear in families, which themselves are gentle and affectionate animals, and it is a pleasure to play with them. If the owners are new, they have many questions about caring for their pet, for example, the rather pressing topic of keeping the fur clean and which cat breeds need to be trimmed. And immediately concern arises regarding the question of how to cut a cat’s hair at home.

After reading this article, you can make sure that the procedure does not present any difficulties.

Ridding an animal of excess hair is the key to the pet's health. Cats with long, fluffy hair most often need a haircut, because these animals shed much more than short-haired cats, and hairballs also constantly roll up, causing a lot of inconvenience. And in this case, the decision to trim the cat is a necessity; you just need to understand how to carry out this procedure yourself at home.

I would like to note that getting rid of excess hair from an animal is not only a guarantee of cleanliness and the absence of hairs throughout the house, but also a guarantee of a healthy pet. Cats constantly lick their fur, so the hairs penetrate into the stomach, and if this happens constantly, whole balls of hair begin to collect. In general, cats are able to regurgitate the collected fur, but this is not always possible, and as a result, obstruction of the gastrointestinal tract occurs. Therefore, a haircut is a necessary event.

Veterinary clinics provide animal grooming services. To trim a cat, you need to prepare yourself and prepare the animal. There are specialized veterinary clinics that provide hairdressing services for animals, and if it becomes a problem for you to do the haircut yourself, you can always turn to specialists, but the procedure will cost money.

What is used to groom cats?

Attention! At home, medium-sized scissors are used, but the most convenient option is a clipper.

A clipper is the most convenient for carrying out the procedure. This device, unlike scissors, is easy to use and cannot cause injury to your pet if used correctly. The only drawback is the sound of the machine running, which can greatly frighten the cat, and this will create certain problems during the grooming process (the animal begins to struggle and scratch).

If you are even afraid to imagine how to trim a cat at home, then you better turn to a professional. Some veterinary clinics use anesthesia for overly exuberant cats, but this is very dangerous for older cats.

At home, it is difficult to trim a cat for participation in exhibitions, but it is absolutely possible to do this for hygienic purposes.

It is advisable that the hair clipper operate quietly. For convenience and ease of cutting, the first step is to choose a high-quality model of the device, preferably not too loud and, of course, not the cheapest. The stores offer mechanical (manual) and electric machines. After studying all the pros and cons that the sales consultant can tell you about, you will be able to choose the most convenient option.


Types of haircuts

There are three types of haircuts. I propose to look at each type in more detail to understand what procedure your cat needs.

Medical haircut

This procedure is necessary if your pet becomes ill or undergoes medical intervention.

For example, if a cat has shingles, it needs to be trimmed to keep it safe and ensure quality treatment. Read about how to treat lichen in cats in my other article.

When you submit your cat for sterilization, doctors will definitely cut off some of the fur before the operation. Similarly, the cat's fur is trimmed or shaved before the IV is inserted.

This procedure is carried out according to indications and can be done directly in a veterinary clinic.

Hygienic haircut

To maintain the pet's hygiene, a hygienic haircut is performed. Its main purpose is to remove tangles and restore wool.

If you are unable to devote enough time to taking care of your pet’s hygiene, you should regularly visit the groomer and bring the animal for procedures that will further simplify caring for the cat.

Removing tangles is very important. Dirt accumulates underneath them and bacteria and parasites can multiply.

You can cut your cat’s hair for hygiene purposes at home, if you have the necessary tools and have mastered a simple technique, which will be discussed later.

Model haircut

This type is carried out solely at the request of the owner. Some people like it when their pet attracts attention due to the unusual shape of its coat, while others combine hygiene procedures with aesthetics.

Some owners get a model haircut before a photo shoot with a cat or do it several months before the exhibition.

How many times a year should a cat be groomed?

On average, depending on the breed and age, a cat's fur grows back to its previous size 3-6 months after shearing.

Attention! Experienced veterinarians recommend trimming your cat several times a year, and if tangled hairballs appear, cut them out with scissors.

It is recommended to trim the cat several times a year. It is advisable to trim the cat before the summer season, because animals, especially shaggy ones, endure the hot season too difficult, therefore, by learning how to carry out the procedure at home, you will help the cat cope not only with intestinal disease, but also make her feel better when the air temperature is too high.


Why does a cat need a haircut?

Grooming domestic cats is an element of grooming, which is a set of procedures for caring for the skin of an animal. Since hairdressing services for purrs in our country are just gaining popularity, many owners of furry pets are wondering about the harmlessness of such a procedure. But zoologists assure that haircuts are not only allowed, but sometimes even beneficial for the health of cats. This cannot but please the owners of cats, especially those living in private houses and having access to the outdoors.

Grooming for long-haired cats is a physical necessity

Giving purr fur unusual shapes is becoming popular for two reasons - hygiene and originality. In the first case, a haircut is necessary for long-haired representatives of the cat family - Persian and Angora cats, Siberian and Norwegian forest cats. Otherwise, tangles and sticky pellets will form on pets’ fur coats, causing itching and irritation of the skin. In addition, without proper care, long and thick hair can cause gastrointestinal diseases and constipation.

To create an unusual image, the cat is given a model haircut, characterized by a variety of variations. In this case, the owner of the animal is guided not by the needs of the animal, but by his own ambitions and the desire to emphasize the cat’s individuality.

Other reasons to trim your furry pet's hair may be:

  • seasonal increase in air temperature - it becomes difficult for a cat with a thick fur coat to tolerate heat of 35–40 degrees;
  • increased work of the endocrine glands - a pet with such dysfunction needs careful hygiene and care;
  • intensive molting - the purr still needs to be shown to a veterinarian to identify the cause of excessive hair loss;
  • receding hairline in certain areas of the body - a haircut will not solve the problem, so the help of a veterinarian is required.

Despite the apparent benefits of hairdressing procedures for cats, especially those with thick, long hair, haircuts also have disadvantages. Since nature has provided for the natural conditioning of animal skin in all weather conditions (due to cavities in the hairs), unless absolutely necessary, it is better not to get carried away with such a fashionable trend. After all, after removing the fur, the cat’s body temperature also changes, which is why the animal becomes vulnerable to the slightest drafts or exposure to direct sunlight.

I believe that there is no need to cut cats when you can organize proper coat care, but if you can’t, then cut them. In this case, we will not act entirely correctly, but we will not allow the formation of tangles and, as a consequence, the appearance of parasites and skin diseases. As they say, let's choose the lesser evil.

S. Savchenko, veterinarian

If we talk about the frequency of image changes for a domestic cat, then you need to take into account the breed of the animal and the age of the purr. On average, the fur of felines grows within 5 months from the moment of cutting. Therefore, it is best to carry out hairdressing procedures with your pet no more than two to three times a year. And remove tangles as matted wool appears.

Video: why groom cats

How does haircut affect animals?

Is it possible to cut a cat's hair without causing any changes, and how will cutting it at home affect the pet's behavior?

Haircut significantly affects hair growth. In almost all long-haired breeds, the color of the coat changes, acquiring a darker or lighter shade. It happens that haircut significantly affects the growth of fur, sometimes this process accelerates, and in some cases, on the contrary, it becomes slower, and in rare cases it stops growth completely.


How to properly trim your pet's hair yourself?

To understand how to properly trim a cat at home, you need to prepare:

  • a convenient place, it can be a table or an ironing board;
  • a comfortable comb;
  • small scissors;
  • a special hair clipper;
  • hydrogen peroxide and iodine (for treating wounds, if any appear).



  1. Initially, you should shorten your cat's claws. For this, manicure scissors are usually used: firstly, this tool can be found in every home, and secondly, high-quality scissors will help you deal with claws without unnecessary problems; If you wish, you can purchase a special device at a pet store - a nail clipper, which is easy to use, and its cost is quite affordable.
  2. Before you start trimming the nails, you need to disinfect the tool, usually using alcohol. Next, you need to take your pet’s paw in your hand and lightly press on the pad, after which the cat will release its claws, at this moment, without removing your fingers from the pad, begin the procedure of cutting the claws; To complete the procedure, it is recommended to use a nail file to file off the sharp ends.
  3. For the first time, it is better to trim a cat at home, with the help of a person who will help you hold the animal correctly, and, as a rule, it is much easier to cope with the procedure together. So, the partner, having laid the cat on its side, must hold its limbs.
  4. If the animal begins to behave quite aggressively, it is better to use a plastic collar.
  5. Next, they trim the cat with a clipper, starting from the sides, the main thing is not to worry and try not to shake your hands, because an animal that behaved calmly, sensing the owner’s excitement, can show both anxiety and aggressiveness, and then you will no longer be able to do the procedure at home.
  6. After the sides, the back and belly are trimmed; Particular attention is paid to the abdominal area where the nipples are located.
  7. It is possible to cut the hair both in the direction of hair growth and against it.
  8. If the haircut is carried out with an electric clipper, you need to remember that the nozzle must be at least 3 mm.
  9. In order for everything to go without injury to the animal, you should trim the resulting lumps on the cat with scissors during the procedure, since using a clipper at home this will be impossible and quite unpleasant for the pet itself.
  10. During grooming, the animal's skin must be stretched to avoid cuts.
  11. When cutting hair at home, the head, paws at the ends and tail are usually left untouched; this haircut will look like a lion's.
  12. If necessary, you can use thinning scissors to go through the untrimmed wool.
  13. When the whole procedure has come to an end, the cat is washed with clean water, or bathed with shampoo and dried with a hairdryer.

It is possible to cut the hair both in the direction of hair growth and against it.


How to cut a cat's hair at home?

It is better to choose small and convenient scissors as the material at hand. If your pet has thick hair, then it is better to carry out the procedure using a clipper. But usually such devices buzz loudly and scare the animal. Therefore, when choosing a machine, choose the quietest copy. Ideally, this hygienic and aesthetic procedure should be carried out several times a year (4-5 months will be a break). Be sure to trim your pet before the summer heat begins. Animals with thick fur do not tolerate heat well. Make life easier for them and yourself. So, put aside your fear and start cutting hair. Prepare not only a tool (clipper, scissors, comb), but also medications in case of an accidental cut.

Not all cats will be happy with the procedure. Some cats will start screaming, running away and showing aggression at the sight of a clipper and scissors. If you have just such a disobedient pet living in your house, then involve another member of the household in the haircut. You will have to hold the animal's limbs and head with your hands, but do not tie up the unfortunate cat. The haircut usually starts from the sides, then goes to the back, and from there the clippers (scissors) are applied to the tummy. Especially large cleats of wool are initially cut off with scissors, otherwise the attachment for the clipper may break. Yes, and it will be more convenient. The belly should be trimmed carefully and delicately, especially in the nipple area.

To make it more convenient to work, use your fingers to stretch the skin of the cat. This will help you avoid unnecessary cuts. If you get to the paws and tail, but don't leave them completely bare. This way your cute pet will look a little like a lion cub. Of course, you don't need to shave your cat's head either. After grooming, be sure to bathe the animal and dry it with a hairdryer. And don't worry yourself, otherwise your trembling hands will harm the cat.

In this video you can clearly see how a cat is groomed, more professionally, already “with a full hand.” And in the second video, the haircut scene is more interesting, but, let’s say, less professional, although quite acceptable. The main thing here is to know your pet, and if he is restless and can scratch or even bite, then before grooming the cat you need to take measures for your own safety, namely, perform the procedure with an assistant, and approximately as shown in the first video.

Video: Grooming a cat at home

Separately about the British cat

The British breed is a short-haired breed, so it is customary to care for the animal’s fur without cutting it. Short hair does not mat in clumps, so there is nothing to cut. To keep your cat looking neat and well-groomed, use soft brushes to comb its fur.

Usually these are rubber or bristly brushes that are not capable of damaging the integrity of the animal’s skin. And, of course, the British are periodically bathed with a special shampoo, because cleanliness for cats is a guarantee of good health.

Cats of this breed are quite impressionable, so before starting the procedure, it is better to first find a video on the Internet on how to trim a Persian cat at home.

For Persian cats, a haircut similar to that of a lion is used. To groom cats of this breed, it is better to involve assistants who will help calm the animal. For Persian cats, they use a haircut similar to that of a lion - the head, tail and paws are left unchanged, this is a classic hairstyle for representatives of this breed.


Why cut your cat's hair?

After clipping, the coat is easier to comb.

In fact, the procedure is quite popular and in demand in grooming salons. Yes, there are owners who bring their favorite furry dogs for a haircut in order to win at the exhibition, have an extravagant look and have cute photos for Instagram or social networks.

But there are also those who know that such hairstyles have many advantages for the health of their children. What are the advantages of a unique hygiene procedure?

  • getting rid of tangles, which have become too numerous and can no longer be untangled with ordinary brushes;
  • normalization of digestion: unsightly and hanging hairballs, disfiguring the cat, can cause blockage of the stomach and intestines if accidentally swallowed during another lick;
  • order in the house: after a haircut, the wool does not lie everywhere and does not cause the owner to have bouts of quiet rage when, once again, black pants have turned into a shaggy hedgehog;
  • easier combing;
  • peace of mind between the cat and the person: you won’t have to tyrannize your pet and freak out from the daily tearing apart of tangled areas of fur;
  • relief from suffering: in summer the animal will no longer suffer from the heat.

By the way, the presence of tangles is the cause of dermatological problems: the skin under them heats up more, creating favorable conditions for the development of pathogenic microflora. Frequent formation of “felt balls” indicates a metabolic disorder or vitamin deficiency and requires consultation with a specialist.

What time of year do cats get their hair cut?

Attention! Pets that do not go outside can be groomed, regardless of the time of year. Animals that constantly run outdoors are usually trimmed before the onset of the summer heat.


Grooming of their pets has recently become popular among cat owners.

And since this service from professional “cat hairdressers” is not cheap, many owners are not averse to learning how to cut their cat’s hair themselves.


Why cut your hair and how often?

There are several reasons for getting a haircut. They can be divided into two main groups: health (pet and owner) and beauty. As for health, the motives are as follows:

  • Your cat has started to develop multiple mats.
  • Problems with the gastrointestinal tract have appeared (vomiting or constipation due to ingestion of fur).
  • There were problems with molting (the process took too long). Although they can simply be resolved with patient daily combing. But cutting is a necessary measure when the cat reacts aggressively to any grooming.
  • The owner is allergic to cat hair. A trimmed cat will indeed have less fluff, but trimming it will not completely solve the allergy problem.
  • It is easier to remove burrs, ticks and fleas from a trimmed pet (if the cat is walking outside).

None Another type of motivation for cutting hair is fashion. As a rule, Himalayans and Persians are cut. But owners of any breed of long-haired cat can give their pet a stylish haircut. In this case, grooming is done no more than once every four months.

Important! The opinion that a trimmed cat can withstand the heat easier is nothing more than a myth, since it is a well-groomed coat that allows the animal to maintain thermal balance and avoid overheating.


Should your cat be groomed?

Before carrying out any manipulations with your pet, you need to figure out whether it really needs human intervention.

The animal's fur is often perceived by owners as an analogue of a good mink coat, which warms in both winter and summer. Some owners, in a fit of love, want to rid the cat of fur, thinking that this will help him survive the summer heat.

In fact, you need to approach this issue carefully. For example, Maine Coons and other semi-longhaired breeds have undercoats and guard hairs of varying lengths, and their beautiful long coats provide a natural layer that protects them from the heat. Therefore, improper haircut leads to overheating or hypothermia.

In what cases is the procedure indicated?

The truth is, cats don't need trimming regardless of the length of their fur. They know how to take care of themselves - they lick themselves, rub against hard objects, and shed regularly. Experienced owners help the cat take care of itself using special tools, do not skip washing time, and brush it regularly. If this is not done, the animal will need the help of a groomer.

In short, a haircut is indicated only in two cases:

  • tangles appeared on the pet’s body;
  • The pet is sick and needs access to the skin.

The remaining reasons for which the manipulation is carried out are not mandatory, but may be important for the owners.

  1. Neat appearance of the cat
  2. Stomach problems after licking a lot of fur.
  3. The cat does not allow itself to be brushed or bathed.
  4. The cat's inability to care for itself (old age or illness).
  5. Trying to control cat hair allergies.

There are studies that show that allergies are caused not by fur, but by protein from cat saliva, so hair removal will not get rid of cat allergies.

Required tools and accessories

The first haircut can take four hours. Over time, when you have experience, you can do it in an hour. To cut your cat's hair with a clipper you will need:

  • a second person to hold your pet;
  • trimmer with attachments;
  • slicker;
  • wide-toothed comb;
  • nail clippers;
  • several towels or a blanket;
  • cat treat.

Nail clippersAttention! If your animal has dirty areas or mats on its body, you may also need some cornstarch and blunt-tipped scissors.


How to trim a cat's fur?

If you decide to groom and don’t know how to cut a cat’s hair at home, then this step-by-step instruction will help you. Step 1. Choose a place for cutting. It is better to cut the animal in a room where there are no carpets. Trying to remove large amounts of cat hair from your carpet with a regular vacuum cleaner can be a pain, not to mention the hairs will clog the dust collector.

Choose a wide window sill or table as your workplace. Step 2: Prepare the area Cover a windowsill or table with a couple of old towels or a blanket. This will add a little cushioning, which will make the grooming process more comfortable for the cat, and will protect the surface of the table/window sill from cat scratches.

Find the nearest outlet and plug in the trimmer. The distance should be sufficient to allow the device cord to sag and provide room for maneuver. Step 3.

Bring the cat to the prepared area Before you begin grooming, let the cat get comfortable in the place. Give him a treat and petting him for a few minutes will calm him down and allow you to spot tangles and dirty areas.

Step 4: Remove the claws To do this, hold the paw in one hand and gently press on the cat's finger to pull out the claw. Remove only the sharp tips, avoiding the epithelial tissue that protects the claw.

Clipped Siamese catImportant! A short-trimmed claw will cause pain in the cat, and damage to the epithelial tissue is traumatic. If you are unable to trim your nails yourself, contact a professional groomer or veterinarian.

Advice! Trim your nails a day or two before trimming. If you do everything at once, the cat will get nervous.

Step 5. Comb your pet Comb the scruff of the neck, back and belly with a slicker brush. You will probably need a helper to gently hold your cat while you brush the belly area. Brush the paws and tail with a wide-tooth comb.

The following steps should be taken if the animal has matted fur or mats:

  • Remove tangles using a slicker brush. Hold the matted fur to avoid stretching the skin, which can be very painful for the cat. This will take a few minutes. If you can't comb the problem area of ​​fur, use blunt-tipped scissors to cut it off.

Important! Make sure that when cutting the mat you do not catch the skin with scissors (in cats it is very thin and easily injured).

  • Rub a small amount of cornstarch into the problem area and comb it out after a while. This will help dry out the dirt on the coat.

Step 6. Cut the cat's hair If you want the hairs to be a little longer, cut in the direction of growth of six. In short - against the grain. To create a lion haircut, start from the back and sides. Glide the trimmer in a straight line from the root of the tail to the head.

Attention! Trim carefully, without pinching the skin - this can injure the animal.

After each pass with the machine, remove any hair from the blades. Stop periodically to remove the trimmed fur from the cat. This will make it easier for you to see the missed areas. Keep your cat's skin taut all the time to avoid injury to the skin.

Mei Coon with Lion Cut Once you have trimmed the fur on the back and sides, lay the cat on his side and comb the fur on his belly. While your assistant holds the cat, carefully trim the fur around the nipples, genitals, and the rest of the tummy.

When cutting the tail, leave the fur on only the last quarter of the tail. However, not all cats like to trim this part of their body. Therefore, in order not to irritate the animal, do not cut the tail at all. The hair on the paws is usually not cut (or down to the knee/elbow joint).

Step 7. Form the mane Leave the withers, part of the back and belly uncut - this way you will form the mane “like a lion”. After grooming, wipe the area with a damp cloth to remove any cut fur.

Step 8. Grooming is complete, pet the cat and give him a treat.


After the haircut

If this was the first time for your cat, he will want to hide for a while. This is normal and after several groomings he will become more relaxed about the haircut.

In general, grooming is a stressful situation for an animal. A short-haired cat may not sit on its hind legs for some time (or sit down and immediately get up), be depressed, and hide. Changes in the structure of the coat are possible: new hairs may grow thinner and quickly roll into tangles. Some areas on the animal’s body may not develop hair at all because the skin has been exposed to hypothermia.

But there will definitely be changes in the structure of the skin: it will become less elastic, dry and lose its elasticity. But no additional skin treatment is required after cutting. You just need to surround your pet with care and love.

Trimmed Scottish catAttention! After a haircut, the skin will be more sensitive to any changes in the environment (drafts, direct sunlight, air conditioning, etc.).


Popular haircuts

There are two categories of haircuts: model and hygienic. Hygienic goals pursue the following goals:

  • removing tangles;
  • removal of parasites;
  • straightening the coat after removing tangles.

Model ones are often made for exhibitions or simply as a tribute to fashion. The most popular model haircuts are:

  • lion (fur is left on the head, withers, tip of the tail and the bottom of the paws);
  • dragon (except for areas of fur on the head, withers, tip of the tail and the lower part of the paws, a strip is left on the spine, on which notches are made using filigree scissors);
  • puma (the head, paws, tail and body remain intact, level with the front paws);
  • puss in boots (like a lion haircut, only the hair on the paws is left at a higher level).


Why and how often should you cut your cat's hair?

The most common reason why cats are cut is the owner's desire to give the animal an unusual look. Model pet haircut is one of the modern fashion trends. Cats are also given a haircut before participating in professional exhibitions. Some owners believe that cutting their furry pet's hair is necessary in order to relieve it of discomfort in hot weather.

However, shortening the fur due to heat is not practical for many felines. The coat of cats is a kind of regulator that helps with excess heat and cold. Persian cats are most often affected by hot weather. However, cats are cut for other reasons:

  • Fur stains that cannot be removed by bathing. The pet can get dirty with machine oil, paint, and building materials. In some cases, the animal's fur needs to be shaved.
  • Formation of tangles that cannot be combed out. Sometimes shedding occurs so intensely that the owner does not have time to remove the fallen fur. The tangles cause discomfort to the animal, and chafing and rashes can form underneath them. Pieces of fur can get into your pet's stomach when he tries to lick them, which will lead to the formation of hairballs in the stomach.
  • The animal is not able to care for its fur. If the pet is weakened, long hair will contribute to overheating.
  • Long intense molting. A haircut will make it easier for the owner to care for the pet. Often they resort to eliminating long hair when a baby appears in the house. Lost hairs can rise into the air and settle on children's objects.
  • The need for medical procedures. When treating dermatitis, burns and other pathologies, it is sometimes necessary to apply ointments and creams. Long hair will prevent this. Also, after a haircut, it is easier to observe the results of therapy.

The frequency of haircuts depends on the reason for it. If the coat is shortened for decorative purposes, the procedure is carried out 2-3 times a year. To eliminate the risk of overheating, haircuts are done in the warm season.

If the animal is weakened, the procedure is carried out as the hair grows back. The rate of coat renewal depends on the breed of the cat. On average, the process takes 3–6 months.


How often to cut, including depending on the breed

The frequency of haircuts depends on the rate of hair growth, the age of the cat, and its health. It is recommended to cut your hair 2-3 times a year, not more often.

HygieneLong-haired cats get dirty very quickly, their fur rolls into lumps, and when licking, the likelihood of swallowing it is high, which can lead to problems with the digestive tract.
SheddingReducing the amount of wool on furniture.
Skin diseases (infections, parasites, hyperplasia of the sebaceous glands, dermatitis)With short hair, a cat is easier to handle.
Exclusive viewOnly for the purpose of participating in exhibitions.

For Persians, a haircut is an ideal option, especially in the summer, as they quickly grow overgrown, and they also do not like heat.

What breeds of cats are prohibited from being cut?

  • Shorthair (British, Scottish Fold). There is no particular point, only when absolutely necessary. Please note that there are long-haired types of these cats, namely British Longhair and Highland Fold, they need to be cut.
  • With tipping or color-point color. After a haircut, the pet's color changes (becomes darker).
  • Semi-long-haired breeds (Siberian and Norwegian forest cats, Maine Coon) do not need a haircut; you can only limit yourself to bathing and thorough combing. Their fur serves as an excellent protector from overheating and freezing. Also read how to properly bathe a cat and how to brush it on the Mister Cat portal.

In addition, you should not generally trim hyperactive pets, which are difficult to pacify and require the use of sedatives, which have a negative effect later.

Which cats are contraindicated for trimming?

Experts do not recommend cutting smooth-haired cats. Their fur does not form tangles, and its complete absence will increase the risk of injury to the skin. It is contraindicated to trim cats if:

  • The color of the animal is color point or tipping. After regrowth, the coat may change, and the cat will lose its unique color.
  • It is contraindicated for the animal to be nervous. Some cats have medical conditions that make stress life-threatening. Grooming is not a natural process for a pet, so in most cases it makes him worry.
  • The previous procedure had a negative impact on the pet's health.
  • The cat lives in an area with high solar activity and spends a lot of time outside. By trimming a pet, the owner deprives him of protection from the negative effects of ultraviolet radiation.


Main nuances

Cat owners should be aware that not all animals can have their fur trimmed. The restrictions may be influenced by the following factors:

  1. Color-point or typing type of color. In this case, the regrown hair on the belly and back will be darker in color than before the haircut.
  2. Unbearable character and increased activity, when the pet cannot be brought into a calm state. In such a situation, you can use anesthesia, but first you need to take into account all the possible risks. Narcotic drugs can cause cardiac arrest, put you into a coma, and contribute to the failure of the kidneys and liver. If there is no other solution, anesthesia can be replaced with sedatives or muscle relaxants. But such an idea must be approved by a veterinarian, and drugs must be administered strictly under his guidance.
  3. It is not recommended to cut short-haired cats unless absolutely necessary, since in the heat their vital functions are not disrupted and tangles never form. Grooming of such breeds is only relevant in extreme situations, for example, if the animal is soiled with oil paint.

When planning to cut your cat's hair, you should be aware that the structure of its fur, length and color may change, and the regrowth process usually takes several months. It is forbidden to cut the hair on the animal's head, on the pads of the paws and in the inside of the ears.

Tools and accessories you will need for cutting hair at home

To carry out a haircut at home, a beginner will need the help of another person. Most animals experience discomfort during the procedure, so it will be easier if someone can calm and hold the pet. The performer will complete the procedure faster and learn how to properly work with the animal’s fur. To carry out a haircut at home, you will need the following tools and accessories:

  • A hard table or other straight surface. It is necessary to place the cat in such a way that it is convenient to cut it. If the table is in the corner, you need to move it to the center of the room. Some people use an ironing board to cut their hair. It can be raised higher, then there will be no need to bend low.
  • Diaper. It is necessary to choose tissue that can be discarded after the procedure.
  • Sharp scissors with rounded ends.
  • Thinning scissors.
  • Hair clipper. A special device for animals is necessary, since a regular tool is not suitable for thick and thin fur.
  • Brush with sparse teeth.
  • Fine-tooth comb.
  • Claw cutter.
  • Cotton wool, hydrogen peroxide. In case of an accidental cut, the wound must be treated.
  • Plastic collar.

The cat clipper must meet the following requirements:

  • Instrument power – at least 45 W. A low-power device will not cope with thick and long hair.
  • The blades must be well sharpened. Dull blades will not cut, but tear the fur.
  • Silence. A noisy device will frighten the cat.
  • Work from the network. A battery-powered machine is more mobile, but it may be necessary to change batteries, which will increase the duration of the procedure.
  • The presence of a 3 cm nozzle. Cats cannot be shaved bald, as this makes the cat vulnerable to external factors. Missing an attachment can also result in accidental injury.


Choosing Cat Grooming Tools

The haircut can be carried out using scissors (medium size, sharp with rounded ends) or a clipper, preferably silent, so as not to frighten the pet. The latter method is more effective and safer - there is practically no possibility of injuring the animal, and the result is guaranteed: a uniform haircut with the ability to choose the desired length of fur.

  • soft comb;
  • textile;
  • hydrogen peroxide or chlorhexidine (needed if you injure an animal);
  • toys and treats;
  • table (or other surface).

It is better to immobilize the cat during the procedure. For example, wear a special collar. It is better for the second person to hold the cat and calm it while the first haircut is performed.

If the animal is very aggressive, it is better to visit a veterinary clinic. In some cases, anesthesia may be needed. It is worth doing it only if there is no other option. For example, a cat is covered in tangles and it’s hard for him.

Preparing your pet for the procedure

Preparing the cat for the procedure:

  • Bathing. It is carried out with a mild shampoo and conditioner to facilitate combing and eliminate the electrification effect. Held a few days before the event.
  • Trimming claws. It is necessary to cut off the sharp ends so that the cat does not scratch the performer during the procedure.
  • Removing hair around the nipples. The coat should be carefully trimmed with sharp scissors or shaved. Manipulation will prevent injury to sensitive areas during cutting.
  • Trimming mats. It will not be possible to trim the stray clumps with a clipper, so you need to remove them before starting the procedure.
  • Introducing the animal to the tool. You need to move a short distance from your pet and turn on the machine. He will understand that the sound is not dangerous and will behave calmer.


Features of a cat's haircut

During the procedure, you should not show your own anxiety to the animal. If the performer is overly emotional, the pet will feel it and begin to worry. Description of the procedure:

  • Lay the cat on its side and secure its hind and front paws.
  • The haircut starts from the sides, then moves to the back and stomach. Paws and tail are trimmed as desired. Experts recommend leaving the fur at the tip of the tail. If this is not done, the animal will perceive this area as a foreign body and begin to bite it.
  • During manipulation, the pet's skin needs to be slightly stretched so as not to accidentally get caught by the machine.
  • The perineal area is cut with scissors.
  • The back is processed last.
  • The hair in the armpit area is cut using a 2 mm nozzle.
  • The animal's head is not trimmed. Long hairs are carefully trimmed with scissors. Whiskers and ear fur should not be touched, as they affect the animal’s orientation in space.
  • A haircut against the grain allows you to create an even hairstyle. However, many cats do not like this method. If your pet is very afraid of the procedure, you can cut the fur and trim uneven areas with thinning scissors.

After removing the fur, the cat should be combed, bathed and dried with a soft towel or dried with a hairdryer. If she has an extremely negative attitude towards water procedures, there is no need to expose her to unnecessary stress.


Step-by-step instruction

It is possible to perform a simple haircut on an animal at home. The main thing is to prepare properly and know the simple rules. Wear thick gloves and have your assistant do the same. Place a towel at hand (in case you need to wipe the cat), tools, peroxide and cotton wool.

  1. Secure the cat on the work surface. It is best if the pet lies on its side. Your helper should press the cat's back and front paws to the surface.
  2. If you have not yet gotten rid of tangles, the time to do it is now. Try to separate the lump into fibers, which you then need to comb with a fine-toothed comb. If the tangle is large, cut it out with a tangle cutter or blunt-tipped scissors.
  3. Before grooming, comb your cat well and use a conditioner spray to remove any tangled hair and make the procedure more comfortable.
  4. After this, take small scissors or a trimmer and carefully go through the genital area, armpits, nipples and between the fingers.
  5. When the difficult stage is completed, take up the machine. Use a 3mm or larger comb and cut the fur first on the sides, then on the back and finally on the belly. Follow the growth of the fur. Lubricate the attachment with blade spray as needed.
  6. You can trim the fur on the paws with scissors.
  7. If desired, you can use thinning scissors at the end of the procedure.

If you see that your pet is tired or nervous, take a break, calm him down and give him a treat.

I really liked the video about how to groom a cat at home, where the author clearly shows how you can cope with this difficult task in 15 minutes. I hope it will be useful to you too:

What to do if the cat resists and does not allow its fur to be cut?

Some owners use sedatives and sleeping pills to subdue animals. However, experts consider sleeping pills extremely dangerous for cats. Medicines can cause allergies, heart pathologies, and liver diseases in cats.

Medicines should only be used as a last resort if the haircut is carried out for the purpose of further treatment. The drugs are administered after preliminary consultation with a veterinarian. To calm an excited cat without anesthesia, the following measures are used:

  • Applying a binder to the withers. The clamp is perceived by the animal as a mother's grip. The pet instinctively calms down.
  • Application of a plastic collar. The device will protect the owner and helper from bites.
  • Breaks between haircuts. After pausing the procedure, you should take the pet in your arms, calm it down and give it a small treat.
  • Using a mechanical silent machine. However, using a manual trimmer will increase the time of the procedure and reduce its quality.
  • Distraction with your favorite toy.

Under no circumstances should you:

  • raise your voice;
  • scold and beat your pet;
  • allow other pets near the cat;
  • tie paws.


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