Everything you need to know about breeding the Canadian Sphynx

Without a doubt, every owner or mistress of the Canadian Sphynx will at some point be faced with solving such a problem as mating their pet. And first they will have to decide whether they need it at all. And if you have come to the conclusion that you want to have kittens from your four-legged friend, then you will have to learn all the nuances associated with mating and breeding of Canadian Sphynxes.

Breeding a Sphynx is quite a labor-intensive job.

In order for this rather complicated process to be organized without errors, both breeders and ordinary owners of these animals need to know in detail how puberty occurs in cats of this breed. After all, without them, it will be difficult for the owner of the animal to determine whether the cat is ready for mating or not.

Therefore, it is important to understand how to properly prepare your pet for mating, since mating representatives of this breed of domestic cats not only requires special attention, but also knowledge of at least the minimum rules for organizing mating.

To properly organize the process, it is necessary to know the physiology of the animal.

Rules for mating a cat with a cat

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A cat can be mated with a cat only when the cat reaches puberty and can become pregnant and give birth to kittens without risk to its health. It is better to skip the first two heats and call them off on the third, but some breeders skip only one. According to the rules of many clubs, mating of cats is allowed with a rating of at least “very good” received at a cat show, and cats with Champion titles and above can be mated without having to undergo exhibitions before mating. Cats should not give birth to kittens more than three times a year.

The first mating of a cat should be done before the age of one and a half years. If the cat was not untied, i.e. there were no kittens under two years old, then problems may arise, so if you decide for yourself that you want to breed your cat, then you should do it correctly. Usually cats, not getting a cat during the onset of estrus, move on to the next active phase - they scream day and night, preventing their owners and their neighbors from sleeping. Owners, unable to withstand such torture, often resort to advertised hormonal drugs, after the use of which hormonal disorders occur in cats, causing severe diseases of the reproductive system - infertility, endometritis, pyometra (“purulent uterus”), malignant neoplasms, deformities of offspring, etc. .d.

Before breeding a cat, you must prepare it for this, get all vaccinations against infectious diseases: rhinotracheitis, rabies, calicivirus infection and panleukopenia (included in the complex vaccination), + against chlamydia and lichen (stamps in the veterinary passport no more than 1 year from the date first vaccination and at least 1 month before mating). The cat must be dewormed 7 days before mating (deworming). Usually, conscientious cat owners warn you about this and require a veterinary passport, not because they think that your treasure may be sick, but so that the cat does not get sick during pregnancy (cats have weak immunity).

How do you know when a cat is in heat: it begins to purr, becomes overly affectionate - constantly demands attention to itself, rubs against all objects and your legs, if you, stroking its back, reach its tail, it falls off its tail, the tail at the same time trembles, and the cat begins to stamp its hind paws. Immediately pick up the phone and call the cat’s owners and arrange a mating.

The cat should be brought in on the second day of estrus for several days (1 to 3 days). The cat should have with itself: a tray, litter if it is used to it, bowls for water and food, a supply of usual food for two days, a copy of the pedigree. Be sure to trim the cat’s claws on the front paws, the cat’s owners usually warn about this, do not ignore their warnings and ask if the cat’s claws are trimmed. The cat should look well-groomed, well-fed, clean, without streaks under the eyes, with clean ears, and of course, without fleas.

Mating of two healthy animals usually occurs without any human assistance, so we will only note a few non-standard points. Some cats get so excited when they enter unfamiliar territory that they forget the purpose of their visit. Some cats may stop estrus due to stress and only return a week later. Sometimes cat owners make the mistake of assuming that she is in heat. However, the cat detects this instantly. As soon as the cat is released from the carrier and the cat sniffs her tracks, it immediately becomes clear from his behavior whether she is in heat or not. The cat either gets excited and announces in a loud voice that he is ready to reciprocate, or indifferently turns away from the guest and leaves, or even demonstratively goes to bed in her presence. Then you will have to take the failed bride home. Please note that in such a situation your cat begins to get nervous (new environment, new people, and even a cat nearby). She becomes aggressive or, conversely, becomes depressed. This, of course, adds trouble and inconvenience to the groom’s hosts.

If everything is in order, the cat is in heat, the cat has shown interest in her and began courtship, then you can leave the bride and groom alone. Most often, the first mating occurs at night, when all the people have dispersed, the sounds have died down, the lights are turned off, and no one bothers our couple. As a rule, the next morning it is already clear that the wedding has taken place: the cat’s behavior changes, she no longer hisses at the cat, allows him to lie next to her and even lick her fur coat. Despite the fact that the cat is tamed and itself calls the cat for the next mating, each time, after the end of the action, she ritually hits the cat with her paw. Therefore, cats' claws should be trimmed at home, before going to the wedding. There are cases when a cat did not have time to jump away and received an eye injury. It is believed that the cat experiences pain at the moment of copulation, which is why it screams terribly and attacks its lover with “cuffs.” Experienced cats quickly recoil to a safe distance until the cat calms down. The pain subsides after a few seconds, and then the cat, having put herself in order, begins to roll all over the floor with pleasure, and the cat watches her carefully. A cat can sit for a whole day without letting the cat near. There are calm, “compliant” individuals, and there are extremely aggressive ladies. There are also impudent ones who come to the cat’s territory and behave as if at home. And there are cowardly cats that try to hide and hide in any dark corner. The cat first tries to approach the cat, but, as a rule, gets hit in the impudent face. And then the persuasion begins. The cat sings songs, periodically uttering a questioning question: “mur”?

Features of the mating process

Breeding Sphynx dogs at home can be challenging. It is impossible to foresee all the nuances of pairing, but there are universal reasons that cause unexpected delays:

  1. Sphinxes who have not previously had independent sexual experience should not be mated. If the cat happens for the first time, then its partner should already be untied. Or vice versa – a mother giving birth and a hairless boy knitting for the first time.
  2. Often there is aggressive behavior of one or both partners at the time of acquaintance. Then they are left for some time in cages within the common room, or you can divide the room and let the sphinxes sniff through an improvised lattice. Only after contact is established are they allowed to get closer and begin mating games.
  3. In the mating procedure, cats are always in charge. They can bully cats, hit them with their paws, and keep them away for a long time. This behavior is considered normal and does not require intervention. Most often, incidents occur if both partners already knew each other before mating or even lived in the same territory. Then the “foreplay” drags on.

The owner of the premises (if the cats are left under his supervision for several days) needs to provide the sphinxes with food, maintain silence and avoid any stressful situations. A loud noise is enough to stop mating, and in the future the whole procedure will have to be repeated again. The pregnancy of Sphynx cats lasts 62–65 days, and up to 12 kittens are born in litters.

Caring for Don Sphynxes: What you need to know about mating cats

The cat hisses at the cat and waits just as long as it considers necessary so as not to lose its dignity. Each cat has its own ideas about this time. There is no general rule here. It is interesting that the same cat with different cats can behave differently. If the cat is timid and shy, then the cat can play along with her and pretend that he himself is afraid of her, then the cat becomes bolder and begins to flirt with the cat herself. If a cat behaves defiantly, the cat may come up, slap her in the face and grab her by the scruff of the neck. The cat reflexively goes limp and mating occurs. Such matings can occur 10-15 or more in one day. It all depends on the cat’s health and how sexy he is.

After a day, sometimes after two days, the cat loses interest in the cat. The cat can still “ask for a cat” for a few more days. This is not at all a sign that the cat is not mated. She simply cannot stop at the “motor” level. And the cat has already realized that he has fulfilled his marital duties, apparently because the cat’s smell that attracts his attention disappears.

Now count 65-66 days from the first day of mating and wait for the birth. If the cat does not become pregnant, you will understand this after about three weeks, or when the next heat begins. Be sure to inform the cat's owner about this in order to comply with formalities - after all, the unsuspecting cat will be expecting children and, accordingly, its owners - payment for mating.

Signs of pregnancy

A pregnant female Sphynx changes her behavior. A few days after mating, she begins to persistently caress her owner. Her appetite changes and she becomes capricious. It even happens that a pregnant cat refuses its usual and favorite food and demands something else. But there is no need to worry: the change in taste preferences is a temporary phenomenon.

Attention! Pregnant pet Sphynx eats a lot. If she refuses food, you should immediately take her to a veterinarian.

A pregnant Sphynx is aggressive towards other domestic animals, even humans. But this behavior is also temporary until the pregnant pet gets used to the changes in the body.

At the 3rd week, physiological signs of pregnancy become visible. The nipples swell and become lighter. A pregnant female gets fat. From the 4th week morning attacks of toxicosis may begin. From the 5th week, a pregnant Sphynx cat rapidly gains weight. Interest in males disappears, estrus is no longer observed.

Puberty and mating of the Canadian Sphynx

Puberty in sphinxes occurs in about a year. The first heat in Canadian Sphynx cats occurs from six months to a year. Cats begin to mark their territory by the age of one year, it should be noted that not all cats mark, so you have a chance to become lucky.

Before breeding a cat, you need to get good marks at the show and get permission. The cat is brought to the cat on the 2nd day of estrus. For mating a Canadian Sphynx , you will most likely pay a decent amount - from 6 to 18,000 rubles. But getting involved with a cat “without guarantees” is dangerous, and even if your beauty does not have permission to breed, few of the owners of Sphynx cats will deal with you.

Pregnancy and childbirth in Canadian Sphynx cats are problem-free. Usually 3-4 kittens are born, but no more than 5. Kittens of the Canadian Sphynx breed are born naked, with folds, eared, similar to Cheburashkodinasaurs. By the 3-4th day they already open their eyes, and by the 3rd week their ears rise. Kittens are very active, they run, play, fall, and behave like mischievous children. By the way, Canadian sphinxes get along well with other animals.

Hereditary characteristics

All sphinxes are traditionally considered naked, but in fact this is not the case. In most cases, there is a slight growth of fine hair on the skin.

Covers and color

The skin of the Canadian Sphynx is “suede”. When stroking, it may feel harsh, but this is well within the breed standard. Light fluff in the paw area, on the tail and ears is very clearly visible. A large amount of hair should not grow above the ankles - according to the standards of some international associations, this is considered a serious drawback. The Sphynx's skin color can be any color, except for zone-colored hair (for example, smoky or chinchilla options).

Mating of Don Sphynxes should take into account the characteristics of the breed. 4 types of animals can be born, which differ in the quantity and quality of wool:

  1. Some kittens are completely naked. They will not grow overgrown in the future and are considered the most valuable specimens for breeding.
  2. Next comes the flock variety. Newborn Sphynx cats have a fringe of short and almost invisible fur. The texture of the hair is very soft, the baby's skin resembles a peach skin. Most often, by the age of 2 years, flocks get rid of this growth and become completely naked.
  3. Velor differs from its predecessor only in the length of the hair. It grows up to 3 mm, but may also disappear over time.
  4. The final group is brush. These Sphynx cats are born with short, coarse and wiry hair. They do not shed with age, although hairless patches may appear. They differ from all others in that they have no exhibition value. But in breeding, Sphynx Brushes are necessary. It is with them that hairless cats mate. The fact is that two cats born hairless will most likely produce offspring with genetic abnormalities and poor health. This is the price of artificial selection. But in a “hairless and brush” pair, nothing like this happens; some Sphynx kittens are born hairless, and the rest are divided into velor and flock.

There are practically no restrictions on the color of the Don Sphynx. Therefore, when selecting partners and mating, this factor does not play a role.


Appearance standards differ somewhat according to the requirements of felinological unions, but in general they are universal for all animals in the same breed and are almost not taken into account during mating.

The Canadian Sphynx has an elongated wedge-shaped head on a medium neck, pronounced whisker pads, large ears and large eyes. The build is average, the body is muscular and heavy, the hind legs are longer than the front, which is clearly visible when the cat stands on all four legs.

Don Sphynxes give a lighter impression - a wedge-shaped head, a medium neck, a strong body on long legs, a rat tail and large ears.

Proper mating involves the formation of pairs from the same breed group. Therefore, there are practically no mixed breeds of the Canadian and Don populations - representatives of both varieties seem to be fully developed, and interbreeding does not make any rational sense.

How do Sphynx cats mate?

This breed is one of the most ancient among those existing on earth and has a rich history. Breeding these animals for profit began relatively recently. Mating of Sphynxes is no different from that which is carried out with other cat breeds. But to obtain purebred offspring, this issue should be approached as seriously as possible. There are only three types of sphinxes: St. Petersburg, Don and Canadian.

All these species are rightfully considered exhibition species, therefore they are in considerable demand both among animal lovers and among professional felinologists.

Sphynxes are also bred because they are in great demand among allergy sufferers. Animal health is subject to full checks. Mating of the Don Sphynx can be carried out only after the onset of the cat's third heat . A more successful date will take place on the third or fourth day of the cycle, when the desire to procreate will be stronger than the rest.

Note. When collecting a history of a potential partner, special attention is paid to the presence or absence of any deviations regarding the standards inherent in this species. Before breeding Sphynxes, it would be a good idea to check the past litters of the chosen partner to determine his ability to convey his own qualities and characteristics.

Often no outside help is required. But it is also worth taking into account the natural curiosity of this species and their innate friendliness, which can delay the process for some time. Such a feature as the absence of wool requires a complete absence of drafts in a warm room. You should also take care of the manicure of both animals, as they can significantly harm each other.

If the date was successful, then after 64 days the owners can get cute cats. If not, then the next mating is scheduled.

Postpartum care

When the birth process is completed, the mother begins to actively lick herself and her newborn kittens. If she is weak and cannot take care of postpartum hygiene on her own, then the owner should wipe each baby with a clean cloth and place it near the mother’s belly.

The soiled litter is replaced with a new one. The cat is given warm milk. The room where she is located is kept quiet. For a pet that has given birth, noise is stress, which can cause aggressive or inappropriate behavior.

The owner must ensure that each kitten finds its mother's nipple and does not remain hungry.

About a week after birth, a mucous mass comes out of the cat's vagina. If the discharge does not stop, if it contains blood or pus, then the pet must be urgently taken to a veterinary clinic.

Mating and pregnancy in sphinxes proceed as standard. But it is easier to understand that a cat is pregnant by its changed behavior and external signs, which are more noticeable due to the lack of hair. A pregnant pet needs to be cared for and fed well in order for healthy and viable offspring to be born.

Main differences between breeds

To breed Sphynxes, lovers of this breed need to have a basic understanding of each of them. Before choosing a partner for mating, you need to decide on the characteristics that you would like to see in the kittens. Some people prefer to cooperate with specialized nurseries, but you can also contact private individuals. It is worth noting that the level of hairlessness can be divided into the presence of small stubble, velvety hair and a complete absence of hair from the very birth of the kitten.

Main differences:

  • skull shape;
  • eye color;
  • length and shape of ears;
  • hairline

Don sphinxes. This breed was developed in Russia and is based solely on a natural mutation. The main differences lie not only in the genotype, but also in the phenotype.

They have broken or curly mustaches and a wedge-shaped head. The muzzle has a slight pinch, while the forehead is flat and the cheekbones protrude slightly. The tips of the ears are slightly rounded, and they themselves are set high and quite large.

How to choose a cat for mating

First of all, you should pay attention to the fact that the first mating of a Sphynx cat should occur no earlier than fifteen months after its birth. Before the expected date of the date, you should undergo a series of tests, since felines also have a number of diseases that can be sexually transmitted.

The cost of such a service will depend on many factors. First of all, it depends on the ability of both partners to conceive intrauterinely.

To begin with, it’s worth deciding on the following points:

  • Where to look for the advertisement you are looking for, because a cat for mating must meet all the necessary characteristics.
  • I would like to note that animals purchased for oneself, and not for breeding, are not accepted for mating sphinxes. The offspring will also not receive the necessary documents, which will lead to a reduction in their value in the future. Such kittens will obviously be considered out of breed.

It is worth considering the availability of all the necessary data on the pet itself. Is the cat a purebred cat? In this case, animals that regularly participate in exhibitions and have the appropriate conclusion of an expert commission are of great value. The specialist will also appreciate both the shortcomings and the advantages of each pet. Here they can also recommend a pair for mating, based on the characteristics of the cat and its possible candidates. You can knit sphinxes at similar exhibitions.

More than one self-respecting felinologist, if he has a purebred Sphynx, will not carry out mating for free, and this is a fact. The first mating may be gratuitous, but only because there has not yet been the first offspring, and there is no story about it.

Good breeders always provide their pets with care appropriate to their status, regularly invite veterinarians and carry out timely vaccinations.


To get healthy offspring, it is important to follow all procedures, which include vaccinating the animal and taking tests.
Getting healthy offspring is a responsible matter. It requires time and effort from the owner. The unusual nature of the breed is an additional factor influencing the seriousness of the approach. Preparatory activities include:

  • Vaccination of the animal according to the calendar, deworming, testing to confirm health. Mating no earlier than 2 weeks after the last vaccination.
  • If your pet is receiving hormones to suppress sexual desire, they must be discontinued in advance.
  • Searching for a partner in advance.
  • Hygienic conditions - trim nails to avoid injury and avoid bathing before mating to preserve natural scents.
  • The lack of thick fur in sphinxes makes it necessary to take care of a warm room without drafts (especially important for Don sphinxes).

Nursery services

There are several “closed cats” in the nursery, which are used exclusively for mating with local cats. In order to use the services of one of these representatives, a mating agreement is concluded and it is quite expensive. The peculiarity of using nurseries is a 100% guarantee of obtaining healthy and purebred offspring , but for this you need to pass a check, pass all the necessary tests and give the cat a manicure. Only after that the cat is invited to her.

Saving on mating can turn into a real disaster, which is not recommended. So, after saving on dates, you can get motherless offspring in the form of sick kittens that will have to be treated.

Daily procedures will cost a lot and will not guarantee the animals’ complete recovery. Such experiments can harm the cat itself, because untested cats can have a number of diseases that will be passed on to their offspring. Age will not play a role here, as well as many other features and characteristics.

Where to find a mate for your pet:

  • according to the white list in nurseries;
  • according to numerous advertisements on the Internet;
  • at exhibitions that are held several times a year;
  • in special clubs for cats, where this is stated in the rules.

Mating will depend on the title and breeding value of the cat. All necessary documents must be with the owner, who can provide them upon request.

Everything you need to know about breeding the Canadian Sphynx

Absolutely every owner of a Sphynx cat sooner or later must decide for himself whether his four-legged friend needs mating. If you still decide that you need Sphynx kittens, then you definitely need to know when and how to properly breed your pet.

In order to organize this very complex process correctly, every owner of a Canadian Sphynx must understand how puberty occurs in cats of this breed. After all, such knowledge will help the animal owner determine whether the pet is ready for mating or not.

It is important to understand how to properly prepare a female cat for this complex process, because mating Sphynx cats requires not only special attention, but also knowledge of at least the basic rules for organizing mating.


Childbirth is a trembling process not only for the owner, but also for cats, so preparation for it must be carried out very carefully. It is best to carry out the birth in a large box with stable sides. Place fabric on the bottom. Before birth, it is advisable to place the box in a quiet place, protected from drafts.

The birth of a Don cat lasts about a day on average, but the whole process can go faster. The average number of Sphynx offspring per lambing is 4–6 kittens. Even if the female sphinx is primiparous, the birth proceeds quite calmly. An inexperienced mother can easily cope with them on her own.

Sometimes a woman in labor may ask her owners for help.


Sphynx cats reach sexual maturity by the 6-7th month of life. During this period, the pet begins its very first heat, during which the cat meows loudly and rolls on the floor. Also, during estrus, cats' gait may change, and some metamorphoses in character may occur. Some Sphynx cats can be very affectionate at this time, while others, on the contrary, can be overly aggressive. But it is definitely worth noting that during the first heat, mating cats is strictly prohibited, since during this period the female is just beginning to form. After all, sexual and physical maturation of cats are completely different terms, so breeding Sphynx cats at this stage of life is prohibited by veterinarians. However, at this moment the owner of the sphinx should already think about future partners.

Males reach puberty a little later than females, namely by the 7th–8th month of life, and they do not need mating at this time, since the pet is not yet completely ready for it. Having reached puberty, cats become more aggressive, may mark territory, and will also try to use soft things to satisfy sexual needs.

Ready for mating

The first mating of a Canadian Sphynx should only occur when your four-legged friend is at least one and a half years old. The cat will be completely ready for mating after she has gone through 2-3 heats. For cats, the ideal age for mating is one and a half to two years, because only at this stage the animal is already fully formed. It is definitely worth noting that by this time both cats and female cats need to have all the necessary vaccinations.

Remember that two weeks before mating occurs, animals are strictly prohibited from being vaccinated.

Basic rule of knitting

First of all, every breeder must know that it is impossible to abuse various drugs that suppress or stop estrus in cats. After all, excessive use of these drugs can lead not only to hormonal disruption in the body of cats, but also cause very serious diseases. And that is why every owner must decide whether he needs to breed a male cat, and if so, then it is necessary to prepare for it in advance and according to all the rules.

False and frozen pregnancy

False pregnancy in sphinxes occurs when:

  • hormonal disorders;
  • intercourse with a neutered cat;
  • stress exposure;
  • mental disorder;
  • disease of the reproductive system.

A falsely pregnant cat is fed low-calorie food and given medications that normalize hormonal synthesis. As a last resort, the Sphinx is sterilized.

Frozen pregnancy is observed in sphinxes when:

  • hormonal disorder;
  • inflammatory process;
  • genetic abnormalities;
  • stress;
  • injury or pathological changes in internal organs.

If the ultrasound showed that some embryos survived, then the female sphinx is left pregnant. Dead babies come out during birth, just like live ones. If all the embryos have died, then they either wait for a miscarriage or use stimulation of the birth process.

Search for a partner

Before mating, the Sphynx must be taken to the veterinarian to make sure that the cat does not have any diseases. Also, about two weeks before mating occurs, the cat needs to undergo preventive deworming, with the help of which your pet will get rid of worms, if she has any.

Before the mating process itself, both the male and female cat must have their claws trimmed, otherwise the animals may injure each other during the mating process. And remember that cats should never be washed before mating. All this is due to the fact that bathing destroys the natural smell of cats, which attracts cats, as a result of which mating may be unsuccessful.

Before mating, animals must be prepared

British mix

As part of breeding work, planned matings between representatives of different breeds are allowed. This is done in order to obtain a new branch with certain specified parameters. For example, breeders want to get a smart, intelligent (like the Sphinx) and beautiful aristocrat (like the British). Such experiments may be planned or random.

It does not always turn out that the offspring of a mixture will display exactly those qualities of the breed that the breeder wants to consolidate. Hereditary factors are of great importance. Both Britons and Sphynx cats are prone to cardiomyopathy, a heart disease. If this quality is passed on to the offspring from both parents, the kittens will not live long.

There are examples of successful mating results between Sphynxes and British Folds. The kitten inherited its appearance from its British mother, but the fur was similar to mink fur - soft, shiny and short. He took after both his parents in character. The result was something between the sociability of a Sphinx and the independence of a Briton.

A case of the birth of a mixed-breed kitten from a Sphynx and a British Shorthair is described. He looked neither like his mother nor his father: without obvious standard breed characteristics, but with long, silky, curly hair.

Basic rules for cat owners

Throughout the mating process, the owner of a Sphynx cat needs to ensure that two “untied” (not previously mated) animals mate under any circumstances, otherwise such an action can cause both psychological and physical trauma in pets.

As a rule, the owner of a Sphynx cat accepts the cat on his territory, and that is why he must provide her with the most comfortable conditions. Also, the breeder of a male Canadian Sphynx needs to make sure that the female has a special enclosure, in which, in the event of an unsuccessful acquaintance with the cat, she can hide in order to get used to sudden changes.

The owners of the Sphynx must monitor the entire mating process, and, if necessary, help the animals.

Proper care is the key to your pet’s health

Sphinxes are animals to which their owners become attached with all their hearts, not unreasonably considering them full members of the family. Despite the excellent health of cats of this breed, providing them with proper care and proper nutrition is simply necessary.

The unusual appearance of sphinxes significantly affects their metabolism, and therefore the nutrition of animals, their adaptation to certain conditions of detention, has its own characteristics. Feeding your pet is not difficult. Omnivorousness is one of the distinctive characteristics of the sphinx's diet.

You can feed a Canadian with canned food and dry food without any problems, but for his health and better well-being, it is worth periodically adding fish, meat, and other products to the diet, sometimes quite specific, that the cat will choose for itself. Such pets are very fond of fresh greens - do not deny your pets this pleasure. In addition, such supplements are very beneficial for cats.

Sunbathing will contribute to a better metabolism for sphinxes, but to avoid skin burns, you should choose shaded places, protected from direct sunlight, especially when it comes to a hot summer afternoon. It is the complete absence of hair that is the reason to pay close attention to the toilet of the Canadian Sphynx.

Mandatory conditions for keeping cats of this breed:

  • periodic bathing in warm water;
  • use of special shampoos;
  • thoroughly and completely dry the animal's skin to avoid colds.

To care for Sphynxes, products from the arsenal of cosmetics designed for animals are recommended, but the delicate skin of Canadians requires careful handling. You can clean it of contaminants using cosmetics intended for small children - neutral shampoos, fragrance-free wet wipes.

To keep the animal's large, sensitive and very beautiful ears clean, ordinary cotton swabs or flagella will help you clean the sphinx's ears gently, carefully, without haste or fuss, after calming the animal with caresses.

It is necessary to monitor the temperature in the room. Cats adapt well to high and low temperatures, but for their complete comfort they should be protected from drafts, direct sunlight, and hypothermia. It is quite simple to train a Sphynx to use the toilet; you just need to keep it clean, periodically change the sand used, wash and disinfect the toilet.

The process of mating cats

As a rule, mating of animals lasts only half a minute and is accompanied by a strong rumbling of the cat and quite loud screams of the cat. And it is at this moment that an egg is released from the ovaries of cats, but fertilization does not occur immediately, but only within 24 hours after mating. In some cases, mating alone is not enough for pregnancy to occur, which is why the male and female cat must spend a couple of days together.

The completion of mating is very easy to recognize by the behavior of the sphinx, because after the mating process the cat immediately turns over on its back, after which it can roll on the floor for a long time. And the cat, in turn, after mating has occurred, retires and begins to lick the fur.

It is best to mate a Sphynx only on days 3–5 of estrus. After all, it is during this period that cats ovulate.

When to start breeding?

It is recommended to carry out the first mating after the first year of life, but do not delay it, as diseases may appear later.

You need to knit a cat for the first time at 1.5-2 years of age. Diseases and other problems may appear later. Early matings will lead to inferior offspring. Often bringing animals together for mating is not recommended. This exhausts both organisms. It is optimal to produce litters 3 times within 2 years. Before the mating period, you can have “dates” for preliminary acquaintance. Estrus on the 3rd day is most favorable for conception. But it may not happen immediately, so the partners are left together for 2-3 days.

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