How to trim a cat’s claws at home yourself: tools and stages of the procedure


Trimming cats' claws is a regular activity. In pets, the nail plate grows over the course of 2-3 weeks. Artificial manicure is not recommended for yard cats. Scratching serves as protection for them and helps them obtain food.

There are several tools available for trimming cat's claws. They all have scary names, but in fact they make the procedure much easier:

Guillotine shears will allow you to deal with claws in a matter of minutes. You must be extremely careful when using this tool. To avoid damaging blood vessels and causing split nails.

You can buy special pruning shears at a pet store. Professional nail clippers help simplify the procedure and prevent the plate from delaminating. When purchasing pruners, you must carefully study the instructions and also become familiar with the nuances of cutting scratches.

It is not recommended to use ordinary wire cutters or scissors. They can damage the claw, making it difficult for it to grow back later. If there is no other choice, be sure to make sure that the wire cutters are sharp. Better yet, buy a special device.

It is also necessary to disinfect the cutting surface of any of the tools.

After the procedure, it will not be superfluous to trim the cut surface with a nail file.

Can scissors and clippers be used on human nails?

Some cat lovers are interested in whether it is possible to trim claws with regular scissors and, conversely, use a cat nail clipper to trim human nails. It is not recommended to do either one or the other.

Before purchasing, you need to carefully examine your pet's paws. If the claws are small and thin, then you should give preference to nippers, and for large claw plates, a guillotine is suitable. It is equally important that the tool is convenient for the person who will use it.

How to trim claws correctly

In order not to harm your pet by taking care of his manicure, you need to know how to trim a cat’s claws correctly. The owner should remember that the cat will not agree with the need for this procedure, so his task is to conduct a “beauty session” with the least losses on both sides. If the animal is endowed with a bright temperament, it is best to carry out the procedure with several people.

It is easiest to trim light-colored nails. Such a scratch is slightly transparent, so you can clearly see the blood vessel, which in no case should be touched.

If you have to trim black claws, it is better to cut off only the very tip. The procedure will have to be performed more often, but the risk of touching the vessel is minimized.

Before starting, in addition to the tools, you need to prepare hydrogen peroxide and cotton wool. This is necessary in case the claw gets damaged during trimming and begins to bleed.

Before trimming your cat's claws correctly, read these tips:

    First of all, you need to thoroughly wash your hands and disinfect all cutting objects. Next, you should take the animal’s paw in your hand and hold it a little so that the pet does not pull it out of your palm while trimming. Press the paw so that the claw appears. Its base should be visible. There should be enough light to see the blood vessels through and accurately determine the cutting line. It is necessary to trim the claw so that at least 3 mm remains to the pulp. To prevent fractures from forming, the claw is cut from top to bottom. The fifth nail on the inside of the paw should also be shortened slightly. File the tip a little with a nail file so that it doesn’t get caught.

If the cat reacts very violently, before the procedure you can wrap it in a towel, alternately releasing the desired paw. Nail trimming can be divided into stages and treated one paw per day.

Another feature of nail trimming is the hair. Before the procedure, it is necessary to cut the tufts of hair located between the pads. It is better not to use any buzzing machines. They can scare the pet and the idea will not succeed.

Pros and cons of trimmed nails

Some of the benefits of trimming cat claws include:

    Household safety. This is relevant if there are small children in the house who provoke the animal to defend itself. Integrity of furniture.

The disadvantages include the cat’s inability to defend itself when attacked by unfriendly animals. If the cat is used to walking outside, it is better not to trim its scratches. Also, inattentive nail care can expose your cat to infections and diseases of the limbs.

When jumping somewhere higher, the cat relies on its claws. If they are cut, it may fall without finding something to catch on.

It is worth remembering that after cutting their nails, many cats experience real stress. Therefore, the need for the procedure must outweigh the risk of possible complications.

Why does a cat bite its nails?

Sometimes you can witness how cats, like people, bite their nails. Often such actions are perceived as an element of self-care - the cat thus gets rid of the old stratum corneum - the so-called “case”. Or the nail has grown so much that it already causes discomfort and the cat gnaws it. Usually, the listed problems are easily solved by the cat on its own, by grinding its claws on furniture or other surfaces in the house. However, this may not be enough for pets. Here you will need the owner's help to trim your nails. There are also other, more serious reasons for this behavior in cats.

Paying attention to your pet's behavior is the key to its health

The first reason is being in a stressful situation. There can be many reasons for stress in an animal. This includes the appearance of a stranger in the house, a change in the usual environment, be it a move or a trip, and any violent actions towards the cat. At the same time, the animal may not understand the true meaning of actions directed towards it. These types of actions include: taking medications, washing the cat, treating wounds and other similar procedures. The point of these manipulations is to take care of the health of your four-legged pet.

Pets with free access to the street are no strangers to stressful situations - attacks from stray dogs, the chance of getting run over by a car, and simply the possibility of being harmed by people who can harm the animal. If you have not previously observed a cat biting its nails, you should analyze what possible events preceded this.

How to trim a kitten's claws

When you take a small kitten into your home, you should decide on the problem of claws from the very first days. If you have decided to cut your hair, you need to start getting used to the procedure from an early age. The pet's paws should be taught to touch: when the baby is in your arms, you need to stroke his paws and press on the pads.

Kittens' nails should be trimmed very carefully. You cannot start the procedure when the baby is playful and excited or hungry. It is best to start when the furry is calm or even sleeping. If the baby shows aggression, hisses and bites, there is no point in continuing - postpone the lesson until tomorrow.

The question of whether a cat’s claws need to be trimmed remains relevant for all owners. This procedure has its pros and cons. If the importance of the pros outweighs the cons, trimming the nails will become one of the stages in caring for your pet. The procedure should be carried out according to the rules and regularly. It is equally important to pay attention to your pet's emotional state during grooming, since most cats do not agree to manicure sessions voluntarily.

Preparing for a haircut

The animal does not understand verbal persuasion, but is capable of developing persistent habits. Experienced breeders begin trimming nails at an early age. The kitten gets used to it, is not afraid, does not get stressed. If the pet is already an adult, the procedure will require effort.

The cats are prepared gradually:

  • To touch . Gently squeeze and unclench the paw pads. Repeat until you feel calm about it. At the same time they talk, stroke, caress.
  • To the weapon - they let you smell it, touch it.

Only then do they begin the procedure. If the process is completed successfully, the cat is encouraged; if not, then they are not punished or scolded.


When we bring a little fluffy ball into the house, we rejoice at it and don’t think about all the difficulties of keeping a cat at home. But in addition to silky fur and clear eyes, the charming purr also has very sharp claws.

Like a human nail, a cat's claws grow throughout their lives. If street cats successfully wear down their length on asphalt or hard ground, or sharpen them on tree trunks, then at home there is often simply no place for animals to do this. And then expensive furniture, leather sofas and valuable upholstery of chairs and armchairs are used. Having played out, the animal can accidentally seriously injure a small child with its claws, and this can lead to unpleasant infections.

In such a situation, owners have to think about what the cat needs at home. This can also be caused by a common problem in domestic cats—an ingrown claw into the pad of the toe. Due to pain, the animal cannot move normally, and the resulting wound can become very inflamed. To prevent this from happening, owners must know how to trim a cat's claws correctly.

The structure of cat claws

Many who have tried to figure out how to trim a cat’s claws know that the structure of a cat’s nails is different from human nails. For us, cutting our nails is a simple procedure; it can only hurt if we cut them too short. Cats have pulp in their claws - living tissue riddled with blood vessels, this is common to all cats. If you cut off too much, the claw will bleed and it will be painful for the animal to walk. In addition, such a wound on the paw is an open gate for infection.

Due to the peculiarities of the structure, many people are concerned about the question of whether it is possible to trim cats’ claws. This can be done, but only very carefully and with special tools. If the owner is doing this for the first time, it is better if a veterinarian or groomer shows him how to trim the nails without the slightest harm. Many pet salons offer this service, so trimming can be done along with other care - washing and combing the fur, cleaning the ears.

It is recommended to accustom your cat to nail trimming from a very early age. To start, you can simply massage the paw pads, pressing gently on them to push out the nails. Many cats, having gotten used to it, don’t even pay attention to the fact that their claws are trimmed.

If your cat doesn't like the procedure, try trimming just one or two nails at a time. Do this carefully when dozing. If you have a completely negative attitude towards the nail trimming procedure, try using the modern drug Felifriend. This is a synthetic pheromone produced in the form of a spray. It is applied to your hands and will help calm your situation for her.

How to trim a cat's claws correctly

- take the cat's paw so that your fingers are on the bottom, touching the pads of the toes, and your thumb is on top

- gently press on one finger so that the claw moves forward and becomes more visible

Notice that the claw is pink in the middle and at the base. This is the living part containing blood vessels and nerves. This part of the claw should never be touched, as this can cause pain and bleeding. If you accidentally touch the living part of the claw, use hemostatic and disinfectants. If you don't have anything on hand, try dusting the claw with flour. The bleeding should stop within 5 minutes.

Cat claw scissors are called clippers and there are several types. You can even use a nail clipper for human nails. Special clippers for cat claws can be purchased at veterinary pharmacies or pet supply departments. The nippers must be very sharp, otherwise they will not cut, but will simply squeeze the claw.

Try to trim the claw as quickly as possible.

Some also manage to file their claws with a file after trimming. See for yourself whether this is necessary. Trimming a cat's claws

needed every 3-4 weeks.

If you yourself do not dare Trim your cat’s claws

, or your cat is an adult and is not accustomed to trimming its claws, contact your veterinarian. Many clinics provide this service for a small fee.

A nail clipper for cutting your own nails can be purchased at the cat-box online pet store.


Few pet owners know how to trim a cat's claws correctly. For this procedure to be painless, it must be performed in strict accordance with established rules, and high-quality tools must be used.


  • The more extensive manipulations an animal is adapted to, the easier new ones are. Accustom your pet to ear cleaning, washing, etc. As a result, cutting nails will not become a mocking process for him.
  • Treat your nails regularly, at the same time. The cat will develop a strong habit.
  • Overly aggressive animals should cover their eyes during pruning.
  • Don't forget to cut the nails on the fifth, invisible toes of the front paws. Cats don't even touch the ground when walking. A long claw on a finger sometimes injures the inside of the paw and grows inward.
  • Ask a person the cat trusts to become your assistant.
  • Practice with the instrument. Try cutting off a piece of wire, for example, or another object that looks like a claw.
  • Make sure that the animal is healthy and calm at the time of trimming.
  • Trim the nails of sleepy and cranky cats.
  • Veterinarians advise trimming a maximum of 2 times a month.
  • Do not trim the plates of animals before showing. Unsuccessful pruning can lead to lameness.

What tools to use for cutting

A variety of tools can be used to trim claws, all of them differ in some features.

Tools for trimming cat claws

To choose the best option for trimming a cat’s claws, you should try all possible means:

    ordinary scissors are the simplest tool available to everyone. How to trim a cat's claws using scissors will not be difficult, the main thing is not to cut off too much length so as not to damage the blood vessels; Nail clippers are a convenient option for trimming a cat’s claws. Nippers allow you to shorten the claw and give it the correct shape; you need to hold them perpendicularly; if they are positioned parallel, the nail plate will most likely delaminate; guillotine-type trimmer - if you don’t know how to trim a cat’s claws correctly, you should choose this tool. This device is a trimmer with a cutting blade that extends by pressing the handle; a hard nail file or emery block is necessary to correct the edge of the cut claw. For animal claws, you should choose devices of high rigidity, since cat claws are much stronger than human claws; cotton pads and hemostatic solution - every time you trim your cat’s claws, have these components with you, just in case you accidentally injure your beloved pet.

There is no single guideline on how to properly trim a cat’s claws and what tools to use for this; try each of these options, only then will you be able to choose the optimal method for yourself and your pet.

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In order for the claw trimming process to proceed as quickly as possible and without discomfort for the pet, the procedure should be performed according to established rules.

How to properly trim a cat's claws

There is a detailed algorithm for how to trim a cat’s claws correctly:

    sit the animal comfortably and fix its position (hold the paws with your hands or press the body against a soft base); most wounds and cuts occur precisely because the cat tries to escape during the manicure session; hold the tool in your right hand (for left-handers - in your left), and with your other hand, carefully press the animal’s soft paw in the center. This will allow the pet’s fingers to open and the claws to move forward; To properly trim a cat's claws, you should examine them from the inside - in most cases, the claws are translucent, so the beginning of the blood vessels is clearly visible. The best option for properly trimming a cat’s claws is to shorten them to a distance of up to 2 mm from the beginning of the sensitive zone, indicated by a pink sheath. The problem occurs in pets with dark claws; in this case, the claws should be cut in several stages (1-2 mm at a time) so as not to damage the nerve endings; position the tool perpendicular to the claw, this is the main point on how to properly trim a cat’s claws, since in this case the plate does not delaminate. Trim the edge in one step, after several procedures you will get the hang of it, and the whole session will take only a few minutes; The final stage of proper trimming of a cat’s claws will be the correction of the edge of the claw; this is done so that the pet does not get caught with its paws when walking and does not damage the furniture.

If the process of trimming the claws did not go entirely smoothly and you injured the animal, immediately treat the damaged area with hydrogen peroxide or another hemostatic agent.

For the first time, you should not trim your cat’s claws yourself; ask your family to help you in this difficult task. And the best option would be to accustom your cat to manicure sessions from birth, then at an older age you will not have any problems with this.

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Trimming tools

For cutting, some people use the usual scissors or nail clippers.
But these tools, in the absence of experience, injure cats. It is better to purchase special nail clippers at a veterinary pharmacy or pet store. Main types :

  • Guillotine . The nail is inserted into the round hole. It is cut off due to the trigger mechanism. Disadvantage: the view is blocked. Suitable for hard plates.
  • Secateurs . Looks like pliers. Safe device. A limiter is inserted (you can’t cut off more than necessary), a lock (you can’t accidentally open it),
  • Grinder is an electric file with an abrasive roller. Used primarily in pet salons.

When choosing a tool, pay attention to:

  • Comfortable handles . Non-slip, rubberized holders are a suitable option.
  • The blade is sharp, reliable, made of stainless steel.
  • Price . A cheap trimmer is difficult to handle the plate and quickly breaks.

To ensure a smooth contour, the surface after trimming is polished with a nail file, a piece of sandpaper or a sharpening stone.

How often to trim

The frequency of claw trimming in domestic cats depends on many factors:

    individual characteristics of the body, i.e. the rate of growth of the nail plate; nail colors - dark nails grow slower than light plates; pet's lifestyle - active animals (those who walk on the street or have the opportunity to frolic and fool around in the apartment) sharpen their claws on their own, unlike their slow and lazy relatives who constantly sleep on the sofa.

No one can say with certainty how often to trim a cat’s claws, so in each specific case you will have to determine the frequency of trimming individually.

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By following all the recommendations, you will protect your furniture and children from attacks by clawed animals, and to ensure that the animal’s paws do not pose a threat at all, it is worth purchasing special anti-scratch pads. Choose high-quality and harmless models of different colors, so your pet will have a colorful and attractive manicure.

And finally: How to trim a cat’s claws video

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In my deep conviction, cutting a cat’s claws is prohibited. Claws are as integral a part of a cat's body as anything else. Claws were given by nature to a cat not at all for fun, they are vital for it - for hunting, for movement, in order to mark its territory... A person, taking a cat into his home, thereby takes responsibility for its health. It's BAD for a cat without claws.

Besides, what actually makes you trim a cat’s claws? Try to figure this out, and maybe the cause can be eliminated in another way.

Does your cat sharpen its claws on furniture? Perhaps she simply does not have a place to sharpen her claws (which she needs to do to remove old dead tissue), or the place for sharpening her claws is not suitable for her. Does the cat scratch its owners? Or maybe you are too annoying? The cat usually warns of its displeasure. In most cases, you can do without trimming the nails.

However, sometimes you have to cut your cat's claws. Let me especially emphasize that we are not talking about removing claws (a completely savage operation, prohibited in many countries), but about trimming. Here are some examples when answering the question: Do cats need to cut their claws?

you have to answer in the affirmative - this is justified, for example, when a small child appears in the family who cannot yet control his relationship with the animal. Another reason could be a broken or split claw. For medical reasons (as in humans), it must be carefully trimmed and sharpened.

Alternative Methods

If your cat categorically refuses to get a pedicure and it is inconvenient to take him to the veterinary clinic every month, you can consider alternative methods:

  • Antitsapapki. Special overlays (caps) prevent damage to the furniture, but it is uncomfortable for the animal to walk, and the horny plates still grow and need to be cut off.
  • Onychectomy or soft paw surgery. A difficult procedure for the animal, during which part of the cat’s fingers is taken away. Animals' paws become deformed, they lose coordination, and suffer from pain. Condemned by many veterinarians and breeders. In a number of countries the operation is prohibited.

The structure of a cat's claw.

A cat's claw is a rather complex system, in addition to the claw itself, which includes joints, muscles, tendons, and ligaments. This device allows the cat to hide and extend its claws when necessary.

Without going into details, we can assume that the visible part of a cat's claw consists of two parts. The cornea, marked 1 in the figure, and the “living part”, replete with blood vessels and nerve endings, is the pulp (2). You can cut off only the dead part of the cat's claw, without touching the pulp in any way. Usually it is enough to remove 1, maximum 2 mm from the tip of the claw (in the figure - along line 3).

Tools for trimming cat's claws.

In order to trim a cat's claws, you cannot use ordinary “human” scissors. A cat's claw is structured differently than a human's, so it is easy to split, which can cause problems later on. Fortunately, special tools have been invented that can be used to conveniently and safely trim a cat’s claws. In stores they may be called claw clippers (or even more pretentiously, something like “claw clipper”, a tracing-paper from the English Cat Claw Clippers).

Scissors for trimming cat claws.

Similar to regular scissors, but the edges of the cutting surfaces are reinforced and shaped to prevent damage to the claw, covering it around the perimeter.

More advanced option. These pliers are preferable as they provide a better cut of the tip of the claw.

If you are unable to get cat nail clippers, you can use human nail clippers as a last resort. But still, try as soon as possible to find tools specifically designed for this procedure.

How to trim a cat's claws correctly.

When cutting your hair, you need to follow a few simple and obvious rules:

    Place your cat on your lap in a comfortable position and wait for her to calm down. The calmer the cat feels, the easier the procedure will be. Take the nail clipper so that it is comfortable to hold it - your thumb on the lever, the other four under the lower handle of the nail clipper. Press the lever lightly to check the operation of the tool. Take any cat's paw. Using your thumb and forefinger, squeeze one of the cat's toes to expose the claw. Examine the claw carefully to determine exactly where the pulp ends and the dead area of ​​the claw begins. Place the claw in the nail clipper so as not to touch the pulp. Press the lever with emphasis and determination.

If you do hit a vessel, do not panic. Apply several crystals of potassium permanganate to the cut or treat the wound with hydrogen peroxide. The bleeding will stop and the wound will heal. Next time be more careful!

What to do if you cut deep

If you accidentally hit a vessel during a haircut, it will bleed.

To quickly stop it is recommended to use these means:

  • hydrogen peroxide;
  • potassium permanganate;
  • brilliant green;
  • iodine;
  • alcohol (vodka);
  • bactericidal patch;
  • hemostatic pencil;
  • chlorohexidine;
  • streptocide;
  • talc, baby powder;
  • folk remedies - crystalline sugar, viburnum juice, nettle, plantain.

Soak the cotton wool in the medicine and apply it to the injury for a short time. Until the surface becomes dry. If the wound is severe and the cat is limping, apply a bandage. Otherwise, an infection will get into the cut and suppuration will begin. In severe cases, when the bleeding cannot be stopped, we call a veterinarian.

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