How to trim a cat's claws yourself: quickly and painlessly

For many domestic cats, nail trimming is a must. Growing nails cause discomfort to animals, and if they are not shortened in time, inflammation may begin. However, you need to properly prepare for a cat “manicure” and learn the technique of performing it. Then the procedure will take place with minimal stress and will not cause pain to the cat.

Which animals are not recommended for the procedure?

There is no need to trim the claws of a cat that roams freely outside. She needs her nails to climb trees, hunt and defend herself from other four-legged animals.

Also, the procedure is not performed on kittens under 1 month of age. Their claws are not yet formed. Early cutting negatively affects the structure of the nail plate and leads to delamination.

But already at 2 months the claws are strongly extended, and the kitten begins to scratch. At this time they can already be cut.

Precautionary measures

If you cut the nail too short, it may bleed. Apply pressure with a paper towel and hold for a few minutes. Then treat with an antiseptic.

After trimming, the claws remain sharp, so you can use a file to round the edges - a grinder. It is often recommended that after trimming nails, it is advisable to take the dog for a walk so that it can sharpen its claws on the asphalt or sidewalk - not the best advice. This is due to the fact that it is possible for dirt to get into the microcracks of the nail after shortening and, as a result, infection.

All dogs react differently to nail trimming. For many this is stressful. Therefore, it is advisable to reward them with treats for their patience. If your dog is large and reacts nervously to nail trimming, it is better to contact our professionals.

What tools can you use?

There are special nail clippers for trimming cat claws. It is not recommended to use nail scissors. They are designed for thin and flat nail plates of people. Such cutting tools lead to delamination.

There are several types of nail clippers:

  1. Blisters - resemble nail scissors, but have blades curved at the ends, designed for cat claws.
  2. Secateurs are equipped with a spring, which is located between the handles. As a rule, such models have a limiter. It allows you to cut only the desired length.
  3. Guillotines are similar to cigar scissors. The nail is placed in the hole at the end. When the handles are closed, the blade lowers and cuts the claw. The tool is suitable for cats with thick nail plates.

Each owner chooses the model that is convenient for him to use. The main thing is that it is made of high-quality materials and sharpened.

Additionally, you can buy an electric trimmer that allows you to quickly trim your nails. However, not all cats react calmly to it - the buzzing device scares the animals.

Important. When cutting, the blade of the guillotine nail clipper must move from bottom to top, otherwise the risk of crushing the nail increases. This is especially dangerous for kittens whose claw plates are not yet strong enough.

What is required for the procedure?

Suitable tools are required to carry out the procedure correctly. Ordinary scissors will not work; you need to buy a special nail clipper. It is recommended to choose a tool carefully, taking into account the size and breed of the dog. It is worth paying attention to the following parameters:

  • blade material – preferably brass or stainless steel, preferably with chrome plating;
  • handles should be rubberized so that they do not slip;
  • cast construction, fastened with reliable rivets;
  • the tool should be comfortable to hold.

There are two types of nail clippers on sale. Secateurs that resemble scissors, only with a special blade shape. One of them is curved, the other is straight. Secateurs are convenient for small breeds; large dogs may not be able to handle the hard keratin layer.

A guillotine-type nail clipper is suitable for claws of any thickness. You just need to choose a tool that is suitable in size. This nail cutter consists of one blade with a hole. A claw is inserted into it and a lever-like handle is pressed. This is a professional tool, it is more difficult to use.

It is also recommended to purchase a file. With its help, they sharpen the claw, giving it the necessary shape, and smooth out irregularities. This helps prevent delamination. The file can be manual or electric. The machine is equipped with different attachments. If you choose a high-quality file, you can do without a nail clipper. Although many dogs are scared by the sound of an electric clipper, it also takes a lot of time to clean their nails with it.

How often is nail trimming done?

The frequency of haircuts depends on the individual characteristics of the cat. For some, it is enough to carry out the procedure once a month, for others – every 2-3 weeks.

As a rule, light-colored nails grow faster. And in cats that prefer active games, partial wear occurs naturally. To determine the exact timing, you just need to carefully observe your pet.

For your information. A cat needs to have its claws trimmed before an exhibition, competition or other important event.

Why trim your nails?

Any dog ​​owner sooner or later asks the question: how to trim nails?
After all, trimming claws is a very important process. Untrimmed claws can negatively affect the health of the animal and be accompanied by pain. Next, you will learn about the care of claws and the features of trimming them. There is a common myth that dogs that move a lot and run on asphalt wear down their nails and do not need trimming. It all depends on the surface on which the animal runs, on the composition of its claws, and also on the amount of time spent outside. For example, if your dog eats a good and balanced diet, its nails will be strong and will grind much worse on the asphalt. Animals that are constantly outdoors have their claws worn down on the asphalt, so they do not cause much harm - this is true. Now let's think about the question: how much time do you need to spend with your pet outside so that he can sharpen his claws? All day! In the modern pace of life, there are few happy owners of four-legged pets who can afford to run together on a hard surface all day long. Even if you walk your dog often and for a long time, this will not help, since most likely your walks will be in parks where there is soft ground with grass. Also, do not forget about the side fingers, which often grow in and are not subject to natural grinding. If your dog spends most of his time at home, then his nails simply need to be trimmed regularly.

Preparing for the first procedure

To trim a cat's claws with minimal stress, the animal is first accustomed to this procedure. It is better to start doing this in childhood. Kittens adapt to any changes more easily than adults.

For your information. There are cases where adult cats, accustomed to clinging with their claws while jumping, have fallen and been injured due to the fact that their nails were suddenly cut.

Preparations for grooming begin at a time when the cat is not doing anything (not playing, licking itself, eating or sleeping). They take her in their arms and stroke her affectionately.

Then they carefully move to the paws - they try to touch, lightly massage, imitate a haircut. At the same time, they talk to the pet and try to switch its attention to something interesting so that it does not break out.

As a rule, kittens do not like to have their paws touched, so the first 2-3 times they will get irritated and run away. But if you regularly repeat this exercise, the baby will get used to the manipulations. To reinforce the positive associations, he is given a treat at the end.

When the kitten begins to be calm about being touched, they begin to “rehearse” the haircut itself:

  • put the pet in the desired position;
  • take each paw in turn;
  • examine the nails, press on the pads.

If the kitten tolerates all the actions, he is sincerely praised.

Then the pet is introduced to the nail clipper. It is important to show that the tool does not pose any danger. After the animal begins to treat him calmly, you can cut the kitten’s claws for real.

Teaching a dog to trim its nails

To make nail trimming stress-free for the dog and easy for the owner, the pet needs to be taught it from an early age. Puppies perceive hygiene procedures more easily and get used to them faster.

It is more difficult to train an adult dog. You need to choose a time when she is calm and not hungry. Caress, carefully take the paw, examine the claws. Then introduce your pet to the nail clipper and let him sniff the tool. If the dog is very timid, gently touch his fingers to show that there is nothing wrong. After this, try cutting off one claw. If the dog takes it calmly, be sure to praise him and give him a treat.

During the procedure you need to behave calmly. You cannot shout at the dog or scold it if it behaves badly or breaks out. There is no need to fuss or rush. It's better to try again the next day.

Step-by-step instruction

A cat's claws consist of a keratinized layer, inside of which there is a pulp - a collection of nerve endings and blood vessels. When trimming, it is important not to touch a sensitive area, otherwise it will be very painful for your pet and blood will come from the wound.

In cats with light-colored claws, the pulp is clearly visible - it looks like a pink, crescent-shaped area. You can point your paw at a bright light or use a flashlight - the picture will be clearer.

It is more difficult to trim the claws of cats with dark pigmentation - you will have to act blindly. In this case, carefully cut off 1-2 mm at a time until the color inside becomes a little lighter - this is the beginning of the pulp.

For your information. Before cutting, remove the hair between the pads so that it does not interfere.

Nail trimming begins when the cat is calm, relaxed and ready to communicate. At this point, the owner should disinfect his hands and nail clippers, prepare cotton pads and antiseptic in case of injury.

Step-by-step instructions for trimming nails at home:

  1. The owner takes a comfortable position, puts the cat on his lap with his back to himself or lays him on his back. Particularly mobile pets can be wrapped in a terry towel.
  2. He takes the paw in his hand and presses on the pad to expose the claw.
  3. He brings the nail clipper to his paw. If the cat does not show concern, clicks it. In case of anxiety, he strokes and calms the pet, after which he repeats the manipulation.
  4. Now quickly and confidently sets the nail cutter 1-2 mm to the pulp and trims the claw so that the edge remains sharp. If you cut the platinum at the wrong angle, you will be more likely to hit the pulp.
  5. At the end, the cuts are rounded off with a nail file, giving a natural shape. In the future, you will be able to trim your claws less frequently if you regularly trim the overgrown areas.

If you trim your cat's nails correctly, your cat will not experience any discomfort. In fact, many animals struggle and hiss not because of pain, but because they are scared.

In order not to overwork the cat, the haircut is carried out in several passes. For example, one paw is treated daily.

Tips and tricks

Inexperienced owners are afraid to carry out the procedure for the first time. You can visit a veterinarian and learn from him. Or study the instructions and follow the advice of experts.

  • For the procedure, choose a familiar environment. The dog should be calm and relaxed, not hungry. It's better to do this after a walk. If the animal is shy, there should be no strangers in the house.
  • If the claws are black, it is difficult to determine where the blood vessel begins. Therefore, it is recommended to cut a few millimeters at a time.
  • If the dog is nervous and tries to run away, it is better if another family member helps hold him. He should sit behind him and grab the pet by the neck with one hand and hold the paw with the other. It is important to stroke the dog and talk to it affectionately.
  • Dogs have many sensory endings between their toes. Touching this delicate skin gives them an unpleasant sensation. Therefore, it is recommended to grab the finger not from the sides, but from above and below.
  • It is especially important to exercise caution for pets with dark nails. The boundaries of the nail bed are not visible on them and it is easy to injure the vessel. Therefore, it is necessary to cut off little by little – a few millimeters at a time. It is recommended to stop when the tip stops flaking or becomes wet. You can focus on the hollow running below.

Your dog's nails need to be trimmed regularly. This is a mandatory hygienic procedure that will help avoid ingrowth and injury. If you don't take care of your pet's claws, they will grow back and cause discomfort. To carry out the procedure, it is important for the owner to prepare and follow the recommendations of veterinarians.

What to do if the animal is not given

To trim the claws of cats that categorically refuse this procedure, they use fixing overalls. They provide access to all limbs, but do not allow the pet to move freely.

At first, it is advisable to carry out the haircut with an assistant who will hold the animal. If the cat meows loudly and struggles, take a break. Let her rest and calm down for a while, then you can try again.

Important. You should not swear or shout at a cat if it resists while trimming its claws. Aggression from the owner will only frighten her. In the future, the pet will try by all means to avoid the unpleasant procedure.

What to do if you have a claw injury?

Even if you follow all the recommendations, you can accidentally hit a vessel. If this happens, you must immediately calm the pet, not allowing it to run away. Soak a cotton pad in hydrogen peroxide or Chlorhexidine and apply to the damaged area. Do not use alcohol solutions, they will increase the pain. A special antiseptic powder stops blood well and disinfects. Sprinkle it on the wound and rub it in a little.

It is advisable to allow the pet to sit or lie down quietly for 15-20 minutes. If the bleeding does not stop, the dog is restless, and does not step on its paw, you need to contact a veterinarian.

A claw injury can also happen on a walk or at home while playing. If a dog is limping or holding a limb suspended without stepping on it, or refuses to play, it needs help. It is necessary to examine the paw and assess the extent of the damage. It could just be a broken claw. Sometimes it is damaged at the base, affecting the soft tissue. If you have a minor injury, you can handle it yourself:

  • treat the wound with peroxide;
  • apply cold to stop bleeding;
  • lubricate with brilliant green, Levomekol or other product with antiseptic and healing properties;
  • bandage if necessary.

If the pad is damaged or the claw is torn out, the bleeding does not stop for more than 15 minutes, it is better to contact a veterinarian.

Estimated cost

Russian veterinarians are ready to perform an onychectomy on a cat for 1,500-10,000 rubles . Approximate cost of surgical manipulation depending on the number of limbs treated:

  • Front paws only - 1500-6000 rubles .
  • Front and hind legs - 3500-10000 rubles .

The table below shows the price list of popular veterinary clinics in the country for removing all claws from a cat.

Name of the veterinary centerCity where the veterinary clinic is locatedCost in rubles
Good DoctorMoscow6000
Tailed petSaint Petersburg6000

The indicated prices include anesthesia and other materials necessary for successful surgical intervention.

Main types of veterinary services

Declaw removal possible:

  • On the forelimbs.
  • On all four paws.

Most often, the operation is performed only on the forelimbs.

The following methods are used to remove cat claws:

  1. Surgical . The phalanges are removed using surgical scissors or a scalpel. The procedure is performed under anesthesia. Stitches are placed on the fingers. Rehabilitation after surgery is long.
  2. Laser . This is a fairly new technique. The desired area of ​​tissue is heated with a high-intensity laser beam. As a result, the phalanx is cut off along with the claw.
  3. Tendon surgery . The point is that the connection between the claws and tendons is disconnected. The operation is quite long (lasts about an hour).

Most often, phalanges with claws are removed using the first method. The service can be provided:

  • At the veterinary clinic.
  • At home (not recommended, the operation must take place under sterile conditions).
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